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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 1, Issue 5, Ma !"1#$ I%%& !'#( ) #(5'

1#* + , !"1#, IJAFRC All Ri-hts Reserved ...$i/afrc$or-
Cric0et %hots Video Retrieval usin- Motion 1ra/ector
Mr. Raju G. Masand
, Mr. Amol A. Bhosle
, Mr. Pavan R. Jaiswal
*VIIT, Pune
VIIT, Pune,
VIIT, Pune.
masand.raju!mail."om ,amola#hosle!mail."om, $avan.jaiswal%&!mail."om
A 2 % 1 R A C 1

1he paper proposes the ne. .a of retrievin- sports videos$ 2roadl there are t.o .as of video
retrieval, one is te3t 4ased video retrieval and other one is content 4ased video retrieval$ 1e3t 4ased
video retrieval also called as ta- 4ased video retrieval$ In te3t 4ased video retrieval videos are
retrieved 4ased on the ta-s assi-ned to them .hile storin-$ In content 4ased video retrieval the videos
are retrieved onl 4ased on the content in the video$ 1his paper proposes ne. .a of video retrieval
4ut it 4elon-s to content 4ased tpe of video retrieval$ 1he sstem retrieves the videos of 4atsman in
cric0et sport$ 1he input to the sstem is s0etch or picture of the ri-ht hand or left hand 4atsman then
user -ives the motion stro0es of the shots .hose videos user .ants to retrieve$ If its a ri-ht hand
4atsman selected then sstem should retrieve the videos of the ri-ht hand 4atsman .ith the relevant
shot motion provided 4 the user and same for left hand 4atsman$ 1he proposed sstem can ease
do.n the comple3ities of traditional te3t and content 4ased video retrieval techni5ues$ 1he proposed
sstem is desi-ned for the cric0et sports video retrieval althou-h it can 4e modified for other sports
Inde3 1erms6 motion capture, cric0et video retrieval, s0etch reco-nition, motion %tro0es, tra/ector,
sports video retrieval, strai-ht drive, cut, on drive, off drive$

I$ I&1R789C1I7&

Mo'ion "a$'ure is 'he $ro"ess o( sam$lin! 'he $os'ure and lo"a'ion in(orma'ion o( a su#je"' over 'ime. The
su#je"' is usuall) a $erson, an animal or a ma"hine. In "ase 'he su#je"' is a $erson or animal, i' is some'imes
re(erred 'o as an *a"'or*. +s$e"iall) in 'he en'er'ainmen' indus'r), mo'ion "a$'ure is also (re,uen'l)
a##revia'ed as *mo"a$* -../.

The 'e"hni"al !oal o( mo'ion "a$'ure is 'o !e' 'he mo'ion da'a o( "er'ain $oin's o( in'eres' on 'he su#je"', so
'ha' ei'her some $arame'ers o( 'he mo'ion 0e.!., s$eed, an!le, dis'an"e, e'".1 "an #e "al"ula'ed or 'he da'a "an
#e used 'o "on'rol or drive some'hin! else. In "ase $arame'ers o( 'he mo'ion are "al"ula'ed, 'he a$$li"a'ion
ma) #e mo'ion anal)sis, s$or's anal)sis, #iome"hani"s, #iod)nami", e'". In "ase 'he da'a is used 'o drive a
"om$u'er !enera'ed 02G1 "hara"'er or a s"ener) 'o mimi" 'he mo'ion, i' is re(erred 'o as anima'ion or visual
s$e"ial e((e"'s 0V341, e'". In "ase 'he da'a is used 'o "on'rol a ma"hine, 'he a$$li"a'ion ma) #e 'ele5sur!er),
'ele5ro#o'i"s, mo'ion (eed#a"6 "on'rol, e'". In "ase 'he da'a is used 'o "on'rol some dis$la)s or some'hin!
else, 'he a$$li"a'ion ma) #e vir'ual reali'), in'era"'ive !ames, vir'ual 'rainin!, vir'ual reha#ili'a'ion, mo'ion
dire"'ed musi", e'".

7sin! mo'ion "a$'ure -8/, a s)s'em will #e develo$ed "a$a#le o( "a$'urin! 'he mo'ion o( a user9s drawn
mo'ion 'raje"'or) over 'he #a'sman ima!e. The s)s'em should "a$'ure 'he drawn mo'ion.

