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cTeste engleza

1. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
Buckingham Palace is more than five hundred years old.
2. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
In 2! "omania and #l$ania %oined the &uro'ean (nion.
). Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
If you are *elcoming a visitor+ you *ill $e less 'olite than *hen *elcoming a friend.
,. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
# ma-imum num$er of forty 'er class *ould assure a more suita$le
environment in the classroom and the students *ould $e a$le to concentrate
$etter and learn more.
.. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
De'ending on the addressee+ an invitation can $e more or less formal .
/. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
0i$ra is the 1odiacal sign thet $egins on 2cto$er 2)
and ends on 3ovem$er 21

!. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
40ite5 friends are those friends *ith *hom you *ant to $e dee'ly disclosing.
6. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
"omania and Bulgaria are the lastest 7em$er 8tates %oining the &uro'ean (noin.

9. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
Today:s &uro'ean (nion is the result of half a century hard *ork. In no other region of the
*orld have sovereign countries 'ooled their sovereignty to this e-tent and in so many areal of
crucial im'ortance to their citi1ens.
1. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The &uro'ean (nion hasn:t created a single market ($ecause 'eo'le+ services+ goods and ca'ital
cannot move around freely)

11. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The &uro'ean (nion has a very s'ecial anthem; Beethoven:s 2deto <oy+ from 8ym'fony9;+ and
a =el$ration Day;9 7ay
12. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The &uro'ean Flag is a circle of 2! stars on a $lue $ackground.
1). Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The #merican flag is the 8tars and the 8tri'es
1,. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
#merica *as discovered $y =rist'her =olum$us in 1,92.
1.. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The #merican =ongress consist of the 8enate and the >ouse of "e'resentatives.
1/. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The #merican =onstitution is the oldest *ritten constitution in the *orld.
1!. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The (nited ?ingdom is a 'arliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.
16. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The >ead of the #nglican =hurch (in (?) is the Po'e.
19. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
Tele*orkers are 'eo'le *ho *ork in com'anies not for com'anies
2. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
@hen you have decided to find a %o$+ the first ste' is to read the ads for vacancies in different
ne*s'a'ers+ maga1ines+ n s'eciali1ed internet sites or to contact a recruitment agency.
21.Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
If the em'loyer decides your $ackground and e-'erience are suita$le for the vacancy
advertised+ you *ill $e em'loyed *ithin t*enty days.

22. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
@hen you have decides to find a %o$+ you need to *rite an #''lication 0etter and a =uriculum
Aitae to the nearest com'any.
2). Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
If the emolyer decides your $ackground and e-'erience are suita$le for the vacancy advertised+
you *ill $e shortliisted for an intervie*.
2,. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
&very Thursday+ the Bueen of the (? meets the Prime 7inisterC they talk a$out *orld ne*s
and have a drink.
2.. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The Danu$e Delta com'rises 9+/, of marshland+ forests+ lakes+ channels and rivers.
2/. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The =hanel Tunner (or+ in short+ the =hannel) consists of three tunnels+ each thirty miles long.
2!. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
7arks E8'encer+ the British mo$ile 'hones com'any+ is the most famous British sho' in the
26. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The =hannel Tunner((or+ in short+ the =hannel) is the largest tunnel in the *orld.
29. Decide the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
# traditional &nglish $reakfast consists in cereals *ith milk and sugar.
). Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
# ta$loid ne*s'a'er focuses more on sensation than real ne*s.
)1. Decide the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
It is estimated that cor'orate tele'hone usage in the (? has falled $y more than ,Fsince 199..
)2. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The &uro'ean =ommission consists of 2! mem$ers including 1 President and . Aice;
)). Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The sea of the &uro'ean =ommission is in 8trass$ourg.
),. Decide if the sentence is true(T)or false(F)
The (nited ?ingdom com'rises four constituent countries; &ngland+ 3orthen Ireland+ 8cotland
and @ales;+ *ith &li1a$et II as head of 8tate.
