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e.v.e HUD v3.42 (02.04.2014)

Created by: Sinders (
Steam Group:
How to install
Inside the archive you'll find a folder called "eve hud". Move it to the followi
ng location:
- Windows:
~\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom
- Mac:
~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom
- Linux:
~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom
How to uninstall
Remove the "eve hud" folder from your "custom" folder.
Crosshairs (created by Broesel) / Aiming Guide
Crosshairs can be enabled by editing the "HudPlayerClass.res" file in "eve hud\r
Change the "visible" property to "1" under the one (or multiple) you want to use
Size and outline can be changed by editing a "font" property.
Available sizes: 12-32. Examples: "crosshair24outline", "crosshair32".
Color can be changed by editing an "fgcolor" property (RGBA).
If a crosshair is not centered, you can fix it by editing "xpos", "ypos", "wide"
and "tall" properties.
Aiming guide can be enabled by setting the "//AimingGuide visibility" property t
o "1".
Hit marker
Hit marker in an additional visual indication around your crosshair that appear
when you hit an enemy.
It can be enabled by editing the "HudDamageAccount.res" file in "eve hud\resourc
Change the "visible" property to "1".
Color can be changed by editing the "fgcolor" property (RGBA).
If the hit marker is not centered, you can fix it by editing "xpos", "ypos", "wi
de" and "tall" properties.
There is one more folder called "overrides". It contains alternative version of
files that will allow you to change various components.
Each override contains "resource" and/or "scripts" folders.
Copy them to the "eve hud" folder.
* how to change a number or a size of kill notifications:
1. Open tf\scripts\hudlayout.res.
2. Search for "##Kill Notifications##".
3. Change following values to your liking:
* "MaxDeathNotices" maximum number of notifications visible at the sam
e time
* "LineHeight" height/size of each notification
* 4:3 fixes this should fix all errors in a 4:3 aspect ratio
* alternative damage colors, sizes, location this will change a color/size/loca
tion of damage values:
* left side/right side
* big/standard
* orange
* pink as hell
* red
* turquoise
* yellow
* alternative Pip-Boy screens this will change a color of the Pip-Boy's build m
* amber
* blue
* disabled use standard build menus
* bigger chat font - increases the font size of chat messages, the server brows
er and the console
* centered ubercharge ubercharge meter will be placed under your crosshair
* health and ammo:
* bigger fonts - increases the font size of your health and ammo
* borders adds a border around player's current health (yes, I made it l
ook like that)
* no animation removes an animation when low on health or ammo
* left align main menu aligns buttons to the left, for frequent console users
* main menu shortcuts - you can enable 6 custom buttons that will instantly con
nect you to selected servers, install the override and add the following command
s to your autoexec.cfg:
alias ServerShortcut1 "connect S
alias ServerShortcut2 "connect S
* no class avatars - removes your class' avatar near your health
* no last damage done you won't see last damage done above your weapon
* prophunt, Saxton hale fix fixes a missing time panel in the prophunt/Saxton H
ale game mode
* scoreboards:
* 24p scoreboard (no minmode) disables an alternative scoreboard in minm
* 32p scoreboard (no minmode) allows you to see up to 32 players on the
scoreboard and disables an alternative scoreboard in minmode
* 32p scoreboard (with minmode) allows you to see up to 32 players on th
e scoreboard and you keep an alternative version in minmode

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