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European Parliament

EU citizens' mobility and Member States' welfare systems (debate)

Der Prsident. Als nchster Punkt folgt die Erklrung der Kommission zu Mobilitt der EU-
Brger und ozialfrsorges!steme der Mitgliedstaaten "2!"#2$%&('SP)#$
()szl* +ndor, Member of the Commission. %he free mo&ement of citizens is one of the
fundamental freedoms of the European Union and is enshrined in the %reaties$ 'ntra-EU mobilit! is crucial to
the achie&ement of the single market( it can contribute to fighting unemplo!ment) and it ultimatel! benefits
the citizens of all Member tates$ *et toda!) despite the fact that +, - of EU citizens are interested in
mo&ing to another countr!) than / - 012$1 million3 li&e in another Member tate on a permanent basis$
Man! obstacles still e4ist for people .ho decide to mo&e to another Member tate to .ork or to look for
%his is .h!) last April) the European 5ommission presented a proposal for a directi&e .ith measures
facilitating the e4ercise of the right of free mo&ement of .orkers$ %hese measures include) for instance) the
pro&ision b! Member tates of information) assistance and ad&ice to EU migrant .orkers and emplo!ers) as
.ell as of appropriate means of redress at national le&el$
As !ou kno.) at the end of this !ear the transitional measures relating to freedom of mo&ement for 6omanian
and Bulgarian .orkers .ill come to an end) and the! .ill be able to full! en7o! the same rights as other EU
citizens$ ' kno. that concerns ha&e been e4pressed 8 e&en b! some Members of this 9ouse 8 about the risk
of an increased flo. of people putting an e4cessi&e burden on the social securit! s!stems of some Member
tates$ 9o.e&er) pre&ious e4perience .ith the +,,2 enlargement has sho.n that people migrate mainl! to
take 7obs and not benefits$
6egarding e4pectations) .e should understand that the biggest .a&e of EU citizens from Bulgaria and
6omania mo&ing to other countries has alread! taken place$ :uture flo.s are likel! to be smaller and to
continue to be dri&en mainl! b! emplo!ment opportunities$ Mobile .orkers from these t.o Member tates
.ill fill 7ob &acancies in the recei&ing countries$ 't is also likel! that a significant proportion of e4isting
undeclared .ork .ill simpl! be recognised$
:reedom of mo&ement is also about ensuring that citizens do not lose their social securit! co&er 8 such as
pensions) health assistance) famil! benefits and unemplo!ment benefits 8 .hen the! mo&e to another
Member tate) including .hen the! return to their home countr!$ EU rules on the coordination of the social
securit! s!stems of Member tates ensure that citizens mo&ing to another countr! are co&ered b! one 8 and
onl! one 8 social securit! s!stem and recei&e the same treatment as the nationals of the countr! pro&iding the
%here ha&e been declarations b! some politicians and the media about alleged e4ploitation of Member tates;
social securit! s!stems b! ne.l!-arri&ed EU citizens$ %hese declarations are often coupled .ith the
allegation that these EU citizens mo&e to another Member tate .ith the sole) or main) ob7ecti&e of gaining
access to higher .elfare benefits) rather than to find .ork) all this leading to the final allegation that the!
represent a substantial financial burden for host Member tates$
E&en .hen asked) no Member tate has so far pro&ided an! data to the 5ommission supporting the claim that
mobile EU citizens represent a substantial financial burden for host countries; social securit! s!stems$ <n the
contrar!) a recent stud! commissioned b! the European 5ommission confirms 8 once again 8 that the main
moti&ation b! far for EU citizens to mo&e is to .ork) and that the! are generall! more likel! to be emplo!ed$
As a conse=uence) .e can sa! .ith confidence that EU citizens do not represent a burden for the recei&ing
Member tates$
%his is in line .ith recent findings from the <E5>) .hich sho. ho. migrants in general 0including third
countr! nationals3 tend to be net contributors to the budget of the host state 8 and EU citizens) in particular)
are e&en more likel! to be net contributors$ ome Member tates report challenging situations in specific
to.ns or regions) .here lo. emplo!ment prospects and other difficult situations 8 coupled .ith the arri&al of
flo.s from nationals from other EU Member tates 8 ma! put a strain on education or housing s!stems$ %he
5ommission stands read! to help municipal authorities and others to use the European ocial :und to its full
e4tent to address those issues$ 'n this respect) the social assistance that is pro&ided normall! depends on more
or less generous national or local s!stems$
%he 5ommission also stands b! the national authorities .hen the! fight abuse and fraud? free mo&ement
entails rights and obligations$ 'n this conte4t) full use of the possibilities offered b! EU la. is essential$ :ree
mo&ement and the freedom to .ork in another countr! .ithin the EU is our 7oint responsibilit!$ %he
5ommission is discussing concrete actions .ith the Member tates) including the de&elopment of guidance
on EU rules) for e4ample( a guide clarif!ing social securit! coordination rules( or a handbook to tackle
abuses of free mo&ement 8 for e4ample) marriages of con&enience$ %he 5ommission is .illing to promote
other specific actions to help local authorities full! appl! the rules on free mo&ement) de&elop social
inclusion and make effecti&e use of a&ailable funding$
'n conclusion) please allo. me to reassure !ou that the 5ommission remains committed to upholding the
right of free mo&ement) so that EU citizens .ho .ould like to mo&e and .ork in another EU countr! can do
so .ithout facing discrimination or obstacles$
-ran. En/el, au nom du groupe PPE. 0 Monsieur le Pr@sident) Monsieur le 5ommissaire) la libert@ de
mou&ement des tra&ailleurs est un principe fondateur du march@ uni=ue$ Aul dans cette maison ne saurait le
remettre en =uestion$ Be &iens moi-mCme dDun pa!s =ui compte 2E - de r@sidents non lu4embourgeois) =ui
sont dans leur trFs large ma7orit@ des cito!ens de lDUnion$ 5es gens sont lG pour tra&ailler) non pas pour
profiter de =uoi =ue ce soit$ Da7outent G cela 1E, ,,, tra&ailleurs frontaliers) ce =ui fait =ue pendant la
7ourn@e) la population du Hu4embourg compte en ma7orit@ des @trangers$ ans ces gens-lG) notre s!stFme de
s@curit@ sociale se serait d@7G effondr@) tout comme les recettes fiscales$
%outes les statisti=ues d@montrent ce =ue le commissaire &ient de toute faIon de nous r@e4pli=uer$ Be ne
connais =ue trFs peu de gens =ui se d@placeraient dDun endroit G un autre pour une raison autre =ue dD! gagner
leur &ie$ Be connais trFs peu de gens =ui &o!agent de cette faIon pour le profit ou pour le b@n@fice$ Be connais
beaucoup de gens =ui le font parce =uDils ! sont contraints et parce =ue dDautres problFmes les ! incitent$
Un autre problFme =ue 7e soulF&erai dans ce conte4te est =ue le sud de notre continent se trou&e G lDheure
actuelle confront@ G une situation de difficult@ @conomi=ue e4trCme =ui pousse les gens G prendre la fuite)
litt@ralement) &ers le nord$ HDun des &@ritables problFmes dont nous aurons G nous pr@occuper dans cette
maison trFs bientJt est la fuite des cer&eau4) =ui pourrait conduire G ce =ue ces pa!s se trou&ent) dDici
=uel=ues mois ou =uel=ues ann@es) dans une situation dDimpossibilit@ de redressement @conomi=ue$
Per1enc2e 3er4s, au nom du groupe S&D. 0 Monsieur le Pr@sident) Monsieur le 5ommissaire) merci de &os
@l@ments dD@claircissement$ Be crois en effet =ue dans le conte4te de crise et dDin=ui@tude oK nous sommes) il
faut tordre le cou G ces all@gations =ui &oudraient =ue les Europ@ens =ui sont oblig@s de se d@placer soient
a&ant tout des profiteurs$ Hes chiffres =ue &ous a&ez rappel@s 8 G sa&oir =ue les tra&ailleurs mobiles sont
responsables) en mo!enne) dDune part de ,)+ - des d@penses de sant@) soit ,),1 - du P'B dans les pa!s oK ils
se trou&ent 8 et =ui sont frapp@s du sceau de lDautorit@ de lD<5>E sont des chiffres =uDil faut a&oir en tCte
lors=ue certains &eulent agiter des peurs et des fantasmes plutJt =ue trou&er les &raies solutions$ Et les &raies
solutions) cDest de faire face au4 besoins des pa!s de la p@riph@rie$
i nous parlons tant au7ourdDhui de cette mobilit@) cDest parce =ue beaucoup) dans les pa!s oK ils sont) ne
trou&ent pas le tra&ail au=uel ils aspirent$ Be constate =ue ceu4 =ui) au7ourdDhui) sDin=uiFtent dDun tourisme en
matiFre de sant@ ou de protection sociale sont aussi les pa!s =ui sont les derniers G &oter en fa&eur dDun &rai
budget dDin&estissement) =ui permette dDin&estir dans les pa!s de la p@riph@rie pour =ue les gens puissent !
