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1. Name Dr. Akepati Sivarami Reddy

2. Date of birth August 08, 1958
3. Address Associate Professor and Head
School of Energy and Environment
Thaar !niversity
Patiala "P!#$A%& ' 1() 00(*
4. Academic ad !rofessioa" #$a"ificatios
4.a% M.Sc.& '(otay )ith Soi" Microbio"o*y Specia"i+atio%
Percentage of -ar.s and /lass
0ear of assing
S*1* !niversity, Tiruathi, Andhra Pradesh
2irst /lass3 40*45
4.b% M.,ech. 'Evirometa" Scieces - E*ieeri*%
7rade Point Average "7PA&6
0ear of Passing6
Thesis 8or.6
+ndian +nstitute of Technology, %om9ay : (00 0)4
)*84 on a scale of 10
Socio:economic +macts of +ndustrial ;eveloment
in a <ural Situation6 A /ase Study of <oha -+;/
Area, <aigad ;istrict
4.c% !h.D. 'Management%
Pro=ect title6
0ear of comletion6
Pun=a9 School of -anagement Studies, Pun=a9i
!niversity, Patiala
Environmental Management Systems for Pulp and
Paper Mills
.. /ther #$a"ificatios
..a% Additioa" traii*
NA(0 empae""ed Assessor "+;6 1?(>& "successfully comleted @Aa9oratory
Assessor course as er +SB,+E/ 1)0>56 >005C organiDed 9y #A%A during Bcto9er
>010 at +ndian +nstitute of Euality -anagement "++E-&, $aiur&*
1R2A certified #$a"ity Maa*emet Systems A$ditor30ead A$ditor ,raii*
2o$rse, delivered 9y %S+ +ndia Private Aimited during #ovem9er, >009*
2ertified Eer*y Maa*er c$m A$ditor of ($rea$ of Eer*y Efficiecy,
7overnment of +ndia*
+</A certified /cc$patioa" 4ea"th - Safety Maa*emet Systems A$ditor3
0ead A$ditor ,raii* 2o$rse, delivered 9y %S+ +ndia Private Aimited during >9
#ov* ' 0? ;ec* >00(*
ESD5 a participatory o"ie co$rse, organiDed 9y 882:!F during $an* ' Aril
EARA approved fo$datio co$rse i Environmental Auditing (India),
organiDed 9y /onfederation of +ndian +ndustry "/++&, #eG ;elhi during >>
to >)
..b% Atteded 112 days of traii* pro*rams - short6term pro*rams3co$rses i
fo""o)i* areas5
-anagement caacity enhancement rogram for administrators
+ndustrial heating
+ndustrial noise ollution
+SB 1)0>5 and internal auditing of Aa9oratory -anagement System
Ecological farming
%iomedical and -unicial Solid 8aste -anagement
+ntegrated -anagement Systems
Environmental -anagement Systems and +SB 1(000 series of standards
Bccuational Health and Safety -anagement Systems and BHSAS 18000 series of
Environmental +mact Assessment and Environmental -anagement
/onseHuences of /limate /hanges I +ts <emedial -easures
Productivity Enhancement Through <esource 8aste <eduction
Alications of -em9rane for %iotechnology, 2ood Processing I 8asteGater
+nstrumentation TechniHues for Agricultural Scientists
Auto /A;
+ndustry:+nstitute Partnershi
..c% 2"eared the fo""o)i* atioa" "eve" tests
$unior <esearch 2elloGshi eJamination of /S+< during Ginter, 198?
7raduate Atitude Test for Engineering "7ATE& Gith 94*)> ercentile during
Ginter, 198?
