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Table of Contents

7 Basic Steps to Healthy Skin...........................................................................................................................6
Caring for Your Skin the Healthy Way...............................................................................................................9
Lets Face It!.....................................................................................................................................................11
Getting to the Nitty Gritty15
Facials and Masks..17
Deep Pore Cleansers..........19
Bath and Spa.21
Pretty Feet and Hands..23
Therapeutic Massage Oils..25
Pregnant Women and Baby Care..27
Miscellaneous Skin Care.28
Precautions for Using Essential Oils...29
Read the Labels............30
Haram Ingredients in Cosmetics32
Natural Skin Care Glossary34
Muslim Business Directory43
Photo Credits.46



I would like to dedicate this book to my mother, Jalylah Tarleyb. She was most definitely the
first person to peak my interest in homemade skin care products. My mother was a person who
believed in reading labels and making sure that everything that we put on our bodies and in our
bodies was halal. In her eyes, how we nourished ourselves externally was equally important as
to how we nourished the internal. I vividly remember my mother making her own mud masks,
facials, and steams. She even involved me in the process, though I was a very young girl. Later
in life, it was my mother who inspired me to make my own soap, and it is a pass time that I am
able to indulge in every now and then with my own daughters because of it. I am very grateful
for this inspiration that Ive received from my mother. These are talents that I may now pass
down to my girls, and Inshallah they will do the same with their daughters.
Also Id like to dedicate this book to my late father, Akram Abdul-Haqq, who has just recently
passed on April 8, 2011. May Allah grant him the Jennah and everlasting peace. (Ameen) My
father also took great interest in making his own cosmetics and hair products. He made what
our family lovingly called, The Pomade that Akram Made. And I still have some of his jars that
he used to store it in. Inshallah, I intend to put them to good use.



I have included in this book many advices and home recipes for improving the condition of the
skin and other areas of the body. These recipes have served me and my family well for many
years. Also there are recipes included from other individuals. Although we have included these
home remedies, neither myself, nor any of those who have submitted these recipes claim to be
a dermatologist, professional homeopath, or herbalist. These are simply recipes and remedies
that we have found to be of benefit to us. If you have any serious skin ailments or
complications please consult a general practitioner physician for a referral to a dermatologist.
If any complications arise after trying any of these remedies, discontinue usage immediately
and contact a dermatologist.



I believe that a book about skin care is the perfect companion for a halal cook book. The
saying, you are what you eat is so very true. What we eat has an effect on how well our bodys
functions and how we look. In other words, our diets affect us inside and out. As with my
cookbook, Halal Healthy Meals, I am advocating making most if not everything that you
consume from scratch. I know that its difficult, in this day and age when life is so fast paced.
However, if you can find a little time to make the items that you need, you may find that you
have stumbled upon an extremely rewarding pass time that could quite possibly add years to
your life. As consumers we are constantly at the mercy of manufacturers who rarely, if ever
have our well being at heart. Suspect and downright harmful ingredients, I believe, are often
times the culprits of new and rare diseases and the reasons for the rise in older more familiar
In this book, it is my intention to present to you recipes for all natural skin care products, as
well as food and nutritional recommendations which will help promote healthy skin care for
years to come. These are remedies and recipes that you can enjoy for your own personal use,
as well as share with your family and friends. This book is by no means an exhaustive resource
for all natural skin/body care. In fact, it is merely an introduction to this topic. I pray that
reading this book will peak your interest, and encourage you to do much more research than
what Ive provided here.
I really like to create things in the kitchen. It is a rewarding activity for me whether I do it alone
or share the activity with my children. I also like to share my end products with family, friends
and neighbors. Alhumdulillah! As much as I love to bake, when it appears that everyone is
getting more than a fair share of desserts for Eid gifts in my community, I find some beautiful
bottles and jars that I have tucked away and make everyone all natural body care products.
They make for a unique gift and they are really fun to make. I hope you all enjoy reading this
book, as much as I have enjoyed creating it for you.
Your Sister in Islam,


7 Basic Steps to Healthy Skin

Everyone wants to look youthfuI and beautiful. Man or woman, hijabi or niqabi. We all want to
look our very best for our spouses, friends and family. Quite honestly we want to look good to
satisfy our own selves and let us not forget for the pleasure of Allah. Allah has loaned us this
body, and inner and outer beauty are signs that we have taken care of that which he has given
us. I have derived these basic steps from a book entitled, Organic Body Care Recipes, by
Stephanie Tourles. They make perfect sense and will give you an idea of what your skins
fundamental needs are.
1. Care for Your Skin Daily
Use a skin care regimen of a cleanser, astringent and moisturizer every day. Make sure to use
the products that are categorized for your specific skin type; dry, normal, oily, or sensitive. Each
recipe that we provide will specify what skin type it is good for.
2. Eat Halal Healthy Foods
Choose foods that are nutrient dense and drop the junkie foods. Eliminate or at least
highly restrict the intake of greasy, sugary, and processed foods. Increase the intake of raw
foods, whole foods, raw seeds and home cooked healthy meals. Fruit smoothies and fresh
green drinks are a good way to include your raw foods every day. Also salads and other raw
veggies are good for healthy skin and overall health. Organic, halal meats, and range free
organic eggs are a great addition to the diet, but use moderation with your meat intake.
Remember to substitute beans, nut butters, and other high protein foods for meat products at
least 2 to 3 times a week.

3. Drink Plenty of
It is
recommended to drink at
least 6-8 (8 oz.) glasses
of water a day. I would
personally recommend
putting lemon juice in at
least half if not all of
those glasses of water.
As a teenager, up until I was approximately 24 years of age, I was plagued with acne and
blemished skin. It wasnt until I cleaned up my diet and began drinking lemon water, and
applying slightly diluted lemon juice to my skin daily that I was able to clear up my skin
problems. It was this simple regimen of lemon water (along with the first two steps) that
relieved me of the skin problems that plagued me all throughout my late grammar school, high
school and college years.
4. Actively Promote Elimination Inside and Out
I like to do the Master Cleanser Diet, which is a detox where you use a lemonade drink made
from pure maple syrup, lemons, and water to help you cleanse the body. It calls for you to take
a mild herbal laxative every night and an internal salt water bath every morning. The idea is to
keep the colon clean, and to clean all the organs etc. It is safe to do this detox anywhere from
10-40 days. This is also good for the skin. For those who do not like to detox, make sure to
include plenty of water and fiber in the diet in order to ensure that proper elimination takes
place. The skin needs to eliminate wastes externally as well. Brushing the skin, body and face,
helps to loosen and rid the skin of excess dirt, sweat, dead skin and oil. Brush the skin gently in
a circular motion in order to lift impurities, and then cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser daily.
5. Lets Get Movin!
As we know exercise has numerous benefits for the body, and the skin is no exception. Regular
exercise improves the circulation, stimulates the metabolism, and increases lymphatic flow all
of which allows for a radiant complexion and healthy skin. Especially with increased circulation
stimulating oxygen rich, clean blood to the skins surface, exercise keeps the skin healthy and
youthful looking. It is important to get moving as frequently as possible, and at the very least 3-
4 times a week for at least 20-30 minute sessions of exercise. Brisk walking, roller skating,

