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Topic: My Place: Mike 1978: Episode 4: Performance Cars Year Level: 5 Term: 2 Week: 3-5 Dae: !3/5/!3
"RA##AR $%CU&: 'level()
!* W+ole e, (r-c-re o. a information report
Opening statement to introduce topic
Main body of report including description of aspects, features, or characteristics
Related information grouped in paragraphs
Topic sentences give an idea of what will follow
Paragraphs elaborate on and support topic sentence
Final paragraph conclusion or summary
Visual text to support printed text
eadings to give structure to report, dividing different sections and content
!ibliography or reference list if re"uired
La/0-a0e .ea-re( .or +e e,-1pe:
2* &e/e/ce level
#entences containing one or more facts
Formal and ob$ective style of writing
%ritten in third person
&escriptive language
3* Wor2 level
)%ing *an, +,,-, pp. /++0/+12.
Te, 1pe a/2
Li(e/e2 o &poke/ Rea2 Wrie/ 3ie4e2 Pro2-ce2
5 5 5 5 5 5
&ep( i/ Teac+i/0 a/2 Lear/i/0 C1cle: 'a2ape2 Dere4ia/ka6 !778/2889)
/. !uilding topic 3nowledge
+. !uilding text 3nowledge4Model the genre
5. 6uided activities to develop vocabulary and text 3nowledge
1. *oint construction of text
7. 8ndependent construction of text
9. Reflecting on language choices
$re:-e/l1 -(e2 Lierac1 I/(r-cio/al &rae0ie(:
Thin3 (loud :anguage ;xperience (pproach )R4%2 Read to #hared R4%
6uided R4% Modelled writing 8nteractive writing 8ndependent R4%
:iterature <ircles Reciprocal Teaching Mini lesson Roving conferences
Reading 8nterviews <lo=e
Topic-(peci.ic voca;-lar1 .or +e -/i o. 4ork:
8nformation, report, cars, muscle cars, high performance cars, opening
statement, body, topic sentence, paragraph, conclusion, summary,
sentence, factual, facts, formal, descriptive, nouns, ad$ectives, verbs,
adverbs, school, resource, research,
T+i/ki/0 Tool(/ec+/i:-e( o (-ppor c+/<( +i/ki/0 ;e.ore/2-ri/0/ a/ acivi1:
6raphic Organisers )6O2 e.g. Venn &iagram, >0<hart, T0chart, #emantic grid? !rainstorm?
Mindmap? Thin30Pair0#hare? &OV;? Placemat? 6raffiti %all? Post0it 'otes? #unshine %heel? (0@
proforma? Problem0solving? Reflective :earning *ournals? #hare time? Reflection <ircles? Role0play?
Fish !owl? &ebate? &iscussion? P'8? 7V8Ps? !undling?
Compre+e/(io/ &rae0ie(: Predicting? Visualising? Ma3ing connections? Auestioning? 8nferring?
&etermining important ideas? #ummarising? Finding evidence in the text? Bnderstanding new
vocabulary? #ynthesising? <omparing and contrasting? Paraphrasing? Recognising cause and effect?
#3imming and scanning?
=-e(io/ 1pe(: self0"uestioning? 5 levels? )literal, inferential, evaluative2 A(R
%ing *an, :. )+,,-2. Write ways. #outh MelbourneC OBP.pp. /1. D5, /++0/+1, /+90/+D? ;P8#O&; 1 E /-FDC Mi3e C
Performance cars ;nglish teaching resources downloaded on /7
October, +,/5 from My Place
/ E P a g e
website Video clip ;pisode 1 )/2? (!<5 MyPlace 6raphic
Considering options
Locating information
aking choices
!ote taking
"rdering e#ents
$ro#iding feedback
&ecognising bias
'eeing patterns
'electing information
'haring ideas
*isually representing
,orking independently
,orking to a timetable
+ E P a g e
(Identify step in the T & L cycle and
the literacy learning intention or
sessions focs !
