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Power System Control Technology

Operational Training
Power Electronics Module
Master of Sciences
In Electrical Engineering
System Design and Technology
"ni#ersity of $pplied Sciences % &ochschule Darmstadt
'( EIT
Prof) Dr)%Ing) Dieter Met*
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 2

Power System Control Technology
Operational Training
'( Ele+trotechni+ und Informationstechni+
Prof) Dr)%Ing) Dieter Met*
Master of Sciences in Electrical Engineering
System Design and Technology

h_da March 2007
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 3
Outline of this course
This course is designed for the ,Power Electronics Module,- a 2
semester module
of the Master of Science Program ,Electrical Engineering % System Design and
Technology, presented .y the "ni#ersity of $pplied Sciences % &ochschule
Darmstadt) The module wants to gi#e the student an e/tended understanding of
electrical power systems- power system control technology- power system operation
and management) To follow the course the participants need a .asic understanding
of electrical power systems and information technology on a graduated le#el)
'irst the participants ha#e an introduction in the power grids and in the technology of
central computer .ased control systems- remote lines and information transfer) Then
they were put in a position of a control centre engineer) They learn how to operate
the power system .y a SC$D$ system in the control centre) The main technical
0uestions of operational control are addressed) 1ormal operations li+e changing .us
.ars and how to influence the load- the load flow- the #oltage- the fre0uency and
many other aspects on the dispatcher2s le#els as well as 0uestions with special
emphasis to the needs of medium #oltage le#el will .e treaded) The effects of
networ+ failures depending from the treatment of the transformer2 neutral point
including Peterson coils will .e discussed) 1etwor+ failures and emergencies are
triggered and the course participants ha#e to react .y locating and clearing the
failures using SC$D$ and relays information and doing switching operations)
(esides the technical discussions a commercial thin+ing in operating the grid is
forced) Commercial indicators and .alances ha#e to .e followed indicating e)g) costs
of losses and outages with respect to the grid companies2 position and contracts in a
deregulated energy mar+et)
The conte/t will .e discussed theoretically and will .e practically e/ercised .y using a
dynamic real time training simulator 3ES4%1ES5) The training facilities include a
standard SC$D$ control system- 3ES4%E6"5 and 3ES4%PMC5) The SC$D$
standard functions will .e learned- chec+ed- tuned and adapted to certain operators2
The com.ination of theoretical discussions and practical e/ercises during the training
sessions #ery well supports understanding of power system .eha#iour and
operational control) The dynamic training simulator pro#ides a realistic en#ironment
for electrical power system e/periments and e/ploration that can not .e e/ercised in
real grids)
&a#e a good success)
Prof) Dr)%Ing Dieter Met*
* RESY-PMC and RESY-NES are roducts of !eresch"er#e $uto%ation Co%an&
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !
Outline of this 'oo#
The outline of this .oo+ is also to inform how to start the training system- to perform-
to e/ercise and to stop the training) It wants to gi#e needed .ac+ground information
and to guide the participants through the lectures and e/ercises)
$fter starting the system the training system is ready to run) There is a full
declaration of a 89::92%+6 grid including lines- transformers- generators and
loads including the switchgear and all important regulation components) (efore
acting as a power system control engineer it is #ery important to get familiar first with
% the power system structure
% the components and the limitations
% the SC$D$ system functions
% the operational displays and the handling
Participants ha#e to study the implemented power grid intensi#ely) ;ith this
+nowledge the participants are allowed to e/ecute normal operations first) During the
e/ercises- the power system status can .e followed and influenced .y the SC$D$
tools and displays) Such are station pictures- load flow displays- line diagrams and a
lot of other displays)
$fter .eing familiar with the grid and the SC$D$ tools the participants are a.le to .e
confronted with power system emergencies which ha#e to .e located and cleared)
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "
a#t actual
$l $lu%iniu%
*+ Screen (aria'le
,M, ,ata %odel
,MS ,istri'ution Mana)e%ent S&ste%
+,N -er%an .!+ .tilit& $ssociation
E+. .tilit& Co%an&
h_da .ni(ersit& of $lied Sciences - !ochschule ,ar%stadt
!+ !i)h +olta)e /000-#+1
fun S&ste% functions for data %aintenance
23 Re%ote lines
43 Po"er lant
MM5 Men-Machine-5nterface
MM4 Men-Machine-Co%%unication
M6. Master 6er%inal .nit
M+ Mediu% +olta)e /20-#+ 777 8-#+1
N6S9 NES Net"or# 6rainin) Si%ulator
PC Personal-Co%uter
P+ Process +aria'le
"e Enter ass"ord
:N; PC-oeratin) s&ste% of :N; Soft"are <td7
RESY-C5M SC$,$ S&ste% /Product of !ersch"er#e 56-Co%an&1
RESY-NESNet"or# Si%ulator /Product !eresch"er#e 56-Co%an&1
R6. Re%ote ter%inal unit
St Steel
ste Sto and end of control s&ste% oeration
.!+ .ltra !i)h +olta)e /=00 #+ 777 220 #+1
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #
The electric power supply has to be on a high quality level because it is a main basis to
develop economy and culture. The level of power supply quality differs very much in the
world. Electricity supply for the society has been started around 1900. It rapidly increased in
the number of customers electricity consumption and transfer.
In the so called developing countries strong efforts are made to increase reliability and
stability of the power system. Installing new plants increasing the efficiency and saving
electrical losses are the main goals. It is very astonishing that in Europe and in the !" once
being the starting points of electricity the same goals appear again due to the philosophy of
restructuring the energy mar#et. $fter a long period of a rather high quality supply in a
monopoly type of mar#et the liberali%ation was implemented to reduce the costs of electricity
by inducting mar#et competition.
&ue to the competition the utilities were forced to increase productivity. The strong cost
pressure resulted in centrali%ation remote acting automation and computer based grid
supervision in reducing the staff in less grid maintenance and in lower re'investments. $s
automation and centrali%ation positively did affected the power quality the lac# of
maintenance and investments obviously did the opposite.
(ontrolling a power grid through a control centre using a "($&$ system and remote line
operation is a quite different philosophy as controlling from a des# using a distributed team of
local staff local panels and phone call orders. The speed and the efficiency of operation will
increase but to correctly e)ecute the operational tas#s a new type of control centre engineers
is needed. They need a complete training. They need to #now as well the general view to the
grid and components forming an interacting system as to #now the stations* equipment and
details. They are responsible for decisions which affect the whole power system the
components investments and assets of billions of Euros. $nd they strongly affect the
customers* availability of electrical power supply.
$ big advantage of a centrali%ed computer based operational control is to have access to all
information to permanently see the updates of measurements to follow data and trends and to
have a fast access to the switchgear and regulation equipment. If failures or emergencies
occur the clearing operations can directly be e)ecuted. +odern equipment allows even a
simulation of the planned operation to see the effects.
,bviously only well educated engineers guarantee safe operations and good quality of power
supply. &ue to the competition and the trend for implementing a product responsibility for
electricity by law it is important to demonstrate all efforts providing a high quality for
electricity supply to the public. Important tools are computer based control systems -"($&$
systems. simulation tools and training systems to develop the s#ills of the staff.
/requent staff training results in professional and effective operations. (omputer based
operational training is a rather young development. It has been first used off line in
universities* courses to support students* understanding and in continuing education courses.
0ow state of the art "($&$ systems provide integrated training functions as a standard in the
control centres.

MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %
1E"2'"($&$3 systems appeared to be the first control systems providing also dynamic
training functions. The basic concept is to lin# the "($&$ software to an additional software
pac#age which dynamically calculates the reactions of a power system in real'time.
The course training system has been designed and developed during the last fifteen years in a
partnership between repas'$E4 $utomation and the !niversity of $pplied "ciences
5ochschule &armstadt with advisory of local utilities e.g. 5"E &armstadt.
I would li#e to ac#nowledge my gratitude to all students doing final thesis industry engineers
and institutions supporting the reali%ation of this training system. /inally I have appreciated
the former cooperation with repas'$E4 $utomation and the current cooperation with
5ereschwer#e very much.
6rof. &r.'Ing. &ieter +et%
6ower "ystem (ontrol Technology
/achbereich Ele#trotechni# und Informationstechni#
!niversity of $pplied "cience ' 5ochschule &armstadt
"ch7fferstra8e 9
& :;<9= &armstadt
/on> ?;9 :1=1 1:@<90
/a)> ?;9 :1=1 1:@990
E'mail> met%Aeit.h'
' (ES) is a trade mar* o$ +ereschwer*e $or SC,-, and Training in control centres
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .

Outline o$ the course
1 2ntroduction
1.1 Power systems in Europe and 3ermany
1.2 3ermany4s energy e5change with the surrounding countries
1.3. European grids and electricity e5change
2. 3eneral in$ormation a/out the dynamic training simulator
2.1 6hy training $or power system control7
2.2 3eneral system design $or utility online training
2.3 Power system training in uni0ersities
2. Simulation so$tware and general system design
2.! E5periences in utilities and uni0ersities
2." SC,-, and $unctions
3. +ow to use the dynamic power system training simulator
3.8 +ardware con$igurations
3.1 9irst steps to plug in and switch on
3.2 +andling the SC,-, system
3.3 Trainer inter$ace
3. -ata $iles
3.! +ow to change data $iles
. Power system description
.1 Power system networ* and components
;.< Some important parameters o$ networ* components
.3 E5planations to the control displays

!. Training e5ercises
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 18
1 2ntroduction
The increasing comple)ity of electrical power systems changed the requirements for
operation monitoring and controlling the power system. The change from a rather simple
panel to control a power substation or a single transformer station to a large central control
system in the last three decades was made to increase the security efficiency and reliability
and to decrease the costs of labour.
1emote lines allow to control all the important power grid stations and components from a
computer based operation station in the control centre. &epending from the si%e of the utility
company the control centre personnel is responsible for supervising the customers* supply by
supervising the power grid its components* states the load flow the frequency the voltage
levels the losses and much more.
Efficient grid operation is based on sensors and actors in the grid on safe bidirectional
information transfer and on available control centre hardware and software. The control centre
software system provides a toolset for the control engineers to supervise and operate the
power system. (omponents such as computers interfaces and software have to interact. $
basic set of functions to monitor to log and to control the power grid which are implemented
in the control centre computers are called "($&$ functions. "($&$ means supervisory
control and data acquisition.
Electricity is important for the society. "trong demands on security and quality Bustify rather
e)pensive equipment li#e remote lines computer'based control systems "($&$'software
and additional software functions as energy management -E+". load forecast etc.
The bac#ground of e)pensive equipment and investment on the one hand and the peoples*
demand on low energy prises on the other hand is still causing a permanent optimi%ation
processes. /inally the business driver is a reasonable economic profit. Economic indicators
calculating and qualifying the grid efficiency is a new set of "($&$ functions. This has
become important because of the restructured energy mar#et which causes a strong view to
the economic side by regulators supervision. Cy operating the power system the effects to the
costs have to be ta#en into account always.
6ower system operation technical stabilisation and economic optimisation are comple) tas#s.
,bviously only well educated and e)perienced personnel using helpful control centre
software tools can guarantee an effective economic and professional operation and
supervision of the power system. +en and computer system have to interact positively. Dho
decidesE Dho controlsE The basic philosophy of men'machine'interaction in control centres
% Fet the machine analyse an present the networ# state
% Fet men decide about operations
% Fet machine calculate the effects of operation and give warnings
% Fet the machine e)ecute standard operations after mens trigger
% Fet both control each other
(omputers are very fast in analysing a large amount of data. They warn about critical values o
trends. +en decide about operations which were chec#ed due to the consequences by
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 11
automatic simulation and giving warnings as GDarning> $ction switches off a loadH.. +en
finally decide. E)treme operations may be bloc#ed. +en decides about machines* automatic
activities to be switched on or off e.g. automatic voltage control by transformer tap changing.
+en decide about starting any automatic control system action. The system may e)ecute e.g.
a busbar change automatically after men*s request.
&uring the last two decades the following software tools have shown effective support>
Interloc#ing system to avoid mista#es in operations chec#ing the planned topology and load
flow consequences of planned operations study modes for outage effects of high loaded
components which possibly may fail indicating losses and its costs indicating costs of
outages and which is a rather new approach> 6roviding a dynamic training environment for a
ris# free operational training.
6lease see an important difference between a load flow simulation to chec# planned switching
orders and dynamic power system training. Foad flow simulation is a static calculation of Bust
one step to the future. &ynamic power system training is wor#ing continuously on a simulated
power grid ta#ing all dynamics and real time effects into account. This #ind of training
requires also the models of the protection relays* behaviour during overload and short circuits
the emulation of voltage and frequency regulations and other dynamic effects of power
system components. $ dynamic training mode provides a real'time feeling during the
training. It needs an original wor#station running all "($&$ E+" and ++I software
functions which are lin#ed a dynamic and real'time power system simulation.
$n increasing number of utilities support the staff by training mode facilities in the control
centres. Dell trained staff does increase security quality and even the companies* profit.
1.1 Power systems in 3ermany and in Europe
The total consumption of electricity in 4ermany has been rather stable during the last = years
slightly increasing from :<0 to :=0 TDh -1 TDh I 10
The pea# load has increased from J1 to @0 4D -1 4D I 10
The electricity production in 4ermany is a mi) of different types of primary energy and plants
including a significant number of renewable. "ee the production sources -year <00;.>
:uclear 33 ; <rown coal 23 ;
Pit coal 2 ; 3as 18 ;
6ater ; 6ind " ;
Else 2 ;
Cy $ct of 6arliament in 4ermany the nuclear power plants will be stopped completely during
the ne)t 1= years. The wind energy is the most increasing figure by 90K a year. In <00; the
installed wind power was equal to 1: 4D which is around 19K of pea# load. $s wind power
is rather uncertain the contribution to energy is Bust around :K. To match the customers*
needs it is important to use physical storage as well as doing demand side management. $
significant amount of bac#up plants have to be installed. 0ewly installed conventional plants
are mainly gas turbines using gas and steam technology leading to efficiency up to :0K.
(ombined heating is available only in larger cities. Cesides the hydro storage plants which are
mainly in the southern parts of 4ermany there are some storage plants using air large buffers
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 12
in the northern parts on base of former salt mining installations. "ome more figures
concerning the grid>

=ength o$ lines and ca/les in 3ermany -figures from year <00<.>
!5L -;00 ... <<0 #L. 9@.=00 #m
5L -110 ... 9: #L. J;.;00 #m
+L - 9: ... : #L. ;J<.900 #m
FL - 1 ... 0; #L. 9;=.:00 #m
Trans$ormers in 3ermany>
!5LM5L 1.100
5LM+L J.900
+LMFL ==J.900
"ee the map of 4ermany and the <<0 #L -green. and 9@0 #L -red. lines.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 13

