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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an effort to operate a company or a business organization in an

economical and socially sustaining environment. This paper is written keeping in view, the increasing
importance and adaptation of CSR in organizations. This paper slightly discusses the cooperate
environment of DUBAI and international organizations and spots some areas, where CSR is non-existent
yet e.g. in education sector, and impact of having CSR in that areas on society and business. It then
compares the Islamic ideological system and present CSR concept. Some new CSR indicators and
dimensions are yet to be uncovered. It is never important to start CSR department in some organizations,
there should be some CSR performance measures and analysis tools. This paper proposes not only some
major analysis tools but also gives the new concept of proper and improper implementation of CSR, CSR
levels and their impact on corporate business, ethical social values and corporate reputation. Concluding
the discussion and depending upon the above-mentioned techniques the CSR system design and
implementation technique, in any general corporate body will be proposed.


[1] - H. M. Umer Arfi

[2] - Fahad M. Mirza

CV’s with contact information of both the authors are attached

Hafiz Muhammad Umer Arfi
Phone (Res):0092515537968
Phone (Mob): 00923455935070
Phone (Off): 0092512871700 EXT-325
Address (Home): P-736 St. No. – 4 Muhallah Banni Rawalpindi Pakistan


• Bsc. Electrical Engineering ( 7 Semesters )

SS-Care school of Engineering G-5/1 Attaturk Avenue Islamabad Pakistan
(Affiliated with UET Taxila)

• Fsc. Pre-Engineering (1st division)

FG Sir Syed College Mall Road Cantt Rawalpindi

• Metric with (Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics) with A+ grade

Siddiq Public School 6th Road Rawalpindi


• Four months experience in AC-Nielsen marketing research company as a surveyor for doing
interviews (During my FSc.)

• Part of admissions in SS-Care School of Engineering since last two years. (It held for One and a
Half month every year)

• Work as an organizer for IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies

(ICET 2005) held on 17-18 September 2005, at Islamabad organized by Center for Advance
Studies in Engineering (CASE)

• Worked as an internee at Centre for advance studies in engineering (CASE) under DR.
SHOAB A. KHAN during June 20, 2006 to September 01, 2006
I have worked here on


• I have written a research paper with Fahad M. Mirza

I have got my abstract accepted in 4th International Conference ERGON-AXIA held on July 9-
12, 2007 at Poznan, Poland but due to financial constraints I was unable to publish my paper in

• Worked on organizational analysis techniques (SWOT, PESTELI etc) under Mr. Tariq
Hameed Butt, a Phd Scolar doing Phd in Engineering Management from CASE.
Fahad Mehmood Mirza
Phone (Res):0092519258577
Phone (Mob): 00923445509276
Address: Case 19th Attaturk Avenue G-5/1 Islamabad Pakistan


• Bsc. Electrical Engineering ( 7 Semesters )

SS-Care school of Engineering G-5/1 Attaturk Avenue Islamabad Pakistan
(Affiliated with UET Taxila)

• Fsc. Pre-Engineering (1st division)

Bahria College Islamabad

• Metric with (Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics)

Bahria College Islamabad


• Two years experience in SUKH (Social Uplift through knowledge and health). I am the only
undergraduate co-founder with Dr. Ali Sajid and is assistant associate manager.

• Part of admissions in SS-Care School of Engineering since last two years. (It held for One and a
Half month every year)


