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SBI Clerk Exam Jan 2011 Model Paper

1. During the fir of 2010!2011" #hi$h of the indire$t tax regitered the maximum gro#th%
1) Excise Duty 2) Custom Duty g
3) Service Tax I
4) All show almost same growth
5) o!e o" the a#ove
2. &t preent #hat i the 'lBl( hare in )&B&*D e+uit,%
1) $$% & 2) 51% 3) 4$% 4) 1% '
5) o!e o" the a#ove (
-. .he ne#l, introdu$ed Indian 'lupee S,m/ol i /aed on!
1) )toma! Scri*t 2) Dev!agri Scri*t
3) +oth ,1) a!-,2) 4) Sa!s.rit Scri*t
5) o!e o" the a#ove
4/ 0hich o" the "ollowi!g a!imal has #ee! -eclare- as 1atio!al 2eritage A!imal3 i! octo#er
2414 #y the 5!io! 6over!me!t7
1) Tiger 2) Ele*ha!t 3) 8io! 9
4) Camel 5) o!e o" the a#ove
0. )ational 1reen .ri/unal 2)1.3 ha /een $ontituted in o$to/er 2010. 4ho ha /een
appointed it firt Chief%
1) 8o.eshewar sirtgh
2) S/./:uri
3) ;/S/Da-vval
4) A!il </ :a!-ey
5) o!e o" the a#ove
5. ln E$onomi$ .ime Corporate Ex$ellen$e if &#ard 2010" #ho ha /een de$lared
6Buine 7eader of the ,ear%
1) )l/C +hargava ,lvlaruti Su=u.i)
2) A-itya :uri ,l>ID)C +a!.)
3) lvlu.esh Am#a!i ,)ill/)
4) )lata! Tata ,Tata grou*)
5) o!e o" the a#ove
8. 9n #hi$h da," the firt #orld tatiti$ da, #a $ele/rated%
1) ?cto#er 1@A 2414 2) ?cto#er 1$A 2414 9
3) ?cto#er 24A 2414 4) ?cto#er 21A 2414 5) o!e o" the a#ove
:. 4hi$h of the follo#ing tate /e$ame the firt !
state to i!tro-uce *u#lic service 6uara!tee Act 24147
1) Ba-hya :ra-esh 2) 6uCarat 3) +ihar
4) 2arya!a 5) o!e o" the a#ove
;. .he 1ood and er<i$e .ax 21S.3 propoed !
to #e i!tro-uce- i! 2411 covers taxes li.e>
1) Tra-e I Sales Tax 2) Service Tax /
3) ServiceA Excise etc/ 7
4) ExciseA ServiceA DAT etc/
5) o!e o" the a#ove
10. )e#l, inaugurated helpline 6=d,ami> i to ait?
1) BicroA small a!- me-ium e!ter*rises
2) 8arge Ca*ital I!-ustries
3) ?!ly "emale e!tre*re!eur
4/) )armers i!tro-uci(!g tech!ology i! "rami!g /
5) o!e o" the a#ove
11.4hi$h ofthe follo#ing nation i not apart of .&PI 1a pipeline pro@e$t%
1) A"gha!ista! 2) I!-ia 3) :a.ista!
4)!ista! 5) o!e o" the a#ove
12. In #hi$h nation" the t#o da, ummit of 'inan$e miniter of 1!20 nation #a held in
o$to/er 2010%
1) I!-ia 2) South <orea 3) Chi!a E
4) Ca!a-a 5) o!e o" the a#ove
1-. 1o<ernment ha formed a high le<el intra finan$e $ommittee under the $hairmanhip
1) ;/+/)le--y 2) )ia.esh Boha!
3) C/)ta!graCa! 4) ;/</Alagh
5) o!e o" the a#ove E
1A. Buman De<elopment 'ieport 2010 $laifie India in the 6Medium Buman
De<elopment> $ategor, and pla$e at CC ra!. out o" 1F$ cou!tries/ /
E 1) 11F 2) 11G 3) 11@ 4) 11$ 5) o!e
D10. 4hi$h $ountr, Stand at the top in 2010 Buman De<elopment Index 2BDI3 ranking
of 15; nation in Buman De<elopment 'ieport 2010%
1) orway 2) Australia 3) ew Heala!- E
4) 5!ite- States 5) o!e o" the a#ove
15. 4hi$h of the pri<ate tele$om operator /e$ame the firt to introdu$e -1 er<i$e in D the
$ountr,% .
