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Kota hijau merupakan suatu konsep pembangunan kota berkelanjutan.

Terdapat delapan
indikator pembentuk kota hijau di Indonesia, yaitu; green planning and design, green open
space, green building, green waste, green transportation, green water, green energy, dan green
community. Kota Jakarta merupakan salah satu kota besar di Indonesia, saat ini memiliki
berbagai permasalahan kota seperti; urbanisasi, permasalahan lalu lintas, bencana banjir, dan
persampahan yang membuat kota menjadi tidak nyaman untuk dihuni. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk merumuskan permasalahan kota terkait delapan indikator kota hijau melalui desk study,
mengidentifikasi penerapan konsep kota hijau menggunakan analisis gap, dan mengevaluasi
penerapan konsep kota hijau di Kota Jakarta menggunakan metode skoring. Hasil perumusan
masalah menunjukkan bahwa Kota Jakarta saat ini memiliki permasalahan kota terkait delapan
indikator kota hijau. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesenjangan antara kondisi ideal
dengan kondisi aktual penerapan kota hijau di Kota Jakarta. Kesenjangan terjadi akibat
penerapan indikator kota hijau masih pada tahap awal pengembangan. Tahap evaluasi
menghasilkan penerapan indikator green planning and design dan green open space memiliki
nilai tertinggi sebesar 62.50%, disusul indikator green transportation (50%), green community
(50%), green building (50%), green water (37.50%), green waste (30%), dan green energy

Green city is one of the concept for urban development towards the sustainable city. There
are eight ideal indicators into a green city concept in Indonesia; green planning and design, green
open space, green building, green waste, green transportation, green water, green energy, and
green community. Jakarta is one of the major cities in Indonesia who have some urban problems
such as; urbanization, traffic problem, flood, and also waste problem. The purpose of this study
is to formulate the problems related to eight green city indicators through desk study, identify the
application of the concept using gap analysis, and evaluate the application of the concept using
scoring method. The results from the formulation showed that Jakarta have related problems to
eight green city indicators. The analysis showed that there is a gap between the ideal with actual
condition in the green city immpelementation. Gaps caused by the application of green city
concept is still in the early stages. The evaluation phase resulted that green planning and design
and green open space indicators has the highest value of 62.50%, followed by green
transportation (50%), green community (50%), green building (50%), green water (37.50%),
green waste (30%), and green energy (10%).

Jakarta city currently has the eight indicators related problems of the city green cit
This study aims to formulate problems related to the eight indicators city green city through desk study,
The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the achievement of Jakarta towards a green city
. The analysis, carried out the evaluation for Jakarta to the green city concept. The results of this
research showed that Jakarta has had a city development plan towards sustainable city, but still have a
mismatch between the actual with a plan that has been created.

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