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1 2013 ANSYS, Inc.

February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential

15.0 Release
Lecture 7:
Introduction to Advanced Topics
Introduction to ANSYS DesignModeler
2 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
In this lecture we will learn about:
Geometry Import Properties
CAD Connections
Uni/Bi-Directional Connectivity
Parameters handling
Some advanced topics

Introduction to Advanced Topics
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are import and data transfer related properties
applicable for imports

Most of the settings done through
Basic Geometry Options
and Advanced Geometry Options

Basic Properties
Parameters option for importing
parameters defined in CAD package
Parameter Key filters the parameters
from CAD that enter Workbench
If not specified, all parameters enter WB

Geometry Properties (1)
Geometry properties
4 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Basic Properties (cont)
Named Selection
Define in CAD & transfer to WB
Filter under WB
Set to NS (by default) remove it to import all parameters
Activate WB option
Geometry import / named selections

Advanced Properties
Select Use Associativity to establish association between CAD and
Import defined CAD properties :
Coordinate Systems,
Work Points, etc.
Smart CAD Update
Changes made in other options get updated in the mode

Geometry Properties (2)
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In workbench project page
Uni-directional connectivity
Import neutral/native CAD files directly into Design Modeler
CAD Connections : Approach I
Import I

Geometry cell on project page
Import II

In Design Modeler page
Multiple imports possible
Appends geometries
Import III
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Export parameters from CAD to Workbench
Parameter change in CAD reflects in
Workbench and vice versa

Direct connection in UG NX
Bi-directional connectivity
Launch Workbench from CAD System

CAD Connections : Approach II
Bi-directional CAD connectivity

Attach to Active CAD Geometry
Imports active CAD geometry in DM
Can attach only saved CAD sessions

Bi-directional import from DM
7 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential

helps execute a set of operations repeatedly with different input values
Useful for analyzing multiple design points
By modifying geometry/topology parameters
Parameters can be either used for :
Sketch dimensions, Plane creation inputs, 3D operation values, etc.
Parameters can be linked with each other through expressions
Defined in Design Modeler or Workbench
Parameters can be controlled from Workbench
No need for Design Modeler to be opened

CAD Connection
CAD Connections & Parameterization
What is it ?
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Types of Parameters

Changes the dimensions or locations of a given
Does not necessarily change the total
number of entities in the model

Geometric parameters

Modifying the feature itself by adding or
removing geometry
Can change total number of entities in the

Topological parameters
number of copies
in a pattern
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Bi-directional CAD Connectivity & Parameters
Design Modeler

Hole diameters
Number of holes
Parameters from
Parameters from
CAD Parameters
DM Parameters
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Any input prefixed with the symbol can be parameterized
Toggle to D to parameterize that particular input
Default Parameter Name Pattern
Feature Name.Dimension Reference
Parameter name can be changed

Creating Parameters in Design Modeler
A dimension reference (H1) for a sketch
created on the XYPlane = XYPlane.H1

A dimension reference (FD1) for
Extrude1 = Extrude1.FD1

11 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Accessible from the Toolbar or Tools menu

Design Parameters tab
List the existing parameters & assigned values
Parameter/Dimension Assignments tab
Contains expressions
relating the original dimension reference to the
value set in the Design Parameters tab
Parameter Manager
This 2 defined parameters become obsolete
and can be suppressed (or deleted)

Create the needed expressions &
Check to evaluate them

12 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Parameters created into Design Modeler can either be managed in:
Parameter Editor in DM
Parameter Set in WB
Parameter Manager
Expression can be created in the
Outline of All Parameters in WB

Multiple Design Points can be created using
different values of the parameterized
independent variable
Linked together &
Updated in background
13 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Miscellaneous Topics
14 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Advanced Sweep Options
Sweep Options
Taper or expand the Profile as it is swept
along the path of Sweep
Twist Specification
No Twist : Helical sweep is not created
Turns : Specify number of turns to complete
over the path length
Pitch : Specify length per 1 full turn

15 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Using By Direction option, one can align bodies by using
alignment vertices for aligning axes of bodies and orienting bodies
with respect to each other.
Body Operation: Move, Align and Orient
User needs to select bodies, pair vertices for
Source & Destination Move and directions for
Source & Destination Align and/or Source &
Destination Orient
16 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Coordinate File for 3D Curve
A coordinate file must be a simple text file in the following format:
After a pound sign (#), everything else on that line is considered a
comment and is ignored.
Empty lines are ignored.
Data consists of five fields, all on one line, separated by spaces
and/or tabs:
Group number (integer)
Point number (integer)
X coordinate
Y coordinate
Z coordinate
A data line with the same Group number and Sequence number as a
previous data line is an error. A data line cannot contain the same
Group number and Sequence number as a previous data line.
For a closed curve, the point number of the last line should be 0. In
this case, the coordinate fields are ignored.
17 2013 ANSYS, Inc. February 7, 2014 ANSYS Confidential
Managing External Files
The Workbench project file structure provides a directory named
user_files which may be used to store CAD, or any other files you
wish to associate with the project.

If you have used imported geometry in your Workbench project and
subsequently intend to transfer the project to another computer
you can move or place a copy of the required files in the user_files

When the project is reopened Workbench will prompt you to locate
the file.
From the View Menu, select Files.
Right click on the relevant file in the list and select Repair
Browse to the file in the user_files folder.
The new path will be saved with the project.

Example Project Directory
Containing User Files
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Named Selections : Propagation Property
Original Selection
No Yes
Yes Selection propagates to all resultant entities
No Selection propagates to just one of the resultant entities or destroyed
Introduction to ANSYS DesignModeler
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Do any 2 OR 3 workshops from Workshops number 7a, 7b, 7c and 7e
7a 7c 7b 7e
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What have we learnt in this session?
Geometry Properties
CAD Connections

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