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Hazard & Effect Register

Mode 2 model
Contract Name:
Contract Scope:
HSES critical / Non HSES critical
(mode 1 use other model)
Modify as appropriate
Hazard / Threat
Incident (hazardous
event / consequences)
Risk Preventive Contros
Contros to !itigate
/ Recover"
To #e incuded in the Contract / $co%e
of &ork / H$E$ causes
On and offsite
Somethin! "ith potential
to harm form of ener!y /
condition "hich can cause
a ha#ard release
Occurrence "here the ha#ard is
released and out of control /
potential outcomes arisin! from
the ha#ardous e$ent
conse&uence '
li(elihood ("ithout
controls in place)
Controls "hich can pre$ent
the ha#ard to )e released
Controls to minimise the
conse&uences and re!ain
control / controls to treat
the conse&uences
SE*C interface
(Reportin! /
+ey controls and re&uirements
(SE*C HSE standard , S-)

O$er"ei!ht. medicine
use. cardio$ascular
disease. into'ication /
%hysical la)our and
*nto'ication ("or( related).
heart attac( (non"or( related) /
*llness or fatality (non"or(
/0 (lo")
Medical chec(s. dru! and
alcohol screenin!.
accommodation and caterin!
inspections. implementation
*ncident in$esti!ation.
classification and
reportin!. fitness to "or(
protocols. %%E3
2: Occupational
HSE Commitment %olicy.
Medical fitness S-. Medical
conditions of contracts S-.
456 S-. Smo(in! S-. 1ife
Sa$in! 2ules. %%E S-
Office "or(
Com)usti)le material /
%oor means of escape
7ire/ Minor personnel in8ury or
health effect
/0 (lo")
Smo(in! area. instruction.
e$acuation plan / e'ercises
7ire detection system.
e'tin!uishers. fire
escapes / 7irst aid.
Emer!ency 2esponse3
2: 6rills and office
7ire safety chec(list
9alue / :nauthorised
-heft/ Missin! property.
E1 (lo")
4ccess passes. in$entory
chec( on entry(e'it). proper
stora!e of property and
2eco$ery of o)8ect
Clear 6es( %olicy. 4ccess
Control %olicy. 4ccess and
*nternal 7acility Control
e'ecutin! lo" ris(
9arious Minor personnel in8ury C2 (lo") -ool)o'3 7irst aid
-ool)o' -al( S-. %ermit to
;or( S- (for "or( in
ha#ardous facilities)
9essels. 6rillin!
9arious/ 9arious
(includin! lac( of
Ma8or personnel in8ury. loss of
C0 <o) safety 4nalysis. "or(
instructions. Competence
Emer!ency 2esponse 4: Su)contractors.
2: -rainin! status
Ha#ardous ;or( S-. 2is(
4ssessment Matri'. %ermit to
;or( S-. -ool)o' -al( S-
Mo$in! o)8ect / *mproper
$ehicle condition=
unauthorised 8ourney
Car crash/ %-6 or up to 0
6efensi$e dri$in!. *9MS. left
hand steerin!. <M%
Seat )elts. air)a!s. roll
o$er )ars/ 74 )o'.
incident trian!le.
reflecti$e $est
4: Ni!ht dri$in!
2oad transport HSE M!mt S-.
6ri$ers and dri$in! S-. 1and
transport $ehicle S-. 9ehicle
Condition Monitorin! chec(list
-ransport of
Mo$in! o)8ect/ incorrect
1oads comin! loose durin!
transport. dropped o)8ect/ Spills
9ehicle selection. lashin!.
MS6S for ha#ardous loads
4)sor)ents. etc 1oads transport )y 2oad S-
7allin! o)8ect. ;or(in! at
hei!ht/ *ncorrect liftin!
6ropped o)8ect. fallin! person/
%ersonnel in8ury or fatality. spill
1iftin! plan. appropriate
crane and slin!s. "atchmen
Medical Emer!ency
2esponse. etc3
4: 1iftin! %lan
Crane 5 liftin! e&uipment S-.
Control and use of loose liftin!
E&uip. %ersonnel 1iftin! S-
:se of chemicals
%oisonous Chemicals/
*ncorrect stora!e or use
Spills. *nto'ication/ (1on! term)
health and en$ironmental effects
C0 MS6S. %%E. safe stora!e
%%E. Spill response plan/
Eye"ash station
4: Chemicals Chemicals Mana!ement S-
6isposal of
industrial "aste )y
Ha#ardous "aste/
*ncorrect stora!e and
Spills. *nto'ication/ (1on! term)
health and en$ironmental effects
*dentify "aste streams.
re&uired permit 5 licenses.
responsi)ilities. records
Clean up. 2: ;aste disposal ;aste Mana!ement S-
Other SE*C standards/ procedures that could )e prescri)ed if rele$ant: Occupational Health S-. HSE competence S-. Oil Spill 2esponse trainin!. 1and mana!ement S-. ;ater use and a&ueous dischar!e S-.
4ir emissions and ener!y S-. /iodi$ersity S-. Soil and ?round"ater S-. Safe <ourney Mana!ement %rocedure. ;or( at Hei!ht and O$er ;ater %rocedure. 1iftin! operations o$er li$e process area. S-.
E'amination of porta)le3
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H$E$ critica %ositions:
H$E$ critica %ositions ha$e tas(s that may (in)directly result in a si!nificant incident if not correctly performed3 Si!nificant Si!nificant means potential means potential incidents "ith conse&uence that ha$e )een
rated se$erity le$el > or D on the Risk Assessment Matrix3 Contract Holders shall re&uest from Contractors a structured approach. documented in the HSES Mana!ement %lan. to assure
HSES competence for those positions3
A contractua activities and associated H$E$ hazards are to )e assessed usin! the SE*C uses 2is( 4ssessment Matri'3 -he 2ussian le!islation is &uite e'hausti$e and re&uires
companies to ha$e a fullfled!ed HSES system3 7ocus therefore on the M4*N ris( and (ey controls of the scope of "or( and interface "ith other contracts and su)contractors3 See the
Hazard Overview. safety cases and health risk assessments for already identified ris(s and controls *ncorporate applica)le SEI HSES !"licies# standards and !r"ced$res. chec( also the HSES
d"c$ment re%ister and re&uest de$iation from &echnical A$th"rity "here full compliance is not possi)le3 *n case any )uildin!s (e3!3 accommodation. offices. "or(shops) are part of the scope.
include the fire safety chec(list3
Road safet"+ See 2oad safety !uidance note for full !uidance3 7or shortterm contracts (less than 0 months). the SE*C 2oad safety standards do not ha$e to )e imposed and
implemented3 Ho"e$er. a $erification of the )asic $ehicle condition usin! the 9ehicle Condition Monitorin! Chec(list is still re&uired and 1ife Sa$in! rules pertainin! to dri$in! also apply3
&aste ,anage!ent: 4ll "aste streams must )e identified )efore acti$ities commence to ensure minimisation and disposal options are or!anised in accordance "ith SE*C ;aste M!mt
and minimisation Standard and 27 le!islation in consultation "ith CHSES en$ironmental department3
H$E$ ,anage!ent Pan+ SE*C has a model HSES M!mt %lan "hich "e encoura!e to use3 Eou could instead of !i$en your )idders the model HSES M!mt %lan e$en adapt that model to
your scope of "or( and re&uirements such that Contractors "ill )e e$en more !uided in our / your e'pectations3 2e&uest contractors to annually proof compliance "ith (ey processes (see
HSES Mana%ement 'lan m"del)3
Contract Hoder na!e H$E$ advisor invoved (na!e)
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