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Package 5.7.14 : Installation of new VRM for raw grining at line ! "RM#
Following Reference Drawings/document are enclosed with this Annex;
Local area layout : A4-12160-TE-PL-RM-01
Conceptual Flow Sheet : A4-12160-TE-FS-RM-01to 02
Conceptual eneral Arran!e"ent : A4-12160-TE-A-RM-01to 02
$%anges& $once't
E#$%t$n! raw !r$n&$n! "$ll% at l$ne 6 are 'all "$ll%( )t $% propo%e& to $n%tall a parallel
c$rcu$t o* +RM alon! w$th new %et% o* "$ll *ee& hopper%( A% per !u$&el$ne% o* SCC, the
e#$%t$n! 'all "$ll% are to 'e u%e& a% hot %tan&'y an& %eparate arran!e"ent not re-u$re&
*or cru%h$n! the raw "ater$al *urther to 20"", to %u$t the 'all "$ll%( The%e 'all "$ll%
thu%, w$ll pro&uce le%% output operate& a% *ee& %$/e w$ll 'e h$!h $(e( 01""(
For *ee&$n! to new "$ll, new hopper% are propo%e& *or l$"e%tone2clay 31#1100t4 an&
hopper% *or $ron ore, 'au#$te, %an&, %weetner an& low !ra&e l$"e%tone each o* 100t(
The new +RM $% propo%e& to 'e $n%talle& $n open a$r, near to the e#$%t$n! raw "$ll
'u$l&$n! o* l$ne 6, a&5acent to the 'a! hou%e( Cyclone% %hall 'e $n%talle& on a RCC
%tructure an& "$ll *an 'elow $t(
6ew +RM %hall ha.e a new &e&$cate& 'a! hou%e(, when +RM $% not $n
operat$on the preheater !a%%e% %hall 'e .ente& throu!h e#$%t$n! 'a! hou%e o* l$ne 6(
E#$%t$n! 8$ln e#$t !a% en.$%a!e& to 'e %u**$c$ent to operate the raw "$ll at 410tph, $n ca%e hot a$r $% re-u$re& %a"e "ay 'e %upple"ente& 'y connect$n! cooler !a%
a*ter EP 3$* 97R not $n%talle&4( There*ore, '$&&er to collect &ur$n! the$r %$te .$%$t the
&eta$l% o* P7 !a%, capac$ty o* e#$%t$n! 'a! hou%e, .olu"e : te"perature an& &u%t
content o* the EP e#$%t !a%( Al%o, a &eta$l o* e#$%t$n! 7A to 'e ta8en $n ca%e o* EP !a%
$% not a.a$la'le on $n%tallat$on o* 97R(
Pre%ently, the 'a! hou%e $% han&l$n! only the 8$ln e#$t !a%( For 'all "$ll%, there are
%eparate EP%( 9herea%, the%e EP% are connecte& to the 2 nu"'er% 'len&$n! %$lo%, 'a!
hou%e $% connecte& only to the 8$ln *ee& '$n, a*ter the 'len&$n! %$lo%( Fee&$n! to the
'len&$n! %$lo% o* l$ne 6 pre%ently are throu!h a$r %l$&e% an& a$r l$*t pu"p%(
The new +RM $% propo%e& w$th co"plete %eparate *ee&$n! %y%te" to 'len&$n! %$lo% o*
l$ne 6 a% the capac$ty o* e#$%t$n! a$r %l$&e% an& a$r l$*t are not a&e-uate( For th$% a
%eparate '$n o* 100t $% propo%e& near the 'a! hou%e( Th$% '$n can collect only the raw
"eal o* the +RM cyclone%( ;a! hou%e &u%t cannot 'e collecte& a% $t% e#tract$on cha$n
con.eyor% are at .ery low le.el(, arran!e"ent a% %tate& un&er, pro.$&e& to
ena'le tran%portat$on o* 'a! hou%e &u%t to 'len&$n! %$lo%(
<n&er the '$n, there %hall 'e 2 e#tract$on %y%te"( =ne *or *ee&$n! the e#$%t$n! l$ne 6
'len&$n! %$lo% throu!h a$r %l$&e an& 'uc8et ele.ator% at 100tph rate& capac$ty( The other
*or *ee&$n! pneu"at$c pu"p$n! %y%te" *or *ee&$n! the e#$%t$n! 'len&$n! %$lo% o* l$ne 0 :
> at the rate& capac$ty o* 100tph( The a$r %l$&e *ee&$n! the a'o.e %a$& 'uc8et ele.ator%
3*or l$ne 6 'len&$n! %$lo%4 are e#ten&e& at ta$l %$&e to rece$.e the 'a! hou%e &u%t( For th$%
the e#$%t$n! 2 nu"'er% cha$n con.eyor o* the 'a! hou%e hopper% are to 'e "o&$*$e& to
pro.$&e &rop out !ate% *or connect$n! to a$r %l$&e( 6ear the 100t '$n, th$% a$r%l$&e %hall 'e
pro.$&e& w$th &$.er%$on 'o# al%o, to &$.ert the 'a! hou%e &u%t to pneu"at$c pu"p% when
con.ey$n! raw "eal to l$ne 0 : > 'len&$n! %$lo%(
?ur$n! &$rect "o&e, $t $% propo%e& that the 'a! hou%e hot &u%t to 'e con.eye& throu!h
e#$%t$n! arran!e"ent to e#$t$n! 8$ln *ee& '$n( ;$&&er% to collect the e#$%t$n! hot &u%t
tran%port capac$ty *or %u$ta'$l$ty(
A% tran%portat$on to l$ne0 : > $% throu!h &en%e pha%e pu"p$n!, the 'a! *$lter% at the top
o* l$ne 0 : > 'len&$n! %$lo% %hall 'e "o&$*$e&@ replace& %o that the%e 'a! *$lter% ha.e
a&e-uate capac$ty to han&le %$"ultaneou%ly the a$r &ue to &en%e pha%e con.ey$n! an&
.ent$n! o* *ee&$n! *ro" l$ne 0 : > raw "eal(
7ot a$r to the new +RM %hall 'e *ro" the e#$%t$n! l$ne 6 pre-heater e#$t *an( Th$% $% now
&$rectly connecte& to 'a! hou%e( There*ore, when th$% &uct $% "o&$*$e& *or hot a$r to new
+RM, e#$%t$n! &uct to 'a! hou%e to 'e pro.$&e& w$th ?a"per *or proce%% control(
=l& raw "$ll hopper% an& raw !r$n&$n! 'all "$ll reta$ne& a% $t $%(
$i(il strengt%ening&)oification :
6o "a5or "o&$*$cat$on@ %tren!then$n! en.$%a!e& e#cept *or $nter*ac$n! an& arran!e"ent on
top o* 'len&$n! %$lo% o* l$ne 6,0 : > *or *ee&$n! raw "eal *ro" new +RM(

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