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Ingls para TCU/2011

Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 1

Greetings, greetings everyone!! Welcome aboard!

Para aqueles que ainda no me conhecem....its NI CE meeting you!!
Meu nome Vladia Mattar Hudson e estaremos juntos na preparao para o
concurso do TCU.
Saiu o to esperado edital!!! Well... Ingls est inserido dentro de
conhecimentos bsicos para todos os cargos!! Sero 100 questes de
conhecimentos bsicos, portanto esperamos 10 questes de Ingls, no
mnimo!! Sei que o volume de informaes que um concursando precisa
absorver muito grande, mas em um concurso concorridssimo como esse, o
ingls pode ser seu diferencial. Vale pena investir nos estudos!

About me...

Nasci na praia, mas vim parar em Braslia em 1998 e aqui estou at hoje. Yes!!
I miss living near the beach!. Sou graduada em Letras-Ingls pela
Universidade Federal do Esprito Santo (UFES). Alm da graduao, tenho 3
diplomas de proficincia no idioma Ingls (FCE First Certificate in English ;
CAE-Certificate in Advanced English Cambridge University e CPE- Certificate
of Proficiency in English by "Michigan University"). Tenho mais de 14 anos de
experincia como professora em instituies de renome em Braslia. Tenho
vivncia em pases de lngua inglesa onde fiz cursos voltados para o ensino da
lngua inglesa como lngua estrangeira (EFL Teaching) e cultura americana e
britnica. Tambm, j ministrei palestras e organizei workshops na rea.
Bom, acho que posso dizer que: Teaching English is already part of me!

Como voc, estou concursanda, esperando a nomeao para dois concursos:
Enap 2009 e Embratur 2011. Ambos tiveram como uma das matrias
especficas o Ingls, inclusive em prova discursiva! Tenho certeza que sua vez
chegar e, se depender de mim... Well... YOU CAN COUNT ON ME ALL THE
STEP OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!

Digo-lhes, sinceramente, que mais do que saber o idioma, necessrio um
treinamento especfico para resolver a prova de ingls de concursos e isso
exige dedicao e estratgias de estudo. Ento, vamos s nossas estratgias!

About our course and the strategy.

What is the aim?

O domnio pleno de um idioma estrangeiro pressupe desenvolver quatro
habilidades fundamentais: speaking, listening, writing and reading. O foco do
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 2
nosso curso ser reading comprehension, pois a habilidade cobrada em
concursos e tambm no concurso do TCU. A abordagem do curso ser
instrumental e visa a compreenso escrita da lngua. ATENO!!O curso no
para o aprendizado do idioma, mas para resoluo de provas de concurso.
To make make the whole story short, Voc necessita ter algum conhecimento
prvio do idioma para conseguir acompanhar as aulas ,ok??!!
Nosso objetivo aqui desenvolver a habilidade de compreenso e
interpretao de texto para o concurso do TCU.

A maneira mais eficiente de desenvolver a compreenso e interpretao de
textos :

1) resoluo de exerccios;
2) leitura de temas relacionados rea em estudo e atualidades
Reading is essencial!!

How are we going to do that?

Praticando com questes de provas passadas do TCU;
Praticando com questes da banca CESPE e de bancas com perfil
similar ela; Praticando com questes INDITAS baseadas em textos
da rea de interesse do concurso e outros;
Enriquecendo o vocabulrio (Word formation, false cognates, common
words, connectors, phrasal verbs and others);
Estudando as dicas gramaticais (Sentence formation, verb tense, parts of
speech and others);
Desenvolvendo estratgias de leitura (skimmimg and scanning); e
Usando o frum para dirimir suas dvidas.
Vale ressaltar que as estratgias e tpicos abordados sero feitos luz do
edital. O Edital traz assim:
LNGUA INGLESA: 1 Compreenso de textos em Lngua Inglesa. 2 Itens
gramaticais relevantes para a compreenso dos contedos semnticos.

Para enriquecer nossas aulas, utilizarei, alm das questes do Cespe,
questes de outras bancas com perfil similar ou que julgar interessante.
Afinal, sabemos que a banca gosta de usar textos com temas contemporneos,
ento trabalharemos com provas recentes de bancas variadas. Utilizarei,
tambm, textos selecionados para questes INDITAS (questes elaboradas
por mim). Teremos, dessa maneira, uma variedade maior de textos para
explorarmos itens gramaticais, vocabulrio, expresses idiomticas necessrias
para a interpretao.
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 3
Nosso curso ser dado em 5 aulas alm dessa aula demonstrativa (aula Zero),
totalizando 6 aulas. O curso ser desenvolvido com teoria baseada
principalmente em exerccios gabaritados e comentados. Totalmente focado
no nosso certame.

