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Certified that Abhi Chauhan, Shubhayu Yadav, Lokesh Pandey,

Saket Tewari has carried out the research work presented in this project entitled
Hand esture Contro!!ed Robo Car" for the award of #a$he!or o%
Te$hno!o&y from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow under my
supervision. The project embodies result of original work and studies carried out
by tudent himself and the contents of the project do not form the basis for the
award of any other degree to the candidate or to anybody else.
!r. antosh "umar
#ssistant Professor
$.C.$. %epartment
&nvertis University
The main objective of our project work is to control a robot with gestures of our hand. There
are two main components of our system(
#tmega )* !icrocontroller
The accelerometer depends upon the gestures of our hand. Through accelerometer, a passage
of data signal is received and it is processed with the help of #tmega )* microcontroller. The
microcontroller gives command to the robot to move in the desired direction. The basic
working principle for our robot is passage of the data signals of accelerometer readings to the
#tmega )* microcontroller fitted on the bot. The program compiled in that controller runs
according to that value, which make the bot function accordingly .+hile we have used two,
a-is accelerometer. &n which, one a-is will control the speed in forward or backward direction
and other a-is will control the turning mechanism. #ccelerometer,based gesture control is
studied as a supplementary or an alternative interaction modality. .esture commands freely
trainable by the user can be used for controlling e-ternal devices with handheld wireless sensor
unit. Two user studies are presented. The first study concerns finding gestures for controlling a
design environment /mart %esign tudio0, T1, 1C2, and lighting. The results indicate that
different people usually prefer different gestures for the same task, and hence it should be
possible to personalise them. The second user study concerns evaluating the usefulness of the
gesture modality compared to other interaction modalities for controlling a design
environment. The other modalities were speech, 23&%,based physical tangible objects, laser,
tracked pen. The results suggest that gestures are a natural modality for certain tasks, and can
augment other modalities. .esture commands were found to be natural, especially for
commands with spatial association in design environment control. The project consist of
integration of the three technologies as wireless, gesture 4 embedded.&n robotics technology
we design machines to do the specified tasks and in the advanced version of it robots are
designed to be adaptive, that is, respond according to the changing environment and even
autonomous, that is, capable to make decisions on their own. +hile designing a robot the most
important thing to be taken in consideration is, obviously, the function to be performed.
2obots have basic levels of comple-ity and each level has its scope for performing the
re5uisite function. The levels of comple-ity of robots is defined by the members number of
actuators and sensors used and for advanced robots the type and number of microprocessors
and microcontrollers used. $ach increasing component adds to the scope of functionality of a
robot. +ith every joint added, the degrees of freedom in which a robot can work increases and
with the 5uality of the microprocessors and microcontrollers the accuracy and effectiveness
with which a robot can work is enhanced.
+e are e-tremely grateful to +r- ./esh auta/ 0 Chan$e!!or, Invertis .niversity1,+r-
Y-+-S- Arya 0Pro 2i$e Chan$e!!or, Invertis .niversity1 and ,r- ,ukesh '- Sone0 Head o%
+e3art/ent, +e3art/ent o% E!e$troni$s and Co//uni$ation En&ineerin&, Invertis
.niversity1 for providing all the re5uired resources for the successful completion of our
6ur heartfelt gratitude to our project guide ,r- Santosh 'u/ar 0Pro4e$t uide1 and ,s-
An4a!i P!awat 0Pro4e$t In$har&e1 for their valuable suggestions and guidance in the
completion of the project.
+e will be failing in duty if we do not acknowledge with grateful thanks to the authors of the
references and other literatures referred in this project.
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