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Answer Scheme Section A

IC No Form:
Candidates Answer Marks
1. i. C 1
ii. B 2
iii. A 3
2. Bit
3. C !
. C "
!. C #
". $ %
#. $ &
%. A 1'
&. $ 11
1'. B 12
11. C 13
12. B 1
13. $ 1!
1. i. A ( $ 1"
ii. $ ( A 1#
iii. C ( ) 1%
i*. ) ( C 1&
*. B 2'
1!. S+eaker 21
,C$ +ro-ector 22
1". In.ormation 23
1#. B/te 2
1%. 0+eratin1 S/stem 2!
A++2ication So.tware 2"
3ti2it/ 4ro1ram 2#
1&. 4rimar/ Stora1e 2%
2'. 5ord 4rocessin1 2&
4resentation 3'
6ra+hic 31
21. 7rue 32
22. 7rue 33
23. 7ue 3
2. Fa2se 3!
2!. 7rue 3"
707A, MA89S
(20 marks)
28 a) Computer theft is defined as the unauthorised use of another persons property ith the intention to
deny the oner the ri!htfu" possession of that property or its use#
E$amp"es of %omputer theft in%"ude&
transfer of payments to the ron! a%%ounts
tap into data transmission "ines on data'ase at no %ost
di(ert !oods to the ron! destination

') )a%kin! is a sour%e of threat to se%urity in %omputer# It is defined as unauthorised a%%ess to the
%omputer system 'y a ha%ker.
E$amp"es of %omputer ha%kin! in%"ude&
Tro+an horse
"o!i% door
trapdoor and 'a%kdoor
many others.
2, a) -irus . a pro!ram that %an pass on the ma"i%ious %ode to other pro!rams 'y modifyin! them#
Tro+an )orse . a pro!ram hi%h %an perform usefu" and une$pe%ted a%tion#
') /Insta"" 0nti(irus
/Insta"" 1irea"" to pre(ent i""e!a" a%%ess
/ Insta"" 0nti spyare
/ 2estri%t a%%ess to data
30# a) - 4irated %opy C5
/ I""e!a" don"oadin! (any materia")
/ Sa"e a pirated item
/ 0ny re"e(ant ansers
') i 5ata 'a%kup
ii# Crypto!raphy
36# 1et%hin! / the pro%ess of o'tainin! a pro!ram instru%tions from memory
5e%odin! / the pro%ess of trans"atin! a pro!ram instru%tion into si!na" that the %omputer
E$e%utin! / the pro%ess of imp"ementin! the instru%tions in a pro!ram
Storin! / the pro%ess of ritin! the resu"t to the stora!e7memory
32# a) i# 8 . System Softare
ii 9 . 0pp"i%ation Softare
') i# 4 / 0nti(irus7S%reen Sa(er7:in;ip and any re"e(ant ansers
ii < / :ord 4ro%essin!7=i%rosoft ord* Spreadsheet7e$%e"* 4resentation74oerpoint
(14 marks)

a) < >Stora!e
:>4ro%ess7 C4?7 4ro%essor
') : >
Contro" a%ti(ities ithin the system
E$e%ute mathemati%a" and "o!i%a" operation
Trans"ate a pro!ram instru%tion into si!na"
2etrie(e data or instru%tion from memory#
%) Store7 ho"d pro!rams and data permanent"y (state on"y)
5ata or pro!ram %an 'e used for "ater time#
Non/ (o"ati"e . ho"d the pro!ram data and pro!ram hen the %omputer is turned off#
<uestion 3@
a i) Keyboard
ii) Printer
b) Diskette / floppy disk /pen drive / thumb drive / hard disk / cd rom / dvd rom
:AN; 750 0F S)C0N$A8; S708A6)<
%) To se%urity measures that %an 'e %onsidered 'y 0"i&
i) Insta"" anti(irus / 0nti(irus pro!ram must 'e updated and he must s%an his %omputer
ii) 5ata 'a%kup . 0"i needs to 'a%kup his data usin! any se%ondary stora!e de(i%es and he
must keep the 'a%kup in a safe "o%ation#

0ny re"e(ant ansers
<uestion 3B
'# Input is any data or instru%tions that e enter into the %omputer system for pro%essin!#
Cey'oard* mouse* s%anner* 'ar%ode reader and di!ita" %amera are some e$amp"e of input
=eanin! . 6 mark
E$amp"e . 6 mark
4rimary stora!e Se%ondary stora!e
It stores data and pro!rams that %an 'e
a%%essed dire%t"y 'y the pro%essor#
It stores data and pro!rams for future use#
20= is (o"ati"e hi%h means the pro!rams
and data in 20= are "ost hen the %omputer
is poered off#
It is non/(o"ati"e* hi%h means that
it does not need poer to maintain
the information stored in it#
6 5ifferen%e . 6 mark
Tota" . 2 marks

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