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400 mil yrs ago

Shoe print made in Pershing Co, Nevada which clearly shows fine stitching. See Sphinx Group.
00 mil yrs ago
!d Conrad, an amateur archaeologist, finds humanoid fossil s"ulls in coal #eds in Pennsylvania.
$e also finds leg #one fragments.
%%& mil ' (& mil
)inosaurs dominated the earth.
*& mil
+enu ,#ad guy from -ars. ordered nu"ing of earth. ,Per Scientology.. /adioactive dust still in
geologic strata. Geologists can0t explain it. 1as this in the areas of the 2S3 southwest desert,
3frican desert, and Go#i desert4
(& mil yrs ago
)inosaurs extinct. /emnants of a huge crater in the 5ucatan peninsula in -exico indicate an
asteroid hit the earth. -agnetic anomalies in the shape of a crater confirm some #ody struc" the
earth at this location. 3 layer of iridium, found most commonly in asteroids, in (& mil year old roc"
also confirms this.
(0 mil yrs ago
6n the Peru desert 7cuca8e, )r. 9avier Ca#rera discovers 40,000'&0,000 roc" engravings which
show step'#y'step a heart transplant and Caesarean section surgery. :hey also showed
dinosaurs and men riding them. :hese men were shorter and had larger heads than modern
man. :hese are called the 6ca Stones of Peru. .
$uman footprints found in same layer as dinosaur prints in Glen /ose, :exas. :hese were called
;giant man trac"s; and would seem to coincide with the #i#le0s mention of the fallen angles #eing
large si<e and roaming the earth in the times of Noah. See Paluxy, Glen /ose, :+. =arge men
were also mentioned when -oses led the 6sraelites to Canaan. See >400?C.
-ore fossili<ed man trac"s were discovered near :u#a City, 3ri<ona.
40 mil yrs ago
$uman footprints made in @enton, 7@ and north'central 16. See Sphinx Group.
> mil yrs ago
)r. 9avier Ca#rera discovers a#out 40,000 stone ta#lets detailing advanced science in the
Peruvian desert of 7cuca8e. :hese were called the 6ca Stones of Peru. :he ta#lets detail such
complex ideas as astronomy, surgery ,heart and "idney transplants., C section, acupuncture,
genetic disorders, and more. :here were descriptions of vehicles which flew through spaces
without consuming fuel, descriptions of the lines drawn at Na<ca. :hey descri#ed the evacuation
of large'headed small'statured race to a planet which would now #e in the Pleiades star cluster.
See ,-illenium -atters.. :hese were found in the Peruvian
state of 6ca. :he city of 6ca is only >00 miles from the city of Na<ca.
%.& mil yrs ago
Stone tools made in Gona region of !thiopia.
%. mil yrs ago
$omo 8aw made in !thiopia.
>.* mil yrs ago
Stone tools made in 7ldavi Gorge in :an<ania.
*B0,000 yrs ago
Spanish scientists find a group of six s"eletons with modern features and advanced tools in
Spain0s 3tapuerca mountains. 3 #oy had a face li"e modern man, #ut a #row and 8aw li"e a
Neanderthal. 3rticle pu#lished in 2S Science maga<ine. ,-ay %C, >CC*. 3rticle at Steve
1ingate0s site.
(00,000 yrs ago
$ungarian excavation yields a homo sapiens s"ull. See Sphinx Group.
&00,000 yrs ago
6n >C(>, roc" hounds find a geode in a western 2S desert. 6nside is a device that loo"ed li"e a
capacitor, or spar" plug. :he age was ;unofficially; dated at &00,000 years ago. :his was called
the Coso artifact. See, also Coso artifact with picture.
400,000 yrs ago
)ate of Pe"ing man found using new testing techniDue ,-ay >, >CC(..
>40,000 yrs ago
$uman s"ull put in 6ran.
>>*,000 yrs ago
Per Collier, !arth was in a ma8or war. Pleiadians involved.
>>&,000 yrs ago
Eootprint of modern homo sapiens found in =ange#aan =agoon near the 3tlantic in southwest
South 3frica #y geologist )avid /o#erts. See 2S3 :oday article dated 3ug %(, >CC* at httpF
>00,000 yrs ago
Commonly accepted date for the rise of $omo Sapiens Sapiens.
B0,000 yrs ago
-exican oil company drills up some B0,000 year old domesticated corn pollen. 3lso in /ussia,
B0,000 year old fa#ric designs and spindle whorls found ,it is thought the first fa#ric was in !gypt
a#out 000 ?C.. See Sphinx Group.
>,000 ?C
6ndian country of /ama existed. /emains of their large cities still exist in the deserts of 6ndia and
Pa"istan ,-ohen8odaro.. 6ndian texts from this period tell of anti'gravity space ships ,called
Gimanas, or 3stras., and a war with the 3tlanteans on the moon. Curiously, Soviet scientists have
discovered what they call ;age'old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles; in caves in
:ur"estan and the Go#i )esert. :he ;devices; are hemispherical o#8ects of glass or porcelain,
ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside. Some ancient 6ndian texts descri#e a war with
3tlantis ,who flew Gailixi machines. using flying machines and atomic #om#s a#out >0,000 to
>%,000 years ago.
1hen the /ishi City of -ohen8odaro, Pa"istan was excavated #y archeologists in the last century,
they found s"eletons 8ust lying in the streets, some of them holding hands, as if some great doom
had suddenly overta"en them. :hese s"eletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on a
par with those found at $iroshima and Nagasa"i. 3ncient cities whose #ric" and stone walls have
literally #een vitrified, that is'' fused together li"e glass, can #e found in 6ndia, 6reland, Scotland,
Erance, :ur"ey and other places. :here is no logical explanation for the vitrification of stone forts
and cities, except from an atomic #last. :he =op Nor )esert in western China is "nown to #e the
center of a great 2E7 mystery. Erom ;1orlds Strange Phenomena; #y Charles ?erlit<.
Scientists drilling down in an excavation near ?a#ylon, in 6raD, found various strata containing
evidence of different civili<ations. :hey eventually stopped when they hit a solid wall of glass, li"e
the sand had #een fused together #y a nuclear #last. ,)ate estimate not given..
>%,&00 ?C
Poles had shifted. See ,1e#site no longer exists..
>%000 ?C' >0&00 ?C
=emuria H 3tlantis existed.
>0000 ?C
Small'#odied, yellow'faced )ropas aliens crash land on :i#etAChina #order. /emains discovered
in >CB. 3ligned graves contained s"eletons of short, spindly people with large heads. 3 stone
dis" with tiny pictograms on it told the story of aliens crash landing in the mountains of ?ayan
@ara'2la on the China :i#et #order. :hey tried to ma"e friends with the neigh#oring $am tri#e,
#ut the $ams hunted them down and "illed them. 3n !nglish scientist later visited the area and
learned their lore. )escendants of the )ropas still live in the area, and they don0t loo" -ongolian
or Chinese. :he )ropas came from a star in the Sirius system. :he small people of the )ropas
were rediscovered in the same mountains in >CC&.
C000 ?C
Plato0s 3tlantis existed. ,.
