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Curriculum Vitae

Aim is not to be biggest but to be acknowledged as the best

Jabbar Singh Shekhawat
B.E (Electronics Instrumentation & control )

Present Aress
E!"#$%urga colon&%
'ikram nagar%khor
Contact No.
Personal 1etails
2ather3s name 4Shri .(.S.Shekhawat
)other3s name4 Smt.1e5 6anwar
Se7 4 )ale
(ationalit& 4 Inian
)arital Status 4 8nmarrie
1.9.B 4 //#.:#/",+
Pan no. 4 c;<s-"/$k
languages 4 English% =ini
>istening songs% <la&ing team games
Current CTC :
2.8 lacs#annum

Inten to buil a career with leaing cor<orate o? hi!tech en5ironment
with committe & eicate <eo<le% which will hel< me to e7<lore
m&sel? an reali;e m& <otential

@uest to work in the most challenging <osition with an organi;ation that
<ro5ies am<le o<<ortunities to learn an to contribute ?or e7<loring m&
<otential an abilities.
Career Abstracts
Instrumentation engineer with 0 &ear e7<erience in ?iel o?
instrumentation & control o? ash hanling <lant o? /$.. )A ca<acit&
#ro$essional s%no&sis
Burrentl& working as an control & Instrumentation engineer in
Cherma7 Inia. >t (Sirohi).uner J.k >a7mi <ower <lant o?
/,D0)A.?rom se< $.//.
Aorke uner )acawber Beeka& <5t. >t. ?orm 9ct $./. to )arch
$.// at E.E.S.S.C.P. o? /$:. )A ($/.D:)A) & J.S.A <ower <lant o?
/0+ D, as an instrumentation engineer.
Aorke uner 'ishal engineer3s <5t. >t ?or $ &ears ?rom jul& $.., to
august $./. at 5ikram cement as an instrumentation engineer
As a Instrumentation Engineeras well as shi?t incharge % res<onsible ?or
control o? ash hanling <lant <rocessing .
In5ol5ement in o<eration & maintenance o? a ash hanling s&stem in
<ower <lants.
=ighl& moti5ate to work as a team.
In aition to e7cellent technical abilities% goo anal&tical skills an
inter<ersonal skills
Areas o$ 'nterest
Co s<eciali;e in the ?iel o? instrumentation an control
Co s<eciali;e in the ?iel o? 1BS automation.
Co work with cutting ege technologies.
()*CAT'NA+ )(TA'+,:
,. No -uali$ication .ear College / 'nstitution
0oard /
/. B.E (E.I.B) $.., Ar&a Bollege 9? Engineering & I.C.% Jai<ur
$. /$
$..* Ait&a birla <ublic school% 6hor BBSE +,G
0. /.
$..$ B.'.'.)% 6hor BBSE :$G
T(CHN'CA+ ,1'++ ,(T,:

1nowledge o$ $ollowing instruments:24
1.B.S o? =9((EHAE>>(B9(CF9>>EF B0..) Cransmitters% solenois 5al5e % Actuators%<ositioner o?
)EI>%2IS=EFS%SIE)E(S%29FBES )AFS=A>%0 E>E)E(C%/ E>E)E(C%logic moi?ication%ABB
(F'%).9.'%B9(CF9> 'A>'ES % >9A1 BE>>%<ower c&liner% ome 5ale% butter?l& 5al5e blow 5al5e
<ressure gauge. F.C.1% le5el <robe% le5el transmitter% ?low transmiter%loa cell%metal etector%le5el switch%I to
P con5ertor% Electro!Pneumatic 5al5e <ositioner%Postion transmiter%control 5al5e%air ?ilter <lus
regulator%<ressure switch%tem<eratutare switch%le5el <robe%thermocou<le%<h transmiter%conucti5it&
transmiter%)9'%;ero s<ee switch%<ro7imit& switch. etc.

' hereb% declare that abo"e2mentioned details are true and best on behal$ o$ m% knowledge.

3A00A4 ,'N5H ,H(1HA6AT

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