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Photocopiable Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

Essentials Teachers Main Vocabulary Unit 3
Word / Phrase Part of speech Phonetic Spelling Denition Sample Sentence
American noun /merkn/ from the U.S. Jay Z is American.
Australia noun /streli/ a country in Oceania Hes from Australia.
Australian adjective /strelin/ from Australia Hes Australian.
best friend noun [count] /best/ /frend/ the friend that you like best Her best friend is Heather.
boyfriend noun [count] /bfrend/ a man or boy that you are having a romantic relationship with Her boyfriend is American.
Brazil noun /brzl/ a country in South America Hes from Brazil.
Brazilian adjective /brzlin/ from Brazil Jackie is Brazilian.
British adjective /brt/ from England, Scotland, or Wales Rob is British.
brother noun [count] /brr/ a son of your parents Her brothers name is Jim.
Canada noun /knd/ a country in North America My teacher is from Canada.
Canadian adjective /knedin/ from Canada My teacher is Canadian.
China noun /tan/ a country in Asia Jet Li is from China.
Chinese adjective /taniz/ from China Jackie Chan is Chinese.
citizen noun [count] /stz()n/
someone who has the right to live permanently in a particular
Shes a citizen of Germany and America.
city noun [count] /sti/ a large important town So Paulo is a city.
country noun [count] /kntri/ an area of land that has its own government Japan is a country.
daughter noun [count] /dtr/ your female child Her daughters name is Hannah.
Egypt noun /idpt/ a country in Africa Shes from Egypt.
Egyptian adjective /dpn/ from Egypt Shes Egyptian.
family noun [count] /fm()li/ a group of people who live together and are related to one another There are fve people in my family.
family member noun [count] /fm()li/ /membr/ someone who belongs to a family My brother is a family member.
family tree noun [count] /fm()li/ /tri/
a drawing that contains the names of everyone in a family and that
shows the relationships between them
The family tree shows all my family members.
famous adjective /fems/
if someone or something is famous, a lot of people know their
name or have heard about them
Heidi Klum is a famous person.
father noun [count] /fr/ your male parent My fathers name is William.
Photocopiable Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2011
Essentials Teachers Main Vocabulary Unit 3
Word / Phrase Part of speech Phonetic Spelling Denition Sample Sentence
France noun /frns/ a country in Europe Pierre is from France.
French adjective /frent/ from France Marie is French.
friend noun [count] /frend/
someone you know well and like, but who is not a member of your
Heather is Nicoles friend.
German adjective /drmn/ from Germany Max is German.
Germany noun /drmni/ a country in Europe Lukas is from Germany.
girlfriend noun [count] /rlfrend/ a woman who you are having a romantic relationship with His girlfriend is Australian.
girlfriend noun [count] /rlfrend/ a female friend of a woman Jackie is one of her girlfriends.
grandfather noun [count] /rn(d)fr/ the father of one of your parents My grandfathers name is Joe.
grandmother noun [count] /rn(d)mr/ the mother of one of your parents Their grandmothers name is Betty.
house noun [count] /has/ a building for living in He lives in a house.
how old question word /ha/ /old/ what age How old is your sister?
husband noun [count] /hzbnd/ the man that a woman is married to Your husbands name is William.
international adjective /ntrnn()l/ involving several countries Heidi Klum is an international top model.
Japan noun /dpn/ a country in Asia Shes from Japan.
Japanese adjective /dpniz/ from Japan Theyre Japanese.
life noun [count] /laf/ your particular way of living They have a happy family life.
map noun [count] /mp/
a drawing of an area that shows the positions of things such as
countries, rivers, cities, and streets
This is a map of the world.
Mexican adjective /mekskn/ from Mexico Shes Mexican.
Mexico noun /meksko/ a country in North America Shes from Mexico.
model noun [count] /md()l/
a person whose job is to appear in magazines or fashion shows
wearing clothes that are for sale
Shes a famous model.
mother noun [count] /mr/ your female parent My mothers name is Mary.
nationality noun [count] /nnlti/ a group of people who have the same race, language, or culture His nationality is Japanese.
parent noun [count] /pernt/ a mother or father Your mother is your parent.
people noun [plural] /pip()l/ the plural of person There are lots of people in a city.
Photocopiable Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2011
Essentials Teachers Main Vocabulary Unit 3
Word / Phrase Part of speech Phonetic Spelling Denition Sample Sentence
person noun [count] /prs()n/ an individual human, usually an adult Emma Watson is a famous person.
sister noun [count] /sstr/ a daughter of your parents His sisters name is Lisa.
son noun [count] /sn/ your male child Our sons name is Johnny.
Spain noun /spen/ a country in Europe Shes from Spain.
Spanish adjective /spn/ from Spain Shes Spanish.
the U.K, noun // /ju ke/ the United Kingdom William is from the U.K.
the U.S. noun // /ju es/ the United States Dan is from the U.S.
the United Kingdom noun
// /junatd/
England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, considered as a
political unit
Hes from the United Kingdom.
the United States noun // /junatd/ /stets/ a country in North America Theyre from the United States.
what question word /wt/ which thing Whats her name?
where question word /wer/ in or to what place Where are your parents from?
who question word /hu/ which person Whos our coach?
wife noun [count] /waf/ the woman that a man is married to His wifes name is Julie.

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