B000 ?C
-ore evidence exists the Sphinx was #uilt at this time, #efore the !gyptians. :he -ullions, a race
with a larger s"ull capacity ,%000cc vs our modern >400cc. existed near 3lgeria at this time, #ut
for a short time. S"eletons found showed they were mostly women and children, who wor"ed with
tools never #efore seen and with un"nown domesticated animals. See Graham $ancoc" on the 3rt ?ell show ,('>('CB. found a
sun"en pyramid'li"e temple off the island of 5onaguni in 9apan. :he last time this area was a#ove
water was a#out B000?C.
**00 ?C
1ar on the moon #etween 7rion group and Pleiadians.
(000 ?C
3ge of Gemini, the twins.
&C00' 4000 ?C
2#aid period predates Sumeria, supposedly the first civili<ation. 3t the 3l 2#aid site in 6raD, a
mas" was found which loo"s li"e it has a high, long forehead.
&*C% ?C
?i#lical Creation date. ,>.
&>00 ?C
-ini ice age. ,.
400' 4&0 ?C
Sumerian civili<ation #egins.
4>** ?C
3dam #orn ,4.
4000 ?C
!den exists ,.. City of 2r ,Sumerian. esta#lished. 3ge of :aurus, the #ull, #egins. :his earth sign
signified #y sensuality, peace, sta#ility, stu##ornness. ,Newciv.. :here were many cults
worshipping the #ull, for example, when -oses led the 6sraelites out of !gypt, they made a #ull of
gold. ?ut God #ecame angry #ecause he didn0t want them worshipping idols.
&( ?C
Great Elood ,>. and -ethusalah ,son of !noch. dies.
00 ?C
:ower of ?a#el #uilt #y Nimrod ,>.. :his is the first city after the flood. ?ut what a#out ;the city of
eight; ,@a<an. #uilt #uy Noah4
%00 ?C
!gypt unified
>>4 ?C
-ayan year <ero. ,. ,:he #eginning of time for the -aya..
>00 ?C
Start of Stonehenge. ,.
00& ?C
Continents divide per ?i#le. ,>.
000 ?C
Eirst written Sumerian records. Some Sumerian statuettes are reptilian. )r. 3rthur $orn says the
Sumerians interacted with the 3nunna"i, who were reptilian. Spiritwe#
%B00 ?C
:ime of 9o# ,>.. Gilgamesh, "ing of 2ru". ,.
%*00 ?C
Ioser Step Pyramid #uilt
%&%C ?C
Great Elood ,4.
%000 ?C
3ge of 3ries, the /am, #egins. :his is a fire sign signified #y ferocity, forcefulness,
courageousness, and impulsiveness.
>*C&' >*&0 ?C
/eign of $ammura#i in ?a#ylon.
>4&0 ?C
Golcano named :hera ,now the ring island of Santorini. #lows up.
>400 ?C
-oses and !xodus from !gypt. ,%.
>400 ?C
-oses sent some scouts to loo" at the land near $e#ron. $ere is a passage from Num#ers Ch.
>, mentioning giants, which could #e 3nunna"iF
0 :hen Cale# silenced the people #efore -oses and said, ;1e should go up and ta"e
possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.;
> ?ut the men who had gone up with him said, ;1e can0t attac" those peopleJ they are stronger
than we are.;
% 3nd they ,the scouts. spread among the 6sraelites a #ad report a#out the land they had
explored. :hey said, ;:he land we explored devours those living in it. 3ll the people we saw there
are of great si<e.
1e saw the Nephilim there ,the descendants of 3na", called 3na"im Kand 3nunna"iL, come
from the Nephilim.. 1e seemed li"e grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we loo"ed the same to
:he 3nunna"i were the descendants of the fallen angels and earth women. See Num#ers >.
%4( ?C
Primitive #attery created in 6raD. =ater to #e found in >CB #y )r. 1ilhelm @onig in the #asement
of a ?agdad museum.
(& ?C
/emnants of a metal computer found which calculates the positions of the sun and stars. 6t was
found in 3nti"ythera, Greece in >C00. 6t received a story in Natural $istory, >C(%. ,Per ?ranton0s
-o8ave series.
3ge of Pisces, the fish, #egins. :his is a water sign signified #y mysticism, compassion, visionary,
>* 3)
3rea of =ydia suffers a great earthDua"e.
>B( 3)
-t. :aupo, in New Iealand, erupts. /omans record days of glo#al dar"ness.
%00 3)
Cosmas and )amian do leg transplants. See Sphinx Group.
00' B00
-ayan civili<ation ,-aya means ;water sorcerer;. exists in central -exico and 5ucatan peninsula.
:hey were a peaceful people. 7ne large city they made was Chichen 6t<a, in the 5ucatan
peninsula. :hey prayed to the rain god Cha0ac for rain. :hey were very good at astronomy. :he
largest pyramid there was #uilt for the warrior god @u0"ul0can. $e was portrayed often as a sna"e.
7n the spring eDuinox each year, the sun casts a shadow on the #loc"s lining the steps of the
pyramid. 3t the #ottom of the steps is a sna"e head. :he shadows are such that, as the sun
moves, it loo"s li"e a sna"e is slithering down the steps. :his signifies when @u0@ul0can came
down from the heavens to rule the -ayan people. 6nterestingly enough, their creation myth is
signified #y a carving of an eagle ,the constellation 3Duila means 0eagle0., in whose mouth is a
sna"e ,@u0"ul0can., in whose mouth is a -ayan. :his means, the eagle spo"e, and created the
sna"e, who spo"e, and created man.
Gimanas ,silent flying machines. written of in 6ndian texts.
>40' >(0
?lac" Plague of !urope. >A of !uropean population "illed
=a"ota indian tri#e puts star map on #uffalo hide. :he =a"otas were a fierce tri#e located in
northern -issouri and in the ?lac" $ills in the )a"otas. Per /o#ert Ghost 1olf on 3rt ?ell. 3
documentary a#out =ewis and Clar" on P?S tal"s a#out the =a"otas, and they were Duite hostile
to the white men, and all other tri#es.
9an >, >*00
!arthDua"e with epicenter in 3las"a hits. !s"imo tales tal" of it. :sunami hits 9apan hours later.
,Erom ;Savage !arth; series on P?S..
:he 3mericans end the war of the /evolution and declare themselves independent. :hey allied
with the Erench, who have had ongoing wars with ?ritain.
Erench revolution
Nicola :esla invents the 3AC current system.
:esla has a #ooth at the Chicago 1orld0s Eair.
:esla tests a death ray in Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2S3 and all electrical apparatus of a
Colorado fuel company were rendered useless.
Spring >BC*
3 small cigar'shaped #limp was seen from San Erancisco to Chicago this spring #y many people.
6n 3pril #limp'shaped craft crashed into 9udge 9. E. Proctor0s windmill in 3urora, :exas. People
found a tiny non'human pilot and a log written in an un"nown language.
:esla tests his wireless transmission of energy in Colorado Springs. )ynamos of a Colorado
electricity company were disa#led ( miles away.
3pr >B, >C0(
-a8or earthDua"e in San Erancisco, California. ?est guess is >000M "illed.
