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(Engineering & Technoog!" Archi#ec#$re" P%nning" Ph%r&%c!"
All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi vide Notification F.No.37-
3/Leal/!"#" i$$ued %a& $cale$, 'ervice condition$
( )ualification$ for teacher$ and other acade*ic $taff in Technical in$titution$ +Deree,
-eulation$, !"#".
The reulation$ !"#" $hall a%%l& to technical in$titution$
( .niver$itie$ includin Dee*ed .niver$itie$ i*%artin Technical Education
and $uch other cour$e/ %rora**e$ and area$ a$ notified /& Council fro* ti*e to
There $hall /e onl& three de$ination$ in re$%ect of teacher$ in .niver$itie$
and collee$, na*el&, A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or$, A$$ociate 0rofe$$or$ and 0rofe$$or$.
No one $hall /e elii/le to /e a%%ointed, %ro*oted or de$inated a$
0rofe$$or, unle$$ he or $he %o$$e$$e$ a 0h.D and $ati$fie$ other acade*ic
condition$, a$ laid down /& the AICTE fro* ti*e to ti*e. Thi$ $hall, however,
not affect tho$e who are alread& de$inated a$ 10rofe$$or2.
Facult& de$inated a$ 0rofe$$or$ a$ on "3."3.!"#" $hall continue a$
The ratio of 0rofe$$or$ to A$$ociate 0rofe$$or$ to A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or$ in a
.4 collee $hall /e in the ratio, ordinaril& of #5!56. The ratio of 0rofe$$or$ to
A$$ociate 0rofe$$or$ and or A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or$ in a 04 collee $hall /e in the
ratio, ordinaril& of #5!.
Facult& re)uired #5#3 +Teacher5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5!56 +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate 0rofe$$or 5 A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
Progr%&&e C%*re +$%i,ic%#ion E-.erience
Enineerin (
7E/7.Tech ( 8E/ 8.Tech in
relevant /ranch with #$t cla$$
or e)uivalent either in
7E/7.Tech or 8E/8.Tech.
9ualification$ a$ a/ove that
i$ for the %o$t of A$$i$tant
0rofe$$or, a$ a%%lica/le and
0hD or e)uivalent, in
a%%ro%riate di$ci%line. 0o$t
0hD %u/lication$ and uidin
0hD $tudent$ i$ hihl&
8ini*u* of 3 &ear$ e:%erience in
teachin / re$earch /indu$tr& of which !
&ear$ %o$t 0hD e:%erience i$ de$ira/le.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional
0ractice of 3 &ear$ a$ certified /& the
Council of Architecture $hall al$o /e
con$idered valid.
0rofe$$or 9ualification$ a$ a/ove that
i$ for the %o$t of A$$ociate
0rofe$$or, a%%lica/le.
0o$t 0hD %u/lication$ and
uidin 0hD $tudent$ i$
hihl& de$ira/le.
8ini*u* of #" &ear$ teachin/ re$earch
/indu$trial e:%erience of which at lea$t 3
&ear$ $hould /e at the level of A$$ociate
%rofe$$or. or
8ini*u* of #3 &ear$ e:%erience in
teachin and / or -e$earch and /or
In ca$e of re$earch e:%erience, ood
acade*ic record and /oo;$/ re$earch
%a%er %u/lication$ /I0-/ %atent$ record
$hall /e re)uired a$ dee*ed fit /& the
e:%ert *e*/er$ of the $election
If the e:%erience in indu$tr& i$ con$idered,
the $a*e $hall /e at *anaerial level
e)uivalent to A$$ociate 0rofe$$or with
active %artici%ation record in devi$in/
de$inin, %lannin, e:ecutin, anal&<in,
)ualit& control, innovatin, trainin,
technical /oo;$/ re$earch %a%er
%u/lication$ / I0-/ %atent$, etc., a$ dee*ed
fit /& the e:%ert *e*/er$ of the 'election
Facult& re)uired #5#! +Teacher 5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5! +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate / A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
9ualification$ a$ %re$cri/ed a/ove
No#e5 'anctioned $tudent$ inta;e $hall /e con$idered for all +=, &ear$ in re$%ect of .4 and
+!, &ear$ in re$%ect of 04 %rora**e$ for calculatin Teacher5 'tudent ratio.