1) Airtel 2) Docomo 3) Aircei
4) Do-a"o!e 5) o!e o" the a#ove
18. 18th &SE&) ummit #a $on$luded on o$to/er -0" 2010 in!
1) Si!ga*ore 2) <uala 8um*ur 3) 2a!oi 4) Ba!ila 5) o!e o" the a#ove
1:. 4hi$h of the follo#ing market are independentl, regulated /, for#ard market
1) Butual> )u!-s> 2) Commo-ity Excha!ges
3) Stoc.
4) )oreig! Excha!ge Bar.ets 5) o!e
1;. Eouth 'eti<al 2011 #ill /e organied in @anuar, 2011 at
1) 6oa 2) 5-ai*ur 3) +hu#a!eswar
4) 2y-era#a- 5) o!e o" the a#ove
24/ As *er the !ew gui-eli!es issue- #y SE+I com*a!ies are reIuire- to list shares with i! how
ma!y -ays o" the closure o" the I!itial E *u#lic o""ers ,I:?s)7
1) 12 -ays 2) 15 -ays ( 3)21 -ays /
4) 34 -ays 5) o!e o" the a#ove
21 1Smart Bo!ey3 is a term use- "or
1) I!ter!et +a!.i!g 2) )D+s i! +a!.s
3) Cre-it Car-s E
4) Dema!- -ra"ts o" +a!.s 5) o!e
22/ 0ho amo!gst the "ollowi!g is the author o" the +oo. Decisio! :oi!ts7
1) 6eorge 0/+ush 2) +arac. ?#ama
3) Sarah :ali! 4) elso! Ba!-ela
5) o!e o" the a#ove
23/ Co!si-er the "ollowi!g Stateme!tsJ
A/ +o#ert E-war-sA the +ritish scie!tists *io!eeri!g )iesearch with his late colleague :atric.
Ste*toe le- tothe #irth o" A the worI-Ks 1"irst testtu#e #a#y3 i! 1$G@/
+/ )io#ert E-war-s has wo! 2414 o#le :ri=e "or Be-ici!e/
1) ?!ly A is correct 2) ?!ly + is correct
3) +oth 1 L 2 are correct
4) either 1 !or 2 is correct 5) o!e
24/ The @th Summit ot the Asia Euro*e Beeti!g ,ASEB) was rece!tly hel- at which ot the
"ollowi!g *lace7
1) 6e!eva 2) 0ashi!gto!
3) 8o!-o! 4) +russels 5)o!e
25/ 0ho amo!g the tollowi!g is the "ou!-er o" wi.ilea.s7
1) :/M Crowley 2) A-ria! 8amo(
3) +ra-ley Ba!!i!g 4) Mulia! Assa!ge E
5) o!e o" the a#ove
2F/ Batch the )ollowi!g
A/ Su-ha Si!gh
+/ :a!.aC A-va!i
C/ <rish!a!
8ist >ll
1/ +oxi!g
2/ Athletics
3/ +illiar-s
A + C
1) 1 2 3
3) 3 1 2
A + C '
2) 2 3 1
4) 2 1 3
5) o!e ot the a#ove >
2G/ 0hich o!e o" the "ollowi!g is !ot got rece!tly 1NBaharat!a StatesK7
1) T:C 2) ?6C 3) l?8
4) SAI8 5) ECI8
2@/ 0hich o" the "ollowi!g mo!ume!t o" I!i-a has rece!tly #ee! i!scri>#e- i! the 5ESC?KS
worl- heritage list7
1) Ma!tar Ba!tar ot 5CCai!
