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Bolyki Pter
Corinthia Hotel Budapest
Executive Chef
Thomas M. Fischer
Corinthia Hotel Budapest
General Manager
Menyhrt Attila
Corinthia Hotel Budapest
Executive Pastry Chef
Br Lajos
Bock Bisztr
Bevezet / Introduction 6
Programok / Programs 8-21
Bolyki Pter 10
Br Lajos 14
Menyhrt Attila 18
Menyhrt Attila desszertjei / 19
Desserts by Attila Menyhrt
Rickshaw Restaurant 22
Brasserie and Atrium Restaurant 26
Bock Bisztr 30
Szamos Marcipn Royal Caf 34
Le Bar 38
Orfeum Club 42
Kapcsolat / Contacts 47
6 7
lmnygasztronmia mesterfokon
A Corinthia Hotel Budapest ttermeiben, brjban, cukrszdj-
ban s mulatjban nem csak a szlloda vendgei, hanem a vros
rdekes s j zekre nyitott laki is megtalljk a nekik tetsz cscs-
gasztronmiai fogsokat a tbbi knyelmet s lmnyeket knl
szolgltats mellett.
Az zsiai zek szerelmeseinek a Rickshaw, a nemzetkzi vagy a
magyar konyha jragondolt zeit kedvelknek a Brasserie s Atrium
tterem nyjt maradand lmnyeket.
A tradicionlis s gourmet konyht kiemelked szinten a
Bock Bisztr kpviseli, a Le Bar koktl-jdonsgokat s izgalmas
italkltemnyeket knl.
A kikapcsoldsrl az Orfeum Club gondoskodik, aki pedig egy
nyugodt kvra vgyik a rohan htkznapokon, annak a
Szamos Marcipn Royal Caf nyjt menedket.
Vlogasson programjaink kzl s trjen be hozznk!
Thomas M. Fischer
Vezrigazgat, Corinthia Hotel Budapest
A Taste of Culinary Extravaganza
Outstanding gastronomic experiences, along with the other
delights of luxury accommodation, are available not just to hotel
guests but to citizens of Budapest open to new, exciting impulses
in all the restaurants, the bar, the caf and the music club of
Corinthia Hotel Budapest.
Rickshaw Restaurant caters to Asian food lovers and
Brasserie and Atrium Restaurant to those passionate about
international and Hungarian fusion cuisine.
Traditional and gourmet dishes are best sampled at Bock Bistro,
whereas Le Bar offers a wide array of top-notch cocktails.
Orfeum Club provides light entertainment; those looking for a
moment of calm over a cup of coffee will fnd refuge from hectic
workdays at Szamos Marcipn Royal Caf.
Choose from our wide array of events and make yourself
comfortable with us!
Thomas M. Fischer
General Manager, Corinthia Hotel Budapest
prilis 7-20 April
Stk az eperfldn
Strawberry felds
Le Bar
Az eper a gymlcsk kirlyn-
je. ze s illata mmorba ejt.
Kstolja meg az eperbl kszlt
tortaklnlegessgeket s
lvezze az eperkoktlokat a
Le Barban.
With its delicate fragrance and
intoxicating favour, the straw-
berry is the queen of all fruits.
Patrons of Le Bar will have the
opportunity to taste a
selection of cocktails and
desserts made with this
delicious fruit.
prilis 20 April
Hsvti brunch
Easter brunch
Brasserie and Atrium
A Brasserie s Atrium tterem
hsvti pompba ltzik. Ennek
legjobban a gyermekek rlnek
majd, akik tallkozhatnak a
nyuszival, elrejtett tojsokat
keresglhetnek s l nyuszit
is simogathatnak. A men
pedig mi msrl szlna, mint a
sonkrl, tojsrl, brnyrl.
For this occasion, the Brasserie
and Atrium Restaurant will un-
dergo a special Easter make-
over. The youngest crowd will
feel instantly at home: they
can meet the Easter Bunny,
take part in an Easter egg
hunt and pet real, live bunnies!