:esla cannot pay for his #uilding of his la# in =ong 6sland, N5, and wor"ers cease construction.
9un 0, >C0B
3n explosion occurs over :ungus"a ,in Si#eria., /ussia, which is heard for (%0 miles around.
Some speculate this could have #een a test of :esla0s energy weapon, in :esla0s last attempt to
get some more funding for his planet'wide wireless power transmission system. Some say it was
a meteor or 2E7 crashing, #ut there was no crater. 6t flattened &00,000 acres of trees for miles
around. 6t was eDuivalent to >0'>& megatons of :N:. 1hole nomad villages disappeared.
9un 0, >C0B
:his wee", letters in the =ondon :imes reported that from a#out >% midnight to %am, the
northern s"y glowed a reddish color. 6t was so #right that people could read #y it. Some scientists
attri#uted it to distur#ances in the sun0s prominences, some to the 3urora ?orealis. 7n 9un 0
,:uesday. there was a mar"ed distur#ance in magnets. $owever, the glow was 8ust as #right 1ed
night, #ut magnets were not distur#ed. Perhaps this was due to the :ungus"a, Si#eria explosion
on 9un 0, >C0B.
11 6 ends with German defeat. >>(,000 3mericans "illed ,military casualties.. B. million "illed
total ,military casualties..
>C>B' >C%0
-assive influen<a out#rea"s in the 2S3 and Spain "ill many ,%> million. people.
)ec >(, >C%0
!arthDua"e in Gansu, China, "ills %00,000 with a magnitude of B.(.
:esla ma"es a press release in which he claims he is in freDuent contact with !:0s via radio. ,Per
mid >C%0s
:ownsend ?rown #egins anti'gravity experiments and ma"es a >& inch metal plate which can lift
itself. httpAAiufog.orgAspotlightAgrav.html
Sept >, >C%
:o"yo and 5o"ohama, 9apan destroyed #y Great @anto earthDua"e, >&0,000 "illed.
Spring >C%4
Newspapers in different parts of the world carried stories a#out death rays #eing a#le to destroy
things from a distance. Grindell'-atthews said that sometimes his assistants #ecame victims of
the ray, sometimes collapsing from shoc" or receiving #urns.
-ay %&, >C%4
Germany announces it possesses death rays a#le to stop tan"s and cars.
7ct %C, >C%C
Stoc" mar"et in 2S3 crashes. :he Great )epression follows.
Collier says Na<i scientists let in the Grays through a rip in time.
-arch >C
Shortly after his inauguration, Pres. /oosevelt declares a national emergency, citing the authority
of the >C>* :rading with the !nemy 3ct. 6t has #een in effect since then. ,per 1orldnet )aily.
3 team of archeologists, led #y Professor Chi Pu :ei of ?ei8ing 2niversity, was conducting a very
detailed routine survey of a series of caves of ?alan @ara'2la where they discovered very frail
s"eletons with large heads. :hey called themselves the )ropas. :hey are still around, the tallest
is only 4 feet tall.
>CC' >C4&
11 66. >*'%>.4 mil. "illed total ,civilian and military..
)is" craft crashed in Cape Girardeau, -issouri.
)ec %, >C4>
9apanese #om# Pearl $ar#or in $awaii, 2S3. ?iele" states the President negotiated with 9apan
for them to #om# Pearl $ar#or in order to #ring the 2S into the war. :he 2S needed a reason to
go into the war #ecause Germany was winning. ?iele", on 3rt ?ell show, states 9apan didn0t want
the 2S involved.
1hitehouse #u<<ed #y 2E7s. Navy #egins experiments in invisi#ility via Pro8ect /ain#ow.
-ar >C4%
:esla finds out that the high electromagnetic fields will cause #iophysical damage to sailors. $e
sa#otages a test on a >&00 ton ship and resigns his position in the Philadephia Pro8ect. :esla
wanted to go pu#lic with the info that the Navy was "illing sailors with this experiment. 3l ?iele"
thin"s this is why he was "illed in 9an >C4.
:he 2S military /ain#ow Pro8ect tests faster than light travel in Philadelphia har#or. )r. Gon
Neumann then too" over. 3 test on 9ul %%, >C4, had the ship disappear for %0 seconds. 3fter this
the crew a#ove dec" were nauseous and disoriented. 3nd the test on the 2SS !ldridge was done
on 3ug >% >C4. :his is the test where 3l and the ship were teleported to -ontau", =ong 6sland to
>CB. 3n older Gon Neumann said ?iele" and his #rother must destroy the eDuipment to turn the
field generators off. :hey did so, and the fields collapsed out of sync. 1hen they returned 4 hours
later, 4 crew were dead from #eing em#edded in the hull, and one had his hand em#edded in the
hull, #ut survived. 3nother #rother of ?iele" was em#edded in the hull. 7nly his head and
shoulders were a#ove the hull. $e died eventually. 6n late 7ct >C4, >0F00pm, they did another
test, without crew. :he ship appeared in Norfol" har#or, G3 for >0'>& minutes. 1hen it returned,
they found a generator was missing, % transmitter ca#inets, and the control room was a smo"ing
ruins. ?iele" says the earth0s #io mag fields pea" every %0 years, >C4, >C(, >CB, on 3ugust
>%. :his leaves 3ug >%, %00 for something to happen.
9an *, >C4
:esla dies when he is hit #y a car in New 5or" City. ,?iele" states this was 9an *, >C4, #ut 6 thin"
it was >C44, after Pro8ect /ain#ow.. 3l ?iele" states some agents held the rest of the people
#ac", while letting :esla cross the street. :esla was then hit #y a ca# that sped up to hit him.
2nited Nations founded.
9uly, >C4*
2E7 crashes on a ranch near /oswell, N-.
1hitehouse #u<<ed #y 2E7s.
Collier says gov0t started pic"ing up !: signals from space.
0 meter diameter craft crashes near :immensdorfer, Germany, per thic" N3:7 report on 2E7s.
See 7mni article.
Ee# >C(>
&0 metallic circular o#8ects were detected #y N3:70s war'room coming out of the 2SS/, flying at
a high speed, at >00,000 feet. 2S and /ussians went to red alert and scram#led fighters. =uc"ily,
11 666 didn0t start, and the o#8ects were gone in C minutes. :hese o#8ects were freDuently seen
coming out of !ast Germany, then flying out over the Norwegian sea, to #e lost from radar. Per
/o#ert )ean.
3merican astronauts land on the moon.
;7ne who "nows; says there was evidence of /ussians developing a #eam weapon. ,See Eire in
the S"y, part >.
)ec >,>C*
/ael, a Erench 8ournalist, says aliens ,;!lohim;. contacted him with a message. See /aelian
!ric =aithwaite demonstrates his antigravity machine at the /oyal 6mperial :echnical College. 6t
weighed %0 l#s when not running, and decreased to >& l#s when running. 6t also used a )ePalma
N machine ,free energy. to generate the energy it reDuired. Per 1orlds Strange Phenomena #y
Charles ?erlit<.
Group of top world scientists meet in !ngland to discuss the other races on the moon that pose a
threat. Supposedly the malevolent grays, and #enevolent Nordics. ,Erom ?ranton0s -o8ave files.
