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A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions and Division-1
(General requirements), apply to wor of t!is section.
". General #rovisions for $lectrical %or &ection 1'(1(.
C. )esting and commissioning, section 1'*+(
D. )!e requirements of t!is section apply to wire and ca,le wor specified elsew!ere in t!ese
A. %or includes providing all wires, ca,les and connections, complete wit! all accessories in
accordance wit! Drawings and &pecifications and as required for a complete system. %iring si-e
referenced in t!is &ection is metric, e.cept as noted. /or special wiring for individual systems, refer to
respective &ection of t!ese &pecifications.
A. 0anufacturers1 /irms regularly engaged in manufacture of wires, ca,les, and connections of types,
si-es and ratings required, w!ose products !ave ,een in satisfactory use in similar service for not less
t!an + years and s!all ,e of one manufacturer, approved ,y t!e a!ramaa, and conform to t!e
requirements set fort! in t!is specification .
". &tandards Compliance1 Comply wit! requirements of applica,le local codes, a!ramaa regulations
latest edition, D2345D$, 2$C, 3$C, 67, 3$0A, 2C$A, 2$$$, and A&)0 &tandards pertaining to wires,
ca,les and connections.
C. 2n case of conflict among t!e referenced standards and codes, t!e more stringent provision will
A. #roduct Data1 &u,mit manufacturers8 data on wires, ca,les and connectors.
". &amples1 &u,mit 9+ cm lengt! ca,les of eac! type and si-e of wires and Ca,les, 0anufacturer 3ame,
insulation class and reference 3o. &!ould ,e indicated on t!e &u,mitted &ample.
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Wi!" A#$ C%&'!"

&ection 1'19(
#rovide all of t!e main ca,les s!own on t!e drawings or detailed in t!e ca,le sc!edules.
All single and multi-core ca,les s!all comply wit! 2$C +(9 and all conductors s!all ,e copper
#.5.C. and :7#$ insulated and #.5.C. s!eat!ed ((.'41 ;.v), armoured or non armoured type
as indicated on t!e drawings.
Copper conductors s!all ,e stranded for sections 9.+ mm
, and a,ove. &ignal and control
ca,les s!all !ave solid conductors. /le.i,le cords s!all !ave finely stranded conductors.
Conductor si-es s!all ,e metric, as s!own on t!e Drawings. Conductors wit! cross-sectional
areas smaller t!an specified will not ,e accepted.
)!e current carrying capacity of conductors !ave ,een determined in accordance wit! t!e
<egulations for t!e specified type of insulation and t!e e.pected conditions of installation. 3o
c!ange will ,e accepted in t!e specified type of insulation, unless warranted ,y special
conditions and approved ,y t!e $ngineer.
)!e insulation of eac! conductor s!all ,e colour coded or ot!erwise identified as required ,y
t!e <egulations. Colour coding s!all ,e maintained t!roug!out t!e entire installation.
/or eac! lot of ca,le supply a certificate of origin issued ,y t!e manufacturer stating its origin,
manufacturer, constitution and standards to w!ic! it complies wit!. 2n t!e a,sence of suc!
documents, t!e $ngineer reserves t!e rig!t to require t!at tests, at t!e Contractor8s e.pense,
,e performed ,y an official la,oratory on samples taen from lots of ca,les delivered to t!e
"e responsi,le for any delays in t!e wor resulting from non-compliance wit! t!e requirements
mentioned a,ove.
Ca,le installations w!et!er so indicated or not s!all include all =oints and t!eir accessories at
terminating ends or at tap-off points, eart!ing and ,onding etc. Carried to completion.
>oints in ca,le s!all not ,e accepted unless so required in t!e Drawings. Ca,les s!all ,e
supplied in lengt!s sufficient for a straig!t-t!roug! pull from termination to termination.
)!e definition of ?7ow 5oltage? given in t!e 2$$ wiring regulations s!all apply and ?@ig!
5oltage? s!all mean any voltage !ig!er t!an low voltage.
All ca,les s!all ,e delivered to site wit! t!e manufacturer8s seals, la,els, or ot!er proof of origin
intact. &uc! la,els and seals s!all not ,e removed until t!e ca,le is required for use, and s!all
,e retained for inspection.
