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Chapter 1


1.1. Background of The Problem
Needs and progress of time has demanded us to be able to master a foreign language
as a means of communication in this era of globalization. Inclusion of English language
policy as one of the local content subjects in elementary school has received a positive
response from the public. The role of English as a local content subject choice has become
mandatory local content. This can be seen clearly in educational activities in elementary
school, English was given to the students earlier.
One important factor in learning English for children is a teacher who cares about the
needs of their studentsFrom the results of research and practice, suggests that the
implementation of learning english for kids are still many weaknesses and shortcomings. In
addition to the mastery of English language skills and are qualified, teachers must master the
techniques of teaching English to children. The students often feel bored learning English
because they dont know the vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the important factors in
learning English.
To overcome these problems, there is a new teaching techniques for young children is
Alphabet Method. This technique is used to improve the vocabulary mastery of the English
language (vocabulary) through English class fun, cooperative, fun, and exciting. It is
expected that the application of this method alphabet, children are more interested and
motivated to learn English, especially in the mastery of vocabulary. Vocabulary that they
control, will be able to assist them in improving four basic skills English language ie
speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

1.2. Formulation of The Problems
Something that is assumed to be a problem, certainly not enough to just stop the
assumptive question alone without any further discussion on the matter. Because the problem
has a universal scope, it should be limited to the formulas that refer to the issue in question.
The authors restrict the problem in the form of the following question:
What rationale and psychological theories of learning English for early childhood?
How alphabet method uses techniques in improving vocabulary mastery of the English
language early childhood?
1.3. Destinations
For clarity of writing scientific papers, the author has several goals related to the title that
the author adopted are:
1.3.1 To find out the rationale and psychological theories of learning English for young
1.3.2 To explain the use of techniques alphabet method in improving vocabulary mastery
of the English language early childhood

