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Conversational English i


This research project would never be complete without the help and

suggestions of many supportive professors, colleagues and friends. The researchers

would like to give their gratitude to Ms. Ana Hernandez, their research teacher who

gave them the basics on writing this thesis. They would also like to thank Ms. Salve

Regina Dela Paz for her support and constructive criticism. They give their

appreciation also to Sister Teresita Agana, SPC for allowing the researchers to use

the necessary materials inside and outside of campus, also for endorsing our project

in the other sister schools. Extended thanks also to our teacher and student

panelists. Special thanks to all the students who have participated in the interviews.
Conversational English ii



Acknowledgements ii

List of Figures iv

Chapter I. The Problem and Its Setting 1

A. Introduction 2

B. Significance and Importance of the Study 2

C. Problem and Objectives 3

D. Definition of Terms 4

E. Scope and Limitations

Chapter II. Review of Related Literature 6

A. Importance of the English Language 7

B. State of Filipino English Proficiency 8

C. Reasons for Decline in English Proficiency

Chapter III. Research Instrument 10

A. Research Design 10

B. Research Locale 10

C. Sample and Sampling Procedure 11

D. Instrumentation 12

E. Procedure 13

F. Timetable 13

Chapter IV. Data Analysis, Presentation, and Interpretation

Conversational English iii

A. Data and Results 14

B. Discussion 19

Chapter V. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

A. Summary 22

B. Conclusions 22

C. Recommendations 23

References 24

Appendix 26

Fig. 1.1 Self assessed English Competence 2

Fig. 1.2 Personal Usage of the English Language 7

Fig. 1.3 Overall Grades Based on the Question and Answer Portion of the three Saint Paul 2

Fig. 1.5 Schools per Criterion 7

Fig. 1.4 Total Average Based on the Question and answer Portion per Criterion 1

Fig. 1.6 Overall Grades Based on the Tongue Twisters of the three Saint Paul Schools per 5

Fig. 2.1 Criterion 1

Fig. 2.2 Total Average Based on the Tongue Twisters per Criterion 6

Fig. 2.3 Proficient Students of SPCP 1

Table 1 Proficient Students of SPUQC 8

Table 2 Proficient Students of SPCM 1

Table English Proficiency Rubric Grading System 9

2.1 Order of Tasks with Expenses 1

Table Summary of Scores Based on Rubric (Question and Answer Portion) SPCP 7

2.2 Summary of Scores Based on Rubric (Question and Answer Portion) SPUQC 1
Conversational English iv

Table Summary of Scores Based on Rubric (Question and Answer Portion) SPCM 7

2.3 Summary of Scores Based on Rubric (Tongue Twisters) SPCP 1

Table Summary of Scores Based on Rubric (Tongue Twisters) SPUQC 7

2.4 Summary of Scores Based on Rubric (Tongue Twisters) SPCM 2

Table Overall Grading (Question and Answer Portion) 6

2.5 Overall Grading (Tongue Twisters) 1

Table 3

2.6 3

Table 0

3.1 3

Table 0

3.2 3

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