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A!"# $%!&# '('# A)*+,%'(,-L,&!%!, M,.,(/&
1. DETERMINERS................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. The Articles.................................................................................................................. 4
1.1.1. The indefinite article.............................................................................................. 4
1.1.2. The definite article................................................................................................. 4
1.1.3. The zero article...................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Demonstratie determiners..........................................................................................!
1.3. "#antif$in% Determiners.............................................................................................. !
1.4. Interro%atie Determiners.............................................................................................&
1.5. 'ossessie Determiners.............................................................................................. &
1.!. N#merals..................................................................................................................... &
1.&. The #se of more than one determiner..........................................................................&
2. 'RE'(SITI(NS AND 'RE'(SITI(NA) '*RASES........................................................+
2.1. 're,osition or Ader-.................................................................................................. +
2.2. 're,ositions of 'lace................................................................................................... +
2.3. 're,ositions of Time.................................................................................................... +
2.4. 're,ositions of Direction..............................................................................................+
2.5. 're,ositions /ith Ad0ecties1 2er-s or No#ns..............................................................+
3. N(3NS.............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1. 5ommon no#ns............................................................................................................ 4
3.2. 'ro,er no#ns............................................................................................................. 16
3.3. The n#m-er of no#ns................................................................................................. 16
3.4. 5ollectie no#ns......................................................................................................... 11
3.5 7ender in En%lish....................................................................................................... 12
3.!. 5ommon %ender no#ns.............................................................................................. 13
3.&. The ,ossessie form of no#ns...................................................................................13
4. 'R(N(3NS..................................................................................................................... 14
4.1. 'ersonal ,rono#ns..................................................................................................... 14
4.2. Refle8ie ,rono#ns.................................................................................................... 14
4.3. 'ossessie 'rono#ns................................................................................................. 15
4.4. Demonstratie ,rono#ns............................................................................................ 15
4.5. Interro%atie ,rono#ns............................................................................................... 15
4.!. Indefinite ,rono#ns.................................................................................................... 1!
5. AD9E5TI2ES................................................................................................................... 1&
5.1. The order of ad0ecties............................................................................................... 1&
5.2. Ad0ectie endin%s....................................................................................................... 1+
5.3. The com,arison of ad0ecties.....................................................................................1+
5.4. Ad0ectie ,hrases....................................................................................................... 14
!. AD2ER:S AND AD2ER: '*RASES..............................................................................26
&. 5(N93N5TI(NS............................................................................................................. 22
+. 2ER:S............................................................................................................................. 24
+.1. Transitie and intransitie er-s.................................................................................24
+.2. A#8iliar$ er-s............................................................................................................ 24
+.2.1. :e1 do1 and hae................................................................................................. 24
+.2.2. Modal er-s......................................................................................................... 25
4. 'RESENT SIM')E1 'RESENT 5(NTIN3(3S...............................................................2&
4.1. 'resent sim,le........................................................................................................... 2&
4.2. 'resent contin#o#s.................................................................................................... 2+
16. ;3T3RE TENSE............................................................................................................ 24
16.1. ;#t#re sim,le........................................................................................................... 24
16.2. ;#t#re /ith %oin% to.................................................................................................. 36
:I:)I(7RA'*<................................................................................................................... 31
Determiners1 or no#n si%nals1 are #sed -efore no#ns.
1.1. The Articles
The /ords a1 an and the are called the articles.
1.1.1. The indefinite article
The /ords a and an are indefinite articles. The$ are #sed /ith sin%#lar no#ns1 /hen
mentionin% somethin% for the first time.
A is #sed /ith no#ns -e%innin% /ith
= a -oo>1 a ho#se1 a cat1 a do% etc.
An is #sed /ith no#ns -e%innin% /ith a vowel
= an a,,le1 an entrance1 an island1 an
o,erator1 an #m-rella
Some o/els hae a consonant so#nd as
/ell as a o/el so#nd. 3se a /ith these
= a #niersit$1 a #niform1 a E#ro,ean
Some /ords -e%in /ith a silent h. 3se an /ith
no#ns that -e%in /ith a silent h?
= an ho#r1 an hono#r
1.1.2. The definite article
The /ord the is called the definite article. @e #se the -efore a no#n /hen it is clear /hich
,erson or thin% /e mean or /hen referrin% to somethin% in a %eneral rather than s,ecific
IAll /ait for $o# in the car.
The Internet has chan%ed o#r /a$ of life.
@e also #se the?
= /hen there is onl$ one of somethin%? the s#n1 the -i%%est ,iece
= -efore BsameC? the same
= /ith cinema1 o,era1 theatre1 /itho#t
referrin% to a ,artic#lar cinema D o,era D
%oin% to the cinema D o,era D theatre
= the E ad0ectie to refer to %ro#,s of
the $o#n% D old D elderl$ D ,oor D #nem,lo$ed
= ,l#ral names of ,eo,le and ,laces? 'eo,le? the ;lintstones
5o#ntries? the Netherlands1 the 'hili,,ines1
the 3nited States
7ro#,s of islands? the 5anaries1 the :ahamas
the :ritish Isles
Mo#ntain ran%es? the 5ar,athians1 the Andes1
the Al,s
= cardinal ,oints? the north of Romania northern
the so#th=east of E%$,t so#th=eastern
= /ith BRe,#-licC1 BFin%domC1 BStatesC The Dominican Re,#-lic1 the 3nited Fin%dom1
the 3nited States of America
= oceans1 seas1 riers and canals the 'acific1 the :lac> Sea1 the Dan#-e
@e do not #se the /ith?
= the names of meals @hat do /e hae for -rea>fast D l#nch D
dinner D -r#nch.
= GoftenH /ith -ed1 /or>1 home1 school1
%o to /or>1 start D finish /or>
7o to -ed1 itAs lateI
Sit on the -ed #ntil $o# feel -etter.
= continents? E#ro,e1 A#stralia1 North America
= co#ntries? Romania1 5hina1 Ar%entina
= re%ions or states? 5alifornia1 5entral E#ro,e
= cities? :#charest1 @ashin%ton D.5.
= Islands? 5rete1 :erm#da
= mo#ntains? Eerest
= streets D roads D sJ#ares D ,ar>s? ;ifth Aen#e1 :road/a$1 'iccadill$ 5irc#s1
)ondn :rid%e
1.1.3. The zero article
@hen tal>in% a-o#t somethin% in %eneral1 not a ,artic#lar thin%1 /e #se a no#n /itho#t an
article. @e can also #se ,l#ral no#ns /itho#t an article.
:a-ies cr$ a lot.
No#ns that donKt sho/ J#antit$ are normall$ #sed /itho#t a or an. The article the1 ho/eer1
ma$ -e #sed /ith no#ns that donKt sho/ J#antit$.
I li>e s#nshine.
I need time to thin>.
@hen a sentence lin>s t/o ,arallel ad0ectial ,hrases1 the article sho#ld -e omitted from the
second ,hrase.
The 0#d%e r#led that 5loa>#s )td /as a alidl$ re%istered and an e8istin% com,an$.
In addition1 /hen #sin% certain a-stract no#ns in a %eneral1 conce,t#al sense1 it is not
necessar$ to #se an article to ,recede the no#n.
In the eent of a conflict -et/een the definitions %ien in a,,endi8 1 and the
definitions %ien in the contract1 the contract shall ,reail.