Em cada aula teremos:

Textos e exerccios de provas gabaritados e comentados;
Exerccios Inditos gabaritados e comentados;
Teoria e Dicas; e
Lista das questes da aula, sem comentrios e com gabarito, para

How often are we going to meet?

Nossos encontros virtuais sero s sextas-feiras, lembrando que o frum
uma importante ferramenta para nossos estudos, por isso sugiro sempre
perguntar quando precisar. Responderei asap (as soon as possible).

Feitas as apresentaes, as the Ramones say... hey ho... lets go !?

Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 4
AULA ZERO - Aula Demonstrativa

Parte 1 Studying and Reading strategies
(Estratgias de Estudo e Leitura)

Parte 2 Questes: Quadrix/DATAPREV/2010; FCC/ENAP 2009;
Cespe TCU/2008 gabaritadas e comentadas

Parte 3 Questes INDITAS

Parte 4 Teoria e Dicas

Parte 5 Lista de questes desta aula e gabarito seco

Parte 1 Studying and Reading Strategies, ou
Estratgias de Estudo e Leitura

Como estratgia de estudo para as nossas aulas, sugiro:

ter em mos um dicionrio Ingls-Portugus ou Ingls-Ingls,
conforme seu grau de conhecimento do idioma. Ressalto que o
dicionrio Ingls-Ingls ajuda enriquecer o vocabulrio.
Ao final de cada aula, relacione as novas palavras por assunto.
Dessa forma voc criar um mapa mental semntico... your
own vocabulary builder (exemplo ao final da aula).
Aproveite todas as oportunidades para ler em ingls e aprender
novas palavras. Vale tudo: cinema, internet, letras de msicas,
jogos e outros.

H duas estratgias bsicas para leitura rpida: skimmimg e scanning.

Skimmimg uma leitura rpida para captar os conceitos e as
idias principais do texto. uma explorao global, geral, feita
com a leitura do ttulo, autor, figura, fonte do texto e a primeira
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 5
frase de cada pargrafo. Esta tcnica boa para uma primeira
leitura, ou seja, uma leitura superficial.

Scannning tambm envolve uma leitura rpida, porm procura-
se por algo especfico no texto, seja em resposta a uma pergunta,
ou para confirmar uma informao. Ao se encontrar a informao
buscada, faz-se a leitura de todo o trecho, ou pargrafo, conforme
a necessidade.

Qual voc deve usar? Depende do que a questo exige, do tempo do
candidato e da complexidade da questo. Podemos usar uma ou outra,
ou ambas, ou nenhuma delas. T confuso? Dont happy!
Usaremos as tcnicas nos exerccios ainda nesta aula...

Parte 2 Questes gabaritadas e comentadas


Text 1

Natalie du Toit wins Laureus award
Brad Morgan
11 March 2010
South African swimmer Natalie du Toit was named the Laureus World
Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability at a gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi on
Wednesday evening. She is one of only five athletes to have competed in the
Olympics and Paralympics.
South African Sport Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president
Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: "Natalie has done us proud over the
years," he said. "All South Africans can be proud of her spirit and her never-
say-die attitude."
'A true inspiration'
"She is a true inspiration to each and every athlete in this country, indeed the
world, and we are hoping that she can build on this prestigious award as we
look ahead to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London.
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Profa.: Vladia Mattar

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"It's people like Natalie that provide the incentive for the youngsters to aspire
to greatness, he continued. "She fully deserves this acknowledgement."
1) QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 According to the extract above, it is right to say
A) Natalie is the only one who has competed in the Olympics and
B) The website president saidNatalie has made us proud over the years.
C) Gideon Sam said that people like Natalie.
D) Gideon Sam said that Natalie deserves the prize.
E) Natalie du Toit was named after Laureus.

A questo comea com according to the extract above, isso significa que no
faremos inferncia. A informao est no texto, no nas entrelinhas. um
texto curto e podemos aqui usar a estratgia scanning, ler as alternativas
identificando palavras chaves que devero ser buscadas no texto. Exemplo:
alternativa a traz as palavras Olympics and Paralympics, ento v direto
linha 5 e leia a frase completa para a resposta.

A) ERRADA Natalie no foi a nica (the only one) participante como afirma
a assertiva. Ela uma das cinco atletas que participaram (one of only
five). A pegadinha est no uso de the only one que significa a nica. E,
one of only significa uma entre as poucas.
B) ERRADA O presidente disse ao website (...president Gideon Sam told
the Sascoc website: Natalie ...) e no o presidente do website disse,
como afirma o item (the president of the website said...). Ver dicas
sobre tell x say ainda nesta aula.
C) ERRADA O item indica que o verbo like foi usado no sentido de gostar,
apreciar. Na verdade trata-se de like como uma preposio que
significa, neste caso, like = similar, igual a, como.
D) CERTA Gideon Sam diz: She fully deserves this acknowledgement.
E) ERRADA named after significa receber o nome de. O texto traz que
Natalie was named, que significa ser nomeada (para um prmio,
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

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Ateno!!!! O enunciado diz cannot be said (cannot expressa
impossibilidade). Estamos procurando a resposta errada!
A questo aborda o conhecimento dos termos: encourage, persuade, convince
e make.
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 8
Encourage (motivar), persuade (persuadir) e Convince (convencer) expressam
os objetivos da campanha de doao de sangue. S com a tcnica
skimmimg possvel resolver a questo.