Multiple choise
1. How longGGGGGGGGGGG your carH
a. are you having
b. have you had
c. you are having
2. #fter___________ some time *ith my family+ I traveled to 0ondon
a. spending
$. have s'ent
c. have s'ending
). @ould you mindGGGGGGGGGGG the $ook I gave youH
a. to return
b. returning
c. to returning
,. I don:t feelGGGGGGGGGG to the cinema.
a. to going
b. like going
c. to go
.. IGGGGGG him for years.
a. have known
$. kno*
c. have $een kno*ing
/. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGG it go dark+ I $egan to feel afraid.
a. @hile
b. As soon as
c. (ntil
!. Don:t *ork so hard. Iou GGGGGGGGGGGGGvery tired.
a. look as if
$. looking as if
c. look
6. The 'eo'le_____________ house *e:re staying in live in &ngland.
a. *hitch
b. whose
c. *here
9. I heaven:t finished my home*orkGGGGGGGGGGGG.
a. already
$. still
c. yet
1. IGGGGGGGGGGGG in =alifornia *hen I met my friend <oe.
a. *orker
b. was working
c. *orking
11. =an you GGGGGGGGGGGGGGthe keys *hen you get homeH
a. give to her
$. give her
c. to give her
12. #lthough studentsGGGGGGGGGGGG&verton areGGGGGGGGGGG in their earlyGGGG+ *e are acce'ting
more and more GGGGGGGGGa''licants.
a. attend+ generally+ t*enty+ older
b. attending generally twenties olders
c. attending+ generally+ t*enties+ olders
1). Ideally+ theyGGGGGGGhave com'letedGGGGGGG one yearGGGGGGGuniversity.
a. should+ at last+ in
$. must+ as least+ at
c. should at least in
1,. #lthough I madeGGGGGGGGG im'ression during my %o$ intervie*+ I don:t think I:m going to
a. a successful
$. an im'ortant
c. a favorable
1.. I:d like you toGGGGG some recent 'hotosGGGGGGGGGG you *rite me.
a. enclose ne!t time
$. enter+ ne-t time
. c. enclose+ + the ne-t time
1/. In his s'eech+ the PredidentGGGGGGGGGGthe im'ortanceGGGGGGGGGour 'roductivity
a. 'ointed+ of increasing
$. stressed+ of to increase
c. stressed of increasing
1!. 4@hy aren:t you *orkingH5
4Because I don"t kno* *hatGGGGGGGG5
a. do I do
$. am I doing
c. to do
16. If you follo* theGGGGGGGGGGGGyou:ll learn ho* to o'erate this stereo system.
a. *ritings
$. descri'tions
c. instructions
19. 4I *ork a a %ournalist for a national ne*s'a'ers5.
4ThatGGGGGGGGGGGa really interesting %o$5.
a. must be
$. *ould have $een
c. *ill $e
2. 4Iou 'ro$a$ly get a really great salary5.
4I:m not really asGGGGGGGGGGas you think Iam5
a. 'aid *ell
b. well paid
c. *ell 'aying
21. 4 @hat sort of %o$ are you looking forH5
#$:d like to have a %o$GGGGGGGGGuse the foreign languages I kno*5
a. that can
$. *here to
c. where $ can
22. 4>o* good are you at kee'ing deadlinesH5
4I al*ays finish my *ork *hen IGGGGGGGGG.5
a. am su''osing
b. am supposed to
c. have su''ose
2). I $ought a GGGGGGG+GGGGGGG+GGGGGGGGGs*eater.
a. red+ ne*+ *oolen
$. *oolen+ ne*+ red
c. new red wollen
2,. I:d like to ask you some Duestions a$out yourGGGGGGGGG$ackground.
a. education
b. educational
c. educated
2.. 4Iou:re late5
4IGGGGGGGGG here fasted $ecause there *as such a heavy traffic5.
a. can:t get
$. *asn:t getting
c. couldn"t get
2/. I *onderGGGGGGGGGGyou:d mind lending me your calculator
a. ho*
b. whether
c. *hen
2!. 4#nne:s not here no*+ $ut I can take a message for her.5
. 42.?. PlaseGGGGGGGGGGGher to call <oe at eight o:clock5
a. to tell
$. could you tell
c. tell
26. I *orkGGGGGGG small GGGGGGGGcom'any.
a. for+ 'u$lishing
$. in a+ 'u$lishing
c. for a publishing
29. The com'any hasGGGGGGGGGan office in Paris.
a. opened
$. o''ened
c. o'en
). I have $een_________to run a ne* office GGGGGGGGGParis.
a. chose+ in the
$. chosen+ in
c. choosen+ at
)1.#le-andra said sheGGGGGGGGGGtheir marketing manager.
a. was
$. *ere
c. is
)2. IouGGGGGGGGo$viously GGGGGGGGGill for several days.