9uly %*, >C*(
Nua"e in :angshan, China, "ills %&&,000 to (&&,000.
Sep >*, >C**
;7ne who "nows; says /ussia started destroying 2S spy satellites #y #eam weapons.
Sep %*, >C**
;7ne who "nows; says /ussians destroyed 2S moon #ase. ,Eire Erom the S"y.
)ulce, New -exico warsF aliens continue to renew on their promise of reporting everyone they
a#duct, )elta force sent in to get scientists from 3rea &>. -ost of )elta force "illed at 3rea &> in
southern Nevada. Per ?ranton.
;Close !ncounters of the :hird @ind; movie released #y Steven Spiel#erg.
-ay >B, >CB0
-t. St. $elens erupts "illing ((.
36)S discovered in 3frica.
)r. @inchloe invited to test a free energy N machine in Santa ?ar#ara, C3, called the ;Sun#urst;.
,Erom )r. ?ruce )ePalma..
9an >CB(
3merican space shuttle Challenger #lows up. :he reason given is a faulty 7'ring in one of the
#ooster roc"ets lea"ed, and the fuel caught fire and exploded.
3pril >CB(
2nit 4 of the Cherno#yl nuclear power plant exploded and lea"ed radiation into the air and
surrounding area. ;Cherno#yl; in 2"raine means ;wormwood;.
3pril, >CB*
?o# =a<ar says scientists at S4 were trying to cut into an alien reactor when it exploded. :he
official explanation was an 0unannounced nuclear test0.
-ayA 9une >CBB
6n the -ayA9une >CBB issue of Cycles maga<ine an article entitledF ;1hen the Sun Goes
?ac"wardF Solar -otion, Golcanic 3ctivity, and Climate, >CC0'%000;, #y 9ames $. Shirley, tal"ed
a#out solar events which would affect the weather in coming years. 6t saidF
;3n unusual 0solar event0 will ta"e place in the years >CC0'>CC%. :he Sun0s motion relative to the
solar system mass center will #e retrograde, a condition that may #e accompanied #y unusually
persistent climatic extremes.;
/o#erta Soyars, who has lectured extensively in #oth South 3frica and 2S3 on this issue and is
writing a #oo" on the su#8ect, states that the motion has ta"en place and that it actually #egan in
?'% Stealth #om#er unveiled #y the 2S military. :his may use anti'gravity technology to achieve
its 0stealth mode0. httpAAiufog.orgAspotlightAgrav.html
-ar, >CBC
)racos ,the reptilian #ad guys. destroy 3merican -ars colony.
-ay, >CBC
South 3frican airforce shoots down ufo. 1as this the @alahari o#8ect4
7ct >*, >CBC
San Erancisco earthDua"e. 3 % tier highway collapses trapping people, and "illing 4. 3 total of (%
were "illed.
3 nasty disease called visceral leishmaniasis "illed over >00,000 people from >CC0 to >CC% in the
area of Sudan, 3frica. 6t is a parasite transmitted #y a female sandfly, with a >00O mortality rate if
left untreated. Per news source.
Gulf 1ar with 6raD. :he 2S allies with the ?ritons, Erench, Saudi 3ra#ia, to defend @uwait and
their massive oil fields against invasion from 6raD and Saddam $ussein. 2S sends, #y far, the
most troops, money and resources. @uwait is defenseless with an insignificant army. ?aghdad is
#om#ed. 7peration )esert Storm is a success as the 2S routs 6raDi troops. 6raDi troops usually
surrendered as soon as they saw 2S troops coming.
Eree<ing rain in Elorida significantly hurts orange and citrus crops.
Eox airs new :G show ;+ Eiles;. Scientists report #eached whales in 3merica. :hey appear
confused. :he #est explanation is the magnetic field of the earth is messed up.
-ar B, >CC4
2E7s sighted a#out >>pm near $olland, -6. $undreds of reports are called in.
-ovie ;Stargate; released which tells of an ancient stargate found in !gypt. Scientists activate it
and travel to another planet where there are pyramids and ancient !gyptian is spo"en. Similar to
a stargate found in Peru ,in the real world.. Potatoes and apple crop production drops a lot in the
-ar, >CC&
-ayans say the Solar Culture will flourish once again with ceremonies at Chichen 6t<a. :his date
#egins an age of open information.,(.
Spring, >CC&
-assive spring flooding along the -ississippi.
Sep >(, >CC&
2E7 crashes in =esotho, 3frica. No news reports are seen. $owever, here is an article in
Parascope maga<ineF httpFAAwww.parascope.comAarticlesA0%C*Alesotho.htm.
Sep, >CC&
Pres. Clinton gives >B mil acres of 5ellowstone par" to 2N Glo#al ?iosphere program. ,2N
!nvironmental Programme..
Nov 4, >CC&
6sraeli president /a#in assassinated #y one of his #ody guards.
)ec *, >CC&
3tlantean energy grid loc"s onto the earth once again.
PredictionF !arthDua"e in $artford, Conn. per !arth Changes /eports, )ec >CC(. 2S gave China
whole 2S Patent data#ase, per Shaun )avid -orton.
spring >CC(
-assive spring record'#rea"ing flooding along the -ississippi.
Summer >CC(
-ovie ;:he 3rrival; released. 3 story a#out alien contact via the S!:6 program. :he aliens come
to earth and invade. :hey can change their shapeAappearance using a machine. Starring Charlie
9un &, >CC(
Pope 9P %0s diary says friendly aliens land enmasse. ,Never happened..
9ul *, >CC(
-ovie ;6ndependence )ay; released. 3 story a#out >% mile wide 2E7s invading earth.
9ul >*, >CC(
:13 Elight B00 crashed seconds after ta"ing off from =ong 6sland, N5. Several people thought a
missile exploded near it and caused the crash.
-issile theory report
Eall >CC(
Eox networ"s airs following new :G showsF 7S6/ ,7ffice of Scientific 6nvestigation and
/esearch., 7uterlimits, )ar" S"ies ,last show in 9un >CC*., more.
Sept, >CC(
PredictionF :he newly discovered shaft with a door at the end, in the Great Pyramid, is scheduled
to #e opened and aired live. ,:his never happened..
7ct >%, >CC(
PredictionF Pope 9P66 dies4 ,per Nostradamus. 6n early 7ct he went in for surgery. ,$e came out
Nov, >CC(
PredictionF Spiel#erg0s movie ;/oswell; released. ,:his never happened.. Collier says gov0t will
admit !: presence at this time. ,:his never happened..
N3S3 sends another -ars pro#e, the Pathfinder. 6t plans to send two more pairs of pro#es over
the next ( years.
Ee# >CC*
3 sheep named )olly was cloned in a la# in Scotland.
Ee#'-ar, >CC*
PredictionF Collier says $ale'?opp is an 7rion protocol ship to maintain control on earth. 6t carries
with it % moons, to or#it -ercury. 3t this time the gov0t will announce the !: presence. ,Never
!arth Changes /eports says $ale'?opp has one self'aware ship that is here to change )N3 to
alter consciousness. 6t uses the earth0s energy grid ,3tlantean energy grid4. to help it. 7rganic
molecules were found on $ale'?opp.