GABARITO: D. A mensagem principal do anncio (ad) no persuadir o
leitor a visitar o site e sim a doar sangue.


Text 2

The Suicide of the Public Librarian

Management efforts to look good in the short term are leading to the demise
of the MLS (Master of Library Science)
By Bill Crowley
Library Journal, 4/15/2003

There is a public library that I know of, a system that has become a"must
stop" for library managers from around the nation who hope to learn its
secrets to achieving public recognition for service effectiveness. Well supported
by local government, the library system is heavily used by customers who
crowd its parking lot and flow through its doors. Unfortunately, it is also a
library system that hides a dirty little secret its success, in part, is built on
the continued downgrading of its professional positions. Library workers who
have not studied for the MLS now hold responsibilities once carried out by
professional librarians. The survival of professional librarianship involves what
other fields have called "process theories of professionalism." Simply stated,
such theories hold that a degree, even one from a program accredited by the
American Library Association (ALA), does not guarantee that a librarian
professional will get respect in the workplace. Such affirmative regard has to
be supported by one's employer. Support for librarian professionalism is clearly
lacking when an employer, regardless of national standing, strips away
critical responsibilities and systematically underpays its librarian staff.

(Adapted from

3)FCC/ENAP/2009 A synonym for demise, as used in the text, is
(A) stability.
(B) renewal.
(C) termination.
(D) fatality.
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 9
(E) enrichment.


Esta questo exige conhecimento de vocabulrio. Demise = terminate, end
(fim). Caso no saiba a palavra, ajudaria ler o texto para tentar chegar ao
significado pelo contexto, principalmente neste caso, em que a palavra se
encontra no subttulo.


4)FCC/ENAP/ 2009 No texto must stop refere-se a um sistema que:

(A) deve ser amplamente conhecido por diretores de bibliotecas.
(B) deve ser interrompido a fim de evitar transtornos aos usurios.
(C) sobrecarrega a capacidade de atendimento da biblioteca.
(D) promove a ascenso dos bibliotecrios na carreira pblica.
(E) de eficincia discutvel para o usurio.


Gente, piece of cake!!!!! Lembra a mulher daquela novela (lembra?!) que vivia
falando: ..isto um MUST? Bom, gente, o que ela queria dizer era que no
podia ficar sem, que era indispensvel, imperdvel. Esse o sentido usado no
texto. O must stop no texto parada obrigatria, ou seja, eles devem
Brincadeiras parte, vale a piada para lembrar o significado de must= deve,
tem que. Exemplo: You MUST study to pass. Must um modal Verb.
Veremos outros modais ao longo do curso.


5)FCC/ENAP/ 2009 No texto, regardless of pode ser substitudo, sem
alterao de sentido, por:

(A) in view of.
(B) nevertheless.
(C) thanks to.
(D) not taking into account.
(E) with regard to.


Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 10
A palavra regard significa considerar. Acrescida do sufixo less significa sem
levar em considerao (not take into account), o que nos conduz exatamente
alternativa D. ]

Super hints:
less sempre indica menos, sem, ausncia de algo, exemplo: careless:
sem cuidado; helpless: que no ajuda, intil. Less, em regra, tem
conotao negativa.
With regard to o oposto de regardless.
Caso voc no tenha a menor idia do que significa a palavra, observe
que a nica alternativa que tem no (negativo) a D. Isso pode ser
helpful na hora do sufoco.


Text 3

Around the world the public sector is under siege: taxpayers everywhere want
better, cheaper government. The message is simple: tinkering with the system
is not good enough. Whats needed is a complete reinvention of government.
Since the federal government initiated the National Performance Review in
1993, by most accounts progress has been uneven in the implementation of
the approaches developed. The report notes that public confidence in the
federal government has never been lower. The average citizen believes 48
cents of every tax dollar are wasted. Five of every six strongly want
fundamental change. Only 20% of the people trust the federal government to
do the right thing most of the time down from 76 per cent thirty years ago.
The national debt now exceeds $ 4 trillion $ 16,600 for every man, woman,
and child. There is enormous unseen waste. The Audit Department has found
that the Defense Department owns more than $ 40 billion in unnecessary
supplies. The Internal Revenue Service struggles to collect billions of unpaid
bills. A century after industry replaced farming as the countrys principal
source of wealth creation, the Agriculture Department still operates more than
12,000 field service offices, an average of nearly four for every county in the
nation rural, urban, or suburban.