a. have been
$. had+ $e
c. has+ $een
)). @hat did she sayH 8he said sheGGGGGGGGGGto talk to you.
a. doesn:t have
$. aren:t a$out
c. didn"t want
),. It is dreadful havingGGGGGGGGGGa room *ith her. 8he is so untidyJ
a. sharing
b. to share
c. to stay
).. =an you reallyGGGGGGGGGto $uy that =DGGGGGGGGGGno*H
a. affrorda+ recorder
$. afford+ 'layers
c. afford player
)/. GGGGGGGGGyou ring me to let meGGGGGGGGGyouGGGGGGGsafelyH
a. should+ kno*+ Kre
b can know are
c. can+ kno*+ *ould $e
)!. @hyGGGGGGGG#ndre*GGGGGGGGGGmistakes all the timeH
a. does make
$. is+ making
c. ;+ makes
)6. >o* do you getGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGyour parents%
a. ;+ *ith
$. *ell+ *ith
c. on with
)9. @hat sort of_________car has =hristineGGGGGGGGGGthis timeH
a. ;+ $uy
$. a+ $uy
c. & bought
,. 7y sister had al*aysGGGGGGself;conscious a$outGGGGGGGnose so she decided to go
toGGGGGGGGclinic GGGGGGGGGan o'erationGGGGGGGGGG*ill straighten it.
a. been her a for which
$. $e+ his+ a+ for+ *ho
c. $een+ her+ the+ for+ *ho
,1. IouGGGGGGGG$e very 'roud of your sonGGGGGGGGso many 'ri1es.
a. *ill+ to *in
$. *ill+ *ining
c. must winning
,2. @e thought our cousinsGGGGGGG us *hen they *ere in to*n last *eek+ $ut they didn:t even
'hone. I su''ose theyGGGGGGGGtoo $usy.
a. *ould 'ay a visit+ are all the time
b. would visit must have been
c. *ill visit+ are
,). I have %ustGGGGGGGthe garage to check *hether they:veGGGGGGGGGGmy car+ $ut IGGGGGGGGGget
an ans*er.
a. rung fi!ed can"t
$. ring+ fi-ed+ cannot
c. rung+ fi-+ cannot
,,. @hy did you *alk all the *ay from the stationH IouGGGGGGGGGfor a lift.
a. had to 'honed
b. could have phoned
c. should to ring me u'
,.. The e-'enses *ill $eGGGGGGGGG$yGGGGGGGGGGta-'ayer.
a. 8u''orted+ ;
b. borne the
c. $orne+ those
,/. It is one ofGGGGGGGGGGGcities in &ngland.
a. most 'olluted
b. the most polluted
c. 'olluted
,!. TheGGGGGGGGGGGof the negotiations is uncertain yet.
a. results
$. rules
c. outcome
,6. >e finally GGGGGGGGGGto get in touch *ith him.
a. succeede
b managed
$. succeeded
,9. ThereGGGGGGGGGGgreatGGGGGGGGG$et*een the t*o countries. =lose relations
GGGGGGGGGG$et*een them.
a. are differences e!ist
$. are+ difference+ e-ists
c. is a difference+ are
.. 8he is GGGGGGGGG French and #merican.
a. both
$. also
c. too
.1. >e shouldGGGGGGGG the *aiter a $igger ti'.
a. given
b. have given
c. gave
.2. >eGGGGGGGGGGin 'olitics since the last GGGGGGGG.
a. *as interested+ elections
b. has been interested elections
c. have $een interested+ voting
.). They are GGGGGGGGGGG good friends+ IGGGGGGGGG I had a car to see them more often.
a. such wish
$. my+ *ant
c. ;+ *anted
.,. IGGGGGGGGGGG never manage to remem$er ho*GGGGGGGGthat door.
a. can to open
$. *ill+ o''ening
c. cannot+ to o'en
... In the (8#+ youngGGGGGGGGGG are lucky toGGGGGGGGGGto drive at si-teen in some states.
a. peoples can
$. 'eo'le+ $e allo*ed
c. 'eo'le+ allo*
./. IGGGGGGGG t*o years in GGGGGGGGGG(nited 8tates several years ago.
a. s'ent+ ;
$. s'end+ ;
c. spent the
.!. 8he GGGGGGGGG alone for ten years+ since her 'arents:death.