B( Archi#ec#$re
Facult& re)uired #5#" +Teacher5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5!56 +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate 0rofe$$or5 A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
Progr%&&e C%*re +$%i,ic%#ion E-.erience
7. Architecture
7achelor$ and 8a$ter$
Deree in Architecture
with Fir$t Cla$$ or
e)uivalent either in
7achelor$ or 8a$ter$
9ualification$ a$ a/ove
that i$ for the %o$t of
A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or, a$
a%%lica/le and 0hD or
e)uivalent, in
a%%ro%riate di$ci%line.
0o$t 0hD %u/lication$
and uidin 0hD
$tudent$ i$ hihl&
8ini*u* of 3 &ear$ e:%erience in teachin /
re$earch /indu$tr& of which ! &ear$ %o$t 0hD
e:%erience i$ de$ira/le.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional 0ractice of
3 &ear$ a$ certified /& the Council of
Architecture $hall al$o /e con$idered valid.
0rofe$$or 9ualification$ a$ a/ove
that i$ for the %o$t of
A$$ociate 0rofe$$or,
0o$t 0hD %u/lication$
and uidin 0hD
$tudent$ i$ hihl&
8ini*u* of #" &ear$ teachin/ re$earch
/indu$trial e:%erience of which at lea$t 3 &ear$
$hould /e at the level of A$$ociate %rofe$$or. or
8ini*u* of #3 &ear$ e:%erience in teachin
and / or -e$earch and /or Indu$tr&.
In ca$e of re$earch e:%erience, ood acade*ic
record and /oo;$/ re$earch %a%er %u/lication$
/I0-/ %atent$ record $hall /e re)uired a$ dee*ed
fit /& the e:%ert *e*/er$ of the $election
If the e:%erience in indu$tr& i$ con$idered, the
$a*e $hall /e at *anaerial level e)uivalent to
A$$ociate 0rofe$$or with active %artici%ation
record in devi$in/ de$inin, %lannin,
e:ecutin, anal&<in, )ualit& control,
innovatin, trainin, technical /oo;$/ re$earch
%a%er %u/lication$ /I0-/%atent$, etc., a$ dee*ed
fit /& the e:%ert *e*/er$ of the 'election
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional 0ractice of
#" &ear$ a$ certified /& the Council of
Architecture $hall al$o /e con$idered valid.
M( Archi#ec#$re
Facult& re)uired #5#" +Teacher5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5! +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate / A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
9ualification$ a$ %re$cri/ed a/ove
No#e5 'anctioned $tudent$ inta;e $hall /e con$idered for all +3, &ear$ in re$%ect of .4 and
+!, &ear$ in re$%ect of 04 %rora**e$ for calculatin Teacher5 'tudent ratio.
To/n P%nning
Facult& re)uired #5#" +Teacher5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5!56 +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate 0rofe$$or5 A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
Progr%&&e C%*re +$%i,ic%#ion E-.erience
7achelor$ and 8a$ter$
Deree in Town 0lannin
with Fir$t Cla$$ or
e)uivalent either in
7achelor$ or 8a$ter$
9ualification$ a$ a/ove
that i$ for the %o$t of
A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or, a$
a%%lica/le and 0hD or
e)uivalent, in a%%ro%riate
di$ci%line. 0o$t 0hD
%u/lication$ and uidin
0hD $tudent$ i$ hihl&
8ini*u* of 3 &ear$ e:%erience in teachin /
re$earch /indu$tr& of which ! &ear$ %o$t 0hD
e:%erience i$ de$ira/le.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional 0ractice
of 3 &ear$ a$ certified /& the Council of
Architecture $hall al$o /e con$idered valid.