In keeping with the holiday
traditions, the menu will be all
about ham, eggs and lamb.
prilis 23-27 April
Hanami japn ht
Hanami Japaneese
Rickshaw Restaurant
Japnban ezidtjt piknikkel
kszntik a tavaszt orszg-
szerte, virgba borulnak a
cseresznye- s japnszilvafk.
Ez eltt a japn szoks eltt
hajt fejet a Rickshaw tterem.
Kstolja meg az erre az alka-
lomra sszelltott Bento-box
Around this time, as cherry
and plum trees start to bloom
throughout Japan, people
celebrate spring with picnics in
lush valleys and well-groomed
gardens. Paying tribute to this
genuine Japanese tradition,
Rickshaw Restaurant offers
its guests a Bento box menu
specially designed for the
prilis 24 April
Red Walk
Brasserie and Atrium
Hrivnk Tnde divattervez
egy ngyfogsos vacsora
keretein bell mutatja be
a BY ME legjabb, tavaszi-nyri
ruhakollekcijt. Az alfest
zenrl hrom hegedvirtuz
A true feast for all the senses.
Over a four-course dinner, to
the accompanying music of an
acclaimed violin trio, fashion
designer Tnde Hrivnk will
introduce the spring/summer
collection of her label BY ME,
combining luxurious materials
and authentic folk motifs.
10 11
Bolyki Pter, Corinthia Hotel
Budapest, Sf / Executive
Mindennap egy kicsivel
tbbet adok, hogy jra s jra
elkprztassam vendgeinket.
Ez a vgy hajt a munkm
Bolyki Pter szenvedlye
a fzs.
20 vnyi alkot tapasztalatt
kamatoztatva, a Corinthia
Hotel Budapest konyhjnak
ln a folyamatos megjulsra
trekszik. Kreatv, ksrletez
alkat, akinek szemben
folyamatosan lobog a tz,
hogy olyan telkrecikat
hozzon ltre, amelyekkel a legmagasabb minsget kpviselve
varzsolja el vendgeit.
Szemlyes kedvencei a Pekingi kacsa a Rickshaw s a Csszrhs
az Atrium ttermekben.
I give a little bit more every day, in an endeavor to dazzle my
guests again and again. This is what drives me at work.
Pter Bolyki is passionate about cooking. He leverages 20 years
of experience in striving for constant renewal at the helm of
Corinthia Hotel Budapests kitchen. He is a creative, experimenting
professional, driven by the urge to enchant his guests with top
quality dishes. His personal favorites include Rickshaw Restaurants
Peking Duck and the Pork Belly Schnitzel on Atriums menu.
Mjus 5-18 May
Magyar napok
Hungarian days
Le Bar
Tradicionlis magyar zek
stemnyekbe s koktlokba
csomagolva. Kiprbln a dessze-
rteket koktlokknt is?
Tegyen egy prbt! Btrabbaknak
az Unicum-, a Vilmoskrte- vagy
az Ers Pista koktlokat ajnljuk.
Experience Hungarian cuisine from
a rare angle: through desserts
and beverages. If youre feeling
adventurous, you can also try the
cocktail version of those desserts
and beverates.
Plum dumplings, Unicum or
Ers Pista on the rocks
are you up for it?
Mjus 11 May
zsiai piac brunch
Asian market brunch
Brasserie and Atrium
Egy napra megelevenednek zsia
mltn hres piacai, ahol a knai,
japn, indonz, thai s vietnmi
konyhk tallkoznak. Legyen n is
rszese Budapest szvben az zsiai
piacok varzslatos hangulatnak s
knyeztesse rzkeit klnleges
tvolkeleti telekkel s italokkal.
For this day, we recreate the
renowned marketplaces of Asia,
the crossroads where Chinese,
Japanese, Indonesian, Thai and
Vietnamese cuisines intersect.
Enjoy the enchanting atmosphere
and indulge your senses with
exquisite Asian dishes and drinks.