6he o"er -rid =00-#+ /red1 and 220-#+ /)reen1 in -er%an&
/Source> ,ata and 2acts - Stro%net?e in ,eutschland +,N 20021
(estructuring o$ the Energy mar*et in 3ermany
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 1
&ue to the energy mar#et liberali%ation process forced by the European Fegislation a
concentration process too# place in 4ermany. Dithin around = years the dispatcher centres in
4ermany were reduced from 9 to ; and the city wor#s utilities have reduced the number of
technicians and engineers by around ;0K in the years 199: to <00<.
State 0@@@ State since 2002
: (ayernwer+ $= E)O1 1et* =m.&>:?@A
2 (ewag $= 6attenfall Europe $= >2?8?!A
B En(; Energie (aden%;Crtten.erg $= En(; Transportnet*e $=
8 &am.urger ElectricitDts%;er+e $= 3;E 1et $= >E?FA
@ PreussenEle+tra $=
E 3;E Energie $=
! 6E$= 6ereinigte Energiewer+e $=
F 6E; Energiewer+e $=
,&na%ic chan)e in -er%an disatcher utilit& industr&
/Source> ,+- Aahres'ericht 0@@@ und ,aten und 2a#ten - Stro%net?e in ,eutschland +,N 20021
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 1!
6ower systems need production capacity reserves to stand outages and spontaneous customer
needs. Therefore the plant capacity is higher compared to the real needed power. "ee the
following figures of year 1999.
(ustomers* pea# load was J0.9 4D.
"pinning reserve was 1.@ 4D.
&emand side reserve was =.; 4D.
(old reserve 9.0 4D
6roduction side reserve <.; 4D
1eserve not available 1<.< 4D
The production capacity overshoot is a result from the past when the increase of customer*s
consumption was around 9K every year. The capacity overshoot is estimated to be reduced
during the ne)t years. The planning of plants used to be done in 4ermany during monopoly
mar#et in terms of 10 years or even longer. This seriously has changed due to the liberali%ed
mar#et. "ee the pea# loads and total power capacity of 4ermany in 4D -1999 and <00<..
:GGG7 !-G 9 ::-G H EB-GI 227 !E-B 9 :::-8 H EF-@ I
Po"er 'alance durin) ea# load 0@@@ and 200B -er%an&
/Source> ,+- Aahres'erichte 0@@@ and 200B1
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 1"
1.2 3ermany4s electricity e5change with the surrounding countries
&ue to the centrali%ed position of 4ermany in Europe there is an intensive e)change of
electrical energy through 4ermany. The main buyers of electricity are The 0etherlands and
Italy -passing through "wit%erland.. "ee the figures of year <001>
ECchan)e of electrical ener)& of -er%an& in 2000
/Source> ,aten und 2a#ten - Stro%net?e in ,eutschland +,N 20021
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 1#
(alculate the costsMincome of electrical energy e)change of 4ermany to /rance -/ran#reich.
The 0etherlands -5olland. and to "wit%erland -"chwei%. using a simple price modelling of :0
1.3. European grids and electricity e5change
Electricity is being e)changed intensively in Europe. The bigger utilities are all European
players. Ciggest e)port countries are /rance selling about J0.000 4Dh -Ed/. und Tschech
1epublic selling around 10.000 4Dh. Ciggest import countries are Italy buying around
;0.000 4Dh and The 0etherlands buying around <0.000 4Dh.
The European power grids are interconnected to provide an international infrastructure for
energy e)change. 4oals are to be prepared if big plants have to be switched off and to use
cheep energy production. (urrently there are some = European power grid associations
providing the technical and commercial infrastructure to e)change energy>

? @CTE A!nion pour la Coordination du Transport de l*BecticitO.
? :O(-E= A:ordic Electricity "ystem.C
? DES ADereinigte Energie Systeme.
? @ETSO, -@nited Eingdom Transmisssion System Operators* ,ssociation.
? TSO A$ssociation of Transmission System Operators in 2reland.
The overall regulation authority ET" -$ssociation of European Transmission System
Operators. was founded in Puly 1999 in /ran#furtM+ain to provide a platform for negotiations
of the partners currently !(TE 0,1&EF !QT",$ and $T",I are members. The 4erman
representative is L&0 -Lerband der 0et%betreiber e.L.. im L&ED. "ee information and web
site> www.vdn'
UCTE Frequency drops
Year Peak Load Grid Time max f
1995 5!"# G$ UCPT 1%%& ' 5% m()
199# #*"1 G$ +E,-EE, *%& . 5% m()
199/ /%"1 G$ %& .%% m()
199! /#" G$ 5& .5%% m()
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 1%
Euroean )rids
The large west' and middle'European @CTE?grid was founded 19=1 to obtain>
' high efficiency using production and transport capacity
' support for international electricity e)change
' improve reliability and quality of power supply
6artners are -<001.>
Celgium 4ermany /rance 4reece Italy 2ugoslavia Fu)emburg The 0etherlands $ustria
6oland 6ortugal "chwei% "lova#ia "pain Tschech 1epublic und 5ungary.
In <00= Culgaria and 1omania Boined the partnership.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 1.
The :O(-E= AScandina0ian utilitiesF> &enmar# /inland Island 0orway und "weden.
The DES ADereinigte EnergiesystemeF> Culgaria 1umania Eastland Fet land Fithuania
1ussia Dhite 1ussia +oldavia und !#raine.
/uture plans will lin# further countries of East'Europe to the !(TE'grid. Through the
"panish grid will be connected $lgeria +orocco and Tunisia. /uture plans are to create a ring
around the +editerranean "ee to lin# renewable energies produced in the "ahara dessert and
to transport electricity to central Europe.

"ince +arch <00< a European wide cash system is installed to charge for transported energy
if border crossings happen. 1 N each +Dh has to be paid independently from the number of
border crossings.
1. Power system structure and super0ision
"ee the power system structure and supervision in ne)t two figures that will be discussed in
the meeting hours
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 28
1.! Super0isory Control and -ata ,cGuisition ASC,-,F
$s the name indicates a "($&$ system is a computer based system to supervise and control
a process e.g. the power grid. It is a system that focuses on the supervisory level. The process
can partly be supervised by remote control -1T!s. and with communication with personnel
com lin#s. "($&$ as such it is a purely software pac#age which provides the basic functions
to supervise the grid e.g. power flow and voltage measurements protection relays messages
and the supply management. Typical software functions would be e.g. the updating of the
process data base event log file protocol and the presentation of displays to implement orders
to the process. This software pac#age is positioned on top of the hardware'software system of
the computers to which it is interfaced. In general this would be via 6F(*s or other such
commercial hardware modules.
The supervising operator would be responsible for the grid operations needed for
maintenance grid flow control and in the case of a fault the restoration of the networ# to
normal operation.
-ata ,cGuisition
"($&$ must be able to understand data from 6F(*s and other hardware distributed in the
power grid then to analyse and graphically represent this data to the user. "($&$ systems
must be able to read and write multiple sources of data using multiple industrial protocols. In
the case of electrical grid networ# analysis protection relays events and measurements need to
be collected such as voltage current frequency active R reactive power and digital values of
switching state
"($&$ systems include hardware and software components. The hardware gathers and feeds
data into a computer that has "($&$ software installed usually a "tandard 6(. The
computer then processes this data and presents it in a timely manner. "($&$ also records
and logs all events into a file stored on a hard dis# andMor sends them to a printer. "($&$
warns when conditions become ha%ardous by sounding alarms.
"($&$ is a system that allows an operator to monitor and control processes that are
distributed among various remote sites.
There are many processes that use "($&$ systems including power hydroelectric water
distribution and treatment utilities natural gas etc. These systems allow remote sites to
communicate with a control facility and provide the necessary data to control processes. /or
many of its uses "($&$ provides an economic advantage. $s distance to remote sites and
difficulty to access these increase "($&$ becomes a better alternative to an operator or
technician visiting the site for adBustments and inspections. &istance and remoteness are two
maBor factors for implementing "($&$ systems. 0evertheless local inspections and
maintenance are necessary from time to time.
"ee the structure of a "($&$ system in ne)t figure.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 21