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 5, Ma !"1#$ I%%& !'#( ) #(5'

15" + , !"1#, IJAFRC All Ri-hts Reserved ...$i/afrc$or-
There have #een man) develo$men' in 'he mo'ion "a$'ure domain. There are $len') o( s)s'ems 'ha' "a$'ure
'he mo'ion o( an) human or ma"hine e'". Mo'ion "a$'ure 'e"hnolo!ies s'ar'ed 'o evolve (rom earl) %:9s and
are s'ill "urren' ar' o( 'rend.

As s'a'ed earlier 'here are 'wo wa)s o( video re'rieval 'e;' #ased and "on'en' #ased -./-</ . The $ro$osed
s)s'em "omes under "on'en' #ased video re'rieval !enre. The $a$er $ro$osed 'he new wa) o( video re'rieval
(or "ri"6e' videos. The s)s'em uses man) 'e"hni,ues o( video inde;in! and re'rieval.

II$ R:;A1:8 <7R=

There have #een $len') o( wor6 done in (ield o( mo'ion "a$'ure, 'here are man) mo'ion "a$'ure s)s'ems
develo$ed (or di((eren' domains su"h as =$or's video re'rieval, Mo'ion !amin!, Anima'ion, Game
develo$men', Biome"hani"s and man) more. There have #een man) video re'rieval s)s'ems #ased mo'ion
'raje"'or) also. In -.</ i' re'rieves 'he mo'ion videos #ased on 'he 'raje"'or). I' uses s$heri"al harmoni"s
me'hod (or ma$$in! 'he in$u' ima!e 'o 'he ou'$u' videos.

The s)s'em "onsis's o( 'wo major $ar's> mo'ion en"odin! and mo'ion re'rieval. The main idea is 'o en"ode 'he
mo'ion 'raje"'ories o( 'he ,uer) and 'he "li$s in 'he da'a#ase #) usin! a small se' o( =?s This allows an
e((i"ien' inde;in! o( 'he mo'ions and a (as' re'rieval, #) ma'"hin! 'he =?s "oe((i"ien's o( 'he mo'ions. To
su$$or' "om$le; mo'ion "li$s whi"h "on'ain several a"'ions, we #e!in #) s$li''in! su"h "li$s in'o su#"li$s.
+a"h su#"li$ "on'ains onl) one a"'ion. In our im$lemen'a'ion, 'he se!men'a'ion is done #) lo"a'in! 'he 6e)

The au'hor -.@/ $ro$oses 'he videos re'rieval o( human #od) movemen's su"h as jum$in!, wal6in!, 6i"6in!,
and $un"hin!. I' a""e$'s 'he human #od) ima!e as an in$u' and 'hen as6s 'he user 'o !ive in$u' 'o 'he ima!e
in 'he (orm o( mo'ion 'raje"'or), s)s'em iden'i(ies 'he $ro$er lim# 'o whi"h 'he mo'ion is a$$lied, 'hen
re'rieves 'he videos o( jum$in!, 6i"6in!, e'". 'he s)s'em had around A: B hi' resul's.

Al'hou!h 'he $ro$osed s)s'em #elon!s 'o s$or's video re'rieval domain #u' 'he 'e"hni,ue is new 'o 'he user.

III$ %>%1:M 7V:RVI:<

The $ro$osed s)s'em "onsis's o( in'er(a"e -C/ -D/ -.:/ 'hrou!h .whi"h 'he user will #e a#le 'o draw 'he mo'ion
s'ro6e over 'he ima!e o( ri!h' hand or le(' hand #a'sman. The (irs' 'hin! user has 'o do is sele"' 'he "a'e!or)
o( 'he #a'sman whe'her 'he #a'sman is ri!h' hander or le(' hander 'hen 7ser "an draw di((eren' mo'ion
s'ro6es li6e ='rai!h' drive mo'ion, 2u' sho' mo'ion, on drive mo'ion, o(( drive mo'ion, swee$ sho', e'". The
s)s'em 'hen (inds whi"h mo'ion is !iven 'o 'he #a'sman #ased on 'he 'raje"'or) $rovided #) 'he user. The
main idea is 'o en"ode 'he mo'ion 'raje"'ories o( 'he ,uer) and 'he "li$s in 'he da'a#ase #) usin! a small se' o(
!radien's. This allows an e((i"ien' inde;in! o( 'he mo'ions and a (as' re'rieval, #) ma'"hin! 'he ;5!radien's
and )5!radien's "oe((i"ien's o( 'he mo'ions. To su$$or' "om$le; mo'ion "li$s whi"h "on'ain several a"'ions, i'
#e!ins #) s$li''in! su"h "li$s in'o su# "li$s. +a"h su# "li$ "on'ains onl) one a"'ion. In our im$lemen'a'ion, 'he
se!men'a'ion is done #) lo"a'in! 'he 6e) $oses. Ini'iall) in$u' ima!e is $ar'i'ioned in'o di((eren' $ar's li6e
u$$er #od) $or'ion, lower #od) $or'ion. Then de'ermine whi"h mo'ion is sele"'ed 'hen #ased on 'he sho'
sele"'ion videos will #e (e'"hed (rom 'he da'a#ase. This 'raje"'or) alon! wi'h 'he li# is $ro"essed and #ased
on 'hese videos (rom 'he da'a#ase are re'rieved. Based on 'he 'raje"'ories $rovided (irs' i' is iden'i(ied
whe'her 'he #a'sman is le(' hander or ri!h' hander. Then 'raje"'ories are (ollowed (or 'he a"'ual sho'
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 5, Ma !"1#$ I%%& !'#( ) #(5'