Mjus 16 May
Rejtly a Royalban:
Mystery of Royal:
Poirot Detective
Atrium Restaurant
A Rejtly a Royalban sorozat
jabb kpzeletbeli llomsa ezen-
nel Belgium. A vacsoravendgek
nyomozt alakt jtkosok,
akik az este folyamn a hrom
fogsos men elfogyasztsa
kzben felgngyltenek egy
bngyet. A helyes megfejtk
Sunday brunch kupont kapnak.
Kr lenne kihagyni!
Our next stop in the Mystery
at the Royal series is Belgium.
Dinner guests play detectives,
assigned with the task of
solving a crime mystery during
their 3 courses meals. The win-
ner receives a Sunday brunch
gift voucher. Are you ready for
the challenge?
Mjus 16 May
Habz brunch
Fizzy brunch
Brasserie and Atrium
Habzborok s pezsgk: nemes
italok, az emelkedett hangulat
jelkpei. Fogyasztsuk ltalban
nnepekre, vfordulkra, kln-
leges alkalmakra korltozdik.
Ezt a szokst szeretn most
a Brasserie s Atrium tterem
fellrni, hisz mirt ne fogy-
aszthatnnk ezeket a kellemes
italokat mskor is?
Champagne and sparkling
wines have always had a
reputation of being reserved
for the elite or for that special
occasion. Brasserie and Atrium
Restaurant would like to
challenge that mindset. Why
couldnt these delicious drinks
be enjoyed anytime at an in-
timate celebration or a casual
evening out with friends?
Mjus 30-jnius 1.
30 May-1 June
Gourmet Festival
by Rickshaw
Millenris Park
Idn ismt vrja a gasztronmia
szerelmeseit a Gourmet Fesz-
tivl, ahol a Rickshaw tterem is
bemutatkozik a legjobb hazai t-
termek, borszatok, cukrszdk
s a gasztro-vilg ms jeles
kpviseli kztt. Ltogasson
el n is a fesztivlra s prblja
ki a Rickshaw specilisan erre a
napra sszelltott menjt!
Tis the season for the annual
Gourmet Festival, which also
features Rickshaw Restaurant
among the best restaurants,
wineries, patisseries and other
essential foodie destinations in
the country. Take a stroll at the
festival and taste Rickshaws
special menu of the day!
Jnius 1 June
Oriental brunch
Brasserie and Atrium
Ezen a napon az tterem
messzire rept bennnket a
gasztonmiai vilgtrkpen,
megelevenednek az arab
konyha zei s illatai, meg-
kstolhatjuk az igazi falafelt s
shawarmt. A hangulatrl valdi
keleti muzsika s hastncosok
This week, we travel far on the
world map of gastronomy in
order to give our guests
a taste of Oriental delights
like authentic falafel or
shawarma. Turkish music and
belly dancers will accompany
us on our journey.
14 15
Br Lajos, Bock Bisztr
Sf / Chef
Az letem gy telt el idig, s
amg lek, mr gy is fog eltelni,
hogy bebizonytsam: mindig n
vagyok a legjobb. Mg ha ez nem
is mindig sikerl.
Br Lajos a magyar gasztroszcna
megkerlhetetlen s karizmatikus
alakja, a magyar konyha
hagyomnyainak jragondolja.
A magyar Bocuse dOr akadmia
egykori elnkeknt, a Hagyomny
s evolci oszlopos tagjaknt veken keresztl fgyelte s
alaktotta a hazai cscsgasztronmiban vgbemen, pozitv
irny vltozsokat, amellyel kivvta a szakma tisztelett, valamint
megannyi hazai s nemzetkzi elismerst szerzett.
My entire life has been and will be about proving that
I am the best. Even if I dont always succeed in achieving this.
Lajos Br has acquired an impressive reputation in the
Hungarian gastronomic scene by reinterpreting traditional
Hungarian cuisine.
Formerly as the president of the Hungarian Bocuse dOr
Academy, and as an important member of Tradition and
Evolution, he has been observing and shaping positive trends
in the countrys elite gastronomy, gaining professional acclaim
on a national level and abroad.
Jnius 2-15 June
Melegts a
Foci VB-re
World cup warm up
Le Bar
Itt a nyr, az aszfalt ontja
magbl a forrsgot. Radsul
a Foci VB is hamarosan kezddik,
itt az ideje a rhangoldsnak.