6nless ot!erwise specified !erein or indicated on t!e drawings or in t!e ca,le sc!edules all
ca,le over s!eat!s s!all ,e ,lac.
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&ection 1'19(
Ca,les s!all ,e !andled, terminated and installed in accordance wit! t!e ca,le manufacturer8s
recommendations. )!e tec!nical advice of t!e manufacturer8s recommendations. )!e tec!nical
advice of t!e manufacturer8s specialists s!all ,e followed if any special conditions or unusual
circumstances apply.
%!ere ca,le si-es are not indicated on t!e drawings or in t!e ca,le sc!edules, t!e contractor
s!all ,e responsi,le for determining t!e correct si-e of eac! ca,le.
Ca,le si-es s!all ,e determined on t!e ,asis of current rating and voltage drop and eart! loop
impedance, toget!er wit!in allowance for grouping wit! ot!er ca,les and t!e met!od of
installation, w!ic!ever is relevant, after taing into account t!e type of ca,le, t!e am,ient
conditions, t!e met!od of installation and t!e disposition of eac! ca,le relative to ot!er ca,les.
/ull details, wit! illustrations, of all ca,le supports and devices s!all ,e su,mitted ,efore
any orders are placed or wor put in !and. All ca,le supports and devices s!all ,e
designed to !ave a factor of safety of not less t!an A
%!erever ca,les pass t!roug! walls, ceilings, partitions and t!e lie, a !eavy-gauge #5C
sleeve s!all ,e provided, of internal diameter greater ,y at least 19 mm, ,ut not more t!an 9+
mm, t!an t!e diameter of t!e ca,le.
)!e lengt! of any suc! sleeve s!all ,e suc! t!at eac! end pro=ects ,y + mm ,eyond t!e
surface of t!e element t!roug! w!ic! it passes, and t!e ends of t!ey ,ore s!all ,e provided
wit! an adequate radius to prevent c!afing of t!e ca,le s!eat!.
%!erever ca,les pass t!roug! floors a !eavy-gravy-gauge steel sleeve s!all ,e provided, of
internal diameter greater ,y at least 19 mm, ,ut not more t!an 9+ mm, t!an t!e diameter of t!e
ca,le and pro=ecting a,ove floor level ,y at least +( mm.
%!ere ca,les pass t!roug! walls and4or floors w!ic! form part of t!e ,uilding8s fire
compartmentation, t!e !ole(s) t!roug! w!ic! t!e ca,les pass s!all ,e sealed after t!e ca,les
!ave ,een installed, so as to give t!e same standard of fire resistance as t!e original wall or
floor. Details of t!e proposed sealing met!od s!all ,e su,mitted prior to implementation.
All ca,les s!all ,e separated from water, gas, and ot!er piped services ,y a distance of not
less t!an 1+( mm unless t!e circumstances of t!e installation mae t!is impossi,le.
/ire resistant ca,les will ,e used as indicated on t!e drawings and it s!all ,e copper
conductors, :7#$4&teel wire armoured type fire rated for B!ours (*+( CC), category C,% and D
wit! normal operating temperature (*( CC) to meet "& 'BEF.
Ca,les used for emergency lig!ting system s!all ,e #irelli /#9(( fle. or approved equal and
s!all ,e installed in metal conduit.
Ca,ling and wiring installation s!all ,e performed strictly in compliance wit! t!e a!ramaa and
2$$ wiring regulation.
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&ection 1'19(
2ndoor distri,ution feeders and su,-feeders suc! as to distri,ution panel ,oards, motor
control-gear, isolating switc!es etc. s!all ,e in t!e form of single conductor pulled inside
conduits, or raceways or multi-conductor ca,les clipped on ca,le trays, all as generally s!own
on t!e Drawings.
%!ere two or more ca,les are run in parallel, t!ey s!all ,e fi.ed on galvani-ed steel trays or in
approved special ca,le supporting and protecting raceways.
Ca,les s!all ,e fi.ed to t!e supporting structures wit! approved galvani-ed cast steel clamps at
distances not e.ceeding 9( diameters.