I have written a research paper with H. M. Umer Arfi

I have got my abstract accepted in 4th International Conference ERGON-AXIA held on July 9-
12, 2007 at Poznan, Poland but due to financial constraints I was unable to publish my paper in
organizations are running, in the course of
their websites. In addition we have learnt
CSR, AN OVERALL SYSTEM DESIGN the proper business ethics’ rules and
AND EFFECT OF ITS PROPER AND regulation, The Islamic ethics, statistical
analysis tools and contacted few cost
management and budgeting professionals.
We found some organizations; responsive
Abstract and oblivious of corporate social
responsibility but no department of the
Corporate Social Responsibility subject as such; still they are helping the
(CSR) is an effort to operate a company or society to some degree, observing
a business organization in an economical business ethics and educating their people
and socially sustaining environment. This
for the improvement of the society and
paper is written keeping in view, the
increasing importance and adaptation of environment. Going through this research
CSR in organizations. This paper slightly we found out that society still needs more
discusses the cooperate environment of betterment because there are people not
DUBAI and international organizations and being helped in the society yet. We
spots some areas, where CSR is non- investigated for the reason. Many
existent yet e.g. in education sector, and organizations know CSR concept but least
impact of having CSR in that areas on
has adopted it as a department, else are
society and business. It then compares
the Islamic ideological system and present those who did not have CSR departments
CSR concept. Some new CSR indicators but helping the society from Islamic
and dimensions are yet to be uncovered. perspective. The least who have the
It is never important to start CSR departments implemented, no regulatory
department in some organizations, there authority or CSR assuring authority is
should be some CSR performance
there to ensure CSR implementation is up
measures and analysis tools. This paper
proposes not only some major analysis to the mark or not. The many, who have
tools but also gives the new concept of not implemented the departments, give
proper and improper implementation of reasons to do so but we are to point out
CSR, CSR levels and their impact on some areas out of many where CSR is
corporate business, ethical social values least or non-existent and pointed out
and corporate reputation. Concluding the some reasons for them. One of the above
discussion and depending upon the above-
mentioned areas is the education sector.
mentioned techniques the CSR system
design and implementation technique, in We proposed a concept through which
any general corporate body will be CSR will be having no limitations. For the
proposed. organizations in which CSR is
implemented in the form of departments,
Research Strategy we derived a formula which will check the
performance and the proper and improper
We have gone through the
implementation of the CSR relating CSR
fundamental concepts of CSR (Corporate
budgeting and society needs. By putting
Social Responsibility), paid visits to the
the values in that formula, we get either
governmental and private organizations
positive or negative value showing us
having CSR departments being
being proper and improper respectively.
implemented in Pakistan, and also studied
And the magnitude of the output will tell
CSR departments, some international
the level of properness; greater the value
of the magnitude, greater will be the possible now. This whole concept is of
impact on sides and vice versa. give-and-take and every facility one is
availing come up with some responsibility.
Introduction The same way God has gifted us the
facility of the society but we have
CSR, Corporate Social
obligations for its responsibility, known as
Responsibility, is an extensive area to
social responsibility. It is said that this
cover. It is adapted and perceived by
concept comes fifty years back [2], but
different organization around the world,
the true picture of social responsibility has
and in this IT age when world is a global
its roots from the start of the universe
village, so giving one definition of CSR is
when first man was there on earth and he
very difficult but usually it is perceived to
then formed a society. Every person in the
be the tool for any company to improve
society has a right to have all the basic
the quality of life of the employees, their
facilities the society is adorned with.
families [1], local community, society and
Remaining, he should avail through his
quality of environment This paper does
hard work. Providing basic facility to the
not describe the old and already
people is the responsibility of the
mentioned areas of CSR internationally
Government but now population has
discussed, but it is unique in its own way.
grown up to an extent that Government
As a child plays with the colors for the first
alone cannot get into every street.
time; colors are old but the combination
Sometimes the social and environmental
of the colors will be unique and have some
hazards are much bigger than the
influence on him, the other artists and on
government capacity. Importance of social
the society.
responsibility can be proven the other way
This paper describes CSR not from the round. What happens, if people in the
scratch as well but when it will come to an society don’t help each other? If
end then we will be having some picture educationist doesn’t help a milkman when
of CSR system design which can be he needs him/her, maybe he will not be
adopted by different organizations’ by provided by milk anymore and vice versa.
type, operations, local community and If some people in the society which are
environmental needs. having each and every facility, say X
group of people and the other divine of
Importance of adapting CSR basic facility Y group of people then a
misbalance will be created in the society,
A man is a social animal, lives in
which will be having bad impact on X
society and cannot exist alone. This is not
group of people as well, one is deprived of
only the human need but an intrinsic
basic facilities then he executes crime.
property by birth from God. Farmers farm
Social responsibility through organizations
crops and other eatables, constructor
make its implementation effective. Every
construct homes for others to live in,