a. has been living
$. has $een leaving
c. had $een leaving
.6. @hatever arguments the (nion leader used inGGGGGGGGGs'eech+ $eGGGGGGGGGfailed to
convince GGGGGGGG nation.
a. his has the
$. his+ has+ a
c. her+ her+ the
.9. #re you interestedGGGGGGGGGG'hotogra'hyH
a. for
b. in
c. at
/. I 'refer travelling $y air'laneGGGGGGGGG it:s usually faster and moreGGGGGGGGGGthan other
means of trans'ortation.
a. although+ comforta$le
b. since comfortable
c. furthermore+ suita$le
/1. It *as your $irthday yesterday+ GGGGGGGGGH
a. wasn"t it
$. didn:t
c. or it *asn:t
/2. 4 @here *ill *e $e a$le to have lunchH5
4 Don:t *orry . There are a lot of nice 'lacesGGGGGGGG do*nto*n.5
a. for us eating
b. for eat at
c. for eating
/). 4@hat *ould you do if you lost your %o$H5
4I guess GGGGGGGGGanother one.5
a. I *ould have looked for
b. $ would look for
c. To look for
/,. 4 @hy have you decided not to $uy the carH5
a. don:t afford it
b. can"t afford it
c. can:t afford
/.. If you GGGGGGGGGGan effort+ you *ill finish your *ork $y t*o o:clock.
a. try
b. make
c. do
//. <ohn is a very GGGGGfriend of mine and *e:ve kno*n each other for years.
a. near
$. firm
c. close
/!. I:ve $een asked to $e theGGGGGGGGG of ceremonies at our school:s graduation dinner.
a. leader
$. s'eaker
c. master
/6. Iour money *ill $eGGGGGG if you are not satisfied *ith our service.
a. re%oined
b. refunded
c. restored
/9. It is healthier to eat a''les *ithout GGGGGGGGGGGG them.
a. cleaning
$. undoing
c. peeling
!. 7ost of the tenants *hoGGGGGGGGGin our a'artament $uilding are students.
a. rent
b. reside
c. set
!1. 7y teacher al*ays GGGGGGGGGme on the $ack *henever I do good *ork.
a. hits
b. pats
c. hands
!2. >e couldn:t listen to hit *alkman $ecause his mother hadGGGGGGGGGthe $atteries.
a. tied
b. remover
c. changed
!). I can:t do this 'u11le. I GGGGGGGGGGGGJ
a. give out
b. give up
c. give off
!,. GGGGGGGGGGGGG of them could *in the Dui1. It *as very difficult.
a. either
b. neither
c. $oth
!.. Flight nineteen from Paris is no* arriving at GGGGGGGGGGG.
a. gate t*o
b. the gate two
c. the second gate
!/. The greater the demand+ GGGGGGGGGGGGthe 'rice.
a. the highest
b. higher
c. the higher
!!. The 2-ford (niversity *asGGGGGGGGGGin the thirteenth century.
a. founded
$. found
c. renovated
!6. @eGGGGGGGGGG s*im near *indsurfers.
a. *ouldn:t
$. oughtn:t
c. shouldn"t
!9. @e never sto'GGGGGGGGGGGGlanguage.
a. learning
$. learn
c. to learn
6. If I GGGGGGGGGGGGGyou+ I:d *rite that letter straight away.
a. have $een
$. had $een
c. were
61. I don:t *ant to coock. 0et:s $uy someGGGGGGGGGGfood
a. takehome
b. takeaway
c. takeoff
62. They have some very lovelyGGGGGGGGGGGin their garden.
a. $ooths
b. bushes
c. *igs
6). >is uncle:s son is herGGGGGGGGGGG.
a. $rother;in Lla*
$. ne'he*
c. cousin
6,. >e contri$uted a great deal to the develo'ment of our cultureGGGGGGGGG;.
a. *rinting+ as a teacher and lecturer
b. wrinting teaching and lecturing
c. *rinting+ teaching and as a lecturer
6.. 4 #ccording to a recent re'ort+ the num$er of automo$ile accidents has actually gone do*n.
The reason for this decrease can $e attri$uted to $etter driver education.5
Based an the a$ove astatements+ there are fe*er car accidents+ $ecauseM
a. there are $etter cars on the road
b. drivers are better trained
c. drivers are very educated
6/. 4 Ticket 'ricesM N).2ne @ay; #ll Destinations+ out of *hichM
; .Fdiscount for night;time tri'sC
; Passengers *ho are 16 years of age and younger 'ay 9Fof the fareC
; Passengers *ho are . years of the age and younger travel free;of;charge.
