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Madam Azura (32) married a business man, Datuk Hakim (40) in September 2002 in
Bangkok, Tai!and, a""ording Shari'ah# Ho$e%er, te marriage $as not registered
$en te& "ame ba"k to Ma!a&sia#
Islamic Jurispudence:
a# Autorities on marriage'
Marriage is a "ontra"t pres"ribed b& te !egis!ator and it denotes te !a$(u!
entit!ement o( ea" o( te parties tereto to en)o& in te !a$(u! manner# Marriage "an
a!so be de(ined as a "ontra"t bet$een man and $oman $o is !a$(u!!& e!igib!e to be
is $i(e $it te ob)e"ti%e o( te )oint !i(e and pro"reation#

*t is an a"t "ommended b& te +uran and Sunna o( te ,ropet and te re!ationsip
bet$een spouses is mentioned as among A!!a-s Signs or b!essings to mankind,
re(erring to sura ar.rum'
/And among His signs are tat He "reated (or &ou (rom &our se!%es mates tat &ou
ma& attain "a!m unto tem and He p!a"ed bet$een &ou a((e"tion and "ompassion#
Sure!& in tat are signs (or a peop!e $o re(!e"t#/ 01ob!e +uran 30'223
/He is te one $o "reated &ou (rom a sing!e sou! and made (rom it its mate tat e
ma& attain "a!m unto er#/ 01ob!e +uran 4'2563
Marriage *s en"ouraged b& te propet as it is a (orm o( B!essings ' Te ,ropet
sa!!a!!au a!aie $asa!!am as stated, /Marriage is te basis (or b!essings and "i!dren
are an abundan"e o( mer"&#/ Marriage is a!so re"ommended (or tose $o are sing!e,
po%ert& is not a barrier to marriage as being said in sura an.1ur 24'32 7Marr& tose
among &ou $o are sing!e or te %irtuous ones among &our sa!%es, ma!e or (ema!e' *(
te& are in po%ert& A!!a $i!! gi%e tem means out o( His 8ra"e#9
Conditions for the marriage contract in Islam:
2# Bot parties sou!d be (ree o( an& obsta"!es tat migt pre%ent te marriage (rom
being %a!id#
2# Tere sou!d be an o((er or proposa! (ee)aab) (rom te $a!ee or te person $o is
a"ting in is p!a"e#
3# Tere sou!d be an e:pression o( a""eptan"e (;aboo!) on te part o( te groom or
$oe%er is a"ting in is p!a"e#
Conditions of a proper nikaah (marriage contract)
2# Bot te bride and groom sou!d be "!ear!& identi(ied#
2# Bot te bride and groom sou!d be p!eased $it one anoter#
3# Te one $o does te "ontra"t on te $oman-s bea!( sou!d be er $a!ee#
4# Te marriage "ontra"t must be $itnessed b& t$o $itnesses#
<# *t is a!so important tat te marriage be announ"ed#
Conditions of the walee
2# He sou!d be o( sound mind
2# He sou!d be an adu!t
3# He sou!d be (ree (not a s!a%e)
4# He sou!d be o( te same re!igion as te bride (*s!am)
<# He sou!d be o( good "ara"ter (=adaa!a > in"!udes piet&, attitude, "ondu"t, et"#),
as opposed to being "orrupt
?# He sou!d be ma!e
4# He sou!d be $ise and mature (rusd)
b# autorities on registrations'
@e(erring to mas!aa $ere it means interest or bene(it or 7Mas!aa Mursa!a9
$i" means ,ub!i" interest# *t is a!so kno$n as 7*stis!a9. to seek te best pub!i"
interest# Tis "on"ept is "ommon!& kno$n as 7Mas!aa9 in te sense o( pub!i"
interest# *n oter $ord, it is a metod b& $i" !a$ is made "onsidering its use(u!ness
in te pub!i" interest in te e%ent $en tere is no "!ear pro%ision in te Shariah.