0rofe$$or 9ualification$ a$ a/ove
that i$ for the %o$t of
A$$ociate 0rofe$$or,
0o$t 0hD %u/lication$ and
uidin 0hD $tudent$ i$
hihl& de$ira/le.
8ini*u* of #" &ear$ teachin/ re$earch
/indu$trial e:%erience of which at lea$t 3
&ear$ $hould /e at the level of A$$ociate
%rofe$$or. or
8ini*u* of #3 &ear$ e:%erience in teachin
and / or -e$earch and /or Indu$tr&.
In ca$e of re$earch e:%erience, ood
acade*ic record and /oo;$/ re$earch %a%er
%u/lication$ /I0-/ %atent$ record $hall /e
re)uired a$ dee*ed fit /& the e:%ert *e*/er$
of the $election co**ittee.
If the e:%erience in indu$tr& i$ con$idered,
the $a*e $hall /e at *anaerial level
e)uivalent to A$$ociate 0rofe$$or with active
%artici%ation record in devi$in/ de$inin,
%lannin, e:ecutin, anal&<in, )ualit&
control, innovatin, trainin, technical /oo;$/
re$earch %a%er %u/lication$ /I0-/%atent$, etc.,
a$ dee*ed fit /& the e:%ert *e*/er$ of the
'election co**ittee.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional 0ractice
of #" &ear$ a$ certified /& the Council of
Architecture $hall al$o /e con$idered valid.
M( P%nning
Facult& re)uired #5#" +Teacher5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5! +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate / A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
9ualification$ a$ %re$cri/ed a/ove
No#e5 'anctioned $tudent$ inta;e $hall /e con$idered for all +=, &ear$ in re$%ect of .4 and
+!, &ear$ in re$%ect of 04 %rora**e$ for calculatin Teacher5 'tudent ratio.
B( Ph%r&%c!
Facult& re)uired #5#3 +Teacher5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5!56 +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate 0rofe$$or5 A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
Progr%&&e C%*re +$%i,ic%#ion E-.erience
7achelor$ and 8a$ter$ Deree in
0har*ac& with Fir$t Cla$$ or
e)uivalent either in 7achelor$ or
8a$ter$ Deree
9ualification$ a$ a/ove that i$
for the %o$t of A$$i$tant
0rofe$$or, a$ a%%lica/le and 0hD
or e)uivalent, in a%%ro%riate
di$ci%line. 0o$t 0hD %u/lication$
and uidin 0hD $tudent$ i$
hihl& de$ira/le.
8ini*u* of 3 &ear$ e:%erience in
teachin / re$earch /indu$tr& of which !
&ear$ %o$t 0hD e:%erience i$ de$ira/le.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional
0ractice of 3 &ear$ a$ certified /& the
Council of Architecture $hall al$o /e
con$idered valid.
0rofe$$or 9ualification$ a$ a/ove that i$
for the %o$t of A$$ociate
0rofe$$or, a%%lica/le.
0o$t 0hD %u/lication$ and
uidin 0hD $tudent$ i$ hihl&
8ini*u* of #" &ear$ teachin/
re$earch /indu$trial e:%erience of which
at lea$t 3 &ear$ $hould /e at the level of
A$$ociate %rofe$$or. or
8ini*u* of #3 &ear$ e:%erience in
teachin and / or -e$earch and /or
In ca$e of re$earch e:%erience, ood
acade*ic record and /oo;$/ re$earch
%a%er %u/lication$ /I0-/ %atent$ record
$hall /e re)uired a$ dee*ed fit /& the
e:%ert *e*/er$ of the $election
If the e:%erience in indu$tr& i$
con$idered, the $a*e $hall /e at
*anaerial level e)uivalent to A$$ociate
0rofe$$or with active %artici%ation record
in devi$in/ de$inin, %lannin,
e:ecutin, anal&<in, )ualit& control,
innovatin, trainin, technical /oo;$/
re$earch %a%er %u/lication$ /I0-/%atent$,
etc., a$ dee*ed fit /& the e:%ert
*e*/er$ of the 'election co**ittee.