Tning In
(Identify a strategy or a tool to help
acti%ate prior &no'ledge and(or to
introdce the topic)!
(E+plicitly ,odel the se of a ne' strategy or a
tool to assist 'ith the literacy learning
intention or focs of the session and to
prepare stdents for sccessfl co,pletion of
the set tas&) Reference to "ing -an inclde
page details!
(E+tended opportnity for stdents to 'or& in
pairs0 s,all grops or indi%idally on a set
tas&) Ti,e for teacher to pro1e stdents
thin&ing or 'or& 'ith a s,all grop for part of
the ti,e) Reference to "ing -an inclde page
(3ocssed teacher 4estions and s,,ary to
dra' ot the &no'ledge0 s&ills and processes
sed in the session!
(shold relate to literacy learning intention
or focs of the session) Incldes ho' &
'hat yo 'ill se to ,a&e a 5dg,ent on
stdents atte,pt('or&!
#ession /
>-il2i/0 e,
+e 0e/re
To develop an
understanding of the
structure of an
information report.
#tudents should be
sitting on floor in
front of 8%!.
#tudents should
watch short video
clip ;pisode 1 )/2.
Teacher should lead
discussion on what
happened in the clip.
What can you tell me
about Mike and his
Do you know of a
way that Mike could
present all the
information he knows
about cars?
#tudents should
briefly brainstorm the
different ways that
Mi3e could display
what he 3nows about
T+i/k alo-2
Teacher should use 8%!
to show students an
information report about
cars displaying how Mi3e
could represent his
Teacher should model
)%ing *an, +,,-, p/12 how to
annotate and deconstruct
an information report,
labelling the different
aspects and features. )Refer,
sample %ing *an, +,,-, p. /++2.
#tudents in pairs should
each be given a new
information report to
annotate and label the
different parts. ;ach
student in the pair will
have a different report to
the other. 8f students
struggle, write a list of the
features on the board for
students to refer to if
needed. )8ndependent Practice,
%ing *an, +,,-, p. /12
Teac+i/0 0ro-p 4i+
(mall 0ro-p o. EAL:
"-i2e2 4rii/0
6roup of students will
wor3 together with the
assistance of the teacher to
complete annotating tas3.
6roup of students will sit
around one large copy of
information report and the
features of the whole text
structure written on labels.
#tudents will match the
labels with the features of
the text with help and
feedbac3 from teacher.
;ach pair of students will
compare a/2 co/ra(
their information texts,
discussing the similarities
and differences of the
structure of the text.
#elected students from
both pairs and small
teaching group should
share and have a
2i(c-((io/ about what
they annotated in their
information reports.
Teacher should "uestion
students to why they
labelled different parts.
Teacher should observe
students in independent
learning time annotating
their information
reports. Observe
whether students are
able to identify and
label the 3ey structural
features of information
5 E P a g e
;ach label should be
discussed. )6uided practice, %ing
*an, +,,-, p. /12
#ession +
>-il2i/0 opic
To assist students in
the researching and
planning to write an
information report.
T+i/k alo-2
Teacher to refer to or
re0watch My Place
episode 1 )/2 with
Mi3e. &iscuss with
students that Mi3e
was very interested in
cars, however he
does not 3now
about cars. 8f Mi3e
was to write an
information report he
would need to
identify what he
3nows and what he
wants to 3now. This
would help Mi3e
with his research and
planning for his
information report.
Di(c-((io/ a/2
Teacher to pose these
focus "uestions to
class. &iscuss and
brainstorm answers.
What would you
like included in a text
about our school?
If you were a
reader what would
#o2elle2 4rii/0
Model for students how to
record current 3nowledge
and information needs
using G%hat 8 want to
write about...H, G%hat 8
3now about...H and G%hat 8
need to 3now about...H
charts. )Refer, sample %ing *an,
+,,-, p. /+F2.