&i&re et ! tra&ailler) puis=ue cDest e4actement ce G =uoi ils aspirent$
P2il 3ennion, on behalf of the ALDE Group. 0 Mr President) ' am &er! glad the 5ommission has
made this statement and that ' ha&e an opportunit! to repl!$ 't is time for us to bring some e&idence-
based clarit! into this discussion on EU citizens; mobilit! and Member tates; .elfare s!stems) instead of the Eurosceptics to band around misleading statistics and inflammator! arguments) .hich are
sometimes used b! UK'P and %or! Eurosceptics in the UK as a reason for the UK to lea&e the EU$
Hast .eek in the UK) a ne.spaper article claimed that there are L,, ,,, unemplo!ed EU migrants li&ing in
the UK$ 'n fact the latest figure sho.s that there are 7ust /M ,,, EU nationals in the UK claiming 7ob-seekers
allo.ance$ %he initial inflated shocking press-.orth! statistic actuall! included schoolchildren) students)
pensioners and sta!-at-home parents$ 't has also recentl! been re&ealed that there are appro4imatel! 1, ,,,
Brits currentl! unemplo!ment benefit in Nerman!) so it does .ork both .a!s$
'n addition) Eastern European migrants ha&e paid /O - more in ta4es than the! ha&e recei&ed in go&ernment
spending and are EP - less likel! to recei&e .elfare benefits than UK nationals in the UK$ :urthermore) a
recent report b! Birmingham Uni&ersit! found that there .as little or no e&idence that EU migrants ha&e had
a negati&e impact on the emplo!ment of UK .orkers$
't is definitel! right that .e ha&e a full and rigorous debate on the pros and cons of EU migration) but it
should be based on facts and not on misrepresentation$ Qe must remember that free mo&ement is a
fundamental right and one of the great successes of the Union$
%here is no. a big debate about access to .elfare s!stems across the EU( but .hate&er .e do in the future)
.e should neither compromise the principle of free mo&ement nor make it difficult for Member tates to
determine the strength and depth of their o.n .elfare s!stems$ %he realit! is that hard-.orking migrants and
immigrants ha&e been coming to Birmingham in the Qest Midlands in m! constituenc! for centuries) 7ust as
hard-.orking people from the Qest Midlands ha&e tra&elled in search of .ork and ne. opportunities for
centuries$ Hong ma! this continue$
%o finish) ' .ould like to ask the 5ommission if there are an! trends that sho. that Member tates .ith a
higher number of migrants ha&e increased .elfare spending on those migrants or .hether there are increased
contributions to the econom! from those migrants$
(The speaker agreed to take a blue!ard "uestion under #ule $%&('((
5illiam (62e Earl of) Dartmo7t2 (E-D), blue!ard "uestion. 0 Mr Bennion) does !our speech
mean that !ou support more immigration from Eastern European countries into the UK and) in
particular) into !our o.n constituenc! of the Qest MidlandsR
P2il 3ennion (+(DE), blue!ard ans)er. 0 %he principle of free mo&ement does not include supporting or
re7ecting more immigration$ People .ill mo&e .here the 7obs are) and if there are more 7obs outside the Qest
Midlands and .e ha&e high unemplo!ment) then the flo.s .ill be in the other direction$ At the moment)
some of the companies in m! constituenc! are ha&ing trouble finding the rele&ant skills that the! need) and
the! are looking outside the Qest Midlands 8 BaguarSHand 6o&er for instance$ o it depends on .here the
demand for labour lies$
Mari8e 9ornelissen, namens de *erts+ALE,ra!tie. 0 Aederland) >uitsland) <ostenri7k en het
Terenigd Koninkri7k maakten zich zorgen o&er het misbruik &an uitkeringen door mensen elders in
de EU$ >at kan natuurli7k$ Er .aren ook .at incidenten) dus het is goed om dat te onderzoeken$ <nlangs
k.amen de resultaten en de conclusie luidt? die &ier landen hebben heel .einig om zich zorgen o&er te
Be zou dan denken dat zi7 staan te 7uichenU Qant het is natuurli7k heel fi7n om te horen dat 7e zorgen
o&erbodig zi7n) li7kt mi7$ Maar dat gebeurde helemaal niet$ Qant zi7 .aren helemaal niet bli7) zi7 .aren eerder
boosU Vi7 .aren boos dat het onderzoek hun stelling dat er grote problemen zouden zi7n met
uitkeringstoerisme) niet be&estigde$ >e Aederlandse staatssecretaris %ee&en zei) en ik citeer? Whet domste .at
7e kunt doen is problemen ontkennenW$
Qelnu) ik denk eigenli7k dat het domste .at 7e kunt doen is &asthouden aan 7e eigen stelling) ter.i7l de feiten
be.i7zen dat die stelling niet klopt$ En dan al 7e energie steken in een probleem dat &er.aarloosbaar is)
ter.i7l er &eel grotere problemen zi7n die aangepakt moeten .orden$ Qant &ri7 &erkeer &an .erknemers)
uitzendkrachten) gedetacheerden en zelfstandigen is helemaal niet probleemloos$ Er is sprake &an
onderbetaling) uitbuiting en &erdringing) met name omdat het &ri7 &erkeer &an diensten een aantal &an die
dingen legaal toelaat$ >e enige manier om dit soort zaken het echt te bestri7den is geli7ke beloning &oor geli7k
.erk in Xlle constructies$ Handen kunnen nu ook zelf al &an alles doen om de problemen aan te pakken) zoals
bi7&oorbeeld controleren op rechten$ Maar in Aederland .ordt 7uist bezuinigd op arbeidsinspectie$ En
>uitsland .eigert &ooralsnog een minimumloon in te &oeren$
Toorzitter) &ri7 &erkeer moet in goede banen .orden geleid en dat doen .i7 door @chte problemen aan te
pakken en niet door tegen alle feiten in loze retoriek te spuien &oor een paar stemmen e4tra bi7 de &olgende
+dam 3ielan, ) imieniu grup- EC#. 0 Panie Prze.odniczYc!U 5hciaZb!m porusz![ pe.nY palYcY
spra.\ z.iYzanY z k.estiY mobilno]ci ob!.ateli$ Va kilka dni zacznie obo.iYz!.a[ szalenie .a^na
d!rekt!.a o leczeniu transgraniczn!m$ <znacza to ot.arcie granic dla pac7ent_.) kt_rz! od te7 por! b\dY
mogli pode7mo.a[ leczenie . do.olnie .!brane7 plac_.ce na terenie caZe7 Qsp_lnot!$
5hocia^ . .i\kszo]ci kra7_. czZonko.skich przepro.adzono zmian!) niestet! implementac7a
tego pra.a . Polsce pozosta.ia .iele do ^!czenia$ QciY^ nie ma odpo.iednie7 usta.!$ Q o stan
finans_. resort zdro.ia dY^! do ograniczenia upra.nie` pac7ent_.$ Prz!kZado.o z.rot koszt_. leczenia
pra.dopodobnie .!magaZ b\dzie ka^dorazo.o uz!skania zgod! kra7o.ego ubezpiecz!ciela) co stano.i
e.identne zaprzeczenie charakteru d!rekt!.!$
U.a^am przedmioto.Y d!rekt!.\ za istotne osiYgni\cie realizu7Yce interes! ob!.ateli$ Hicz\ na
konstrukt!.ne dziaZania polskiego rzYdu dla zag.aranto.ania korz!]ci z nie7 .!nika7Yc!ch$
S:ren 3o S:nder/aard, for G.E+/GLGruppen. 0 9r$ formandU ' EU er der to meget forskellige sociale s!stemer$ >et
ene s!stem b!gger pa la&e offentlige !delser og la& skat$ ' stedet kommer de sociale !delser fra forsikringsordninger)