Sznjon egy kis idt az idelis fel-
frisslsre: ugorjon be a Corinthia
Hotel Budapestbe egy kellemes
frisstre, hljn le, fjjon egyet
s mris mskpp ltja a vilgot!
gy csinljk ezt Brazliban is,
mrpedig k csak tudjk, hogyan
kell ezt
Summer is fnally in town,
the pavement radiates heat,
and everything is abuzz
with anticipation for
the football World Cup!
Take some time off for a
pleasant cocktail, catch
your breath, sit back
and relax. Thats how
they do it in Brazil
and its never
too late to
Jnius 12-jlius 13
12 June-13 July
Foci VB terasz
World Cup Terrace
Tetkert / Roof garden
A szlloda tetkertje talakul brazil
leltv, ahol az sszes meccset 7
tvn keresztl, lben lvezhetik
a szurkolk. Brazil hangulat, csapat-
specifkus telspecialitsok, frisst
koktlok, nyeremnyjtkok,
chill-out DJ a meccsek kztt
s megannyi meglepets vrja a
szurkolkat. s n kinek szurkol?
The roof terrace will be trans-
formed into a World Cup
Terrace with a lounge, a dining
space and a bar, providing full
coverage of the Brazilian Football
World Cup on 7 screens.
Enjoy excellent BBQ
and a variety of
refreshing beverages
and cocktails, includ-
ing happy hours,
games and gifts.
Which team are
you rooting for?
16 17
Jnius 11-15 June
Wagyu marha
a Rickshawban
Wagyu Beef in
Rickshaw Restaurant
A sfek, az llattartk s a
hentesek vlemnye meg-
egyezik abban, hogy a Japnbl
szrmaz Wagyu marhbl
kszlt steakek a legjobbak
a vilgon. Higgynk nekik s
rvendezznk, hogy most Buda-
pesten is megkstolhat
ez a hsritkasg.
Breeders, chefs and
connoisseurs agree
that steaks made of
Japanese Wagyu
beef are the best
in the world.
We can take
their word for
it and rejoice as
this meat specialty
is now
available in
Budapest as well.
Jnius 22 June
Jazz brunch
Brasserie and Atrium
Mi lehetne jobb, mint vasrnap
ebdidben kellemes l jazzt
hallgatni s nyenc falatokat
fogyasztani? Kstolja meg n
is az erre a napra sszelltott
New Orleans-i s latin-amerikai
klnlegessgeket, amelyek
tallkoznak Magyarorszg
kedvenc zeivel.
What else
could be
better than
smooth live
jazz and
delicious food
on a Sunday
Taste the
specialities from
New Orleans to
Latino cuisine and
fuse these exciting
favours with
Hungarian favourites.
Jnius 29 June
Az n Balatonom
My Balaton brunch
Tetkert /
Roof garden
Neknk a Balaton a Rivira!
Ezen a napon minden arrl szl,
hogy Budapesten is trez-
zk a Balaton-rzst: homok,
nyuggyak, hekk, frccs, csves
kukorica. Ha mr nem lehetnk
a helysznen, ptoljuk az rzst
a Brasserie s Atrium tterem
Lake Balaton, a.k.a. the Hun-
garian Sea has long been the
ultimate summer destination
for many Hungarians.
On this weekend, we bring the
Balaton feeling to the
roof terrace with
sunbeds, sand, fried
hake, wine spritzers
and sweetcorn on
the cob. Perhaps
even better than
the real thing!
Augusztus 18-31 August
Nyri szell
Summer breeze
Le Bar
Nincs kellemesebb frisst
a nyri melegben, mint a
gymlcsl. Vitaminokban
gazdag, tele energival, szom-
jsgot olt, felfrisst. Krjen
egyet, nzze meg hogy kszl
s fogyassza egszsggel!
Rich with vitamins and full of
invigorating energy, fruit juices
offer a welcome refreshment in
the stifing summer heat. Exper-
iment with favors, watch how
your drink is prepared, season to
taste, and enjoy!
