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A. Background of the Study
English is considered as an international language which is very important
for all people to learn. There are some great reasons why people learn English;
they believe that there are some advantages in professional lives or their chareer,
they can communicate with foreigners/people all over the world easily, they can
get the information from the whole world well, and there are many books in
English such as story, science, lesson books,etc.
The first reason why people learn English is to be able to communicate
with foreigners/people all over the world. Its mean people all over the world use
English if they meet foreigner from other country. ccording to !avid "#$$%&, the
domination of the English language globally is undeniable. English is the
language of diplomacy and international communications, business, tourism,
education, science, computer technology, media and Internet.
The second reason why people learn English, because they can get
information from the whole world well. They will not be the one who missed the
news but they will be people who are always up to date. They always know the
hot news that is being discussed outside the country, both political news, cultural,
natural disasters to entertainment news. 'eside, many of the news from abroad
who delivered in English either through print media or electronic media.
There are many books are written in English such as storybooks, science,
te(tbooks, novels, etc. English as a foreign language that is taught in schools from
primary to the )niversity, so that many te(tbooks or knowledge are written in
English. In addition, many famous novels from abroad which must be written in
'ased on that reality above, English is considered as an important sub*ect
that has to be taught to the students from elementary school level up to university
level. In Elementary school, English is foreign language to be learned and they
have difficulties in understanding English because their mother tongue is
+avanese. ,oreover, the students have a problem in mastering vocabulary and
English grammar which they never get before. s we know, English grammar is
different from Indonesian grammar.
In teaching English to Elementary school, the English teacher should teach
four English skills " listening, speaking, reading and writing & and also some
components in English, such as vocabulary, pronunciation " including stress and
intonation & and grammar. mong those components, grammar is considered as
the significant component of English. s bbot et al "#$-#. /-#& state that despite
widespread disilussion with e(cessive pattern practice, the fact remains that
command of gramatical structure is 0uite essential to mastery of language. This is
the thing that has to be taught to the students and this is the rule to make words or
sentences. 1yle and ,uno2 "#$$#. 3$& e(plain that a rule in grammar is a
generali2ation. It is a formula that one makes to account for how a given
grammatical construction usually behaves. The students have to master grammar
because it is very important for basic knowledge in mastering English skills.
nother thing that has to be reali2ed that teaching English to the students
of elementary school is not easy as we imagine. They have different motivation in
studying. 4lein "/556. #/& mentions that children like to move actively and tend
to modify their mood every single time. Their motivation to learn something,
especially language, is bigger than the adults have.
,oreover, children have very strong sense of playing and fun. 7cott and
8terberg "#$$5. /3& say that children have their special characteristics that a
language teacher should consider when he teaches them. 9ne of the characteristics
is that they have a very short attention and concentration span. :ere, the role of
English teachers is very important to develop the students ability in learning
English. They need to be creative in making en*oyable situation of teaching and
learning English. They should use the suitable techni0ue, method, media, and also
strategy to make the students more interest and motivate in studying English
especially grammar.
There are important sources of interest for children in the classroom,
namely pictures, stories and games. Ernestova "#$-#. 6%& states picture can attract
students and have concepts in their minds. 1icture also can be used to teach and
reinforce some language learning skills. 'eside that, pictures serve as visual
stimuli, the source of interest which can be seen and touched. 'y using picture
cards in teaching;learning process, can help the children understand the material
easily. ,any teachers apply some medias in the teaching;learning process because
they can be used to make the students more creative. 'eside that, the writer hopes
that picture card can makes the lesson and the situation of the class more
interactive and attractive, and the students are e(pected to master the material
<rom these statement the writer also hopes that using picture cards in
teaching English especially grammar gives advantages to the students and the
teacher. <or the students, they can design the sentences easily by looking at the
picture cards, they can e(plore the sub*ects or the ob*ects from the picture cards,
they can develop their imagination to create the te(t, and they can understand
grammar especially simple past tense well. <or the teacher, picture cards can
increase the creativity in the teaching learning process and help in the e(plaining
simple past more easily.
'ased on the background above, the writer will discuss about. USIN
B. State*ent of the Pro+,e*-
'ased on the background of the study above, the statement of the problem
is stated as follows.
#. =an using picture cards improve the si(th grade student ability in learning
simple past tense>
/. ?hat ability do the students get after learning simple past tense by using
pictures cards>
C. Pur.o-e of the -tudy
<rom the reseach 0uestions above, the ob*ectives of the study are as
#. To know using picture cards can improve the si(th grade student ability in
learning simple past tense.
/. To describe that the students get ability after learning simple past tense by
using picture cards.
D. S/gn/f/cant of the Study
'ased on the purpose of the study above, the result of this research should
answer and give information about the problem. This research is very important to
do and the result of this research will be useful for.
#. The 7chool. This research will give contribution to elementary school
especially to make AplanB for curriculum and syllabus and also provide the
facilities in order to the teaching and learning process will be continued.
/. The Teacher. The result of this research can give inputs about the uses of
picture cards to make the teaching;learning process easier and more
interesting for the students, so they can used the simple past tense well.
,oreover, the result of this research is can make the teacher increase their
creativity and improvement in teaching;learning English process.
E. Sco.e and $/*/tat/on
The scope of the study is the students of the si(th grade of Elementary
school. The writer chose them because in this period they are critical and have to
arrange past form sentences. The limitation of this study is teaching grammar by
using picture cards. :ere, the writer does not discuss all of grammar. :e discusses
simple past tense.
#. Def/n/t/on of (ey Ter*-
#. 1icture =ards is a card containing of picture which past the real situation
and account of past activity.
/. Crammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of
clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language

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