7. Areas of ,eachi*& Research ad 2os$"tacy 1terest
7.a% ,eachi* iterest
8ater suly engineering
8asteGater engineering
Environmental unit rocesses and oerations
Environmental hydraulics
+ndustrial Gaste management
-anagement systems and auditing
Energy conservation and management
Environmental olicy and legislation
7.b% Research iterest
+ndustrial Gaste management and industrial environmental management
8ater and GasteGater treatment technologies
8ater Huality monitoring and management
Storm Gater hydrology and management
8aste sta9iliDation ond systems and their modifications
7.c% Areas of cos$"tacy services
;esign and analysis of 8asteGater Treatment Plants including SeGage Treatment
+ndustrial 8aste -anagement
-anagement Systems for Energy and Environment in industries
8. 2$rret Emp"oymet
Associate Professor and Head, School of Energy and Environment, Thaar !niversity,
9. :ork E;periece
9.a.1% ,eachi* E;periece < 24 years
Desi*atio Uiversity D$ratio Nat$re of :ork
Thaar !niversity
"formerly Thaar
+nstitute of
Engineering and
Teaching environmental technology and
management su9=ects at !7 I P7 levels
Providing consultancy services to the
regional industry in the area of industrial
environmental management
Suervision of graduate research ro=ects
for Ph*;* and -*Tech*
Administration as Head, School of Energy
and Environment
Thaar !niversity
"formerly Thaar
+nstitute of
Engineering and
$uly >000 to
Teaching environmental technology and
management su9=ects at !7 I P7 levels
Providing consultancy services to the
regional industry in the area of industrial
environmental management
Suervision of graduate research ro=ects
for Ph*;* and -*Tech*
Aecturer Thaar !niversity, $uly 1989 to Same as a9ove
Patiala $uly >000
Thaar !niversity,
8 months
";ec* 1988
to $uly
Teaching environmental engineering
su9=ects at !7 I P7 levels and association
in the develoment of Environmental
Engg* <esearch Aa9oratory
9.a.2% S$b=ects ta$*ht at U> ad !> "eve"s
U> "eve" !> "eve"
8ater suly engineering
8asteGater engineering
+ndustrial GasteGater management
Environment and sustaina9ility,
Environmental studies
Environmental unit rocesses and
Environmental management systems and
Environmental hydraulics
+ndustrial Gaste management
Environmental olicy and legislation
Energy and environment
9.b% Research ad 2os$"tacy e;periece < over 2? years 'parallel with teaching work%
Desi*atio 1stit$tio3Uiversity D$ratio Nat$re of :ork
Ad=unct Scientist Sohisticated Analytical
+nstruments Aa9oratories
"SA+ Aa9s*&, Thaar
!niversity, Patiala,
$an >011 to
Bcto9er >01>
Head of the SA+ Aa9s*
/oordinating testing,
training, consultancy and
<I; activities*
Ad=unct Scientist T/+<; "Thaar center for
industrial research I
develoment&, Thaar
Technology /amus,
Patiala, Pun=a9*
August >008 to
Head of the ;eartment of
Analytical Services in
/oordinating testing,
training, consultancy and
<I; activities*
T/+<; "Thaar center for
industrial research I
develoment&, Thaar
Technology /amus,
Patiala, Pun=a9*
Bne year "from
$an* to ;ec*,
<I; ro=ects in the field of
industrial environmental
AP< Atd*, Famalauram,
8arangal ";ist*&, Andhra
> years "during
1994 I 199)&
Evaluation of GasteGater
management system of
A*P*<* Atd*, and ilot scale
evaluation of constructed
Getland system for the
treatment of the ul:mill
Scientist /P/%E "/enter for
ollution control and 9io:
Gaste Energy&,
Pondicherry !niversity,
1 year "Se*
199( to Se*
1995& ' on
Environmental feasi9ility
study for an electro:minerals
lant, and co:ordination of
Sustaina9ility Studies of
-anali +ndustrial Area
2aculty deutiDed
under +nstitute:
AP< Atd*, Famalauram,
8arangal ";ist*&, Andhra
? months "in
