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A Short Treatise on Dimensionality with

Specific Regard to the Possibility of

Time Travel
Written By:

Dearest Reader,
Before the reading of this essay, I feel several facts must be established in order
for you, the reader, to better understand not necessarily the content of, but surely the
background behind, this piece. Firstly, I am a high school student, and this piece should
be treated accordingly as the work of a high school student. By no means should this
piece be read with the expectation that it will be of professional quality; I do not intend
that my work will be anything of the sort. What it is intended to be is a chance for the
reader to broaden their minds even just the smallest bit and the chance for the author to
hone his compositional skills. With that second point in mind, I must also offer an
apology; Since I am trying to better my writing through the composition of this work, I
will be using my skills, meager as they may be, to the best of my ability, and so if it
appears that I am trying to dazzle with uncommon diction and a rich vocabulary, this is
not the case. I am simply familiarizing myself with these words and this formal mode of
writing through use.
The second important fact for the reader to understand is that my theory was a
theory conceived and developed almost entirely in the span of a single shower and is
based on a nominal understanding of theories similar to mine. So, it should come as no
surprise if the theory has holes or is completely inaccurate or disproven by other
knowledge that I dont have. If that is the case, fine, but it is my belief that, if such
knowledge is discarded for the moment and my work is taken as fact, it will prove itself
an interesting and stimulating thought exercise. So, with the above in mind, I will without
further ado address my theory.

The Author, TSwock

Imagine now, if you will, a point. Though in actuality a point does not occupy any
space whatsoever, for now, let us represent this point as the period at the end of this
sentence. What you are imagining is the dimension that comes before the first
dimension, referred to from now on as the 0
dimension. This dimension describes one
thing alone existence; at a point there can either be existence or non-existence. Now,
let us imagine a line. This is, as you surely know, representative of the 1
dimension of
space, and it is much the same as the previous. Similar to the 0
dimension, the line
can describe existence or nonexistence. However, what the 1
dimension can describe
that the 0
dimension cannot is multiple existences or nonexistences (infinite of them, in
fact). So, how exactly is it that this multiplicity is created from singularity? You probably
have your own way to describe this transition that is just as adequate as mine, since
were dealing with pretty basic visualization and theory at this point. However, for the
sake of this theory, I must insist that this explanation be discarded and replaced with
mine. My understanding is as follows; to transcend the 0
dimension and reach the 1
two things must happen an axis must be established and the 0
dimension must be
examined with respect to this new axis.
Now, lets move on to the 2
dimension with this thought in mind. The 2

dimension, of course, is the dimension which describes area. So, how is this area
created where no area existed in the previous dimension? Again, you probably have
your own ideas about this concept, but I ask you to discard it in favor of mine; to
transcend the 1
dimension and reach the 2
, two things must happen an axis must
be established and the 1
dimension must be examined with respect to this new axis.
Notice a correlation? Then, to move to the third dimension, the dimension of volume, we
can use the understanding that, to move from the n
dimension to the n+1
an n+1
axis must be established and the n
dimension must be examined with respect
to this axis. This formula of sorts even extends even into the 4
dimension the
composition of all 3-dimensional objects observed with respect to the 4
axis, time. So,
by applying this pattern further, we can reasonably hypothesize that there is a 5
, 6
, or
even 70
This is all well and good, but how does it pertain to time travel? All weve
discussed so far are the

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