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Read the passage and chse the c!!ect
The Hubble Space Telescope was named in honor
of Edwin Hubble, a famous astronomer.
Hubble was born in 1889. His early life was quite
ordinary. There is little hint of the remarkable work
he would eentually do. !n fact, it appeared that
Hubble was dest$ned to be an athlete. He e"celled
in #ath, science and sports in hi$h school. He won
a scholarship to the %niersity of &hica$o, where
he earned another scholarship in physics. He
$raduated from the %niersity of &hica$o in 191'.
He earned de$rees in both #ath and astronomy.
He then went to ("ford %niersity in En$land to
study law, not his real loe, astronomy, because of
a promise he had made to his father. !n 191), he
earned his de$ree in law and returned to the %.S.
to start his own law office. *ut after +ust one year,
he returned to his true interest , astronomy. He
earned a doctorate in astronomy in 191-, then
receied an initation to work at the #t. .ilson
(bseratory in &alifornia.
Hubble made four ma+or contributions to
astronomy. /irst, he found $ala"ies outside of ours.
Second, he deeloped a way of $roupin$ $ala"ies.
He could determine their a$e, shape, bri$htness,
and distance. *y $roupin$ $ala"ies, he made his
third findin$. He determined that $ala"ies are
separate and take up unique areas in space. His
fourth findin$ was his most important. He found that
unierse was constantly e"pandin$ or moin$
outward. This was a basis for the 0*in$ *an$
Hubble receied many honors and awards for his
efforts2 howeer, he neer receied the 3obel 4ri5e
because there was no 3obel 4ri5e $ien to the field
of astronomy. He died in 196).
1. .hat was true about Hubble1s school days7
8. His first choice at uniersity was law
*. He played sports badly
&. He studied science so well that he could $et
9. He was e"pected to become an astronomer
:. .hich of Hubble1s findin$s was a basis for 0*in$
*an$ Theory17
8. ;ala"ies take up unique areas in space
*. The unierse e"pands and moes outward
&. !t is possible to $roup $ala"ies.
9. There are other $ala"ies outside of ours.
). .hat is the main idea of the passa$e7
8. The life and contributions of Hubble
*. The history of astronomy
&. The deelopment of the Hubble telescope
9. Hubble1s school days
<. Hubble did not receie the 3obel 4ri5e because
8. His contributions were not reco$ni5ed
*. He had receied so many awards
&. There was no 3obel 4ri5e for astronomy
9. He did not inent the telescope
6. The word 0dest$ned 0means
8. made
*. influenced
&. planned
9. forced
Chse the %est "!d ! ph!ase t c&p'ete
the (''"$ng sentences#
=. The parcel is easily broken, so you hae to treat
it >>>>>.
8. with caution *. in position
&. under attention 9. with effort
-. ! >>>>>> the sales mana$er now if ! >>>>>>>
such a terrible mistake.
8. would be ? didn1t make
*. will be? haen1t made
&. would be ? had not made
9. would hae been? had not made
8. The man was unconscious and we used some
brandy to >>>>>>>.
8. brin$ him round *. put him off
&. $et him back 9. $et him down
9. She >>>>>>>> in the mid,sentence because she
was moed to tears.
8. broke off *. put up
&. took in 9. came away
1'. .ith the help of modern deices, those who
suffer hearin$ or ision >>>>> find life easier.
8. impairment *. disadanta$e
&. inconenience 9. deficiency
11. .ould you please send me the latest record
>>>>> you mentioned in the press conference7
8. which *. that
&. whose 9. of which
1:. #any people $et sick after >>>>>> the fish
>>>>>> in the polluted waters.
8. they eat @ catchin$
*. hain$ been eaten @ bein$ cau$ht
&. hain$ eaten, are cau$ht
9. eatin$ @ cau$ht
1). #y dancin$ instructor is ery >>>>>>>> and
loin$ teacher.
8. ama5ed *. dedicated
&. impressed 9. breath,takin$
1<. .hat are you doin$ here7 Aou >>>>>>> piano
at this time of the day.