8ater 9alance studies of a
<ayon grade ul mill
<esearch 2elloG School of Ecology,
Pondicherry !niversity,
1 year "#ov*
198) to #ov*
Anaero9ic digestion rocess
<esearch 2elloG #orth Eastern Hill
!niversity, Shillong
? years "$une
198> to $uly
Eco:hysiological asects of
secondary successional
forest communities
@ Half time assignment
A. Accomp"ishmets
A.a% Sposored pro=ects
Satlu= <iver -onitoring Program "sonsored 9y #ational ;irectorate of <iver
/onservation& and STPs monitoring under the Satlu= <iver Action Plan "1
>001 to ?1
-arch, >01?& : 9udget of the ro=ect is <s* 1>*5 Aa.h er year*
+nvestigations on groundGater contamination 9y -atharu /hemical +ndustries "noG
-ahala.shmi Brganochem +ndustries&, #a9ha <oad, %haGanigarh, Sangrur
;istrict& ' ro=ect amount is <s* 5*( Aa.h : : comleted in >010*
Team leader for 8asteGater -anagement Study of %+AT "Ashti& unit ' Pro=ect
amount Gas <s* 4*>5 Aa.h :: comleted in >000*
A.b% Research >$idace
Ph*;*6 ) "siJ ongoing in Thaar !niversity, and one su9mitted in 7uru #ana. ;ev
!niversity "7#;!&, Amritsar&*
P7 dissertations6
-*Tech*6 ?0 comleted and ? ongoing*
-*Sc*6 ? comleted*
A.c% 2os$"tacy pro=ects
1* GasteGater management and effluent treatment lant studies of ?> teJtile
rocessing units of Amritsar, for the Amritsar TeJtile Processors
Association, Amrtisar, Pun=a9 "in rogress& 8ater and GasteGater
management studies for +nd:SGift Aa9oratories, ;era %assi, Pun=a9, Patiala "in
>* /aacity and erformance assessment, and design analysis of the Effluent
Treatment Plant of Analysis for 7illanders Ar9uthnot I /o* Atd*, Ahmedgarh,
Pun=a9 ">01?&*
?* 8ater and GasteGater management studies for -ahara=a Processor, Audhiana,
Pun=a9 ">01?&*
(* Environmental 2easi9ility and ETP and AP/;s design, Fohinoor <eclaimers,
Fatua, $IF* ">01>&
5* Environmental 2easi9ility and ETP and AP/;s design, Eastman <eclaimers,
Fatua, $IF* ">01>&
4* Aroriateness assessment of the modified guidelines for the management and
handling of rice hus. in the rice shelling units, for <a=ura -illers
Association ">01>&*
)* ;esign of effluent treatment lant and air ollution control devices for <*F*
<u99er <eclamation Pvt* Atd*, -oga, Pun=a9 ">011&*
8* ;esing of a system for the treatment of sent coolant oil for STEA/B Atd*,
%hatinda <oad, <amura Phul, Pun=a9 ">011&*
9* Environmental feasi9ility analysis and STP design for Alliance +ntegrated
-etali.s Atd*, Sarai %an=ara, Patiala ">011&*
10* Environmental feasi9ility analysis and STP and ETP design for Amte. <ailcar
+ndustries Pvt* Atd*, Sadhugarh, Patiala ">011&*
11* Environmental feasi9ility analysis and Effluent Treatment Plant "ETP& design
for /osmas <esearch Aa9s* Atd*, Audhiana ">011&*
1>* Environmental feasi9ility analysis and Effluent Treatment Plant "ETP& design
for -ahavir ;yeing and 2inishing +ndustries, Ta=ur <oad, Audhiana ">011&*
1?* Environmental feasi9ility analysis and Effluent Treatment Plant "ETP& design
for $amuna Processors, Audhiana ">011&*
1(* ;esign of STP for Thaar Technology camus ">010&*
15* -anagement of merceriDing GasteGater of <ain9oG ;enim, Aalru, ;era %assi
14* Technical Audit of SeGage Treatment Plant, Effluent Treatment Plant and
/ommon Effluent Treatment Plant of ;iesel -oderniDation 8or.s, Patiala
1)* Environmental feasi9ility analysis and Effluent Treatment Plant design for %*
Aal Bverseas, /handigarh <oad, Audhiana ">010&
18* Evaluation of the eJisting SeGage Treatment Plant "STP& and designing neG
STP for the Patiala -ilitary Station ">010&*
19* 2easi9ility analysis of ;illon 2ats I Bils, <amura hul for 8ater Pollution
/ontrol ">009&
>0* Environmental feasi9ility analysis of AsGani Fnit !nit, Audhiana "a teJtile
