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You wont nd the 300 MPG Volkswagen XL1 in an American showroom in !

act it has e"en

#een denied a tour o! America #ecause it is too e!cient !or the American $u#lic to #e
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Volkswagens New 300 MPG Car Not Allowed In America Because It I...
1 of 5 5/26/2014 8:25 PM
made widel2 aware o! and oil $rots are too high in America with the status 3uo in $lace4
,o tour has #een allowed !or this car #ecause the m2th that &0 m$g is "irtuall2 im$ossi#le
to o#tain !rom e"en a stri$$ed down econo#o5 is too $rota#le to let go o! and when it
comes to cor$orate oil $rots ignorance is #liss4
Years ago 6 had calculated that it should #e $ossi#le to get a small car to e5ceed 100 m$g
#2 $utting $arallel direct to c2linder water in7ectors side #2 side with the !uel in7ectors and
using the e5haust mani!old to $reheat the water so it would enter the c2linders as dr2
steam thus $ro"iding added e5$ansion 8which dri"es the engine9 while allowing the com:
#ustion $rocess to $roceed without reducing its e!cienc24 -ut 6 was o#"iousl2 wrong with
m2 calculations #ecause the2 were in !act o"er %5 conser"ati"e4
*he 100 m$g car#uretor was indeed a realit2 and the Volkswagen XL1 $ro"es it with onl2
straight!orward nothing s$ecial technolog2 we ha"e had since the 1;<0=s4*hough the XL1
can #e $lugged in to deli"er a '0 mile all electric dri"e it does not need to #e $lugged in
+V+/ to achie"e 300 m$g4 And it does not cheat in an2 wa2 to achie"e the rating it weighs
o"er 1<00 $ounds has normal tires and deli"ers a "er2 good dri"ing e5$erience with a
go"erned to$ s$eed o! ;; m$h4 *he XL1 could reach a to$ s$eed in e5cess o! 110 m$h a#:
sent go"ernor and turns in a 0:>0 time o! 114& seconds which is #2 no means leisurl2 !or a
car designed !or e!cienc24 *he XL1 in no wa2 cheats on $er!ormance to hit its rating4 6t is
sim$l2 the car we should ha"e alwa2s had and ha"e had taken !rom us in the name o! oil
*hough the XL1 can hit 300 m$g under ideal dri"ing conditions its com#ined mileage is
usuall2 a little o"er %00 m$g and i! 2ou do cit2 dri"ing onl2 that will dro$ to a minimum o!
1?0 m$g under the worst dri"ing conditions4 -ut 6d #e ha$$2 with that no dou#t4
What does that kind of fuel economy really mean?
6! the XL1 was e3ui$$ed with an 1? gallon !uel tank and 2ou did all highwa2dri"ing 2ou
could ll it u$ with an oil change and when the ne5t change was due 2ou could change the
oil and kee$ dri"ing without lling u$ !or and additional %'00 miles4 -ut it comes with a
Volkswagens New 300 MPG Car Not Allowed In America Because It I...
2 of 5 5/26/2014 8:25 PM
much smaller !uel tank #ecause i! it could go that long on a single tank chances are the !uel
would !oul #e!ore it got used4 *he tank is onl2 %4> gallons to $re"ent !uel age related $ro#:
lems !rom ha$$ening4 )o ll u$s are chea$4
Many of the publications which speak about the XL1 did so when it was a concept car
predicted to get right around 250 M!" #ut in 201$% after e&tensi'e testing of cars now
produced% test dri'ers report economy abo'e (00 mpg under the correct dri'ing condi)
tions% which would be close to sea le'el% a *at straight road with no stops% and reason)
able speeds" *o get rid o! miles@im$erial@A4)4 gallon con!usion in the metric s2stem the
XL1 is rated to deli"er 100 kilometers $er litre4 *ranslated !or the A4)4 that means a$$ro5:
imatel2 >& miles $er 3uart4
6 rememer how 6 laughed at the )mart
Bortwo #ecause e"en a !ull siCe
' door.he"2 6m$ala signicantl2 #eat the
D)martsE !uel econom2 and with the 6m:
$ala 2ou would get a whole car4 *he Volk:
swagen XL1 is clearl2 the two seater the
)mart should ha"e #een i! it reall2 was