1ater thought to #e on !uropa or 6o, 9upiter0s moons.
end of -ar, >CC*
C mem#ers of the Gateway to $eaven ,a"a $eaven0s Gate. cult "ill themselves in California.
:hey leave video testomonials saying they are aliens who are now shedding their 0containers0
,#odies. to meet with a mothership in the tail of comet $ale'?opp.
-ar >, >CC*
2E7 hovered near Phoenix, 3I airport. $undreds saw it, one :G station recorded and reported it.
6t appeared to #e a G'shaped craft with a#out & lights on each side. 6t was several #loc"s wide
and made no sound at all. !d )ames ,on Sep >*, >CC* 3rt ?ell show. said it was hoax made with
lasers. See httpFAAwww.Dtm.netAPgei#danAnewseA8uneAari<ona.html for more info.
3pr >4, >CC*
-assive flooding in North )a"ota, and near the -issippi from -ontana through 6owa.
3pr %>, >CC*
6nternational KintelligenceL analyst on GG =iddy show tells how mid'eastern powers could #e
setting aside their griefs to unite, possi#ly with China. ,i.e. 6ran and China possi#ly uniting..
3pr %%, >CC*
-SN?C reports that a very rare and highly potent strain of an ancient organism, Pfiesteria, is
eating the flesh of fish and "illing #illions of them. Scientists found this organism in >CC> in North
Carolina and it is similar to the organisms in the deadly /ed :ides. :he organism is not a threat
out of water #ecause it #ecomes harmless after % hours out of water. Cases of this pro#lem have
#een found in 3tlantic ocean near )elaware, New 9ersey, North Carolina, and Elorida. Eishermen
exposed to the water have had symptoms such as di<<iness, severe memory loss, wea"ness,
and other neurological pro#lems.
3pr %4, >CC*
PredictionF /ichard ?oylan in his #oo" ;:he 3viary;, Duotes the 5ellow ?oo", which says !:s will
arrive in S1 2S3 on this date. ,Never happened..
-ay %, >CC*
PredictionF 3lex CollierA3ndromedans predictF 1illiam 9. Clinton will not complete his second term
in office. $illary Clinton will #e indicted, this will parallel a large stoc" mar"et correction. -a8or
cities will discover that their water supply has #een contaminated. Eood shortages in grain and
other supplies will #e coming up. Scientists will announce that the Sun is undergoing a pole shift.
Scientists will announce that there is an artificial o#8ect or#iting -ercury.
9un >CC*
-ovie ;-6?; released a#out -en 6n ?lac" fighting aliens invading earth. -ysterious electric ca#le
and fine powder from digging found in Great Pyramid in Gi<a, !gypt. 6t appears someone is
digging secretly. ,See $oagland0s httpFAAwww.enterprisemission.comA..
9ul >CC*
-ovie ;Contact; released #ased on Carl Sagan0s #oo". -assive flooding from rains from a
depleted hurricane in North Carolina.
9ul >, >CC*
$ong @ong ownership goes from the ?ritons #ac" to the Chinese.
9ul 4, >CC*
-ars Pathfinder due to land on -ars. 6t does and gets soil samples. 6t lands not near the -ars
face, #ut near >C.&N #y %(!, the original plan.
3ug >, >CC*
-ontserrat, a ?ritish colony island in the Cari##ean, has volcano that erupts and covers the
island with lava.
Sep, >CC*
!d )ames ,httpFAAwww.psitech.comA. predicting !l Nino to #e huge, and this winter very severe
with canni#alism in !urope. ,!l Nino was worst in >00 years, #ut 6 heard nothing a#out
canni#alism in !urope. 3lso, it caused a very warm winter in the 2S. ?ut the spring affects, li"e
flooding, crop damage, and disease, are going to #e #ad. 3ll snow was gone #y 9an %, >CCB here
in Grand /apids, -6..
Sep >%, >CC*
-ars Glo#al Surveyor reaches -ars. 6t will ta"e & months to reach proper or#it #efore it #egins
ta"ing pictures.
Sep >B, >CC*
7n 3rt ?ell show, !d )ames says the next use of a nuclear device will #e #y North @orea. 3lso, a
news report says that many diseases have #ecome resistant to anti#iotics. %&O of #acterial
diseases can only #e treated #y one, the strongest, anti#iotic.
Eall >CC*
!l Nino storms supposed to #e the worst in recorded history. ,5es, it appears it is the worst in last
>00 years.. 3capulco and -exico City flooded, hundreds "illed. :he -exican gov0t will pay for
airfare for tourists going to either city.
Nov, >CC*
-e, my wife, and son, all were sic" with a #ad coldAflu which 8ust hung on for 4 wee"s. Gery #ad
)ec >, >CC*
9apan0s largest #an" files for #an"ruptcy. :he 9apanese are scram#ling for remedies to prevent
other #an"s from collapsing. 3lso, scientists now "now why frogs in 1isconsin have such horri#le
mutations ,multiple or missing legs, etc.. 6t is due to ultra violet radiation. Could this #e from the
thinning of the o<one layer4
)ec >, >CC*
3 hunter in 3llegan, -ichigan, "ills an B point ... doeQ
)ec >4, >CC*
:he Gatican will invest & mil ?ritish pounds to help fund a telescope to find ;the fingerprints of
God;, i.e. planets where life is possi#le. Erom :he =ondon Sunday :imes. 3lso there is a letter
from a man saying he wor"ed at the Gatican and stum#led on a letter in a top secret computer
terminal tal"ing a#out 1ormwood, a possi#le meteor which could hit the earth. No further details
were given, except another letter saying an attempt on his life was made while he was in hiding.
)ec %C, >CC*
/ussian scientists claim to have found 3tlantis >00 miles off =and0s !nd, near !ngland. :hey plan
to investigate the area in spring >CCB. =ittle Sole ?an", which rises within &0 meters of the
surface of the water, was supposedly the capital of 3tlantis. :his is #ased on a Cornish myth of a
land called =yoness, whose capital city was =ions, which had >40 temples #efore they san" into
the ocean. @ing 3rthur is said to have fought -ordred, who was from =yoness. Erom
3rt ?ell )ec %C, >CC*. Predictions for >CCB. 3 man predictsF Pope dies in Ee# ,he loo"ed sic"ly in
his end of 9an CB visit to Cu#a., 5eltsin will die in Ee#, $illary has China relations, C Dua"e in C3
on -ay %%. 3nother man predicts B'C Dua"e in C3. 7ne woman predicts the deepening gap
#etween men and women. 3 man predicts a goodyear #limp will crash on a #ase#all field.
PredictionF !dgar Cayce predicted the $all of /ecords #eneath the Sphinx would #e found and
opened. 6t is supposed to contain the true history of the human race. Cayce says the Sphinx #uilt
around >0,&00 ?C #y survivors of 3tlantis. 3 psychic on -ontel 1illiams show ,7ct %>, >CC*. said
we are very close to curing dia#etes, and in >CCB, we will #e a#le to test for all "inds of cancer.