But the report goes farther:

And yet, waste is not the only problem. The federal government is not simply
broke; it is broken. Ineffective regulation of the financial industry brought us
the Savings and Loan debacle. Ineffective education and training programs
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 11
jeopardize our competitive edge. Ineffective welfare and housing programs
undermine our families and cities.
The conclusion was that the US is suffering the deepest crisis of faith in
government in memory. In past crises, people doubted their leaders on moral
grounds. They felt their government was deceiving them or failing to represent
values. Todays crisis is different: people
simply feel the government doesnt work.

Don Tapscott. The digital economy: promise & peril in the age of networked intelligence

Based on the text, judge the items below.

6)CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ All over the world the public sector is besieged by those who pay taxes.


Questo de vocabulrio! O examinador parafraseou a 1 frase do texto.


Around the world the public sector is under siege: taxpayers
everywhere want better, cheaper government

Para responder a questo, temos que saber o significado de besieged = under
siege, que significa sitiado, cercado de.

Tambm, importante fazer um link entre as palavras Taxpayers (=
contribuintes) e ...who pay taxes... (= aqueles que pagam impostos ) na


7) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ Reliance on the US federal government has once been higher.

Outra de vocabulrio!

Veja o trecho:

The report notes that public confidence in the federal
government has never been lower.
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

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O examinador reescreveu o trecho usando reliance no lugar de confidence
(= confiana) e usou once been higher ( = j foi mais alta) no lugar de
never been lower(= nunca foi to baixa) .


8) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ Most people believe that near half a cent of each dollar is badly spent.


Use scanning: v ao texto e procure a informao especfica! Ache a palavra
cent e sublinhe toda a frase. Ento, compare-a com a assertiva.
Vamos l?

The average citizen believes 48 cents of every tax dollar are wasted

Do you like Math??
48 cents = near 50 = near half.
48 cents of every tax dollar = a cada 48 centavos de dlar, ou seja quase
metade de cada dolar, e no quase metade de cada centavo de dlar, como diz
a assertiva.
Vocabulrio interessante:

are wasted (so desperdiados) est no mesmo campo semntico de
are badly spent (= so mal gastos)


9) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ More than eighty percent of the people hunger for basic changes.

Guys, guys, no deixem o cansao pegar vocs. A questo simples, mas
cuidado para no cair na pegadinha! No tire concluses apressadas baseada
nos ...only 20%... do texto, ok?

Veja o texto:

Five of every six strongly want fundamental change. Only 20% of the people
trust the federal government to do the right thing most of the time..

Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 13
O texto diz que cinco em cada seis (pessoas est implcito) realmente querem
mudana essencial. Isso concorda com a assertiva, que afirma que mais de
oitenta por cento das pessoas buscam famigeradamente (=hunger ) uma
mudana bsica.


10) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ Three decades ago, at most 24% of people didnt rely on the federal


Guys, I am sure you like Math!!!! Good for you! Vamos l, j vi algumas
questes como essa em vrias bancas .

Only 20% of the people trust the federal government to do the right thing
most of the time down from 76 per cent thirty years ago.

Primeiro, vamos ao vocabulrio?

Trust= rely= confiar
To do the right thing = fazer a coisa certa
Down from 76% = abaixo de 76%
at most = no mximo

Agora, sabemos que o texto diz que: hoje, 20% das pessoas confiam no
governo e trinta anos atrs esse percentual era de 76%. Fazendo as
continhas, temos 24% de pessoas h 3 dcadas que no confiavam (=didnt
rely) no governo!


According to the text, it can be deduced that

11) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ the Internal Revenue Service has now succeeded in getting back billions of
the existing debt.


People, a assertiva e trecho do texto trazem palavras de sentido oposto.
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Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 14

succeeded in getting back (= tiveram sucesso em recolher )

Confira o trecho do texto:

The Internal Revenue Service struggles to collect billions of unpaid bills.

struggles to collect = luta para recolher.
struggle = fazer um esforo que implica sofrimento.


12) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ today, the main source of wealth creation lies in the agricultural


O texto diz que a indstria j substituiu agricultura como principal fonte de
criao de riqueza. Veja o trecho:

A century after industry replaced farming as the countrys principal source
of wealth creation, the Agriculture Department still operates

Ateno ao vocabulrio:

Replaced as = substitudo como
Farming = agricultura
Wealth = riqueza
Main = principal


13) CESPE/ TCU/2008

___ poor educational standards and training programs put in danger the
advantage over competitors.

Podemos perceber que a banca gosta de parafrasear trechos do texto para
explorar o conhecimento semntico dos candidatos. Temos sempre que
procurar sinnimos, antnimos e tentar ver a relao entre a assertiva e o
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Profa.: Vladia Mattar

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texto,ok!? Vamos fazer um link entre o vocabulrio da assertiva e o trecho do

Ineffective education and training programs jeopardize our competitive edge.