2) Ma!tar Ba!tar o" Delhi
3) Ma!tar Ba!tar ot Mai*ur
4) Ma!tar Ba!tar ot Dara!asi
5) o!e ot the a#ove
2$/ E!viro!me!t a!- )orest Bi!istry has set u* a Committee to too. at the Im*leme!tatio! o"
the )orest +ight Act u!-er the chairma! shi* o"
1) <a!ti 8al +huria 2) Mairam Oamesh
3) 5/)l/ A!a!-amurthy 4) /C/ Saxe!a
5) o!e o"the a#ove
34/ 2ari loss or other si-e ettects o! ca!cer *atie!ts u!-ergoi!g ra-iothera*y is set to #ecome a
thi!g o"the *ast/ 0hich o" the "ollowi!g -rugsA re-uce the si-e e""ects #y P G5% o! ca!cer
*atie!tsA will #e soo! i! the i i!-ia! Bar.et7
1) 2>-eoxy Q D R glucose
2) 3>-eoxy Q D Q glucose
31/ 0hat is "ull "orm o" A)S:A 1$5@ Oece!tly came i!to ewsK7
1) Arme- "orces S*ecial *owers Act
2) Air )orces S*ecial *owers Act
3) A!ti )orces S*ecial *owers Act
4) Arme- )orces Su*er *owers Act
5) o!e o" the a#ove
32/ 0hich o!e o" the *erso!alities !ot awar-e- M!a!*ith Awar-s Oece!tly7
1) OaCe!-ra 2) ?//D/ <uru*
3) A.hlaI <ha! Shahryar
4) Dee* Coshi 5) o!e o" the a#ove
33/ 0hich o!e o" the "ollowi!g -ay -eclare- as the i!ter!atio!al -ay "or the Elimi!atio! o"
viole!ce agai!st wome! #y 5!ite- atio!s 6e!eral Assem#ly/
1) 23A ovem#er 2) 24A ovem#er /
3) 25A ovem#er 4) 25A ovem#er
5) o!e o" the a#ove
34/ The yeo!*ye!g Isla!- is lies alo!g the -is*ute- maritime #or-er o" the
1) Easter! coast o" <orea! :e!i!sula
2) 0ester! coast o" <orea! :e!i!sula
3) orther! coast o" Ma""!a :e!i!sula
4) Souther! coast o" Ma""!a :e!i!sula
35/ Au!g sa! sue .yi who was "ree- "rom seve! years u!-er house arrest o! ovem#er 13A 2414
lea-s which *arty i! H Bya!mar7
1) atio!al 8eague "or Democracy
2) atio!al 5!io! :arty
3) The 5!io! Soli-arity a!- Develo*me!t :arty
4) The atio!al Democratic )orce/
5) o!e o" the a#ove
3F/ The 5ESC? ,5!ite- atio!s E-ucatio!al Scie!ti"ic a!- Cultural ?rga!isatio!) i!scri#es
three I!-ia! *er"ormi!g art "orm/ i! the re*rese!tative list o" the i!ta!gi#le Cultural 2eritage o"
2uma!ity/ 0hat are these7
1) lvlu-iyettuA Chhau a!- <atha.
2) ChhauA lvlu-iyettu a!- <al#eli "ol. so!gs a!- Da!ce o" OaCastha!/
3) ChhauA <al#eli "ol. so!gs a!- Da!ce o"
)laCastha! a!- 6oti*ua/
4) lvte-iyettuA 6oti*ua a!- <atha.
3G/ The Sa#la or )laCiv 6a!-hi scheme to A-olesce!t 6irls which lau!che- rece!tly to #ase- o!
i!tegrate- chil- Develo*me!t services *lat"orm targeti!g the girls i! #etwee! 5 which age7
1) 12>1G years o" age 2) 12>1@ years o" age a
3) 11 >1G years o" age 4) 11>1@ years o" age '
5) o!e o" the a#ove >
3@/ Co!si-er the "ollowi!g stateme!ts/
1/ i!-ia! Eco!omy grew #y @/$% -uri!g "irst hal" o" the "iscal year 2414>11
2/ Ba!u"acturi!g a!- the "arm sector were N the maCor co!tri#utors/
3/ The "arm sector grew #y 4/4% i!the seco!- Iuarter o" the "iscal year 2414>11/ N 0hich isS are
1)1L3 2)2L3 3)1o!Iy 4)1A2L3 5) o!e o" the a#ove
3$/ Ag!i>ll has a ra!ge o"
1) G44 .m 2) 1544 .m
3) Bore tha! 2444 .m 5
4) Bore tha! 3444 .m 5) o!e
44/ 0hich o" the "ollowi!g re*rese!t the correct or-er o" the Total me-al tally i! the commo!
