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Telephony and Data Network: Overview of QOS inside a

Carrier's MPLS clod

Doc!ent "d: KB01010972
Last Modified Date: 11-02-2008
Spport #oal$s%: Telephony and Data Network
Verizon Business !"# network o$$ers $our %o&&itted '((ess rate )%'*+ ,alues on their !"#
network in order to pro,ide $our priority le,els $or the -uality o$ ser,i(e.

/0"D %'* -- 1i2hest priority
B4#T 4660*T -- "owest !riority

7sers pur(hase 8andwidth $or tra$$i( assi2ned to the /old %'* dependin2 on the esti&ated
usa2e o$ the appli(ations they desire to put on the /old %'*9 7sually 46 and '6:1; whi(h
(ontains the 8earer ,oi(e )*T!+ and the (all (ontrol tra$$i( respe(ti,ely; are put on the /0"D
%'*9 "ower priority appli(ations (an 8e assi2ned to the other %'* le,els9

The user &ust pur(hase 8andwidth $or ea(h %'* it wishes to assi2n tra$$i( to9 By de$ault; all
tra$$i( is assi2ned to the Best 4$$ort %'*; whi(h has the lowest priority9

Voi(e 8earer tra$$i( and the (all (ontrol tra$$i( 2enerated 8y the 3! phones and &edia 2ateway
e-uip&ent inside the user<s "'N is ta22ed with a Di$$erentiated #er,i(es %ode !oint )D#%!+
,alue )in (ase o$ ',aya its D#%! =>+9 The user<s ed2e router &aps and (on,erts the in(o&in2
pa(kets with this D#%! ,alue to out2oin2 pa(kets ta22ed with 46 and '6:1 prior to 8ein2 sent
into the !"# (loud9 The in2ress router at the !"# (loud re(o2nizes the 46 and '6:1 ta2s
and assi2n the& to the /0"D %'*9

0n(e sent in the %arrier<s !"# (loud; the /0"D %'* si&ply 2uarantees hi2hest priority o$
your tra$$i( within the (loud $ro& the in2ress to e2ress o$ the (loud9 3n order to a(hie,e
(o&plete end-to-end ?0# )$ro& an 3!-phone to an 3!-phone+ it is user<s responsi8ility to
pro,ide ri2ht priority -ueues and ?0# settin2 on their ed2e de,i(es and inside their "'N9

Note. 0ne issue the user should keep in &ind with the /0"D %'* is that i$ you e@(eed the
/0"D %'*; pa(kets are dropped instead o$ 8ein2 assi2ned to a lower %'*9 6or e@a&ple; i$ the
pur(hased /0"D %'* is one e2 and you start sendin2 &ore than one e2 o$ tra$$i( ta22ed
$or the /0"D %'*; the e@tra pa(kets are dropped instead o$ 8ein2 assi2ned to the lower %'*s9
This (an (ause issues with ,oi(e -uality9

The other %'* le,els do not e@hi8it this 8eha,iour9 3$ you e@(eed 8andwidth on the #il,er %'*;
the e@tra pa(kets will not 8e dropped 8ut auto&ati(ally $all in the B*0N54 %'* and $urther
into Best e$$ort9
Description $Pro&le! Clarification%
The arti(le is $o(used parti(ularly towards Verizon Business )%3+ !ri,ate 3! ulti-!roto(ol
"a8el #wit(hin2 )!"#+ network whi(h is one o$ the widely used (arrier networks $or Voi(e
o,er 3! )V03!+ appli(ations and the di$$erent ?uality 0$ #er,i(e )?0#+ options a,aila8le $or
this network9 The arti(le (an help in pinpointin2 one o$ the key $a(tors a$$e(tin2 the end-to-
end ?0#9
'esoltion Plan
The user should ,ery (are$ully analyze and esti&ate the ,oi(e and (ontrol tra$$i( or their
hi2hest priority tra$$i( 8e$ore pur(hasin2 /0"D %'* 8andwidth on the !"# network; so that
the le,el o$ tra$$i( does not e@(eed the /0"D %'*; whi(h would result in dropped pa(kets
and ,oi(e -uality issues9

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