dyeing unit& for 8ater and Air Pollution /ontrol ">009&*
>1* ;esign of seGage treatment lant for PingalGara at -anaGala /omleJ,
Amritsar ">008&*
>>* ;esign of effluent treatment lant for <*F* <u99er <eclamation Pvt* Atd*,
-oga, Pun=a9 ">008&*
>?* ;esign of seGage treatment lant for the Pun=a9i !niversity, Patiala ">008&*
>(* Environmental feasi9ility analysis and environmental imact assessment
studies of the Her9al ;rug !nit of /eham -il. Secialities Atd*, ;era %assi,
Patiala ">00)&*
>5* ;esign of seGage treatment lant for SS8A, Aalru* Patiala, Pun=a9 ">00)&*
>4* ;esign of SeGage Treatment Plant for TalGara ToGnshi of %a.ra:%ias
-anagement %oard of 7overnment of +ndia ">004&*
>)* Performance evaluation and caacity assessment of /ommon Effluent
Treatment Plant "for the treatment of GasteGaters from electrolating units& of
Pun=a9 State +ndustrial EJort /ororation, ;andari Falan, Audhiana, Pun=a9
>8* 8aste -anagement Program and Environmental 2easi9ility <eort for the
eJansion ro=ect "Truc. Gheels manufacturing ro=ect& of SS8A, Aalru*
Patiala, Pun=a9 ">004&*
>9* ;eveloment of GasteGater management system for the /eham -il.
Secialities Aimited, ;era %assi, Pun=a9 ">005&*
?0* ;eveloment and imlementation of +SB 1(001 certifia9le Environmental
-anagement System for SS8A, Aalru* Patiala, Pun=a9 ">005&*
?1* Effluent Treatment Plant "ETP& design and Environmental 2easi9ility Analysis
for the caacity eJansion ro=ect of SS8A, Aalru* Patiala, Pun=a9 ">00(&*
?>* EJert /omments on the office order of Pun=a9 Pollution control %oard, Patiala
regarding design criteria laid doGn for ETPs for Saila Plants ' for Alliance
Engineers, Patiala ">00(&*
??* 8asteGater -anagement Program for #ahar 2a9rics "a fa9ric dyeing unit&,
Aalru* Patiala, Pun=a9 ">00>&*
?(* Performance Evaluation of SeGage Treatment Plant of <ail /oach 2actory,
Faurthala, Pun=a9 ">00>&*
?5* 8asteGater -anagement and 2easi9ility Studies for SS8A, Aalru* Patiala,
Pun=a9 ">00>&*
?4* AdeHuacy of the ash disosal techniHue for +ndian Acrylics Aimited, Sangrur,
Patiala, Pun=a9 ">001&*
?)* ;esign of Effluent Treatment Plant for P<T/ 8or.sho, /handigarh, for
Pesu <oadGays Transort /ororation, Patiala "Pun=a9& ">000&*
?8* Evaluation of 8asteGater -anagement System of A*P*<* Atd*, Famalauram,
8arangal, Andhra Pradesh "1994&*
?9* Environmental 2easi9ility Studies of the roosed Pondicherry lant of -,s
/utfast A9rasive Tools Atd*, -adras "1995&*
(0* Aeacha9ility studies on hyo:sludge disosal site : a consultancy ro=ect from
Pun=a9 Al.alis I /hemicals Atd*, #aya #angal, Pun=a9 "199(&*
A.d% Evirometa" co$se"i* services to
%handari EJorts, Aalru*
Satya aer mills, -u.tsar*
<ama industries, Aalru*
<ain9oG ;enim, Aalru*
;7S aer, Patiala*
Para9olic drugs Atd*, ;era %assi*
/ETP, Aeather /omleJ, $aladhar*
Pun=a9 Aarel Par., ;oraha, Audhiana*
Prem ;yeing, Audhiana*
-ahavir dyeing, Audhiana
-alteJ -alster Atd*, Patiala*
Stelco, <amura Phul*
BsGal ;yeing, Audhiana*
8e9son Hosiary 2actory, Audhiana*
%* Aal Bverseas Atd*, Audhiana*
Aovely ;yeing, Audhiana*
+ndus Pun=a9 2roDen 2oods EJorts Pvt* Atd*, Pathan.ot*
Fe=riGal %ee /are +ndia Atd*, %anur, Patiala*
;evinder Sandhu +maJ Atd*, Audhiana*
Emson tools -fg* /ororation ltd*, Audhiana*
SGaroosons Atd*, Audhiana*
Poonam TeJtiles, Audhiana*
< +ndustries Atd*, Audhiana*
Eveline +nternational, Audhiana*
Surya TeJtiles, Amritsar*
A.d% ,raii* pro*rams ad short6term co$rses prepared ad or*ai+ed
1* 4:day hands on training rogram on @8ater and 8asteGater AnalysisC "organiDed
9y School of Energy and Environment, Thaar !niversity, Patiala, during >(
$une, >01?&
>* 1 day Ecological Sanitation Gor.sho as art of the Environmental /onvergence:
>01? "organiDed 9y Thaar !niversity during >9:?0 Aril, >01?&
?* ? day training rogram on +nstrumental -ethods of Analysis "organiDed during (:
Bcto9er >010&*
(* ? day training rogram on Air Euality -onitoring "organiDed 9y >5:>)
5* > day training rogram on Energy /onservation in -il. Plants "organiDed during
>9:?0, $anuary >009&*
4* 1 day training rogram on 8asteGater -anagement System for teJtile dyeing,
rinting and finishing industry for TeJtile Processors Association, Amritsar
"organiDed during 1:?, $anuary >009&*
)* > day training rogram on @Activated Sludge Treatment Process and its -onitoring,
Beration and /ontrolC "organiDed during 1(:15, #ovem9er >008&*
8* 4:day training rogram on @8ater and 8asteGater -onitoringC "organiDed during
$anuary >008&*
9* >:day training rogram on @Environmental -anagement Systems and +SB 1(000
series of standardsC during 19:>0, Bcto9er >00)*
10* /oordinated one:day Gor.sho on @Water Resources Management, during 18
#ovem9er, >004*
11* /oordinating ?:day training rogram on KEnvironmental Law as pplica!le to
IndustryL during 8:10 #ovem9er, >001*
1>* /oordinated ?:day short:term course on @Industrial Pollution "ontrol and
Management # IP"M#$% $&&&C during 14:18, Aril 1999*
/ontri9uted as resource erson in various short:term courses and training rograms in
the areas of
8ater management in teJtile rocessing units
Environmental monitoring
+nstrumentation in Environmental -onitoring
+ndustrial Environmental -anagement and +SB 1(000 series of standards
Process maing and Environmental analysis of industrial facilities
+ndian environmental laG
8asteGater treatment technologies
Environmental education and environmental aGareness related toics
A.e% Maa*emet systems a$diti*
Acting as #A%A Technical Assessor and involved in the auditing of the folloGing6
/entral Aa9oratory, 8est %engal Pollution /ontrol %oard, Fol.ata during >4:>)
-ay >01?
1imta Aa9s, Hydera9ad during >(:>5 #ovem9er >01>*
+ndian Pesticide testing la9oratories, /handigarh "as o9server&
A.f% 2ofereces atteded ad papers preseted
1* A*S* <eddy, Siddhartha Sharma, ;eveloment of use secific Gater Huality
indices and evaluation of the Gater Huality of satlu= river, Environmental
Sustaina9ility and Society6 The 7roGing Paradigm Shift, $*P* !niveristy,
7una "-P&, +ndia, ?0:?1 -arch, >01?*
>* A*S* <eddy and A*S* Arora6 <egression -odels for the !r9an storm Gater
Euality Assessment, Environmental Sustaina9ility and Society6 The
7roGing Paradigm Shift, $*P* !niveristy, 7una "-P&, +ndia, ?0:?1 -arch,
?* A*S* <eddy and Harreet Singh6 <eclamation of TeJtile ;yeing GasteGater
9y using Electrolytic rocess, Environmental Sustaina9ility and Society6 The
7roGing Paradigm Shift, $*P* !niveristy, 7una "-P&, +ndia, ?0:?1 -arch,
(* A*S* <eddy, -egha %edi and Amarreet S* Arora6 Hydrological -odels for
Huantification of run off generated in ur9an and rural catchments,drainage
9asins,Gater sheds, 7reen Technology for Sustaina9le Environmental
-anagement at ;oon !niversity, ;ehradun, +ndia, >>:>? -arch >01?*
5* A*S* <eddy and Famna Srivastava6 Sta9iliDation of municial solid Gaste 9y
anaero9ic digestion, 7reen Technology for Sustaina9le Environmental
-anagement at ;oon !niversity, ;ehradun, +ndia, >>:>? -arch >01?*
4* A*S* <eddy, Arshdee Faur and Harreet Singh6 -em9rane rocesses for the
recycling and reuse of cotton teJtile dye 9ath effluent, 7reen Technology for
Sustaina9le Environmental -anagement at ;oon !niversity, ;ehradun,
+ndia, >>:>? -arch >01?*
)* A*S* <eddy, 7urinder Faur and Su.hrishal Faur6 1illage onds and rural
Gater resources management, 7reen Technology for Sustaina9le
Environmental -anagement at ;oon !niversity, ;ehradun, +ndia, >>:>?