bike riding etc, are so very important not just for the skin but for overall health. As Muslimahs,
we often times neglect this obligation that we owe to our bodies. We get bogged down with
caring for others and do not take out enough time to care for ourselves. Try to get fresh air,
sunshine and exercise often, and if all of that can be had in one package, its all the better.
Theres nothing wrong with using the treadmill from time to time, but make sure you get out
and breathe some fresh air while exercising.
6. Do A Little Sun Bathing
While we do have to exercise caution when exposing ourselves to the sun, we must also
understand how vital it is that we do take advantage of the beautiful sun rays. It is so very vital
for us to expose our face and hands to the sun at least 30-45 minutes daily, and the best times
to do this is either early in the morning or later in the afternoon, mainly avoiding the hot
summer sun when it is at its apex. (Noon) Subhanallah! Just the right exposure is so very
important because the sunlight helps your body absorb calcium by causing your skin to
produce part of the vitamin D complex that
strengthens bones. Recently there has been a rise
in cases of osteoporosis, spontaneous fractures
of the small bones of the feet, vitamin D
deficiencies, skin disease, mood imbalances, and
SAD (seasonal affective disorder, all of which
could be easily remedied if more people
abandoned such sedentary lifestyles. Increasing
our sun exposure slightly can decrease the
likelihood of these conditions. To decrease the
possibility of over exposure to the sun, avoid
staying out in the sun for very long periods of
time. Also, protect your skin with an all natural
sunscreen. Those containing little to no chemicals, and made with beneficial oils for the skin
are best.
7. Get Plenty of Rest
There is a reason why good rest is called beauty sleep. Sleep, one of the most sacrificed
activities, is one of the most vital when it comes to looking youthful and beautiful. Did you know
that HGH (Human growth hormone), which is responsible for repairing cells, is produced while
youre sleep. Also its important to note that sleep deprivation triggers the stress hormone
cortisol. Overproduction of cortisol ages the skin and causes fatigue in the body.


Caring for Your Skin the Halal Healthy

Why Should I Make My Own Skin Care Products?
One of the main reasons for making your own skin care products is to ensure that they contain
the best ingredients possible for your skin. Simply put its healthier! Just like with food, when
you make your own, you have control over the ingredients that are going into your product.
When you purchase skin products in the store, there is a huge likelihood that you will be getting
products with all sorts of harmful chemicals and ingredients that arent good for your body.
Some of the ingredients are even haram, with odd animal by-products in them.
Another reason to make your own skin care products is because its fun. You may find that
similar to baking and cooking, you enjoy mixing oils, foods, clays and salts to create new and
interesting concoctions in the kitchen. Then purchasing bottles, jars, spray bottles and other
containers to display them in. These items make really nice gifts.
What Youll Need to Get Started
I wont give an exhaustive list of necessary items here, because truly the skys the limit on the
various types of oils, scents, bottles and other items you may need to use for creating your
products. However I will give you a brief list of the basic items you may need. For a more
accurate listing, decide which products you want to make, and create a shopping list for those
items listed for those specific recipes.
Bottles and Jars
You will need to purchase, or better yet save and/or collect
a variety of different types of containers for your homemade
products. Spray bottles will be needed as well.

Quality Oils
Starting with the best ingredients is important. I
try not to use any ingredients in my skin care
products that I wont use in my foods. When
making your skin care products try to use only
virgin oils. Olive oil, coconut oil, Shea butter, coco
butter, almond and all the other oils can be
purchased as virgin oils. There are oils from the very common, to the rare and exotic. You may
like to try a variety of them. Be sure to store products with oils in dark jars, or opaque
Whole Foods
Many of the recipes will call for ground nuts, grains, sea salts, herbs, spices, honey, fruits and
vegetables. These are the best because the fresh foods and enzymes are great for revitalizing
the skin. Just be sure to keep these items refrigerated and to use the fruits and vegetables up
within two or three days.
Miscellaneous Items
There are a variety of other possible ingredients that you may need. Bees wax, vegetable
glycerin, citric acid, witch hazel, essential oils and cornstarch are a few of the items that come
to mind. However this list is just to give you a general idea.


Lets Face It!
Basic Skin Care for Your Face

The basic skin care regimen that is most recommended is to clean your skin with a gentle
cleanser, then follow up with an astringent or toner in order to remove any excess oil and dirt.
Then lastly, apply a moisturizer to your skin in order to replenish the moisture and nutrients to
the skin.
The following recipes are easy to make cleansers that you may use for your skin.
Gentle Floral Face Wash (All Skin Types, Except Sensitive)
8 oz. bottle unscented liquid castile soap
1 tsp jojoba oil
cup rosewater
10 drops lavender oil
Add all ingredients to a larger (10, 12 or 16 oz) bottle with a cap or top.
Shake well and store in a room temperature area. Make sure to use within a year.

Herbal Soapy Skin Wash (Normal and Oily Skin)
8 oz. bottle plain Castile liquid soap
5 drops tea tree essential oil
5 drops peppermint essential oil
5 drops German chamomile essential oil,

1 tsp sweet almond oil or jojoba oil
Add all oils to the bottle of Castile liquid soap and shake vigorously. Use daily.
Cucumber and Milk Cleanser (All Skin Types)
peeled and seeded cucumber
2 Tbsp. milk
Place cucumber and milk in a blender. Pour out and use mixture to clean your face and neck. Store any
excess in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Gentle Face Wash (Dry Skin)
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp honey
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
Mix all ingredients together. Spread onto face and neck in a circular, upward motion. Leave on skin for
10-15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Pat skin dry and enjoy the beautiful glow!
Astringents and Toners
An astringent or toner is to be applied to the skin after the cleanser. This is used in order to rid the skin
of any excess oil or dirt that may remain after the cleansing process.
Rosewater Toner (Normal Oily Skin)
3 oz Rosewater
1 oz Witch hazel
Pour ingredients into a 4 oz plastic bottle with a squeeze top. Apply toner with a cotton ball.
Lavender Toner (Normal, Oily and Acne Skin)
8 oz. Witch hazel
8 drops lavender essential oil
Pour ingredients into a 4 oz plastic bottle with a squeeze top.
Apply toner with a cotton ball.

Aloe Vera Toner (Dry- Normal Skin)
4 oz. aloe vera
8 oz distilled water
5 drops chamomile
5 drops calendula infused oil

Pour ingredients in a bowl and whisk briskly until aloe vera gel and other ingredients have assimilated.
Pour into a 12 ounce or 16 ounce bottle. Shake vigorously before applying.

The moisturizer is generally the last step in the daily skin care regiment. Moisturizes can range from
light to heavy depending on your skins needs.

Orange and Lavender Face Cream (Oily Skin)
cup witch hazel
cup aloe vera gel
1/8 tsp borax
3 drops sweet orange essential oil, or
Plain orange essential oil
3 drops lavender essential oil
cup grape seed oil
cup grated beeswax

1. Combine the witch hazel, aloe vera gel, and borax in blender and blend until the gel has
become liquefied and the borax has assimilated into the mixture.
2. Combine the grape seed oil and beeswax in a double boiler. You may create your own
double boiler by sitting a smaller pot inside a larger one with water in it. Then allow pot water
to boil as the beeswax melts in the top pot. Heat beeswax until it has completely melted.
3. With the blender still running, slowly drizzle the oil mixture into the aloe vera mix. Add the
essential oils. Go slowly. (if you drip it too quickly the mixture will begin to separate. Mix really
well, until the oil and water are emulsified and is similar to the consistency of thick lotion or
4. Pour the mixture into the jars while its still warm. It will set quickly as it cools.
Beauty Oil (Normal-Dry Skin)
I really love this oil! Its a personal favorite of mine. Its great for moisturizing and replenishing
your skin. Youll need one little dark glass bottle that has a dropper top.
3 tsp sweet almond oil
1 tsp Vitamin E oil, jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil, or kukui nut oil
4 drops rosewood,
3 drops sandalwood
3 drops frankincense
Close and shake well. Apply this to your face at night or in the morning after youve cleansed
your face.


