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Multiple Intelligences

Unit Plan Template

EDUC 522
Unit Title: Imperial China Teacher: Corey Meram
Grade Level: Seventh
Su!ect: Social Studies- The Middle Ages Time "rame: Fourteen Days
Compare and Contrast the different
systems of bureaucracy each dynasty
Describe ho officials are selected for
!"plain ho developments in agriculture
led to urbani#ation in china.
Distinguish the importance of Chinese
discoveries and inventions to China and
other civili#ations.
$ecogni#e the influence of Confucius on
Chinese culture.
Compose poetry and literature in the
style of Imperial China.
Techn$l$gies in the unit:
Audio $ecording Sound)its
Microsoft *ord
Microsoft !"cel
Class Forum
Class *ebsite
Digital (ideos
Document Camera
Microsoft !"cel
Microsoft *ord
*eb.uest /.uest ,arden0
C$mm$n C$re standards:
%ist$r&'S$cial Studies ()*
+eading Standards:
1. Identify central ideas of information of a
primary or secondary source2 provide an
accurate summary of the source distinct from
prior +noledge or opinions.
3. Describe ho te"t represents information
/e.g.4 se5uential4 comparatively4 casually0.
6. Integrate visual information /e.g.4 in charts4
graphs4 photographs4 videos4 or maps0 ith
other information in print and digital te"ts.
,riting Standards:
7. -roduce clear and coherent riting in hich
the development4 organi#ation4 and style are
appropriate to tas+4 purpose4 and audience.
8. 9se technology4 including the Internet4 to
produce and publish riting and present the
relationships beteen information and ideas
clearly and efficiently.
Techn$l$g& standards:
-. Creativit& and Inn$vati$n
Students demonstrate creative thin+ing4
construct +noledge4 and develop innovative
products and processes using technology.
a. Apply e"isting +noledge to generate ne
ideas4 products4 or processes.
b. Create original or+s as a means of personal
or group e"pression.
2. C$mmunicati$n and C$lla$rati$n
Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and or+ collaboratively4
including at a distance4 to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact4 Collaborate4 and publish ith peers4
e"perts4 or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media.
b. Communicate information and ideas
effectively to multiple audiences using a variety
of media and formats.
d. Contribute to pro:ect teams to produce
original or+s or solve problems.
/. Critical Thin0ing1 Pr$lem S$lving1 and
Decisi$n Ma0ing.
Students use critical thin+ing s+ills to plan and
conduct research4 manage pro:ects4 solve
problems4 and ma+e informed decisions using
appropriate digital tools and resources.
b. -lan and manage activities to develop a
solution or complete a pro:ect.
c. Collect and analy#e data to identify solutions
and ;or ma+e informed decisions.
(. Techn$l$g& #perati$ns and C$ncepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts4 systems4 and operations.
a. 9nderstand and use technology systems.
b. Select and use applications effectively and
c. Transfer current +noledge to learning of
ne technologies.
Materials: 2digital and n$n)digital3
-Audio $ecording Sound)its
-Class Forum
-Class *ebsite
-Digital (ideos
-Discovery !ducation (ideos
-Document Camera
-Intrapersonal4 (erbal
Intrapersonal4 (erbal
- %inethetic4 (erbal4
-(erbal4 (isual
-(erbal4 (isual
-&ogical4 (isual
-(erbal4 Interpersonal
-Microsoft !"cel
-Microsoft *ord
-*eb.uest /.uest ,arden0
-<ournal 'oteboo+
--aper and *riting 9tensil
-Simple Tools
-Interpersonal4 (erbal
-'aturalist4 (isual
- Interpersonal4 (isual
-(erbal4 (isual
- %inethetic4
Interpersonal4 (erbal4
(isual4 Musical
-&ogical4 'aturalist4
-Musical4 (erbal
-&ogical4 (isual
-(erbal4 Intrapersonal4
-(erbal4 &ogical
-(erbal4 &ogical
Day = > The teacher ill introduce the students to the unit of study?
Imperial China. 9sing ,oogle !arth the class ill e"plore the different
regions of China and ill be shon the imaginary boarders beteen
'orthern and Southern China. As a class4 students ill read from their
te"tboo+s on the different geographic regions of China.
Day 1 > The class ill begin ith the shoing of a short video clip that
outlines the political system of China. Students ill be informed that they
ill begin studying the different imperial dynasties of China. Students ill
be given a or+sheet to help guide them through the seven dynasties. They
ill read about the .in4 @an4 Sui and Tang dynasties and ho they used
Aristocracy or Meritocracy to run the countryAs bureaucracy.
'aturalist4 (erbal4
&ogical4 (erbal4 (isual
Day B > During the outset of this lesson students ill revie ith a partner
hat Aristocracy and Meritocracy are. Student ill then continue to or+
on their or+sheet and learn about the Song4 Cuan and Ming dynasties as
ell as DforeignocracyE /a term I use to refer to rule by foreigners0. At the
end of the lesson students ill blog the differences and similarities
beteen Aristocracy4 Meritocracy4 and DForeignocracy.E They must then4
for homeor+4 respond to one other studentAs blog.
Day 7 > During the first =F minutes of class students ill ta+e a 5ui# on
,oogle Docs on the dynasties of China. After it is completed4 students ill
be bro+en into groups to create a presentation describing hich form of
government they4 as a collective group4 ould prefer to live under that has
been e"plored in this unit. Students ill conduct research and type a short4
one page e"planation. The groups ill then create an audio recording using
,arageband on the classroom i-ads describing their beliefs. These ill
then be published to the classroom ebsite for listening.
Day 3 > The class ill transition into the groth of the Chinese culture
ith the development of ne Agricultural technology. Students ill vie a
video clip /http?;;;atchGvH7y6@goidy"c0 depicting
ho modern4 rural Chinese farm in order to be able to dra comparisons
during the lesson. Students ill listen to a lecture on ne methods and
inventions that alloed for greater production of resources in China.
Students ill then rite a comparison of the to time periods in their