individual belongs to a family where some
some make cloth and some sew it,
people serve in organizations, so every
educationists provide education to behave
organization is made of people with
in society just as parents teach their
different thoughts and backgrounds
young one a mother language to interact
making it easy for them to educate and
with each other. Technocrats give us
train people to contribute in helping the
technology without which life is not
society and getting a good name for
organization as an offshoot. This way, CSR system and extensive foreign trade
adaptation is necessarily important for networks. Many multilevel and
every organization. multiregional people are work with full
cooperation together.
Dubai- International Corporations and
Organizations So, as far as media fruition is concerned,
Dubai is in front in this race.
CSR is wanted everywhere the Nevertheless, it has greatest market of
globe, essentially after the internet gold as well. Dubai is now taking notice
revolutionized it to a global village. Every towards educational project, the Dubai
country has impact on the other by some Knowledge Village (DKV) [4]. Also for the
means. last decade, the progress of educational
sector can be seen; so many worldwide
Internationally so many types of
institutes have opened branches there [5].
organizations are there and different
Dubai is sincerely putting effort to observe
cultures are being followed by them. To
CSR for this DCCV (Dubai Centre of
pack under our small box of discussion,
Cooperate Values) work is appreciable [6].
we only take some major sectors to derive
the non-existent CSR organizations. Major OSR equates the CSR
types of organizations are:
CSR is adapted by companies,
a. Technology-oriented public and private sectors but non-
b. Industries existent in many sectors. Sectors of
c. Media education, hospitals and media, we
d. Education traced, have CSR either least or non-
existent. Rather it is understood that they
The Technology-oriented organizations are
have more obligation towards society.
doing good business and earning huge in
today’s world. Microsoft, Oracle, Intel and A familiar case is with media and
Google are such examples among many. hospitals. Hospitals should create
As already mentioned, facility comes with departments of CSR because poor patients
responsibility. As they are doing good need charity, attention, care, time and
business and have more impact on people sympathy, all summarizing to the
internationally, so their obligations to the definition of social responsibilities.
society have also been raised. The same
way industries like steel mills have The same way media is an example. It
emerged effectively as Lakshmi Mittal; an has a direct impact on growing minds. In
Indian Steel-king is now one of the richest this era, children to adults get rapid
men in the world [3]. Some private inspirations from TV today. We believe
organizations are CSR concerned, but are there should be an adaptation of social
infrequent in government sectors. responsibility and an authority that
regulates it, as the bad side of the media
Dubai is a multicultural domain and a leaves deprived impact on the audience.
major business centre where most of the
organizations enjoy their headquarters or People of educational sector reply with the
business offices due to its strategic simple reason, when asked that why CSR
location, political and economic not implemented as departments in
environment, open and free economic education. The reason behind is the
definition of ‘Corporate’. In Pakistan and of people working together is called as
usually in international societies, a organization. OSR does not limit the
corporate has some rules and regulations concept of CSR but gives improvement,
defined in corporate ordinance or law, promotion and betterment to the concept.
which does not include educational We call CSR as OSR from now onwards.
organizations. Indeed they are working to
some extent for the society but not as OSR and Islamic Ideology
such structure has been implemented for
Whenever we discuss under
social accountability.
religion and society then the answer is
As these organizations have direct very common and obvious. Every religion
influences on public. Corporate and other forbids disturbance and anarchy in a
organizations have different ingredients society. It never asks to observe theft,
and different output products, but as far murder and torture someone physically
as educational sector is concerned, these and mentally. Every religion asks his
organizations have both humans, at the followers to be tranquil, help the
input and the output product and course disadvantaged and so on. Religions are
of action includes knowledge of books and defined already; having differing social
teachers. It is where we don’t only and religious obligations. As far as Islam
acclimatize and execute social is concerned, if we say that it is the
responsibility but can also do really well religion of social obligations only, then it
for its promotions. Increasing CSR in will not be wrong. Islam is the only
educational sector means increase the religion who gives complete code of
quality of the output product as education conduct to its followers. We know the
gives elevation to the quality of humans. history of Arabs before and after
Muhammad (PBUH). He leaves behind
Output quality = Ingredient quality + Holy Quran and his practices which
Process quality + People quality complete the society obligations. A few
verses of Quran and the holy expressions
Concept of OSR (Organizational Social from Muhammad (PBUH) and his
Responsibility) companions will prove that the OSR
concept is not a fifty years old concept but
OSR takes the same concept and
this type of society had been started
perception as CSR does, but OSR
about fourteen hundred years back.
enhances the adjustment criteria. OSR
Religion play a vital role in personality
also helps up the wider concept of societal
building and spiritual growth but SNSRE
responsibility. Calling OSR removes the
(Spiritual, Natural Social Responsibility
constraint of CSR and frees the social
Effect) can always be seen in them by one
responsibility from being corporate only.
way or the other.
Every organization of any type now,
education, hospitals, NGO’s, shops, small “It means that every child is born with
and big business industries, public and pure and sinless nature”
private sectors, now have ease of opening
departments of OSR. Muhammad (PBUH) [7]