Chapter 2

In this information and globalisasi era, the goverment realize the imfortant of
english language, and the human has the ability in english language, which is in
indonesia still a roreighn language. As the policy plans in the future, the goverment has
published , UU RI N0.2 thn 1989 about the sistem education was followed with the role
of goverment N0. 20 thn 1990 which declase about the developed the human SDM.
The developed humsn in education which is delveloped and incereased the kuality
of ability and skill teacher, student and etc, beside that having the policy is about the
lesson of local content in elementary school, such as : the policy of Depdikbud RI NO
0487/14/1992 Bab VII Which declare that elementary school can add the new lesson in
its curriculum with the regulation. The lesson isnt different in the purpose of the
education nasional. The adding lesson usually has a lesson which is heeded by school
and the people because of that, the lesson local content is very variantion in one place to
another place. The thinkg is seen from having the vernacular lesson and the art lesson.
A year later, this policy is followed by SK Menteri Pendidikan dan Pariwisata N0.
060/U/1993 25th february 1993 about in night be english language program in children is
as one local content lesson. This lesson can be begun in 4 SD in arppoiaded the
In this matter, the meaning of local can be in the provience, regency or city,
subdistrict , even in school local content lesson was actually determined by the policy of
daerah to take care in some things, such as joined pemda , the master of education, the
complier of teaching materials and member of the public. Its also considered the
condition of environment, social and culture , then having the competen teacher of
The policy about the program english language in this elementary school, then it
was managed by some proviences with receiving in the policy too, like as, east java
provience, DIY, centra java and west java, by giving the decree and development
curicullum local content. Head of regional office Dikmas Jawa Timur issued a decree
No. 1702/105/1994 T 30th March 1994 which states that in east Java English subjects
options as a local content lesson turns into a lesson mandatory local content.
This policy is received with positif and large by society, the main by the
elementary school which is needed and be able to show the learning english program. In
proses to developed in some places, english was the added lesson becomes the main
lesson. The curiculum the added lesson, ismt made by the main eurricullum Depdiknas
but it is developed by Depdiknas in provience because of that, curiculum the added
lesson in east java is different with in center java, west java and DIY., even about the
purpose or the material. The thing canbeknown from examine by suyanto, racmawati and
The result of analisi curicullum english as added lesson in school, is one of most
component in teaching english, it is not suitable with developed the child 6-12 thn. The
curricullum the added lessson is ever writeen in four proviences suches, east java, center
java, west java, and DIY. Show the diffences in developed, purpose and the topic. Maybe
the containt and material can be different with what there is in enviroment, while, for the
pupose may be need in considered with the luisdom and condition.
In fact, its show that at the policy is determinred, the creator of policy is doesnt do
analisis in added correctiy. The policy should be determined as like that:
Has the teacher been ready?
That the curriculum or syllabus?
Is the material there?
Although, english in elementary school has been the main lesson and it must not be
taught if ut has been ready, but many school force it self to do this program. Requested
the society , Morcover the perents student want to his children study english like as the
other school. Beside that, there was asked or decision from dipen un that place which
request the school to give the english lesson as added lesson. It makes the english lesson
seen to do carelesy.
In fact the developig new program ( it is taught the english program) Is not easy.
Actually , it needs the true reason to base the program with the basic mind, why english
program is needed to enterned in schools curicullum. The basic mind must be
determined from the developed requested. Such as, is it able to need or as priority to be
balance with other school.
In curtain and pesola opinion (1994), school council and unity of parents need to
give the strong reason and the feal fact. Before school budget and this land program.
English program needs a benefit from language learning, the choices language need to
taught in kind learning activity, it will be use, etc. The basic mind. Whis trush and
planing will be able to help the foreigh language in elementary school.
The other policy need to understand to grouping the lesson, especially in basic and
beginner education. If there is Perda RI N0. 19 Thn 2005 about standart National
education it need tio know how place is the english lesson in elementary school. From
the basic structure and curicullum structure can be seen at pasal 7 ayat 7 that english
lesson in elementary school has been enterned in estetic group. The english lesson is
enterred in added lesson to need the relevan language activity in learning program.
The policies have been determinned in the decicion or rule of goverment has the
hold can be used as basic to develope english lesson in the main, elementary school or
MI. The important base in known for developed and managed the english lesson
program cause the english program is as. Foreighn language for the child is need many
considered from one to another thing.
The policy in 2006 is need we know to connect with added lesson is perda N0. 22
thn 200 tgl 23 mei 2006 . The added lesson has the ekstrakulikuler to develope competen
is determined in special thing and soul the place. The benefit the place which is the
material cant be group in lesson which is had. In policy opinion, subtansi added lesson
is determined by a educationer the other, it is dedared that the part of added lesson is
determined for 2 hours or 2 x 35 minutes., the other it appers in permn that added lesson
is programe in 4,5 and 6 elementary school.
Another policy is in nasiobality like as said in above. There is a policy in regional
and instituational. The policy is like that, it is usually taken by a chief of school after
meeting with staf, teacher of comitte. The added lesson like as english lesson in SD/MI
has the school decion to determine what english is need to give in school if it need. It
begins in part classes and a weak just a little. It if has determined so it is needed a
preparation, suchas a teacher and a material.
The next policy is the role of ministry in nasional education N0. 23 tahun 2006 , it
is about standart kompetensi lulusan to a basic education. Standart Kompetensi Satuan
Pendidikan (SKLSP) is improve in a every purpose of education. the english as added
lesson in SD/MI , user as :
1. Listening
To undersand instruction, information and story . it is explained in oral in class
school and environment,
2. Speaking
To say meaning in oral in interviewed interpersonal and transaksional simply in
instructy and information in class, school and environment.
3. Reading
Read loudly and understand meaning in instruction, short fungsional information
test, and descriptive text is draw simply is said in written in text in class school
and environment.
4. Writting
Write aword expression and short fungsional text in simple with speding and
puctuation well