Getting to the Nitty Gritty

Face and Body Scrubs
I have to say that I love scrubs. The skin seems to take on such a nice glow when you exfoliate
the dead skin cells that have accumulated onto its surface. The following are just a few great
scrub recipes.
Cinnamon, Nut and Oatmeal Scrub (normal skin)
cup ground oats
cup ground almonds
tsp cinnamon
Grind separately oats and then almonds in a blender or vitamix. Add to a small bowl. Then add
cinnamon and stir will. Add to a 8 oz container. When applying use water if you have oily skin,
milk for normal skin and cream for dry skin. Make a paste with scrub ingredients and liquid in
the palm of your hand and apply in a circular motion to skin. Continue to scrub, and then rinse
skin with cold water. Then pat dry.
Brown Sugar Total Body Scrub (Face and Body/All Skin Types)
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
Apricot kernel oil, sunflower oil, or almond oil
Essential oil of choice (oil of nutmeg, oil of cinnamon, or oil of vanilla)
Or any combination of the 3 oils


Add sugars to a small bowl. Next add oil to the sugars until the mixture turns into a thick paste.
Add the essential oils a few drops at a time until you have achieved the scent you desire. Place
in a decorative container and if there is room add more carrier oil, (Sweet almond or one of the
others) until there is a small amount above the sugars. Use this scrub immediately after a bath
or shower. Use especially on dry areas, being mindful of the elbows, knees and feet.
Corn and Rice Scrub (All Skin Types, Except Sensitive)
cup corn meal
cup ground brown rice
Place brown rice into a vitamix or very strong blender and grind brown rice until it is a fine
powder. You may need to add at least to cup of rice to get it to grind. Store excess. Add
ground brown rice to a small bowl and add cornmeal. Mix the two ingredients well and store in
an 8 ounce container. Apply scrub with cucumber juice (oily skin), carrot juice (dry skin),
warmed honey (all skin) or yogurt (Normal/blemished skin).


Facials and Masks

Citrus and Honey Mask (Normal-Oily Skin)
1 tablespoon of warmed honey
1 tsp of lime
1 tsp ground oats (optional)
Mix honey and lime juice on small cup. Add oats to form a paste. Apply to skin and leave on for about
30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
Avocado face mask and massage salve (Slightly Oily- Dry Skin)
Submitted By Radzyyah Muhammad
1 mashed avocado
1/2 tsp. of lemon juice
1 Tbsp. of honey
Mix all ingredients together well. Exfoliates dead skin cells, moisturizes and tighten pores.
Rinse with warm water, followed by cool water to close the pores, and pat dry.

Egg White Firming Mask (All Skin Types)
1 egg white
1 tsp cornstarch
Whip contents of egg white and cornstarch with a hand mixer until standing in peaks. Apply to face and
allow if to dry. This mask works to tighten the pores and gives the face a natural face lift.

Papaya and Banana Moisturizing Mask
1/2 ripe banana
3 Tbsp ripe papaya
1 Tbsp avocado, or olive oil
Mash fruits and oil together to make a paste. Do not blend, it may make mask too runny.
Apply mask to face and let sit for 20 minutes. Keep mask clear of the eye area. Remove mask
with cold water, then warm water, finally ending with cold water. After masks pat dry and apply
a light moisturizer.


Deep Pore Cleaners
Steam facials are excellent for people who are suffering from dry chapped skin. The steam
hydrates and softens the skin. It is also a way to loosen the debris and excess oil from the
pores allowing it to be easily washed away. Steam facials will bring circulation to the face and
bring a warm glow to your complexion.
To prepare a steam facial add 3 cups of water to a medium sized pot. Bring water to a boil.
Allow boil to calm and then add required ingredients. Allow to steep for 10 minutes. Place pot
in a stable area and place a towel over your head and shoulders, holding your head 8 inches
from the water. Allow the steam to rise upon your face for about 3-5 minutes.
Rehydration Steam (Normal-Dry Skin)
3 cups Water
1/3 cup dried rose petals
1/3 cup dried lavender flowers
3 drops geranium, lavender, rose, rosewood, or hempseed essential oil
Prepare steam according to directions above.
Antiseptic Steam (Great for Acne)
3 cups water
1/3 cup dried marigolds or calendula (optional)
1/3 cup dried spearmint
1/3 cup dried peppermint
3 drops tea tree oil
Prepare steam according to directions above.
Citrus Steam (Normal-Oily Skin)
3 cups water
Lemon leaves

Lime leaves
Strawberry leaves
Raspberry leaves
Marigold leaves (calendula)
2 drops of any essential citrus oil (grapefruit, lemon, lemon grass, Melissa, tangerine, orange,
neroli, bergamot, citronella, etc.)
Add a pinch of each of these leaves. Prepare steam according to directions above.
Clay Masks
Deep cleaning Mask (Oily Skin)
3 tbsp green clay
3 Tbsp distilled water
1 tsp honey
1 drops geranium essential oil
2 drops grapefruit essential oil
1 drops clary sage essential oil
Mix all ingredients in a very small bowl and apply to skin. Keep mask on for 15-20 minutes.
Remove with cold water.
Red Moroccan Clay Mask (Normal-Sensitive and-Dry)
3 tbsp Red Moroccan Clay
3 tbsp distilled water
1 tsp. vegetable glycerin or honey
3 drops rose (for dry skin)
3 drops clary sage essential oil (for normal skin)
No oil for sensitive skin
Mix first 3 ingredients and then add the essential oil most appropriate for your skin type. Apply
to skin and keep mask on for 15-20 minutes. Remove with cold water.

Bath and Spa
Body Butters, Body Scrubs, Bath Salts, Bath Oils

Peaches and Cream Body Butter
3 oz. Shea butter unrefined
3 oz. unrefined mango butter
1 oz. olive oil
1 oz. jojoba oil
1 oz. macadamia nut oil
1 tsp. vitamin E. oil
1 tsp. aloe vera gel
8 drops of vanilla essential oil
9 drops of peach essential oil
Put about an inch (2.5cm) of water in the bottom of a medium-sized pot and heat to a low
simmer. Place the Mango and Shea butter in a large heat-proof glass measuring cup (such as
Pyrex). Place the measuring cup in the water and warm slowly over a low heat until the butters
are melted. Remove from the heat and add the remaining ingredients. Using a metal spoon, stir
to combine. (A wooden spoon absorbs the scent of essential oils.) Using an electric hand mixer,
whip the butter continually for several minutes (just like you would frosting). As you keep
mixing, it will start to look like whipped cream. The more you whip it, the lighter it will become
Set the measuring cup into a large bowl filled with ice water to help cool the butter faster. Whip

the butter continually until peaks form on top. Spoon body butter into an 8 oz container. Tap
jar onto counter or surface in order to reduce air bubbles as you fill the container. Makes 8 oz.
of whipped body butter.
Zippy Ginger-Grapefruit Body Scrub
1 cup fine sea salt
cup sunflower oil
5 drops grapefruit essential oil
5 drops ginger essential oil
Place all ingredients in an 8 oz. jar and mix well. Do not use on legs if you intend to shave.
Vanilla Rose Bubble Bath
1 cup unscented all natural shampoo
2 oz Rose water or
6 drops rose essential oil and 2 oz distilled water
4 oz vegetable glycerin or honey
10 drops vanilla essential oil
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and pour into a 10 or 12 oz jar. Add a few tablespoons under
running bath water and enjoy.
Buttermilk Bath
Buttermilk is said to make the skin beautiful and silky.
5 cups of buttermilk
1 tsp jojoba oil
Pour ingredients into a warm bath and soak. You may gently scrub skin with loofa or a wash
cloth before leaving the tub.
Relaxing Bath Oil
2 oz sweet almond oil
25-30 drops of lavender oil
Apply to bath water for relaxation.