151 + , !"1#, IJAFRC All Ri-hts Reserved ...$i/afrc$or-


3i! no.. $resen's an overview o( s)s'em (ramewor6. The me'hod 'a6es as in$u' raw mo'ion da'a0 Ima!e and
mo'ion Traje"'or)1 and e;'ra"'s meanin!(ul (ea'ures (rom 'he mo'ion 'o $rovide a "om$a"', re$resen'a'ive
s$a"e 'o inde; in'o 'he da'a#ase. +nd users s$e"i() ,ueries as "om#ina'ions o( se,uen"es o( a varie') o(
mo'ion (ea'ures and 'he (ramewor6 re'urns mo'ion videos 'ha' sa'is() 'hese $ro$er'ies. Given a lar!e mo'ion
da'a#ase i' (irs' "om$resses 'he mo'ion da'a #) e;'ra"'in! onl) relevan' 6e) (rames. The mo'ion da'a is
re$resen'ed as a se' o( "urves (or ea"h join' an!le.

A se' o( "andida'e 6e) (rames are sele"'ed whi"h ma$ 'o 'he e;'reme $oin's o( 'hese "urves 'o $rodu"e a
sim$li(ied re$resen'a'ion whi"h a$$ro;ima'es 'he ori!inal "urve wi'hin a reasona#le error 'hreshold. He;', i'
de(ine an e;'ensi#le se' o( mo'ion 6e)s whi"h "hara"'eriIe 'he di((eren' s'ru"'ural, d)nami", and !eome'ri"
$ro$er'ies o( 'he mo'ion over a 'ime window . Ge)s "an #e "om$u'ed dire"'l) (rom 'he mo'ion, or "om$u'ed
usin! o'her 6e)s. Jurin! an o((line $ro"ess, we "om$u'e all 6e) values (or all mo'ions in 'he da'a#ase. Ge)
values ma) #e o( di((eren' da'a5')$es and ma) have ar#i'rar) ran!es. 3or in'ui'ive ,uer) s$e"i(i"a'ion and
e((i"ien' inde;in!, we (irs' de(ine a minimal al$ha#e' (or ea"h 6e). Ge) values are "onver'ed in'o 'his lan!ua!e
'o $o$ula'e a 'ire da'a s'ru"'ure whi"h (a"ili'a'es e((i"ien' mo'ion su#se,uen"e ma'"hin! whi"h is
inde$enden' o( 'he num#er o( mo'ions in 'he da'a#ase.

Fi-ure 1$ Frame.or0
A$ Input interface

The in$u' in'er(a"e o$'s 'he user (or 'he #a'sman ima!e. A('er sele"'in! ima!e i' as6s 'he user 'o !ive mo'ion
s'ro6e over 'he ima!e su"h as "u', on drives, o(( drives, s'rai!h' drives.

2$ 1ra/ector identification and -radient calculation

This module ma'"hes 'he in$u' 'raje"'or) wi'h 'he 'raje"'or) s'ored in 'he da'a#ase. I( 'he 'raje"'or) is
ma'"hed 'hen i's !radien' is "al"ula'ed (or #e''ermen' o( 'he resul's. Gradien' means 'he ra'e o( "han!e o( 'he

C$ Motion detection

Mo'ion de'e"'ion iden'i(ies whi"h mo'ion user has !iven and in a""ordan"e wi'h mo'ion i' re'rieves videos
(rom 'he lar!e se' o( da'a#ase.