English lesson in 4
class SD need to deternined for consider is written to know
the base what the basic mind is, lets read teory of psycology the relevan developing and
english lesson is a foreighn language. This is a theory which is said by piaget, vigostsky,
and bruner which is connected with developed a child . theories emphasie the gender a
kognitif developed which is done by child, need social intreravetion and need to help
people to push the child to study.
1. Jean Piaget (1896 1980)
Piaget suggested a developed psychology theory which is related to with kognitif
element. In piaget opinion (1969) a child study from a enuironment with developing,
what has been had and he will be interact, what will be met in their seves they wiil
do action, so that they can solve their problem that is a proses study.
In piaget opinion , all children are a active student. The know ledge is got by
their action id knowledge which is developed by them selves. It doesnt just cheat
the other or it has been possed . a new knowledge is knowledge which has been
activity to creatted by the children them selves. Firstly , it happends with the kngkret
things, then it open in their mind and followed with do a action . next the action is
understood in the step, what is in their mind seen as a thing which is got from a
action, then the mind is developed and the action and childrens knowledge will be
adapted. This is a new thing for child.
The piaget opinion has 4 phases in developed child, such as :
1. Sensorymotor stage, from born until 2 years old
2. Preoperational stage , 2-8 years old
3. Concrete operatioanal stage, 8-11 years old
4. Formal stage , 11-15 years old or more.
The developed phased is not same by every children, it is individual or grup. The
fases can be developed in the same time, but the phase is in every grades, it can be
reached indifferent time, more over , in every knowledges is different too.
In analyze 4 phases developed , we can see which phases children ae it
elemantary in indonesia . it is children 6 -12 year. Of course, they are in the final pre
operational periode stage until cocret operational stage, even in first and formal
stage. So, the children elementary school, they eed to get attention as their class. The
children thingking are developed little by little in developed knowledge and
intelektual skill reached in logical and formal thingking.
In piaget (1963) opinion that the child us developed from active with thing and
environment. Every phases reach a new developed, the is added to be changes,
developed period usually happed in the children at elementary school , so the
language teacher is better worked together with the students, thats way, the teacher
can follow the charateristics and changed their phase kognitif.
At the time, specially in big city indonesia, it has been developed, it is play grop
and kindergarden. It has given english for the child. They is followed it. They need
to have knowledge about developed child.
Until the child reaches 2 years old (sensorymotor intellegence stage) , the
childrens attitude are still motorik. The child doesnt really know the things happed
and the child doesnt think in conceptual. Studying language happeds because there
is intreraction . in added age, it happends developed language and concept quickly.
But, at the time the individual is high too or they are still egosentris. The child also
starts to use logic, but the child still of ten pays attention in one thing. At the time
like as, they can know about color color and shape, but they are still difficult to
compare color and shape in same time.
2. Lev Vygotsky : Zone of proximal Development
Vygotsky theory is known as a theory is a fokus in social factor and it is also
often called as sociocultural theory. In fast, he doesnt emphasize in developed
kognitif individual. It is recogni that first developed language or the mother lanfue at
2 years old is to make a changed in kognitif developed.
Vygotsky is a speislit phychological from russia, he is said that the child is the
active student he has a different thinking with piaget. Aspecially at prosest language
study at the child . theory is developed him to known as theory which is focus at
social factor vygosky believes that social interaction with others, especislly with
adult will rise to get a new ideas and it increases a intelectual developed student.
We must know that language is the aspec for a child to open a change to do a
thing and to arrange information from using word. Because of that we are nor
surprise to often the child to speak in them selves when the child is played alone. It
is often called a privete speech.
The more added age, the children speak their sound is rather less louder, in this
developed , he begins to be able to compare betwen secial speech for other and
private speech for him self ( cameron, 2001) . the children have just niw studied to
speak generally saying one word, actually, one word bring a meaning or the full
massage. When a child called mama he means to say i want to follow mama or
i want to fed by mamaif the time is coming , yhe language skill for child will be
developed yhen he is communication will use language in good word. In the
biologist developed , thingking and still language a child they will use some word or
short sentence when the use their mind. By the skill sepak in the heart or just in the
mind in the child.
The developed and proces of studying language happed in a conteks social, like
as in in the cpmumunitas which is full a person in interaction with the child. The
people are beside in the children. It is important factor to help them to study in
using language. The child is active student who is life beside the other for this born.
From social interaction , the adult does as motivator in the childs world. The
children can do and understand the more knowledge then they study themselvess,
because the adult is help.
If we understand piaget theory so we will understand that there is differences
betwen in two theory. Piaget was said that the child is a acive student, he is busy
with the thing in beside him. If a child cant do something, so he doesnt reach in
developed phased to do that. The vogotsky was said, that the children are more focus
in social interaction which can help a child faster study using language.
One of example is given by vygosky, whan a child used spoon to take his food,
taht child may be able to tale a food with sppon, then he enter in his mounth. But, he
may, not be able to neally taking full the foof with spoon, maybe he just take the
food in top of spoon. In this problem, the helping for the adult will be really neede.
Like as, with holding a childs hand guide how to using spoon, so the spoon can be
full. In this problem, the child is together with the adult (maybe mother the other
sister or his teacher) to get a knowledge. Firstly, the child cant it by hilself. The
child can get a training how to using spoon to eating in true step.
In vygotsky opinion, the adult can help the child with some methods. While
teach to do something, he also can be thrifty the childs time . who is studying, he
avoids the bad things for the child. The adults help actually push the child to easier
reach a developed child area which is knownas zona of procimal developmennt
(zpd) the perents know to help what shout be given for the child to do some action.
Because the perents often accompany the child everyday. Bacause of that , english
teacher which is competent and creatif should be able to help his student with some
method in his class, with the total student is many and with ZPD whis is different.
The mind and vygosky method which is social aspect in study proses. It is azpd a
concept. The teacher has 2 developed phase, like as fase actual developed and
potensial developed . developed phase is ability to help the other.
Actually , there is 3 main thing which is emphasize be vygotsky in arends
(1998), the 3 thing is such as :
1. Thingking ability (intelectual) is developed when a person is haped at new
wxperience, new ideas, and problem, then it is connected what has been known
in the past (prior knowledge).
2. Interaction with other will motivate a intectual development or thingking methot
child is find a something new.
3. The main cause a teacher is as the good helped to give helped for child in study
The opinion from the specialist psychological the development kognitif is very
important to considered in prepare EYL program, especially in thing how is trick
thingking and work a student and how student gets and processes new information is
got. Vygotsky opinion and the others are importantant to understand teacher if he
can maximaze using some strategi in studying. The opinions, they emphasize the
important actor a prior knowledge in study process. Anther to helpto explain how
people get knowledge and process in intelektual human sistem.
4. Jerome bruner : discovery lerning and scaffolding
Bruner is a specialist psycology which is one of promotor in curriculum
reformation at 50 and 60 centuries. Actully , he doesnt emphasize in important
giving helped for student to understand structure or main idea a knowledge . but , it
involvess student in start studying process, it is very important in lesson time
because it is found him self by the child. ... true learning comes through personal
In bunner opinion that it is important to development kognitif in language the
examines how the adult uses language to communication in fact world for the
children and help them to solve their problem. Speaking with children doing activity
is a haped verbal for them. The activity is moved to class in speaking activity
between teacher and student. The activity is often called as scaffolding to oppose a
studying process student.
In examined, bruner dkk(1976) doing experiment about the mothersand their
child. In fact , the parents can help the childs duties effectively, such as with doing
a. Help a child interested in his duty
b. Simplify the duties, like as with dividing a duty or a short phase
c. Always remind the mean or purpose a duty
d. Show to child nhow is important to done and inform other methods for doing
the parts of duty.
e. Avoid the child from frustation when they do a duty.
f. Demonstrate a idea duty, for example, how to apologize saying go and etc
(camerom, 2001 :8 )
It needs to known that scaffolding can be done by teacher from some methot for
example, teacher can helph the child if he can understand what is taught, like as with
advise method, say how is important thing is taught, remind something giving
example , and etc. All method by bruner is called as the thing is always repeated in
routine. This is a some event which is able to happed scaffolding.
One of example is examine by bruner, when parent red a story for story for a
child when a child was young. In this examine, routine is done everyday at the same
time . unusual, the child sit in feet of his parents with opening a story book which is
picture. Parents and child are together to open page by page . in the first, a child will
ask many question, to father or mother repeat words or sentences while choose
picture in the story book. The child is your, he always tries what is said by father,
mother or the people are beside the child.