>o* much *ould you 'ay if you *ere si-teen years oldH
a. more than N2.
$. less than N1..
c. '() off the regular fare
6!. 4 I:m fictional character in a 'lay $y 8hakes'eare. I live in Aerona.
7y family are the s*or enemies of the 7ontagues+ $ut unfortunately I am madly in
love *ith one of them. In our story+ *e get married secretly+ $ut then things start to go drastically
*rong. The end of our love story takes 'lace in my family:s vault *here my lover 'oisons himself
and I end u' sta$$ing myself *ith a dagger. 8ad+ isn:t itH 7y name isOO..5.
a. "o$ert ?ennedy
$. The Duke of @indsor
c. *uliet +apulet
66. 4 The a$ility to deal *ith 'eo'le is as 'urchasa$le a commodity as sugar or coffee. #nd I *ill
'ay more for that a$ility than for any other the sun.5 @ho might these *ords $elong toH
a. *ohn ,. -ockefeller
$. Ben%amin Franklin
c. #l$ert &instein
69. Find the correct inter'retationM
>e gave an accurate descri'tion of the man.
a. >e handled them a re'ort a$out the man
$. >e descri$ed the man accusingly
c. >e gave a correct and e!act description of the man.
9. Find the correct inter'retationM
&very *riter is a student of human nature.
a. @riters al*ays *ant to $ecome students again.
b. .riters always learn about the human nature
c. @riters: human nature is similar to students: one
91. Find the correct inter'retationM
Before they moved in+ they cleaned the house thoroughly.
a. They cleaned the house from top to bottom and then they moved in
$. They *ent through the house to make sure it *as clean $efore moving in
c. They decided to clean the house they had moved in
92. Find the correct inter'retationM
They only kne* $asic language.
a. They had a very small vocabulary
$. They *ere very coarse
c. They used a sim'le com'uting language
9). Find the correct inter'retationM
The (8# is almost as large as &uro'e.
a. &uro'e is slightly $igger than the (8#
b. /urope is as big as the 01A
c. The (8# is much $igger than &uro'e
9,. Find the correct inter'retationM
There were fifteen 'eo'le $esides me a''lying for the %o$
a. Fifteen people were standing ne!t to me in the 2ueue for the 3ob
$. There *ere fifteen of us *ho *anted the %o$
c. I *as not a''lying for the %o$
9.. Find the correct inter'retationM
#s he *alker through the door+ she *alked out.
a. He walked in and at the same time she walked out
$. Before he *alked in+ she *alked out
c. >e *alked in and then she *alked out
9/. Find the correct inter'retationM
Plase+ take a seatJ
a. Pick one u' and take it a*ay
$. I don:t *ant all my seats any more
c. 1it down
9!. Find the correct inter'retationM
>o* on earth did you find meH
a. Iou:ll never find out *here I am
b. $t is 2uite difficult to get hold of me but you did
c. @hat do you think of meH
96. Find the correct inter'retationM
I am not actually on the list of candidates
a. 4y mane is not on the list of candidates
$. 7y name is not on the list+ $ut it *ill $e soon
c. I *ithdre* my mane from the list of candidates
99. Find the correct inter'retationM
>e could have studied &nglish last year.
a. >e has studies &nglish+ $ut he doesn:t any more
$. >e *as a$le to study &nglish last year.
c. He had the opportunity to study /nglish but didn"t take it
1. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
>e *as =23FID&3T in his a''roaches
a. trustful
$. certain
c. tolerant
11. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
>elen *as definitely a 8>"&@D *oman
a. stu'id
b. clever
c. direct
12. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
>is D&8(0T2"I remaks made the vistors feel confused
a. good
$. initial
c. untidy
1). =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
>er =238PI=(2(8 schievements are her $est recommendation
a. *ell;kno*n
$. remarka$le
c. social
1,. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
The re'ort *as 8=#T>I3P a$out the lack of safety.
a. scornful
b. very critical
c. clear
1.. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
>is "(PP&D manners $etrayed his lo* origins.
a. a*ful
$. indecent
c. coarse
1/. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
I *as 8T(33&D $y the ne*s of her death.
a. im'ressed
$. shocked
c. stunted
1!. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
#s he seemed to $e a co*ard+ every$ody T#(3T&D him.