3o =oints or splices s!all ,e accepted on main feeders and su,- feeders.
%ires and ca,les s!all ,e routed in suc! a way t!at t!ey are not e.posed to e.cessive !eat or
to corrosive agents. 2f suc! a condition cannot ,e complied wit! t!e wires and ca,les s!all ,e
of a type designed for t!e particular condition or enclosed in t!e necessary protective raceway,
duct, concrete etc.
/inal su,-circuit wor originating from distri,ution ,oards s!all ,e arranged as s!own on t!e
6nless ot!erwise specifically indicated on t!e Drawings, all final su,-circuit for corridor lig!ting
and socets s!all ,e multi core ca,les installed on ca,le tray a,ove false ceiling.
At least 1+( mm of free conductor s!all ,e left at eac! outlet, switc! point and pull ,o. for t!e
maing up of =oints, or t!e connection of fi.tures or devices, e.cept w!ere conductors are
intended to loop wit!out =oints t!roug! lamp !olders, receptacles and similar device ,
Generally, ,ranc! circuit conductor si-es are indicated on t!e drawings. &uc! si-es are
minimum requirements and must ,e increased, w!ere required, to suit t!e lengt! of run and
voltage drop, at no e.tra cost. 5oltage drop from distri,ution transformers to furt!est outlets
s!all ,e as per a!ramaa regulations.
All wires and ca,les s!all ,e manufactured to comply wit! t!e relevant &tandard &pecification
2.$.C. or equal standard. )!e ca,les delivered to t!e &ite s!all ,ear t!e mar of identification of
t!e manufacturer and t!e &tandard to w!ic! it is manufactured. Any ca,le not !aving
identification mars s!all ,e re=ected.
)erminations of wires and ca,les of si-es up to 1( mmG, s!all ,e tig!tly twisted and w!ere
possi,le dou,led ,ac ,efore ,eing clamped. %!ere two or more wires are looped into t!e
same terminal t!ese conductors s!all ,e tig!tly twisted toget!er ,efore ,eing inserted into t!e
%ires and ca,les of si-es over 1( mmG s!all terminate wit! sweated or compression type lugs.
2nsulating sleeve s!all ,e used to protect any e.posed part of t!e conductor or sleeve
pro=ecting ,eyond any insulated s!rouding or mounting of a live terminal. Glands for t!e various
types of multi core ca,les s!all ,e purpose made and suita,le for t!e equipment enclosure.
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&ection 1'19(
>oints and taps in multi core or single core feeders and su,- feeders s!all ,e effected in
purpose made its consisting of outer containing mould, t!ermosetting insulating compound (or
resin) and ,y use of appropriate tinned copper ferrules crimped onto t!e conductors and taped
,efore pouring in t!e compound.
>oints or taps on 7.5. wires and ca,les s!all ,e permanently accessi,le, and unless permitted
ot!erwise s!all ,e made only in tap , or ca,inet gutters.
>oints in ,ranc! circuits of conductor si-es up to 1( mmG s!all ,e made ,y ,arrel type
connectors wit! pinc!ing screws, t!e w!ole s!ielded in porcelain or self -setting compound
s!roud. &!rouds of polyt!ene or similar non-!eat resistant materials will not ,e permitted.
>oints in ,ranc! circuit conductor si-es larger t!an 1( mmG s!all ,e made ,y means of pre-
insulated spring-type spring s!all ,e corrosion resistant tempered metal. $nclosure s!all ,e a
steel s!ell wit! an overall vinyl cap and sirt. Connector s!all ,e equal to ?&cotc!loc? as
manufactured ,y t!e B0 Company.
>oints in ,ranc! circuit conductor si-es 1' mmG, and larger s!all ,e made ,y two-,olt clamps
protected wit! an insulating p!enolic cover.