18 19
Menyhrt Attila, Corinthia Hotel
Fcukrsz / Executive Pastry Chef
Egy cl vezrel, hogy ltrehozzam
Magyarorszg legjobb cukrszatt!
Menyhrt Attila a Corinthia Hotel Budapest cukrszatt vezeti. a
meglmodja a hotel sszes cukrszstemnynek s desszertjnek.
Kreatv ember lvn szmra a legfontosabb, hogy ktttsgek
nlkl szrnyalhat fantzija. Minden nap jat alkotni csakis szabadon
lehet. Az lland magas minsg szintentartshoz tucatnyi
tapasztalt szakemberbl ll csapata is segtsgre van.
I have only one goal: to create the best pastry kitchen in Hungary!
Executive Pastry Chef Attila Menyhrt is in charge of the pastry
kitchen at Corinthia Hotel Budapest. He is responsible for all the
desserts and pastries in the hotels own eateries as well as all the
event buffets the hotel caters for. Being a creative person, what
he fnds most rewarding in his job is being able to invent without
constraints. Freedom is the ultimate condition of coming up with
something new every day. He also relies on his team in maintaining
a consistent, trademark quality.
Menyhrt Attila
Desserts by
Attila Menyhrt
Attila folyamatosan kutatja
mltn hres magyar desszertjeink
jrartelmezsnek lehetsgt.
Kompromisszumokat nem ismerve
jragondolta pldul az Esterhzy tortt: az orszgban egyedli mdon
visszatrt annak eredeti receptrjhoz, amely mandulval kszl,
csupn gazdasgi okokbl vltotta azt fel a di az idk sorn.
De elksztette a hotel sajt stemnyt is, a Royal tortt, amely
9 klnfle rtegbl ll, tbbek kztt glutnmentes csokoldbl,
mlna s rzsavz felhasznlsval kszl, s amelyet Josephine Baker
ihletett, aki 1928-ban volt a hotel vendge.
Attila has given the pastry kitchen of Corinthia Hotel
Budapest a unique approach in presenting time-honoured Hungarian
desserts with a modern twist. Take Esterhzy Cake, for example: he
has gone back to the traditional recipe which used almonds but was
later replaced with cheaper walnuts. The result is a rich almond cake
with different textures and creams, unique in the country.
He has also created a signature cake for the hotel itself, called the
Royal Cake, featuring gluten-free chocolate, raspberry and rosewater,
and inspired by the legendary Franco-American dancer, singer and
actress Josephine Baker, who stayed at the hotel in 1928.
Augusztus 20-24 August
Virgok hete
Flower week
Rickshaw Restaurant
Nem is gondolnnk, mennyi
ehet virg van s valjban
mennyi virgot is esznk. Mit
szlna egy tlttt cukkini-
virghoz? Vagy egy almavirggal
tlttt tavaszi tekercshez?
Knyeztesse zlelbimbit
ngy fogson keresztl virgos
You wouldnt believe how
many fowers are in fact
edible. Ever tried stuffed
zucchini fowers, apple
blossom spring rolls or
hibiscus tea? Now is the time
to pamper your taste buds
with fowery favours in
a 4 courses meal.
Szeptember 16-20 September
Homr ht
Lobster week
Rickshaw Restaurant
Ezt a hetet a Rickshaw tterem
a rkflk kirlynak, a homr-
nak szenteli. des, zamatos,
fehr, puha hsa mltn emeli
a homrt a legfensgesebb
nyencfalatok kz. A tengeri
falatok kedvelinek minden-
kpp meg kell kstolniuk!
Rickshaw Restaurant dedicates
this week to the king of
crustaceans: the lobster.
Its sweet, tender white meat
makes it one of the most
exquisite delicacies on a
foodies plate.
A must for seafood lovers!
Puppet Show
Orfeum Club
Mi trtnik jfl utn a ba-
bahzban? Mindennapok larcai
s leleplezdsei egy valra
vlt mesben, vagy egy mess
What happens in the
dollhouse after midnight?