Poor educational standards = ineffective education ( = educao deficiente)
Put in danger = jeopardize (= pe em risco)


14) CESPE/ TCU/2008

__ never before has the US experienced such a profound crisis of faith in


A resposta est no trecho abaixo:

The conclusion was that the US is suffering the deepest crisis of faith in
government in memory.

O trecho acima usa o superlativo the deepest, o que implica que esta crise
a mais profunda de todas.
A assertiva, por sua vez, diz o mesmo usando a expresso never before
(=nunca antes)... essa expresso j estamos barbudos... oops!... carecas de
ouvir (

Falaremos de superlativos e outras formas de comparao nas prximas aulas,


15) CESPE/ TCU/2008

__ enormous (R.15) is the same as large.


Gente!!! Cuidado! Essa parece, mas no ! verdade que large e enournous
esto no mesmo campo semntico, porm enormous mais intenso, seu
strong adjective. Seus sinnimos so: huge, gigantic, immense. E, para
large, temos os seguintes sinnimos: big, wide. Esta para pegar aqueles que
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fazem a questo sem ler...Veja Dicas para outros adjetivos e seus strong
adjective correspondente.




Text 4


The largest Latin-American country, Brazil has an area of 8,5 millions of square
kilometers housing more than 175 million people. In 2003, Brazils GNP was
US$ 493 billions, with a per capita revenue of US$ 2,789.00. Within the
Brazilian economy, it is worth mentioning high-developed sectors such as
agriculture and cattle breeding and a very complex industrial base. Besides,
the country is the leader of Mercosul, an economic block joining Brazil,
Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Established in 1991, this block emerged as
a free trade zone, but its major objective is to become a common market.

16) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 Based on the meanings in the text,

(A) ...housing... cannot be replaced by accomodating.
(B) ...within... is the synonym inside.
(C) ...revenue...and income are antonyms.
(D) ...Besides... and next to are synonyms.
(E) ...developed... and emerged express similar ideas.


A primeira vista, parece um vocabulrio de fcil entendimento. Porm, exige
uma contextualizao e ateno.

A) ERRADA. Housing neste contexto significa acomodar, no moradia.
Ateno negativa cannot. Housing can be replaced by
accommodating neste texto.
C) ERRADA. Revenue e income so sinnimos
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D) ERRADA. Cuidado com besides que diferente de beside. Beside
= next to, ao lado de. Besides = in addition to, alm de.
E) ERRADA. Parecem similares, mas no so. Emerge carrega o sentido
de surgir (do zero). Develop=desenvolver.


Text 5
Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following
explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often
through a trust fund);
it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants
(although additional sources of funding may be provided as well); and
the program serves a defined population, and participation is either
compulsory or the program is heavily enough subsidized that most
eligible individuals choose to participate.
17) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 Based on the text, judge the item below.

____The word although can be correctly replaced by though
Conjunes, conectivos e afins! Sempre questionados em provas Bom
saber os mais usados. Here are some of them...
Although, though, however, nevertheless, nonetheless = embora,
Despite, in spite of, notwithstanding = apesar de
Thus, hence, therefore = portanto
While, as, whereas = enquanto
Moreover, in addition to, furthermore = alm de

Se teve dificuldades, dont happy...Veremos mais sentence
connectors em breve!!
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 18
government-sponsored program ( line 1) is a program that:
A) sponsors the government
B) gives support to the government
C) whose funds come from government
D) gives funds to the government
E) the government is responsible for its foundation

Importante sabermos que o adjetivo, em ingls, quase sempre est antes do
substantivo ou depois do verbo de ligao. No caso da questo, government-
sponsored o adjetivo do substantivo program e significa que o programa
financiado (sponsored) pelo governo. Ateno para o vocabulrio que pode
aparecer em sua prova: sponsor, support and fund (financiar, apoiar
financeiramente e custear)
A) ERRADA. Exatamente o contrrio do que afirma o texto.
B) ERRADA. Exatamente o contrrio do que afirma o texto.
C) CORRETA. Whose que expressa possesso e pode ser usado para
coisas tambm, no apenas para pessoas, como muitos pensam.
Ex.: a) Mary whose father is from Canada won the Nobel Prize;
b) The school whose rooms are made of brick and wood is very
D) ERRADA. o contrrio. O governo d fundos para o programa.
E) ERRADA. Olha a confuso entre fund e foundation. Foundation
Texto 6