Every people now have an advantage of Organization is nothing but a group of

serving the society through OSR, as group people working together and when
organizations combined together, then a Now appreciate the seriousness and
society will be formed. Thus OSR is concern of Islam about a society. ALLAH
nothing but every individual’s social (SW) asks HIS followers for observing
responsibility as sea is nothing but a Islamic basic rules and regulations i.e.
combination of drops of water. Kalma, Namaz (prayer), Roza, Zakat
Muhammad (PBUH) explained seven rights (alms), and Haj. Where ever, HE asks for
of humans towards each other to create prayer, HE asks to pay alms.
balance in the society.
What is Zakat, a liability for rich and a
“It is the duty of every person to observe right for poor and needy? It is 2.5% of
the given rights of his brother in faith. one’s extra money which have not been
used for the whole year. Islam gives the
a. One should not fail to show him complete system of Zakat to observe
respect and reverence. balance in a society. It is the duty of
b. One should really love him from Islamic government according to Islam to
the bottom of one’s heart. collect and give Zakat from rich and
c. One should share one’s belonging distribute among poors. Islam thus gives
with him equally. the concept of some department and
d. One must refrain from back biting organization for social responsibility.
him and mentioning unseemly ALLAH (SW) clearly states that HE will
things about him in his absence. forgive all HIS rights and liabilities
e. One should visit him when he falls towards HIM but not forgive one who does
ill. not provide rights to others. In a verse
f. One should attend his funeral on ALLAH (SW) in two lines talks about what
his death. we call the Islamic obligations, but the
g. One should not mention him whole remaining verse is dedicated to
except kindly after his death.” social obligations which prove the
seriousness and importance of Social
Muhammad (PBUH) [7]
responsibility in the eye of Islam.
Now we will appreciate the importance of
“It is not piety that you turn you faces to
social responsibility in front of Muhammad
the east and to the west, true piety is this
(PBUH). He does not declares the best
to have faith in GOD and the last day, the
person, one who performs Islamic
angels, the book and the prophets, to give
obligations but the one, sincere to the
of one’s substance, however cherished to
kinsmen and orphans, the needy, the
“The best of works near GOD is to make traveler, beggars, to ransom the slaves,
happy a brother in faith by relieving him to perform the prayer, to pay the alms,
of hunger, distress and sorrow.” and they who fulfill their covenant when
they have engaged in a covenant and
Muhammad (PBUH) [7] endure with fortitude misfortune,
hardship, and peril, they are they who are
“The dearest of the human being is
true in their faith, these are truly GOD
someone with the greatest benefit to the
(2:177) [7]
Muhammad (PBUH) [7]
According to MUHAMMAD (PBUH) if one all the dimension of OSR. The OSR
completes his every obligation to Islam dimensions increase in the level of OSR
and not serving the society any way then and better will be the implementation of
he is not a Muslim. OSR.