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 5, Ma !"1#$ I%%& !'#( ) #(5'

15! + , !"1#, IJAFRC All Ri-hts Reserved ...$i/afrc$or-
=$e"i(i"all) user in$u's 'he ima!e and mo'ion s'ro6e 'hen 'raje"'or) iden'i(i"a'ion is done #ased on 'he
mo'ion ids assi!ned 'o di((eren' sho's. Then 'he ima!e is BinariIed (or $ro"essin! ima!e. Then !radien' o( 'he
'raje"'ories is "al"ula'ed. Gradien' is ra'e o( "han!e o( mo'ion s'ro6e over 4 and K a;is, so 'o de'e"' 'he mo'ion
slo$ !radien' is "al"ula'ed.
Base on 'he !radien' o( 'he mo'ion s'ro6e 'he videos whose !radien' ma'"hes wi'h 'he in$u' ima!e !radien',
'he videos are re'rieved.

V$ ?7< @:7@;: 8RA< %IC= FIA9R:%

The #elow (i!ures !ives 'he sna$sho' o( 'he s)s'em so 'ha' user "an unders'and how 'o $rovide mo'ion
s'ro6e. There are (our 6inds o( mo'ions $ossi#le in 'he s)s'em i.e. ='rai!h' drive, 2u', Fn5drive and F((5drive.
More mo'ions in (u'ure "an #e im$lemen'ed (or "ri"6e' videos.
I( 'he user is new 'hen i' is 'rue 'ha' he has 'o $er(orm some 'rial and error me"hanism 'o iden'i() whi"h
'raje"'or) re'rieves whi"h videos.

%stem snapshots

1$ Input 6 %trai-ht 8rive motion %tro0e
The (i!ure #elow shows 'he le(' hand #a'sman ima!e and ='r'ai!h' drive mo'ion $rovide 'o ima!e.

Fi-ure !$ %trai-ht drive shot
!$ Input 6 Cut motion %tro0e
The (i!ure #elow shows 'he le(' hand #a'sman ima!e and ='r'ai!h' drive mo'ion $rovide 'o ima!e

Fi-ure '$ Cut motion stro0e

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 5, Ma !"1#$ I%%& !'#( ) #(5'

15' + , !"1#, IJAFRC All Ri-hts Reserved ...$i/afrc$or-
'$ Input 6 7ff)drive motion %tro0e

The (i!ure #elow shows 'he le(' hand #a'sman ima!e and ='r'ai!h' drive mo'ion $rovide 'o ima!e.

Fi-ure #$ 7ff drive motion stro0e

#$ Input 6 7n)drive motion %tro0e

The (i!ure #elow shows 'he le(' hand #a'sman ima!e and Fn drive mo'ion $rovide 'o ima!e.

Fi-ure 5$ 7n)drive motion stro0e

VI$ @R:)@R7C:%%I&A, @R7C:%%I&A A&8 I&8:BI&A

A$ @rocessin-

The im$or'an' $ar' in 'he s)s'em develo$men' is ima!e $re5$ro"essin! and 'hen $ro"essin!. Pre5$ro"essin!
involves "onversion o( in$u' ima!e in'o !ra) s"ale ima!e or in'o #inariIed ima!e. =o #e(ore develo$men' o(
'he s)s'em 'he ima!e should #e "onver'ed in'o #inar) (orm, also videos should #e $rimaril) #inariIed and
s'ored in'o da'a#ase. In $ro"essin! $ar' 'he in$u' ima!e 'raje"'or) is a",uired and s'ored in <J arra) 'hen
'hose 'raje"'ories are "om$ared wi'h 'he res$e"'ive 'raje"'ories o( 'he s'ored videos. The 'raje"'or)
a",uisi'ion is usin! +u"lidian dis'an"e. The +u"lidian dis'an"e hel$s in iden'i()in! sho' and 'hen 'raje"'ories.