a. accused
b. ridiculed
c. 'ointed at
16. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
8he cast a F("TIA& glance at her 'artner
a. brief
$. sly
c. casual
19. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
Their sudden out$urst *as o$iously genuine+ it couldn:t have $een =23T"IA&D.
a. False
$. planned
c. dissolute
11. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
8he *as a T>"IFTI housekee'er+ an im'ortant matter to one of his small means and never
*asted a 'enny.
a. kind
$. 'oor
c. sparing
111. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
>e 'roved himself a B20D and #8T(T& commander.
a. brave cunning
$. $rave+ engaged
c. fearless+ severe
112. =hoose the $est synonym for the *ords *ritten in ca'ital lettersM
@ith a sign he T288&D the 'rogramme $ack on the ta$le.
a. put
$. filled in
c. cast
11). 8elect the right ans*erM
a. 8omeone had $roken into the office and stolen the files.
$. 1omeone had broken into the office and stonle the files.
11,. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. >er advisor *as 'leased *ith the to'ic *hitch she had chose for her thesis
b. Her advisor was pleased with the topic whitch she had chosen for the thesis.
11.. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. Having eaten and drunk too much the night before he woke up with a headache.
$. >aving eaten and drank too much the night $efore+ he *oke u' *ith a headache.
11/. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. The streets are *etC it should have rained last night.
$. The street are wet5 it must have rained last night.
11!. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. Iou had $etter to hurry if you don:t *ant to miss the $us.
$. 6ou had better hurry if you don"t want to miss the bus.
116. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. Do you like to come to a 'arty on 8aturday.
b. .ould you like to come a party on 1aturday%
119. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. >is father had ho'ed than he go into $usiness *ith him.
b. His father had hoped that he would go into business with him.
12. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. Tom had a tooth filled.
$. Tom had a tooth fill
121. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. 8he made the $a$y to make a na'.
b. 1he made the baby take a nap.
122. 8elect the right ans*erM
a. I one you t*enty dollars+ *on:t IH
b. $ one you twenty dollards don"t $%
12). =hoose the most suita$le *ord or 'hrase foe each s'aceM
Bet*een you andOOO. she has t*enty years advantage over meM
a. I
b. 4e
12,. =hoose the most suita$le *ord or 'hrase foe each s'aceM
>e liked to kno* the ins and OOO of anything once it had ca'tured his interests.
a. outs
$. u's
12.. =hoose the most suita$le *ord or 'hrase foe each s'aceM
I $elieve it *as agreed that our legal colleagues here *ould re'ort our decision to the
moderator+ as soon as it *as signed andOOO..
a. final
$. sealed
12/. =hoose the most suita$le *ord or 'hrase foe each s'aceM
8he drankOOO tea
a. fee$le
b. weak
12!. =hoose the most suita$le *ord or 'hrase foe each s'aceM
8he *as dressed as on the day $efore+ in *hite frock ans her shiny *hite $oots *ith
theirOOO heels.
a. tall
b. high
126. =hoose the most suita$le *ord or 'hrase foe each s'aceM
7y traveller:s cheDues *ere in an OOOOO.'ocket.
a. inner
$. in*ard
129. =hoose the most suita$le *ord or 'hrase foe each s'aceM
Don:t forget to OOOO the light *hen you leave.
a. turn off
$. close
1). =hoose the most suita$le *ord or 'hrase foe each s'aceM
It:s good to get a*ay from the city and visit theOOO
a. field
b. country
1)1. =hoose the correct name for the 'lace descri$ed $elo*M
Iou can $uy fresh fruits and vegeta$les *ere.
a. greengrocer"s
$. $utcher:s
1)2. =hoose the correct name for the 'lace descri$ed $elo*M
Iou can 'ut money in your account here.
a. #T7
c. 7ank
1)). =hoose the correct name for the 'lace descri$ed $elo*M
Iou can $uy stam's+ and send letters here
a. post office
$. ne*sagent:s
1),. Translate into &nglish (choose the correct sentence)M
Incearca sa nu ai de;a face cu asemenea oameni
a. Try not to deal such people
$. Try to deal not *ith these 'eo'les.
1).. Translate into &nglish (choose the correct sentence)M
0;am convins sa creada acest lucru
a. I convinced him into $elieving it.
$. I argued him into believing it.
1)/. Translate into &nglish (choose the correct sentence)M
& im'osi$il ca "oger sa fi negat acest lucru.
a. -oger can"t have denied it.
