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Kiefer-Rhyss Subrayan
NetID Ksub235
Gro! Nm"er: 127
#e"$%te L%&':
Ttor%a( Deta%($
Ttor: Da):
!elen "hen #ues$ay
T%me S!e&t o& A$$%*&me&t: #or+ Co&t:
#%&' &()(*'&')# ()+ ,'%)*
(,-' #. /R%.R%#%S'
#hrough 0ost of high school1 % ha$ foun$ that for 0e specifically1 it 2as 3ery $ifficult to
0anage 0y ti0e in correspon$ence 2ith school 2or4 an$ being able to $eci$e 2hat is 0ore
i0portant for 0e to $o. -ea$ing fro0 the en$ of high school1 into 5ni3ersity1 % realise$ that
this ha$ beco0e a gro2ing concern of 0ine1 especially since there is a lot 0ore to ta4e in at
uni3ersity an$ the 2or4 an$ assign0ents you $o are far 0ore i0portant. #his i$ea of an app
that 2or4s 2ith the infor0ation that is recor$e$ in "ecil 2ill help stu$ents 2ith such
proble0s li4e 0ine by arranging the $ata in or$er to gi3e the user a re0in$er/notification.
3. 1 6ision
#o help stu$ents e7cel in their stu$ies an$ be able to create better 0anage$ people.
3. 2 %n$ustry (nal ysis: A!!(%-at%o&.A!!$
%n$ustry: (pplication %n$ustry
For-e: /%*0.Lo1
B)er !o1er: /%*0 ,uyer po2er for applications is 3ery high
consi$ering that there is are ne2 apps co0ing out
e3ery $ay. (s of +ece0ber 20131 the (pp Store
for i#unes ha$ o3er 1 &illion apps an$ says that
on a3erage there is 25000 apps a$$e$ e3ery
0onth. So they can fin$ an assort0ent of apps.
8"huc4 9ones1 2013:
S!!(%er !o1er: Lo1 Supplier po2er 2oul$ be rather lo21 seeing as the
creator of apps ;ust nee$ to be able to fin$ a
co$ing soft2are to create the app. .ther than
collaborating 2ith (pple or the /lay Store to
allo2 the0 to get their app into their store1 the
supplying po2er 2oul$ be lo2
T0reat o3 &e1 e&tra&t$: /%*0 #he threat of ne2 entrants into the in$ustry of app
creation 2oul$ be rather high. #he reason for this
is because there are apps being create$ all the ti0e
by people 2ith inno3ati3e i$eas.
T0reat o3 $"$t%tte$: /%*0 Since there are a lot of apps out there1 custo0ers
are able to fin$ an app that is tailore$ to the0
0ore than others. "usto0ers 2oul$ easily be able
to fin$ a substitute app.
R%4a(r) amo&* e5%$t%&*
/%*0 #he ri3alry a0ong e7isting co0petitors is high
because app are so easily a3ailable. #he only 2ay
app creators can get a$3antages o3er others % by
being inno3ati3e 2hich can be 3ery $ifficult.
O4era(( attra-t%4e&e$$ o3 t0e %&+$tr): %t is a 3ery unattracti3e in$ustry if you 0ain goal is
to 0a4e a profit. #he reason for this is that it is 3ery easy for people to create apps. '3en if
there is a ne2 an$ inno3ati3e i$ea1 people 2ill copy the i$ea of that app an$ 0a4e it their
o2n. #hough apps are use$ e3ery2here for e3erything1 all the ti0e1 an$ the in$ustry has a
<25 ,illion re3enue 8as of 2013:1 as a lone creator it is a 3ery unattracti3e in$ustry for
so0eone1 or a co0pany to because of ho2 unsecure the in$ustry is an$ ho2 =uic4ly it 0o3es.
8Scott (ustin1 2013:
3. 3 "usto0ers an$ #heir )ee$s
#he 0ain custo0er for this ti0etable/prioritising app is for 5ni3ersity stu$ents1 or 0ore
specifically1 5ni3ersity of (uc4lan$ stu$ents. #heir nee$ is to be able to 0anage their
stu$ying an$ assign0ents 2ithout ha3ing to $o it the0sel3es. %t 2ill also be another 2ay to
pre3ent procrastination a0ongst stu$ents an$ help ti0etable 2hat they shoul$ be $oing 2ith
their ti0e for stu$ying. Stu$ents ten$ to procrastinate an$ fin$ it $ifficult to try to 0anage
their stu$ies. .utsi$e of 5ni3ersity1 stu$ents can fin$ it $ifficult to structure their ti0e1
especially 2hen it co0es to the 2or4 loa$ fro0 uni3ersity 8,ran$on *aille1 2013:
3. > #he /ro$uct an$ Ser3ice
#he app 2ill be integrate$ 2ith the 5ni3ersity of (uc4lan$?s stu$ent syste0 "ecil through the
stu$ents 5/%/5serna0e an$ pass2or$1 to gather the stu$ents assign0ents infor0ation such as
the 2eight of the gra$e1 start $ate an$ $ue $ate1 an$ prioritise the0 by 2hen so0ething is $ue
an$ ho2 0uch the gra$e is. #hen it 2ill sen$ a re0in$er to the user about ho2 0uch ti0e
shoul$ be spent on the assign0ent an$ 2ill re0in$ the user that they shoul$ be $oing that
assign0ent. @hen it co0es near to e7a0s or upco0ing tests1 it 2ill gather infor0ation fro0
announce0ents that tal4 about 2hat stu$ents shoul$ stu$y for that e7a0 or test an$ set out an
auto0ate$ stu$y ti0etable for the user. ,ut the app is all up to the user an$ there 2ill be
se3eral functions such as $o not $isturb 8$uring specific ti0es: an$ being able to say that you
ha3e finishe$ 2ith the tas4 that the app has re0in$e$ you of.