8. should be practicin$ *. can be practicin$
&. will be practicin$ 9. mi$ht be practicin$
16. !mmi$rants always >>>>>>>>> different
problems besides lan$ua$e.
CODE 10)
8. make up for *. come up a$ainst
&. take up 9. break into
1=. #ike a$reed >>>>>>>>> by the reporters of The
3ew Aork Times.
8. to be interiewed *. to interiew
&. to hae interiewed 9. bein$ interiewed
1-. She is workin$ for a >>>>>>> or$ani5ation.
8. non,profit *. non,refundable
&. non,specific 9. non,ne$otiable
18. She >>>>>>>>the last fli$ht to Hanoi toni$ht.
8. takes *. was takin$
&. will be takin$ 9. is takin$
19. Helen left her campin$ >>>>>>> behind when
she went campin$.
8. packet *. tools
&. $ear 9. kit
:'. This material is non,flammable and can stand
>>>>>>>> heat.
8. up for *. up a$ainst
&. for 9. up to
:1. >>>> Bake *aikal is only >>>> ninth lar$est lake
in area at )86 miles C=:'kmD in len$th and <= miles
C-<kmD in width.
8. ' @ the *. the @ a
&. a @ the 9. the @ the
::. The murderer was arrested and sentenced
>>>>>> life.
8. of *. for
&. in 9. to
:). ! took the shot and >>>>>>>> a photo$raph
came out of the camera.
8. steadily *. instantly
&. remarkably 9. shortly
:<. The demonstrators made >>>>>>> protests
a$ainst apartheid.
8. complete *. whole
&. mass 9. total
:6. .hen you are in the conference room, you are
asked to >>>>>>>> your oice when talkin$.
8. dwindle *. reduce
&. lower 9. de$rade
P$c* +t the "!d "hse st!ess patte!n $s
:=. 8. cooperatie *. mosaic
&. strate$y 9. amphibian
:-. 8. creatiity *. satisfaction
&. $eo$raphy 9. technolo$ical
:8. 8. diersity *. opportunity
&. reolutionary 9. reseration
:9. 8. aspect *. comedy
&. theatrical 9. tra$edy
)'. 8. certain *. research
&. mammal 9. poison
Chse the %est ans"e! t ($'' $n each %'an*#
/lowers C!D>>>>>> in summer and leaes $athered
in autumn can be pressed and used to make
beautiful desi$ns, while lar$er flowers and sprays of
leaes can be C!!D>>>>>>> in an C!!!D>>>>>>>
natural state by dryin$ them, which is best done in
the open air. C!ED>>>>>>>> of dried flowers make
really beautiful winter decorations and will
sometimes last for year CED>>>>>>> end.
)1. C!D
8. to be picked *. are picked
&. pickin$ 9. picked
):. C!!D
8. resered *. protected
&. presered 9. consered
)). C!!!D
8. almost *. mostly
&. most 9. utmost
)<. C!ED
8. *undles *. 4uffs
&. *unches 9. *uckets
)6. CED
8. for *. at
&. in 9. on
Ident$(, the &$sta*e $n each ( the (''"$ng
)=. ! took an hour rewritin$ my essay in a more
conincin$ way as the teacher had recommended..
8. took *. in
&. as 9. had recommended
)-. 8nnie, that ! met in the summer camp, has
become my best friend.
8. that *. the
&. has become 9. my best
)8. !t was not until Fate telephoned the &ustomer
Serice 8ssistance did she receie the refunds.
8. not until *. telephoned
&. did she receie 9. refunds
)9. #y father neer allows me $oin$ out after 1'pm
een thou$h ! am now ::.
8. allows *. $oin$
&. after 9. een thou$h
<'. ! do not think you can put the washin$ machine
here, for it takes on a lot of space.
8. do not think *. can
&. for 9. on
M 102
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. A
18. D
19. C
20. D
21. A
22. D
23. B
24. C
25. C
26. C
27. C
28. A
29. C
30. B
31. D
32. C
33. A
34. C
35. D
36. A
37. A
38. C
39. B
40. D

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