Pretty Feet and Hands
Simple Honey and Beeswax Ointment
(From The Book, Making Herbal Hand Creams and Salves, by Norma Weinberg)
cup beeswax
1 cup olive, almond, or apricot oil
1/3 cup honey
Up to 60 drops of essential oils of rose geranium, lavender or bergamot oil (optional)

In a double boiler, melt the beeswax. Stir periodically to facilitate melting. This process should
take approximately 10 minutes. Add the oil to the melted beeswax. Stir until thoroughly
blended. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Add honey and stir until incorporated. If
desired, add essential oils now. Pour into jars. Wait until room temperature to cap. Label and
date. Jars can be stored at room temperature.
Cool Foot Rub
Use this rub when feet are hot and/or tired.
cup aloe vera gel
15-20 drops essential peppermint oil
Mix the two ingredients in a small bowl. Spoon into a 4 oz glass or plastic jar.
Deodorizing Foot Bath
In a small foot bath these oils and soak feet.
20 drops essential pine oil
20 drops tea tree oil
20 drops eucalyptus oil

Invigorating Foot Scrub
1 cup fine sea salt
cup almond oil, apricot kernel oil, or olive oil
10-15 drops essential peppermint oil.
Place all ingredients in an 8 oz. jar and mix well. Use following foot bath to soften feet.
Cool Care Foot Dust
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup cornstarch
2 tbsp bentonite clay
10 drops essential peppermint or wintermint
10 drops essential eucalyptus oil
10 drops tea tree oil
Mix dry ingredients in a small bowl. Add oils, and stir after each addition. Add ingredients to a
shaker bottle or a small mason jar.
Cool Care Foot Spray
2 oz of witch hazel
1 oz. distilled water
.5 oz rubbing alcohol
10 drops essential peppermint or wintermint oil
10 drops eucalyptus oil
10 drops tea tree oil
Add ingredients to a 4 oz pump spray bottle and shake.


Therapeutic Massage Oils

Sore Muscle and Backache Rub
1 oz almond oil
12 drops essential ginger oil
5 drops essential juniper oil
8 drops rosemary oil (invigorating) or
8 drops lavender oil (soothing)

High Blood Pressure Massage Oil
1 oz almond oil
20 drops essential lavender oil
10 drops essential marjoram oil

Lovers Lane Massage Oil
1 oz. almond oil
10 drops ylang ylang
10 drops jasmine
5 drops rose
5 drops sandalwood
5 drops bergamot

These are some basic scents that you may experiment with to get a smell that you find
attractive. There are many scents that are considered to be aphrodisiacs; ylang ylang,
patchouli, sandalwood, rose, jasmine, neroli. You may be more attracted to only 1 or 2 scents
rather than a combination of many scents. Experiment with some of these scents and decide
which are best for you.

Circulation Massage Oil
These oils are noted for improving the circulation
1 oz. almond oil
10 drops essential oil black pepper
10 drops essential oil ginger
10 drops essential oil juniper berry
5 drops essential oil rosemary
Message into parts of the body that are affected with poor circulation. If low blood pressure or poor
circulation is your problem, do a full body massage.

Menstrual Cramp Massage
1 oz almond oil
25 drops essential oil clary sage
5 drops sweet marjoram or rosemary
Apply this oil to abdomen and lower back.

Blue No More Massage oil
This massage oil is good for chasing the blues away. It contains essential oils known for relieving
1 oz. almond oil
10 drops essential oil neroli, bergamot, or petitgrain
10 drops essential orange
10 drops essential oil ylang ylang
Or add any combination of rose, ylang ylang, clary sage, jasmine and/or lavender to carrier oil.

Pregnant Women and Baby Care
This recipe is adapted from writer Stacy K, at the site
Mamas Belly Butter
1/2 cup cocoa butter
2 tbsp wheat germ oil
2 tsp sesame seed oil
2 tsp vitamin E oil
4 tsp grated beeswax
2 tsp all natural vanilla flavoring (optional)
Place all ingredients in a medium sized pot except vanilla flavoring and warm over low heat
until the wax and butter completely melted. Stir and remove from heat. Add in vanilla. Cool
briefly, and then pour into a 4 ounce jar, or into a couple of 2 oz. jars. Allow to cool completely
(it will appear runny at first, but will harden) and then add the lid and store or give as a gift.
Babys Bottom Oil
Apply this oil to prevent or heal diaper rash. (As long as skin isnt broken)
2 oz. sweet almond oil
4 drops essential lavender oil
2 drops essential chamomile oil
All-Natural Baby Powder
Did you know that talc, the leading ingredient in most baby powder brands, can irritate the
lungs? Furthermore it frequently contains traces of arsenic. This is not something you should
expose to an adult, let alone a baby. The following recipe is safe for babies.
1 cup cornstarch
1 cup powdered chamomile, calendula, elder flowers or lavender flowers.
Combine ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl. Store in jar or shake container.

Miscellaneous Skin Care

Flavored Lip Balm
This is a really fun project to do with your girls. Ive made lip balm with my little ladies and they
love it! This recipe has been adapted from the book, The Herbal Body Book by Stephanie
2 tsp beeswax
7 tsp sweet almond, castor, jojoba or quality vegetable oil
1 tsp honey
5 drops essential oil of lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, sweet orange, peppermint, or apple
Heat beeswax and carrier oils in a double boiler on low heat, until wax is melted. Remove from
heat, add honey and mix well. Stir mixture occasionally as it cools, to prevent separation. When
mixture is almost cool, add the essential oil of your choice and mix well. Store in a lip balm
Citrus Insect Repellent (Not for Sensitive Skin)
2 cups witch hazel
1 tsp vegetable glycerin
20 drops citronella essential oil
20 drops lemongrass essential oil
Pour all ingredients into a 16 oz spray bottle, or 2 8 oz. spray bottles. Vigorously shake before
application, as oils will separate from the water. Reapply every 20-30 minutes, or as needed
Wrinkle Chaser
1 tsp sweet almond oil
2 drops essential oil patchouli
3 drops essential oil lemon
5 drops essential oil rose
2 drops evening primrose oil
Blend well and apply to face and neck at night.

Precautions for Using Essential Oils

Keep essential oils away from the eyes and the mucous membranes.
Anytime you try a new essential oil, do a patch test on the inside of your wrist with your
carrier oil. If it becomes irritated, wash with cold water. Then either reduce its
concentration or discontinue use altogether.