4eneric "($&$ "ystem
There are four maBor elements to a "($&$ system>
The operator
The master terminal unit -+T!.
1emote terminal unit -1T!..
The Operator
The operator e)ercises control through information that is depicted on a video display unit
-L&!.. Input to the system normally initiates from the operator via the master terminal unit*s
mouse and #eyboard.
Master Terminal @nit
$t the heart of the system is the master terminal unit -+T!.. The master terminal unit
initiates all communication gathers data stores information sends information to other
systems and interfaces with operators. The relationship between +T! and 1T! is analogous
to master and slave. $ cyclic polling mode is a common interaction between the +T! and the
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 22
1T!s. ,ther type of information e)change may be used such as spontaneous mode.
&epending on the comple)ity or sophistication the +T! may employ heuristics embedded
into its programming that allow it to ma#e modifications to the system to maintain optimality.
In the same fashion the sophistication in the 1T! may allow local optimi%ation of functions.
The maBor difference between the +T! and 1T! is that the +T! initiates virtually all
communications by its programming. (oncerning the traffic between the +T! and the 1T!
there are different modes. (ommunication maybe initiated by the +T! in a polling mode or
by the 1T! in a spontaneous interrupt mode. The +T! also communicates with other
peripheral devices in the facility li#e monitors printers or other information systems. The
primary interface to the operator is the monitor that portrays a representation of valves
pumps switchgear brea#ers etc. $s incoming data changes the screen is updated. 0e)t
/igure shows e)amples of inputs from the +T! and field devices.

Inputs R ,utputs for +T!
"($&$ systems are capable of communicating using a wide variety of media such as fibre
optics dial'up or dedicated voice grade telephone lines or radio. 1ecently some utilities
have employed Integrated "ervices &igital 0etwor# -I"&0. and &"F. "ince the amount of
information transmitted is still relatively small -less than =0Q for common IE( protocols.
voice grade phone lines and radio wor# well. If other communication standards as IE( :1@=0
will be used the transmission speed has to be improved seriously.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 23
(emote Terminal @nit A(T@F
1emote terminal units gather information from their remote site from various input devices
li#e valves pumps alarms meters etc. Essentially data is either analogue -real numbers.
usually digital -onMoff. or pulse data -e.g. counting revolutions of meters.. +any remote
terminal units hold the information gathered in their memory and wait for a request from the
+T! to transmit the data. ,ther more sophisticated remote terminal units have
microcomputers and programmed language controllers -6F(. that can perform direct control
over a remote site without the direction of the +T!. ,ne application for this would be the
interloc#ing chec#s for switch ordering. 0e)t figure shows an e)ample of outputs of the 1T!
to the +T! and field devices.
/igure Inputs R ,utputs for 1T!
The 1T! central processing unit -(6!. receives a binary data stream in accordance with the
communication protocol. 6rotocols can be open li#e Transmission (ontrol 6rotocol and
Internet 6rotocol -T(6MI6. or proprietary. There are relevant IE( standards. &ata streams
generally contain the information that is organi%ed according to the seven layers ,pen
"ystems Interconnection +odel -,"I +odel.. The ,"I +odel is used to set standards in the
way information is e)changed with respect to protocols communication and data. The 1T!
receives its information because it sees its identification embedded in the protocol. The data is
then interpreted and the "($&$ software directs the appropriate action at the site.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 2
(eGuirements o$ a SC,-, System
$ system'wide supervisory control solution allows to enable better monitoring and control
faster reporting and analysis easier direct and remote access and smoother integration with
business systems S all with improved efficiency and lower cost. Casically whether the needs
are modest for control of a small grid or nation'wide control of an electrical power networ# a
central supervisory solution can ma#e the Bob easier faster and more efficient.
"ystem'wide supervisory systems allows the control of overall mission including critical
facility management as production monitoring central dispatch power management quality
control environmental control communicationsMnetwor#ing 5L$( security and more.
Typically each of these dissimilar systems contains many individual functions and software
Cy lin#ing the equipment into a system'wide supervisory system and communications
framewor# you can usually>
1educe downtime and increase customer satisfaction
Coosting equipment performance and better control of maintenance costs
&rive real'time data collection and reporting for better decision ma#ing
5ave an automatic continuous monitoring tracing and response
Improve safety and security
1educe manual processes
/acilitate on'line training to develop staff
The installation of "($&$ has subsequently been seen as a means to satisfy a variety of
increasing technical and commercial pressures such as consumer demands regulatory
requirements and to also satisfy the need to reduce operational costs.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 2!
1." (emote line communication system
$ real time supervision of the power system in a control centre bases on a remote line
communication system. This is a very important part to fulfil the idea of remote data
collection and process control. The remote line communication system connects the
distributed substations to the central control system. The data is transmitted in a digital and
serial form.
The communication between the subsystems in principle can be described in a seven layer
model matching the IE( standards of I",',"I interconnections. Cut this is mainly a
theoretical description of data e)change layers which will not be discussed in detail here
because most of the practically used remote communication systems do not match this
theoretical approach correctly because of its history.
The physical communications media are wires cables broadcasting and satellite microwave
lin#s. +ore and more digital transfer on the base of fibreglass inside of the high voltage lines
or digital microwave lin#s each with special characteristics is being used.
The transmitted data as measurements of currents voltages and loads are called 6L which
means process'variables. In principle three levels of data processing can be described the
-feeder'. device level the station level and the centre level. The levels are shown in the ne)t
Structure o$ PD data processing> $eeder?C station? and centre?le0el
In the feeder level the sensors for data collection are implemented usually by using 6F(
standard devices and interfaces using IE( standards. $ll analogue data are converted into
digital form. In the station level the data are collected and gathered in data groups called
telegrams. The telegrams are stored on the -sub'. station level control device -6F( or I6(.
that also manages the data transfer to the control centre. The principle of data processing
inside the station is described in ne)t figure.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 2"
+D> +igh 0oltage P=C> Prog. =anguage Control?System 2PC> 2ndustry?PC
,/-> Con0erters $rom analogue to digital
-ata processing in a su/station
It appears that parallel to the power networ# there is an information transfer networ# which is
constructed in a radial type e)changing data between control centre and substations. $ data
e)change between the substations is not implemented.
Steps o$ processing
If we follow the steps of processing e.g. for a measurement of a current transformer then we
can distinguish -ne)t figure. processing steps as follows>
? Source coding ASCF> analogue?digital processing Ae.g. % /itF
? Telegram coding ATCF> PD data group creation and telegram construction
? Channel selection ACSF> Serial seGuences o$ a physical 0alue send and recei0e
? Physical transport APTF> Physical medium transport
? -ecoding A-TF> -ecoding telegram and PD separation o$ the data group
? Source decoding A-SF> Con0ersion e.g. to an analogue data or to a $loat 0alue
Steps o$ processing
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 2#
Fet us follow the steps of processing> ,ne measurement passes the analogue'digital
processing to form an @'bit value that is stored in a data group of 9<'bit. This is called source
coding. $ certain measurement has always a fi)ed position in fi)ed telegram -which has
always the same address.. /our measurements form a telegram data group. In addition to the
data group information the address of the data group has to be added to identify the data group
in the control centre. /or a save transfer the telegram additionally needs security bits li#e
parity'bits to identify faults that may occur during transfer. $ll steps to form a telegram are
called telegram coding.
Telegram structure
(hannel selection usually is done by the station I6( which selects first or second way of data
transfer e.g. digital fibreglass channel or satellite lin#. $fter transfer the telegram arrives at
the control centre. In the control centre it is very important to chec# if the transfer was done
correctly without a fault. This is e)ecuted by again creating the security part of the telegram.
The Bust created and the transferred security parts are compared. If no difference occurs the
transfer is accepted as correct.
$fter telegram decoding the 6L are separated and stored usually in the control centre data
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 2%
base for further data processing.
PD data
The process variables -6L. are from the physical point of view e.g. contacts of switchgear
positions of devices alarm contacts regulation position -onMoff. measurements li#e currents
voltages temperatures and much more.
$ll 6L are sampled by a cycle. Cinary values li#e ,0 or ,// and analogue'digital converted
values are put in the data group. &epending from the type of the 6L we have to differ between
1'bit information -li#e contacts etc. <'bit information -li#e switchgear etc. and multiple'bit
information -li#e measurements etc.. 6lease have a loo# at a substation feeder and its 6L'
information quantity in ne)t figure>
PD o$ a line $eeder
I" Isolator to busbar 1 < bit
to busbar < < bit
to line < bit
I"4 Isolator to ground < bit
C1 Crea#er < bit
+" +easurements
(urrent transformer voltage @ bit
(urrent transformer current @ bit
+easurement active power @ bit
+easurement reactive power @ bit
6rotection alarm state -each one bit. 1 bit
-&ifferential distance current
Fow voltage.... each one bit relay start
Each one bit relay e)ecution
1eal Time information 9< bit
"witchgear basically is coded by two bit derived by the end positions. Therefore a
TDor#ingT or T,peratingT switchgear can be identified as well as wrong information.
O:?<it O99?<it State
0 1 ,//
1 0 ,0
0 0 wor#ing
1 1 wrong
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 2.
(oding of measurements is done in @ -or 1<. bit. &ue to certain components some other bit
ranges are used. Transformer tap positions -?19 ...0...'19. are transferred usually by @ bit. &ue
to certain components li#e transformers some additional 6L ' information has to be
transferred. &igital protection relays are able to process the impedance -to failure. and a real
time information additionally.
,ne data group contains 9< bit usually separated by ; measurements or 1: switchgear
positions or 9< single bit information or ... "ee the ne)t table for information of the 6F(
standard device for substations>
Supply 2 D -CC <u$$er /attery
-igital 3roups o$ %C 1"C 32 <it ? 2 D -C
2n?/Output 2 D -CC 11!/238 D ,C potential $ree all 2EC Standards
(eal time 1 ms resolution
,nalogue 3roups o$ 2C independent channels
2nput and ...28 m,C H/? 28 m,C H/? 18DC H/? 8.! D
Output potential $reeC 2EC
Cycle internal less than 1 ms $or 1888 program steps
2n$ormation 8." Telegram ring /u$$er
SiIe ,larm direction 2!" Messages
ASu/stat. ??J CentreF " Counter 1"<it
" Measurement 12<it
12% Measurement %<it
Order direction 2!" Orders
ASu/stat. K?? CentreF 32 Dalues12<it
Cycle range e0ery 18 ms ... 32888s
2nternal Counter e0ery 18 msC 188 msC 1s
Communication? (S 232C 6TC 2S-:?networ*C 2EC 2!C -C9?Time?
2nter$aces /roadcasting
Programming ,6=C EOPC 9@PC Step !C etc.
En0ironment -2:/2EC 888 A8..."8LC +umidity class 9 ...F
Ta/le> Technical data o$ a P=C $eeder control de0ice
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 38
2. -ynamic operational training
2.1 6hy training $or power system control7
The quality of the electrical power supply has reached a rather high level. The increased usage
of loading limits of power system equipment and the cost optimisation result in the need for
training for the control engineers. 5ow can the efficiency of power systems and of power
system operations be increasedE 5ow to optimi%e the power grid maintenance strategiesE
$nswers to these questions lead to the idea of a tool for a ris# free training to e)ercise and to
develop s#ills. Training means a ris# free e)ercise of all power system operations under
normal and emergency conditions. The focus of the training goals may be very different
depending on grid structure voltage level and staff situation.
The training in a national dispatcher control centre is focused with respect to technical tas#s
li#e energy production dispatching load flow and voltage level optimi%ation. ,ptimal power
flow minimi%ing losses under constrains of short circuit currents need special tools to solve.
E)periences show that power system behaviour is influenced by both deterministic and
stochastic elements. If emergencies occur the interpretation of the networ# alarm status the
event classification and the e)ecution of proper control orders need a lot of operators*
e)periences. +issing e)periences may result in operator* errors and may cause high cost. $
frequent training will result in professional acting.

