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Advanced JAVA Programming

Subject Code: I.A. Marks : 50

Hours/Week : 4 Exam Hours: 3
Total Hours : 52 Exam Marks: 100
Servlets: 8 Hours
Servlet Structure, Servlet packaging, HTMLbuilding utilities, Lifecycle, Single Thread
model interface, Handling Client R e q u e s t : Form D at a, Han dlin g Client Request:
HTTP Request Headers. Generating server Response: HTTP Status codes, Generating
server Response: HTTP Response Headers, Handling Cookies, Session Tracking.
JSP: 12Hours
Overview of JSP Technology, Need of JSP, Benefits of JSP, Advantages of JSP,
Basic syntax, Invoking java code with JSP scripting elements, creating Template Text,
Invoking java code from JSP, Limiting java code in J S P , using jsp expressions,
comparing servlets and jsp, writing scriptlets. For example Using Scriptlets to make parts
of jsp conditional, using declarations, declaration example. Controlling the Structure of
generated servlets: the JSP page directive, import attribute, session attribute, isElignore
attribute, buffer and auto flush attributes, info attribute ,errorPage and is errorPage attributes, is
Thread safe Attribute, extends attribute, language attribute, Including files and applets in jsp
Pages, using java beans components in JSP documents
Java Beans & Annotations: 6 Hours
Creating Packages, Interfaces, JAR files and Annotations. The core java API package, New
java. Lang Sub package, Built-in Annotations. Working with Java Beans. Introspection,
Customizers, creating java bean, manifest file, Bean Jar file, new bean, adding controls, Bean
properties, Simple properties, Design Pattern events, creating bound properties, Bean Methods,
Bean an Icon, Bean info class, Persistence ,Java Beans API.
JDBC: 8 Hours
Talking to Database, Immediate Solutions, Essential JDBC program, using prepared Statement
Object, Interactive SQL tool. JDBC in Action Result sets, Batch updates, Mapping, Basic
JDBC data types, Advanced JDBC data types, immediate solutions.
Starting with Struts: 4 Hours
The benefits of struts, How struts works, Interceptors, Struts Configuration files, A simple
Struts Application, Dependency Injection
Actions and Results: 5 Hours
Action classes, accessing resources, passing static parameters to an action, the ActionSupport
class, results, !"ception handling with !"ception #apping, $ildcard #apping, Dynamic
#ethod In%ocation, Testing Action classes
OGNL: 4 Hours
The %alue stack, reading object stack object properties, reading conte"t map object properties,
in%oking fields and methods, working with Arrays, working with lists, working with maps, &S'
!() $hen *+,( cant help
or! "ags: 5 Hours
-sing struts tags, common attributes, the form tag, the te"tfield, password, hidden tags, the
submit tag, the reset tag, the label tag, the head tag, the te"tarea tag, the checkbo" tag, the list,
list.ey and list %alue attributes, the radio tag, the select tag, selection option grouping with
optgroup, the checkbo"list tag, the combobo"tag, the updownselect tag, the
optiontransferselect tag, the doubleselect tag, themes
Text Books:
/ Marty Hall, Larry Brown. Core Servlets and Java Server Pages. Volume 1: Core
Technologies. Second Edition. (Chapter 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14).
0 Java 6 Programming Black Book, Dreamtech Press. 2012 (Chapter
1 Budi Kurniawan, A Tutorial Struts 2 Design and Programming Second Ed., BPB
Publications. (Chapters: 2,3,4,5)
Reference Books:
/ Michael Sikora, EJB 3 Developer Guide, A practical guide for developers and architects to
the Enterprise Java Beans Standard, Shroff Publishers & Distributors PVT LTD. July 2008.
0 Herbert Schildt, Java The Complete Reference, Eight Edition. Comprehensive coverage of
the Java Language. Tata McGraw-Hill Edition 2011.
1 Donald 2rown, Chad #ichael and others 3 Struts 0 in Action #anning 'ublications

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