Most essential oils are not to be used directly on the skin. However there are a few that
are gentle enough that can be used for neat application. Lavender and tea tree oil are
ideal for being applied directly to insect bites and cuts. Lemon oil can be applied to
warts. Also Jasmine, rose, ylang ylang, sandalwood and patchouli can be used to
fragrance the skin in small quantities.

There are certain oils that should not be used during pregnancy. The following oils
should be avoided during pregnancy: angelica, cedarwood, myrrh, eucalyptus, citronella,
fennel, hyssop, juniper, peppermint, basil, sweet marjoram, parsley, rosemary, clary
sage, and thyme. The following oils should not be used in the first three months of
pregnancy, because they may cause miscarriage; rose, chamomile, and geranium.

If you have epilepsy, you should steer clear of sweet fennel, hyssop, rosemary and all
sage oils.

Diabetics should not use angelica oil.

High blood pressure can become intensified with the use of hyssop, rosemary, sage and

Some oils cause toxicity when used in direct sunlight (phototoxicity). These oils are lime,
bergamot, cumin, angelica root, ginger, verbena, grapefruit, lemon, lovage, mandarin,
and orange.

When mixing your own essential oil blends with carrier oils, remember these basic
essential to carrier oil rules: For use on the body add no more than 25-30 drops of
essential oil: 2 oz carrier oil. For use on the face add no more than 12 drops of
essential oil: 2 oz. carrier oil. For use on children add no more than 10 drops essential
oil: 2 oz. carrier oil. For use on babies add no more than 5 drops of essential: 2 oz.
carrier oil.

Read the Labels!

Did you know that the FDA has only banned 10 ingredients from being used in cosmetics, while
the European Union has banned 1,100 ingredients? This fact alone speaks volumes to being
cautious as to what types of skin care products you purchase. If you decide against making
your own products, be very vigilant about reading labels. It Is important that you take care to
purchase products from companies that are totally committed to using the best ingredients for
your skin and for the environment. The following is a very small list of ingredients that are
considered hazardous to your skin, overall health and the environment. Be sure to watch out
for these ingredients and any others that you may feel are unsafe to use. Do not be fooled by
labels that say natural, organic, or herbal because with most companies they have no
true meaning. Cosmetics manufacturers can use these labels even though there may be very
unnatural ingredients in their products.
Synthetic Colors-
There is quite a bit of controversy surrounding artificial coloring. Artificial colors are made from coal, tar
and petro chemicals, the by-products of petroleum. They contain such heavy metals as lead, arsenic
and mercury. Not something that most people would knowingly smear onto their skin or ingest in their
foods. Despite the high possibility that artificial coloring can cause cancer and rashes when used
topically, and ADHD, hyperactivity and a host of other health issues when ingested, this ingredient is still
being used in many manufactured cosmetics and foods. On most labels its listed as FD&C Red #3 or
whatever the color and number is.
Synthetic Fragrances-
This ingredient contains a hazardous chemical called phthalates. Phthalates are used to make plastics.
Phthalates also affect the endocrine system, possibly causing mal-development of the genitals.
Synthetic Polymers-
The most commonly used synthetic polymers are sodium polyacrylate and carbomer. They are
also derived from petrochemicals and manufacturing them release environmentally harmful by-
Nanos are a relatively new addition to the cosmetic ingredients list; therefore there arent an
abundance of conclusive studies on its affects. However, thus far research does suggest that
using cosmetics and other products with nanos in them may cause cell damage and a host of
negative environmental damages as well.
Sulfates (Sodium Lauryl and Sodium Laureth)-
These compounds are often derived from petroleum, coconut or other vegetable oils which are
contaminated with pesticides and other unhealthy chemicals. Sulfates are widely used in cosmetics
and personal hygiene products, especially soaps, shampoos, bubble baths, etc to promote lather.

According to information from, sodium lauryl or sodium laureth is present
in 90% of all shampoos and products that foam. Despite the fact that this ingredient is commonly
found in products that are supposed to cleanse the skin, research has shown that it is very damaging to
the skin, and to our health overall. According to the article at the above mentioned site, research
conducted at the American College of Toxicology both SLS and SLES can cause eye malformation in
children. Other research has shown that SLS is detrimental to the immune system especially within the
skin. Research has also shown that when combined with other chemicals, SLS can be transformed into
nitrosamines which is a very potent carcinogen. It should also be noted that SLS stays in the body for
up to 5 days. This poses the question, are we truly becoming cleaner or simply more contaminated?
These substances are hormone disrupters. Similar to sulfates they are found in products that need to
produce foam or lather. They are also known to be carcinogens, and repeated usage will put children
and adults alike, at high risk for both liver and kidney cancer.
Mineral Oil-
Mineral oil is actually a substance leftover from the processing gasoline from crude oil. It never spoils
and it has no smell. It costs companies more money to dispose of it, than it does to purchase it, thus it
is added to many products on the market. This ingredient is found in many baby products and is also
known as baby oil. This thin clear oil is quickly absorbed into the skin and robs the body of many
essential fat soluble vitamins, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies.
Talcum powder is found in many products, such as baby powder, all types of perfumed powders,
deodorants, chalk, crayons, paints, tick and flea powders, antacids, paints, paper and many others.
Talc particles are similar to asbestos in that it is a known carcinogen. Research has shown that those
who mine talc show a higher rate of lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses. Also there is a strong
link between women who use talc powder frequently in the vaginal area and those who contract ovarian
cancer. However, children are the most vulnerable to this commonly used ingredient.
Propylene Glycol-
This substance is a cosmetic form of mineral oil. It is known to be highly irritating to the skin, yet it
appears in shampoo, make-up, mascara (though it causes eye irritation), deodorant, detangler,
cleansing cream, styling mousse, after shave, diaper wipes, bubble bath, and many other products. The
Materials Safety Data Sheet warns users to avoid skin contact as it can be absorbed through the skin
and cause liver and kidney damage.


Haram Ingredients in Cosmetics
The following is a list of haram or highly questionable animal products that are commonly
used in the manufacturing of skin products.
Allantoin is frequently found in toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoos, lipstick, acne care products, sun
screens, clarifying lotions, and many other cosmetics. It promotes smoothness of skin, and also heals
wounds. When needed in bulk, it is generally chemically synthesized. However, naturally it is a by-
product of uric acid (urine) excreted from cows and other mammals.
It usually is used for food flavorings and perfumes as a fixative. This substance is rarely used these
days, especially in the United States as it has been banned here and in many other countries. However,
it is possible that it is still being used on a small scale. Ambergris comes from the intestines of sperm
Amino Acids-
It is used in some supplements, vitamins, shampoos, cosmetics, etc. They are the building blocks of
protein and can be derived from either vegetable or animal sources.
Arachidonic Acid-
This substance is usually used in lotions and creams for skin ailments such as eczema. It is valued for
its anti-inflammatory properties. It is an essential fatty acid which comes from the brain, liver, glands
and fat of animals and humans.
This is used as a moisturizer for dry hair and skin. It is derived from animal fats and oils, nervous tissue,
egg yolks and blood. It may be present in shampoo, conditioners, and eye creams.
Collagen is used to hydrate and moisturize the skin. It is a protein that is obtained exclusively from
animals. It comes from the connective tissue, bones, cornea, cartilage, ligaments, blood, skin, etc. This
substance is widely found in skin facials, creams, lotions, cleansers etc.
This ingredient is also known as cortisone and it is used as an anti-inflammatory. It is used as a remedy
for eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. It comes from the adrenal glands of animals.
Cortisone is usually found in anti-inflammatory ointments and creams.
Cystine is used to lighten and condition the skin. It is also used to treat acne. Cystine is an amino acid
which is obtained from urine and horse hair. Cystine is found in supplements, skin lotions and creams.