enten pri&ate eller &ia arbe7dspladsen$ >et andet s!stem b!gger pa hb7e offentlige !delser og en relati& hb7 skat$ >et er den model)
som man fbrst og fremmest har haft i kandina&ien) men lad os bare her kalde det den kollekti&e &elfcrdsmodel$
:orskellen mellem de to s!stemer fremgar t!deligt af) h&or stor en del af bruttonationalproduktet) som opkrc&es i skat$ ' +,1, &ar
det f4 +M)+ - i 'rland og +O)1 - i Hitauen$ <m&endt &ar det f4 2E)M - i &erige og 2O)L - i >anmark$
Beg skal ikke gbre mig til dommer o&er) h&ilket s!stem som er rigtigt$ >et ma &cre op til landenes befolkning at afgbre$ >et er det)
der kaldes demokrati$ Men problemet er) at EU helt ent!digt har &algt side mod den kollekti&e &elfcrdsmodel$
Pa den ene side har EU->omstolen dikteret Ta4holm-dommen 8 at et land ikke kan krc&e) at tilre7sende arbe7dstagere skal
aflbnnes med den samme hb7e lbn som fastboende$ >et bet!der la&ere lbn til de tilre7sende arbe7dstagere) men det bet!der ogsa
fcrre skatteindtcgter til &crtslandet$
Pa den anden side har EU dikteret) at tilre7sende arbe7dstagere sel& efter kort tids beskcftigelse skal ha&e adgang til &crtslandets
sociale !delser pa samme hb7e ni&eau som de fastboende$
:crre indtcgter) men hb7ere udgifter 8 det hcnger ikke sammen) og derfor er min opfordring til Kommissionen? top
undermineringen af det kollekti&e &elfcrdss!stem$
Morten Messersc2midt, for E,DGruppen. 0 9r$ formandU %ak til >em) kommisscr Andor) for at komme og tage
denne &igtige debat i dag$ Beg ma indrbmme) at 7eg &idste godt) &i boede langt fra hinanden) men at &i faktisk befinder os pa to
fuldstcndig forskellige planeter) det er n!t for mig$ >og ma det &cre konklusionen) nar 7eg hbrer) h&ad >e siger$
:ri be&cgelighed er godt$ >et er der ingen) der stiller spbrgsmalstegn &ed) siger >e$ Ba) men h&ad er fri be&cgelighed andet end
den seneste afgbrelse fra EU->omstolen) som &i sa uden nogen som helst demokratisk debat) uden noget som helst demokratisk
mandat er t&unget til at fblgeR 9&ad der &ar fri be&cgelighed for et ar siden) er ikke det samme som i dag i forhold til U-
rettigheder) kontanth7clprettigheder) og h&ad &ed 7eg 8 rettigheder til &elfcrds!delser helt generelt$ >et er ikke det samme) som det
&il &cre om fire ar eller om fem ar) for hele tiden r!kker >omstolen grcnsen for) h&ad &i ude i &ores medlemslande ma reser&ere
til &ores egne borgere$
>e siger) der ikke er noget problem$ >et har de nemlig faet konsulentfirmaer til at la&e en rapport) som pa&iser 8 konsulentfirmaer)
der igennem de seneste seks ar har faet for en hal& milliard kroner af t7eneste!delser fra dette hus) fra >eres hus) fra EU-s!stemet
generelt$ 6ent bestillingsarbe7de) som kun udstiller) h&or skandalbst >eres Kommission o&erho&edet forholder sig til dette
>e siger) at &i) der papeger) at &i gerne &il beholde &elfcrds!delserne for &ores egne borgere og os sel&) der har betalt skatter i
&ores egne lande) bare er EU-skeptikere og populister$ Ba&el) i gi&et fald) 7a sa er den britiske regering) den hollandske regering)
den bstrigske regering) den t!ske regering altsa ikke andet end populister$
Beg haber) at >e pa et eller andet tidspunkt 8 maske efter ncste Parlaments&alg) h&or >e ikke lcngere t7ener det hb7e embede) >e
har i dag 8 &il sidde med rbde brer o&er den made) h&orpa >e har handteret den fri be&cgelighed og retten til &elfcrds!delser i EUU
Edit 3a7er (PPE) ; dremmel lXtom dnt f7ra az elneki sz@kben$ Biztos grU Ked&es Koll@gXkU A szem@l!ek
szabad XramlXsXnak el&e az EU eg!ik alappill@re$ Mint il!et) alap&eth hiba lenne megk@rdh7elezni) mint
ahog! senkinek sem 7ut esz@be megk@rdh7elezni az Xruk &ag! a thke szabad XramlXsXnak el&@t) annak
ellen@re) hog! ezen a terleten is talXlhat_ megoldand_ probl@ma$ A n@g! alapel& kezl m@gis a szem@l!ek
szabad XramlXsa a legprobl@mXsabb$ 5sak az EU-s XllampolgXrok 8 ahog! Andor biztos fr is emlitette 8
mindessze /--a @l ezzel a leheths@ggel$ Annak ellen@re) hog! @r&@n!ben &an a 2P+-es szXmf rendelet) a
&al_sXgban rengeteg akadXll!al szembesl) aki ezzel a szabadsXggal @lni akar$ A rendelet g!akorlati
alkalmazXsXt c@lz_ irXn!el&en a Parlament kem@n!en dolgozik$
6em@lem) a kezel7e&hben sikerl elfogadnunk$ 'gaz) l@tezh &al_sXg a 7_l@ti turizmus is) a megoldXs azonban
nem az f7 hatXrok @pit@se$ A l@tezh +,,2S/M-as rendelet O$ cikkel!e a tagXllamoknak bh&en ad megfelelh
alapot a hel!zet kezel@s@re$
3ir/it Si<<el (S=D). ; 9err PrsidentU Qir diskutieren heute ber eine Nrundfreiheit) die nach
jberzeugung &ieler Menschen eine der grekten Errungenschaften der EU ist? >ie :reizgigkeit fr alle
Europerinnen und Europer$ >iese gilt es zu &erteidigen$ >as hat auch Kommissarin 6eding beim 6at der
Bustiz- und 'nnenminister am M$ <ktober unterstrichen$
>ie mitunter sehr emotionale >ebatte um :reizgigkeit und Migration ist faktisch kaum nachzu&ollziehen$
'nsgesamt leben nur et.a +)M - der EU-Brger in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat$ >ie 9ehe der
ozialleistungen im Vielstaat spielt keine nach.eisbare 6olle$ 6und M, - der mobilen EU-Brger leben in
9aushalten) in denen mindestens ein :amilienmitglied beschftigt ist$ ie kommen) um zu arbeiten) zahlen
teuern und Beitrge fr die ozials!steme$
>ie 'nnenminister aus >eutschland) dsterreich) den Aiederlanden und Nrokbritannien hatten .iederholt &on
sogenannter Armutsmigration und Vu.anderung in die ozials!steme gesprochen$ >och nur 1 bis E - der
Empfnger &on beitragsunabhngigen ozialleistungen sind mobile EU-Brger$ Eine massi&e Vu.anderung
in ozials!steme findet nicht statt$
>arber hinaus .ird bersehen) dass .ir Vu.anderung brauchen) und dass der Vu.anderung oft auch eine
betrchtliche Vahl an Aus.anderungen gegenbersteht$ tellen .ir uns also falschen und populistischen
Anschuldigungen entschlossen entgegenU Und .o denn tatschlich ein Missbrauch der ozials!steme belegt
.ird) gibt es auf europischer Ebene bereits Maknahmen) die die Mitgliedstaaten nutzen kennen$ >as geht
&on der Aus.eisung bis hin zu einer Qiedereinreisesperre$
:r die Mitgliedstaaten als Nanzes ist die Vu.anderung kein Problem) doch gerade rmere Nruppen
sammeln sich in .enigen groken tdten$ >iese brauchen bei ihren Bemhungen um 'ntegration konkrete
Untersttzung ihrer taaten$ Ergnzend kennen dabei Mittel des ozialfonds mobilisiert .erden$
:reizgigkeit ist ein un&erzichtbares Nrundrecht$ :r seine positi&e Ausgestaltung tragen alle politischen
Ebenen Terant.ortung$
'enate 5eber (+(DE). ;Mr President) ' .ant to e4press toda! in this plenar! three feelings? appreciation)
anger and disappointment$
' appreciate the constant support that this 9ouse has sho.n to freedom of mo&ement) and ' especiall!