1.2. Demonstrative determiners
The /ords this, that, these and those are ,rono#ns called demonstrative determiners. The$ are
#sed to ,oint o#t /hich thin% or ,erson the s,ea>er is referrin% to.
@ith thin%s that are near the s,ea>er @ith thin%s that are a/a$ from the s,ea>er
= this /ith sin%#lar no#ns
This -oo> Goer hereH belongs to me.
= that /ith sin%#lar no#ns
That coat Goer thereH is 0ohnAs.
= these /ith ,l#ral no#ns
These clothes Goer hereH are a
= those /ith ,l#ral no#ns
Those ,eo,le are from Asia.
1.3. Quantifying Determiners
@ords s#ch as many, much and several tell a-o#t J#antit$ /itho#t %iin% an e8act n#m-er.
The$ are called J#antif$in% determiners.
fe/1 a fe/1 fe/er1 man$1 seeral and -oth. 8
all1 half1 some1 eno#%h1 a lot of1 lots of1 more1 most1
other and ,lent$ of
8 8
are little Gmeanin% not m#chH1 a little Gmeanin% someH1
m#ch and less
either and neither 8
an$1 no1 no other and the other 8 8 8
1.4. Interrogative Determiners
The /ords what, which and whose are #sed -efore no#ns to as> J#estions. Interro%atie
determiners a,,ear 0#st -efore no#ns.
@hat time is it.
1.5. ossessive Determiners
The /ords my, your, his, her, its, our and their are #sed -efore no#ns to sho/ o/nershi,.
1.!. "umerals
N#m-ers are determiners too. N#m-ers are often #sed -efore no#ns to indicate e8actl$ ho/
man$ ,eo,le or thin%s there are.
There are t/ele months in the $ear.
1.#. The use of more than one determiner
<o# can #se J#antif$in% determiners /ith each other and /ith n#merals.
Some ,oliticians lie -#t man$ more ,refer tellin% the tr#th.
There are fie fe/er st#dents this $ear.
3se of -et/een a J#antif$in% determiner and another >ind of determiner.
Some of the st#dents hae neer st#died En%lish.
The J#antif$in% determiner all ma$ -e #sed /ith or /itho#t of. ;or e8am,le $o# can sa$?
She /ants to motiate all GofH the st#dents.
'#t an article /here necessar$?
1. 'arties si%ned contract toda$ after hain% disc#ssed ,rice.
2. )a/$er a-o#t /hom I s,o>e arried at meetin% too late to adise a-o#t
amo#nt of dama%es com,an$ co#ld %et.
3. If there is tele,hone call for me a-o#t case1 ,#t it thro#%h.
4. 5lient said that Ro%%ins /as inefficientl$ r#n and #n,rofita-le com,an$.
5. Mo-ile ,hone has reol#tionised /a$ in /hich firm does -#siness.
're,ositions are /ords #sed /ith a no#n or ,rono#n1 /hich sho/ ,lace1 ,osition1 time or
method. Most ,re,ositions are little /ords li>e at, in, of, for, with, except, like, as, than and
on. 're,ositional ,hrases are %ro#,s of /ords1 s#ch as out of and on top of and instead of.
The ,re,osition between sho#ld -e follo/ed -$ an o-0ect ,rono#n li>e me1 him or #s instead
of a s#-0ect ,rono#n s#ch I1 she and /e. It is therefore correct to sa$ Lthis matter is -et/een
$o# and meA and /ron% to sa$ Lthis matter is -et/een $o# and IA.
2.1. re$osition or Adver%&
Some /ords s#ch as inside, past, across or down can -e #sed either as ,re,ositions or as
ader-s. If the /ord is follo/ed -$ a no#n or a ,rono#n1 it is a ,re,osition. This no#n or
,rono#n is called the o-0ect of the ,re,osition
She ,#t her hand inside M,re,ositionN m$ -a% Mno#n =O o-0ect of the ,re,ositionN.
It /as rainin%1 so the$ decided to sta$ inside Mader-N.
2.2. re$ositions of lace
Some ,re,ositions sho/ /here somethin% ha,,ens? under, underneath, over, inside,
beside, in, in front of, on top of, in the middle of.
2.3. re$ositions of Time
Some ,re,ositions sho/ /hen somethin% ha,,ens? at Mnine oAcloc>N1 in Mthe mornin%N1 at
Mni%htN1 on MSat#rda$N1 ,ast M$o#r -edtimeN1 d#rin%1 -$ M;rida$N1 -efore1 #ntil.
2.4. re$ositions of Direction
Some ,re,ositions sho/ /here somethin% is %oin%? after Meach otherN1 down Mthe hillN1 along1
through, towards, past, away from, out of.
2.5. re$ositions 'ith Ad(ectives) *er%s or "ouns
're,ositions are #sed /ith some ad0ecties? an%r$ /ith1 afraid of1 interested in1 %ood at.
're,ositions are #sed /ith some er-s? loo> for1 thin> of1 -elon% to1 listen to1 a%ree /ith1
lend to1 tell a-o#t1 c#t into1 -orro/ from.
're,ositions are #sed /ith some no#ns? ans/er to1 reason for1 the matter /ith1 e8am,le of1
con%rat#lations on E2=in%1 dama%e to.
1. ;ill in the -lan>s /ith the a,,ro,riate ,re,ositions?
1. Ten #nits m#st -e deliered P the -#$er P 36 Noem-er.
2. This a%reement can -e terminated P %iin% not less than 14 da$sA notice P
3. Rent /ill -e ,aid P accordance P this a%reement.
4. This is an a%reement P the ,arties to the contract.
5. The %oods are to -e moed P the defendantAs /areho#se no later P 2+
2. 5om,lete the follo/in% sentences /ith the %ien ,re,ositions. The t$,e of ,re,osition $o#
need is in ,arentheses? after1 #nder1 to/ard1 d#rin%1 on1 in1 -efore1 at1 a/a$1 from1 across
1. A cat /as sittin% the roof of m$ car. G,laceH
2. Some ,eo,le /ere tal>in% the moie. GtimeH
3. A man /as comin% #s on his -i>e. GdirectionH
4. The ,art$ starts si8 oAcloc>. GtimeH
5. She ,#t the -oo> her -a%. G,laceH
!. @e /al>ed the street to the ,ar>. G,laceH
&. IAll -e late for schoolI ItAs nine oAcloc> alread$I GtimeH
+. She >ee,s her sli,,ers her -ed. G,laceH
4. @e al/a$s /ash o#r hands meals. GtimeH
16. She ran the do% -eca#se she /as fri%htened. GdirectionH
The no#n is the ,art of s,eech desi%natin% a ,erson or a thin%. There are t/o main t$,es of
no#ns? common no#ns and ,ro,er no#ns.
3.1. +ommon nouns
5ommon no#ns indicate o-0ects of the same >ind.
Thin%s 5hair1 hammer1 tr#th1 lo$alt$
Animals and their
do% Q ,#,,$1 cat Q >itten1 co/ Q calf
'laces -an>1 air,ort1 hotel1 %as station1 li-rar$ 1 ,ar>1
(cc#,ations sin%er1 mana%er1 sailor1 %ardener1 teacher1 doctor
3.2. ro$er nouns
The names of ,artic#lar ,eo,le1 ,laces and thin%s are ,ro,er no#ns. The$ al/a$s -e%in /ith
a ca,ital letter.