Day 8 > The teacher ill revie ith the class the agricultural
developments learned during the previous lesson. The class ill then
discuss ho advancements in agriculture led to the shift of living in rural
areas to urban centers in China. Students ill use Microsoft !"cel to create
a timeline depicting to concepts. In one side they ill sho the dates in
hich ne techni5ues ere implemented. In the other side they ill sho
the centers of living in China /rural4 start of urbani#ation4 large cities0.
Students ill then print these out and discuss ith a partner hat they
Day 6 > Students ill learn about the urban life of Chinese citi#ens during
the Middle Ages. Students ill complete a *eb.uest describing the urban
centers of China. They ill be learning about the different social groups
that e"ist.
Day J > Students ill be bro+en into groups and ill represent a different
social level in China2 there ill be farmers4 peasants4 merchants4 scholars4
and aristocrats. !ach group ill research their identity and create a video
using iMovie. They ill include hat they learned about their group4 ho
they ere vieed by other social groups4 and ho interactions too+ place
ithin their level and others. Students ill publish their video on Coutube.
Day K > Students ill learn about Confucianism during the lesson. The
teacher ill provide a short lecture on ho Confucius as and hat he
taught. Students ill vie says and lessons shon by the document
&ogical4 (erbal4 (isual4
Interpersonal4 (erbal
&ogical4 'aturalist4
(isual4 (erbal
Interpersonal4 &ogical4
&ogical4 (isual
Interpersonal4 &ogical4
(erbal4 (isual
Intrapersonal4 (erbal4
camera. Students ill chose one of the teachings and connect it to their
life. They ill then record this in their :ournal noteboo+s.
Day =F - Students ill read a series of Chinese poetry poems on their
e$eader and analy#e the imagery4 riting patterns4 and meaning of the
or+. Students ill create their on poems on connection to the theme
they read about. They ill then share ith the class hat they have
created. Students ill then add to their blog their poem and provide a
reflection on hat the poem means to them. The students must then leave
comments on to other classmateAs blogs.
Day == > The class ill learn about ho China interacted ith foreigners
during different dynasties. Students ill be atching a video outlining the
political4 social4 and economic policies during the @an4 Tang4 Cuan4 and
Ming dynasties. Students ill be ta+ing notes during the video. Students
ill rite on the classroom forums hich dynasty Dhad it rightE in regards
to foreign influence. Students must then respond to at least to fello
Day =1 > The class ill atch a short video of the most important
advancements to come out of China during the Middle Ages. The class ill
then begin a :igsa activity. In small groups students ill be as+ed to read
a section of their te"tboo+ and Dbecome a master of it.E They ill then add
to the classroom a revie of the section they ere assigned. They ill need
to type a short summary and provide an image connected to the
advancement. Students ill then read these summaries and ta+e notes. The
class ill revie them at the start of the folloing period.
Day =B > The class ill begin ith a revie of the pervious dayAs or+.
Students ill then use their nefound +noledge of inventions and
discoveries made during the Middle Ages in China to create a model. They
ill be provided simple tools to or+ ith and resources. Students ill
need to perform additional research on the internet to help guide them
through their crafting. Students ill also submit on ,oogleDocs a =;1page
revie of their choice.
Day =7 > Students ill present to the class hat they created from the
previous day. Students ill need to e"plain ho the invention is used4 hat
as done before it as created4 and ho it improved the lives of the
Chinese people. The teacher ill be recording each presentation and
uploading them to the classroom ebsite for parents to vie.
Interpersonal4 &ogical4
Musical4 (erbal
Interpersonal4 (erbal4
Interpersonal4 (erbal4
%inesthetic4 &ogical4
&ogical4 (erbal4 (isual
)log !ntry- Forms of )ureaucracy
Students ill be submitting a formal riting of the different forms of
)ureaucracy during Imperial China. Students ill need to rite at least
three paragraph in order to receive full credit. Students are also tas+ed ith
revieing and commenting on peer ritings.
Students are or+ing in groups to create a -odcast. They must include
hich form of elected official ould best run the government4 and e"plain
&ogical4 (erbal
Interpersonal4 (erbal
hy. !ach student needs to be recorded spea+ing. There must be one
reason per person in the group.
Students are tas+ed ith creating a timeline on !"cel. They must include
on one side advancements in agriculture. In the other side they must
indicate urbani#ation as it shifts from rural to city settings. Students need
to include details beyond simply naming each element.
-oem ith $eflection
The students must create a poem that is ritten in the literary style of
China and has symbolism that ould be used in the Middle Ages. It must
be posted on the classroom blog to receive full credit. The student must
also comment on to other student blog entries on possible meaning of
Invention Model and -resentation.
The student must create a model of an invention or discovery made in
Imperial China. The model does not need to function but must loo+ the part
/e.g. a model fireor+ should not actually fire0. Students must rite a L
page summary of hat they learned from conduction research. The student
must present their findings and model to the class.
&ogical4 'aturalist
Musical4 Intrapersonal4
%inesthetic4 (isual4
5ssessment 26uantitative ruric3:
)log !ntry- &ogical4 (erbal4 Interpersonal
- 2 7 Sc$re'Level
The student spo+e about
only one of the three
forms of bureaucracy
discussed in class.
The student rote a
detailed analysis of to
forms of bureaucracy in
Imperial China.
The student rote a ell
designed and detailed
report on the three forms
of bureaucracy in
Imperial China.