“If someone hears a person calling Muslim That’s what Islam says about social
for help does not respond positively to his responsibility and we have seen the
call and request for help and does not completeness of Islamic values concerning
assist him he is not a Muslim.” society. Under the light of Islam we have
sort out some indicators of social
Muhammad (PBUH) [7] responsibility
Now what are these? Some new Dimensions and Indicators of OSR
dimensions and indicators of OSR are
being derived but it is Quran, MUHAMMAD The dimensions of OSR are
(PBUH), and his companions sayings not countless, and many of them vary on the
us. Social responsibility has no limitations. basis of community needs, .e.g.
Some organizations have CSR cultivating job for the jobless people can
departments but the organizational be the dimension of OSR Many such have
culture and behavior of the big bosses are been adopted by the organizations’ CSR
not good to the employees, their families departments, such as education, poverty,
and other stake holders but giving illness, natural disasters and senior
charities, here is another entity or a citizens’ old houses etc. A few important
qualitative measure for improper indicators of OSR, although not considered
implementation which is needed to be and recognized as a responsibility by
quantize but it is open to researchers. many, involves; a) care for the others
Coming formula below does not include from the depth of one’s heart, b) sharing
this factor. Islam has complete rules for the belongings with others equally, c)
this system as well refraining from viciousness, d) inquiring
the illness and e) looking after the
According to Islam, there should be some deprived and underprivileged society, f)
department i.e. OSR, where social bid people unto virtue and honor and g)
responsibility is divided into sub forbid from vice and dishonor and h)
departments or areas, and they have the appreciation of successful work.
capability of solving problems concerning
that areas, e.g. a poor student but These are a very few indicators of OSR,
intelligent needs money for education, we and almost everyone will believe, that
there should be some dedicated money give a pure reflection of the subject in any
coming from charity, Zakat or whatever organization. That group, any certain
resources by the people of organization or group, is socially liable towards these
may be outside the organization. indicators running an organization
Secondly, one come up with education because ethics involve such social
and need job, so there should be some responsibilities.
department concerning jobs, thirdly, some
patient come and need treatment, there Levels of OSR
should be some department for this type
This is the first step towards the
of thing as well and same is the case with
OSR system design and involves true
transparency of the dimensions and areas By the help of surveys, organizations can
being mentioned and covered in some get the fair idea that what lacks the most
OSR department agenda. As the in their society, and should apply OSR
statement goes, the levels of OSR here properly towards the issue.
mean the number of dimensions covered,
by seriousness and concentration, falling Here the idea of applying OSR, properly
under OSR. More the dimensions, the relates the local community needs and
more will be the levels and vice versa. budget allocation for those areas, if some
area in society needs more attention,
One important thing is that the more should be the budget weight
dimensions should be logical and should towards it in OSR department. So if we
base on the community needs presently. say that this is the quantitative analysis of
For example, a) education, b) poverty and qualitative measures then it won’t be
c) natural disasters are a few among wrong. Now the model will be explained
them. We will assume these three taking the example of OSR department
dimensions as our mathematical working on three dimensions of social
parameters for comprehending the OSR responsibility, that is already mentioned,
model and it’s working. education, poverty and Natural disasters,
D1, D2, and D3 respectively. More
We denote the levels by ‘L’ and every dimensions can be taken which will
dimension will be given the degree 1. The increase ‘L’ i.e. levels.
formula derived for the model is (from 1
to n dimensions): Arfi Proper and Improper OSR Model