'eo,leAs names 7eor%e @ashin%ton1 Mr. <o#n%1 Daid :ec>ham1 'rofessor 9ohnson
The da$s of the
/ee> and the
months of the $ear
S#nda$1 Monda$ ... Sat#rda$
9an#ar$1 ;e-r#ar$ ... Decem-er
S,ecial da$s and
Ne/ <earAs Da$1 MotherAs Da$1 Than>s%iin%1 2alentineAs Da$1
*allo/een1 )a-o#r Da$1 5hristmas
;amo#s ,laces1
-#ildin%s and
:i% :en1 the Em,ire State :#ildin%1 the S,hin81 the Ta0 Mahal1 the
Eiffel To/er1 the 7rand 5an$on1 the 7olden 7ate :rid%e1 the
S$dne$ (,era *o#se1 the 7reat @all of 5hina1 :#c>in%ham1 the
)eanin% To/er of 'isa1 the Stat#e of )i-ert$
5o#ntries Romania1 ;rance1 7erman$
'eo,le /ho lie in a
,artic#lar co#ntr$
Af%hans1 the :ritish1 the 5hinese1 the ;rench1 the 9a,anese1
Mala$sians1 Ne/ Realanders1 'a>istanis1 ;ili,inos1 S,aniards1 the
S/iss1 Thais1 the 2ietnamese
3.3. The num%er of nouns
;ormin% the ,l#ral from the sin%#lar?
Most no#ns E s ,ar>s1 ideas1 mo#ntains
Nouns that end in s, ss, ch, sh or
E es -#s Q -#ses Gor -#ssesH1 dress Q dresses1 -ranch
Q -ranches1 flash Q flashes1 -o8 Q-o8es
Nouns that end in y change the y
to i and add es.
$ =O i
-a-$ Q -a-ies1 famil$ Q families1 cit$ = cities
Nouns ending in y, preceded by
a vowel
E s >e$ Q >e$s1 da$ Q da$s1 alle$ = alle$s
Nouns ending in f f =O E
half Q hales1 leaf Q leaes1 /olf Q /oles1 thief Q
(ther no#ns endin% in f E es chief Q chiefs1 roof Q roofs1 cliff Q cliffs
Some no#ns endin% in f f =O E
es or
hoof = hoofs or hooes1 d/arf = d/arfs or
d/ares1 /harf = /harfs or /hares
Most no#ns that end in fe are f =O E >nife Q >nies1 /ife Q /ies1 life = lies
Most no#ns that end in o E s ideo Q ideos1 hi,,o Q hi,,os1 zoo Q zoos
(ther no#ns endin% in o E es Tomato Q tomatoes1 hero Q heroes1 olcano Q
Irre%#lar ,l#rals irre%#lar man=men1 /oman=/omen1 child=children1 foot=
feet1 tooth=teeth1 o8=o8en1 %oose=%eese1 mo#se=
mice Gor mo#ses for the com,#ter deiceH1 lo#se=
lice1 -rother=-rethren
The ,l#ral form same as the
sin%#lar form
Shee,1 deer1 fish Gfishes for different s,ecies of
fishH1 aircraft1 salmon
Al/a$s ,l#ral al/a$s
:od$ ,arts? loins1 -o/els
Diseases? measles1 m#m,s1 rhe#matics
5lothin%? tro#sers1 shorts1 s,ectacles1 0eans1
%o%%les1 ,ants1 ti%hts E a ,air of
Tools? scissors1 -inoc#lars1 %lasses1 t/eezers E a
,air of
7ames? -illiards1 darts1 dominoes
Sciences? ciics1 economics1 mathematics1
,h$sics1 ,olitics1 statistics
7eo%ra,hical names? the Al,s1 the *i%hlands1
The Netherlands1 the 3S
3s#all$ ,l#ral #s#all$
shoes1 cho,stic>s1 sandals1 %loes1 sli,,ers1
clo%s1 -oots1 soc>s E a ,air of
Sin%#lar /itho#t ,l#ral
G#nco#nta-le no#nsH
adice1 information1 f#rnit#re1 -read E a ,iece of
data1 eJ#i,ment1 liti%ation1 machiner$1 soft/are1
trainin%1 le%islation1 real estate
-#siness1 income1 mone$1 ,eace1 cotton1 co,,er1
rice1 ha,,iness1 sand
)atin ,l#rals )atin
al%a Q al%ae1 al#mn#s Q al#mni1 stim#l#s Q
stim#li1 code8 Q codices
7ree> ,l#rals 7ree>
anal$sis Q anal$ses1 crisis Q crises1 oasis Q
oases1 h$,othesis Q h$,otheses
3.4. +ollective nouns
The$ hae one sin%le form desi%natin% a %ro#, of identical thin%s? a famil$1 a cre/1 a team1
a comm#nit$1 a choir1 the arm$1 a 0#r$1 the %oernment1 a committee.
5ollectie no#ns ma$ -e #sed /ith a sin%#lar er- or /ith a ,l#ral er-. If the %ro#, is actin%
as a sin%le #nit1 #se a sin%#lar er-. If %ro#, mem-ers are actin% as indiid#als1 #se a ,l#ral
It sho#ld -e remem-ered that if the er- is sin%#lar an$ follo/in% ,rono#ns G/ords s#ch as
he1 she1 it or the$H m#st also -e sin%#lar1 e.%. Lthe firm is ,re,ared to act1 -#t not #ntil it
>no/s the o#tcome of the ne%otiationsA Gnot L. . . #ntil the$ >no/ the o#tcomeAH.
Al/a$s #se a ,l#ral er- /ith the collectie no#ns1 ,eo,le and the ,olice. ;or e8am,le?
Those ,eo,le lie Gnot liesH in Asia.
The ,olice hae ca#%ht Gnot has ca#%htH the thief.
S,ecialized no#ns?
7ro#,s of
a herd of cattle1 a ,ac> of /oles1 a litter of ,#,,ies1 a floc> of -irds1 a ,ride of
lions1 a troo, of mon>e$s1 a droe of shee,1 a ,od of dol,hins1 a -rood of
chic>ens1 a %a%%le of %eese1 a school of fish1 a s/arm of -ees
7ro#,s of
a -#nch of -ananas1 a dec> of cards1 a cl#ster of %ra,es1 a fli%ht of ste,s1 a
-#nch of flo/ers1 a s#ite of rooms1 a -o#J#et of flo/ers1 a s#ite of f#rnit#re1 a
ran%e of mo#ntains1 a set of tools1 a fleet of shi,s1 a strin% of -eads1 a fleet of
ehicles1 a %roe of trees
Some no#ns name the amo#nt or form of somethin%? a loaf of -read1 a -ar of soa,1 a -all of
strin%1 a -ar of chocolate.
The /ords a piece of mean a sin%le serin% or ,art of somethin%? a sliceD,iece of -read1 a
sliceD,iece of cheese1 a ,ieceDsJ#are of chocolate1 a sliceD,iece of ca>e1 a sheetD,iece of
,a,er1 a ,iece of chal>1 a ,iece of information1 a ,iece of adice
3.5 ,ender in -nglish
7ender can -e sho/n?