The student did not
respond to other
studentAs blogposts. The
posts are not connected
in a meaningful ay to
hat the other students
The student responded to
one student post. There
is some discussion about
hat the peer rote.
The student responded to
to studentAs postings.
The response is clear and
relates to hat the peers
rote and to hat as
taught in class.

There are multiple
spelling and grammatical
There are some spelling
and grammatical errors.
The post is free of
spelling and grammatical

-odcast > Intrapersonal4 Interpersonal4 (erbal
- 2 7 Sc$re'Level
The students did not
provide any evidence
to support their claim.
The students provide
some evidence to
support their claim.
The -odcast as still
heavily opinionated.
The students provided
clear evidence to
support their claim as
to hich government
official ould be most

Cooperation The student did not The student spo+e The student as
- 2 7 Sc$re'Level
contribute to the group
pro:ect. @e or she did
not spea+ during the
during the recording.
The student left most
of the decision ma+ing
to other students.
engaged in the activity
ith other students.
The student assisted
others and engaged in
the recording process.
Timeline- &ogical4 'aturalist
- 2 7 Sc$re'Level
Student did not ma+e
connections beteen the
to timelines. There is
no detail for any
timeline entries.
Student made some
connections beteen
timeline entries. Some
but not all details are
The student connected
both sides of the
timeline to the other.
The student provided
sufficient detail for each

The student did not
complete the activity.
!ntries are missing and
timeline is incomplete.
The student completed
the timeline but not all
entries are present. Some
elements are located in
the rong place.
The student completed
the timeline correctly.
All elements are in the
correct location.

Time 9se.
Student did not use
classroom time to or+
on the pro:ect and;or
as highly disruptive.
Classroom time as
used to or+ on the
pro:ect the ma:ority
of the time4 but
conversations often ere
disruptive or did not
focus on the or+.
Classroom time as
used to or+ on the
pro:ect. *as not
disruptive to other
students and focused on
the or+.

-oem ith $eflection > Intrapersonal4 Interpersonal4 Musical
- 2 7 Sc$re'Level
The student did not
complete the poem. It
does not match the
styli#ation or message
discussed in class.
The student rote a
complete poem. The
poem matches either the
style or has a message
that ould be present in
Chinese poetry4 but not
The poem is complete.
The studentAs riting
matches the style of
China and has a message
that ould be seen in
Imperial Chinese poetry.

The student did not
complete a reflection to
accompany the poem.
The student rote a
reflection for the poem.
They did not include
ho they felt riting it4
instead focused on the
poem itself.
The studentAs reflection
indicates critical analysis
of hat they had created.
They considered the
theme they used and hy
it as important to them.

The student did not
respond to other
studentAs blogposts
The student responded to
one other blogpost.
The student responded to
to to other studentAs

Invention Model and -resentation - %inesthetic4 (isual4 (erbal
- 2 7 Sc$re'Level
Model The model is The model is completed The model is completed
- 2 7 Sc$re'Level
incomplete or does not
match the time period or
culture being studied.
ith only minor
differences from the
time period being
and is a authentic
sample of the time
period and culture being
A summary as not
provided for the
discovery or invention
the student chose.
The summary is
complete but fe details
are provided. The paper
is opinion based and not
factually based.
The student submitted a
factually based
summary of the research

The student did not
present or the student
did not provide any
evidence reflecting the
research conducted.
The student shos some
understanding of the
model created to the
class. The presentation
reflects some of the
research conducted.
The presentation
demonstrates a clear
understanding of the
The student provided
evidence to support the
design of the model.

Lin0 t$ presentati$n:

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