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Lesson plan

Name: Julian Naranjo Institution: IEM City: Yarumal

Date: May 30
2014 ime: 1 hour Len!th: "0 mins
#ra$e: "th
%!e: 10& 11 Le'el: (e! CE) le'el: %2
Communi*ati'e purpose o+ the lesson: ,y the en$ o+ the lesson
stu$ents -ill ,e a,le to the time an$ to use the *orre*t
preposition o+ time to $o so
/hat s0ills: I -ill pra*ti*e -ith my stu$ents spea0in!& listenin!&
rea$in!& an$ -ritin! s0ills
/hat lan!ua!e: -e -ill use the 'o*a,ulary to !et into the theme an$
the +un*tional e.pressions nee$e$ to $e'elop the topi*1
Compren$o in+orma*i5n ,6si*a so,re temas rela*iona$os
*on mis a*ti'i$a$es *oti$ianas y *on mi entorno1
Compren$o pre!untas y e.presiones orales 7ue se re+ieren a
m8& a mi +amilia& mis ami!os y mi entorno1
Compren$o instru**iones es*ritas para lle'ar a *a,o
a*ti'i$a$es *oti$ianas& personales y a*a$9mi*as
:ue$o e.traer in+orma*i5n !eneral y espe*8+i *a $e un
*orto y es*rito en un len!uaje sen*illo
Des*ri,o *on ora*iones simples mi rutina $iaria y la $e otras
opi*: Daily a*ti'ities
Materials: List any -or0sheets you use an$ pa!es +rom other ,oo0s 3e1!1 Hadfield, J.
1990. Elementary Communication Games. Nelson. Page !.41 In*lu$e *opies o+ your
materials -ith the plan1

:re;i presentation: ellin! the ime


Daily a*ti'ities
'i$eo : http:<<---1youtu,e1*om<-at*h?'@A!0;ne/Llu-
Video transcript: 3Bpen your ,oo0 to pa!e 10C Depeat4 Listen an$ Depeat 3(is41 I
-a0e up E I -ash $ishes E I $ri'e the *ar E I -ash *lothes E I lea'e the house E I !et
$resse$ E I put on ma0eup E I*ise E I !o to sleep E I sha'e my +a*e > I $rin0
*o++ee E I -rite E I -ash my han$s E I *oo0 E I rea$ the ne-spaper E I iron E I ta0e
the ,us E I turn on the li!ht E I !o shoppin! E I ,rush my teeth E I s-eep the +loor E
I ta0e a sho-er E I open the -in$o- E I -at*h tele'ision E I *om, my hair E I eat E
I lo*0 the $oor1
Daily routine: 'i$eo https:<<---1youtu,e1*om<-at*h?'@sIeCl-!D*FY
ime prepositions: 'i$eo https:<<---1youtu,e1*om<-at*h?'@aji:iAeyGLY
Substitution table for the
Subject + verb + time expression
I nee$ to !o on ues$ay
My appointment is at 3:00 pm
Time expression + Subject + verb + complement
Bn ues$ay& I nee$ to !o
In May it is my ,irth$ay
Class profile
My stu$ents ha'e ,een stu$yin! En!lish
sin*e pre>s*hool& they mana!e the num,ers
an$ some e.pressions relate$ to the $aily
routine1 hey li0e to ,e in'ol'e$ in
*hallen!in! situations su*h as those in
-hi*h they ha'e to in+er the tas0 a+ter seen
a series o+ 'i$eos or ha'in! some 0in$ o+
e.planation +rom me1
Ho- this lesson -ill meet their
he pre'ious lesson -as *entre$ in the
num,ers an$ this one is relate$ -ith it ,e*ause
they -ill use them to say the hour *orre*tly&
this lesson is relate$ to the ne.t one -hi*h is
s*he$ule& ,e*ause -e nee$ to $es*ri,e the
0in$ o+ a*ti'ities a person $oes $urin! a re!ular
la,our $ay an$ in or$er to $o so -e -ill nee$
to 0no- the 'o*a,ulary ne*essary to tal0
a,out mornin! rituals an$ to !i'e the hours in
-hi*h these a*ti'ities happen1
Personal aims

he lesson -ill help me in my personal un$erstan$in!

on ho- the ri!ht material -ill lea$ to a +ruit+ul
un$erstan$in! o+ a theme

he use o+ IC in e$u*ation as a 0ey to en!a!e the

stu$ents in my *lasses1 1

/ith this a*ti'ity I -ill put in pra*ti*e the a*7uire$

0no-le$!e in Material Desi!n +or ea*hin! En!lish
)a*e to )a*e an$ in Firtual En'ironments

he theme is relate$ -ith Ethi*s1

Anticipated problems.
Anticipated problems
nclude problems of: !eaning" #orm" Pron"
Planned solutions
The students didn$t %atch the
videos proposed them in the
last session
/e -ill ha'e to -at*h the 'i$eos
in the *lass time an$ e.plain the
*on*epts to them
There is no po%er
I -ill e.plain the *on*epts to them
in the tra$itional -ay
D. :

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