=/ith s#ffi8es actor Qactress1 cond#ctor=cond#ctress1 co#nt=co#ntess1 master=
mistress1 ,rince Q ,rincess1 em,eror1 em,ress 1 ,oliceman =
=/ith different
-achelor Q s,inster1 -o$ = %irl Q child1 father = mother = ,arent1
h#s-and = /ife = s,o#se1 ne,he/ = niece
=/ords indicatin%
the se8
-o$friend = %irlfriend = friend
manserant = maidserant = serant
=/ords indicatin%
an En%lishman = an En%lish/oman
a D#tchman = a D#tch/oman
@ith animals1 there is one %eneral /ord for the animal and s,ecial /ords for the male and
the female. Sometimes the /ord for the male animal is the same as the %eneral /ord.
Sometimes the /ord for the female animal is the same as the %eneral /ord.
animal masc#line feminine
ra--it -#c> doe
horse stallion mare
shee, ram e/e
,i% -oar so/
chic>en rooster hen
d#c> dra>e d#c>
%oose %ander %oose
fo8 fo8 i8en
ti%er ti%er ti%ress
lion lion lioness
cattle -#ll co/
3.!. +ommon gender nouns
No#ns that hae the same form for -oth %enders? teacher1 -a-$1 doctor1 scientist1 ,#,il1
,arent1 astrona#t1 ,resident1 child1 co#sin1 dancer1 mana%er
3.#. The $ossessive form of nouns
@ith a sin%#lar no#n E Ls 9ohnAs1 the catAs
,l#ral no#ns that donAt end in s E Ls childrenAs1 ,eo,leAs miceAs
,l#ral no#ns that end in s E L -o$sA1 ,#,ilsA
A name andin% in s EA D E Ls 9amesA D 9amesAs
t/o names lin>ed -$ and E Ls after the second no#n Fat$ and Mi>eAs
1. Read the sentences. Does the collectie no#n indicate a %ro#, actin% to%ether as a sin%le
#nit. If so1 circle the sin%#lar er-. Does the collectie no#n indicate a %ro#, in /hich each
mem-er acts indiid#all$. 5ircle the ,l#ral no#n.
1. The 0#r$ G/ereD/asH ar%#in% a-o#t the im,ortance of eidence.
2. A /hole com,an$ of soldiers GisDareH marchin% in the ,arade.
3. A %a%%le of %eese GisDareH r#nnin% eer$ /hich /a$ in the -arn$ard.
4. Those ,eo,le GlieDliesH in North America.
5. The ,olice GhasDhaeH arrested the s#s,ect.
!. That tro#,e of actors al/a$s Gsta$Dsta$sH at the 7rand *otel.
&. The committee GisDareH handin% in their -allots.
+. (#r school -and G,la$D,la$sH man$ liel$ marches.
4. A -i% colon$ of ants GliesDlieH #nder the front ,orch.
16. The %oernment GareDisH entitled to collect ta8es.
2. 5om,lete each ,hrase /ith a no#n from the -o8 that names a ,art or an amo#nt of
-#shel1 scoo,1 ream1 ,air1 dro,1 %rain1 ,inch1 %ala8$
a ... of stars
a ... of ,otatoes
a ... of sand
a ... of -oo>ends
a ... of ,a,er
a ... of ice cream
a ... of salt
a ... of rain
A ,rono#n is a ,art of s,eech that ta>es the ,lace of a no#n.
4.1. ersonal $ronouns
'ersonal ,rono#ns ma$ -e #sed as the s#-0ect or o-0ect of a er-.
The ,ersonal ,rono#ns I, you, he, she, it, we and they can all -e #sed as the s#-0ect of a
er- Gthe$ ,erform the action or stateH.
I li>e s,orts.
The ,ersonal ,rono#ns me, you, him, her, it, us and them can all -e #sed as the o-0ect of a
er- Gthe$ receie the action of the er-H.
The$ /arned them not to interfere.
4.2. .efle/ive $ronouns
Refle8ie ,rono#ns are /ords that refer -ac> to the no#n or ,rono#n that is the s#-0ect of
the er-. The /ords myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and
themselves are refle8ie ,rono#ns.
I -#ilt this tree ho#se m$self.
:e caref#l not to c#t $o#rself /ith that >nife.
4.3. ossessive ronouns
'ossessie ,rono#ns are #sed to tal> a-o#t thin%s that -elon% to ,eo,le. The /ords mine1
$o#rs1 his1 hers1 o#rs and theirs are ,ossessie ,rono#ns.
This -oo> is mine. *ae $o# lost $o#rs.

I me m$self mine

$o# $o# $o#rself $o#rs

'l#ral 1

/e #s o#rseles o#rs

$o# $o# $o#rseles $o#rs

the$ them themseles theirs
'rono#ns s$nthesis ta-le
4.4. Demonstrative $ronouns
Demonstratie ,rono#ns are #sed for ,ointin% o#t thin%s. The /ords this, that, these and
those are demonstratie ,rono#ns.
;or more details1 see cha,ter 1.2. Demonstratie determiners
4.5. Interrogative $ronouns
Interro%atie ,rono#ns are #sed to as> J#estions. The /ords who, whose, what, which and
whom are interro%atie ,rono#ns. In addition1 these ,rono#ns ma$ ta>e the s#ffi8es =eer
and =soeer. The$ do not distin%#ish -et/een sin%#lar and ,l#ral1 so the$ onl$ hae one
form. Interro%atie ,rono#ns ,rod#ce information J#estions that reJ#ire more than a S$esS or
SnoS ans/er.
S#-0ect (-0ect 'ossessie
/ho /hom /hose
What and which can -e #sed to as> a-o#t o-0ects or ,eo,le.
@hat time is it. @hat is $o#r name.
@hich chair are $o# tal>in% a-o#t. @hich is $o#r mother.
Who can -e #sed to as> a-o#t ,eo,le? @ho are $o#.
Whose can -e #sed to as> a-o#t a ,ossession relation? @hose is this -oo>.
Whom can -e #sed to as> a-o#t ,eo,le. It is less #s#al and more formal than who?
@hom did $o# ,hone. Mo-0ect of the er-N ;or /hom /ill $o# ote. Mo-0ect of the
Which and what can also -e #sed as interro%atie ad0ecties1 and who, whom, and which
can also -e #sed as a relatie ,rono#ns? The man /hom she chose /ill do a /onderf#l 0o-.
4.!. Indefinite $ronouns
An indefinite ,rono#n does not refer directl$ to an$ other /ord. Most indefinite ,rono#ns
e8,ress he idea of J#antit$.
Eer$-od$ is /elcome at the meetin%.
Man$ ,refer their coffee /ith s#%ar.
Indefinite 'rono#ns? all1 each1 most1 other1 another1 either1 neither1 seeral1 an$1 eer$-od$1
no-od$1 some1 an$-od$1 eer$one1 none1 some-od$1 an$one1 fe/1 no one1 someone1 -oth1
man$1 one1 s#ch.
The ,rono#n they is considered an indefinite ,rono#n /hen it ma>es an indefinite reference.
The$ ,rod#ce a lot of coal in $o#r state.
1. Read the follo/in% ,assa%e. @rite the missin% demonstratie ,rono#ns in the -lan>
*enr$ and I /ent for a /al> on the -each. B@hatAs TTTT oer there.C I as>ed. BIt
loo>s li>e -ro>en %lass1C said *enr$. *e %ae me a -a%. B'#t it in TTTT1C he said. I
,#t the -ro>en %lass into the -a%. B@eAd -etter ,#t TTTTTT in the trash1C I said. *e
too> the -a% from me. B<o# hae to hold it li>e TTTT1C said *enr$1 Bso that $o# donAt
c#t $o#r hand.C
2. @rite the missin% ,ossessie ,rono#ns in the -lan> s,aces to com,lete the sentences.