$.cept in t!e case w!ere it is terminated in full view onto a clearly la,elled switc!, starter,
distri,ution ,oard or similar piece of apparatus, or onto a motor or ot!er item of equipment t!e
function of w!ic! is evident, eac! and every ca,le end s!all ,e provided wit! an approved
means of identification. 2n particular, t!is requirement s!all apply to all ca,les terminating on
t!e ,ac, or in t!e ,ase, of cu,icle type or similar switc!,oard or control panel and in any ot!er
case w!ere t!e function of t!e ca,le is not immediately o,vious.
)!e means of identification s!all ,e as follows1-
A. An engraved ,rass or aluminum la,el securely fi.ed to t!e ca,le sealing ,o..
". An engraved ,rass or aluminum la,el securely tied to t!e ca,le wit! galvani-ed
iron or tinned copper ,inding wire.
&elf-ad!esive em,ossed plastic la,els will not ,e accepted as permanent means of
)!e means of identification s!all give t!e ca,le si-e, num,er of cores, and function toget!er
wit! t!e ca,le reference num,er if one !as ,een allocated.
)!e cores of all control ca,les s!all ,e individually identified, at terminations, ,y means of
approved plastic ferrules ,earing indeli,le c!aracters, in accordance wit! t!e num,ering on t!e
relevant wiring diagrams.
All ca,les run a,ove and under ground s!all ,e identified ,y means of engraved ,rass or
aluminum la,el at intervals not e.ceeding B( meters. )!e la,els s!all ,ear details of t!e ca,le
si-e, num,er of cores, function, and reference num,er (if any) and s!all ,e securely attac!ed to
t!e ca,les wit! galvani-ed iron or tinned copper ,inding wires.
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&ection 1'19(
)!e tests to ,e carried out s!all include ,ut not necessarily ,e limited to1-
9.A.1 Ca,les, 7ow-5oltage, '(( 5olt 0a.imum
A. 5isual and 0ec!anical 2nspection
1. 2nspect e.posed sections of ca,les for p!ysical damage and evidence of over!eating.
9. 2nspect ,olted electrical connections for !ig! resistance using one of t!e following met!ods1
a. 6se of low-resistance o!mmeter.
,. 5erify tig!tness of accessi,le ,olted electrical connections ,y cali,rated torque-wrenc!
c. #erform t!ermograp!ic survey.
B. 2nspect compression-applied connectors for correct ca,le matc! and indentation.
". $lectrical )ests
1. #erform resistance measurements t!roug! ,olted connections wit! low-resistance o!mmeter, if
9. #erform insulation-resistance test on eac! conductor wit! respect to ground and ad=acent
conductors. Applied potential s!all ,e +(( volts dc for B(( volt rated ca,le and 1((( volts dc for
'(( volt rated ca,le. )est duration s!all ,e one minute.
C. )est 5alues
1. Compare ,olted connection resistances to values of similar connections.
9. "olt-torque levels.
B. 0icro!m or millivolt drop values s!all not e.ceed t!e !ig! levels of t!e normal range as
indicated in t!e manufacturer8s pu,lis!ed data. 2f manufacturer8s data is not availa,le,
investigate any values w!ic! deviate from similar connections ,y more t!an +( percent of t!e
lowest value.
A. 0inimum insulation-resistance values s!ould ,e compara,le to previously o,tained results
,ut not less t!an two mego!ms.
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&ection 1'19(
/or t!e purpose of t!is specification, t!e description ?small wiring? s!all apply to all low voltage
ca,les and wiring connected directly or indirectly to t!e pu,lic electricity supply system, or to
any independent private supply system for t!e purpose of supplying electricity to general power
and lig!ting circuits, e.cept t!e following1
A. telep!one, pu,lic address, and ot!er communication circuits.
". fire detection, alarm, and ot!er security circuits operating at a voltage level of 9A
volts or less ,etween conductors.
C. ca,les and wiring forming part of a system for t!e control and4or supervision of t!e
,uilding engineering services.
All of t!e a,ove ca,les and wiring included are fully descri,ed elsew!ere in t!is &pecification
under appropriate !eadings.
All ca,les to ,e used for small wiring s!all comply wit! t!e relevant "ritis! &tandards.
)!e contractor s!all su,mit wit! !is )ender details of any internationally recogni-ed &tandards
and Codes of practice !e proposes to use in lieu of, or in addition to, t!ose stated.