?oi/ Co/(r-cio/
Model these charts to
students using the topic of
their school. #tudents can
discuss and contribute to
the chart with what they
3now about the school and
also what they would li3e
to 3now. ) %ing *an, +,,-, p. /12.
Teacher to place copy of
research guide chart )Refer,
sample %ing *an, +,,-, p. /+D2 on
8%!. Resources listed
should be available to the
students during the lesson.
8ndividually, students
should choose a topic of
interest to them and should
create G%hat 8 want to
write about...H, G%hat 8
3now about...H and G%hat 8
need to 3now about...H
charts in their boo3s.
Once completed, students
should begin to research
their chosen topic.
)8ndependent Practice, %ing *an, +,,-,
p. /12
Teac+i/0 0ro-p 4i+
(mall 0ro-p o. EAL:
&+are2 4rii/0*
#tudents in small group
with teacher should be
directed to choose an
animal that they li3e.
Teacher should guide
students to the type of
features and details that
you should include in the
G%hat 8 3now about...H and
G%hat 8 need to 3now
about...H charts. #tudents
should fill in the charts
that were created.
Re.lecio/ circle(
#elected students share
their chosen topic, what
they 3now and what they
want to 3now. #tudent
identifies where and how
they will locate
information to find what
they need to 3now.
Teacher should ta3e
a/ec2oal recor2( of
students during
individual activity.
Teacher should focus
on students ability to
identify existing
3nowledge and
3nowledge needed to
write information
)%ing *an, +,,-, p. D52
1 E P a g e
you expect to read
about in a report on
our school? )%ing *an,
+,,-, p. /+92.
#ession 5
"-i2e2 aciviie( o
2evelop voca;-lar1
a/2 e, k/o4le20e
To introduce
students to the
vocabulary, sentence
and word level
features of an
information report.
Rea2 o
Teacher will read the
following statements
to class.
The abrador has
four le!s" brown fur"
a wet nose and a
The abrador has
four lon! le!s with
short smooth brown
fur" a shiny wet nose
and a black studded
collar with the name
$%pike& on it
(s3 the class which
of the statements is
more informative and
T+i/k6 pair6 (+are
#tudents should be
encouraged by
teacher to thin3 of
response to "uestion,
share response with
partner and selected
students share with
T+i/k Alo-2
Place information report
on cars from previous
session on 8%!. #tudents
should each ta3e turns to
stand up and highlight a
word in the text, annotate
what 3ind of word it is and
say why they thin3 it is
important for an
information report.
)sample, refer %ing
*an, +,,-, pg /+52
Teacher to facilitate
activity and prompt
students if re"uired.
(ssistance can be given by
explaining word types and
getting students to locate
them. 'ouns I collective,
general, sub$ect
(d$ectives I describe
comparative, superlative.
Verbs I action, present
tense, relational.
(dverbs I manner, time,
location, accompaniment.
I/2epe/2e/ Wrii/0
#tudents will use their
topic research from
session + to ma3e a
vocabulary list of words,
sorting them into different
categories of words.
)(d$ectives, verbs, nouns
Teac+i/0 0ro-p 4i+
(mall 0ro-p o. EAL:
Teacher will read an
information report to
students twice. The first
time it is read, students
will $ust listen. On the
second reading, students
will ta3e notes, trying to
focus on the 3ey
8n pairs, students will
combine their notes to
create a summary of what
the original information
report said, using correct
$i(+ >o4l
1 competent students
should be selected to
participate in a fishbowl
discussion. (ll other
students should be
arranged in a circle
around the chosen
students. ;ach student
will pic3 a type of word
)ad$ective, verb, noun,
etc.2 and inform the group
what words they had in
their topic that fell under
that category. #tudents
can respond to each other,
finding connections
between their vocabulary
words and their meanings.
#tudents from small
teaching group can also
share their written
summaries with group.
Teacher should have a
focussed observation on
students ability to
recognise different topic
specific vocabulary and
which vocabulary is
important to the text
type of information
7 E P a g e
#ession 1
?oi/ co/(r-cio/
o. e,
To develop students
ability and
confidence in writing
a information report.