appreciate the constant support for 6omania;s and Bulgaria;s bid to 7oin chengen$ Qe all kno. that)
technicall!) those t.o countries ha&e deser&ed to be inside the chengen area for !ears no.) but it has pro&ed
too good an electoral campaign theme to be passed up$
' am angr! at all the European politicians and parties and go&ernments .hich) abusing the natural fears of
their citizens due to the financial crisis) ha&e talked about 6omanians and Bulgarian preparing to come in
huge numbers in +,12 to steal 7obs and abuse the .elfare s!stems of the host countries$ Qhat a lie$
As for m! disappointment) that is for the 5ommission) .hich should ha&e done more to la! to rest the
nationalistic angle that no. makes life difficult for man! 6omanians and Bulgarians li&ing in other EU
Member tates$
M! countr!) 6omania) ma! not enter chengen in +,12 due to political games) but our freedom of .ork .ill
finall! be e=ual to that of all the other EU citizens) and ' .ill fight .ith all m! strength to keep it that .a!$
Elisabet2 Sc2roedter (>erts#+(E). ; 9err Prsident) liebe Kolleginnen und KollegenU Qir Nrne begrken
die Ergebnisse der Kommissionsstudie$ ie zeigt) dass der Anteil der mobilen EU-Brger und -Brgerinnen)
die in einem anderen EU-Hand Arbeitslosenuntersttzung bekommen) .irklich &ersch.indend gering ist$
>en grokflchigen Missbrauch) den der deutsche 'nnenminister :riedrich den 6oma und inti) die aus
6umnien und Bulgarien kommen) schon &orsorglich &or.irft) gibt es laut dieser tudie nicht$
>er Kommissar hat &ollkommen recht? >ie Ergebnisse der tudie zeigen) dass ber die 9lfte der EU-
Brgerinnen und -Brger) die in einem anderen als ihrem 9eimatland Arbeitslosenuntersttzung beziehen)
zu&or in diesem Nastland gearbeitet haben) .as heikt) sie haben in die Kassen dort eingezahlt$ Und damit ist
auch belegt) dass es das &on Minister :riedrich heraufbesch.orene Phnomen des ozialhilfetourismus nicht
gibt$ eine &erbalen Tersuche) das Nrundrecht an :reizgigkeit einzuschrnken) rttelt an den Nrund.erten
der EU) stert empfindlich das friedliche Vusammenleben in der EU und bedient den rechten 6and der
Nesellschaft$ Qir Nrne distanzieren uns ganz klar &on solchen lukerungen$
>ie Ergebnisse der tudie haben mich nicht berrascht$ >er rechtliche 6ahmen der :reizgigkeit ist doch
klar definiert$ Aach diesem 6echt kennen Menschen) die aus einem anderen Mitgliedstaat kommen) in einem
Mitgliedstaat innerhalb &on sechs Monaten Arbeit suchen) und in dieser Veit bekommen sie dort die
Untersttzung$ >es.egen gibt es diesen ozialhilfetourismus nicht$
'ch finde es un&erant.ortlich) dass die alte und neue deutsche Kanzlerin dazu sch.eigt$ Qir Nrne
sch.eigen nicht) sondern untersttzen die Kommission in ihren Bemhungen) die 9rden fr mobile
Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer abzubauen und ihnen ihre sozialen 6echte zukommen zu lassen$
?i/el -ara/e (E-D). ; Mr President) not one in a thousand British people .ould kno. .ho 5ommissioner
Andor .as$ %he! .ould not be able to pick him out of a line-up and !et he is reall! rather po.erful$ 9e is the
go&ernor$ 9e is the man .ho decides .ho can come to Britain and .ho can claim benefits$ 9e has more than a British No&ernment Minister$
But ' ha&e to thank him for his stud!) because he is the one .ho has told us that there are L,, ,,,
economicall!-inacti&e Eastern Europeans in Britain 8 something our o.n go&ernment .as not able to tell us$
' suppose ' ha&e to admire his commitment to his 7ob$ After all he is going to take the UK No&ernment to
court to make sure that .e do not treat Eastern Europeans an! differentl! to our o.n people$ o it is certain
that he means business$
' kno. that this is a &er! comple4 area) but let us 7ust look at one in-.ork social benefit) shall .eR 5hild
benefit$ :rom Eastern Europe) at the moment) there are people to .hom .e are no. pa!ing child benefit for
E, ,,, children .ho do not e&en li&e in the United Kingdom$ %here is no possible 7ustification for us doing
that$ 't is costing us NBP 1 million a .eek) and it is !et another pull factor$
But of course) this .hole issue is going to get bigger) because .e appear to ha&e learnt nothing from +,,2$ 'f
!ou allo. the unrestricted free flo. of people bet.een poor and rich countries) do not be surprised .hen !ou
get a big result$ Qe had a go&ernment prediction of 1/ ,,, people a !ear) and it .as something like 2,, ,,,
a !ear for the first t.o !ears$ o .e open the doors ne4t !ear to 6omania and Bulgaria$ 't means more
o&ersuppl! in the unskilled labour market) a greater burden on the Aational 9ealth er&ice and our schools
and) !es 8 sadl! 8 it is going to mean more crime too$
%his issue .ill be the central issue of the European elections ne4t !ear$ 't .ill be the central issue of .hether
Britain remains a member of the European Union$ Qe are not against an!bod! from Eastern Europe) but .e
do belie&e that it is right and proper that .e should restrict and decide .ho comes to li&e in our countr!$
5illiam (62e Earl of) Dartmo7t2 (E-D). ; Mr President) .ith great respect to the 5hair) it is
simpl! a con&ention of !ou and one other chairman that people on the speakers list cannot ha&e blue cards$
%his is a debate and a matter of great interest to our constituents) so can ' respectfull! submit to the 5hair that
the blue card be permitted) e&en if people are on the speakers listR %his does not appl! to me) b! the .a!$
President. >ear colleague) ' do not ha&e an! doubt that those .ho can speak) .ill speak) but it is
not a con&ention$ %he 6ules of Procedure stipulate that it is up to the chairing President to decide .hen and
ho. it is allo.ed$ E4cuse me) but that is for clarification$
Dan7ta @azAowiec.a (PPE). ; Panie Prze.odniczYc!U 5hciab!m Pana poprosi[ o podanie przepisu)
kt_r! m_.i o t!m) ^e mo^e Pan pod7Y[ dec!z7\ o t!m) cz! mo^em! u^!.a[ niebieskie7 kartki) cz! nie
mo^em! 7e7 u^!.a[ ._.czas) kied! mam! tak^e mo^li.o][ .!po.iadania si\$
Der Prsident. >as kann ich durchaus$ Es ist Artikel 12P Absatz M$ >ies ist eine mKann-
Torschriftn) die lautet? m>er Prsident kann Mitgliedern) die durch das 9ochheben einer blauen Karte
anzeigen us.n$ 'ch &ermute einmal) dass die 6edezeit der anderen .ichtiger ist) als dass ich hier den
gesamten %e4t &orlese$ Aber .ie gesagt) Artikel 12P Absatz M) um 'hre :rage zu beant.orten$
>er*nica (o<e -onta/nB (PPE). ; eoor Presidente) lle&amos muchos aoos luchando para =ue Europa sea una
