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China in Africa: Lessons for the Philippines

By Walden Bello
First Posted 02:17:00 04/19/2007
!NI"!# P$ili%%ines && For 'any o( o)r te*$no*rats and e*ono'ists# t$e sal+ation o( t$e P$ili%%ine e*ono'y lies not only
in e+er in*reasin, 'oney re'ittan*es (ro' o)r o+erseas -or.ers /)t e+er&ti,$ter ties -it$ 0$ina1s red&$ot e*ono'y.
Per$a%s a loo. at 0$ina1s %resen*e in !(ri*a 'i,$t ser+e to te'%er t$eir o%ti'is's.
!t t$e 2e+ent$ World 2o*ial For)' 3W2F4# $eld in Nairo/i# 5enya# in late 6an)ary# t$e 'ost *ontro+ersial to%i* -as not
7I8&!I92# t$e U2 o**)%ation o( Ira:# or neoli/eralis'. It -as 0$ina1s relations -it$ !(ri*a.
!t a %a*.ed %anel dis*)ssion or,ani;ed /y a se'i&o((i*ial 0$inese N<=# t$e dis*)ssion -as *andid and an,ry. >First#
E)ro%e and !'eri*a too. o+er o)r /i, /)sinesses. No- 0$ina is dri+in, o)r s'all and 'edi)'&s*ale entre%rene)rs to
/an.r)%t*y#? 7)'%$rey Pole&Pole o( t$e @an;anian 2o*ial For)' told t$e 0$inese s%ea.ers. >Ao) don1t e+en *ontri/)te
to e'%loy'ent# /e*a)se yo) /rin, in yo)r o-n la/or.?
2t)n, /y s)*$ re'ar.s (ro' t$e (loor# 0)i 6ianB)n# se*retary ,eneral o( t$e 0$ina N<= Net-or. (or International
EC*$an,es# lost $is di%lo'ati* *ool and la)n*$ed into an e'otional de(ense o( 0$inese (orei,n in+est'ent# sayin,# >We
0$inese $ad to 'a.e t$e sa'e $ard de*ision on -$et$er to a**e%t (orei,n in+est'ent 'any# 'any years a,o. Ao) $a+e
to 'a.e t$e ri,$t de*ision or yo) -ill lose# lose# lose. Ao) $a+e to de*ide ri,$t# or yo) -ill re'ain %oor# %oor# %oor.?
@$e +i,oro)s eC*$an,e s$o)ld $a+e /een anti*i%ated# sin*e 'any !(ri*ans +ie- 0$ina as $a+in, t$e %otential o( /rin,in,
eit$er ,reat %ro'ise or ,reat $ar'. I( !(ri*an *i+il so*iety re%resentati+es -ere $ard on 0$ina# t$is -as /e*a)se t$ey
des%erately -anted 0$ina to re+erse *o)rse /e(ore it -as too late# so t$at it -o)ld a+oid t$e %at$ trod /y E)ro%e and t$e
United 2tates.
Beijings high profile in Africa
@$e de/ate at t$e W2F too. %la*e a'id a 'ar.ed ele+ation o( !(ri*a1s %ro(ile in 0$ina1s (orei,n %oli*y. In early Fe/r)ary#
President 7) 6intao 'ade $is t$ird tri% to !(ri*a in t$ree years# (ollo-in, t$e s)**ess o( t$e For)' on 0$ina&!(ri*a
0oo%eration 3F=0!04# -$i*$ too. %la*e No+. 4&D# 200E. !ttended /y 4F !(ri*an dele,ations# 'ost o( t$e' led /y $eads
o( state# t$e e+ent -as t$e lar,est international s)''it $eld in BeiBin,.
!t t$e start o( t$e s)''it# BeiBin, )n+eiled a ,litterin, trade and aid %lan desi,ned to *e'ent its >strate,i* %artners$i%?
-it$ !(ri*a. @$e .ey ite's in t$e %a*.a,e *o''itted 0$ina to do)/lin, its 200E assistan*e in t$ree years# %ro+idin, GH
/illion -ort$ o( %re(erential loans and G2 /illion -ort$ o( eC%ort *redits# and *an*elin, all interest&(ree ,o+ern'ent loans
t$at 'at)red at t$e end o( 200D and -ere o-ed /y t$e $ea+ily inde/ted and %oorest !(ri*an *o)ntries. In addition# t$e t-o
sides a,reed to raise t$e +ol)'e o( trade (ro' G40 /illion in 200D to G100 /illion /y 2010 and set )% o( a 0$ina&!(ri*a
9e+elo%'ent F)nd t$at -o)ld /e *a%itali;ed to t$e t)ne o( GD /illion to s)%%ort 0$inese *o'%anies in+estin, in !(ri*a.
