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Letter of Governing Instructions

For Wright Investment Management


440 Wheelers Farms Road
Milford, Connecticut 06461

The undersigned (the "Client") designates Wright Securities for the Client's account which the Advisor
Inve stors' Service. loco (the "Advisor") to direct at the deems advisable and which conform to any written in-
bank, trust company or other custodian approved by vestment guidelines or policies of the Client attached
the Advisor (the "Custodian") the investment of all to and made part of this Agreement. For purposes of
property in the Client 's account as provided for in.this this Agreement. the term "Securities" includes:
Letter of Governing Instructions for Wright Invest-
ment Management. Stocks and fixed income instruments
meeting the quality requirements of the Ad-
The Advisor is an investment advisor as that term is Funds or investment company shares man-
defined in the Investment Adviser's Act of 1940 (the
aged or selected by the Advisor,
"Act ") and registered with the Securities and Ex-
change Commission as provided for in that Act. Deposits in and fixed income obligations of
any bank or financial corporation operating
The Advisor will use its best efforts in the under the laws of the United States or other
investment management of the Client'S account but is governments. and
not liable for losses resulting from actions taken or
omitted unless such actions are the result of a breach Other securities which the Client may
of the Advisor's fiduciary responsibilities or a viola- deposit or authorize in writing.
tion of the securities laws of the United States.
The Client recognizes that all investments are sub-
PURCHASE AND SALE OF SECURITIES: ject to varying degrees of risk and that the Advisor
The Client appoints the Advisor agent for the Client makes no representation that Securities bought will be
and authorizes and instructs the Advisor La purchase profitable. PaSI performance of the Advisor is nOI a
and sell. in the Advisor's sole and absolute discretion, guarantee of future resu lts.



DEPOSITS & WlTIfDRA WALS: The Client or with the broker/dealer. if any, who introduced the
will notify the Advisor in writing of all cash and Secu- Client to the Advisor, provided thai such broker/dealer
rities deposited in or withdrawn hom the Client's ac- is considered by the Advisor as satis factory for the ex-
count. The Advisor, however, is authorized to rely and ecution of investment transactions for its cl ients: that
act only upon written or oral notification by the Custo- th e brokerage commission charges and discounts are
dian of such deposits or withdrawals. The Advisor is substantially the same as those made by other broker/
authorized, but not required, to act on the Client 's oral dealers utilized by the Advisor and DOl excessive in re-
instructions except the Advisor is only authorized to lation to the rates which are generally charged for
act on the Client's oral withdrawal inst ru ctions when similar transactions in the securities industry; and that,
the instruction is to direct the Custodian to pay the in the best j ud g m e nt of the Advisor, the best interests
withdrawal directly to the Client or an account in the of the Client and other clients are not adversely af-
Client's name. The Advisor may only direct other fected. These provisions are believed by the Advisor
withdrawal instructions by forwarding the Client 's to be in full compliance with Section 28(e) of the Se-
written authorization to the Cu stod ian. curit ies Exchange Act of 1934.