&erdadera uni_n de paises =ue traba7an con7untamente por el bien comfn ! no solo por intereses nacionales) por lo =ue no podemos
permitirnos desandar lo =ue tanto nos ha costado conseguir$ 9emos dado importantes pasos$
El espacio chengen refuerza la libertad de mo&imientos de los ciudadanos ! a!uda a a&anzar en la dimensi_n comunitaria)
incrementando la cooperaci_n entre los Estados miembros$ El derecho a la libre circulaci_n es uno de los derechos europeos mXs
&alorados por los ciudadanos ! estX claro =ue la mo&ilidad) dentro ! fuera de las fronteras nacionales) es necesaria) tanto
econ_micamente como para la creaci_n de empleo$
Pero necesitamos garantizar a a=uellas personas =ue se desplazan una serie de re=uisitos bXsicos$ e estX traba7ando para me7orar
las condiciones laborales ! de seguridad de los traba7adores desplazados ! hemos aprobado un informe sobre pensiones en el =ue
destacamos la necesidad de garantizar la ad=uisici_n ! la conser&aci_n de los derechos de 7ubilaci_n de los traba7adores m_&iles
dentro del mercado de la Uni_n Europea$
Ha Uni_n Europea no es perfecta) pero en nuestra mano estX me7orarla$ Espero =ue la >irecti&a permita reducir las diferencias entre
los mercados de traba7o ! los sistemas de seguridad social ! tambi@n permita e&itar fraudes =ue e4isten) como e4iste lo =ue
llamamos en Espaoa el turismo sanitario$
>ili8a 3lin.e1iCiDtE (S=D). ;>pko7u uq atliktY studi7Y) kuri dar kartY parodo) kad npra 7okio socialinio turizmo$ %urime kartY ir
&isiems laikams uqkirsti populistinr Europos Y7ungos piliesit suprieuinimY) kuris !ra qeidqiantis mvst darbusit qmonit) iu kokios
Europos Y7ungos ualies 7ie bebvtt) orumY$ Piliesit 7udumas Europos Y7ungo7e &!ksta dpl geresnio darbo paieukt ar
sa&irealizaci7os bei tarptautinps darbo patirties galim!bit) o tikrai ne dpl siekio pasinaudoti kitt ualit socialinps apsaugos
sistemomis ir g!&enti iu paualpt$ Au Hietu&o7e labai daug bendrau7u su qmonpmis) kurie !ra iu&!k\ dirbti r kitas E ualis) ir 7ie
tikrai &!ksta dpl darbo) o ne dpl paualpt$ Atliktos studi7os rezultatai parodo) kad iu kitt E ualit at&!k\ piliesiai daugiau prisideda
prie priimansios ualies biudqeto) mokpdami mokessius ir rmokas r socialin\ apsaugY) nei ta socialine apsauga iu tiest pasinaudo7a)
nes r tas ualis at&!ksta darbingi qmonps$ wiuo metu rengiu praneuimY dpl socialinps apsaugos &isiems) rskaitant ir sa&arankiukai
dirbansius) ir todpl raginu Komisi7Y perqivrpti ocialinps apsaugos koordina&imo reglamentY ir atkreipiu &alst!bit narit dpmesr r
tai) kad siekiant riboti piktnaudqia&imY socialinpmis iumokomis neturptt bvti taikomos diskriminacinps socialinps apsaugos
ribo7imo priemonps 7udiems darbuoto7ams$ 'r baigdama) gerbiamas Komisi7os nar!) sivlau apmYst!ti) ar nereikptt kitos studi7os)
kuri r&ertintt) kaip emigraci7a rtako7a ualit) iu kurit iu&!ksta daug darbingt g!&ento7t) socialinps apsaugos sistemt t&arumY$
Maqp7ant mokessit mokptt7t nemaqp7a tt) kuriems reikia socialinps paramos$
Marian (+(DE). ; Mr President) if .e had a cross-section of citizens from different Member tates
in the plenar! toda!) ' think the =uestion man! of them .ould ask is? ho. does mobilit! affect the .elfare
s!stem in m! countr!R ' think the! .ould not be so interested in asking about ho. the! .ould be affected if
the! mo&ed) because .e kno. that than / - mo&e$ 'n m! opinion) that =uestion needs to be ans.ered
specificall! and not 7ust in general$
' agree .ith 5ommissioner Andor that mobilit! of EU .orkers is of benefit to Member tates) but .e need to
be able to =uantif! this$ ' come from a countr! .hich is .ell ac=uainted .ith emigration) !et ' sometimes
hear stories about people coming from other EU states .ho gain immediate access to all benefits and tr! to
abuse the s!stem$ Ao. ' kno. that that is not true) but ' need the figures to pro&e it$ 'n each Member tate)
the 5ommission and Parliament offices 8 ' belie&e 8 ha&e an obligation to clarif! the different t!pes of
benefits a&ailable to citizens$ ' agree .ith Phil Bennion? .e need e&idence-based statistics( .e need clarit!$
%he figures he =uoted toda! should be in the public domain$
' belie&e it is the responsibilit! of Parliament;s and the 5ommission;s offices to ensure that accurate statistics
are in the public domain and to keep hammering them home$ %here is h!steria about benefit tourism$ 't has
been stoked up) especiall! b! anti-EU parties tr!ing to .ork on people;s fears and pretending that closed
borders in a globalised .orld .ill deli&er greater benefits) .hen in fact .e kno. that that is not true$ %his
.ill be an important issue in the ne4t European elections$ Qe must not lose the argument because .e do not
ha&e the facts at our fingertips$
@ean (ambert (>erts#+(E). ; Mr President) people ha&e spoken about their areas$ Hondon) .hich '
represent) is home to one million EU nationals) and man! .ill tell !ou that one of the problems is a lack of
a.areness of rights) not people abusing them$ Also) free mo&ement is one of the most popular rights of the
European Union) .hich ma! e4plain .h! certain people are so bus! attacking it at the moment$
' .anted to sa! a couple of .ords about coordination of social securit!) gi&en that ' .orked on that for 1,
!ears in this Parliament$ 't is about the same rights as nationals( it is about the same =ualif!ing periods as
nationals( it has been the practice for !ears 8 possibl! the si4th piece of legislation e&er put in place b! the
European Union 8 and the current rules .ere passed b! unanimit! in 5ouncil$
Qe ha&e heard a lot about .h! people mo&e$ 't is not 7ust about salaries) .hen the! take that into account 8 it
is also the cost of li&ing$ o do not assume that a higher salar! automaticall! means that people get a better
=ualit! of life if the! choose to mo&e$
Mara 3izzotto (E-D). ; ignor Presidente) onore&oli colleghi) i cittadini italiani &edono ogni giorno aumentare le tasse
e diminuire i ser&izi) de&ono ogni giorno tirare la cinghia) rinunciare a &isite mediche e a curarsi perch@ non possono pagarsele)
oppure de&ono aspettare mesi per una semplice &isita medica$ empre in 'talia) poi) ci sono ambulatori medici particolari) riser&ati
solo agli emigrati e ai clandestini$ E =uesti emigrati) gratuitamente) sono &isitati e curati subito) senza aspettare mesi) a differenza
dei cittadini italiani$
5osa ne pensa la 5ommissione di =uesta discriminazioneR 5osa ne pensa la 5ommissione degli emigrati che arri&ano in 'talia e