All wiring s!all ,e carried out using one or more of t!e following wring systems, as indicated on
t!e drawings.
A. single-core uns!eat!ed ca,les drawn into metallic or non-metallic conduit and4or
truning as specified elsew!ere.
". twin- and4or multi-core s!eat!ed ca,les, armored or unarmored, clipped to ,uilding
surfaces or structures or to ca,le tray as specified elsew!ere.
C. mineral insulated ca,les, s!eat!ed or clipped to ,uilding surfaces or structures or
to ca,le tray as specified elsew!ere.
D. fle.i,le cords and4or ca,les.
All ca,les to ,e used for small wiring s!all comply wit! t!e relevant D2345D$ and 2$C
#5C ca,les to and ru,,er ca,les to 2$C4D2345D$ s!all not under any circumstances ,e run
3o ca,les s!all ,e installed unless t!e am,ient temperature and t!e temperature of t!e ca,le
are a,ove (
C, and !ave ,een so for t!e preceding 9A !ours.
%!ere ca,les !ave su,=ected to temperatures ,elow (
C, care s!all ,e taen to ensure t!at
t!ey are a,ove t!at temperature for 9A !ours ,efore installation.
R!,! T- ./! 0S1/!$2'! -, P!,!!$ E'!1.i1%' M%#2,%1.2!" 3 S244'i!"0.
#age F of 11
Wi!" A#$ C%&'!"

&ection 1'19(
A. $.amine conditions under w!ic! wires, ca,les and connections are to ,e installed. 3otify $ngineer in
writing of conditions detrimental to proper completion of t!e wor. Do not proceed wit! wor until
unsatisfactory conditions !ave ,een corrected.
A. Connect all ,ranc! lig!ting and power circuits to panel ,oards so as to ,alance t!e actual loads
(wattage) wit!in +H. 2f required, transpose ,ranc! circuits w!en t!e wor is complete to meet t!is
". At t!e request of t!e #ro=ect 0anager or Consultant, perform all necessary tests to s!ow t!e a,ove
requirement !as ,een fulfilled. 0ae suc! tests after t!e ,uilding is occupied.
A. 2nstall wires, ca,les and connectors as indicated, in accordance wit! manufacturer8s written
instructions, requirements of applica,le &tandards and in accordance wit! recogni-ed industry
practices to ensure t!at installation complies wit! requirements and serves intended function.
". Coordinate as necessary to properly interface installation of wires4ca,les wit! ot!er wor.
C. #ull conductors simultaneously w!ere more t!an one is ,eing installed in same raceway.
D. 6se anti-sei-e compound for copper lug connections to ,us ,ars.
$. 6se pulling compound or lu,ricant, w!ere necessaryI compound used must not deteriorate conductor
or insulation.
/. 6se pulling means, including fis! tape, ca,le, rope and ,aset weave wire4ca,le grips w!ic! will not
damage ca,les or raceway.
G. 2nstall e.posed ca,le, parallel and perpendicular to surfaces, or e.posed structural mem,ers, and
follow surface contours, w!ere possi,le.
@. Complete conduit or raceway installation (=oints made up tig!tly and t!e entire run secured in place)
,efore pulling wire and ca,le.
2. Do not pull t!ermoplastic wires at temperatures lower t!an-1F(
>. &upport wires and ca,les at t!e upper end of all risers and at intermediate points as required ,y t!e
approved manufacturer and applica,le electrical codes.
;. &eal, ,etween t!e wire and conduit wit! a non-!ardening compound approved for t!e purpose, ca,le
and wire entering a ,uilding from underground w!ere ca,le e.its t!e conduit.
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&ection 1'19(
7. 2nstall ca,le spacers w!ere required. #rovide conduit fittings for spacing of ca,les at terminations,
consisting of galvani-ed or cadmium plates, steel or mallea,le iron t!readed conduit and fittings and
inserts of non-metallic insulating material wit! openings adequate to accommodate ca,les ,eing
0. 2n certain systems, equipment furnis!ed ,y an approved manufacturer may require a different num,er
and arrangement of conductors from t!at indicated on t!e Drawings. 2n suc! cases, comply wit! suc!
requirements at no additional cost to t!e Jwner.