I( not yet t$e /i,,est eCternal %layer in !(ri*a# 0$ina is *ertainly t$e 'ost dyna'i*. It no- a**o)nts (or E0 %er*ent o( oil
eC%orts (ro' 2)dan and HD %er*ent o( t$ose (ro' !n,ola. 0$inese (ir's 'ine *o%%er in Ia'/ia and 0on,o&Bra;;a+ille#
*o/alt in t$e 0on,o# ,old in 2o)t$ !(ri*a# and )rani)' in Ii'/a/-e. Its e*olo,i*al (oot%rint is lar,e# says i*$elle 0$an&
Fis$el o( Friends o( t$e Eart$ International# *ons)'in, as it does 4E %er*ent o( <a/on1s (orest eC%orts# E0 %er*ent o(
ti'/er eC%orted (ro' E:)atorial <)inea# and 11 %er*ent o( ti'/er eC%orts (ro' 0a'eroon.
Contrasting images of China
0$ina is %o%)lar -it$ !(ri*an ,o+ern'ents. >@$ere is so'et$in, re(res$in, to 0$ina1s a%%roa*$#? said a Ni,erian di%lo'at
-$o as.ed not to /e identi(ied. >@$ey don1t atta*$ all t$ose *onditionalities t$at a**o'%any Western loans.? !dds 6)stin
Fon,# eCe*)ti+e dire*tor o( t$e 0$inese N<=# o+in, o)ntains: >W$et$er a**)rate or not# t$e i'a,e !(ri*ans $a+e o(
t$e 0$inese is t$at t$ey ,et t$in,s done. @$ey don1t -aste t$eir ti'e in 'eetin,s. @$ey B)st ,o a$ead and /)ild roads.?
!n !(ri*an de+elo%'ent s%e*ialist, -it$ a -estern aid or,ani;ation *lai'ed t$at 0$inese %roBe*ts are lo- *ost
a((airs *o'%ared to -estern %roBe*ts. >"a/or *osts are lo-# t$ey inte,rate !(ri*an la/or# so so'e trans(er o( s.ills
%la*e# and t$e 0$inese -or.ers li+e in t$e +illa,e# and t$is 'eans li+in, li.e t$e +illa,ers# do-n to *o'%etin, -it$ t$e' (or
do, 'eat.?
W$ile t$ey 'i,$t dis%)te t$is *$ara*teri;ation o( 0$ina1s i'%a*t# 'ost N<=s are n)an*ed in t$eir assess'ents. @$ey
a*.no-led,e t$at 0$ina $as a di((erent traBe*tory in !(ri*a t$an E)ro%e and t$e United 2tates. W$ereas t$e West /e,an
/y eC%loitin, !(ri*a# 0$ina initiated its relations -it$ !(ri*a -it$ >%eo%le&to&%eo%le? 'edi*al and te*$ni*al assistan*e
'issions in t$e 19E0s and 1970s# t$e 'ost (a'o)s o( -$i*$ -as t$e /)ildin, o( t$e no- (a/led @an;ania&Ia'/ia
3@an;a'4 Rail-ay. B)t -it$ 0$ina1s rise as a 'oderni;in, e*ono'i* s)%er%o-er a(ter t$e de(initi+e de*ision in 19F4 to
)se *a%italis' as t$e en,ine o( ,ro-t$# t$e old solidarity rationale $as /een re%la*ed /y a dan,ero)sly sin,le&'inded
%)rs)it o( e*ono'i* interests && in t$is *ase# 'ainly oil and 'ineral reso)r*es to (eed a red&$ot e*ono'y.
I( !(ri*an ,o+ern'ents -ere a**o)nta/le to t$eir %eo%le# say N<= *riti*s# 0$inese aid *o)ld %lay a +ery %ositi+e role#
es%e*ially i( *o'%ared -it$ World Ban. and International onetary F)nd loans t$at *o'e -it$ *onditions to /rin, do-n
tari((s# loosen ,o+ern'ent re,)lation# and %ri+ati;e state enter%rises. B)t -it$ non&a**o)nta/le# non&trans%arent
,o+ern'ents# s)*$ as t$ose in t$e 2)dan and Ii'/a/-e# say t$e *riti*s# 0$inese loan and aid %ro,ra's *ontri/)te
instead to *onsolidatin, t$e r)le o( non&de'o*rati* elites.