3. 5 Suppliers an$ /artners
#he 0ain partner that the app 2ill be collaborating 2ith is the 5ni3ersity of (uc4lan$. #he
0ain reason is because the app 2ill nee$ to be able to login to "ecil using stu$ents
5/%/5serna0e an$ pass2or$ 2hich only the 5ni3ersity can allo2. (lso for security purposes
because the app itself is a type of 3
party to the 5ni3ersity?s syste0. (nother partner 2oul$
be the (pp Store an$ the /lay Store because your app 2ill ha3e to be accepte$ by the0 in
or$er for it to be $istribute$. 8(pple %nc1 201>:
3. A Strategy: Co$t Fo-$
.n /orter?s *eneric Strategies1 this app 2oul$ co0e un$er "ost Bocus. #he reason for this is
that preferably the app 2oul$ be free to all 5ni3ersity of (uc4lan$ stu$ents1 e3en though a
free app 2oul$ still be able to generate re3enue through a$3ertising etc. 8)atasha Star4ell1
201>: #he co0petiti3e scope of it 2oul$ be rather narro2 because it is specifically for 5o(
3. 7 6alue "hain (cti3it y: De(%4er%&* t0e 6ro+-t.Ser4%-e
+eli3ering the ser3ice to the user 2oul$ be the 0ost i0portant 3alue chain acti3ity seeing as
the basis of the app is to recei3e infor0ation. #he 2hole focus of the app is to help 0anage
the user?s stu$y an$ by being punctual 2ith the app an$ being able to $eli3er the ser3ice1 they
2ill be able to $o so.
3. C ,usiness /rocesses
I&3ormat%o& De(%4er) 6 ro-e$$ : *etting the infor0ation to the user 2oul$ be the 0ost
i0portant process an$ $eli3ering the in$i3i$ual infor0ation to each user.
I&3ormat%o& Gat0er%&* 6ro-e$$ D #he 2ay the infor0ation is gathere$ an$ 0a$e into a
notification is a process 2ithin the infor0ation $eli3ery process 2hich is 3ery i0portant to
ho2 the user gets their notification.

3. E Bunctionalities
3.E.1. %)B.R&(#%.) +'-6%'RF /R."'SS
#o gather specific infor0ation for the right person
#o sen$ the0 that infor0ation
3.E.2. %)B.R&(#%.) *(#!'R%)* /R."'SS
*ather an$ prioritise ho2 i0portant the assign0ent is
#o 0a4e sure that it is the infor0ation fro0 the right person
3. 10 Syste0s
3.10.1. +(#( &()(*'&')# SFS#'& D #his syste0 2ill incorporate the $ata that
is retrie3e$ fro0 "ecil an$ 0anage it into infor0ation that 2ill be rea$y to be sent.
3.10.2. %)B.R&(#%.) /R."'SS%)* SFS#'& D #his syste0 2ill be part of 2hat
sorts the collecte$ infor0ation an$ turning it into a notification an$ sen$ing that infor0ation
in or$er of i0portance an$ at $ifferent ti0es.
3.10.3. ).#%B%"(#%.) +'-%6'RF SFS#'& D #his syste0 help 4no2 if the user
has recei3e$ the correct infor0ation an$ if the user has chec4e$ the notification or they 2ill
get another one sent to the0
3.11. Su00ary #able: 6alue "hain to Syste0s
Va(e C0a%&
Processes Functionalities Specific Information
Broad Information
Deliver the
1. %nfor0ation
+eli3ery /rocess
1. #o gather specific infor0ation for
the right person
2. #o sen$ the0 that infor0ation
)otification +eli3ery Syste0
%nfor0ation processing
+ecision Support Syste0s
"ollaborati3e Syste0s
1. %nfor0ation
1. *ather an$ prioritise ho2 i0portant
the assign0ent is
2. #o 0a4e sure that it is the infor0ation
fro0 the right person
+ata &anage0ent Syste0
%nfor0ation /rocessing
+ecision Support Syste0
"usto0er Relationship
&anage0ent syste0s
#hough the actual in$ustry of apps isn?t a 3ery attracti3e one1 an$ that generating re3enue
soley fro0 the app alone 0ay be $ifficult1 the app 2as 0ainly inten$e$ to help stu$ents as
oppose$ to 0a4e 0oney fro0. ,y using infor0ation technologies to help sort through
infor0ation in "ecil an$ $istribute it for each in$i3i$ual person that uses the app1 they 2ill be
able to better 0anage their 2or4loa$ an$ stu$y 2hilst at uni3ersity.
1. Jones, J. (12/11/201). Apple's App Store About To Hit 1 Million Apps.
!etrie"ed from #ttp$//%%%.for&'(ones/201/12/11/apples)
2. *ustin, S. (11/0/201). The Surprising Numbers Behind Apps. !etrie"ed
from #ttp$//&lo+s.%s(.com/di+its/201/0/11/t#e)surprisin+)num&ers)&e#ind)
. ,aille, B. (1/12/201). 17 Lazy ro!rastination Statisti!s. !etrie"ed from
/. *pple Inc. (0ast updated 11/02/201/) Submitting "our App.
1. Star'ell, 2. (01/0-/201/) Ho6 Mu!h Money Top 1/ 7ree Mobile Apps A!tually
Ma8e. !etri"ed from #ttp$//'ell/#o%)

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