T+i/k alo-2
Recap students on
previous sessions
referring to the text
structure of
information reports
and the language and
vocabulary features.
(s3 students
What comes first in
an information
What kind of
'ocabulary is used?
What !oes at the
end of an
information report?
What should be in
the topic sentences?
Ta3e individual
answers from
students and as3 if
any students have
other answers.
&+are2 Wrii/0
Referring bac3 to session
+ where class filled out the
G%hat 8 3now about...H,
G%hat 8 need to 3now
about...H charts about the
school. Teacher should
wor3 with students to
write an information
report about the school
using 3nowledge 3nown
and found out 3nowledge
from the students G'eed to
3now...J responses. Focus
should be on text
structure, introduction,
topic sentences,
conclusion as well as
specific vocabulary.
Colla;oraive 4rii/0
8n small mixed ability
groups, students will wor3
collaboratively to write an
information narrative
about their class. #tudents
will all have a thorough
existing 3nowledge of
their class and can write
text without planning.
#tudents should focus on
the structures and
Teac+i/0 0ro-p 4i+
(mall 0ro-p o. EAL:
"-i2e2 Wrii/0
%ith a small teaching
group, teacher should have
an information text cut
into separate pieces.
6roup is re"uired to read
the pieces and place them
together so that the
information report flows
and is structured properly.
Teacher should as3
students how they 3now
which pieces go where.
Re.lecive Lear/i/0
!efore moving into
individual writing next
session, students should
write in a reflective
learning $ournal about
everything they have
learnt about information
#tudents should share
their learning with the
&-2e/ (el.-
#tudents should
complete a self
assessment on their
ability and confidence
in writing information
reports after the
previous sessions.
Auestions can be
$Thin!s I ha'e learnt
about writin!(&
$What I am !ood at(&
$What I would like to
)%ing *an, +,,-, p. DF2
#ession 7
co/(r-cio/ o. e,
To create a detailed
writing plan using
ac"uired 3nowledge
Teacher to refer bac3
to session / and put
car information
report on 8%!.
(s3 students focus
On 8%!, teacher should
bring up 6raphic
Organiser amburger
)(ppendix /2
8dentify to class what the
hamburger means,
referring to the hamburger
"rap+ic %r0a/i(er
#tudents will wor3
individually to complete
information report plan
using graphic organiser
based on their chosen
topic and research
&+are Time
(ll students come
together and have a
2i(c-((io/ of the plans
that were written.
8ndividual students can
stand up and discuss their
Teacher should collect
wor3 samples of
information report from
students and fill in an
A((e((me/ o.
I/.ormaio/ Repor
Wrii/0 )Refer, sample, %ing
9 E P a g e
and begin to write
information report.
KWhy is it important
to plan before
What could happen
when writin! if we
don&t make a plan?
Po( i /oe(
#tudents will write a
response to focus
"uestion and place on
board. Teacher will
read out and discuss
buns as the introduction
and conclusion and the
filling as the topic
I/eracive Wrii/0
Referring to the car
information report from
session /, teacher and
students should
collaborate to fill in the
hamburger plan.
)*oint deconstruction, %ing *an, +,,-,
p. /12
underta3en in previous
I/2epe/2e/ 4rii/0
%hen students complete
plan, writing of
information report can be
)8ndependent Practice, %ing *an, +,,-,
p. /12
Teac+i/0 0ro-p 4i+
(mall 0ro-p o. EAL:
"-i2e2 pracice
"rap+ic %r0a/i(er
#tudents in small teaching
group will complete tas3
with teacher guidance.
#tudents will do the wor3
with teacher helping and
giving feedbac3 when
chosen topic and how
their report will be
<lass has opportunity to
as3 "uestions and give
feedbac3 as well as
*an, +,,-, p. /572 for each
F E P a g e

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