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Listening and Speaking

Learning Standard(s):

1.1.1 (d), 1.1.3, 1.1.4 {SK & SJK}

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i. articulate the phonemes /a/ correctly; and
ii. identify words that have the graphemes ow.
iii. Advance Able to rearrange sentences according to
the rhyme learnt.
Intermediate Able to fill in the blanks with words
according to the pictures given.
Linus Able to fill in the blanks in the rhyme with the
ow sound.


30/60 minutes

Teaching Aid(s):

picture cards, rhyme chart

Cross Curricular

Multiple Intelligences Verbal Linguistic

Set Induction:
a. Show picture cards of a cow and an owl one picture at a time. (Appendix 1)
b. Pupils make the sound of the cow and the owl.
Step 1:
a. Introduce the phoneme /a/ by showing an action.
Palms up, shake your body and say au
c. Demonstrate how to sound it out:
When you say /a/ your mouth opens wide in the beginning.
As the sound glides, your mouth closes.
Air flows freely from the mouth.
d. Introduce the graphemes ow.
e. Trace the letters ow.
f. Pupils do the action and articulate the phoneme //.
g. Pupils say /a/ is for ow.

Step 2:
a. Recite the rhyme Dow and Pow. (Appendix 2)
b. Pupils listen and repeat.
c. Stress on words with phoneme /a/.
d. Pupils say words in the rhyme that has the phoneme /a/.
Dow, cow, town, Pow, cow, bow
e. i.Advance Pupils sing the rhyme with the teacher.
ii.Intermediate Pupils do jazz chant using the same rhyme with the teacher.

MI Verbal
Ask pupils to observe
you. Do it a few times
to different groups.
iii.Linus Pupils repeat the rhyme after the teacher.

Step 3:
a. Teacher divides pupils into three groups according to their abilities.
b. Teacher distributes different worksheets to the three groups.
i. Advance Pupils rearrange the rhyme learnt correctly.
ii. Intermediate Pupils fill in the blanks with words according to the
pictures given.
iii. Linus - Pupils fill in the blanks in the rhyme with the ow' sound.

a. Recite the rhyme together.
b. Get pupils to do the action for the phoneme /a/ and say /a/.

Dow and Pow

Dow the cow
Goes to town

Dow the cow
Meets Pow the owl

Dow the cow
Bows and says, Hi, Pow!

Pow the owl
Bows and says Hi, Dow!

Advance Rearrange the rhyme accordingly.

Dow and Pow

1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________

Dow the cow

Dow the cow

Meets Pow the owl

Dow the cow
Goes to town

Bows and says, Hi, Pow!

Dow the cow
Pow the owl

Dow the cow
Bows and says, Hi, Dow!

Dow the cow
Dow the cow
Dow the cow
Intermediate-Fill in the blanks according to the picture.
Dow and Pow
Dow the ______

Goes to ______

Dow the _______
Meets Pow the _______

Dow the _______
______s and says, Hi, Pow!

Pow the _______
______s and says Hi, Dow!

Linus Fill in the blanks with the ow sound.
Dow and Pow

D__ the c__
Goes to t__n

D__ the c__
Meets P__ the __l

D__ the c__
B__s and says, Hi, P__!

P__ the __l
B__s and says Hi, D__!

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