The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)
operates as an umbrella organisation for the external government audit
community. For more than 50 years it has provided an institutionalised
framework for supreme audit institutions to promote development and transfer
of knowledge, improve government auditing worldwide and enhance
professional capacities, standing and influence of member SAIs in their
respective countries. In keeping with INTOSAI's motto, 'Experientia mutua
omnibus prodest', the exchange of experience among INTOSAI members and
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Profa. Vladia Mattar 19
the findings and insights which result, are a guarantee that government
auditing continuously progresses with new developments.
INTOSAI is an autonomous, independent and non-political organisation. It is a
non-governmental organisation with special consultative status with the
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.
INTOSAI was founded in 1953 at the initiative of Emilio Fernandez Camus,
then President of the SAI of Cuba. At that time, 34 SAIs met for the 1st
INTOSAI Congress in Cuba. At present INTOSAI has 189 Full Members and 4
Associated Members.
Fonte: www.I

Based on the text, jugde the items below

_____The word umbrella organisation ( line 2 ) resfers to INTOSAI .

Vocabulrio interessante de business English . Umbrella organization pode
ser traduzido com organizao de cpula , centra, de apoiol .

E a, j esto familiarizado com o termo INTOSAI ? Est no seu edital !! Em
portugus :

Organizao Internacional de Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores.
Operate as= atuar como



____Emilio Fernandes Camus is the founder INTOSAI and the president of SAI
Cuba .


Essa requer ateno!!
O Emilio realmente o fundador da INTOSAI, mas uma palavrinha no texto
expressa que ele era o presidente do SAI de Cuba na poca em que ele
fundou INTOSAI. Ento ele no (= is) HOJE como afirma a assertiva.
J sabe qual a palavrinha??

Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 20
Vamos ao trecho:

INTOSAI was founded in 1953 at the initiative of Emilio Fernandez Camus,
then President of the SAI of Cuba.

Acertou quem pensou em then.


Text 7

This Company of Technology and Information from Social Security originated
from the centers of data processing of existing security institutes in the 70's.
The Purpose of the company is to provide solutions on IT and communication
for the implementation and improvement of social policies of the State, serving
mainly to the National Social Security Institute.
Fonte:( Adapted.

The word data in text 7 refers to:
A) Time
B) Any documents
C) Chronological information
D) Figures and maps
E) Information stored in hardware
Cuidado com os false cognates! So aquelas palavrinhas que nos
enganam... Parecem com palavras da nossa lngua, mas tm significado
totalmente diferente. Na questo acima, temos 2 falsos cognatos. Data, que
no significa data e figure que no significa figura! Data significa
informao, especificamente no texto, informao armazenada no computador.
Figure significa smbolo, nmero, grfico, mapa.


Strong adjectives:
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 21
adjectives Strong version
big huge
bad Terrible / awful
interesting Fascinating
angry furious
scared terrified
hungry starving
small tiny
good Fantastic / wonderful

Os verbos SAY e TELL, embora quase sinnimos no significado
(transmitir informao), gramaticalmente so diferentes.
Ambos podem ser traduzidos pelos verbos DIZER e FALAR, sendo que
TELL pode ser tambm traduzido por CONTAR.

A diferena que com o verbo SAY, normalmente no h na frase um
receptor da mensagem (objeto indireto); enquanto que com o verbo
TELL o receptor da mensagem est normalmente presente na frase.

Exemplo: She told me about the exam.
Lisa told a funny story to her son
That is is what she said.

Word formation: sufixos
a) ous, able, ful e less caracterizam adjetivos.
Exemplo: Helpful, jealous, viable, careless

b) hood, ship, ment, ness caracterizam substantivos
Exemplo: neighborhood, scholarship, judgement, happiness.

Vocabulary Builder
Aps a leitura de cada texto proposto em aula, faa um Vocabulary
Builder das palavras a ele relacionadas. Esse esquema ajuda
memorizar novas palavras.
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 22
Abaixo, segue o Vocabulary Builder feito do texto 3
(CESPE/TCU/2008). Faa os seus de todos os textos que estudamos
nesta aula!! Isso serve principalmente para aqueles textos em que voc
encontrou mais palavras novas.

Exemplo: Texto 3/ Prova TCU/2008

Public sector

citzen Tax








Vocabulrio 1 (Vocabulary Builder Text 3):
English Portuguese
Governemnt Governo
Public sector Setor pblico
Tax payers Contribuintes
Wealth Riqueza
Welfare Bem estar
Values Valores
Federal government Governo federal
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 23
Public confidence Confiana pblica
Citzen Cidados
Tax Imposto
National debt Dvida nacional
Audit department Departamento de auditoria

Vocabulrio 2 (referente ao Texto 1):

Never-say-die attitude: postura de quem no se deixa
sucumbir, no se d por derrotado.
Acknowledgement: palavra grande... mas, no to
difcil. Olha s: palavras grandes, assim, provavelmente tm
sufixos e prefixos. Se voc sabe o significado da palavra
know (saber, conhecer), pelo texto poder entender o
significado desta palavra: reconhecimento. Ento, minha dica
: se voc se deparar com uma palavra desconhecida, tente
identificar sufixos e prefixos. Livrando-se deles, talvez voc
reconhea a palavra.