Everyday masks and
exposures in a fairy tale come
true or a fabulous reality
Sinatra & Friends
Gabriel Live
Orfeum Club

Az amerikai knnyzene
klasszikusai egy mltba rept
msorban: Dean Martin, Sammy
Davis Jr, Sinatra, Nat King Cole,
Liza Minelli, Tom Jones ismert
s kedvelt dalai.
Timeless classics of American
popular music, evergreen
and beloved songs by
Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr,
Sinatra, Nat King Cole,
Liza Minelli, Tom Jones.
Rendszeres eladsok / Regular programs
Idpontokrt hvja / Further details: +36 30 948 6448
prilis 23-27 April
Hanami ht / Hanami week
Mjus 30-jnius 1.
30 May-1 June
Gourmet Festival by
Rickshaw Restaurant
Jnius 11-15 June
Wagyu marha a Rickshawban
Wagyu Beef in Rickshaw
Augusztus 20-24 August
Virgok hete
Flower week
Szeptember 16-20 September
Homr ht
Lobster week
24 25
Valdi zsiai zlmny Budapest szvben. A Rickshaw tterem
hagyomnyos keleti fogsokkal, tradicionlis zsiai krnyezetben
vrja a tvol-keleti konyha nyenceit. A vilgsznvonal telek
magas minsgrl a vlogatott, friss hozzvalk s a tkletesre
fejlesztett receptek gondoskodnak. A knai, indonz, japn, thai s
egyb tvol-keleti fogsok mellett szombat estnknt japn koto
lzenvel tesszk a hangulatot mg autentikusabb.
Specilis ajnlatok
Vendgnk egy ingyen jzmintera a Hanami hten (prilis 23-27)
s egy alkoholmentes koktlra a Virgok hetn (augusztus 20-24).
Az ajnlat a fzet felmutatsval, egyszer vehet ignybe.
Asztalnl 4 ember
signature rizst eszik, logzott
For a truly unique dining experience, Rickshaw serves authentic
Asian dishes in an atmosphere which complements the
traditional arts and materials of the Far East. Offering world
class quality and fantastic gastronomic experiences, our chef
dazzles diners with traditional Asian flavours prepared
exclusively with the finest, freshest ingredients. Accompanying
the Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai and other Far Eastern
delicacies, on Saturdays live Japanese Koto music enhances
the atmosphere.
Special offers
Be our guest for a free jasmine tea during Hanami week (23-27 April)
or an alcohol-free cocktail during Flower week (20-24 August).
The offer is valid for one serving, upon presenting this booklet.
Asztalfoglals / Table reservation: +36 1 479 4720
prilis 20 April
Hsvti brunch / Easter brunch
prilis 24 April
Red Walk
Mjus 11 May
zsiai piac brunch
Asian market brunch
Mjus 16 May
Rejtly a Royalban: Poirot
Mystery at the Royal:
Poirot Detective
Mjus 16 May
Habz brunch / Fizzy brunch
Jnius 1 June
Oriental brunch
Jnius 12-jlius 13.
12 June-13 July
Foci VB terasz
World Cup Terrace
Jnius 22 June
Jazz brunch
Jnius 29 June
Az n Balatonom brunch
My Balaton brunch
28 29
This lively restaurant is open throughout the day serving buffet
breakfast and an la carte menu for both lunch and dinner. Its
the ideal venue for casual and business meetings, where dishes
made of top quality ingredients ensure the perfect culinary
experience for all.
The restaurant is unique in Hungary in offering topical Sunday
brunches that combine gastronomic delights with entertainment.
Topics include My Balaton, Jazz, Fizzy brunch, Oriental brunch
and more. Check upcoming brunch topics in one of our
Special offer
5% off at the Easter brunch (April 20), the Childrens Day brunch
(May 25) or the Fathers Day brunch (June 15).
The offer is valid for one occasion, upon presenting this booklet.