/o#ert G1 says CB will #e a #ad year. !d )ames also says CB will #e a #ad year, where the sun
will send a precursor magnetic pulse which will "ill some, and cause lots of havoc, #efore the final
pulse comes in 0CC which will "ill A4 of the people on earth. ,7n 3ug %*, a magnetic pulse came
from a far away star. 6t caused some satellites to shut down to protect themselves. No deaths
were seen in the media. $armless levels of x and gamma rays reached the earth0s surface..
9an >CCB
3 guy on the 7prah show tal"s a#out how cows in the 2S are fed ground up entrails of other
cows and can get a #rain disease li"e 9a"o#'Crutsfeld. 9C is a fatal #rain disease, and a disease
with similar symptoms has now #een found in a couple people. 7prah notes she will never eat a
ham#urger again, and a ranching organi<ation in :exas sues her for li#el and damages. 7prah
New moon or#iter ,=unar Prospecter. arrives at the moon to continue mapping it.
9an %, >CCB
No snow here in southwestern -6 with a high temperature of a#out &0 E. G!/5 2N2S23=. ;?ird
flu; "ills & in $ong @ong. :his is a mysterious new flu, and scientists don0t "now how it is
transmitted from #irds to humans, #ut it is #elieved it originates with #irds. ?y 9an &, China is
"illing > millionM chic"ens in $ong @ong.
9an C, >CCB
3 massive ice storm hits New 5or" and eastern Canada. 6n Canada alone, million without
electricity. 6t ta"es 4M wee"s to restore power to everyone #ecause more ice storms "eep
9an >&, >CCB
Scientists transplant a mon"ey0s head onto another mon"ey0s #ody. 6t only survived a few hours.
9an >C, >CCB
$ospitals in the ?ay area in California are filled to capacity with victims of some virulent new flu.
,Called the Sydney flu.. $ospitals are turning away non'emergency patients, CA>0 of emergency
rooms are closed. Same in Pennsylvania.
9an %4, >CCB
3#out (O of mule deer in !stes Par", Colorado appear to have a disease li"e mad'cow disease.
$unters must turn in the heads of deer to #e tested #y the )N/. 6f the deer have the disease
,also called 0wasting disease0. then the meat must #e thrown away.
9an'Ee#, >CCB
PredictionF 3 remote viewer, -a8 !d )ames, says the companion to $ale'?opp is an artificial
cylinder carrying plant pathogens. :he pathogens will hit earth a#out 9an >CCB, and may destroy
up to B0O of the human population, most in undeveloped countries. -any religions will #elieve
this to #e 1ormwood. ,Per See /ev B for the #i#le passage a#out
1ormwood. ;3nd the seventh seal was opened... and a great star fell from the s"y and turned >A
of the waters #itter. >A of the animals died...; mentions that ;Cherno#yl; ,the nuclear reactor that
had a meltdown in /ussia. in 2"raine means ;wormwood;. 7thers thin" this may reference the
Cassini pro#e, which carries *% l#s of deadly plutonium. > microgram inhaled in a person0s lungs
is enough to cause malignant cancer.
Ee# >0, >CCB
?ovine Spongiform !ncephalitis, a >00O fatal #rain disease for cattle, is shown to #e an entirely
new pathogen. 6t is not a virus, not a #acteria, #ut a new class of pathogen called a prion. 3 prion
is not a cell, so it has no )N3, so the #ody can0t attac" it. 6t is 8ust a protein which has the same
ma"eup of other proteins in the #ody, it 8ust has a different shape. 1hen it contacts other of the
#ody0s proteins, it converts them to the 0#ad0 protein, i.e. a prion. :hese prions destroy #rain
tissue leaving gaping holes in the victim0s #rain. :hus the name 0spongiform0, meaning ;li"e a
sponge.; :here is no cure for ?S!, or the human'related disease, Crutsfeld'9a"o# disease, or
CE), which affects people in a very similar way. 6t cannot #e harmed #y coo"ing, free<ing, or
acids. See httpFAAwww.p#s.orgAwg#hAnovaAmadcowA, it was a Nova special called ;:he ?rain
Ee# >, >CCB
$ong @ong reports over % million people starved to death in North @orea, that is >0O of the
population. /eports are that grain from relief organi<ations failed to reach the people and instead
stayed in the hands of politicians and the military.
Ee# >, >CCB
3 fatal parasitic disease transmitted #y a female sandfly has affected more than %&00 people in
!thiopia, !ritrea, and Sudan, #etween 7ct >CC* and )ecem#er >CC*. :his is a rise of 4CO over
the same time period from the previous year. :he disease is called visceral leishmaniasis. ,Erom
Nuic"ening News..
-ar >CCB
PredictionF ;-ass )reams of the Euture; #y Chet ?. Snow, Ph) predicts chun"s of S. California
drop into the ocean, -t. Eu8iyama erupts. ,)id not happen..
!d )ames predicts the spread of disease, such as ?ovine 3ids, will "ill many #a#ies ,children0s
immune systems aren0t fully developed until age 4., and cause a worldwide economic collapse.
!d also predicts a massive solar event "ills A4 of life on the planet. )ames also says a hollow
cylindar, from $ale'?opp, will fall in eDuatorial 3frica releasing a plant pathogen. 6t will not affect
Chlorella, an algae which could #e used as food. )ames says B0'B&O of people will die. :his
event should #e over in less than >0 years. Gery cold and wet weather ,predicted #y )ames and
3dachi via Nostradamus. could contri#ute to a lot of #ronchitis and pneumonia, which could very
well "ill many small children. ,)id not happen..
:=) -inistries says a giant flaming #all will come from God to cleanse the earth. :hey don0t say
-ar >C, >CCB
3ssociated Press, 0A>BACB %>F>( =7N)7N ,3P. ' 3 tu#erculosis epidemic is out of control in
many countries and unless action is ta"en nearly > #illion more people will #ecome infected and
*0 million will die in the next two decades, the 1orld $ealth 7rgani<ation says.
-ar %4, >CCB
>> and > year old #oys open fire on a school yard full of "ids, "illing & "ids and a teacher. =inda
$owe on the 3rt ?ell show descri#es another fish "ill disease in Elorida. 6t is thought to #e caused
#y a close cousin of Pfeisteria, another dinoflagellate. Sudan in 3frica heading for another ma8or
famine. 7P!C is considering lowering oil production, which will raise gas prices.
3pril >CCB
Cydonia region imaged #y -ars mapper. 3 picture of the face was ta"en with light at the opposite
side of the area, and it does not loo" artificial.
3pr >, >CCB
3rt ?ell received several faxes a#out a press release from the Gatican a#out !:s. Eather ?alducci
of the Gatican reportsF !: existence cannot #e dou#tedJ one true statement is ;this phenomena
does exist.;
3pr %%, >CCB
-t. Popocatepetl near -exico City, started spewing smo"e and ash. 6t is 4& miles east of -exico
-ay >CCB
PredictionF Several volcanoes erupt, sending tons of #lac" ash into the air, causing dar"ness,
#lac" rain, crop damage. See Nostradamus. 6nterestingly, this agrees with the progression
hypnosis done #y )r. Chet Snow in ;-ass )reams of the Euture.; :his #lac"out could cause a
great decrease in temperature, there#y "illing many crops in the 2S and around the world. !d
)ames also mentions #ig pro#lems with a food shortage in the 2S. ,)id not happen. 3ctually it is
happening in 9uly. Crops are dying due to drought and heat. B( counties in :+ and 7@, the crops
are declared total losses..