M( Ph%r&%c!" Ph%r&%(D (0 Ye%r1 *$r%#ion' %n* Ph%r&%(D-PB (2 Ye%r1 D$r%#ion'
Facult& re)uired #5#! +Teacher 5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5! +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate / A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
9ualification$ a$ %re$cri/ed a/ove
No#e5 'anctioned $tudent$ inta;e $hall /e con$idered for all +=, &ear$ in re$%ect of .4,
+!, &ear$ for 04, +6, &ear$ for 0har*a.D and +3, &ear$ for 0har*a.D-07 %rora**e$
for calculatin Teacher5 'tudent ratio.
Facult& re)uired #5#3 +Teacher5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5!56 +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate 0rofe$$or 5 A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
Progr%&&e C%*re +$%i,ic%#ion E-.erience
8CA A$$i$tant
7E / 7Tech and 8E / 8.
Tech in relevant /ranch with
Fir$t Cla$$ or e)uivalent
either in 7E/7Tech or 8E/
8Tech >-
7E/ 7Tech and 8CA with
Fir$t cla$$ or e)uivalent in
either 7E / 7Tech or 8CA
>- 8CA with fir$t cla$$ or
e)uivalent with two &ear$
relevant e:%erience
9ualification$ a$ a/ove that
i$ for the %o$t of A$$i$tant
0rofe$$or, a$ a%%lica/le and
0hD or e)uivalent, in
a%%ro%riate di$ci%line. 0o$t
0hD %u/lication$ and uidin
0hD $tudent$ i$ hihl&
8ini*u* of 3 &ear$ e:%erience in teachin /
re$earch /indu$tr& of which ! &ear$ %o$t 0hD
e:%erience i$ de$ira/le.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional 0ractice of
3 &ear$ a$ certified /& the Council of
Architecture $hall al$o /e con$idered valid.
0rofe$$or 9ualification$ a$ a/ove that
i$ for the %o$t of A$$ociate
0rofe$$or, a%%lica/le.
0o$t 0hD %u/lication$ and
uidin 0hD $tudent$ i$
hihl& de$ira/le.
8ini*u* of #" &ear$ teachin/ re$earch
/indu$trial e:%erience of which at lea$t 3 &ear$
$hould /e at the level of A$$ociate %rofe$$or. or
8ini*u* of #3 &ear$ e:%erience in teachin and
/ or -e$earch and /or Indu$tr&.
In ca$e of re$earch e:%erience, ood acade*ic
record and /oo;$/ re$earch %a%er %u/lication$
/I0-/ %atent$ record $hall /e re)uired a$ dee*ed
fit /& the e:%ert *e*/er$ of the $election
If the e:%erience in indu$tr& i$ con$idered, the
$a*e $hall /e at *anaerial level e)uivalent to
A$$ociate 0rofe$$or with active %artici%ation
record in devi$in/ de$inin, %lannin,
e:ecutin, anal&<in, )ualit& control, innovatin,
trainin, technical /oo;$/ re$earch %a%er
%u/lication$ /I0-/%atent$, etc., a$ dee*ed fit /&
the e:%ert *e*/er$ of the 'election co**ittee.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional 0ractice of
#" &ear$ a$ certified /& the Council of
Architecture $hall al$o /e con$idered valid.
No#e5 'anctioned $tudent$ inta;e $hall /e con$idered for all +!, &ear$ for calculatin
Teacher5 'tudent ratio.
Facult& re)uired #5#3 +Teacher5 $tudent ratio,
Cadre ratio #5!56 +0rofe$$or5 A$$ociate 0rofe$$or5 A$$i$tant 0rofe$$or,
Progr%&&e C%*re +$%i,ic%#ion E-.erience
Fir$t Cla$$ or e)uivalent in
8a$ter$ Deree in 7u$ine$$
Ad*ini$tration or e)uivalent
and ! &ear$ relevant E:%erience
i$ de$ira/le
9ualification$ a$ a/ove that i$
for the %o$t of A$$i$tant
0rofe$$or, a$ a%%lica/le and 0hD
or e)uivalent, in a%%ro%riate
di$ci%line. 0o$t 0hD %u/lication$
and uidin 0hD $tudent$ i$
hihl& de$ira/le.