3. 2n wire ways and large pull ,, lace and tie off conductors in groups of B p!ases and neutral (if
used) as installed in conduits to limit conductor un,alanced loading.
J. 7eave all wires wit! sufficient slac at terminal ends and lig!ting fi.tures for convenient connections
and servicing. &tow loose ends neatly in outlet ,o..
#. #rovide splices and taps in accessi,le ,, panel ,oards fittings, gutters, terminal panels, etc., only.
#rovide materials compati,le wit! t!e conductors, insulationKs and protective =acets on t!e ca,les
and wires.
L. ;eep conductor splices to minimum.
<. 2nstall splices and taps w!ic! possess equivalent-or- ,etter mec!anical strengt! and insulation ratings
t!an conductors ,eing spliced. 6se connectors w!ic! are compati,le wit! conductor material.
&. )ie all circuit and control wiring in ca,inets, panels, pull ,, and =unction ,
). )ig!ten electrical connectors and terminals, including screws and ,olts, in accordance wit!
manufacturer8s pu,lis!ed torque tig!tening values. %!ere manufacturer8s torquing requirements are
not indicated, tig!ten connectors and terminals to comply wit! tig!tening torques as specified ,y
approved manufacturer.
6. Connect electrical power supply conductors to equipment conductors in accordance wit! equipment
manufacturer8s written instructions and wiring diagrams. 0ate and matc! conductors of electrical
connections for proper interface ,etween electrical power supplies and installed equipment.
5. Cover splices wit! electrical insulating material equivalent to, or of greater insulation resistivity rating
t!an, electrical insulation rating of t!ose conductors ,eing spliced.
%. #repare ca,les and wires, ,y cutting and stripping covering armor, =acet, and insulation properly to
ensure uniform and neat appearance w!ere ca,les and wires are terminated. $.ercise care to avoid
cutting t!roug! tapes w!ic! will remain on conductors. Also avoid ?ringing? copper conductors w!ile
sinning wire. Cut armored =acets wit! tools made specifically for t!at purpose.
:. Do not install w!ere applica,le t!ermoplastic wires in computer area raised floors.
M. All wires and ca,les installed in t!e return air ceiling spaces or similar areas to ,e installed in metallic
D. )!e underground ca,les w!ere applica,le s!all ,e laid ,elow t!e ground level. After t!e ca,les are
laid, t!e trenc!es s!all ,e ,ac-/illed to a dept! of 1+ cm wit! fine selected soil free from lumps
metallic or ot!er foreign inclusions or w!ere required ,y engineer ,y fine sand. A continuous row of
,rics s!all ,e laid, t!en t!e remainder of t!e trenc! s!all ,e ,ac filled in an approved manner wit!
soil, w!ic! s!all ,e t!oroug!ly consolidated.
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&ection 1'19(
%!ere t!e ca,les cross t!e asp!alt roads and enter into ,uilding, t!ey s!all pass t!roug! #5C !eavy
duty of si-e as indicated on t!e drawings.
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&ection 1'19(
A. C!ec for p!ysical damage and proper connection in accordance wit! drawings.
". 0egger conductors p!ase-to-p!ase and p!ase-to-ground for continuity and insulation tests ,efore
connection to utili-ation devices for t!e following1
1. 1(( percent of feeders
9. 1( percent of ,ranc! circuits
B. 1(( percent of B-p!ase motor ,ranc! circuits, 1E.+ w (9+ @#) and a,ove.
C. #erform tests prior to connecting equipment and in presence of aut!ori-ed representatives.
D. &u,mit written reports of test results.
$. #rior to energi-ation, test wires and ca,les for electrical continuity and for s!ort circuits.
/. &u,sequent to wire and ca,le !oo-ups, energi-e circuits and demonstrate functioning in accordance
wit! requirements. %!ere necessary, correct malfunctioning units, and t!en retest to demonstrate
compliance. <eplace units w!ic! cannot ,e satisfactorily corrected.
#age 11 of 11
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&ection 1'19(

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