-ay %%, >CCB
PredictionF 3 guy on 3rt ?ell predicts a C Dua"e in California. ,Never happened.. 6n central ?olivia,
a (.( earthDua"e happened. Erom!G!N:SACBR!G!N:S.html .
-ay >, >CCB
Grand /apids, -6. B0'C0 mph winds "noc" out power for B0,000 people in the G/ area. 2p to
(00,000 people in -ichigan without power. 6n 1al"er, -6, N1 of Grand /apids, stores are
collapsed, windows are #lown out, from >%0 mph winds, #ut no tornado was spotted. :his was
8ust from straight line winds. 6n -us"egon, -6, &0O of mo#ile homes in a par" were destroyed or
flipped over. 3 weatherman said #ecause of the way the storm front formed, it forced the 8et
stream down to ground level, creating the high winds. !d )ames predicted this earlier in >CC*.
9un %4, >CCB
:he last picture of % new satellites around -ercury were ta"en #y the S7$7 satellite, #efore
S7$7 experienced a C0 day shut down. -illenium Group
9uly >CCB
)S> )eep Space > mission to launch. 6t will fly #y an asteroid, a comet, and -ars.
httpAAnmp.8pl.nasa.govAElightsA. PredictionF !d )ames on 9an 0, >CC*, said a glo#al economic
collapse will #egin in mid >CCB. Sean )avid -orton predicts earthDua"e in 1yoming, 6daho area
9ul &'%0. 3n astrologer on Gordon Scallion0s we# site predicts ma8or earthDua"es on 9ul >*'>B,
and 9ul %'%4. ,:rue, see 9ul %0, >CCB..
9uly 4, >CCB
9apanese launch -ars mission, which pro#e was renamed $ope. :he pro#e is called Planet'?
and will study the motion and structure of the upper atmosphere. 6t will study the magnetosphere,
and plasma in the atmosphere.
See here.
9uly >0, >CCB
9a"arta, 6ndonesia, -t. -erapi starts spewing smo"e.
9uly %0, >CCB
3 *.0 earthDua"e off the coast of Papua New Guinea then caused a tsunami, up to 4B feet high,
which swept inland up to % "m, which "illed (000M people. %00 school children were on holiday
and were swept out to sea, all are feared dead. 4 villages were totally destroyed.
3ug >CCB
PredictionF Sean )avid -orton ,S)-. says )ow 9ones 6nd. 3vg #rea"s >0,000. ,Never
happened.. 6n rd wee", China'Clinton crisis comes to a head. 7n 3ug >*, Clinton testified that
he did have a relationship with =ewins"y and that it was wrong. ?ut the media really softened up
this whole revelation. =ater, the Starr report was released to the 6nternet. $uge flood happens in
1uhan, China where di"es on the 5angt<e river #rea", "illing %000M people. :he flood is heading
for China0s oil fields. ?om# goes off in % 2S em#assies in 3frica within & minutes of each other,
(0 ppl "illed. 3 suspect is caught, and he is from Pa"istan. 3ll non'essential 2S personnel are
leaving Pa"istan.
3ug B, >CCB
)id 6 tell you that 6 got a msg from a =ady who wor"s for Gordon -ichael Scallion4 She said that
three volcanoes will #low at the same time ' Eu8i ' Grandfather -ountain ' #etween 3ustralia and
New Ieland ' and -t. St. $elens to instigate the coming rapid and repetitive earth changes. :his
is to happen, according to her, supposedly, #etween 3ug %&th and 3ug %Cth of this year ,>CCB..
Sep >, >CCB
!d )ames Still says Clinton will not complete his term as president.
Sep >>, >CCB
Starr releases his initial report to the internet. See and
Sep >4, >CCB
Starr report released to internet.
Sep %>, >CCB
Clinton Grand 9ury video released to internet. 3lso, >B more pages of the Starr supporting
materials was released.
Sep %*, >CCB
PredictionF S)- says end of %00 year M * year grace period for 2S as a country. $e doesn0t
mention any effects. 3#out this time in @osovo, Ser#s massacre >& civilians, men, women, and
children. :hey cut their throats and mutilated their #odies. :he 2N is still vacillating on what to do.
See CNN. 3lso, more Starr documents released, along with Clinton Grand 9ury video, to the
internet. :he people can see for themselves as Clinton Dui##les over details and de#ates the
meaning of ;is; and ;alone;.
7ct %, >CCB
-ore Starr documents, a#out the Clinton investigation, to #e released today.
7ct >(, >CCB
PredictionF S)- says start of downward trend for stoc" mar"et. ?ut this is not :$! crash.
Nov >CCB
PredictionF ??C says earth will get hit #y more meteorites which could "noc" out some satellites.
6s this the :aurid shower S)- mentions4 3nother article at httpFAAwww.anomalous'
images.comAnewsAnews>C4.html says this is the =eonid meteor shower from the tail of a comet
and will happen on the night of Nov >*.
Nov %0, >CCB
Erom S"ywatch 6nternational, Posted on internetF Su#8ectF $7S:6=! C/3E: $!3)6NG 72/
)ear =ist -em#ers,
6 have 8ust ta"en a phone call at my home on my !x )irectory num#er at >CF>& %0A>>ACB from a
woman who has stated there is a space vehicle or station on its way from the Pegasus star
system heading for !arth, the woman stated that the information has come from the Pentagon #y
what she descri#ed as a highly relia#le source. Pentagon officials are treating this as $ostile.
:$! P/!S2-!) )3:! E7/ C7N:3C: $3S ?!!N G6G!N 3S )!C!-?!/ (:$ ,*th. >CCB.
,Could this #e )ec %00*4.
)ec *, >CCB
Strange symmetrical rings of weather appear on weather radar in 3ri<ona ,:urret -tn, a"a 1hite
$orse. and :exas ,3marillo.. See httpFAAwww.enterprisemission.comA 3lso 3 strange
fire#all was also seen at :urret -tn today. See here.
)ec >*, >CCB
Cows in N! -ichigan are Duarantined to prevent the spread of #ovine tu#erculosis. :his includes
the area east of 6*& and north of -&&.
9an >CCC
)eep Space % launch date. )S% will penetrate -ars0 surface. httpAAnmp.8pl.nasa.govAElightsA
Ee# %>, >CCC
PredictionF S)- says "ingdom of heaven comes to earth. :his 8ust means a shift of
consciousness, will to #e free, spiritual awa"ening.
-ar >CCC
-ars Surveyor to #egin detailed mapping of -ars. 6t was delayed > year from -ar >CCB.
3pril >CCC
!d )ames on 3rt ?ell ,Nov %*, >CC*. says the #ig flash of radiation from the sun will hit earth,
"illing B0O of humans on earth. :his could also #e the year %0>% event, #ecause he couldn0t
remote view in those years.