-arch >01?*
8* A*S* <eddy6 Feynote Address, #ational conference on Preservation of
Environment6 /hallenges 9efore Humanity, 7uru 7randh Sahi9 !niversity,
2atheh 7arh Sahi9, Pun=a9, 1(
-arch, >01?*
9* A*S* <eddy6 -anufacturing for the environment and sustaina9ility, +nvited aer
for the #ational conference on eco:friendly manufacturing for sustaina9le
develoment, organiDed 9y 7AA !niversity, -athura during 19:>1 #ovem9er
10* A*S* <eddy, H* Singh and A* Singh6 Pet co.e as environmentally safe fuel for small
industrial steam 9oilers, Proceedings of >
+nternational conference on
Environmental -anagement "$#T!, Hydera9ad, Bct* >5:>8
, >010&, 991:998*
11* A*S* <eddy, 1* ;uggal, -* AggarGal, <*F* Patel, $*#* %a9u, <* 1erma and H*
Fumar6 Mero effluent discharge strategy for GasteGater management from crushed
9one acid leaching rocess, Proceedings of >
+nternational conference on
Environmental -anagement "$#T!, Hydera9ad, Bct* >5:>8
, >010&, 84(:8)>*
1>* T* 7ill, A*S* Arora, S* Sharma, T* Faur and A*S* <eddy6 Performance and design
analysis of !AS% 9ased seGage treatment lants, Proceedings of >
conference on Environmental -anagement "$#T!, Hydera9ad, Bct* >5:>8
, >010&,
1?* A*S* <eddy, 1* ;uggal, $*#* %a9u, -* AggarGal, <*F* Patel and H* Singh6
+ntegrated management of merceriDing GasteGater from a ;enim fa9ric
manufacturing industrial facility, Proceedings of >
+nternational conference on
Environmental -anagement "$#T!, Hydera9ad, Bct* >5:>8
, >010&, 45>:44>*
1(* +nvited aer KEnvironmental Performance +mrovement through E-S AroachC
for the #ational Seminar on Sustaina9le ;eveloment organiDed 9y <+-T:
+nstitute of -anagement I /omuter Technology during >5:>)
-arch >008*
15* +nvited lecture @/hallenges of !r9an SanitationC for the one day Environmental
Pollution symosium of The <otary /lu9, Patiala on ?1:?:>00)*
14* +nvited lecture @-elting +ce6 A Hot ToicC for the 8orld Environment ;ay >00)
cele9rations 9y The +nstitution of Engineers "+ndia&, Pun=a9 and /handigarh State
1)* Fey note resentation on @Evirometa" Ed$catio ad Ed$catio for
S$staiab"e Deve"opmetB for the 10
annual conference of +ndian Association of
%iology Teachers "colleges& on >4:0>:>004*
18* Fey note resentation on @River :ater Maa*emetB for the annual meet of
Pun=a9 State 7eograherCs society*
19* Ed$catio for S$staiab"e Deve"opmet i 4i*her Ed$catio5 ,1E,Bs
E;periece ' +nternational /onference on Engineering Education in Sustaina9le
;eveloment "EES;:>00(&, organiDed 9y +nternational /enter for #umerical
-ethods in Engineering "/+-#E&, !P/, %arcelona, Sain during Bcto9er >):>9,
>0* Ed$catio as a too" for s$staiab"e deve"opmet ' Asian conference on
Environmental Education KEnvironmental Education and /ivil SocietyL, organiDed
9y +ndian Environmental Society, during #ovem9er ):9, >00?, #eG ;elhi*
>1* !rocess based maa*emet systems ad prod$ctivity "A+/TE sonsored
#ational Seminar on K7lo9al /ometitiveness and Productivity in +ndian
%usinessL, -arch >1:>>, >00?, Aee=ay +nstitute of -anagement, $alandhar,
>>* !repari* 1stit$te for s$ccessf$" iteractios )ith id$stry "for @The <I;
/hallenge 9efore the +ndian +ndustry ' Time to have a Aoo. at Bur !niversities
"T2S&C, organiDed 9y Thaar +nstitute of Engineering I Technology, Patiala, during
-ay, >001&*
>?* Ed$catio for s$staiabi"ity "for ?)