pretendono subito casa) sussidi e assistenza medica gratuitaR
'l 5ommissario afferma che i cittadini si spostano da un paese allDaltro per la&orare$ 'n 'talia aumentano i disoccupati) i po&eri sono
2 milioni e nonostante tutto) grazie a un go&erno italiano sempre troppo accogliente) continuano ad arri&are nuo&i emigrati$
xuale sarG il risultatoR Aumenteranno le tensioni sociali e non basteranno le sue belle parole) signor 5ommissario) e =ualche
finanziamento europeo a tran=uillizzare i cittadini$
Da1or G1o Stier (PPE). 8 Nospodine preds7ednise) prouloga t7edna u studi7i ko7a 7e ob7a&l7ena u Bru4ellesu o neakti&nim odnosno
nezaposlenim migrantima unutar Europske uni7e ko7i koriste soci7alnu pomo[ u drugim drqa&ama mogli smo &id7eti da tak&ih
neakti&nih EU-migranata 7e man7e od 1 -) pa i u nekim zeml7ama poput Telike Britani7e gd7e 7e o&o pitan7e osito postalo predmet
politiskih raspra&a bro7 tak&ih EU-migranata 7e samo +)L - ukupnog bro7a nezaposlenih$ &e bro7ke pokazu7e da pouto&an7e
temel7nog l7udskog pra&a na slobodu kretan7a unutar Europske uni7e ne ugroqa&a susta& soci7alne skrbi drqa&a slanica$ >akle
gla&ni razlog za mobilnost europskih grayana ni7e dobi&an7e soci7alne pomo[i u bogati7im slanicama Europske uni7e) &e[ 7e gla&ni
razlog dobi&an7e posla u tim slanicama$ Nospodine preds7ednise) soci7alna drqa&a kak&u smo pozna&ali u Europi 7est u krizi) ali za
to nisu kri&e migraci7e unutar Europske uni7e) naproti&) mobilnost unutar EU-a pa i pametna imigraci7ska politika mogu biti dio
r7euen7a za europski model ko7i 7e u krizu upao zbog odgayan7a strukturnih reformi) zbog relati&izaci7e temel7nih druut&enih
&ri7ednosti i nara&no) kao posl7edica toga) zbog izuzetno loue demografske slike Europe$ %o su kl7usni problemi o ko7ima moramo
&iue &oditi rasuna i o tome raspra&l7ati bez tabua$ Populistiski napadi na EU-migrante i na usel7enike zapra&o nas udal7a&a7u od
pra&e raspra&e o strukturnim reformama) udal7a&a7u nas od snaqni7e) na prim7er) obitel7ske politike u Europi$ %o su raspra&e ko7e
moramo ot&oriti u o&om Parlamentu) to su r7euen7a ko7a su nam potrebna da bi Europa krenula s no&im &alom gospodarskog rasta)
a po&rh toga) to su r7euen7a ko7a su nam potrebna da bi Europi i mlayim narauta7ima &ratili nadu$
Goan Enci7 (S=D). ;Mr President) ' .ould like first to thank 5ommissioner Andor for his
inter&ention$ 'ntra-EU mobilit! contributes to addressing the 7ob mismatch and helps to e&en out the EU;s
demographic deficit$ :igures sho. that mobile EU citizens are more likel! to be of .orking age and more
economicall! acti&e than nationals$ %he! contribute their fair share to national social securit! schemes$ Qe
should not let oursel&es be distracted b! populist speeches .hich create fallacious links bet.een mobilit! and
supposed burdens on social benefits s!stems$
:rom Banuar! +,12) labour restrictions currentl! imposed b! ten EU Member tates on EU citizens from
6omania and Bulgaria .ill finall! be lifted) and citizens from those t.o countries .ill be able to en7o! full!
their right to free mo&ement$ 6ecent studies ha&e sho.n that the enlargement did not bring about an!
dramatic changes in immigration flo.s across Europe$ %he! sho. that mobile EU .orkers are net
contributors to the public purse and that the! tend to .ork in 7obs .here there are se&ere labour shortages$
9o.e&er) despite the crisis) the EU is faced .ith t.o million unfilled &acancies$ 't sho.s that .e should
keep fighting in order to ensure better matching bet.een labour demand and suppl! across Europe$ :ree
mo&ement is a ke! factor in tackling this situation$
+nne E. @ensen (+(DE). ; 9r$ formandU Kommissionens rapport af&iser) at der er et problem med den sakaldte &elfcrdsturisme)
og andre rapporter og andre eksempler) som &i har hbrt om i dag) &iser det samme$ >ermed kan man 7o sa sige) at debatten om
&elfcrdsturisme nok er ude af proportioner) ude af trit med &irkeligheden$
Men Kommissionens rapport dre7er sig 7o om) h&or&idt borgerne re7ser til et andet land med det formal at hc&e &elfcrds!delser i
det n!e og ofte rigere land$ <g det sker ikke$ >en frie be&cgelighed er for borgere) der sbger arbe7de) og som bidrager positi&t til
&crtslandets bkonomi$
Men fr!gten for &elfcrdsturisme har ogsa et andet udspring) nemlig fr!gten for) at EU-borgere fra andre lande far en masse
rettigheder uden at bidrage tils&arende til samfundet$ >et er altsa et spbrgsmal) om man s!nes) at s!stemet er fair$
>er skal &cre en tct sammenhcng mellem rettigheder og pligter$ ' mit land krc&er det en ret stor indsats at bli&e berettiget til
arbe7dslbshedsdagpenge) og det er ikke holdbart) h&is EU-borgere fra andre lande far en lettere &e7 ind i s!stemet) der er ganske
gi&tigt$ Aar man fbrst har k&alificeret sig) kan man fa dagpenge i op til to ar$
>et er sadanne spbrgsmal) Kommissionen og medlemslandene ma forholde sig til og undersbge nb7e) inden det gar hen og bli&er et
problem$ >en frie be&cgelighed for arbe7dskraften er et stort gode) og &i skal alle sammen kunne bli&e &ed med at se det som et
Feinz H. (PPE). ; 9err Prsident) 9err Kommissar) .erte Kolleginnen und KollegenU Unabhngig
&on sehr &iel Qahlkampfpolemik) die man hier heraushert) ist es offensichtlich) dass es unterschiedliche
icht.eisen gibt$ Einzelne Mitgliedstaaten berichten &on teils enormen Problemen) die sie durch 1 bis E -
Ein.anderung mit hohen Kosten fr chulunterricht) Nesundheits&ersorgung und Unterbringung erleben)
.obei sie Ein.anderer meinen) ) die keine Arbeitsleistung erbringen$ >iese 1 bis E - lesen sich umso
dramatischer) .enn ie sich z$ B$ in Berlin mit 2, - oder in Mnchen mit L, - teigerung darstellen$ Aber
auf der anderen eite gibt es Positionen .ie die der Kommission und auch meine) die solche Probleme durch
bestimmte Torgnge gar nicht erkennen$
Qir haben in dsterreich 8 einem Hand) das sich der Kritik angeschlossen hat 8 keine Probleme dieser Art$
Qir haben in diesem Vusammenhang immer gehert) dass es 6umnen) Bulgaren und 6oma sind) aber in
meinem Hand haben .ir diesbezglich keine Probleme$ 'n anderen 6egionen aber sehr .ohlU Und darum
mssen .ir die z.ei icht.eisen anerkennen$
Es gibt L, - der Ein.anderer) die =ualifiziert sind und Heistungsbeitrge zahlen) und M, -) die auch Arbeit
haben$ >em stehen aber Menschen ohne chulausbildung und ohne Berufsausbildung entgegen) die keine
5hance am Arbeitsmarkt haben$ 'ch ersuche die Kommission) diese :rage sehr rasch mit den betroffenen