L = D1 + D2 + D3 ……… + Dn … (1) Before the model is explained, the

terminologies and its working should be
Here, D1, D2 and D3 till Dn are the understood, remaining one can easily
dimensions being added together to give understand by looking at its picture. On
us the level. From the three dimensions the name of one of the authors, “Umer
mentioned in the above paragraph as an Arfi” this model is named as
example, the level L will be
“Arfi Proper and Improper OSR
L=1+1+1=3 Model”
Proper and Improper OSR AP
Being a complex area to
understand, the concept has been AP is Attribute Percentage;
summarized to its basic most level. The percentage, by which society lacks, should
society needs change variably and have have been calculated by previous ten
never been certain in almost any era of years records and trends. e.g. in local
the centuries. Although the fundamental community there are 70% people
needs of any society do not differ, but it is uneducated, 56% poor, 7% are affected
the percentage or requirements that by Natural Disasters every year on
varies time to time. Under this argument, average, here education, poverty
we define the OSR being proper or and Natural Disasters are attributes and
improper. attribute percentages are AP1=70%,
AP2=56%, AP3=7.
A, B, C, D, E
These are calculated budget
SV is Smallest Value among the weights, tells weight in fraction and sum
entire attribute percentages, e.g. in above of all equals to 1.
case it is 7%.
A=W1/N, B = W2 / N …, Z = Wn / N … (4)
W A+B+C…+Z=1

W is the Weight of attribute E.g. in above case there are only A, B, C.

percentages, it is about to find that which the calculated budget weights for above
attributes in the society is most important example will be (A = 10/19 = 0.52), (B =
and which is needed by society the most 8/19 = 0.42), (C=1/19 = 0.05). It mean
among the dimensions on which OSR for attribute AP1, AP2 and AP3, 52%, 42%
department is working; e.g. in above and 5% of the budgets will be allocated. It
example 70% people in the local society is to be noted A + B + C = 0.99 around 1.
are uneducated and need more attention, By doing this we have calculated the
although poverty is important but while budget for contingent and dependant
budgeting education should be given more attributes by doing simple mathematics.
weight as its percentage is maximum,

a, b, c, d, e
Wn =integer (APn / SV) … (2)

The small letters are different from

E.g. in above case weights are W1 =
capital letters. These are the budget
(70/7 = 10), W2 = (56/7 = 8) and W3 =
weights organization is manually
(7/7 = 1) respectively. It means money
allocating to the attributes in OSR
which is to be allocated for education and
departments, sum of these will also be 1,
poverty should be 10 and 8 times of the
as this is the distribution of 100% of the
money allocated to Natural Disasters
OSR department budget among different
areas or dimensions. Let’s suppose (a =
0.6), (b=0.3), (c = 0.1) and we have
calculated these weights in previous page,
to be (A = 0.52), (B = 0.42), (C = 0.05).
Sum of all the weights or we can
These values are not equal to our values
say total weight.
but we can see the properness of the
OSR, as some of the values are close. We
N = W1 + W2 + W3 ….. +Wn … (3)
set a band in our model whose value can
be set, the band is some things OSR
E.g. in above case it N = 10 + 8 + 1 = 19.
assuring organizations can play with and
set a rule. We take example with band of
0.2, a, b, and c can deviate from A, B, and
C respectively from 0.1 only, either on the
negative side or on the positive side,
According to this a, b, and c should be According to above rules P.Ft will vary
around (0.32 –> 0.52), (0.42 –> 0.62) from -2 to +1, so what we did is, if
and (0 –> 0.15) respectively. (P.Ft<0), it will be divided by 2, this gives
us two fold advantage, make P.Ft vary
P.F from -1 to 1 thus setting a standard and
secondly increase in improperness is down
P.F, Proper Factor is the factor scaled and estimation became easy.
which decides the proper and improper
implementation of OSR concerning budget P.L
allocation, if values of a, b, and c lies in
defined bands then P.F will be equal to the Properness Level is the output of
allocated budget weight and is the entire model
positive, else if a, b, and c don’t lies in
bands then P.F will be the difference P.L = P.Ft*L … (7)
between the calculated and manually
allocated weights and will be negative. E.g. in above example it is P.L = 0.58*3 =
1.74, so is clear if P.L comes out to be
P.F1 = - 1 * mod (A - a) … (5) equal to L i.e. Levels then best
P.F2 = - 1 * mod (B - b) implementation as far as budgeting is
concerned and if P.L comes out to be -L
P.Fn = - 1 * mod (Z - z) then most improper implementation.