1. I chose this seat first so itAs TTTT.
2. 5an /e -orro/ $o#r colo#rin% ,ens. @eAe lost TTTT.
3. @e lie in the cit$ and the$ lie in the co#ntr$side. (#r ho#se is smaller than TTTT.
4. 9ohn1 is this ,encil TTTT.
5. Sall$ is loo>in% for her %loes. Are these %loes TTTT.
!. 5an 9#lie #se $o#r -i>e. TTTTTT is -ro>en.
&. Tom %ot the -oo>s mi8ed #,. *e tho#%ht mine /as and his /as TTTTT.
Ad0ecties descri-e no#ns and ,rono#ns.
Size of ,eo,le and thin%s a -i% ho#se1 a lon% -rid%e1 tin$ feet1 a lar%e arm$1 a hi%h
mo#ntain1 -i% hands1 a h#%e shi,1 a short man1 a short s>irt1 a
tall -#ildin%1 a thin -o$1 lon% tro#sers
5olo#r of thin%s a red car,et1 a %ra$ s#it1 a -ro/n -ear1 -lac> shoes
"#alif$in% ad0ecties a -ea#tif#l /oman1 a $o#n% soldier1 a flat s#rface1 a handsome
-o$1 an old #ncle1 a hot drin>1 a ,oor famil$1 a >ind lad$1 a cold
S#-stances a ,lastic folder1 a stone /all1 a cla$ ,ot1 a ,a,er -a%1 a metal
-o81 a %lass door
Ad0ecties of ori%in Gmade
from ,ro,er no#ns of
a Me8ican hat1 a :ritish ,olice officer1 the ;rench fla%1 a ;ili,ino
dress1 an American c#stom
5.1. The order of ad(ectives
@hen t/o or more ad0ecties are #sed to%ether1 the #s#al order is? size1 J#alit$1 colo#r1
ori%in1 s#-stance.
a small %reen ,lastic -o8
Ad0ecties of J#alit$ sometimes come -efore ad0ecties of size.
-ea#tif#l lon% hair
:#t ad0ecties of size al/a$s come -efore ad0ecties of colo#r.
-ea#tif#l lon% -lac> hair
If $o# #se an$ ad0ectie of s#-stance1 it comes after the colo#r ad0ectie.
a -ea#tif#l lon% -lac> sil> dress
5.2. Ad(ective endings
=f#l descri-e no#n or ,rono#ns that are
f#ll of somethin% or hae a lot of
a -ea#tif#l face1 a ,ainf#l in0#r$1 a
caref#l st#dent1 a cheerf#l -a-$
=o#s a famo#s /riter1 a co#ra%eo#s
a mo#ntaino#s area1 an adent#ro#s
e8,lorer1 a dan%ero#s 0o-
=$ a mess$ room1 a nois$ car1 dirt$
hands1 a slee,$ do%1 a clo#d$ s>$
=less a ,erson or thin% that does not
hae somethin%
a clo#dless s>$1 a meanin%less /ord1
a sleeeless dress1 a fearless fi%hter1
a careless drier
=al a national fla%1 ,ersonal ,ossessions1
m#sical instr#ments1 a traditional
cost#me1 electrical %oods
-ic, -ish, -i-le,
-a-le, -ie and
a fantastic sin%er1 a terri-le mess1 an
ima%inatie stor$1 a selfish act1 a
li>ea-le child1 friendl$ teachers
=in% @ords li>e smilin%1 carin% and
flashin% are ,resent ,artici,les of
er-s. The$ are formed -$ addin%
in% to the er-s. Man$ ,resent
,artici,les can also -e #sed as
loin% ,arents1 an interestin% -oo>1 a
disa,,ointin% res#lt1 a carin% n#rse
=ed @ords li>e closed1 /asted and
esca,ed are ,ast ,artici,les of
er-s. Man$ ,ast ,artici,les can
also -e #sed as ad0ecties.
a closed door1 satisfied c#stomers1
-oiled e%%s1 /orried ,assen%ers1
/asted time1 esca,ed ,risoners
=en @hat somethin% is made of a /ooden door1 a /oollen 0#m,er
= en D =$ @hat somethin% is li>e a %olden s#nrise GU -ri%ht $ello/ li>e
%oldH1 sil>$ s>in GU as soft as sil>H
5.3. The com$arison of ad(ectives
The com$arative The su$erlative
To com,are t/o ,eo,le or thin%s1 #se the
com,aratie form of an ad0ectie. The
com,aratie form is #s#all$ made -$ addin%
er to the ad0ectie.
dar> Q dar>er1 hard Q harder1 li%ht Q
li%hter1 /arm Q /armer1 hi%h = hi%her
The /ord than is often #sed to com,are t/o
thin%s or ,eo,le.
A car is faster than a -i>e.
@hen $o# com,are three or more ,eo,le or
thin%s1 #se the s#,erlatie form of an
ad0ectie. The s#,erlatie form is #s#all$
made -$ addin% est to the ad0ectie.
dar> Q dar>est1 /arm Q /armest1 li%ht
Q li%htest1 cold1 coldest1 hi%h = hi%hest
The /ord the is often #sed -efore the
s#,erlatie form.
A -ee is a small insect. A lad$-ird is
smaller1 -#t an ant is the smallest.
;ormin% the de%rees of com,arison?
Ad0ecties endin% in =e E r D Est nice Q nicer Q nicest1 close Q closer
Qclosest1 lar%e = lar%er Q lar%est
short /ord that ends in a consonant and
has a sin%le o/el in the middle
Do#-le the
Eer D Eest
sad =sadder Q saddest1 /et =
/etter Q /ettest1 slim Q slimmer Q
the ad0ectie has t/o s$lla-les and ends
in $
$=O i
Eer D Eest
eas$ = easier Q easiest1 hea$ =
heaier Q heaiest1 f#nn$ = f#nnier
= f#nniest = loel$ loelier Q
@e #se more and most to com,are most
other t/o=s$lla-le ad0ecties. @e also
#se more and most /ith ad0ecties that
hae more than t/o s$lla-les.
more D most famo#s = more famo#s = most
famo#s1 ,recio#s = more ,recio#s =
most ,recio#s1 handsome = more
handsome = most handsome
Irre%#lar com,aratie and s#,erlatie Irre%#lar %ood Q -etter Q -est1 -ad= /orse Q
/orst1 little Q less Q least1 man$ Q
more Q most1 far Q farther or
f#rther1 farthest or f#rthest
5.4. Ad(ective $hrases
Ad0ectie ,hrases are ,hrases #sed li>e sin%le ad0ecties to descri-e no#ns and ,rono#ns.
Most ad0ectie ,hrases come after the /ord the$ descri-e.
M$ friend lies in the ho#se across the street .
Some ad0ectie ,hrases come -efore the /ord the$ descri-e. The /ords in these ,hrases
are often 0oined /ith h$,hens.
a lon%=le%%ed -ird1 an ei%ht=$ear=old child1 a /ell=dressed lad$1 a ten=cent coin1 a
#ser=friendl$ eJ#i,ment
1. The follo/in% sentences contain ad0ecties made -$ addin% endin%s to no#ns. @rite the
no#n that each ad0ectie comes from on the line after each sentence. Remem-er that some
no#ns m#st -e chan%ed sli%htl$ -efore the endin% is added.