Crossing the line in Sudan
W$ere 0$ina $as de(initely *rossed t$e line is in 2)dan. Usin, its +eto %o-er at t$e UN 2e*)rity 0o)n*il# 0$ina $as
%re+ented t$e international *o'')nity (ro' *reatin, and de%loyin, a ')ltinational (or*e to %rote*t %eo%le in 9ar()r -$o
are /ein, .illed or ra%ed /y 'ilitias /a*.ed /y t$e 2)danese ,o+ern'ent. E+en one !(ri*an di%lo'at sy'%at$eti* to
0$ina asserts# >0$ina1s stron, /a*.in, (or t$e 2)danese ,o+ern'ent $as dis*o)ra,ed !(ri*an ,o+ern'ents t$at are
tryin, to %)s$ it to a**e%t an !(ri*an Union sol)tion to t$e %ro/le'.?
0$ina $as +ery s)/stantial interests in 2)dan. @$ese are set o)t in detail in an i'%ortant *olle*tion o( st)dies la)n*$ed at
t$e W2F titled# J!(ri*an Pers%e*ti+es on 0$ina in !(ri*a#J edited /y Firo;e anBi and 2te%$en ar.s. 0$ina o/tained oil
eC%loration and %rod)*tion ri,$ts in 199D -$en t$e 0$ina National Petrole)' 0or%oration 30NP04 /o),$t a 40&%er*ent
sta.e in t$e <reater Nile Petrole)' =%eratin, 0o.# -$i*$ is %)'%in, o+er H00#000 /arrels %er day. 2ino%e*# anot$er
0$inese (ir'# is /)ildin, a 1#D00&.ilo'eter %i%eline to Port 2)dan on t$e Red 2ea# -$ere 0$ina1s Petrole)' En,ineerin,
0onstr)*tion 0o. is *onstr)*tin, a ter'inal . !)t$or 6o$n Ro*$a esti'ates 0$inese in+est'ent in oil eC%loration to
rea*$ GF /illion.
0$inese interests ,o /eyond oil. Its in+est'ent in teCtile 'ills is esti'ated at G100 'illion. It $as e'er,ed as one o(
2)dan1s to% ar's s)%%liers. In one %arti*)lar /arter arran,e'ent# 0$ina s)%%lied G400 'illion -ort$ o( -ea%ons in ret)rn
(or *otton. It is a*ti+e in in(rastr)*t)re# -it$ its (ir's /)ildin, /rid,es near t$e ero-e 9a' and t-o ot$er sites on t$e
Ri+er Nile. It is in+ol+ed in .ey $ydro%o-er %roBe*ts# t$e 'ost *ontro+ersial /ein, t$e ero-e 9a'# -$i*$ is eC%e*ted to
)lti'ately *ost G1.F /illion.
@$e *onstr)*tion o( t$e ero-e 9a' $as in+ol+ed (or*ed resettle'ent o( t$e 7a'/dan %eo%le li+in, at or near t$e site
and re%ression and an ar'ed atta*. on t$e !'ri %eo%le -$o $a+e /een or,ani;in, to %re+ent t$e 2)danese
,o+ern'ent1s %lan to trans(er t$e' to t$e desert. "o*al %oli*e and %ri+ate a,en*ies no- %ro+ide 24&$o)r se*)rity to
0$inese en,ineerin, deta*$'ents# /)t *i+il so*iety o/ser+ers say t$e ai' o( t$ese ,ro)%s is less %rote*tion o( t$e
0$inese t$an re%ression o( ,ro-in, o%%osition.
!s !li !s.ari# dire*tor o( t$e "ondon&/ased Pian.$i Resear*$ <ro)%# %)ts it# >@$e sad tr)t$ is# /ot$ t$e 0$inese and t$eir
elite %artners in t$e 2)dan ,o+ern'ent -ant to *on*eal so'e terri/le (a*ts a/o)t t$eir %artners$i%. @$ey are Boinin, $ands
to )%root %oor %eo%le# eC%ro%riate t$eir land# and a%%ro%riate t$eir nat)ral reso)r*es.?