78od ne%er intends to impose ardsip upon &ou9 (<'?)
78od $ants to !igten &our (uman being-s) burdens, be"ause man as been
"reated $eak9 (4'25)
78od !o%es to see tat His "on"essions (rukhsas) are obser%ed, )ust as He
!o%es to see tat His stri"t !a$s are obe&ed#
*stis!a "an be app!ied i( #
2#Aen tere is a need to se"ure a bene(it or to pre%ent a arm o( te peop!e in
2# Aen tere is no "!ear hukm (pro%ision) in te +ur-an, Sunnah or ijma $it regard
to te a"t o( se"uring te bene(it or pre%enting te armB
3# Aen su" an a"t is essentia! to ser%e a 7use(u! purpose9 (maslahah), !ike
prote"ting (i%e essentia! %a!ues, name!& re!igion, !i(e, inte!!e"t, !ineage, and propert&
4# Te maslahah must not "on(!i"t $it an& Shariah prin"ip!e, e#g# an& !a$ !ega!izing
<# Te maslahah must be rationa! and a""eptab!e to te peop!e o( sound mind#
Mas!aa "an be di%ided into t$o "ategories $i" are on te basis o( te degree o(
importan"e and Cn te basis o( te a%ai!abi!it& o( te:t'
Absolute necessity (daruriat), !ike prote"ting (i%e essentia! %a!ues, name!&
re!igion, !i(e, inte!!e"t, !ineage, and propert&B
Public maslahah, (%a!idated a(ter te "essation o( re%e!ation), e#g#, !ega!
re;uirement o( do"ument to pro%e marita! tie#
"#App!i"ation o( situations'
*n tis situation,Madam Azura and Datuk Hakim get married in Bangkok but didn-t
manage to register te $eeding under te !o"a! !a$#So, it "ou!d be said tat under
saria !a$, teir marriage is %a!id as it (u!(i!!s te e!ements o( pi!!ars and "onditions
o( marriage "ontra"ts' $a!i, $itness, usband and $i(e and te i)ab and ;abu! itse!(#
Ho$e%er, it is en"ouraged to register te marriage in Ma!a&sia a(ter te& a%e done it
in Bangkok# Tis is due to istis!a and a!so ma;asid saria# Tis situation (a!!s under
mas!aa on te basis (or te degree o( importan"e spe(i"a!!& under abso!ute
ne"essit&(daruriat)# Tis is be"ause registration is needed to prote"t !ineage so tat te
"i!dren o( te Madam Azura and Datuk Hakim are !ega! under te "i%i! !a$ and
Saria !a$# Cter tan tat, it is a!so important to prote"t re!igion as i( marriage $it
out registration "ou!d a((e"t te name o( *s!am sin"e getting married is a"tua!!&
sunna# *t is a!so important to %a!idate su" marriage so tat te do"uments in%o!%ed
"an be a strong pro%e o( marita! tie to a%oid s!anders# Tis is a!so be"ause to prote"t
te parties o( te "ontra"t $i" are usband and $i(e so tat $ritten do"ument "an
reso!%e "ertain tings# *t is e;ua!!& "!ear tat tis !a"k o( proper !ega! status o(ten
resu!ts in prob!ems (or te "oup!e and su((ering, espe"ia!!& (or te $oman, in te
e%ent tat tere are di((i"u!ties in te marriage.
alaysian law
a# autorities on registration
!egistration of arriage for uslims in alaysia
*n Ma!a&sia, te *s!ami" Dami!& Ea$ A"t and Fna"tments pro%ide (or "ompu!sor&
registration o( marriage# *n a!! te states, it is made "!ear b& !a$ tat neiter $ou!d
non.registration in%a!idate a %a!id marriage nor mere registration %a!idate a marriage
$i" is oter$ise in%a!id under *s!ami" !a$B but te (ai!ure to register is an o((en"e
in most o( te states# Tis is be"ause se"tion 22 o( te *s!ami" Dami!& Ea$ Dedera!