Asztalfoglals / Table reservation: +36 1 479 4850
A Brasserie s Atrium tterem a nemzetkzi s magyar konyha
legkivlbb fogsait knlja vendgeinek, legyen sz bf reggelirl
vagy la carte ebdrl, vacsorrl. Idelis helyszn egy ktetlen
csaldi, barti sszejvetelhez, vagy egy zleti megbeszlshez, ahol
a magas sznvonal, kivl alapanyagokbl kszl telek garantljk
a tkletes kulinris lmnyt mindenki szmra.
Az tterem, Magyarorszgon egyedlll mdon, tematikus brunch
ment knl vasrnaponknt, amely a kulinris lvezetek mellett nagy
hangslyt fektet a szrakoztatsra, s komplex lmnyeket knl
vendgeinek. Az n Balatonom, Jazz brunch, Habz brunch,
Oriental brunch a Brasserie-ben s tovbbi izgalmas programok
vrjk a vendgeket. Aktulis vasrnapi tematikk irnt rdekldjn
a megadott elrhetsgek egyikn.
Specilis ajnlat
5% kedvezmny a Hsvti (prilis 20), a Gyermeknapi (mjus 25) s az
Apk napi (jnius 15) brunchunkon.
Az ajnlat a fzet felmutatsval, egyszer vehet ignybe.
32 33
A Br Lajos nevvel fmjelzett Bock Bisztr a hazai fne dining
kultra llovasai kz tartozik, bizonytja ezt szmos hazai s
nemzetkzi elismers. 2007 ta a Michelin Guide ajnlott tterme,
2009 ta a Bib Gourmand besorols birtokosa.
A Bockban a tradicionlis s gourmet konyha tallkozik a spanyol
tapasokkal, feledhetetlen kulinris lmnyeket nyjtva vendgeinek.
Mindezt kivl borok trsasgban, bartsgos krnyezetben knlja,
ezzel biztostva a tkletes harmnit a gondosan elksztett telek
mellett. Hitvallsuk szerint a vendglts legfontosabb alapelvei ma
is ugyanazok, mint rgen: minsgi termket kell megfelel ron
ellltani, stlusosan s kedllyel felszolglni.
Specilis ajnlat
Vendgl ltjuk egy pohr hazai habzborra vagy egy desszertre.
Az ajnlat a fzet felmutatsval, egyszer vehet ignybe.
Headed by chef Lajos Br, Bock Bistro is among the gems
of the local fne dining scene. It has been shortlisted in the
Michelin Guide since 2007 and was awarded the Bib Gourmand
certifcate in 2009.
Bock Bistro specialises in Hungarian-inspired dishes fused with
Spanish tapas. Famous for its superb wine list and friendly
atmosphere, Bock Bistro is popular with locals and travelers
alike for its delicious food and friendly atmosphere.
The restaurants valued principles have not changed over time:
producing quality food at the appropriate price and serving it
with style.
Special offers
Be our guest for a free dessert or a glass of Hungarian sparkling
wine. The offer is valid for one occasion, upon presenting this
Asztalfoglals / Table reservation: +36 1 321 0340
prilis 7-20 April
Stk az eperfldn
Strawberry felds
Mjus 5-18 May
Magyar napok
Hungarian days
Jnius 2-15 June
Melegts a Foci VB-re
World Cup Warm Up
Augusztus 18-31 August
Nyri szell
Summer breeze
36 37
A Le Bar egy elegns lounge br, ahol egy kellemes koktl, egy pohr
bor vagy egy aperitif elfogyasztsa mellett, pihentet krnyezetben
kikapcsolhatjuk a klvilgot. A kellemes hangulatrl a hely lland
brzongoristja gondoskodik. Az itallaprl hagyomnyos s kln-
leges koktlokat is vlaszthatunk, mint pldul a Gulys- vagy Tr
Rudi koktlok. A br rendszeres programsorozatokat is knl klnfle
zenei s kulturlis terleten: szalonzene, DJ, jazz estek, Duett Pntek
s felolvasestek sznestik az lland programot. Az aktulis
programrl rdekldjn a megadott elrhetsgek egyikn.
Specilis ajnlatok
Vendgl ltjuk egy tetszleges desszertre Eperfldi stink
keretben (prilis 7-20) s 10% kedvezmnyt biztostunk egy
tetszleges promcis koktlra a Magyar napokon (mjus 5-18).