1. SheAs al/a$s ma>in% careless mista>es.
2. It /as a er$ ,ainf#l in0#r$.
3. @itches and /izards hae ma%ical ,o/ers.
4. These oran%es are er$ 0#ic$.
5. Do%s are #s#all$ more ener%etic than cats.
!. (#r nei%h-ors are not er$ friendl$.
&. She >ee,s her to$s in a lar%e /ooden -o8.
+. Ta>e off $o#r m#dd$ shoes -efore $o# come in.
4. Ma$ I -orro/ $o#r ,encil shar,ener. Mine is #seless.
16. @hat a -ea#tif#l dressI
Exercise 4
2. ;ill in the -lan> s,aces /ith ad0ecties made from the er-s in ,arentheses. Remem-er
that -oth ,resent ,artici,les and ,ast ,artici,les can -e #sed as ad0ecties. 5hoose the
ad0ectie that s#its the sentence -est.
1. It /asnAt a er$ GinterestH moie.
2. @e co#ld hear the Ge8citeH fans screamin%.
3. I ho,e the ,#,ils donAt thin> that m$ classes are G-oreH.
4. M$ dad had a er$ G/orr$H loo> on his face.
5. *ae the ,olice fo#nd the GstealH car $et.
!. The s#,ermar>et sells lots of GfreezeH food.
&. The ,la$ers on the G/inH team donAt loo> tired at all.
+. Some of the old ho#ses had G-rea>H /indo/s.
Ader-s are /ords that tell $o# more a-o#t er-s1 ad0ecties and other ader-s. Man$
ader-s end in ly. <o# ma>e these ader-s -$ addin% ly to ad0ecties.
The traffic /as moin% slo/l$. @e /aited ,atientl$ to see the doctor.
Ader- ,hrases are %ro#,s of /ords that f#nctions as sin%le ader-s to descri-e the action
of the er-.
Are $o# sittin% in a comfortable chair. Mr. Dic>son al/a$s dresses in fashionable
T$,es of ader-s?
Ader-s of
*o/. correctl$1 carelessl$1 s>ilf#ll$1 li>e a
-a-$1 in a clear oice
Ader-s of
@hen. tomorro/1 alread$1 last /ee>1 in the
a#t#mn1 in a fe/ da$sA time1 as soon
as ,ossi-le1 ne8t $ear1 this mornin%
Ader-s of
@here. o#tside1 #,stairs1 there1 in the ,ar>1 to
Ne/ <or> 5it$1 on the northern side
of the island
Ader-s of
*o/ often. re%#larl$1 al/a$s1 neer1 eer1 dail$1
eer$ da$1 t/ice a /ee>1 once eer$
si8 months
Ader-s of
*o/ lon%. tem,oraril$1 oer ni%ht1 -riefl$1 for
three da$s1 for a moment1 for oer an
Ader-s of
Most ader-s descri-e er-s1 -#t
some ader-s also descri-e
ad0ecties or other ader-s. The$ are
#s#all$ #sed to add em,hasis.
0#st1 com,letel$1 totall$1 J#ite1 reall$1
er$1 too
Anna can r#n reall$ fast.
ThatAs a er$ %ood dra/in%.
M$ rice is too hot.
1. 5hoose one of the %ien ad0ecties and t#rn it into an ader- to com,lete the sentences
-elo/? close1 firm1 -ri%ht1 neat1 caref#l1 J#ic>1 sad1 re%#lar1 J#iet1 clear
1. She /rites er$ TTTTT.
2. <o# hae to tal> TTTTT /hen $o#Are in the li-rar$.
3. 5arr$ the %lass TTTTT so $o# donAt dro, it.
4. <o# sho#ld e8ercise TTTTT if $o# /ant to sta$ fit.
5. B7ood-$e. IAm %oin% to miss $o#1C she said TTTTT.
!. The s>$ /as -l#e and the s#n /as shinin% TTTTT.
&. If $o# follo/ #s TTTTT1 $o# /onAt %et lost.
+. I canAt #nderstand $o#. 'lease s,ea> more TTTTT.
4. )etAs /al> TTTTT so /e %et home -efore it starts to rain.
16. Attach the si%n TTTTT to the /all.
2. Are the -old /ords in the follo/in% sentences ader-s or ad0ecties. @rite ader- or
ad0ectie on the line after each sentence.
1. The teacher smiled >indl$.
2. She has a loel$ smile.
3. The children in m$ class are er$ friendl$.
4. 9ohn had no friends and felt er$ lonel$.
5. It /as rainin%1 so the$ /isel$ decided to sta$ in.
!. M$ dad -#$s a dail$ ne/s,a,er.
&. Some sna>es are deadl$.
+. IAe nearl$ finished m$ home/or>.
4. I shoo> hands ,olitel$ /ith the head teacher.
16. The$ ,la$ed some er$ liel$ %ames.
5on0#nctions are /ords #sed to lin> /ords1 ,hrases or cla#ses. Some common con0#nctions
are and1 but and or.
3se and to lin> /ords that are similar? The ,resident isited to/ns and cities across the
3se but to lin> /ords that are different and do not normall$ %o to%ether? Ai>ido is tirin% -#t
3se or to tal> a-o#t choices? <o# can hae a soda or lemonade.
The /ord or is often #sed /ith not and other ne%atie /ords?
*e canAt sin% or dance.
The$Ae neer -een to E#ro,e or Asia.
5on0#nctions lin>?
@ords @e /ant a acation thatKs interesting -#t relaxing.
'hrases The car is very old -#t still very reliable.
)ists In the mornin% I get up, take a shower, eat breakfast and brush my
Sentences Sam is ,la$in% foot-all and Eric is readin% a -oo>.
A lon% sentence /ith
t/o ,arts that are
lin>ed -$ and1 but or
or is called a
com,o#nd sentence.
I s/itched on the T21 -#t there /ere no interestin% ,ro%rams on.
@o#ld $o# li>e to %o to the moies or shall /e %o for a -#r%er.
There are other constr#cts for and1 but and or?
And not onl$...1 -#t alsoV not onl$ ...1 -#t as /ellV as /ell asV -oth ... and
:#t altho#%h1 een tho#%h1 /hile1 tho#%h
(r neither ... norV either ... or1 or else
T$,es of con0#nctions
5on0#nctions of time -efore1 after1 since1 #ntil1 /hen1 /hile1 as1 as soon
5on0#nctions of ,lace /here1 /hereer
@here the road is narro/1 -i% tr#c>s canAt %et
The do% follo/s Andre/ /hereer he %oes.
5on0#nctions of
-eca#se1 since1 as1 in case
5on0#nctions of
so1 so that1 in order to
1. 5om,lete the follo/in% sentences -$ addin% and, but or or.
1. Mrs. Ta$lor is tall ... slim.
2. )earnin% %eo%ra,h$ is hard ... interestin%.
3. I donAt li>e foot-all ... soccer.
4. Do $o# ,#ll the handle ... ,#sh it.
5. These tools are old ... still #sef#l.
!. @e isited lots of castles ... ,alaces in En%land.
&. The classes are J#ite diffic#lt ... IAm doin% /ell.
+. I didnAt >no/ /hether to t#rn left ... ri%ht.
2er-s descri-e actions or states.
The s#-0ect and the er- match each other or a%ree. This a%reement is most o-io#s in the
case of the ,resent sim,le tense1 third ,erson sin%#lar1 /hen most er-s ta>e the endin% Qs.