This ingredient is thought to improve the elasticity of the skin. It is found in the neck of cows, and birds.
Both collagen and elastin are found in a large range of skin care products.
Gelatin is used in some facials and skin products because it is thought to improve the condition of the
skin and make it more elastic. Gelatin is mainly derived from the bones of pigs, or other animals. There
is a lot of controversy surrounding whether or not gelatin is halal or haram. Many scholars say that it is
no longer pig due to the chemical change that it goes through, similar to the way that wine changes to
vinegar. Therefore, you would need to check with a scholar from your particular school of thought.
Used as a humectant in facial products, glycerin is often times derived from animal sources, unless
otherwise stated. Glycerin is usually used in toothpaste, mouthwash, soaps, lotions and ointments.
Hyaluronic Acid-
This substance is often referred to as the fountain of youth and believed to reverse the process of aging
for skin. It is a substance that is mainly found in the joints of animals. This substance is mainly found
in beauty creams and lotions.
Used to promote skin strength and elasticity, keratin is one of the prized ingredients for skin and hair
care products. Keratin comes from animal hair, hooves, and horns, as well as bird feathers. You can
find keratin in shampoos, conditioners, perms, and some skin lotions and creams.
Lard is a moisturizer that comes from pig fat. Lard is most often used in soap, but it is also found in
some salves, ointments, creams and shaving creams.
Progesterone is used to help reduce wrinkles. It is also believed that it can improve acne conditions.
Progesterone can be derived from animals, plants, or synthetically made. Progesterone is present in
various beauty creams, and hormone replacement creams as well.
Tallow is animal fat from a cow. It is mainly used in soaps, candles, creams and cosmetics.


Natural Skin Care Glossary

Carrier Oils
Almond Oil-
This oil is rich in vitamins and proteins. It blends well with other oils and is light and softening. It works
well for all skin types. It helps to relieve itchiness and problematic dry skin. Almond oil is high in
vitamin E and D. Almond oil is known to improve skin by moisturizing it, and retarding wrinkling and the
aging process. Almond oil is also a good remedy for hair loss. Message the scalp with almond oil and
rosemary oil and it will help to reduce falling hair.
Avocado Oil-
This is a heavy penetrating oil, rich in nutrients; some of these nutrients being, vitamin A, D and E as
well as lecithin, potassium and 20% essential fatty acids. It is a superior moisturizer and it helps to heal
sun or winter damaged skin, age spots and scars, and skin that is suffering from eczema and psoriasis.
Avocado oil promotes skin rejuvenation and rehydration and helps to reverse aging skin. Its a good
base for dry hand and feet salves and balms.
Coconut Oil-
Coconut oil is a strong base oil. It is a saturated fat and stays stable for long periods of time.
Subhanallah! Aside from having one of the most beautiful smells, coconut oil helps to heal chapped, dry
skin and aids in keeping the skin looking youthful. Coconut oil is full of nutrients such as proteins,
vitamin E, and other healing properties. It has been said that, coconut oil does for skin, what mothers
milk does for babies.
Grapeseed Oil-
This oil is very light and easily absorbed into the skin. For this reason, grape seed oil is an ideal carrier
oil when blending with essential oils. Grapeseed oil is also loaded with anti-oxidants which combat
toxins and free radicals that could cause the skin to age prematurely. It is even affective at fighting
acne and shrinking varicose veins.
Jojoba Oil-
Jojoba is in actuality a wax, not oil. It is a waxy substance produced from the jojoba tree. Whats
amazing about jojoba oil is that it is almost identical to the sebum that our skin produces. Applying

jojoba to the skin, tricks the skin into believing that it has produced enough oil. Thus, jojoba oil
balances the skins oil production. It is also good for eczema, psoriasis, chapped, and extremely dry skin.
Macadamia Oil-
Macadamia oil is excellent for dry and mature skin. The acids in this oil are natural components of skin
sebum. This oil is absorbed by the skin very quickly and is often called vanishing oil.
Olive Oil-
Rich in proteins, vitamins A and E, olive oil adds elasticity to the skin and delays the effects of aging. It
has a very strong aroma and is usually blended with other oils. Its warming properties make it excellent
oil for massage. Olive oil can be great for cleansing the skin as well. It adds a radiant glow to the skin.
This oil is loaded with vitamin A, D, and E. It also contains calcium, phosphorous, zinc, potassium and
iron. Sunflower oil is very nourishing and healing for the skin. It is easily absorbed by the skin and is
good for putting on bruises, ulcers or skin diseases.
Wheat Germ Oil-
I have a wonderful little story about wheat germ oil. Once I made a batch of homemade soap and sent
it to a friend of mine in Ontario Canada as a gift. Some months later the Sisters husband called me
and asked me if I could make some more and send it to them. He said that he would pay for it this
time. He explained that his wife was in love with the soap and that it had cleared her skin blemishes
away in a miraculous fashion. Well I had just started making soap and wasnt very professional at it, so
I hadnt measured what I had done at all. I really didnt feel confidant selling my soap at that point and
so I never really sent the soap out again. Fortunately I found out later that the miracle ingredient inside
that soap was wheat germ oil. I used a very generous amount of it, and cornmeal. So today, if I needed
to sell a blemish be gone soap, Id know exactly what to do. Wheat germ oil is good for the skin, and it is
usually mixed with another oil of choice because it has such a rich and strong aroma and color. It is
loaded with antioxidants, so it acts as a stabilizer for other carrier and essential oils. It heals scarring
and blemishes most excellently.
Essential Oils
Bergamot Oil-
Bergamot oil is good as an antiseptic and is a good remedy for acne. It can also be used to heal
eczema, psoriasis, oily skin, insect bites, and cuts. This oil should not be used by those who have
sensitive skin, and never should be used directly on the skin. Bergamot also has anti-viral activities so
it can be diluted with witch hazel and applied to cold sores, chicken pox and shingles. Bergamot also
works wonders as an anti-depressant and helps to balance the mood.