wealth 6ames 24147
1) Australia Q E!gla!- Q I!-ia Q Ca!a-a (
2) Australia Q I!-ia Q E!gla!- Q Ca!a-a "
3) Australia R Ca!a-a Q E!gla!- Q I!-ia
4) E!gla!- Q Australia Q I!-ia R Ca!a-a 5
5) o!e o" the a#ove
Dire$tion 2D. A1!003F 0hat shoul- come i! C *lace o" the Iuestio! mar. ,7) i! the "ollowi!g
Iuestio!s 7
41/ 2$@/@4 T 12/$@ T532@/2$ ' 7
1) 5FG$/3$ 2) 5F3@/2$ 3) 5F44/4$ 5
4) 5F41/4$ 5) o!e o" these
42/ 3G53 4 2G 4 25 4 2
1)13$ 2)12G 3) 2F4 4)1315)134
1) 15F@ 2) 143F@ 3) $F 4) 5G@ 5) 32
53/5UG o" 3U@ o" 4U5 o" 23@'7
1) 1G 2) 153 3) 34 4) 51 5) o!e o" these
54/12/25 V 1/FT 3/5 V 2/4'K7
1) 2@ 2) 2@/F 3) 14$/$4 4) 41/F4 5) o!e o" these
1) 15F 2) 3424 3) 412@ 4) F44@ & 5) o!e o" these
Directio!s ,E/5FRG4)J 0hat shoul- come i! *lace o" the Iuestio! mar. ,K7) i! the "ollowi!g
!um#er series Iuestio!s7
5F 3 5 $ 7 33 F5
1) 1@ 2) 15 3) 1G 4) 2F 5) o!e
5G/ 34 7 3$ 4@ F4 @$
1) 32 2) 3@ 3) 3G 4) 2$ 5) 35
5@ /21 41 so 15G 314 2
1) F15 2) F25 3) F1F
4) F1$ 5) o!e o" these
5$/ F52 43F 311 7 224 212
1) 252 2) 23@ 3) 2$@
4) 24G s) 2F5
F4/7 124 F4 2@ 12 4
1) 254 2) 252 3) 24@
4) 254 5) o!e o" these
F1 / A sum o" mo!ey "etches 2s/F52@4 as comi>*ou!- i!terest at the rate o" 4 */c/*/a/ at the e!-
o" two years/ 0hat is the sumK7
1) )ts/F444 2) Os/4444
s) )ts/@444 4) 1%/5444
5) o!eo" these "
F2/ It 24% is re-uce- "rom the "irst !um#erA it #ecomes three>"ourth o" the seco!- !um#er/ 0hat
is the res*ective ratio #etwee! "irst !um#er to the seco!- !um#erK7
1)15J16 2) 12J13 3)1FJ915
4) Ca!!ot #e -etermi!e-
5) o!e o" these
F3/ 0hat is the average o" the "ollowi!g set o" !um#ers7
142 15F 132 155 14F 122
1)13F 2)132 )14@4) 13$ 5) o!e o" these
F4/ It 3F me! ca! com*lete a *iece ot wor. i! 52F -aysA i! how ma!y -ays ca! 24 me! om*lete
that wor.7
1) 1F -ays 2) 32 -ays g
3) 3$ -ays 4) 4@ -ays
5) o!e o" these
F5/ A 314m lo!g trai! ru!!i!g at F4 .m*h s*ee- crosses a #ri-ge i! 2G seco!-s/ )i!- the le!gth
o" the #ri-ge/
1) 4@4m 2) 2G4m 3) 344m
4) 1G4m 5) 354m
FF/ The cost o" F !ote #oo.s a!- $ *e!s is Os 244/ 0hat is the cost ot 14 !ote #oo.s a!- 21
1) )ts/334 2) Os/ 4GF 3) )ls/ 23@ W
4) Ca!!ot #e -etermi!e-
5) o!e o" these
58. Sum ot tive co!secutive eve! !um#ers is 224/ 0hat is the seco!- !um#er i! -esce!-i!g
1) 44 2) 42 3) 4@ 4) 44 5) o!e o" these
5:. A ma! s*e!-s 34% ot his mo!thly salary o! re!tA 15% ot his mo!thly salary o! *rovisio!s
a!- 25% o" his mo!thly salary o! #uyi!g cloths/ l" he saves Os/1@F4A "i!- his a!!ual salary/
1) OS/F244 2)Os/314?
