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How Does NLP Works?

The curious often call and often ask, "How does this NLP work?" The technical description
sounds impressive, but still it's difficult to understand. 've found the best wa! to describe how
NLP works is throu"h an analo"! #an e$ample usin" somethin" familiar to describe somethin"
unfamiliar%. &or e$ample' ( pen is like a pencil, e$cept !ou can't erase the marks it makes on the
The Computer Example
)our computer isn't workin" as efficientl! as it can. *ometimes it loses files and sometimes what
!ou want it to do and what it does are two different thin"s. )ou suspect a virus. +ut comes !our
Norton (nti,-irus pro"ram and soon enou"h, !our computer is workin" better than ever. n fact,
now that !ou have the anti,virus software installed, it lets !ou know when a virus is tr!in" to
enter !our s!stem.
NLP is the anti,virus software of the mind. +ur brains are like computers. +ur unconscious is like
the "operatin" s!stem" #such as .indows% that runs !our bod! and determines how !ou
understand the world around !ou and "overns !our actions and reactions.
( "Thou"ht -irus" #/obert 0ilts% works in a similar wa! to a computer virus. .here a computer
virus chan"es how !our computer runs, a "thou"ht virus" chan"es how !ou act or react to certain
situations. NLP finds the "thou"ht virus" and replaces it with a more functional pro"ram that "ets
!ou the results !ou want.
1ust like an! "ood technolo"!, the mind is capable of man! up"rades to its pro"rams allowin" it
to function in a healthier and happier wa!. n computer terms, it's like defra""in" !our hard drive
or up"radin" to the latest version of !our favorite pro"ram. n humans, the favorite pro"ram is
The Car Example
)our car is difficult to start in the mornin". +nce !ou do "et it "oin", !ou notice that the en"ine
isn't runnin" as smoothl! as !ou like. .hen !ou envision "oin" to the mechanic, !ou almost
break into a sweat because !ou ima"ine that not onl! will the mechanic over,char"e !ou, s2he'll
also look for all sorts of other thin"s that s2he fi"ures is wron". )ou could end up seein" this
mechanic forever and mort"a"in" !our house to pa! for it.
3ventuall! !our car's behavior becomes more and more troublesome !ou can't i"nore it an!
lon"er. )ou see an ad for a mechanic advertisin" services at a reasonable rate , !ou make the
appointment and are pleasantl! surprised when the mechanic tells !ou that !our car is fine but it
needs a basic tune,up. *ometimes problems look worse than the! are and in the ri"ht hands, a
simple tune up does wonders. The mind, like the car en"ine, needs to be maintained and ever!
now and then if it's not runnin" as well as !ou think it could be, it's a lot easier to have it serviced
than to live with the "litches.

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