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Commission for Persons with Disabilities

Medford Human Rights Commission

April 23, 201
Present! Charlotte "wart#, Henr$ Milorin, Chief "a%%o, &ois 'ronnen(ant, "te)e
Hone$%utt, Dale 'r$an, Da)id Harris, and Diane M%&eod
*ot present! *atalie 'reen and Marie Cassid$
Publi% Parti%ipation
,ebruar$ and Mar%h Minutes
"te)e motioned to a%%ept the ,ebruar$ and Mar%h minutes, Dale se%onded, all in fa)or
-ld 'usiness
.ra%es Pro/e%t 0pdate
Diane sent out the draft bro%hure for %omment1 .he e)ent will begin at 2PM1 .here ma$
be some ba%(ground piano musi%1 Diane will draft something for the press and tr$ and
get it on the Pat%h, .rans%ript and as(ed Dale to get it out on $ahoo1
*ew 'usiness
"er)i%e Animal Campaign
Diane will wor( with 3aren Rose to put out a %ampaign on "er)i%e Animals for food
ser)i%e pro)iders1 Da)id suggested loo(ing at other %ampaigns that ma$ e4ist for input
and graphi%s1
Disabilit$ Awareness Awards
Diane still has not re%ei)ed and nominations1
20152016 +ssue ,o%us
Diane as(ed e)er$one to %ome to the table with ideas for ne4t $ear7s fo%us1 "he will
send a reminder before the ne4t meeting1 Charlotte mentioned the /obs issue1 Diane
noted that the D-. and the M'.A are wor(ing with Medford and surrounding
%ommunities to put together training programs at )arious high s%hools and %ommunit$
%olleges that will fill the thousands of up%oming )a%an%ies e4pe%ted o)er the ne4t few
$ears1 .his is in pro%ess, but we are still awaiting details1
8arian%e 0pdates
Corresponden%e 9 Announ%ements
Diane handed out an arti%le from the :lobe on persons with mental illness who are
in%ar%erated and treated as %riminals1
Da)id mentioned an up%oming ;"aturda$< =obs not =ails on the 'oston Common, and
Ma$ 1>
a forum for A: %andidates on the Criminal =usti%e "$stem at Arts ?merson,
and Pat =ehlen want to do a program on the @*ew =im Crow7 with %andidates for DA
Dale updated us on his program at 'est "ellers %alled M-M, Mulling -)er Medford1 .he
latest dis%ussion has been on the affe%t of posting on trees and *ational :rid %utting
trees due to wires1 Diane noted this %ampaign went into full for%e after the -%tober snow
storm where *ational :rid7s loss of power was due to bro(en tree limbs1 Dale also
mentioned the possibilit$ of the High "%hool %ondu%ting %lassroom sessions at the ,ells1
Ae dis%ussed the need for HP a%%ess to these sessions1 Dale also mentioned .he
Abolishionist on .uesda$ at the &ibrar$ with dis%ussion led b$ &i# Ammonds1
Henr$ mentioned the program at the H$att all wee(end with art displa$s and short films1
He also mentioned the Haitian flag raising the MH" on Ma$ 12
Meeting ad/ourned at 6!60PM
*e4t meeting date
Ma$ 2B, 201 at 6PM

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