Territories A"t 2654 (erein a(ter re(erred to as *DEDTA 2654), pro%ides tat in order
(or a marriage to be a""epted %a!id under te A"t, it must (irst!& be %a!id a""ording to
hukum Shara# Tere(ore i( a marriage is %a!id a""ording to hukum Shara te
marriage is nonete!ess %a!id#
Ho$e%er, it is "onsidered an o((en"e to marr&, or go troug a (orm o( marriage $it,
an& person "ontrar& re!ating to so!emnization o( marriages and sa!! be punised $it
a (ine not e:"eeding one tousand ringgit or $it imprisonment not e:"eeding si:
monts or $it bot su" (ine and imprisonment# But, i( te marriage is in%a!id
a""ording to hukum Shara, but nonete!ess registered, te person $o registered te
marriage ma& a%e "ommitted an o((en"e and te marriage remains in%a!id# Sin"e te
marriage are su", ;uite a (e$ Mus!ims in Ma!a&sia took te opportunit& to marr&
$itout undergoing te proper pro"edure be"ause o( teir understanding tat i( te
marriage is %a!id under hukum Shara, it is deemed %a!id under te !a$# Tis situation
is "ommon!& termed as kahwin lari (e!opeG"!andestine marriage)# Te most "ommon
reasons (or kahwin lari are te re(usa! o( te wali to gi%e is "onsent to te marriage,
and a usband $o $ises to pra"ti"e po!&gam& $itout te $i(e s kno$!edge#
!ele"ant Pro"isions relating to !egistration
Jurisdiction of the Court
Be(ore te "ourt "an pro"eed $it an& "ase re!ating to disso!utions o( marriage or
matrimonia! re!ie(, te (irst ting is b& re(erring to Se"tion 4< o( *DEDTA 2654 as to
de"ide $eter it as te )urisdi"tion to dea! $it te "ase# Te determination o( te
"ourt s )urisdi"tion is made b& !ooking at te registration o( te marriage and te
residen"e o( te parties# Te abo%e pro%ision e:p!ains tat te marriage must a%e
been registered or deemed to be registered under te *DEDTA 2654# As su", $itout
registration no part& "an seek te assistan"e (rom te "ourt o( !a$ in so!%ing teir
matrimonia! prob!ems#
Section 25 of the IFLFTA 19!" #e$istration
Tis pro%ision states tat a(ter te appointed date, an& person ordinari!& resident in
te Dedera! Territories and te marriage o( e%er& person !i%ing abroad $o is a
resident in te Dedera! Territories sa!! be registered in pursuant to te A"t#
Section % of the IFLFTA 19!" Su&sistin$ 'alid marria$e deemed to &e re$istered
under the Act
Tis pro%ision spe!!s out tat an& marriage i( %a!id under te !a$ $i" it $as
so!emnised, sa!! be deemed to be registered under tis A"t $eresoe%er prior to te
appointed date#
Section 12 of the IFLFTA 19!( )on(re$istra&le marria$es
A Mus!im marriage tat "ontra%enes $it te *DEDTA 2654 sa!! not be registered#
1e%erte!ess, i( te marriage $i" as been so!emnized "ontradi"ts $it an&
pro%ision under ,art *** (Marriage) but is oter$ise %a!id a""ording to hukum shara
ma& be registered under tis *DEDTA 2654 $it an order (rom te "ourt# Te parties,
o$e%er, are sub)e"ted to be pena!ized be(ore te marriage "an be registered#
*n re!ation to "onsent, a marriage sa!! not be re"ognized and sa!! not be registered
un!ess bot te parties to te marriage a%e "onsented to it, and eiter te wal o( te
$oman "onsented to it in a""ordan"e to hukum sharaB or te SarHIa Judge a%ing
)urisdi"tion in te p!a"e $ere te $oman residesB or an& person genera!!& or
spe"i(i"a!!& autorized in tat bea!( b& te SarHIa Judge as, a(ter due in;uir& in
te presen"e o( a!! parties "on"erned, granted is "onsent to te Wal Hakim to
so!emnize in a""ordan"e $it hukum sharaB su" "onsent ma&be gi%en $ere%er
tere is no wal nasab in a""ordan"e $it hukum shara a%ai!ab!e to a"t, or i( te
wal "annot be (ound, or $ere te wal re(uses is "onsent $itout su((i"ient
Section 2 of the IFLFTA ( A**ointment of Chief #e$istrar, #e$istrars, +e*ut,
#e$istrars, and Assistants #e$istrars of -uslims -arria$es, +i'orces and #u.u/
Cn!& ;ua!i(ied pub!i" o((i"ers appointed b& Te Kang di.,ertuan Agong or His @o&a!
