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Clearing the fog on Putin, Ukraine and Russia

In fact, he is not even a socialist. Putin feels religion is vital to the fabric of Russian society to
promote family life and raising children at a time when Russia's population is teetering on the edge
of a dangerous birth rate crisis.
Vladimir Putin is not a communist. Putin some years back made a G8 Summit speech in which he
warned the West, that they were engaging in too much 'state central planning' of their economies
and cited the Soviet collapse as the perfect lesson in the folly of doing so.
Vladimir Putin
No account is taken of the fact that Communism never suppressed Russian nationalism on a cultural
level or even attempted to, nor is the deep intertwine that exists with Russian Orthodox Christianity
and Russian nationalism recognized.
Pres. Putin believed the reasons for the coup; to preserve the Soviet Union and Communism as
founded in 1917 were wrong.
To understand what is actually happening with the Russian Federation, it's important to first clear
the air about the current leader of it.
. Communists do not go to church, they burn them down. In communist nations, there is no god
before 'dear leader' and no religion before the 'the state'.
These aspects of Putin are unknown by the general public in the West and intentionally ignored by
news media and politicians alike who simply paint Putin with the brush of, 'ex-commie apparatchik'
because it better fits their own various narratives in both western European and American domestic
Upon the onset of the current Ukraine crisis, one expert after another in Western news media
espoused the narrative that Putin's expansionist adventurism would spark mass protests and bring
down his government over the prospect of Western economic sanctions. Here again, it is viewed with
one thought in mind, 'former Communists'.
It was a 'canary in the coal mine' moment and Putin proved to be correct; especially in the case of
the United States' economic collapse following "TARP" and "Stimulus" in 2008 and 2009
Putin embraces the Russian Orthodox Church as a full part of Russian society and as a provider of
guidance and wisdom in civil governance of Russia. Putin is also a man who regularly attends
Russian Orthodox Church and has been known to sing in the choir.
During World War II, Joe Stalin fostered Russian nationalism and even permitted religious activity in
the ranks of the Red Army and among the people, because the cause of socialism just wasn't enough
to fight and die for or toil slavishly in the armaments factory for little pay and barely enough to eat.
The next layer of fog is that which shrouds Western thinking about modern Russian society. Today,
Putin is soaring in popularity for reclaiming Crimea as 'Russian land'.
The Russians
Another little known fact about Putin is that he resigned from KGB in disapproval over the attempted
coup by Soviet generals against Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union

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