8ini*u* of 3 &ear$ e:%erience in
teachin / re$earch /indu$tr& of which !
&ear$ %o$t 0hD e:%erience i$ de$ira/le.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional
0ractice of 3 &ear$ a$ certified /& the
Council of Architecture $hall al$o /e
con$idered valid.
0rofe$$or 9ualification$ a$ a/ove that i$
for the %o$t of A$$ociate
0rofe$$or, a%%lica/le.
0o$t 0hD %u/lication$ and
uidin 0hD $tudent$ i$ hihl&
8ini*u* of #" &ear$ teachin/ re$earch
/indu$trial e:%erience of which at lea$t 3
&ear$ $hould /e at the level of A$$ociate
8ini*u* of #3 &ear$ e:%erience in
teachin and / or -e$earch and /or Indu$tr&.
In ca$e of re$earch e:%erience, ood
acade*ic record and /oo;$/ re$earch %a%er
%u/lication$ /I0-/ %atent$ record $hall /e
re)uired a$ dee*ed fit /& the e:%ert
*e*/er$ of the $election co**ittee.
If the e:%erience in indu$tr& i$ con$idered,
the $a*e $hall /e at *anaerial level
e)uivalent to A$$ociate 0rofe$$or with
active %artici%ation record in devi$in/
de$inin, %lannin, e:ecutin, anal&<in,
)ualit& control, innovatin, trainin,
technical /oo;$/ re$earch %a%er %u/lication$
/I0-/%atent$, etc., a$ dee*ed fit /& the
e:%ert *e*/er$ of the 'election co**ittee.
In ca$e of Architecture, 0rofe$$ional
0ractice of #" &ear$ a$ certified /& the
Council of Architecture $hall al$o /e
con$idered valid.
No#e5 'anctioned $tudent$ inta;e $hall /e con$idered for all +3, &ear$ for calculatin
Teacher5 'tudent ratio.
Princi.% ) Direc#or
Progr%&&e C%*re +$%i,ic%#ion E-.erience
/ Director
9ualification$ a$ a/ove that i$
for the %o$t of 0rofe$$or, a$
0o$t 0hD %u/lication$ and
uidin 0hD $tudent$ i$ hihl&
8ini*u* of #" &ear$
e:%erience in teachin /
-e$earch / Indu$tr& out of
which at lea$t 3 &ear$ $hall /e
at the level of 0rofe$$or.
8ini*u* of #3 &ear$
e:%erience in teachin and/
or -e$earch and/or Indu$tr&
In ca$e of re$earch
ood acade*ic record and
/oo;$ / re$earch %a%er
%u/lication$ / I0- / %atent$
record $hall /e re)uired a$
dee*ed fit /& the e:%ert
*e*/er$ of the 'election
If the e:%erience in indu$tr& i$
con$idered, the $a*e $hall /e
at *anaerial level e)uivalent
to 0rofe$$or level with active
%artici%ation record in
devi$in / de$inin,
develo%in, %lannin,
e:ecutin, anal&<in, )ualit&
control, innovatin, trainin,
technical /oo;$ / re$earch
%a%er %u/lication$ / I0- /
%atent$, etc. a$ dee*ed fit /&
the e:%ert *e*/er$ of the
'election co**ittee.
Flair for 8anae*ent and
Leader$hi% i$ e$$ential.
In ca$e of Architecture,
0rofe$$ional 0ractice of #"
&ear$ a$ certified /& the
Council of Architecture $hall
al$o /e con$idered valid.
The ratio of non-teachin +inclu$ive of ad*ini$trative, *ini$terial, technical and other
un$;illed and $e*i$;illed $taff, to teachin $taff $hould not e:ceed 35#.

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