$. "oger musn:t have denied it.
1)!. Translate into &nglish (choose the correct sentence)M
Pro$a$il ca au fost multi solicitanti anul acela.
a. There may have $een many a''licants that year.
$. There must have been many applicants that yaer.
1)6. Translate into &nglish (choose the correct sentence)M
#m au1it 'asi la a'artamentul vecinilor mei de la eta%ul cinci.
a. $heard footsteps in my neightbour"s flat on the 8
$. I heard ste's in my neigh$our:s a'artament on fifth floor
1)9. Translate into &nglish (choose the correct sentence)M
#r tre$ui sa lucre1i mult si sa iti termini e-'erimentele.
a. Iou *ould to *ork much and $ring your e-'eriments to end
b. 6ou ought to work much and bring your e!periments to an end
1,. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete each sentence.
OOOO. me a favour.
a. make
b. do
1,1. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentenceM
Thank you fot the trou$le you:ve OO..
a. in the country on
$. to the country
1,2. =hoose the $est altenative to com'lete the sentenceM
>o* a$out going OOOOO.. one of these daysH
a. in the country on
$. to the country

1,). =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
Iou don:t like to $eOOOO..*hen you areOOO.a $usiness talk
a. distur$+ de'loying
b. disturbed having
1,,. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
=ould you hel' me OOOO this translationH
a. with
$. at
1,.. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
This $uilding OOOO. 7any offices
a. com'rehends
b. houses
1,/. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
>enry *as OOOOO and felt he couldn:t say a *ord.
a. in the corner.
b. cornered
1,!. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
7s. 8mith+ OOOOis Paul <ohnson+ our ne* accountant.
a. that 'erson
b. this
1,6. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence. vitally im'ortant for young 'eo'le. 8chool 'lays an essential role in
're'aring them forOOOO.
a. tuition+ adultness
$. education. Adulthood
1,9. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
I am *riting to a''y for the OOOO.. of #ssistant 7anager
a. 'osition
$. title
1.. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
>e Dualified as an economist in 199. and set u' 8heffield.
a. business
$. com'any
1.1. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
#fter leaving school+ heOOOO.. in a solicitor:s office
a. practiced
$. *as *orking
1.2. =hoose the $est alternative to com'lete the sentence.
8he earns her OOOO $y telling fortunes at the seaside.
a. rent
b. living
8crieti ras'unsurile cores'un1atoare des'artite 'rin virgule si un
1. =om'lete the sentence *ithM of+ a$out+ at+ to+ for+ in+ ne-t to+ or $y
Iou:ll have to introduce yourselfOOOthe 'erson *ho is sittingOOO you OO.. a
sym'osium or conference.
2. =om'lete the sentence *ithM of+ a$out+ at+ to+ for+ in+ ne-t to+ or $y
It:s healty to have lots OOO different friendsOOO. different levers OO.. intimacy $ecause
not only is it im'ossi$le to $e closeOOO. It:s also undesira$le.
). =om'lete the sentence *ithM *ith+ in+ at+ from+ of+ a$out+ for+ to+ against+ or $y
7ost OOO us have friends as close as family+ *hom+ OOO..a difficult moment *e:d call
OOO ) a. m. OOO consolation or advice $ecause *e kno* they *on:t re%ect us.
,. =om'lete the sentence *ithM *ith+ in+ at+ from+ of+ a$out+ for+ to+ against+ or $yM

The authorities OOO. education should make sure that the su$%ects taught OO. schools are
OOOO value OOO the outside *orld.
.. =om'lete the sentence *ithM in+ *ith+ at+ from+ of+ a$out+ for+ to+ against+ or $yM

Tele*orkers communicate OOO.. su'ervisors OOO.. tele'hone+ fa- or e;mailC they usually
transfer information OOO. their o*n com'uter OOO the office com'uter OOO electronic
/. =om'lete the sentence *ithM in+ u'+ against+ to+ or atM

>ave you ever $een OO.. &nglandH
@hat time does our 'lane arrive OOOO 0ondonH
I met an old friend OOO. >enri =oanda #ir'ort.
!. =om'let the sentence *ithM for+ against+ in+ out+ to+ u'+ of or amongM
>e *anted to fight OOO the enemies OOOOO his country.
I took you OOO.. some$ody else.
>e *as OOOO friends.

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