+edium voltage power systems are characteri%ed by a need of reliability and security while
the usage of equipment up to the limits is continuously increasing. 0etwor# operation should
be supported by interloc#ing automatics and powerful software functions li#e colour topology
indication and tracing. &ue to the lac# of remote lines there are only a small number of online
measurements and the large amount of switchgear is controlled locally. $s most of the
medium voltage level problems result from unsymmetrical faults and the dynamic behaviour
of loads and regulations a good coordination between control centre and grid staff operation is
very important to avoid misunderstandings and accidents. $ lot of training e)ercises appear
also here to increase the professionalism.

5ow to increase the operators* s#illsE ,perators are used to discuss problems theoretically by
study cases. (onsequently following the new technical possibilities the new dynamic training
is a practical solution of the same basic idea. Cut there is a lot of progress because all
discussions and e)ercises are e)ecuted on the operator*s console and are dynamically
simulated by software to perform a real'time power system presentation. !sing the online
training features integrated in the control centre the operatorsU s#ills can be trained very well.

2oung engineers need to #now the structure and the behaviour of the power grids. &uring the
training they more and more become familiar with the networ# structure the networ#
behaviour and the operation strategies. /irst doing normal and then comple) and critical
operations the operators* #nowledge of power systems increase. $s well does the #nowledge
about varied control system tools. E)perienced engineers use the training as a tool to practice
all networ# operations under normal and abnormal conditions. $ll emergencies can be
trained. Even variations of preventive corrective and restorative actions after serious changes
in the networ# can be trained ris# free without affecting the customers. &oing this the
engineers can develop new strategies and increase their professionalism. E)perienced
operators from time to time need to train emergencies and to update their #nowledge of how
to handle the situation best.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 31
2.2 3eneral system design $or online training in utilities.
The training is done on an original operator*s wor#station which is switched to the training
mode. Therefore all "($&$ ++I and control functions are available in the same way as
during real grid operations. In the training mode all control orders are lin#ed to a separate
computer running the power system simulation software which calculates and presents the
networ# reactions.
The basic concept is shown in fig. <'1. "ee two parts of the control system. The upper part
serves the online grid and operation. The remote lines communication is lin#ed by the 6'F$0
and one dual main computer -+(1. with the "($&$' and ++I functions. $fter data
processing the grid information address two operator consoles -,(1 and ,(<. through the
++I'F$0 to present the power system state. ,nline update and operation has to be e)ecuted
permanently using ,(1 andMor ,(<.
The lower part in fig. <'1 allows the online training during if training mode is switched on.
The second dual main computer -+(<. also contains all "($&$ and ++I functions. Instead
to the remote lines it is lin#ed to the networ# simulator -0".. 0" is a software system
wor#ing li#e an Tartificial gridT producing an information flow similar to the real grid through
the remote lines. +ain control computer +(< processes the artificial grid data while +(1
processes the real grid data. &uring a training session the control system wor#s
simultaneously with two processes the real and the artificial grid. 1eal networ# operations are
e)ecuted on operator consoles -,(1 and ,(<. by +(1. Training networ# operations are
e)ecuted by +(< and ,(9. The terminal down right -fig. <'1. is used for as instructor
console to supervise and influence the training state.
If training is not e)ecuted +(< is used for parallel grid data processing. ,(9 can be used for
additional parallel real grid operation providing a very high system redundancy.
9igure 2?1> Control system with simultaneous online and training operation
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 32
2.3 Power system training in uni0ersities