Annual /onference at Patiala, ;ec* >):>9,
>0003 All +ndia Science Teachers Association and Education Staff /ollege, Patiala&*
>(* 2ostr$cted :et"ad Systems for the treatmet of id$stria" eff"$ets "for
seminar on Advances in %iotechnology in Pul I Paer +ndustry, -ay ):8, 19993
Thaar /enter for +ndustrial <esearch and ;eveloment, Patiala "P!#$A%& ' 1()
>5* A 2ocept$a" Approach ,o)ards ,ack"i* the :ater 0o**i* !rob"em of
2aa" 1rri*atio "for #ational /onference on Sustaina9le ;eveloment3 <egional
Engineering /ollege, Hamirur, Himachal Pradesh&*
>4* Evirometa" maa*emet systems vis6C6vis re*$"atory a*ecies as if
acceptace by the "atter matters "for >8
Annual /onvention of +STE and
#ational Seminar on @Environment and ;evelomentC, #ov* >1:>?, 19983 +STE and
Pun=a9 Agric !niversity, Audhiana&*
>)* !roced$re for the deve"opmet& imp"emetatio ad maiteace of po""$tio
prevetio pro*rams "for >8
Annual /onvention of +STE and #ational Seminar
on @Environment and ;evelomentC, #ov* >1:>?, 19983 +STE and Pun=a9 Agric
!niversity, Audhiana&*
>8* Aa"ysis of trasportatio activities from the a*"e of eer*y as if red$ced oi"
cos$mptio matters "for <oad Transortation6 +ssues I Strategies "<T+SC98&C,
Bct*, 19983 Thaar +nstitute of Engg* I Technology, Patiala&*
>9* >$ide"ies for the artic$"atio ad operatio of s$b6s$rface f"o) costr$cted
)et"ad systems "for Annual /onvention "regional& I Seminar on @Environmental
Pollution I /ontrolC, 18
Set*, 19983 +STE <egional /hater and %eant /ollege of
Engg* I Technology, 7urdasur&*
?0* Ed$catio for S$staiabi"ity "for +nternational conference and eJhi9ition,
century, ;ec* 14:1), 199)3 #A2E#, #eG ;elhi&*
A.*% Research !$b"icatios
1* Siddhartha Sharma and A.eati S* <eddy6 ;eveloment of Gater Huality indices for
designated 9est uses of surface Gater 9ody, +nternational =ournal of engineering
Science and innovative technology, 1ol* >, issue :5 "Set*, >01?&*
>* -anGinder Faur, Arvind Fumar Aal, Satvinder Singh %hatia and A.eati Sivarami
<eddy6 Performance analysis of industrial system under corrective and reventive
maintenance, in Euality and relia9ility ' recent trends and future directions, %o9y
$ohn, !*H* Acharya and Ashis F* /h.ra9orty "Eds&, Alied Pu9lishers Pvt* Atd*,
?(>:?5>, >01?*
?* -anGinder Faur, A*F* Aal, S*S* %hatia and A*S* <eddy6 #umerical solution of
stochastic artial differential difference eHuation arising in relia9ility engineering,
Alied -athematics and /omutation "in ress&, ;B+6
(* A*S* Arora and A*S* <eddy6 ;eveloment of multile linear regression models for
redicting the stormGater Huality of ur9an su9:Gatersheds, %ulletin of
Environmental /otamination I ToJicology "under revieG&
5* A*S* Arora and A*S* <eddy6 -ultivariate analysis for assessing the Huality of
stormGater from different !r9an surfaces of the Patiala city, Pun=a9 "+ndia&, !r9an
8ater $ournal, "in ress, ;B+610*1080,15)?04>N*>01>*)?94>9*
