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9/29/09 1:31 PM Cisco Community Central: The Multimedia Revolution Will Be Mobile

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823 Views 1 Replies Last post: Jul 26, 2009 6:52 PM by Kittur Nagesh
Jul 20, 2009 9:50 AM
The Multimedia Revolution Will Be Mobile
Tags: mobile, 4g, mobile_transformation, mobile_internet

A few weeks ago, from my laptop, I watched Octavia Nasr on Live reporting about Iranian
citizen journalism, a story she covered from Atlanta via her BlackBerry. I continued to witness the
developing story by following Tweeter Change_for_Iran, and citizen photojournalist Tehranreporter at the
news community

If there was ever a doubt that mobile multimedia is the 21
century equivalent of Gutenberg's printing
press, that doubt has been banished by the events unfolding in Iran. Just as the assassination of John F.
Kennedy marked the end of the era of radio news and the beginning of TV news, one could say that the
passing of TV news anchor Walter Cronkite and the events surrounding the Iranian election mark the
beginning of the next era in news mobile multimedia.

As technology opens up multiple avenues of how news is captured and disseminated, distinctions blur
between content and its conduits. And this breakdown in boundaries presents a challenge to service
providers. In the past, operators could differentiate based on unique engineering and experience with
specific kinds of content high quality television or reliable mobile phone calls. Now, success increasingly
depends on enabling subscribers to connect freely with any content, anywhere and on any device.

And make no mistake; it's going to be mobile. As the recent Cisco Visual Networking Index reported,
global mobile data traffic will double every year through 2013, increasing 66 times between 2008 and

Triple- and quadruple-play service offerings are one response to the changing business landscape. And
while today's multi-service offerings are a first attempt at breaking down the content silos, there's no
question that tomorrow's winners will be operators who are today thinking about meeting customers'
demands for ubiquitous access.

When big events happened in the past, we would come together to face them gathered around our TVs.
The new international meeting place is the Internet. What new business models can you envision as we
move into the mobile multimedia news era and 4G rolls out in the coming months and years?
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1. Jul 26, 2009 6:52 PM in response to: Lisa Garza
Re: The Multimedia Revolution Will Be Mobile
Lisa, you hit the nail on the head on several key topics.

Experience: The mobile experience will become richer and enables unprecedented levels of user
generated content and collaboration. 3G Networks are already driving billions of video downloads every
day. 4G will ratchet it up to the next level in terms of both quality and quantity. Soon we will have mobile
compute devices and SmartPhones delivering HD quality video recording. We all know that soon after the
launch of the iPhone 3GS, the number of video uploads on YouTube increased by 400%.

Scale: Billions of people and devices will be part of the mobile network of networks. Machine to machine
communication is expected to challenge the scalability of the mobile networks and promote new
innovative applications. For example, farmers in the California Central Valley are already using soil
sensors with mobile communication to decide on watering schedule and amount. Border patrol sensors
are capable of streaming high definition video upon sensing an intrusion.

Business: Combine the scale and integrated experience, new business models will be developed. Value
chains, as we know, will be disrupted and new ones will blossom. In many instances, new levels of
productivity will also be achieved.

And finally, the mobile revolution transcends any controls governments or dictatorships can enforce, as the
recent events in Iran illustrated. There is no stopping.

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Lisa Garza
5 posts since
Apr 14, 2009
Kittur Nagesh
19 posts since
Jun 2, 2009

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