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D1C 05 '\994

- rTcjNAl UNT ---


25\ Quaker Road . Suite 13 . Queensbury . New York 12804

MARIO SCARSELLETfA, JR. OHics: (518) 793·4069

Vice President & RegionCJI Director FAX: (518) 793·4188

November 28, 1994

Wayne E. Glenn, Presid ent

United Paperworkers In te rnational Union
P. O. Box 1475
Nashvill e, TN 37202

Dear Wayne:

1 thought you might be in te res te d in the en closed on our friend. Joe Bruno. He is a great
fan of yours, and always asks me how you're doing.

You may DOW have to ease up on your golf game when he's in vo lve d.

Hope things are going well for you and Gracie.

Fraternally yours,

Mario Scarselletta, Jr.

Vice President & Regional Director
Region II



Bee: Frank Kelly



o say
qui P O SU
6 fPs:tlll E~e~u
·wllh Aasoclated Press reports

ALBANY - Power in tho stale Senate:

moved north Friday. i
· Senate Msjority Leader Ralph J. Marino, a -
Republican tram long Island. relinquished.
his leadership post Friday and ceded ir 10
Sen. Joseph L. Bruno . a RCfl!IscJaer County. .
Bruno, Il 65-year-old Glens PIlJlS native• .
'represents 1\ district that includes the Saratoga
County towns of Moreau, Northumberland
and Saratoga,
Bruno, who supported Govcrnor-e icct
George E. Pa iak i. s ajd in a prepared
stutcmcnt (hal ht: )1>01:5 Iorwnrd 10 working
wilh \ h ~ new gUYCfI'\llr tohelp change the
direction of ihe state. .'
· ::'0 0' Nov. 8, the people of New York sent Ii.
clear message (hal politics as usual is.not
ncceptab]e," Bruno suid. ';C;corgc Patuki hes
pledged 10 streamline governrn cnt, CUI taxes
Bfld make New York II t:reiJ1lllaco to wo rk,"
Bruno's selection as majority leader makes
him 0 key player in Albany. The majority
leader has flnal say over what legislation is
introduced In his house, ncgotlatcs the stale
budget with (he governor lind Assembly
spcnk cr , lind dote . . 0111 coveted Senate
corumiuce chuin\l:IlI~hjr~. .
Tho post c a r r ie s a $30,000 stipend in
addition 10 the regular stare lawmaker's
salary of
$57 ,500 B year.
Marino, who alienated some of his fellow
Republicans after his lukewarm backing of
Patak] during the governor's rnce, said .he
Seo SeL'll ta: P ags A 7
.0 ." •

. --

~ .

t • • _ ·

IFf'OlM pag e fA '3

would support Bruno 's ascens io n,
"I told Se nator Bruno th at I w ill
do every thing J can 10 assu~(l a
smooth tran sition and work 10 help
him unite the conference behind
his leadership," Marino said in a
prepared release.
Pataki, through spokc$woman
Zenia . Mucha, said he looked
forward 10 working with rbe new
majority leader.
Bruno's asc ens ion w as assisted
by another area lawmaker, Sen,
Ronald B. Stafford of Plattsburgh,
wh o s e d is tr ic t includ es Warren,
Was h in gto n. Essex an d Ham ilton
By helping Bruno, Stafford, who
has b een cha irman of the powerful
Senate f inance Comminee since
1993. helped ensure that his own
clout would not be diminished.
Stafford was a key Marino P o~3tI c a l a'iillalUan: ( Ucsl S1flllla tr~"I 1
supporter, helping birn ri se to the Repu blican . Republican.
leadership post six years ago, I3Ii'th p le co-Da t e : Jan. 2,
But Mar ino was h ur t b v his 6 Irth p la _&-l)e2e : April 8, 1928, Rochester,
stra ined relarions with Pataki, and 1929, Glens Falls. ",tree In DI ell: Nassau
Pataki's mentor, U.S . SeD. Alfonse and Suffolk.
M. D' Amato, tw isted th e arms of Cowrtlea I Istrlct: ig Elr aUGn: Syrnc use
downstate lawmakers and fractured Rensselaer and Saratoga . Univen;lty (BA), Fordha m
Marino's power base, according n University (Doctor of Laws).
hig h- level Senate source. EllIucaeJc t Graduated Irom
SI. Ma ry 's Academy In Glens F:alls ce Mp.9~ion: Lawm a ke r,
Meanwhile, Bruno was workin g
to line up 19 GOP sena to rs to back and Skidmore Collego with a 8.5. Attorney, Serve d In ihe U.S. ArrTT'/.
him, but was still short, the source In business adminis lrallon.
sai d . There a r e 36 R epublican
Fa mIly; Marrie d with three
Occ pe tl on: Lawmak er, children , one grand child.
senators in th e conferen ce.
Businessman. Served In U.S.
Stafford, after concluding that IIticel H l a !~: First
Anny In Ko rea .
Marino had no chanc e of elected to the Senale In 1968,
surviving, a gree d to deliver 10 to -"lm ll y l Ma rrled with four Marino chaired the Senate's crime
12 votes to Bruno, putting bim children. a nd .ban king committees before
over the to p, a c c o r d i n g to ihc becoming the first majority leader
sourc e. ~o ll tl o a r Bil)siol1l: Bruno. who who wasn't an upstater In 1989.
Sta fford, whose district borders once worked on Gov. Nelson Marino, whose soft voice earned
Bruno's, said Bruno un d e rs tan ds Roc kefeller's campaign staff. was him the nickname "Mumb les,· has
(he needs an d aims o f people first elected In 1976, He has promoted cutting welfare costs,
upstate, bUI is concerned about the speclallzed In business issues, keeping income taxes down and
state as a whol e end will help bring proposing leglslallon to reduce cracking down 00 crime. Marlno
about the ch anges th at voters arc govemmanl regulations. impose sponsored the state's Freedom of
demanding, restrictions on liability Insurance, Informellon and Open Mcellngs
" I think this is good for UpS1.3IC, cut stale mandalas on local laws, which ' opened govemm ent
but I think this is al so good for the commun ities and cot im:ome opereuons to the public but
whole state," he said. taxes. Bruno has chaired the exarnpted much of the
Stafford would not speculate on Senate's E(eetJons~ l nsurance and legIslature's aclivi tlos . In 1992,
whether he would reta in ih at Consumer Prolection com mittees , GOY. Mario Cuomo said he
chairmanship of [he finance and served on commissions for wouldn 't run lor president because
Cornm ittee , sayi n g all solid waste management and he was unable to work olJ1 a deal
public-private cooperatlon. on the slate budqel wilh Marino.
chairmanships will be taken under
consideration bv the new leader.
But thai pOSt cou ld be of great Pa r k Agency , o.y hi ch re gul~ I e s eight citizen commissioners have
.i rnpo rtanc e to rb e Ad iro nd a ck devetopment in Ihe park, and those expired . and the new g o ve rn o r
region. Next year. the Senate may nom inar ions m ust SO through the could nominat e re p lac emen ts. A
be asked 10 confirm a sl ew of Fi nance Co m mittee. sixth commissioner's term exp ires
nomin ations to t h e Adirondack The terms of fi ve of the .-\ PA' s in June.

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