Calendula Oil-
This oil comes from the marigold plant. The marigold flower does not yield very much oil, so calendula
infused oil is more commonly available than pure calendula essential oil. Calendula is a comforting oil.
It is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and a mild astringent. Calendula infused oil should be a part of
your home remedy first aid kit. It is very healing for cracked and chapped skin, eczema, diaper rash,
varicose veins, cracked nipples, wounds and cuts.
Chamomile Oil-
Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Chamomile helps to sooth
cuts, insect bites, rashes, boils and allergies. It also relieves menstrual cramps, teething pain for
babies, any inflammation to include arthritis, flatulence and it acts as a mild anti depressant. Do not
use in the first three months of pregnancy. This oil can cause dermatitis in some people.
Citronella Oil-
This oil is not widely used in aromatherapy, but because of its strong citrus odor is more often used as a
household disinfectant and deodorizer. It is also used frequently as an insect repellant.
Clary Sage-
Clary sage balances out the sebum produced by the skin, so that the skin doesnt become too oily or too
dry. It also has astringent properties, and is anti-bacterial. It is also an anti-depressant, an aphrodisiac
and helps to relieve menstrual cramps. Do not use when pregnant.
Eucalyptus Oil-
This oil is a great disinfectant. It alleviates inflammation generally and is helpful in treating rheumatism,
muscular aches, and pains. It is also used to both repel insects, and to heal insect bites. Eucalyptus is
also affective for healing burns. Aside from skin care, eucalyptus is a powerful decongestant and is
used to alleviate coughs, colds and chest infections.
One of the more costly oils, frankincense is very valuable. It is extracted from the frankincense trees
and comes out as a very thick resin. It is then processed into an essential oil. For the skin, frankincense
works wonders. It is an antiseptic and heals cuts, wounds and skin blemishes. It also promotes fast
healing for diaper rashes. Frankincense is also an antiseptic, so it does wonders for healing pock
marks, and erasing wrinkles. It gives the skin a lift and glow that makes it look more youthful.
Frankincense is also an anti-inflammatory so it helps reduce joint swelling and arthritis. It also has anti-
depressant qualities, so it lifts the spirits.
Geranium Oil-
This oil is especially beneficial to those who have oily skin. Geranium helps to balance sebum
production. It helps to clear up excess oils and heal blemishes and rashes. Geranium oil treats acne,
congested pores, eczema, burns, blisters, cuts and diaper rashes. It is also is a pick me up for the
nervous system, and helps to alleviate depression.
Ginger Oil-
Ginger helps to improve blood circulation, arthritis, and rheumatism and muscle pain. It helps to
improve mental confusion, fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

Grapefruit Oil-
This citrus oil has antiseptic and disinfectant properties. It reduces oily skin and its affective in fighting
acne, and congested pores. It also helps to reduce cellulite. It lifts the mood and gives hope.
Jasmine Oil-
Jasmine has as warming and soothing affect. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it good for relieving
arthritis. It also serves as an antiseptic and expectorant. For the skin, jasmine works wonders by
rejuvenating aging, wrinkled skin, and dry skin. Jasmine is also an aphrodisiac and is good for the male
Juniper Oil-
Juniper helps to rid the body of toxins and waste. It is good for reducing cellulite. Also helps with
rheumatoid arthritis and swollen painful joints. Weepy eczema, acne and other such skin problems
respond well to junipers toning, antiseptic and astringent properties.
Lavender Oil-
This oil is very gentle, yet affective oil for healing the skin. When I have skin blemishes, I apply the oil
directly to my skin. Most oils need to be mixed with a carrier oil, however lavender oil is gentle enough
to use directly from the bottle. Lavender oil is helpful in clearing up acne, cuts, and burns without
Lemon Grass Oil-
Works wonders for excessively oily skin. Lemongrass can help to clear up acne, skin rashes, wrinkles,
and tighten up pores. Also it naturally dilates blood vessels. Lemongrass is an antiseptic, so it works
well as a skin toner. It also helps to relieve tired muscles. It is antifungal so it can relieve athletes foot
and it helps to reduce sweaty underarm odor. Its light citrusy smell helps to create emotional well
being; alleviating stress, anxiety and depression.
Marjoram Oil-
As an antiseptic, marjoram is good for healing cuts and wounds.
Orange Oil-
This oil helps to maintain smooth glamorous skin. It helps to cure acne and dermatitis. It is antiseptic,
and also can greatly reduce the chance of tetanus when applied to a cut or wound. Orange oil also is
has a slight aphrodisiac affect.
Patchouli Oil-
This oil is one of the more rare essential oils; however it has wonderful healing properties for the skin. It
is extremely affective in healing rough and cracked skin. It also helps to heal skin disorders such as
acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It helps to reduce inflammation and swelling, and it also helps to
regenerate new skin cells, keeping the skin looking young and rejuvenated.
Peppermint Oil-
Peppermint oil is used for treating acne and oily skin. It contains menthol which is good for the skin.
Also it has a cooling affect which can be refreshing, especially in warm or hot weather. Peppermint is
soothing to soar over worked muscles and will also uplift your spirits when they are low. Peppermint is

also great as a remedy for dandruff. It is beneficial to the gums, teeth and breath for dental hygiene
Petitgrain Oil-
Petitgrain is obtained from the leaves of the orange tree. Petitgrain helps maintain balance for the skin.
It helps to reduce excess oil, but maintains moisture. It helps to clear up acne, pimples and blemishes.
It is non phototoxic, so it can be used on skin even if you plan on spending time in the sun. It also acts
great as a deodorant and deodorizer.
Rose Oil-
Rose benefits all skin types. However, it is especially healing for dry, cracked, sensitive, or allergy prone
skin. Rose oil is also a God send for skin that is aging, and wrinkling as it has rehydrating properties.
Rose helps to heal broken veins.
Rosemary Oil-
Rosemary helps to improve acne conditions, as well as eczema, hair loss, lice, and dandruff. It helps to
tone the skin. It also soothes tired muscles, and promotes mental clarity. Rosemary oil helps to
stimulate and improve circulation, and it helps to correct low blood pressure.
Sandalwood helps to heal all wounds, acne, psoriasis, eczema, dry and chapped skin, and shaving rash.
It has both antiseptic and rehydrating qualities. Sandalwood also works as an aphrodisiac.
Tea Tree Oil-
Your medicine cabinet should not be without this essential oil. It is good for just about anything that ails
your skin. Tea tree is anti-infection. It has antifungal, anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti inflammatory
properties. It is an excellent remedy for acne, age spots, varicose veins, warts, athletes feet, insect
bites, cold sores and burns. It is also used to cleanse out open cuts and wounds and drastically
reduces the likelihood for infection. It also promotes healing by encouraging the growth of scar tissue.
Tea tree oil is a very effective remedy against dandruff. You may add a couple of drops to your
shampoo, or add some to a carrier oil and massage the scalp with it. Then wash after 15-30 minutes.
This oil works wonders for all skin types as it reduces sebum production in oily skin, and increases
natural sebum production for dry skin. It helps to remedy acne and helps to sooth irritated skin. Ylang-
Ylang works well for both dry and oily scalp thus can help to control dandruff. It is also a well known
sedative, antidepressant and aphrodisiac.

Nourishing Foods for Our Skin
I like to grind up a few almonds and store them in a container to use to exfoliate with a few times a
week. Almonds help to revitalize fatigued cells, and are rich in vitamin E, which promotes clear healthy
skin. Almonds and almond oil help to reduce blackheads and acne, and help to remedy dry skin as well.
A good scrub with almond meal gives the skin a beautiful, healthy glow.