Thats all Folks !!!! for now...

Espero que tenham gostado da aula demonstrativa. Aguardo vocs na Aula 1.
Continuaremos nas prximas aulas com muito mais!!!
Qualquer dvida feel free para perguntar. Estou aqui for you. Pode contar
Em seguida, vejam a lista de questes desta aula com o gabarito seco.


Vladia Mattar Hudson

Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 24



Text 1

Natalie du Toit wins Laureus award
Brad Morgan
11 March 2010
South African swimmer Natalie du Toit was named the Laureus World
Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability at a gala ceremony in Abu Dhabi on
Wednesday evening. She is one of only five athletes to have competed in the
Olympics and Paralympics.
South African Sport Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc) president
Gideon Sam told the Sascoc website: "Natalie has done us proud over the
years," he said. "All South Africans can be proud of her spirit and her never-
say-die attitude."
'A true inspiration'
"She is a true inspiration to each and every athlete in this country, indeed the
world, and we are hoping that she can build on this prestigious award as we
look ahead to the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics in London.
"It's people like Natalie that provide the incentive for the youngsters to aspire
to greatness, he continued. "She fully deserves this acknowledgement."
1)QUADRIX/ DATAPREV/2010 According to the extract above, it is right to say
A) Natalie is the only one who has competed in the Olympics and
B) The website president saidNatalie has made us proud over the years.
C) Gideon Sam said that people like Natalie.
D) Gideon Sam said that Natalie deserves the prize.
E) Natalie du Toit was named after Laureus.
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 25

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Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 26

Text 2

The Suicide of the Public Librarian

Management efforts to look good in the short term are leading to the demise
of the MLS (Master of Library Science)
By Bill Crowley
Library Journal, 4/15/2003

There is a public library that I know of, a system that has become a"must
stop" for library managers from around the nation who hope to learn its
secrets to achieving public recognition for service effectiveness. Well supported
by local government, the library system is heavily used by customers who
crowd its parking lot and flow through its doors. Unfortunately, it is also a
library system that hides a dirty little secret its success, in part, is built on
the continued downgrading of its professional positions. Library workers who
have not studied for the MLS now hold responsibilities once carried out by
professional librarians. The survival of professional librarianship involves what
other fields have called "process theories of professionalism." Simply stated,
such theories hold that a degree, even one from a program accredited by the
American Library Association (ALA), does not guarantee that a librarian
professional will get respect in the workplace. Such affirmative regard has to
be supported by one's employer. Support for librarian professionalism is clearly
lacking when an employer, regardless of national standing, strips away
critical responsibilities and systematically underpays its librarian staff.

(Adapted from

3)FCC/ENAP/2009 A synonym for demise, as used in the text, is
(A) stability.
(B) renewal.
(C) termination.
(D) fatality.
(E) enrichment.

4)FCC/ENAP/ 2009 No texto must stop refere-se a um sistema que:

(A) deve ser amplamente conhecido por diretores de bibliotecas.
(B) deve ser interrompido a fim de evitar transtornos aos usurios.
(C) sobrecarrega a capacidade de atendimento da biblioteca.
(D) promove a ascenso dos bibliotecrios na carreira pblica.
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Profa. Vladia Mattar 27
(E) de eficincia discutvel para o usurio.

5)FCC/ENAP/ 2009 No texto, regardless of pode ser substitudo, sem
alterao de sentido, por:

(A) in view of.
(B) nevertheless.
(C) thanks to.
(D) not taking into account.
(E) with regard to.


Text 3

Around the world the public sector is under siege: taxpayers everywhere want
better, cheaper government. The message is simple: tinkering with the system
is not good enough. Whats needed is a complete reinvention of government.
Since the federal government initiated the National Performance Review in
1993, by most accounts progress has been uneven in the implementation of
the approaches developed. The report notes that public confidence in the
federal government has never been lower. The average citizen believes 48
cents of every tax dollar are wasted. Five of every six strongly want
fundamental change. Only 20% of the people trust the federal government to
do the right thing most of the time down from 76 per cent thirty years ago.
The national debt now exceeds $ 4 trillion $ 16,600 for every man, woman,
and child. There is enormous unseen waste. The Audit Department has found
that the Defense Department owns more than $ 40 billion in unnecessary
supplies. The Internal Revenue Service struggles to collect billions of unpaid
bills. A century after industry replaced farming as the countrys principal
source of wealth creation, the Agriculture Department still operates more than
12,000 field service offices, an average of nearly four for every county in the
nation rural, urban, or suburban. But the report goes farther: And yet,
waste is not the only problem. The federal government is not simply broke; it
is broken. Ineffective regulation of the financial industry brought us the
Savings and Loan debacle. Ineffective education and training programs
jeopardize our competitive edge. Ineffective welfare and housing programs
undermine our families and cities. The conclusion was that the US is suffering
the deepest crisis of faith in government in memory. In past crises, people
doubted their leaders on moral grounds. They felt their government was
deceiving them or failing to represent values. Todays crisis is different: people
simply feel the government doesnt work.

Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 28
Don Tapscott. The digital economy: promise & peril in the age of networked intelligence

Based on the text, judge the items below.

6) CESPE/ TCU/2008 ___ All over the world the public sector is besieged by
those who pay taxes.

7) CESPE/ TCU/2008 ___ Reliance on the US federal government has once
been higher.

8) CESPE/ TCU/2008 ___ Most people believe that near half a cent of each
dollar is badly spent.

9) CESPE/ TCU/2008 ___ More than eighty percent of the people hunger
for basic changes.

10) CESPE/ TCU/2008 ___ Three decades ago, at most 24% of people
didnt rely on the federal government.

11) CESPE/ TCU/2008 ___ the Internal Revenue Service has now
succeeded in getting back billions of the existing debt.

12) CESPE/ TCU/2008 ___ today, the main source of wealth creation lies in
the agricultural activities.

13) CESPE/ TCU/2008 ___ poor educational standards and training
programs put in danger the advantage over competitors.

14) CESPE/ TCU/2008 __ never before has the US experienced such a
profound crisis of faith in government.

15) CESPE/ TCU/2008 __ enormous (R.15) is the same as large.

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Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 29

Text 4


The largest Latin-American country, Brazil has an area of 8,5 millions of square
kilometers housing more than 175 million people. In 2003, Brazils GNP was
US$ 493 billions, with a per capita revenue of US$ 2,789.00. Within the
Brazilian economy, it is worth mentioning high-developed sectors such as
agriculture and cattle breeding and a very complex industrial base. Besides,
the country is the leader of Mercosul, an economic block joining Brazil,
Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Established in 1991, this block emerged as
a free trade zone, but its major objective is to become a common market.
Technological innovation as an instrument for the social and economic
development is one of the priorities of the Government of President Luiz
Incio Lula da Silva. This was emphasized through the Industrial, Technological
and Foreign Trade Policy announced and launched in March 2004.

16)VLADIA/INDITA/2011 Based on the meanings in the text,

(A) ...housing... cannot be replaced by accomodating.
(B) ...within... is the synonym inside.
(C) ...revenue...and income are antonyms.
(D) ...Besides... and next to are synonyms.
(E) ...developed... and emerged express similar ideas.

Text 5
Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following
explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often
through a trust fund);
it is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants
(although additional sources of funding may be provided as well); and
the program serves a defined population, and participation is either
compulsory or the program is heavily enough subsidized that most
eligible individuals choose to participate.

17) VLADIA/INDITA/2011 Based on the text, judge the item below.
Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 30
____The word although can be correctly replaced by though
18)VLADIA/INDITA/2011 In text 2, it is mentioned government-
sponsored program. It is a program that:
A) sponsors the government
B) gives support to the government
C) whose funds come from government
D) gives funds to the government
E) the government is responsible for its foundation

Texto 6

The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)
operates as an umbrella organisation for the external government audit
community. For more than 50 years it has provided an institutionalised
framework for supreme audit institutions to promote development and transfer
of knowledge, improve government auditing worldwide and enhance
professional capacities, standing and influence of member SAIs in their
respective countries. In keeping with INTOSAI's motto, 'Experientia mutua
omnibus prodest', the exchange of experience among INTOSAI members and
the findings and insights which result, are a guarantee that government
auditing continuously progresses with new developments.
INTOSAI is an autonomous, independent and non-political organisation. It is a
non-governmental organisation with special consultative status with the
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.
INTOSAI was founded in 1953 at the initiative of Emilio Fernandez Camus,
then President of the SAI of Cuba. At that time, 34 SAIs met for the 1st
INTOSAI Congress in Cuba. At present INTOSAI has 189 Full Members and 4
Associated Members.

Based on the text, jugde the items below

_____The word umbrella organisation ( line 2 ) resfers to INTOSAI .


Ingls para TCU/2011
Profa.: Vladia Mattar

Profa. Vladia Mattar 31
____Emilio Fernades Camus is the founder INTOSAI and the president of SAI
Cuba .
Text 7

This Company of Technology and Information from Social Security originated
from the centers of data processing of existing security institutes in the 70's.
The Purpose of the company is to provide solutions on IT and communication
for the implementation and improvement of social policies of the State, serving
mainly to the National Social Security Institute.
Fonte:( Adapted.

The word data in text 7 refers to:
A) Time
B) Any documents
C) Chronological information
D) Figures and maps
E) Information stored in hardware



1) D 3) C 6)CERTA 16) Letra B
2) D 4) A 7)CERTA 17) CERTA
5) D 8)ERRADA 18) Letra C
11)ERRADA 21) Letra E


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