The students* training concerning power system behaviour is used to be done by theoretical
lectures and paper based practice. 6ower systems and its behaviour could hardly be rendered
with mathematics in a descriptive way. Even for small networ#s in static and error free
operations rather huge equations occur. The mathematical treatments become even more
comple) in case of faults.
The mathematical bac#ground of these calculations is rather comple) and therefore most of
the studies deal with simple networ# configurations. In practical power grid operations there
is a strong demand to ta#e the reciprocal effects of the networ# components into account.
+ain point is thin#ing about systems rather than on components. The effects can not be
demonstrated in the real grids because of the high ris#s to customers and networ#
components. The approach of simulation and training facilities very well support student*s
education if the simulation is authentic and done in real time. Two ways appeared to be
,ne is by presenting the networ# behaviour by a proBector presentation. /or this a 6('based
standard control system li#e 1E"2'(I+ and the networ# simulation is implemented on a
portable 6( -noteboo#.. The 6( is lin#ed to a video proBector by a standard graphic interface
e.g. L4$'out to &L'in. This configuration is shown in fig. <'<. It is mainly used for power
system networ# behaviour presentation and basic operations. E)amples> how to change a
busbar how to influence voltages minimi%e looses and optimi%e load flow reaction of
protection system in case of overload reaction of a gas turbine in an island coming to
overload and more.
9igure 2?2> O$$line con$iguration $or networ* presentation
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 33
$ second way to support students* understanding is a guided offline training which needs
more hardware. The hardware configuration is shown in fig. <'9. This configuration is often
used by universitiesV and labs* application. ,ffline training means a stand alone system with
no connection to any real power system. "($&$ E+" and ++I software is implemented in
one 6( operation station -,".. 0ew 6( hardware construction allows running more monitors
with the same graphic card presenting the power system status. !sually three monitors are
used for displays such as station pictures overview pictures and protocol lists on parallel. The
power system simulation software is installed in the Instructor 6( also called Trainer "tation
-T".. Information e)change is done by a standard F$0 lin#.
9igure 2?3> O$$line con$iguration
PC &ardware7 PC J I1TEK9$MD Processor
Operating system7 KI1"L for TS and ;indows for OS
Software system7 3ES4%PMC >control system- MMI- SC$D$ and EMSA 3ES4%1ES >power
system simulationA
"tudents operate on console ,". $ll control orders given through the "($&$ system pass to
the networ# simulation software in T". 0etwor# reactions measurements and messages are
calculated in T" station and then passed through the F$0 to ," station and finally presented
by the standard ++I functions. The instructor may optionally influence and supervise the
training session.
If training is done in medium voltage level grids often the control orders can not be e)ecuted
by remote lines. (ontrol orders are e)ecuted by technical personnel wor#ing in the grid and
contacted by a phone lin#. This can be simulated by a phone lin# installed close to ," and T"
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 3

2. Simulation so$tware and general system design
5ere is some basic information about the power system simulation software for the training.
The networ# simulation software includes several detailed models for topology generation
time' voltage' and frequency'dependent loads active and reactive power networ# state
calculation -power balance and frequency load flow short circuit positive negative and %ero
system. protection relay outputs regulations and contact messages. $dditionally a training
session can be provided controlled recorded and replayed by the instructor. The instructor
also can produce dynamic networ# events or sequences of events any time by a certain
interface and menu. /ig. <'; gives an overview to the logical information processing and to
the software tas#s.
$ll operation commands -e.g. to brea#ers other switchgear transformers generators etc..
e)ecuted and chec#ed by the ++I pass through the main processing computer -,". and is
sent through the F$0 to T" station. $ tas# emulating the remote lines -1FE. receives the
command. $ receiver tas# -1(L. analyses the type of the command and passes it either to
topology tas# -T,6. if switchgear is affected or to the load and generation tas# -F4T. if a
generator control is ordered or to transformer tap tas# -T1/. if a tap shall be changed. The
according tas# recalculates the state of the models. In any case the dynamic loads were always
updated due to its time'load charts. If no command is given through the "($&$ system a
timer with a cycle of one second starts the F4T tas# to update the loads. F4T tas# then starts
the networ# calculations -0"(.. 0"( tas# calculates the actual networ# status load flow and
dynamics ta#ing e)isting short circuits single earth faults or other events into account.
9igure 2?> O0er0iew to Power System Simulation So$tware inside TS
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 3!
$fter 0"( calculations of the complete networ# state is updated. +easurements states and
dynamics are calculated and stored in the data base. Then several tas#s use that data to
manage their duties. ,ne tas# -TL1. analyses the busbar voltages and decides about changing
the transformer tap positions. If so a message is queued to T1/ tas# to e)ecute that in the
ne)t calculation cycle. $nother tas# -61T. chec#s the current flow with respect to overload
criteria and networ# protection relays. If a brea#er has to be opened a message is queued to
topology tas# to e)ecute.
The according alarms are created and put into a telemetry buffer -1F &$T$.. This buffer is
sent through the F$0 to the "($&$ system ta#ing the remote line information flow
parameters into account. "imilar the measurements as bus bar voltages active or reactive flow
are put into the telemetry buffer by tas# +"(. Tas# TL1 decides about the reaction of
automatics e.g. regulations which are decentrali%ed controlling in the networ# frequency
voltage and load flow.
$nother tas# -TE+. analyses if a trigger event has occurred. In that case a prepared event file
is started automatically. /or e)ample if a load of more than 90K appears for more than 10
minutes through a transformer the Ttransformer oil high temperatureT sequence is started
followed after some minutes by the Ttransformer Cuchhol% protectionT outage sequence.
There are other instructor facilities for selecting preparing managing recording and
replaying the training session that will be not discussed here.
The whole software system is similar to a networ# of lin#ed obBects -tas#s. which sends each
other parameters and messages to recalculate the data and to decide about further reactions.
The system is a mirror of the reality of interacting components and models in a way of an ever
living system. If no control order appears a one second cycle starts the whole calculation
sequence by start of F4T tas# ta#ing new values for the loads into account.

The control system software E+" and "($&$ parts is constructed in modules in (
programming language on FI0!W platform. The ++I part is done in ( on Dindows
platform. The power system simulation software is programmed in ( on FI0!W also
available on FI0!W.