0$inese and 2)danese o((i*ials tend to dis'iss s)*$ *riti*is' as t$e 'a*$inations o( -estern %o-ers. 2)*$ %o-ers are
alar'ed at 0$ina1s /e*o'in, t$e to% international %layer in a *o)ntry lon, treated as /ein, in t$e West1s s%$ere o(
in(l)en*e. B)t# a**ordin, to BeiBin, and 5$arto)'# t$eWest1s dis'al re*ord o( *olonial %l)nder de%ri+es its state'ents o(
any 'oral a)t$ority.
9e(endin, its *lose relations -it$ t$e 2)danese ,o+ern'ent# a 0$inese (orei,n 'inistry o((i*ial# I$ai 6)n# noted t$e
*ontrast in !(ri*an ,o+ern'ents1 re*e%tion o( 0$ina and t$e West: >2o'e %eo%le /elie+e t$at /y,1 reso)r*es and
ener,y (ro' !(ri*a# 0$ina is lootin, !(ri*a...I( t$is -as so# t$en !(ri*an *o)ntries -o)ld eC%ress t$eir dissatis(a*tion...t$ey
-o)ld a%%roa*$ 0$ina# as t$ey did...*o)ntries t$at eC%loited t$e *ontinent in t$e %ast.?
7o-e+er# 0$inese o((i*ials are -ron, to t$in. t$at !(ri*an N<=s are 'erely %arrotin, t$e r$etori* o( sel(&interested
-estern ,o+ern'ents. In (a*t# *i+il so*iety ,ro)%s also *onsider s)*$ -estern *riti*is' $y%o*riti*al. 0o''entin, on t$e
re'ar. o( a World Ban. o((i*ial to t$e e((e*t t$at >0$inese $ando)ts -it$o)t re(or's? -o)ld not /e /ene(i*ial to !(ri*a#
6o$n 5ar)'/id;a# a *ontri/)tor to t$e J0$ina in !(ri*aJ +ol)'e# a*idly re'ar.s# >It is t$e *ase ... t$at t$is sa'e /an. and
Western a%%roa*$ o+er t$e %ast $al( *ent)ry $as (ailed to deli+er de+elo%'ent# and le(t !(ri*a in 'ore de/t t$an -$en
t$ey /e,an.?
Other problematic partnerships
@$ese *riti*is's are )nli.ely to ,o a-ay# not only in 2)dan /)t also in 'any ot$er *o)ntries -$ere 0$inese in+ol+e'ent
-it$ *ontro+ersial re,i'es r)ns dee%. Wit$ relations -it$ t$e West and e+en 2o)t$ !(ri*a deterioratin, o+er $is %oliti*al
re*ord# President Ro/ert ),a/e o( Ii'/a/-e $as in*reasin,ly t)rned to 0$ina# -$i*$ one o( $is .ey 'inisters $as
*$ara*teri;ed as an >all&-eat$er (riend.? 0$inese in+est'ent in 'inin,# ener,y# tele*o'')ni*ations# a,ri*)lt)re# and ot$er
se*tors -as esti'ated at GE00 'illion at t$e end o( 2004# -it$ anot$er GE00 'illion %led,ed in 6)ne 200D. @$e %ri*e#
$o-e+er# $as /een $i,$# a**ordin, to *riti*s# -$o *lai' t$at ),a/e1s ,o+ern'ent $as $anded de (a*to *ontrol o( .ey
strate,i* ind)stries to t$e 0$inese. ! *ontra*t -it$ 0$ina to (ar' HFE s:)are 'iles o( land -$ile 'illions o( Ii'/a/-eans
re'ain landless $as *o'e )nder (ire# -it$ r)ral so*iolo,ist 6o$n 5ar)'/id;a /lastin, it as >not$in, 'ore t$an land rentin,
and ty%i*al a,ro&/)siness relations t$at t)rn t$e land $olders and t$eir -or.ers into la/or tenants and s)/Be*t t$e' to
@$e Ni,erian ,o+ern'ent is anot$er %ro/le'ati* 0$inese %artner# a**ordin, to *i+il so*iety a*ti+ists. 0$ina $as eCtensi+e
interests in Ni,eria# %arti*)larly in oil eC%loration and %rod)*tion. @$e 0$ina National =((s$ore 0or%oration 30N==04#
notes resear*$er 6o$n Ro*$a# $as a*:)ired a 4D&%er*ent, interest in an o((s$ore enter%rise# =" 1H0# (or G2.H
/illionL t$e 0$ina National Petrole)' 0or%oration 30NP04 $as in+ested in t$e Port 7ar*o)rt re(ineryL and a Boint +ent)re
/et-een t$e 0$inese =il and Nat)ral <as 0or%oration and t$e ".N. ittal <ro)%# %lans to in+est GE /illion in rail-ays# oil
re(inin,# and %o-er in eC*$an,e (or ri,$ts to drill oil.