Az ajnlat a fzet felmutatsval, egyszer vehet ignybe.
Le Bar is an elegant and relaxing lounge bar where guests can meet
for an aperitif, an after dinner drink or even a light snack. Sip on a
delicious cocktail from a selection of both classic and innovative
choices, enjoy a fne wine or beer and relax to the sounds of our
talented resident pianist.
Music lovers can also discover a fne selection of events hosted
regularly at Le Bar including our popular Jazz Series, Duet Fridays
and recitals. Please consult our publications for upcoming events.
Special offers
Be our guest for a free dessert of your choice during Strawberry
felds (April 7-20) or enjoy any cocktail with a 10% discount during
Hungarian week (May 5-18). The offer is valid for one occasion,
upon presenting this booklet.
Asztalfoglals / Table reservation: +36 1 479 4880
live music shows revues parties
r e s t a u r a n t
Rendszeres eladsok
Regular program
Puppet Show
Rendszeres eladsok
Regular program
Sinatra & Friends Gabriel Live
40 41
Az Orfeum Club a 19. szzadi, csillog pompj, zsfolt zens-tncos
mulatk emlkt idzi, ahol nekesek, tncosok, zsonglrk,
versmondk lptek fel az aprcska sznpadon.
Az id mlsval ezek a mulatk rendre bezrtak, egy kivtel maradt
csak: az Orfeum Club, ahol tovbbra is a mulattats s a kprztats
a fszerep. A sznpadon a vros legkivlbb eladit csodlhatjuk meg
vlogatott sznhzi s musical eladsok keretein bell. Remek esti
kikapcsoldst nyjtanak a lebilincsel sznpadi produkcik, mikzben
egy kellemes koktlt szrcslgetve hagyhatjuk magunk mgtt a
Az aktulis programrl rdekldjn a weboldalon.
Orfeum Club evokes the glamour and excitement of the famous
orfeums of the 19th Century when acrobats, singers, dancers and
poets performed on a tiny stage in front of a tightly packed
audience. The bright lights of the orfeums have faded since the
turn of the century, but not at Corinthia Hotel Budapest, where
the cream of the citys entertainers converge to captivate and
thrill their audience. Guests can step back in time, sip a fne
cocktail and enjoy a wide range of musical and theatrical
performances, all from the comfort of our fabulous Orfeum
Please check the website for upcoming
Elrhetsg / Contact: +36 30 948 6448
44 45
A Szamos Marcipn Royal Caf egy nyugodt, elegns tallkozhely
a nyzsg vros kzepn, amely barti s zleti megbeszlseknek,
csaldi s munkahelyi sszejveteleknek, hangverseny-, sznhz- s
operaltogatknak nyjt meghitt krnyezetet.
A cukrszda tradicionlis magyar tortk, dessgek s stemnyek
szles vlasztkval, kvklnlegessgekkel, knnyed telekkel vrja
vendgeit reggeltl kora estig.
Serving an array of traditional Hungarian tarts and cakes, the
Szamos Marcipan Royal Caf is the perfect destination for an
indulgent breakfast or afternoon treat. Enjoy coffee or a light lunch
with friends in the spacious caf or allow us to cater
your event with our selection of specialty pastries and cakes.
Elrhetsg / Contact: +36 1 413 7968
Rickshaw Restaurant
+36 1 479 4720
Brasserie and Atrium Restaurant
+36 1 479 4850
Bock Bisztr
+36 1 321 0340
Le Bar
+36 1 479 4880
Orfeum Club
+36 30 948 6448
Szamos Marcipn Royal Caf
+36 1 413 7968
18km to Airport
Buda Castle
City Park Shopping
Corinthia Hotel
1. Rickshaw Restaurant
2. Brasserie and Atrium Restaurant
3. Bock Bisztr
4. Le Bar
5. Orfeum Club
6. Szamos Marcipn Royal Caf
live music shows revues parties
r e s t a u r a n t
Erzsbet krt
Hrsfa utca

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