"ome words to the dynamics in the simulation software. $ simulation should be rather
authentic and realistic. $ poor simulation leads to problems. ,n the other side any model is
somehow limited and models need parameters to be declared. Dith respect to the inherent
% The simulation has to be authentic.
% 1eactions of the power systems have to be calculated in real time.
% The reactions have to be processed in the control centre software li#e real data.
% $ll dynamic data that can be traced in the control room have to be calculated.
$lthough the progress in hardware is rather significant a complicated and high detailed
modelling needs (6!'time to be computed. Tal#ing about real'time systems and dynamics
there are several aspects to be ta#en into account>

' 1emote lines and telemetry systems usually have cycles of about two to ten seconds.
' 1eal'time aspects require the calculation and presentation of net wor# information
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 3"
during a cycle time. /or this case a simulator calculation cycle of one to two
second seems to be sufficient.
' 0etwor# protection systems react in a shorter time e.g. in 100 ms or even less.
' The protection and indication dynamics were not presented in the control rooms
Bust the messages of relay start and relays e)ecution including real time. /ast
dynamics can not be seen in the control centre.
' 1egulations of power and frequency have time constants of around one or some
few seconds
' The (6!'time for all calculations depends from the wor#station power and
from the networ# si%e -number of components..
/or load flow and regulation problems a cycle of around one second seems to be tolerable. In
case of short circuit and protective relay actions a faster cycle is needed. "teps of =0 or 100
ms seem to be tolerable. If the overall calculation cycle can be done in one second we have
real'time simulation for load and regulation problems and a 1>10 e)tension for faster
problems. /ortunately most of the networ# failures with one or two brea#er falls only ta#e a
few hundred ms of real'time. If the trainer includes a short cut the whole calculation of the
events is done in bac#ground. $fter finishing calculations the event list is included in real
time. The trainee does not see the bac#ground calculations and in most cases the trainer does
not feel a significant time gap between mouse clic# to activate short cut and the messages.
2.! E5periences in utilities and uni0ersities
The development of the training system started around 19@@. $t that time 6(s were available
on I0TEF <@: base providing a frequency of 10 +5%. Today*s -<00J. state of the art 6( of 9
to = 45% and memories of 1 to <4bytes one can say> Fow cost industry 6( and wor#stations
can provide a real time feeling for grids up to a 1000 nodes.
The networ# simulation system has been developed since 19@@ by the 4erman former
software company repas $E4 $utomation now 5ereschwer#e and the !niversity of
$pplied "ciences /5'&armstadt now 5ochschule &armstadt. "ince 19@9 prototypes have
been used to support the studentsU theoretical lessons. In 1990 a lab T6ower "ystem (ontrol
R ,peration FaboratoryT was founded. 0ow -<00J. there are a lot of installations in
universities and utilities -around 90. using this training simulation for their applications.
"tudents* education continuing education and online training are the main applications. The
system is also used for the factory acceptance tests before installing a new control system to a
The following networ# e)ercises give an overview of tas#s that are often used for beginners
and for e)perienced operators.
' E)ploring the control software features
' Testing the control functions and new data sets
' 1emote line transmission and telemetry effects
' "tandard control orders
' 6arallel line effects losses and voltage level
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 3#
' 6arallel transformer taps circle currents and protection
' Investigation taps position automatics wor#ing in parallel
' 1egulation of voltage with reactive power
' Loltage dependence of load
' 5ow to influence the networ# losses and contingency status
' (ommunication to teams wor#ing somewhere in the networ#
' (hec# of relay parameters
' "trategies of failure location
' "trategies of networ# restoration after blac#'outs
' Economic aspects of power system operation
' ,ptimi%ing economic indicators
E)periences show that for beginners -undergraduate qualification. first should e)ercise easy
e)amples and cases. 5ow to do basic power system operations how to influence the voltageE
5ow to influence the flowE Dhat are the effects of parallel networ# componentsE The
reciprocal effects on power system components might be the second step.

E)perienced power system operators sometimes have the problems of wrong or missing
relays information from the networ# which ma#es it very difficult to interpret the networ#
state and to locate failures. These e)ercises and generally the location of failures or power
system operation in case of emergencies are the main focus by doing training in continuing
education. &ue to the history of emergencies and failures special training subBects can be
treated during the seminars.
$n additional application for training system appears during the change of the control system
to the ne)t generation. Dhile the e)isting control system is continuously in use the new one
is build up first with Bust one new operation station connected to the networ# simulator. The
simulator represents the original networ# model and produces a realistic environment. The
new display layouts can be created and modified carefully including static and dynamic
events. The alarm monitoring could be done very carefully. $ new control centre generation
often causes a change in handling the tools for operation and maintenance. These fields can
also be trained well and ris# free. The last step of system change is to switch over from the
networ# simulator to the real remote lines when all operators feel e)perienced.
The coordination between on'line real grid operation and training is as this> In principle there
is no difference between operating the real grid and operating the simulated grid> The same
displays the same functions the same handling. To see the difference usually the training
simulation mode is indicated by a coloured bar in the displays. ,f course real power control
has always the priority because the real grid control that has to be done continuously. If the
training mode is needed it runs in parallel which could be done on a separate wor#station or
on one screen of the wor#station. In this case the operator can switch between two modes on
the same wor#station controlling either the real networ# or the simulated networ#. If there is
more than one wor#station the second wor#station with the same "($&$ and ++I operates
the training grid.
/inally a set of instructor functions have to be mentioned. It allows influencing the state of the
components recording of the information sequence during the training and a replay
presentation. !sing snapshots and replay function the whole sequence of events can be
replayed and discussed again and again.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 3%
3. +ow to use the dynamic training simulator

3.1 9irst steps
Dhen the system is delivered it can be used immediately. 6lease connect the computers by
F$0 plug in and switch on the power supply. The system has included a complete data set
for an electrical power system to be controlled by the 1E"2 6+( "($&$ system. The
networ# is described separately. $ll pictures and all process information are installed so that
the system can be used directly. ,f course the system is sophisticated and a brief introduction
information has to be chec#ed before starting to wor#. 6lease do it that way.
/irst plug in the components and switch on -<90 L. . The actual starting procedure will be
e)plained by a separate sheet.
9.< <asic handling o$ the control system and some important $unctions
In the lab there are right now = identical training stations each with 9 monitors to wor# on
plus one monitor to allow trainers* interactions so one training station consists on <
computers and four screens. $ F$0 connects the computers ready for remote control data
communication. ,n all training stations the training can be e)ecuted independently because
each simulator has declared its own grid.

The "($&$ system presents all basic functions as display updating log files event lists
trend curves operation etc. 2ou will see an introduction given by the instructors.
System /oot
6lease get the current identifications and sequence to tart the system from your instructor.
!ser> XXXXXXXX..
6assword> ..............................
$fter boot the system is ready for training when presenting the overview picture of the
implemented power grid as given in figure 9.'1. The display shows the main stations lines
transformers loads etc.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 3.
9igure 3.?1> Power system o0er0iew picture
End o$ training session

6lease use the standard switch off sequence any time to stop the training session. "witch off
the computers* power supply when the sequence has come to its normal end.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 8
In the upper line a menu list to operate the control system is given on which the buttons can
be selected by the curser and a mouse clic# see figure 9.'<. Pust do your e)periences.

last selected %ooming inMout display list <0 #L grid wind par#
displays emissions
alarm list
9igure 3.?2> Menu line
Casically all displays can be selected by the display list button or by picture'from'picture
selection by a mouse clic# -left mouse button..
Select a picture /y a single mouse clic* Ale$t mouse /uttonF
Select a component $or operation /y a dou/le mouse clic* Ale$t mouse /uttonF
$fter selection of e.g. a brea#er for operation a switchgear bo) appears. The selected device is
presented by is 6L'name te)t and current state. &angerous operations will be warned. "ee
figure 9.'9.
9igure 3.?3?> Switchgear /o5
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 1
The display list symbol -li#e an open boo#. gives the structure of the implemented displays to
operate the power system see figure 9.';.
' ,verview pictures -0et%bilderM&aten.
' 5andling of neutral star points -+"' "ternpun#te.
' 1egulations -1egelung.
' Emissions -!mweltdaten.
' "tations -"tationen ;00#L 110#L <0M1=#L.
' Dind par#
9ig. 3.?.> Picture selection display

Pust press the according button to enter the selected display.
E)ample> The button calls the power system overview display.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 2
,larmsC alarm guidance and ac*nowledgement
Darnings and emergencies will address the bell and the alarm list. E)ample> &ue to a failure
operation the right hand side line from 0ord ;00 to ,st ;00 which was connected in ,st ;00
was grounded which causes a three phase short circuit.
The control system indicates the failure by written messages and blin#ing bell see figure 9.'=.

