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How to face the oppressive rulers and enemies
We don't need to fear any oppressive ruler or any other creature if we are truly mindful of Allah & His
Allah says! "#t is only the $vil one %#blis& who urges you to fear his followers' do not fear them! but
fear (e %Allah&! if you are true believers.) %*:+,-&
.he /rophet sallallahu 0alayhi wasallam said:
"1e mindful of Allah! and Allah will protect you. 1e mindful of Allah! and you will find Him in front
of you. #f you %have need to& as2! as2 of Allah' and if you see2 help! see2 help from Allah. 3now that
even if the 4ation %or the whole community& were to gather together to benefit you with something!
they would not benefit you with anything e5cept that which Allah has already recorded for you! and
that if they gather together to harm you with something! they would not be able to harm you with
anything e5cept that which Allah has already recorded against you. .he pens have been lifted and the
pages have dried."
6Al7.irmidhi relates this and says: #t is a good! genuine Hadith8

.he oppressive rulers are nothing 3now your 9eal $nemy:
.he most dangerous & destructive enemies of (uslims are their own :ins. Whenever we were
defeated! it was not due to the enemy's superiority but due to our own sins. ;et's do 9eal .awba and
turn to Allah for protection & <ictory.
.his is from Allah to test our faith:

=.he present world is only an illusory pleasure: you are sure to be tested through your possessions and
persons' you are sure to hear much that is hurtful from those who were given the :cripture before you
and from those who associate others with >od. #f you are steadfast and mindful of >od that is the best
course.) %?ur@an! *:+AB&
=Co you suppose that you will enter the >arden without encountering what those before you
encounteredD .hey were afflicted by misfortune and hardship! and they were so sha2en that even 6their8
messenger and the believers with him cried! 0When will >od@s help arriveD@ .ruly! >od@s help is near.)
%?ur@an! E:E+F&
1ut most reassuring of all! Allah %swt& Himself comforts the believers and promises them success after
these tests:

=Co not lose heart! nor fall into despairGyou will have the upper hand! if you are true believers. #f a
wound hath touched you! be sure a similar wound hath touched the others. :uch days %of varying
fortunes& We give to men and men by turns: that Allah may 2now those that believe! and that He may
ta2e to Himself from your ran2s (artyr7witnesses %to .ruth&. And Allah loves not those that do wrong.
Allah@s obHect also is to purify those that are true in Iaith and to deprive of blessing those that resist
Iaith. Cid you thin2 that you would enter Heaven without Allah testing those of you who fought hard
%#n His Cause& and remained steadfastD) ?uran %*:+*J7+FE&
How to pass this test from AllahD:
.he beauty of the tests of Allah is that after notifying us that they@re coming! He gives us the e5act
recipe for succeeding in them: :abr %patience& and .aKwa %>od7consciousness&.

=.hey grieve at any good that befalls you 6believers8 and reHoice at your misfortunes. 1ut if you are
steadfast and conscious of >od! their scheming will not harm you in the least: >od encircles everything
they do.) %*:+EL&

:o! along with a proper strategy to face the changed scenario! let us revamp our spiritual condition as a
community! do full and sincere .awba! adopt .aKwa in all aspects of life and be steadfast on the deen
with sabr and do the following dua freKuently:

0Mur ;ord! forgive us our sins and our e5cesses. (a2e our feet Nrm! and give us help against the
disbelievers.' %*:+F,&

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