Chapter 3

The goverment realize the imfortant of english language, and the human has the
ability in english language, which is in indonesia still a roreighn language. As the policy
plans in the future, the goverment has published , UU RI N0.2 thn 1989 about the sistem
education was followed with the role of goverment N0. 20 thn 1990 which declase about
the developed the human SDM.
The policy of Depdikbud RI NO 0487/14/1992 Bab VII Which declare that
elementary school can add the new lesson in its curriculum with the regulation. The
lesson isnt different in the purpose of the education nasional. The adding lesson usually
has a lesson which is heeded by school and the people because of that, the lesson local
content is very variantion in one place to another place. The thinkg is seen from having
the vernacular lesson and the art lesson.
The policy about the program english language in this elementary school, then it
was managed by some proviences with receiving in the policy too, like as, east java
provience, DIY, centra java and west java, by giving the decree and development
curicullum local content. Head of regional office Dikmas Jawa Timur issued a decree
No. 1702/105/1994 T 30th March 1994 which states that in east Java English subjects
options as a local content lesson turns into a lesson mandatory local content.


Praise author prayed to Almighty God for all His grace and guidance that has been
given to us. Sholawat and greetings as well as keep the authors devote to the Prophet
Muhammad that have guided us. So the author get directions, enlightenment in thinking, and
the authors were able to finish this research report entitled THE POLICY OF LEARNING
This paper is intended to fulfill the task of English language courses. And to bring up
the motivation to everyone to care more about the education that is around. As well as
students are expected to be familiar with art and culture of the various regions in Indonesia
During the preparation of this research report to finish, the author has received
support from all parties. The author would like to express my gratitude to :
1. Nukmatus Sjahriyah S.Pd, M.Pd supervisor as English language courses
2. Parents who have supported the preparation of papers
3. College friends who helped me in completing paper
The author realizes that without the support, encouragement and support from the
people around, it will not be a perfect writer to finish this paper with a good and timely
In this paper may be useful for all those who need it and it is an honor if any criticism
and advice given.

Surabaya, 28
April 2014


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