4* -*S* %hatti, A.S. Reddy and A*F* Thu.ral6 Electrocoagulation removal of /r"1+&
from simulated GasteGater using resonse surface methodology, $* HaDard* -ater*
1)> ">009& 8?9:8(4*
)* -*S* %hatti, A.S. Reddy, <*F* Falia and A*F* Thu.ral6 -odeling and otimiDation
of voltage and treatment time for electrocoagulation removal of heJavalent
chromium, ;esalination >49 ">011& 15):14>*
8* -*S* %hatti, ;* Faoor, <*F* Falia, A.S. Reddy and A*F* Thu.ral6 <S- and A##
modeling for electrocoagulation of coer from simulated GasteGater6 -ulti
o9=ective otimiDation using generic algorithm aroach, ;esalination >)( ">011&
9* 1* $aitly and A*S* <eddy6 Evaluation of Patiala /ityCs SeGerage System, +ndian $*
Environ* Prot*, 1ol* 18, no* (, Aril, 1998*
A.h% ,echica" Reports ad /ther !$b"icatios
May techica" reports relating to the consultancy ro=ects and <I; ro=ects
8asteGater -anagement Study of %+AT:Ashti !nit, August >000, su9mitted to
%allarur +ndustries Aimited*
<evieG of reort concerning seGage treatment lants for Audhiana, $allandhar,
PhagGara and Phillaur toGns, su9mitted to Pun=a9 7overnment 9y #EE<+, #agur,
Environmental Analysis of a <ayon 7rade Pul +ndustry* A reort of visit to
Andhra Pradesh <ayons Atd* "A*P*& su9mitted to -inistry of Human <esources
;eveloment, 1990*
1?. /ther 2redetia"s
+ndeendent ;irector on the %oard of ;irectors of #im9ua 7reenfield "Pun=a9&
Aimited since Bcto9er >009*
President, Pun=a9 State /hater of Society of Energy Engineers and -anagers
-em9er of /ommittee of EJerts of the Pun=a9 State Pollution /ontrol %oard for
the AuthoriDation of -unicial Solid 8aste Processing and ;isosal 2acilities of
the -unicialities of the Pun=a9 State "<eresenting Thaar !niversity, Patiala in
the council&*
-em9er of State Environmental /ouncil of the Pun=a9 State "<eresenting Thaar
!niversity, Patiala in the council&*
EJert -em9er of State Aevel /risis 7rou of the Pun=a9 State since 2e9ruary
>005* "This grou is concerned Gith the /hemical Accidents that occur in the
Pun=a9 State&
EJert cum /ourse 8riter for the @Environmental Pollution -onitoringC course of
P7 ;iloma in Analytical /hemistry 9y +7#B!*
+nternal consultant for AP <ayons Aimited, Famalauram, Andhra Pradesh, during
8or.ed as guest faculty in /hemistry ;eartment of Pun=a9i !niversity, Patiala,
for > years "199>:9? and 199?:9(&*
-em9ershi of rofessional 9odies ' +ndian Society for Technical Education "Aife
-em9er&, #ational Ecology and Environment 2oundation "Aife -em9er&, Society
of Energy Engineers and -anagers "Aife -em9er&*
11. Refereces
;r* P*F* %a=ai
;istinguished rofessor and ;ean "<SP&
Thaar !niversity
Patiala ' 1() 00(
;r* %*S* %hatia
;irector 7eneral
<+-T:+nstitute of -anagement I /omuter
-andi 7o9indgarh
;r* A9hi=it
+ndian +nstitute Technology
;r* A*A*$* <ao
Professor "retired& of /hemistry
Pun=a9i !niversity
Patiala : 1() 001
!"ace5 'Dr. Akepati S. Reddy%

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