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 5, Ma !"1#$ I%%& !'#( ) #(5'

15# + , !"1#, IJAFRC All Ri-hts Reserved ...$i/afrc$or-
2$ Inde3in-

The inde;in! is one o( 'he im$or'an' s'e$s in video re'rieval. The ra'e o( re'rieval man) 'imes de$ends u$on
'he inde;in! 'e"hni,ue -&/ 'ha' is used (or video s'ora!e. i' is ver) im$or'an' 'o s'ru"'ure da'a#ase -@/
o'herwise re'rieval 'a6es mu"h 'ime. The s)s'em "an #e desi!ned 'o use B,BL 'rees, An'i$ole 'ree -.8/, e'". as
a' leas' an) one o( 'he inde;in! 'e"hni,ue should #e a$$lied.

VII$ %>%1:M A;A7RI1?M

Input 6 Ima!e wi'h sho' 'raje"'or)
7utput 6 videos "onsis'in! o( 'he same mo'ion s'ro6e !iven in in$u'.


1. Ba'sman !enre sele"'ion0Ri!h' handerM Ne(' ?ander1
2. Provide mo'ion ='ro6es 'o 'he sele"'ed ima!e
3. A",uire 'he drawn 'raje"'or) and save i's "o5ordina'e ve"'ors.
4. To (ind min. Jis'an"e (or lim#s - +u"lidean dis'an"e me'hod /
5. Je'ermine 'he sho' inde; (or 'he 'raje"'or).
6. Traje"'or) ma$$in!
7. Gradien' "al"ula'ions >
2al"ula'e 'he dire"'ional !radien' o( 'he 'raje"'or) alon! 'he "o5ordina'e a;es.
i1 The ra'e o( "han!e in 'he s$a'ial dimension is "al"ula'ed alon! 'he a;es.
ii1 A#ove value is "onver'ed in'o dis"re'e (orm (or 'he "om$arison $ur$ose.
8. Gradien' ma$$in! and "orrela'ion0#inarisa'ion and
Ra'e o( "han!e o( !radien'1 i.e. The "o5rela'ion #e'ween 'he inde;ed !radien' and 'he "urren'
'raje"'or) is "al"ula'ed.
9. Based on 'he ma'"h #e'ween 'he a#ove 'wo "om$onen's, ran6 is assi!ned 'o 'he videos.
10. Video re'rieval usin! inde;es.
VIII$ C7&C;9%I7&, 8I%C9%%I7& A&8 F919R: %C7@:

As 'he video "on'en' is in"reasin! da) #) da) 'here is a s'ron! re,uiremen' (or 'he 'e"hni,ues whi"h "an !ive
e((i"ien' re'rieval. The $a$er $ro$oses 'he e((e"'ive 'e"hni,ue (or 'he s$or's video re'rieval. The s)s'em "an
'a6e ima!e as a in$u' #ased on 'ha' ri!h' hander or le(' hander #a'sman. 7$on $rovidin! mo'ion s'ro6es 'he
s)s'em should re'rieve 'he videos ma'"hin! 'he 'raje"'ories $rovided in in$u' ima!e. This will #e ver) new
wa) o( video re'rieval in ima!e $ro"essin! domain. The s)s'em should re'rieve (our 6inds o( mo'ions videos
su"h as "u' sho', s'rai!h' drive, on drive, o(( drive. 3ur'her s)s'em "an #e used 'o re'rieve videos su"h as
swee$, reverse swee$, u$$er "u', and o'her lo('ed sho's. In (u'ure s)s'em "an #e used (or 'ennis $la), (oo'#all,
e'" s$or's.

IB$ R+3+R+H2+=

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 5, Ma !"1#$ I%%& !'#( ) #(5'

155 + , !"1#, IJAFRC All Ri-hts Reserved ...$i/afrc$or-
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2om$u'er Gra$hi"s, Vol. .%, HF. &, Ma) <:.<

-.@/ Raju Masand, Avinash Bhu'e, RMo'ion Re'rieval 7sin! Mo'ion ='ro6es over 2hara"'er =6e'"h,
In'erna'ional Journal o( +n!ineerin! Trends and Te"hnolo!) 0IJ+TT1 , volume & num#er @ 5
<:.@0Hovem#er edi'ion1 $a!e no..&.5.&% , I==H > <<@.5&@%.

-.8/ Jomeni"o 2an'one, Al(redo 3erro, Al(redo Pulviren'i, Jie!o Re(or!ia'o Re"u$ero, and Jennis =hasha,
An'i$ole Tree Inde;in! 'o =u$$or' Ran!e =ear"h and G5Heares' Hei!h#or =ear"h in Me'ri" =$a"es,
I+++ 'ransa"'ions on 6nowled!e and da'a en!ineerin!, vol. .C, no. 8, a$ril <::&.

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