3pr %0F :wo students open file at Colum#ine $igh School near )enver, C7, and "ill >4 students,
plus themselves. % wounded.
-ay &, >CCC
Palestine says they will create their own state from a section of 6srael.
9ul >CCC
PredictionF Nostradamus ,httpFAAwww.dreamscape.comAmorganaAnosproph.htm. predicts war then
a new tyrant coming from the east ,;$e will #ring #ac" to life the great "ing of the -ongols
,Ghengis @han..;. S)- says related to war or incident #etween 6ndia and Pa"istan. $e says
;"ing of terror; will return. Could this #e a comet4 11 4
9ul 4, >CCC
PredictionF says 11 666 will start on this day with /ussia and 6ran sending nu"es to western
!urope. ,:his is pro#a#ly one of the /ussian splinter groups that had stolen porta#le nu"es
around >CC(. 7r it could #e 5ugoslavia sending missiles to western !urope..
3ug %, >CCC
-ar"s (((th day after launch of Cassini pro#e, carrying deadly plutonium as its fuel.
3ug >>, >CCC
Stefan Paulus interprets Nostradamus to say that we will discover a comet near the sun during a
solar eclipse. Part of the tail of the comet will hit the earth, causing 00 ft tidal waves on average,
in Sep >CCC. 6n /evelations, some passages actually sound li"e comets hitting the earth. ,7r
large explosions from items falling from the s"y. 6n the part a#out opening the * seals, in /ev B..
,See also 1illiam $enry on 3rt ?ell, >'&'CB..
Sept, >CCC
PredictionF Stefan Paulus interprets Nostradamus as saying we will discover a comet #ehind or
near the sun during a total solar eclipse on 3ug >>, >CCC. :his comet will pass close #y on earth,
and a fragment from the tail, >A4 mile wide, will hit the earth in Sept >CCC causing 00 ft tidal
waves on average. 3dachi also predicts Duatrain +'*% predicts something could happen in Sept
,used to #e *th month. or 9uly >CCC.
Sep %0, >CCC
PredictionF -ystery ?a#ylon says this will #e the )ay of 9udgment.
7ct >, >CCC
PredictionF S)- predicts gov0t computers will shut down #ecause the federal 2S fiscal year
#egins today.
)ec %0, >CCC
PredictionF Peter Gersten says this is the day an alien ship will align itself #etween -ars and
9upiter. 2ltimate Secret
)ec >, >CCC
PredictionF Collier says something 0really weird0 will happen when world leaders meet at the Gi<a
PredictionF Collier says New 5or" will cease to exist. 3ge of 3Duarious #egins. 3n air sign
signified #y revolution, inventions, humanitarianism, a#stract. >> year solar cycle expected to
pea" #etween %000 and %00>. Solar flares are more pro#a#le in the eDuinox months ,-ar and
Sept.. See 3strology cheat sheet.
9an >, %000
PredictionF N733 Space !nvironment Center predicts a ;huge storm; which will affect satellites.
:his would #e the pea" of solar cycle %. See here.
3pr >, %000
Pea" of solar activity #egins. 6t will last from a#out 3pril to 7ct %000. Per Space !nvironment
Center. :his could interrupt communications ,radio, :G, shortwave., GPS, and even cause power
outages, li"e the one in Nue#ec a#out >CC0. 6.e. it was caused #y a solar storm.
-ay &' >0, %000
PredictionF Nostradamus ,httpFAAwww.dreamscape.comAmorganaAnosproph.htm. predicts a great
earthDua"e. httpAAmem#ers.aa.netA PgwoilerAendtimeAwarnings.htm predicts planetary alignment
will have the most gravitational pull on earth on this day, causing all sorts of havoc, earthDua"es,
weather changes, volcanos. Erom the #oo" ;9upiter !ffect;. S)- predicts huge stoc" mar"et
9un, %000
PredictionF !d )ames on 9un >4, >CC( 3rt ?ell show, says extremely high winds will hurt crops
growing and #low #uildings down. 6t will start #etween now and %00%.
)ec %&, %000
Pope 9ohn Paul %0s diary says 9esus will come again.
PredictionF Collier says Southern California will exist only as eight islands.
3ug B'>%, %00
3ndromedans say all !:s must #e out of earth, the moon, and -ars #y this date. 3t least *B
races have agreed to enforce this issue. Per Collier. :his is also the date ?iele" says the earth0s
#io mag field pea"s. Strange things can happen on this date.
9un ' 7ct %00
3ndromedans say one day we may wa"e up and the moon will no longer #e there.
9ul %00
3ndromedans say possi#ility of magnetic pole shift. :his will cause animals to #e lost ,li"e
pigeons, whales, etc.. Since a#out >CC> many whales have #een #eaching themselves at
#eaches around the world. 9an >CCBF over >00 dolphins #each themselves and die on the
#eaches of Gene<uela. !xperts say this is the largest #eaching yet.
3ug >%, %00
!arth0s magnetic field pea"s, per 3l ?iele". ?ut scientists say the earth0s magnetic field is slowly
wea"ening, possi#ly accounting for #eached whales, and pigeons who can0t find their way home.
%00*' %00C
3ndromedans say we will have a >* degree pole shift with Saudi 3ra#ia #ecoming the new north
%0>0' %0>& ,no longer in service. says the earth0s crust will slip again, moving North
3merica up &'4& degrees. :his theory first proposed #y !instein. Geological strata ,li"e near the
3tlantic ridge. clearly show the earths magnetic poles have shifted several times in the past.
Catholic prophecies from ('*th centuries also mention this as does Swami 5oganandi.
S)- says earthDua"e divides C3 into an island. ('%'CB 3rt ?ell show.
%0>%' %0>
Steven Gi##s in Strange -ag tal"s a#out time travel and how during the -ontau" pro8ect,
scientists couldn0t travel to %0>% or %0>. ?ut when they travelled two days after %0>, they found
all life on the planet was gone and cities were in ruins. $e did not say if there was any evidence
of wars, nuclear destruction, etc.
)ec %, %0>%
!nd of -aya calendar. Supposedly the end of the world.,(. 7r a ma8or transformation4
Collier says #y this time everyone will #e fully telepathic. Sitchin says the >%th planet Ni#iru will
#e close to earth and -ars. ?erger Eunds ,httpAAwww.#ergerfunds.comA. had a graph of the )963
in it0s annual report on )ec >0, >CC*. 6t showed that the )ow would continue upwards through the
year %0> #ecause of #a#y #oomer spending ha#its, then drop a#out 0O over the course of the
year in %0>.
%0>' %0>B
S)- says 2S fights war with China
)ec , %0>
Collier says rd density will cease to exist.
:he year the greys will initiali<e ;the transition; which means full contact. Per a grandson of a
military man who retrieved an alien who survived a /oswell 2E7 crash. =etter from 3rt ?ell Show.
Sep %0, >CCC
PredictionF CNN says a mile wide asteroid will come within 0,000 miles of the earth, considered
a near miss. httpFAAwww.cnn.comA:!C$AspaceACB0A>>AasteroidAindex.html
3ge of Capricorn #egins. See 3strology cheat sheet.

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