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NAME: _____________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Give the correct answer for each statement. A MISSPELLED ANSER IS
"OCAS!A #. She was Oe$i%&s' mother. She (ecame his wife.
CORIN!) *. A co&ntr+ r&,e$ (+ a -in. who raise$ Oe$i%&s.
/ING LA0IS 1. )e r&,e$ !he(es an$ &nwittin.,+ -i,,e$ (+ his son Oe$i%&s.
CREON 2. 3rother of Oe$i%&s' mother an$ s&ccessor to Oe$i%&s' throne to
SP)IN4 5. A monstro&s creat&re who $estro+s whose who &na(,e to answer her
/ING POL630S 7. )e is the -in. who raise$ Oe$i%&s.
M!. CI!)AERON 8. A mo&ntain$e$ sacre$ to Dion+s&s9 the .o$ of wine.
SOP)OCLES :. )e wrote the %,a+ Oe$i%&s.
OEDIP0S ;. )e was %ro%hesi<e$ to -i,, his father an$ marr+ his mother.
!IREISIAS #=. !he o,$ (,in$ %ro%het.
DIRECTIONS: Arran.e the fo,,owin. sentences in chrono,o.ica, or$er. 0se n&m(ers # > #=.
1 #. !he /in. an$ ?&een of !he(es .ave their son to one of their s,aves to (rin. the (a(+
to Mt. Cithaeron9 which was h&nte$ (+ wi,$ (east.
6 *. !he cit+ we,come$ Oe$i%&s an$ offere$ him the vacant @o( of -in. the marria.e to the
-in.'s wi$ow.
5 1. 3efore Oe$i%&s co&,$ enter !he(es9 he ha$ to so,ve the ri$$,e as-e$ (+ a monster who
.&ar$e$ the entrance to the cit+9 as-e$ him9 Ahat creat&re wa,-s on fo&r ,e.s in the mornin.9
two at noon an$ three in the evenin.BC Oe$i%&s answere$9 AManC.
9 2. !he witness fina,,+ arrive$ an$ revea,e$ that he was .iven the (a(+ (+ "ocasta an$
%asse$ it to the (eca&se he $i$ not want to -i,, him.
8 5. A Corithian arrive$ with the news that Po,+(&s $ie$ so Oe$i%&s wo&,$ (e
the /in. of Corinth. !he to,$ him that she was not his mother. )e eD%,aine$ that he
was .iven the (a(+ man+ +ears a.o (+ a !he(an she%her$.
3 7. A De,%hic orac,e to,$ Oe$i%&s the news that he wo&,$ -i,, his father an$ s,ee% with his
mother. !o %revent the %ro%hec+ to ha%%en9 Oe$i%&s went to !he(es.
10 8. Oe$i%&s rea,i<es the tr&th an$ went to te,, "ocasta9 (&t she ha$ a,rea$+ -i,,e$ herse,f.
)e (,in$s himse,f an$ was or$ere$ to ,eave !he(es.
4 :. On the wa+ he ran into an o,$ man $rivin. a wa.on at a %,ace where three roa$s cross.
!he man or$ere$ Oe$i%&s to move o&t9 (&t he ref&se$. )e (ecame a..ressive an$ -i,,e$ the man
he tho&.ht to (e a,, .&ar$s.
7 ;. After few +ears9 the cit+ was infecte$ (+ a %,a.&e. !he+ cons&,t the orac,e at De%,hi
who to,$ them that the %,a.&e was $&e to the &n%&nishe$ m&r$erer of /in. La&is (&t9 !iresias
sai$ that Oe$i%&s was the -i,,er.
2 #=. !he s,ave fe,t %it+9 so he .ave the (a(+ to another she%her$. !he /in. of the Cit+ of
Corinth was %resente$ the (a(+ an$ $eci$e$ to (rin. him &% on his own.

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