@$ese interests $a+e led to an in*reasin,ly ti,$t allian*e -it$ t$e (a*tion o( t$e r)lin, Peo%le1s 9e'o*rati* Party
do'inated /y President =l)se,)n =/asanBo. @$is relations$i% $as a *ontro+ersial se*)rity di'ension. !s Nd)/isi
=/iora$# anot$er *ontri/)tor to t$e J0$ina in !(ri*aJ +ol)'e# -$o is dire*tor o( t$e 0enter (or "a- and 2o*ial !*tion in
"a,os# notes: >@$e Ni,erian ,o+ern'ent is in*reasin,ly t)rnin, to 0$ina (or -ea%ons to deal -it$ t$e -orsenin,
ins)r,en*y in t$e oil&ri*$ Ni,er 9elta. @$e Ni,erian !ir For*e %)r*$ased 14 0$inese&'ade +ersions o( t$e )%,raded i<
21 Bet (i,$terL t$e na+y $as ordered %atrol /oats to se*)re t$e s-a'%s and *ree.s o( t$e Ni,er 9elta.? Not s)r%risin,ly# t$e
re/el o+e'ent (or t$e E'an*i%ation o( t$e Ni,erian 9elta 3EN94 $as -arned 0$inese *o'%anies to .ee% o)t o( t$e
re,ion or ris. atta*..
Wit$ t$eir inte,rated %oliti*al# 'ilitary# e*ono'i*# and di%lo'ati* *o'%onents# 0$ina1s >strate,i* %artners$i%s? -it$
,o+ern'ents s)*$ as t$ose o( Ni,eria# 2)dan# and Ii'/a/-e in*reasin,ly $a+e t$e (eel o( t$e old U2 and 2o+iet
relations$i%s -it$ *lient states d)rin, t$e 0old War.
Will civil society make the difference?
Ne+ert$eless# 'any *i+il so*iety a*ti+ists do not dis*o)nt t$e %ossi/ility t$at t$in,s 'ay yet /e t)rned aro)nd. @$o),$
*riti*al o( *)rrent 0$inese %oli*ies# 7)'%$rey Pole&Pole o( @an;ania a%%ealed at t$e Nairo/i 'eetin, (or a >-in&-in&-in?
strate,y && t$at is# >a -in (or 0$ina# a -in (or !(ri*an ,o+ern'ents# and a -in (or !(ri*an %eo%le. @$is is not i'%ossi/le.?
@$e .ey to s)*$ a *$an,e 'ay /e t$e ,ro-t$ o( 0$inese *i+il so*iety or,ani;ations# so'e o( -$i*$ are in*reasin,ly
inde%endent o( and indeed *riti*al o( ,o+ern'ent %oli*ies -it$in 0$ina.
B)t *loser ties /et-een 0$inese and !(ri*an N<=s are not eno),$# says 6)stin Fon,. e*$anis's to ens)re 0$inese
,o+ern'ent a**o)nta/ility are needed. =ne %oint o( +)lnera/ility $e identi(ies is t$e %ra*ti*e o( 0$inese ,o+ern'ent
entities# s)*$ as t$e 0$ina EC%ort&I'%ort Ban.# o( ,oin, (or *o&(inan*in, (or t$eir !(ri*a %roBe*ts to international /an.s
s)*$ as 72B0 and 0iti,ro)%. W$en it *o'es to *ontro+ersial %roBe*ts# %ress)re 'i,$t /e indire*tly %la*ed on t$e 0$inese
/y lo//yin, t$ese instit)tions# -$i*$ are 'ore sensiti+e a/o)t t$eir i'a,e t$an BeiBin,. 2)*$ ta*ti*s# -$i*$ so'eti'es
-or.ed -it$ -estern ,o+ern'ents and (ir's# 'ay not# $o-e+er# s)**eed -it$ 0$ina.
B)t -$ate+er t$eir di((eren*es# *i+il so*iety a*ti+ists# !(ri*an and 0$inese# a,ree on one t$in,. It -ill /e a $ard# )%$ill
str),,le to *$an,e t$e 0$inese B),,erna)t1s dire*tion in !(ri*a.

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