3) Os/r4444 4) Os/G2444 it 5) o!e oi these
5;. The -i""ere!ce #etwee! 4G% o" a !um#er a!- G@% o" the same !um#er is 5134/ 0hat is 35%
ot that !um#er7
1) 24344 2) 12F34 3) $3F3
4) 111G@ s) o!e o" these
80. A sho* .ee*er sells a! article tor Os/@G4 0hat is the cost *rice ot that article7
1) Os/GF4 2 Os/G44 3) Os/G54 4) Os/G4@ 5) o!e ot these
Dire$tion 2D. 81!803F Stu-y the "ollowi!g ta#le care"ully a!- a!swer the Iuestio!s that
"ollow/)ollowi!g ta#le gives the !um#er o" two wheelers ,i! thousa!-s) *ro-uce- #y )ive
com*a!ies AA +A CA D a!- E over the years/
81. .he *erce!tage lea- i! the *ro-uctio! o" two wheelers #y com*a!y NCK "rom 244G to 244@
1) 24% 2) 34% 3) 25% 4) 1G/5% 5) 33 1U3%
1. I! which o" the "ollowi!g com*a!ies was the *ro-uctio! o" two wheelers co!ti!uously
i!crease over the years7
1) c 2) D 3) E 4) A 5) o!e o" these
8-. I! which o" the "ollowi!g years was the *ro-uctio! o" two wheelers o" atl the com*a> !ies
*ut together the maximum7
1)244$ 2) 244F 3) 2444 4) 244@ 5) 2445
8A. um#er o" two wheelers *ro-uce- #y com*a!y N+K i! 244G is a**roximately what *er> ce!t
o" the total !um#er o" two wheelers *ro-uce- #y the same com*a!y i! all the years together7
1) 35% 2) 24% 3) F4% 4) 15% 5) 25%
80. 0hat is the res*ective ratio #etwee! the total !um#er o" two wheelers *ro-uce- #y
com*a!ies + a!- D together i! 244F a!- the same com*a!ies together i! 24XN7
1) 23J21 2) 24J23 3) 24J21 4) 1$J24 N F) 21J24
85. The *rese!t ages o" A#hi a!- )tishi are i! the ratio @J1 res*ectively/ )our years he!ce the
ratio o" their ages will #e $J2 res*ectively/ 0hat is the *rese!t age o" A#hi7
1) 3F 2) 32 3) 4@ 4) + 5) o!e
88. I! a! exami!atio! it is reIuire- to get 44% " the aggregate mar.s to *ass/ A stu-e!t gets 12F
mar.s a!- is -eclare- "aile- #y 32 mar.s/ 0hat are the maximum aggregate Emar.s a stu-e!t
ca! get 7
1) @44 2) F44 3) 444 4) Ca!!ot #e -etermi!e- 5) o!e o" these
8:. A sum o" mo!ey is -ivi-e- amo!g AA +A a!- C i! the ratio o" 2J5J4 res*ectively/ I" the share
o" C is +s/ 244 less tha! +A the! what is the total amou!t o" mo!ey7
1) Os/2F44 2) Os/2154 3) Os/2F+4 4) Os/2$5? 5) o!e o" these
8;. um#er o#tai!e- #y i!tercha!gi!g the -ig its o" a two -igit !um#er is more tha! the/ origi!al
!um#er #y 54 a!- the sum o" the -igits is 14/ 0hat is the origi!al !um#er7
1) @2 2) 3G 3) 4F 4) 2@ 5) o!e
1)2 2)4 +)3 4)2 5)1 F)2 G)3 @)1 $)4 14)1 11)1 12)2 13)2 14)4 15)1 1F)2 1G)3 1@)2 1$)2 24)1
21)3 22)1 23)3 24)4 25)4 2F)2 2G)5 2@)3 2$)4 34)1 31)1 32)4 +3)3 34)2 35)1 3F)2 3)4 3@)4
3$)3 44)1 41)4 42)5 43)2 44)4 45)3 4F)4 4G)1
4@)3 4$)1 54)2 5t)2 E2)5 53)4 54)1 55)4 5@)3 5G)5 5@)1 5$)4 F4)2 F1)3 F2)) F3)4 F4)3 F5)4
FF)2 FG)5 F@)3 F$)4 G4)1 G1)5 G2)3 G3)4 G4)2 G5)5 GF)2 GG)3 G@)1 G$)4

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