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The morality of sex has been given wide attention because it is a principle to
differentiate between proper sexual behavior and improper sexual behavior. Since
the sexual act is connected with giving birth to children (human reproduction) it,
despite being a very private and intimate matter, also involves social and individual
Values in morality are relative value that can change from one society to another.
Some sexual acts regarded as immoral in one society may be normal or traditional in
Cohabitation may be defined as couple of different gender lives together
without any legal marriage ties. The couple lives together as husband and wife and
some of them have outof wedloc! children.
The concept of staying together without being married is very popular among the
new generations in the west. This concept is widely accepted by the societies of
western countries. They believe that unmarried couple should be allowed the
freedom to find out whether or not they are meant to be together. The couple is wants
to !now whether they complement each other or not.
RICHARD (1996) posits that a lot of couple who live together believes that
they are getting to !now each other closely before getting married. Thus, household
bliss will emerge when they become spouse legally as well as saving money from
costly wedding expanses
"ccording to egoi! if someone chooses to cohabitation for beneficial reasons,
cohabitation is considered morally accepted
#or utilitarianism, if cohabitation is the best choice that provides benefits for
everyone involved compared to other choices, then the choice is morally accepted
#or e"itentia#i!, cohabitation is seen as morally accepted if it$s someone$s
main choice. %xistentialism believes that a person is free to choose based on
#rom a $e#igion %e$%e&ti'e many religions discourage the followers to co
habitation and encourage marriages and family hood.
&n &slam, cohabitation is strictly prohibited. &slam permits couple to live together only
after they are legally married. 'arriage in &slam is seen as expanding the generation
in the right way.
Christianity does not encourage unmarried couple to live together. This religion
encourages the followed to marry because is considered as the highest point of
happiness marriage hood.
#or society that has a strong belief in religion cohabitation is considered as immoral.
Se"(a# &oe$&ion- also !nown as (uid pro (uo) direct conse(uence to the victim$s
Se"(a# anno)an&e- also !nown as hostile environment) has no direct lin! to *ob benefits
Se"(a# +a$a!ent is b(##)ing o$ &oe$&ion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or
inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. &n most modern
legal contexts, sexual harassment is illegal. "s defined by the +S %%,C, -&t is
unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person$s
sex.- .arassment can include -sexual harassment- or unwelcome sexual advances,
re(uests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual
T+e e,,e&t o, e"(a# +a$a!ent
0sychological Stress
%ating /isorders
Sleeping /isorders
/ecreased 0erformance during 1or! or in School
&ncrease in "bsenteeism
2oss of trust in people surrounding them
2oss of Confidence and Self%steem
#eel .umiliated
Ho- to o'e$&o!e e"(a# +a$a!ent.
3ring 4weapons$ with you when you wal! alone
2earn martial art
/o not wal! alone
&ntroduce sex education
in school
#ollow dress code
Stay calm and be brave
3e firm and tell the
harasser that you are uncomfortable with his5her reaction
2oo! for the witnesses
"s! for help immediately
if the harassment continues
'a!e a formal complaint
6eport to police, labour
department, nongovernment societies
"ccuse the harasser in
the court
Judaism, Christianity and Islam consider suicide as a grievous sin. Nevertheless, some
religions and societies regard certain suicides as brave and honorable deeds.
The ancient Greeks and Romans had the same opinion of suicide as some astern religious
In India, the practice of !suttee" #hen a #ido# commits suicide by leaping onto the
burning funeral pyre of her husband$s corpse, and in Japan, !hara%kiri" #hen a &amurai kills
himself #ith a s#ord, #ere considered respectable and praise#orthy deeds. 'embers of
ne# religious movements, notably the (eoples Temple )Jonesto#n, Guyana, *+,-. and
/eaven0s Gate )&an 1iego, California, 2.&., *++,., have committed mass suicide.
3ncient &toic and picurean philosophers considered choosing one$s o#n time and #ay of
death as one$s last e4pression of freedom and dignity.
*. 'ethods of suicide vary from culture to culture. /anging is the leading method of
suicide #orld#ide.
6. In the 2nited &tates about 78 percent of all suicides are committed #ith firearms.
9. In Canada, #here guns are less accessible, about 98 percent of suicides are
committed #ith guns. (oisoning, such as taking an overdose of medication, accounts for
about *- percent of 2.&. suicides.
:. Researchers believe that a small proportion of fatal single%occupant automobile
accidents are actually suicides. 5nly *; to 6; percent of those #ho kill themselves leave
suicide notes.
*. &uicidal behavior has numerous and comple4 causes. The biology of the brain,
genetics, psychological traits, and social forces all can contribute to suicide. 3lthough people
commonly attribute suicide to e4ternal circumstances<such as divorce, loss of a =ob, or
failure in school<most e4perts believe these events are triggers rather than causes in
6. The ma=ority of people #ho kill themselves suffer from depression that is often
undiagnosed and untreated. >ecause depression so often underlies suicide, studying the
causes of depression can help scientists understand the causes of suicide. 5ther mental
illnesses, such as bipolar disorder )mental illness in #hich a person$s mood alternates
bet#een e4treme mania and depression.. schi?ophrenia, and an4iety disorders may also
contribute to suicidal behavior.
Islam and Christianity condemn the act of killing oneself on the grounds that #e are God$s
property and the temporary, physical #orld that #e live in temporarily is a testing place given
by god for us to develop morals and virtuous character. Therefore, #e have no right to
choose to leave this #orld and abandon the duty given by god.
&uicide rates also vary bet#een men and #omen and bet#een ethnic groups. 'en complete
about -8 percent of all suicides. /o#ever, #omen attempt suicide three times as fre@uently
as men. 3mong men, Native 3mericans have the highest suicide rate, follo#ed by #hites.
Ahite men and #omen account for about +8 percent of all suicides.
C >ecause depression precedes most suicides, early recognition of depression and
treatment through medication and psychotherapy are important #ays of preventing suicide.
In general, suicide prevention efforts aim to identify people #ith the highest risk of suicide
and to intervene before these individuals become suicidal.

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