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Dumping XBOX 360 NAND

Prepare TIAO 360 USB SPI Interface

First, download and install Microchip USB package.
After you have it installed, you should have a menu created something like: MicroChip -
>MCHPFSUSB v1.3 in your windows menu bar. Please also remember the install location of
this package, as you need to install drivers later. Reboot your machine.
Now, open the TIAO 360 USB SPI interface package, use the jumper to short the BL pins as
shown below:

Set interface in bootloader mode
Then, connect it to your PC using a mini USB cable (comes with almost all digital camera):

Connect to PC
You will see the PWR light is on, and you should also hear a beep from you pc indicating a
new hardware is found.
Following the following screens to install MiroChip USB Driver:

Found new hardware wizard

Select a specific location for the deriver

Select the MicroChip USB Driver
The driver is located in your MicroChip USB package installation, as shown in above picture.

Driver specified
After you have specified the location of microchip driver, click Next to install the driver.
Once your driver is installed, unplug the USB cable, and re-plug it in, then run PDFSUSB.exe
to load the firmware to PIC:

Run PDFSUSB to load the firmware
Run the PDFSUSB tool from your start menu. Select the only option in the drop down menu
and click load HEX button:

Load HEX file
Browse to where you unzipped PICFLASH_v3b_plus2 and select file: PICFLASH.hex:

Load HEX file
Then, click "Program Device" button:

Flash device
If no errors, you have successfully programmed the PIC.
Now, disconnect the 360 USB SPI interface board from your PC by unplug the USB cable,
then disable bootloader mode by replacing the jumper to the bottom:

Disable bootloader mode
Then, plug the interface back to your USB, you will see the LED is on again and Windows
found new hardware wizard should come up:

Normal mode ON

Found new hardware wizard

Select a specific location for the deriver
Then browse to the location where you unzipped NANDPro2d:

Select NANDPro driver
Then click next to install the driver.
After the driver is installed, you should have Memory Access installed:

NANDPro driver installed
Now, you have your TIAO 360 USB SPI interface ready.

Connect the USB SPI Interface to XBOX 360
This step is easy, make sure the interface board is disconnected from your PC and of course
no power to you XBOX 360 as well, using the supplied female to female flexible wire to
connect the following:
J1D2 Pin 1 -> J1D2.1 on USB SPI interface board
J1D2 Pin 2 -> J1D2.2
J1D2 Pin 3 -> J1D2.3
J1D2 Pin 4 -> J1D2.4
J1D2 Pin 6 -> GND
J2B1 Pin 5 -> J2B1.5
J2B1 Pin 6 -> J2B1.6
Make sure no short circuits.

Connect all wires
If everything is ok, plug the USB cable to the SPI interface board, then connect the power
adapter to you XBOX 360 but DO NOT turn on it. Just plug the power plug to the wall outlet
and power connector to your xbox 360.
So all the cable connections are ready, you can then following the instruction mentioned in
[here] (start from page 7, 4.Reading out the NAND to page 13) to read the nand and write the
NAND. Make sure to use interface USB, so the command to read NAND is:
nandpro usb: -r16 nandback.bin

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