Mom /al>s to /or> eer$ da$.
The third ,erson sin%#lar form of some er-s is made -$ addin% =es at the end. Some
e8am,les are er-s that end in sh1 ch1 ss1 81 zz and o? -r#shes1 /atches1 >isses1 fi8es1 %oes1
;or most er-s that end in $1 the $ chan%es to an i and then Qes is added? carr$ Q carries1
h#rr$ Q h#rries1 co,$ Q co,ies1 cr$ Q cries1 fl$ Q flies.
@hen the er- ends /ith Q$ ,receded -$ a o/el1 /e 0#st add Qs at the end? -#$ Q-#$s1 sa$
Q sa$s1 ,la$ Q ,la$s1 anno$ Q anno$s.
;or more information on a%reement1 see cha,ter 3.4. 5ollectie no#ns.
0.1. Transitive and intransitive ver%s
Some er-s hae an o-0ect. The o-0ect of a er- is the ,erson or thin% that is affected -$ the
action of the er-? Alice eats -isc#its for -rea>fast. 2er-s that hae o-0ects are called
transitie er-s.
Some er-s can -e either transitie or intransitie. Notice that the transitie meanin% and the
intransitie meanin% are sometimes different.
transitive ver%s intransitive ver%s
The ,ilot flies the ,lane er$ /ell. Ea%les fl$ hi%h in the s>$.
The -o$s ,la$ foot-all on /ee>ends. The -o$s ,la$ in the $ard on /ee>ends.
M$ mom r#ns her o/n com,an$. M$ mom r#ns in the ,ar> for f#n.
@e /al> the do% eer$ eenin%. @e /al> on the -each eer$ eenin%.
0.2. Au/iliary ver%s
0.2.1. 1e) do) and have
A#8iliar$ er-s are #sed to%ether /ith a main er- to %ie %rammatical information and
therefore add e8tra meanin% to a sentence. Information that is not %ien -$ the main er-.
= The$ are #sed to form the ,assie oice? The -oo> /as /ritten -$ an #n>no/n
= The$ are #sed to form the contin#o#s tense? *e is comin% to/ard #s.
= The$ are #sed to form the ,erfect tense? *ae $o# seen Mar>.
= The$ are #sed to form J#estions and for em,hasis? Did $o# %o to school $eaterda$.
She does loo> nice so sto, sa$in% she doesnAt.
Be, Do and Have are a#8iliar$ er-s1 the$ are irre%#lar er-s and can -e #sed as main
er-s. The er-s Kto -eK and Kto haeK are the most commonl$ #sed a#8iliar$ er-s and /or>
alon%side the main er-s in an$ statement.
Be is the most common er- in the En%lish lan%#a%e. It can -e #sed as an a#8iliar$ and a
main er-. It is #sed a lot in its other forms.
The er- do is one of the most common er-s in En%lish. It can -e #sed as an a#8iliar$ and
a main er-. It is often #sed in J#estions. The a#8iliar$ er- KdoK is al/a$s follo/ed -$ the
-ase form GinfinitieH.
0.2.2. 2odal ver%s
3nli>e other a#8iliar$ er-s1 modals onl$ e8ist in their hel,in% formV the$ cannot act alone as
the main er- in a sentence. The$ are #sed -efore infinities to add a different meanin%. ;or
e8am,le1 $o# #se a#8iliar$ er-s to sa$?
= that someone is a-le to do somethin%1
= that someone is allo/ed to do somethin%1 or
= that someone has to do somethin%.
The hel,in% er-s are can, could, would, should, ought to, will, shall, may, might and must.
+an and could
3se can and co#ld to sa$ that someone is a-le to do somethin%. 5o#ld is the sim,le ,ast
tense form of can.
5an $o# ride a -i>e. I ran as fast as I co#ld.
@hen $o# ,#t not after can1 /rite it as one /ord? cannot. The contraction of cannot is canAt1
and the contraction of co#ld not is co#ldnAt.
The$ cannot D canAt find their /a$ home.
Sarah co#ld not D co#ldnAt come to the ,art$ -eca#se she /as ill.
<o# ma$ also #se can and co#ld to sa$ that someone is allo/ed to do somethin%.
<o# canAt %o in there /itho#t a tic>et.
5an and co#ld are also #sed for as>in% for information or hel,1 for offerin% somethin%1 and
for s#%%estin% somethin%.
5o#ld $o# sho/ me /here the accident ha,,ened.
5o#ld $o# o,en that /indo/1 ,lease.
<o# can -orro/ m$ ,en1 if $o# li>e.
3ill and 'ould
3se will and would /hen $o# are as>in% someone to do somethin%.
@ill $o# ,lease sto, ma>in% that noise. @o#ld $o# ,ass me that -oo>1 ,lease.
<o# can also #se /ill and /o#ld to offer somethin% or to s#%%est somethin%.
@ill I hold this end of the ro,e. @o#ld $o# li>e another drin>.
The contraction of /ill not is /onAt and the contraction of /o#ld not is /o#ldnAt?
@onAt $o# sta$ and eat /ith #s. @o#ldnAt it -e -etter to /ait.
4hall and should
<o# can #se shall and sho#ld to as> for adice1 offer somethin% and s#%%est somethin%.
Sho#ld I -rin% /ater,roof clothes. Sho#ld I ,hone the ,olice. Shall /e %o home
5ught to
<o# #se ought to to ma>e stron% s#%%estions and tal> a-o#t someoneAs d#t$.
I o#%ht to %et more ,h$sical e8ercise.
<o# o#%ht to t#rn off the com,#ter /hen $o#Are not #sin% it.
3se m#st to tal> a-o#t thin%s that $o# hae to do. ust >ee,s the same form in the ,ast
I m#st mail this letter toda$.
The contraction of m#st not is m#stnAt? She m#stnAt let the do% slee, on her -ed.
2ay and might
3se ma$ to as> if $o# are allo/ed to do somethin% and to tell someone that the$ are allo/ed
to do somethin%.
BMa$ I %o o#t to ,la$ no/.C B<es1 $o# ma$.C
3se ma$ and mi%ht to tal> a-o#t thin%s that are ,ossi-le or li>el$.
Ta>e an #m-rella. It mi%ht rain. I ma$ not hae time to %o s/immin% toni%ht.
2odal -/am$le 6ses
5an The$ can control their o/n -#d%ets.
@e canAt fi8 it.
5an I smo>e here.
5an $o# hel, me.
A-ilit$ D 'ossi-ilit$
Ina-ilit$ D Im,ossi-ilit$
As>in% for ,ermission
5o#ld 5o#ld I -orro/ $o#r dictionar$.
5o#ld $o# sa$ it a%ain more slo/l$.
@e co#ld tr$ to fi8 it o#rseles.
I thin> /e co#ld hae another 7#lf @ar.
*e %ae #, his old 0o- so he co#ld /or> for #s.
As>in% for ,ermission.
;#t#re ,ossi-ilit$
A-ilit$ in the ,ast
Ma$ Ma$ I hae another c#, of coffee.
5hina ma$ -ecome a ma0or economic ,o/er.
As>in% for ,ermission
;#t#re ,ossi-ilit$
Mi%ht @eKd -etter ,hone tomorro/1 the$ mi%ht -e eatin% their
dinner no/.
The$ mi%ht %ie #s a 16W disco#nt.