Ma)est& (erein a(ter re(erred to as KD,A) ma& a"t as te abo%e said o((i"ers (or
Mus!im Marriages, Di%or"es and @u)u erein a(ter re(erred to as MD@) (or te
purposes o( *DEDTA 2654# Te abo%e pro%isions "!ear!& san"tion tat on!& appointed
persons "an so!emnize or purport to so!emnize marriage under te *DEDTA 2654#
Ho$e%er, (ai!ure to adere to te pro%isions does not make te marriage %oid per se#
Tis is espe"ia!!& so i( te person so!emnizing te marriage is te Wali Mujbir to te
Section 00 of the IFLFTA " 1oluntar, re$istration
Tis se"tion is te ans$er to te status o( marriages a""ording to hukum sharaL tat
$ere so!emnised under an& !a$ prior to or a(ter te appointed date and a%e not been
registered# Te parties are re;uired to produ"e e%iden"e o( te marriage eiter ora! or
do"umentar&, and to (urnis su" parti"u!ars as ma& be re;uired b& im#
Section 05 of the IFLFTA 19!" Le$al effect
Dai!ure to register a marriage is an o((en"e but it is e:press!& stated tat noting in te
A"t made tereunder sa!! be "onstrued to render %a!id or in%a!id an& marriage $i"
oter$ise is in%a!id or %a!id mere!& b& reason o( its a%ing been or not a%ing been
registered# Hen"e, i( "on"erned parties doubt on te status o( a marriage, te& "ou!d
seek de"!aration (rom a "ourt o( !a$ despite te marriage a%ing been registered
e!se$ere as te %a!idit& is determined b& te (u!(i!!ment o( te "onditions under
hukum sharaL#
Section !! of the IFLFTA ( 2roof
Tis se"tion pro%ides tat e%er& marriage register kept under te *DEDTA 2654 and
an& "op& o( su" entr& "erti(ied b& te @egistrar sa!! be prima (a"ie e%iden"e o( te
dates and a"ts "ontained in su" marriage register# Tere(ore, i( tere is a possibi!it&
o( disputes pertaining to te dates and a"ts "ontained in te marriage register, tese
disputes ma& be ad)udged in a "ourt o( !a$#
Tere is no spe"i(i" pena!t& (or te o((en"e o( non.registration# 1e%erte!ess, te
parties $i!! be pena!ized (or !ate registration o( marriage# Tis is be"ause te parties
in%o!%ed in kahwin lari $i!! on!& register teir marriage $en te& (a"e matrimonia!
di((i"u!ties# Ket, be(ore te parties "an register teir marriage, te& are (irst!&
pena!ized (or te o((en"es re!ating to kahwin lari in"!uding (or !ate registration# S35
provides the penalties for offences of late registration -fine not exceeding RM1000 or
imprisonment not exceeding six months or with both.
*n tis "ase, it "ou!d a%e been said tat Mr and Mrs Hakim must register teir
marriage as it is a must to do so !ike $at a%e been argues in te *s!ami"
Jurispuden"e-s se"tion# Ho$e%er, under te !a$s in%o!%ed, te& a%e to pa& an
amount o( pena!t& (or !ater registration o( marriage#

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