Mitgliedstaaten in einem Problemlesungsdialog zu lesen$
@7tta Steinr7c. (S=D). ; 9err PrsidentU Auf der einen eite prangern manche Mitgliedstaaten
Armutsein.anderung an$ Aber sind es nicht auf der anderen eite genau diese Mitgliedstaaten) die am
meisten da&on profitieren) dass .ir die :reizgigkeit in Europa haben) dass .ir Qanderarbeitnehmer habenR
Und sind es nicht auch genau diese taaten) in denen diese Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer am meisten
ausgenutzt .erdenR Es ist e4trem gefhrlich und kalkulierte Manipulation zum eigenen politischen Torteil$
Auch die deutsche Bundesregierung hat 7a in einem Brief an die Kommission genau die :rage nach dem
Ausnutzen der ozials!steme gestellt) und sie musste in einer Anfrage im Bundestag zugeben) dass es eben
nicht so ist$ 'ch bin auch der Kommission dankbar) dass sie das klargestellt hat$ >ie ozials!steme .erden
nicht durch Armutsein.anderung ausgenutzt) eher im Negenteil$
Qir brauchen die :reizgigkeit$ Aber soziale Ausbeutung) Hohn- und ozialdumping) illegale
Machenschaften mssen bekmpft .erden durch den Nrundsatz mgleicher Hohn fr gleiche Arbeit am
gleichen <rtz) aber auch durch gute Arbeitskontrollen) die &erbessert und an den europischen Arbeitsmarkt
angepasst .erden mssen$
Elisabet2 Morin;92artier (PPE). ; Monsieur le Pr@sident) 7e suis fiFre dDappartenir G une Europe oK la libert@ de circulation est
une libert@ fondamentale garantie par la 5harte et constituti&e du march@ uni=ue$ Mais 7e &eu4 poser une =uestion G tous les frileu4$
xuelle logi=ue aurions-nous G d@&elopper un programme comme Erasmus) pour promou&oir la mobilit@ des 7eunes) et G nous
refermer et nous replier ensuite dFs =uDil sDagit de mobilit@ des tra&ailleursR
5e =ui est en cause) cDest bien le cli&age entre les pa!s dDorigine et les pa!s dDaccueil) entre les {tats riches et les {tats pau&res$ 5e
=ui est en cause) cDest la coh@sion sociale au ni&eau europ@en$ 5Dest la raison pour la=uelle 7e d@fends la part du :onds social dans
les :onds de coh@sion) parce =ue cDest comme cela =ue nous rFglerons ces problFmes$
%ra&ailler) cDest sDint@grer dans la soci@t@) et 7e &oudrais dire) aprFs ce =ue 7Dai entendu tout G lDheure) =uDil ! a beaucoup dDAnglais
=ui sont &enus sDinstaller en :rance) =ui profitent certes de notre s@curit@ sociale) mais =ui) parallFlement) d@&eloppent les
campagnes) refont des maisons) font marcher lD@conomie$ 'l ne faut pas culti&er les peurs$ 5ulti&er les peurs) ce sont des propos de
campagne$ Be suis contre les europhobes) 7e suis contre les euroscepti=ues) 7e suis contre les euromoches$
Ser/io Iaetano 9offerati (S=D). ; ignor Presidente) signor 5ommissario) onore&oli colleghi) il la&oro della 5ommissione che
ci ha =ui illustrato F molto importante e utilissimo per approfondire temi a &olte malamente posti e affrontati in tempi piK recenti$
Aon bisognerebbe tutta&ia mai prescindere 8 e Hei) correttamente) non lo ha fatto 8 dallo stato delle cose) dalla realtG$ 'n =uesta
parte del mondo) se &orremo mantenere per il tempo che &errG lo stesso li&ello di ricchezza oggi ridistribuita fra i cittadini europei)
dobbiamo mettere in conto il fatto di do&er accogliere milioni e milioni di persone nate in altri paesi e che &erranno a la&orare =ui
con noi) per una ragione semplice? il calo demografico che ha colpito lDEuropa F giG in corso da tempo e ha giG aperto &uoti
Parliamo di milioni di persone$ A =ueste persone &anno costruite condizioni di accoglienza degne di =uesto nome e funzionali$
>un=ue) tutto ci| che riguarda lo stato sociale de&e essere uniforme per ragioni riguardanti sia i diritti delle persone sia la coesione
sociale$ Pertanto noi che siamo i piK ricchi non dobbiamo immaginare di utilizzare le risorse che ci porteranno e le loro fatiche che
ci lasceranno semplicemente per risol&ere le nostre contraddizioni$
xuesto F anche affermato nel la&oro che Hei ci ha illustrato? non siamo di fronte a un turismo che punta ad a&ere condizioni di
pri&ilegio) ma semplicemente a persone che decidono liberamente di &enire a la&orare e a &i&ere con noi$
Eri. 3)n.i (PPE) ; Eg! nag!on fontos k@rd@srhl &an sz_U 9iszen ha kampXn!t@mX&X &Xlt) @s a ke&etkezh
h_napokban sa7nos arra lehet szXmitani) hog! ez felszinen fog maradni) hiszen szXmos orszXgban nemzeti
&XlasztXsokat tartanak a parlamentekben$ Ahol sa7nos bizon!os pXrtok a &Xlaszt_k megt@&eszt@s@re
hasznXl7Xk fel a klfeldi munka&Xllal_kkal kapcsolatos t@makert$ Aag!on erlek annak) hog! a BizottsXg
tanulmXn!a azt tXmaszt7a alX) hog! nem arr_l &an sz_) hog! itt a szociXlis szolgXltatXsok@rt menn@nek a
munka&Xllal_k Eur_pa klenbezh orszXgaiba) hanem elshsorban a biztos munkahel! @s a 7obb fizet@s) a 7obb
meg@lhet@s rem@n!@ben &Xlaszt7Xk ezt$ Mindessze /--Xt teszik ki a munkaerhpiacnak) mikezben + milli_
munkahel! nincs betelt&e az Eur_pai Uni_ban$
Mi a megoldXsR A megoldXs az lenne) hog! elshsorban a kez@p-eur_pai orszXgokban) ig! Mag!arorszXgon is
g!orsitani k@ne a felzXrk_ztatXst$ Meg k@ne tenni mindent annak @rdek@ben) hog! a leszakadt r@gi_k 8 mint
pl$ Baran!a meg!e nXlunk 8 min@l hamarabb tud7anak a munkaerhpiacon @rdemi elhrel@p@seket tenni$ Erre
kell koncentrXlniU
()szl* +ndor, Member of the Commission. Mr President) in recent !ears the 5ommission has been
e4ploring the =uestion of the relationship bet.een free mo&ement in the European Union) the freedom to
.ork in other EU countries and access to &arious social benefits$ Qe ha&e had a long dialogue) in particular
.ith the go&ernment of the United Kingdom) and in recent !ears .e ha&e looked into the =uestion of
increased concerns about migrating poor people) .hether it is in Nerman!) the Aetherlands or other
Qhat ' can sa! is that .e no. ha&e a huge amount of statistics .hich help us to understand .hat e4actl! is
happening in the Member tates$ %his supports the 5ommission;s position) namel! that there is no
.idespread or s!stematic benefit tourism in the European Union$ But .hat .e also kno. is that .e ha&e to
look behind the statistics) because it is not enough to discuss a&erage figures) total sums or the &arious trends$
Qe also need to look into indi&idual li&es$ 'n man! cases) these are people .ho need to find a li&elihood in
another countr! because the domestic situation is &er! difficult$
But fundamentall!) this discussion toda! has been about rights$ Qe ha&e to be &er! clear about .hat EU la.