what the name im$lies and the XL1 is in
contrast a car 6d #e $roud to #e seen in4
+ou will ,-. see the Xl1 in /merica%
+"en its !ar less e!cient ?& m$g non h2rid !ull siCe station wagon coun:
ter$art F the Getta *H6 #lue motion wagon 86mg0arscoops"com1 which is
made in America is #anned !rom American roads4 And 6 would like to ask
wh2= Ihat e5cuse is there !or #anning highl2 e!cient cars !rom Ameri:
can roads=
1ne e5cuse is that Dthe2 dont meet American crash test standardsE #ut
the real truth is that the Bed sim$l2 re!used to e"er crash test them #e:
cause o! what the2 are in +uro$e e"en the XL1 is considered to #e a "er2
sa!e car in crashes and the Getta station wagon is o#"iousl2 e"en sa!er
and 2ou .A, #u2 the non *H6 "ersions o! the e5act same car in America4
*he onl2 thing di!!erent is the engine IJA* G6V+)=
*he answer is o#"ious4 2imply for the sake of raking in huge pro3ts from 4$ a gallon gas%
getting gu55led at 10X the rate it should be% the corporations ha'e 'ia campaign contri)
butions and other types of pay outs succeeded in getting the 678 to legislate the best
cars off the road for irrele'ant trumped up reasons"
Volkswagens New 300 MPG Car Not Allowed In America Because It I...
3 of 5 5/26/2014 8:25 PM
The XL1 will not meet American emission standards NOT because it is not clean enough, it will
not meet them simply because inefcient parts that are mandated by the EA are not part of
the XL1!s power train" Ie will ne"er see trul2 clean running and e!cient cars in America
#ecause the B+H has mandated that American cars #e intentionall2 stiKed #2 horri#l2 !uel
wasting $arts that add to the cost o! the "ehicle and do a#solutel2 ,1 G11H how much
more e!cient and clean can 2ou get than 300 m$g= *he e5haust !rom the Xl1 has to #2
sim$le math and the laws o! $h2sics run at the theoretical threshold o! emissions $er!ec:
/ll is not rosy for 7urope howe'er
*he Xl1 is )1 MA.J the car that the oil
com$anies do not want that there will onl2
#e %000 made4 And no $roduction line was
set u$ !or them the2 are all hand made4
And irrele"ant DlightweightE $arts are
added to the !rame consisting o! car#on
#er and other e5otic materials to add to
the m2sti3ue4 #ut the materials and pro)
duction limits are a load of #9,:% the car
2.;LL weighs o'er 1%<00 pounds% if it
weighed =ust 100 pounds more e'ery)
thing e&otic could be remo'ed% because >e&otic materials? are not doing much anyway%
they are =ust marketing"
0ost is not the issue either +"en a!ter #eing hand made with De5oticE materials in an in:
tentionall2 limited edition the Xl1 still onl2 costs L>00004 *here is a lot more o! a market
!or this car than %000 units at that $rice ha"e no dou#t this car is #eing held #ack on $ur:
$ose4 6! it can #e hand made !or that little automated assem#l2 lines could do it !or
hal!4 /nd if a 1%<00 plus pound Xl1 can get (00 mpg% a (%$00 pound 0he'y .ruck should
be able to deli'er at least 150 M!% the Xl1 lays the mileage scam bare% with e'ery hy)
brid that gets $0 mpg and e'ery truck off the line that gets 20% /mericans are getting
the shaft and they do not e'en reali5e it"
6 was rst in!atuated and im$ressed with the ?&m$g Vokswagen *H6 -lue Motion wagon
and wished 6 could get one in America 8when 6 was still there9 and then the 300 m$g Xl1
came along what a rude awakening and sla$ in the !ace !or the American car #u2er4
Gim )tone Breelance Gournalist "ia wh2dont2outr2this4com
Volkswagens New 300 MPG Car Not Allowed In America Because It I...
4 of 5 5/26/2014 8:25 PM
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Volkswagens New 300 MPG Car Not Allowed In America Because It I...
5 of 5 5/26/2014 8:25 PM

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