The Client recognizes that premature withdrawal LIM1TED POWER OF ATTORNEY: This
of amounts held by the Custodian pursuant 10 the Agreement constitutes a continuing Power of Attorney
terms of certain investment contracts, including vari- applying and limited to any and all future transacti ons
able annuities. individual retirement accounts or relating to the Client's account. This Power of Allor-
qualified retirement plans, are subject to substantial ney designates the Advisor as Agent, subject to the or-
penalties imposed by Federal law. den; and instructions contained in this Agreement.
This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by any
BROKERS AND COMMISSION COSTS: change in the Client's organization, and shall continue
TIle Advisor is authorized to place Securities orders in effect until the Advisor receives written notification
for this account with any broker/dealer that the Ad- (rom the Client that this Power of Attorney has been
visor considers satisfac to ry for the execution of invest- revoked. The Advisor as Agent will always act and
ment transactions for its clients. If the Custodian is a bind the undersigned upon the instruction of its presi-
broker/dealer that the Advisor considers satisfactory. dent or of anyone of its officers or employees, as from
the Client authori zes the Advisor to place buy or sell lime to time designated for this purpose by its presi-
orders with the Custodian . The Advisor may combine den!.
purchase and sale transactions for the Client 's account
with similar transactions for other accounts directed VERLFICATrON OF STATEMENTS: The
by ihe Advisor whenever. in the discretion of the Ad- Client authorizes the Advisor, as Agent of the Client ,
visor. it is in the best interests of the Client and other to receive information from the Custodian for the pur-
clients of the Ad visor but it does not in any way irnpai r p ose of reconciling reports prepared by the Custodian
the segregation of the property in the Client's account. in response to any transactions or actions by the Cus-
to d ian for, or purporting to be for, the Client' s ac-
The Client recognizes that many of the broker/ count.
dealers with whom the Advisor normally places buy or
sell orders also purchase investment services from the REPORTS: At least quarterly the Advisor wi ll
Advisor for their own usc or on behalf of their custom- provide to (he Client a financial report of the Client's
ers , and that some broker/dealers may, in reciprocity account. Accordingly, the Client hereby waives the
for brokerage pl aced with them by the Advisor, also right to receive a separate confirmat ion of each trans-
provide the Advisor with specialized services which action in the account, uruil such time as the Client may
are utilized in tbe Advisor's investment data collection provide the Advisor with written notice to the con-
and analytical processes. The Advisor may place buy trary. At other times considered reasonable by the Ad-
or sell orders for this account with such broker/dealers visor, the Advisor will provide. at the Client 's request,
additional information and advice to the Client regard- NOTICES: The Advisor is not bound by any no-
ing the Client's account. tice of or demand made with respect to this Agreement
unless such notice or demand is in writing to the Advi-
PROXIES & OTHER DOCUMENTS: The sor and signed by the Client or the Client's legal repre-
Client hereby authorizes the Advisor to vote any proxy sentative. The Advisor may rely conclusively and is
solicited by the issuer of any securities held in the protected in acting upon any written or oral notice re-
Client's account, such voting to be in accordance with quest, consent, instruction or other instrument be-
the Advisor's Policy on Proxy Voting. The Advisor, as licved by the Advisor in good faith to be genuine or
Agent for tbe Client, may also receive such other signed by the proper person or duly authorized or
documents relating to this account as the Client may properly made.
instruct the Custodian or broker to send to the
SEVERABILITY: If any term of this Agree-
ment is construed as invalid or unenforceable, the re-
mainder of this Agreement shall not be affected by
will be invested in The Wright Interna tional Blue Chip
such determination and the remaining terms of this
Equ ities Fund. As of December 31, 2006 , the total
Agreement will be valid and enforceable to the full
operating expense of the Fund was 137 basis points ,
extent of the law.
so me of which may be paid [0 the principal under-
writer or other brokers for assistance in distribution or
shareholder services. The total operating expense of GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement is gov-
tbe Fund may fluctuate depending upon the amount of erned by and construed in accordance wirh the laws of
assets in the Fund. The Advisor will not charge the the Stale of New York now in effect or as from time
Client a separate fee for assets invested in the Fund. to time amended, unless New York law is pre-
empted by Federal laws theo in effect.
The Client may submit additional special instruc-
lions to the Advisor ar any Lime. Special instructions The Client acknowledges receipt of the Advisor's
become part of this Agreement only upon written Privacy Policy, and irs Disclosure Report in lieu of
acceptance by the Advisor. Except as provided else- Part II of SEC Form ADV .
where in this Agreement, the Advisor is authorized,
bUI not required. to act upon (he Client's oral special

ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement may not be

assigned by either party without the consent of the
other party, and contemporaneous notification of the
assignment by either party to the Custodian.
[1l1is space is intentionally left blank .]
TERMINATION: Client may termi nate this
Agreement without penalty within five business days
of signing it. This Agreem ent may be terminated by
eit he r party upon written notice to the other. The
Advisor will direct the Custodian to dispose of the
property in the Client's account in accordance with
the Client's written directions for disposition of the
account. The Advisor will issue a final report as of
the terminati on dale of the account .
Address for AJI Communications: Social Security or Federal ID:
'TIe 14- il-;v tv YJ"N.;1- Fu rH>
~; 5ha...?tON Wb'NSO N 1.3 - d 99/913
2.(9 tL s $k ee-+
---New ~ 0 Q k ) 'N" ~ 1600"7- 1207
Telephone _

Names & Tilles of Those Signing Agreement Authori zed Signatures of Client:

(please Pnnl) "

(I) Name ti\C,*Jtr~ L J ~ fA UJ\DI NO

(2) Name ~{e.-lvR- (}P'C,({ ()
Title 'lea: O,-,,,E-LN~'-
p"---,ra"-,,-,,lc... -,-- _
(3) Name _ Sig na ture
Titlc _

Introducer or Service Associate

By: Wright Investors' Service. Inc.
for this Account:
rJdI,c~ Signature

Custodian _ D ale &r1'J5'It) 7

07C501AK·LG I

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