E.g. P.F1, P.F2, and P.F3 are

(P.F=-1*mod (A-a) = 0.6 (as lies inside
the band)), (P.F2 = -0.12 (as a lies
outside the band)) and (P.F3 = 0.1 (as
lies inside the band)) respectively.


Total proper factor tells us the

properness of the entire system, its value
is in between -1 to 1 (Most Improper to
Most Proper), P.Ft = 0, does not means
improperness rather infectiveness.

P.Ft = P.F1 + P.F2 + P.F3 … + P.Fn … (6)

E.g. in above case (P.Ft = 0.6 - 0.12 +

0.1 =0.58), for the best case scenario, if
(a = 0.4, b = 0.5, c=0.1) then according
to above rules P.Ft = 1 means proper
budgeting is done and organization
seriously shows concern about society.
ARFI Proper and
Improper OSR Model

Attribute %age Attribute %age Attribute %age Attribute %age Attribute %age

Loop unless find

smallest value
among attributes
Smallest Value =

Weight of AP1 Weight of AP1 Weight of AP1 Weight of AP1

= W1 = W2 = W4 = W5
= int (AP1 / SV) = int (AP2 / SV) Weight of AP1 = int (AP4 / SV) = int (AP5 / SV)
= W3
= int (AP3 / SV)

Total Weight = n = W1 + W2 + W3 +W4 + W5

Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated Calculated

Budget Weight Budget Weight Budget Weight Budget Weight Budget Weight
A = (W1 / n) B = (W2 / n) C = (W3 / n) D = (W4 / n) E = (W5 / n)

Input Budget a Input Budget b Input Budget c Input Budget d Input Budget e

If(a>=(A-k) If(b>=(B-k) If(c>=(C-k) If(d>=(D-k) If(e>=(E-k)

&& && && && &&
a<=(A+k)) b<=(B+k)) c<=(C+k)) d<=(D+k)) e<=(E+k))

YesNo Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No
P.F (Proper P.F (Proper No P.F (Proper No P.F (Proper P.F (Proper
Factor) Factor) Factor) Factor) Factor)
P.F1 = a P.F2 = b P.F3 = c P.F4 = d P.F5 = e

P.F1 = -1 * |A – a| P.F2 = -1 * |B – b| P.F3 = -1 * |C – c| P.F4 = -1 * |D – d| P.F5 = -1 * |E – e|

P.Ft = P.F1 + PF2 + P.F3 + PF4 + PF5

P.Ft =P.Ft Yes P.F total = +ve No P.Ft = (P.Ft/2)

P.L = P.Ft * L
Future Research Strategies

Our major research area relates to the

quantitative analysis of OSR indicators.
Besides, our current work is deriving an
assuring standard for OSR only, as we
have SA8000, AA1000 and ISO14000 for
social accountability and environmental
guarantee respectively.


1. Corporate Social Responsibility at

2. The Concept of CSR at

3. Lakshmi Mittal the billionaire at

4. Dubai Knowledge Village at

5. Licensed Institutions at

6. DCCV forms CSR committee at

7. Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari (1997)

Ethics and Spiritual Growth,
Foundation of Islamic Cultural and
Propagation in the World, Tehran

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