Aloe Vera-
Aloe Vera is a cactus like plant that has numerous benefits for the skin. Aloe Vera gel, juice or oil can
be applied to your homemade skin care products. Aloe Vera is great for both dry and oily skin and it
helps to balance the skin out. It makes the skin smooth and glowing, relieves sunburn, insect bites,
eczema, blisters, allergic reactions, and acne. It helps to lighten dark spots on the skin and also is
helpful in relieving arthritis swelling in the joints.
Apple Cider Vinegar-
Apple cider vinegar can be used as an astringent, when diluted with water. It has antibacterial
properties and helps to maintain the ph balance of the skin. Apple cider vinegar also helps to fade
brown spots, age spots, blemishes and make the skin tone even. It also helps to clear up acne and
reduce oily skin.
Avocados are full of potassium and sterolins which are well known for fading age spots, scars, and
healing sun damage. The sterolins in avocado oil (also known as plant steroids) also help to make the
skin soft and supple. (For more information see avocado oil)
Banana skins can be used to reduce itching and swelling of the skin, due to rashes or insect bites.
Bananas are also very moisturizing and mashing up the pulp of the banana works wonders for the skin
by making it soft, supple and giving it a beautiful glow. Banana pulp alone or with honey makes a great
Coconut milk-
Coconut milk is rapidly becoming a favorite ingredient for beauty products. Why go for old diluted
coconut ingredients, when you can get fresh or canned coconut milk from the store at a fraction of the
cost? Coconut milk is ideal for all skin types. The antibacterial and antioxidant nature of coconut milk

makes it a good cleanser for those with acne and other skin issues. (For more information see coconut
Cucumbers have long been an ingredient in skin care products. They work well for fading dark circles
around or beneath the eyes, and they also help to remove puffiness from the area. Cucumber also
helps to improve over all complexion by fading freckles, age spots, blemishes and giving the skin an
even tone. Cucumbers rejuvenate the skin, and help to tighten up enlarged pores. Cool cucumbers can
also be used to treat sunburn.
Egg whites are most commonly used on the skin, while yokes are used more often as a conditioner to
add moisture and protein to the hair. Egg whites help to tighten both the pores and the skin over all.
Applying a mask consisting of egg whites for a half an hour gives the skin a little face lift. It helps to
prevent wrinkles and sagging skin.
It is believed that eating gelatin can help the skin to produce more collagen. Using gelatin in a mask
can help to tighten the pores and give them a deep cleansing. You may obtain halal gelatin from a halal
meat market. Also, some health food stores sell vegetarian gelatin that can be used as a facial mask as
Honey is an ideal treatment for all skin types. Honey is an antioxidant and it has antimicrobial
properties. It draws impurities from the skin, which makes it an ideal cleanser for the skin. It is also
effective for treating acne. Honey also rejuvenates and hydrates the skin, giving it a beautiful glow and
youthful appearance.
Lemons are a strong antibacterial agent, and also serve as an astringent for skin care. Lemon juice
helps to clear up acne and eczema. It will also fade blemishes, blackheads, and lend to an even skin
Mango pulp is very beneficial for the skin, while the skin of the mango may be very irritating. Both
vitamins A and C which are abundant in mangoes help to make the skin obtain a youthful appearance.
It is regenerative for the skin, helps to restore elasticity, prevents wrinkles, aids in unclogging the pores,
and shields the skin from sun damage.
Well known are the merits of oats for beautifying the skin. Use rolled oats for best results, not instant
oats. Oats help to sooth itchy irritated skin caused by rashes, chicken pox, measles poison ivy, allergic
reactions, insect bites and eczema. Oatmeal baths are a common and effective remedy for soothing
irritated skin. Ground oats makes a great scrub or exfoliator for the skin, making the skin smooth and
soft. Also oats help to eliminate inflammation of the skin.

Papaya and Pineapple-
As with most of the live food remedies, both papaya and pineapple are great for cleansing and clarifying
the skin. Both help to clear acne, and blemishes, and help to banish wrinkles and crows feet. They
leave the skin smooth and youthful with a beautiful glow. The enzymes in these fruits help to nourish
the skin, eliminate dead skin cells, and regenerate new ones. Papaya also helps to reduce swelling and
Yogurt has plenty of probiotics and enzymes which make it an ideal ingredient for natural skin care.
Yogurt has both antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it is good for cleansing the skin and
unclogging the pores. Full fat yogurt is best for skin that could use a good moisturizer. Yogurt also
helps to fade any blemishes and spots, giving the skin an even tone. The lactic acid found in milk helps
to make the skin softer and more youthful in appearance. It is also effective in treating sunburned skin.


A Listing for Purchasing Your Ingredients

As Suq
4060 Stewart Rd.
Brooklyn New York,

Mountain Rose Herbs
P.O. Box 50220
Eugene, Oregon 97402

Listing for Where You Can Purchase Ready Made Natural Cosmetics

Body Chemistree
We sell a line of handmade, all natural, aromatherapy-based bath and body products-body butter,
body scrub, bath salts, shower gel, and massage oil. We also offer some products in cosmetic
scents. Master the science of you...nurture the mind-body connection. Body Chemistree

Support Muslim Owned Business
A Limited Directory
2670 Memorial Blvd Suite A
Murfreesboro TN 37129

Al Maun Fund (est. 2005) is a virtual, non-profit charitable program, where clients can
receive immediate assistance without leaving their homes. We strive to provide financial
assistance for basic needs, resource referrals and support to individuals and families in
their time of need.

Urban Hijab
Modern & Modest Clothing Options...We've Got You Covered
Web Address:
Tel: 1-347-688-0782
Location: 354 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217
Additional Location: Coming to a retail shop near you, Inshallah

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Hamza Ali
Halal Bid
The Muslim eBay of the internet! Refer to this site for selling you goods.

Islamic Boutique Nur
Ithar Ghada Faied
Beautiful Islamic Home Dcor, Apparel, and Personal Accessories


Benge, Sophie. Asian Secrets of Health, Beauty, and Relaxation. North Clarendon Vt.: Tuttle
Publishing, (2000)
Rechelbacher, Horst. Aveda Rituals: A Daily Guide To Natural Health and Beauty. New York,
N.Y.: Henry Holt and Company, (1999)
Selby, Anna and AlBright, Peter M.D. Aromatherapy: An Introduction to the Essential Oils
and their Therapeutic Uses. New York, N Y.: Macmillan, (1996)
Shealy, Norman C. M.D., Ph.D. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies. Boston
MA. : Elements Books INC. (1998)
Tourles, Stephanie. Organic Body Care Recipes. North Adams, MA. : Storey Publishing.
Herbal Index. Ageless: The Anti-Aging Site.
K. , Stacie. Homemade Belly Butter.
belly-butter-all-natural-pampering-for-pregnant-mamas-2.html (2010)
Tywoniuk, David Toxic Ingredients. Fragrance Free Living.


Photo Credits

1. Front Cover Photo- This beautiful design was created for me by a very talented Muslimah, Minda
Arguello. Her work is top notch, very professional. I would recommend her for all of your web design
and graphic needs. Check her out at
2. Page 6. Nutritious Foods, Suat Eman
3. Page 7. Lemon Water, Unknown
4. Page 8. Sunshine, Salvatore Vuono
5. Page 9. Containers, Kittikun Atsawintarangkul
6. Page 10. Olive Oil, M_bartosch
7. Page 11. Lavendar, Tina Phillips
8. Page 12. Red rose, Luigi Diamanti
9 Page 13. Marigold, Keattikorn
10. Page 15. Sugar, Africa
11. Page 17. Avocado, Annat_Tikker
12. Page 19. Mint leaves, Michelle Micklejohn
13. Page 21. Orange bath salts, Unknown
14. Page 23. Honey, Danilo Rizzuti
15. Page 25. Spa, Zirconicusso
16. Page 27. Almonds, Unknown
17. Page 34. Olive Oil, Africa
18. Page 35. Spa, Zirconicusso
19. Page 39. Coconut, Pixomar

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