allo.s or demands in the current conte4t$ %his also needs to be clarified$ :or e4ample) contrar! to .hat Mrs
Bizzotto said) the 5ommission does not simpl! .ant EU citizens to mo&e from one countr! to another but to
ha&e the right to mo&e and to .ork in another countr! to be sustained and respected) together .ith the rights
that this implies$
%hese rights must be respected 8 not challenged or &iolated$ %here are also other kinds of misunderstanding)
partl! because of the lack of information about .hat the EU la. sa!s on particular issues$ :or e4ample) it is a
&er! common misunderstanding to assume that EU la. .ould re=uire an! countr! to pro&ide social benefits
from da! one 8 for e4ample) .hen someone arri&es in >o&er or an! other border station$ 'n fact) under EU
la.) the host countries in the EU are not obliged to grant social assistance to non-economicall! acti&e EU
citizens during the first three months of residence$ Qe could look) item b! item) into the specific conditions
in EU legislation in order to clarif! the picture) because in man! cases there are e4amples of misinformation
in the public discourse$
%o Mr :arage) ' .ould sa! that it is not the indi&idual 5ommissioners .ho ha&e to ha&e the but EU
la. .hich has to be po.erful$ EU la. has to be applied in all Member tates$ Qe ha&e the responsibilit! to
defend EU la.) both in the United Kingdom and in other countries$ Qe are defending the rights of mobile
EU .orkers in the UK) but .e are also defending the rights of UK citizens .hen the! go to other countries$
:or e4ample) in pain there are 1L+ ,,, economicall! non-acti&e British citizens) and .hen there is an! kind
of concern) .ho defends their rightsR 't is the 5ommission .hich defends the rights of UK citizens$ %he most
recent e4ample of this .as .hen .e launched an infringement case in Ma!$ %he 5ommissioner re=uested
information from pain about complaints 8 man! of them recei&ed from UK citizens 8 because panish
hospitals pro&iding public health care .ere refusing to recognise the European health insurance card$ %he
5ommission did .hat the 5ommission is supposed to do in such situations$
5larifications about EU la. are &er! important) also because EU la. differentiates bet.een EU .orkers and)
on a temporar! basis) there are different conditions for EU .orkers from ne. Member tates until unilateral
distinctions e4pire$ %he situation of third-countr! nationals is also different) but sometimes the public
discourse does not differentiate bet.een them$ :or e4ample) in the UK the! do not take note of the fact that
in recent !ears) net immigration .as three times more than the net in.ard mobilit! from EU countries$ Ter!
often) the discussion focuses on a smaller group rather than seeing the .hole picture$ ' .ill not e&en mention
EU posted .orkers) .hich is again a specific categor!$
'n order to clarif! this &er! precisel! and to ensure that it is properl! implemented on the ground) the
5ommission has launched t.o enforcement directi&es .hich are also before Parliament and the 5ouncil 8
one concerns the so-called EU migrants) the mobile .orkers) and the other the posted .orkers 8 in order to
ensure that .orkers do not suffer abuse) either b! nationals or foreigners) and that the s!stem is not abused
either b! nationals or foreigners in indi&idual Member tates$
At the end of the da!) .hat should also be discussed 8 and perhaps decided on 8 is .hat e4actl! the problem
is$ Qhat do .e ha&e too much of in the EU 8 especiall! .hen some countries) as participants in this
discussion ha&e mentioned) ha&e so-called }po&ert! migration;R 's there too much po&ert! or too much
migrationR ' am con&inced that in the European Union) there is not too much mobilit!$ Qe ha&e to e4pect
and anticipate more mobilit! 8 hopefull! more balanced mobilit! 8 but .e ha&e too much po&ert!$ Qe ha&e
to do a lot more to combat po&ert!$ Qe need more cooperation and more solidarit! in the European Union in
order to tackle po&ert! and social e4clusion$
%his is .hat ' also .ant to emphasise to Mrs Qeber$ 6omania should not onl! fight for others to respect free
mo&ement but also do better .ith the absorption of EU funds) .hich are supposed to promote economic and
social de&elopment$ :or e4ample) the integration of the 6oma should also be supported in 6omania and other
countries b! using the European ocial :und and other financial instruments for better education and
emplo!ment opportunities and other purposes$
o) .hile the focus toda! is on rights) the sub7ect ob&iousl! concerns not onl! rights but also economic
de&elopment) 7ob creation and the *outh Nuarantee) .hich is a &er! important instrument of structural
reform in order to ensure that !oung people also see opportunities in their o.n region) in their o.n countr!
and not onl!$ 'f the! prefer to look around to find 7obs and emplo!ment) the! should
ha&e that right) and that right has to be respected$ Qe ha&e to e4pect more mobilit!) not least because .e
.ant to boost student mobilit! 8 mobilit! of learning in the European Union 8 and that .ill in time lead to
more professional mobilit! as .ell$
But ' am speaking about balanced mobilit! 8 not a flood) not an influ4 and not a repeat of pre&ious
e4periences .hen) in the case of pre&ious enlargement) there .as a short period .ith large numbers of
mobile .orkers coming to indi&idual countries$ Qh! did this happenR Because countries did not open up
simultaneousl!) and then accession brought ne. opportunities$ %his .ill not be repeated$ 't has alread!
happened .ith countries .here there .as a high potential for out.ard migration$ %hat applies to Poland) the
Baltic tates and 6omania$ But as far as 6omania and Bulgaria are concerned) t.o thirds of those .ho left
6omania and Bulgaria 8 and this .as more than ten percent of the .orkforce in both countries 8 .ent to
pain and 'tal!) rather than the United Kingdom or >enmark$
' belie&e this discussion toda! has been e4tremel! helpful in clarif!ing the specific situations .e are facing$
'f .e are talking about po&ert!) .e ha&e to do more against it$ 'f crime is the concern) of course the
should not be the restriction of free mo&ement or of the right to .ork in another countr! but more EU
cooperation bet.een the Member tates in the area of 7ustice and la. and order$ %his can certainl! resol&e
some of the problems that ha&e been obser&ed recentl!$

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