'resent ,ossi-ilit$
;#t#re ,ossi-ilit$
M#st @e m#st sa$ %ood=-$e no/.
The$ m#stnAt disr#,t the /or> more than necessar$.
Necessit$ D (-li%ation
(#%ht to @e o#%ht to em,lo$ a ,rofessional /riter. Sa$in% /hatAs ri%ht or
Shall Shall I hel, $o# /ith $o#r l#%%a%e.
Shall /e sa$ 2.36 then.
Shall I do that or /ill $o#.
As>in% /hat to do
Sho#ld @e sho#ld sort o#t this ,ro-lem at once.
I thin> /e sho#ld chec> eer$thin% a%ain.
'rofits sho#ld increase ne8t $ear.
Sa$in% /hatAs ri%ht or
3ncertain ,rediction
@ill I canAt see an$ ta8is so IAll /al>.
IKll do that for $o# if $o# li>e.
IAll %et -ac> to $o# first thin% on Monda$.
'rofits /ill increase ne8t $ear.
Instant decisions
5ertain ,rediction
@o#ld @o#ld $o# mind if I -ro#%ht a collea%#e /ith me.
@o#ld $o# ,ass the salt ,lease.
@o#ld $o# mind /aitin% a moment.
S@o#ld three oXcloc> s#it $o#.S = SThatAd -e fine.S
@o#ld $o# li>e to ,la$ %olf this ;rida$.
S@o#ld $o# ,refer tea or coffee.S = SIAd li>e tea ,lease.S
As>in% for ,ermission
Ma>in% arran%ements
Modal er-s s$nthesis ta-le
7.1. resent sim$le
@e #se this tense for ?
=facts and ,ermanent states? I /or> for an adertisin% com,an$.
=%eneral tr#ths and la/s of nat#re? The moon reoles aro#nd the Earth.
=ha-its and ro#tines G/ith al/a$s1 #s#all$..H? @e #s#all$ ,la$ foot-all on S#nda$.
=timeta-les and ,ro%rammes Gin the f#t#reH? The train de,arts at 5.
=s,ortin% commentaries1 reie/s and narrations? )ee s/in%s his -at and scores a home r#n.
=li>es and disli>es I loe Romania. ItAs s#ch a -ea#tif#l /eather.
I D $o# D /e D $o# D the$ /or> in an
*e D she D it ,la$s
I D $o# D /e D $o# D the$ do not GdonAtH /or> in an
*e D she D it does not ,la$
Do I D $o# D /e D $o# D the$ /or> in an
Does he D she D it ,la$.
Do D $o# D /e D $o# D the$ not /or> in an office.
DonAt I D $o# D /e D $o# D the$ /or> in an office.
Does he D she D it not ,la$.
DoesnAt he D she D it ,la$.
Time e8,ressions #sed /ith ,resent sim,le?
=#s#all$1 often1 al/a$s1 eer$ da$Deer$ /ee>1 in the mornin%1 at ni%ht1 on ;rida$s
7.2. resent continuous
=T( :E E 2: EIN7
=for actions ta>in% ,lace at or aro#nd the moment of s,ea>in%? DonAt -other him1 he is doin%
his home/or>.
=for fi8ed arran%ements in the near f#t#re? @eAre si%nin% #, for an En%lish class ne8t /ee>.
=for c#rrentl$ chan%in% and deelo,in% sit#ations? The da$s are -ecomin% shorter and
=/ith ader-s s#ch as always to e8,ress an%er or irritation at a re,eated action? <o# are
al/a$s ,la$in% $o#r m#sic /hen I am tr$in% to st#d$.
I am GLmH
<o# D /e D $o# D the$ are GLreH leain%
*e D she D it is
I am GLmH not
<o# D /e D $o# D the$ are GLreH not leain%
*e D she D it is not GisnAtH
Am I
Are $o# D /e D $o# D the$ leain% no/
Am I not
Are $o# D /e D $o# D the$ not leain% no/
Is he D she D it Is he D she D it not
Time e8,ressions #sed /ith ,resent contin#o#s?
=no/1 at the moment1 at ,resent1 these da$s1 no/ada$s1 still1 toda$1 toni%ht
5om,lete the follo/in% sentences /ith either 1H the sim,le ,resent form of the er-1 or 2H the
,resent ,ro%ressie form of the er-.
1. The teacher al/a$s G%ieH #s interestin% ,ro0ect /or>.
2. The /ind G-lo/H er$ stron%l$ toda$.
3. I Gli>eH chocolate ice cream.
4. :e J#ietI @e Gtr$H to listen to the radio.
5. )etAs %o inside no/. It G-e%inH to rain.
!. 'en%#ins GeatH fish.
&. Dad neer GletH #s ,la$ in the street /hen itAs dar>.
+. The children G%oH s/immin% eer$ da$.
4. @eAre tr$in% to catch the -all that GrollH do/n the hill.
16. M$ teacher G>no/H a lot a-o#t ,lants and animals.
18.1. 9uture sim$le
@e #se it for?
=decisions made at the moment of s,ea>in%? IAll do the /ashin% #, later.
=,redictions a-o#t the f#t#re1 -ased on /hat /e thin>1 -eliee or ima%ine1 #sin% the er-s to
think, to believe, to expect1 the e8,ressions be sure, be afraid and the ader-s probably,
certainly, perhaps? I e8,ect she /ill -e offered the mana%er ,osition.
=,romises1 threats1 /arnin%s1 reJ#ests1 ho,es and offers? @ill $o# lend me some mone$ till
ne8t /ee>end.
=actions1 eents1 sit#ations /hich /ill definitel$ ha,,en in the f#t#re and /hich /e cannot
control? (#r oldest son /ill -e thirt$ ne8t Ma$.
9ull form +ontraction
I shall1 I /ill IAll
$o# /ill $o#All
*e D she D it /ill *e D she D it Lll
@e shall1 /e /ill @eAll
The$ /ill The$All
Ne%atie? I D $o# D he D she D it D /e D $o# D the$ /ill not D/onAt.
18.2. 9uture 'ith going to
@e #se this tense for?
=,lans1 intentions or am-itions for the f#t#re? I am %oin% to -e a doctor /hen I %ro/ #,.
=actions /e hae alread$ decided to do in the near f#t#re? I am %oin% to isit m$ co#sin
=,redictions -ased on /hat /e can see or /hat /e >no/1 es,eciall$ /hen there is eidence
that somethin% /ill ha,,en? It is %oin% to rain. )oo> at those clo#dsI
Time e8,ression /ith these tenses? tomorro/1 the da$ after tomorro/1 toni%ht1 soon1 ne8t
/ee>DmonthD$earDs#mmer1 in a /ee>Dmonth
1. :arnard1 Ro%er and 9eff 5add$1 Business !enture "1 (8ford 3niersit$ 'ress1
(8ford1 1443
2. *ai%h1 R#,ert1 #egal $nglish1 second edition1 Ro#tled%e Q 5aendish1 )ondon and
Ne/ <or>1 2664
3. Sar%eant1 *o/ard1 Basic $nglish %rammar Book "1 Saddle-ac> Ed#cational
'#-lishin%1 Irine1 5A1 266&
4. htt,?DD///.en%lishlan%#a%e%#ide.comDen%lishD%rammarDinterro%atie=,,
5. htt,?DD///.learnen%lish.deD%rammarDer-a#8.htm

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