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Course Objectives:

This course is an outcomes-based, English language enrichment course designed to develop and
consolidate students skills in the areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Specific course
obectives include!
To encourage students to be active and constructive in their o"n learning, using English as a tool to
create meaning, seek kno"ledge, and to interact "ith others at school conte#t and in the communit$.
To e#tend students competence and confidence in using English in a range of challenging conte#ts.
To integrate learning English "ith other areas of the %ollege curriculum.
To encourage students to become responsible, independent, reflective learners.
To promote an atmosphere of collaboration and co-operation amongst students.
Course book
English in &ind '(erbert )uchta and *eff Stranks, +,-,.
Teaching Learning Materials and Resources
Student course book/ "orkbook/ support and assistance of Thai Language Teachers/ flashcards/ audio
cassettes/ supplementar$ video cassettes/ materials to complete proects and activities 'construction paper,
coloured markers, paint etc../ overhead proector/ television/ video/ cassette0%1 pla$er.
Course Schedule
Week Topic
Week 1: Ma 1! Ma 1"
#ntroduction$%etting to kno& ou
Distribution of materials and ice-breaking activities.
Week !: Ma 1' ( Ma!)
Week *: Ma !+ ,une 1
-nit 1: .ree ti/e
Student 2ook pages 3--4
What do you do with your free time?
Students "ill read te#ts and listen to audio about hobbies and clubs.
The$ "ill talk about their free time activities, likes and dislikes.
Students "ill stud$ present simple/ positive and negative and 5uestions
and short ans"ers. The$ "ill also stud$ like 0 ing.
Week 1: ,une ! ,une "
Week ): ,une ' ,une 1)
-nit !: 2elping other people
Student 2ook pages -6-+-
Are you a volunteer?
Students "ill read te#ts and listen to audio about volunteer activities.
The$ "ill also talk about activities happening no", house"ork, and
arranging to meet and making plans.
Students "ill stud$ present continuous for activities happening no",
and the difference bet"een present simple and present continuous.
Week +: ,une 1+ ,une !!
Week 3: ,une !* ,une !'
-nit *: Who is our hero4
Student 2ook pages +6-4-
Who is your hero?
Students "ill read te#ts and listen to audio about heroes. The$ "ill talk
about past events, and the$ "ill talk about "hen and "here the$ "ere
Students "ill stud$ past simple, the verb to be, and regular verbs/
positive and negative. The$ "ill also stud$ &as born and &ere born.
Week ": ,une *5 ,ul + #67 LS* Se/ester 1 Midter/ Revie&
Week ': ,ul 3 ,ul 1*
#67 LS* Se/ester 1 Midter/ 8ssess/ents
Week 15: ,ul 11 ,ul !5
Week 11: ,ul !1 ,ul !3
-nit 1: Making 9riends
Student 2ook pages 4+-47
Who are your friends?
Students "ill read te#ts and listen to audio about friendships. The$ "ill
learn to ask about the past, and retell stories.
Students "ill stud$ past simple/ regular and irregular verbs, 5uestions
and short ans"ers.
Week 1!: ,ul !" 8ug: *
Week 1*: 8ug: 1 8ug: 15
-nit ): Success9ul people
Student 2ook pages 6+-67
What is the meaning of success?
Students "ill read te#ts and listen to audio about the meaning of
success. The$ "ill talk about obligations, describe ob re5uirements,
and talk about people and their obs.
Students "ill stud$ have to and don;t have to.
Week 11: 8ug: 11 8ug: 13
Week 1): 8ug: 1" 8ug: !1
-nit +: 6at 9or li9e
Student 2ook pages 8,-89
What do you like to eat?
Students "ill read te#ts and listen to audio about food. The$ "ill talk
about food and fitness, and good places to eat.
Students "ill stud$ countable and uncountable nouns/ a and an, so/e
and an, and /uch and /an.
#67 LS* Se/ester 1 6<a/ Revie&
Week 1+: 8ug: !) 8ug: *1 #67 LS* Se/ester 1 6<a/s
Week 13: Sept: 1 Sept: 3 Save the 6arth 8ctivit Week
Week 13: Sept: " Sept: 11 Main School 6<a/s

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