In some protocols and event lists -log file. is additional information available.
$fter clic#ing the bell automatically the event file is loaded. (lic#ing on an event in the list
automatically the station display will appear.

9igure 3.?!. ,larms and e0ent lists
$ll alarms have to be ac#nowledged by GYuitH button. The acoustic bell can be stopped by the
G5upeH button.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 3
If an alarm occurs the "($&$ system sends a message in the protocol and to the bell. /irst
chec# the protocol and the overview picture. This will show information and Mor indicators to
understand the problems and to locate the station. Dhat information has appearedE Dhat is
the new stateE Is the grid state stable or is any failure development still going onE
0ote> &on*t quit the alarms until you haven*t understood the problem. "elect detailed
information in the same or in other displays to fi) the problem. ,nly if you are sure having
understood the problem you may quit the alarm. 2ou may quit the bell any time. &ecide then
about priorities to react.
3.3 Trainer inter$ace
Is not described here.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page
. Power system description
.1. Power system networ* and components
5ere is a brief summary and introduction of the networ# and the networ# components. /or
e)ercises* understanding it is strongly recommended to become familiar with the
implemented power system and components. $dditionally the first e)ercises will help to catch
the main ideas.
The power systems and all components belong to a grid company called G/5&'$4H which
represents a private company. The electrical power system is constructed with the following
voltage levels> ;00 #L 110 #L and <0 #L including distribution networ# plus a 1='#L station
with four turbines for a hydro storage see grid overview. 6lease note that the station names as
G0ord ;00H or GDest 110H indicates the voltage level.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !
Power 3eneration and loads
The power system has three overhead lines as connections to border utilities to e)change
active and reactive power enough to feed all internal loads even if all internal plants are
switched off. There are some internal plants to produce electrical energy>
' $ coal plant -Qohle QD. in station 0ordost ;00 is able to produce up to =00 +D feeding
the ;00 #L grids.
' $ gas turbine -4asturbine. in station "Zdost 110 is able to produce 100 +D pea#. This
turbine feeds into the 110 #L level.
' The hydro storage water plant -T1 ... T;. in station Dest 1= is able to store around 1=00
+Dh by a ma)imum power of ?M' =00 +D.
' There is a wind par# with some <0 windmills of different type. The pea# inBection is <<
The pea# load of the whole networ# is about 1100 +D active power. &uring pea# load the
lin# to the border utility is important to support all loads as a normal topology.
2mplemented (T@s
$ll ;00'#L and 110'#L stations have a lin# to the control centre by 1T!s and remote lines.
$lso the medium voltage <0'#L substations have 1T!s and remote lines the <0 #L
distribution grid and its transformer stations to 0.; #L don*t have remote connection.
$ll trac# line transformer stations and the local switch gear can only be operated by the
networ# personnel that have to drive to the stations and to operate by control centre
supervision. The grid operations are supervised by the control centre and a phone lin# to the
grid staff. These communication phone calls and all switch operations done by the grid staff is
simulated by the trainer.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "
.2 Some important parameters o$ the electrical power networ* components

aF =ines and ca/les
88?*D o0erhead lines> 5 ,l/St 28/8 O0erhead line
Ohm (esistance (M N 32C8 O 18
2nducti0ity =M N 8C%8. 18
Capacity C
M N 1C!1 O 18
Capacity to ground CM N #C% O 18
(ated Current 2
N 2!%8 ,
118?*D o0erhead lines> 15 ,l/St 3%8/!8 O0erhead line
Ohm (esistance (M N #!C# O 18
2nducti0ity =M N 1C82 18
Capacity C
M N 18C8 O 18
Capacity to ground CM N !C! O 18
(ated Current 2
N %8 ,
28?*D ca/le lines connecting su/stations> DPE Ca/le Cu 128 mm
Ohm (esistance (M N 1. O 18
2nducti0ity =M N 8C" O 18
Capacity C
M N 238 O 18
Capacity to ground CM N 238 O 18
(ated Current 2
N 88 ,
28?*D ca/le lines distri/ution grid>DPE Ca/le Cu .! mm
Ohm (esistance (M N 1.2 O 18
2nducti0ity =M N 8C"3 O 18
Capacity C
M N 228 O 18
Capacity to ground CM N 228 O 18
(ated Current 2
N 3"8 ,
/F Trans$ormation
88/118 *D T(,9O 2% and 3"
(ated apparent power S
N 1!8 MD,
(ated current 2
N 238 ,
2nducti0e Iero current 2
N 8C3 ,
Cupper losses P
N #88 *6
Short cut 0oltage u
N 1%;
118/28 *D T(,9O ".C #8 and #1
(ated apparent power S
N 31C! MD,
(ated current 2
N 1%! ,
2nducti0e Iero current 2
N 8C2! ,
Cupper losses P
N 1#8 *6
Short cut 0oltage u
N 1C#;
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #
cF (egulations
118/28 *D 0oltages
T(,9O ".C #8 and #1 regulations
Doltage regulation to 28 *D /us /ar within 2# taps AH13...8...?13F
Doltage steps around 1; each tap
Doltage regulation manual AO99F or automatic AO:F
Target 0oltage AadPusta/leF 28.! *DC +ysteresis 8C3 *D
88 *D 0oltages
E62 0oltage regulation
Doltage regulation to 88?*D /us /ar
/y reacti0e power inPection AH!88 MD,r ...8...?!88 MD,rF
changing e5citation current o$ generator
(egulation automatic O: or O99
Primary $reGuency regulation automatic Aregulates $ to IeroF
2nterloc*ed networ*s O: AonlyF
E62 O: and O99
+ydro water plant O: and O99
3as tur/ine O: and O99
Secondary $reGuency regulation automatic
regulates either $
to Iero or own power inPection to target 0alue
2nterloc*ed networ*s O: A$
E62 O: and O99
+ydro water plant O: and O99
3as tur/ine O: and O99
dF Types o$ loads and loads
,ll loads are time?depended> acti0e PN$AtF and reacti0e QN$AtF.
,ll loads are 0oltage dependent /y a parameter ApC GF declaration.
,cti0e load> P A@F N P
(eacti0e load> Q A@F N Q
@ actual 0oltage
r rated AnominalF
rated 0oltage
pCG Parameters descri/e type o$ 0oltage?load dependence A8.. F
pC G N 8 is a constant load
pC G N 1 is a constant current
pC G N 2 is a constant impedance
,ll loads are $reGuency dependent
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %
=oads loads 0oltage R*DS pea* RM6S
in "Zd'Dest -$luminum factory. ;00 ;=0
in "Zd',st -Iron factory. ;00 9=0
in +itte 110 -Town. 110 1<=
in ,st <0 -Q/['(ompany. <0 10
households <0M0.; 9=
eF (eacti0e power compensation
9or compensation o$ reacti0e power in two 88 *D su/stations are
components a0aila/leC each o$ rated T188 MD,r. )ou can change
0alues /y means o$ the picture U9ahrplVneU. Compensations e5ist
in the stations SWd?6est ? E1 and in SWd?Ost ? E2
$F :aming con0entions
The switch gears ha0e the $ollowing names>
<rea*er Q8 =eistungsschalter A=SF
<us?/ar isolator Q1C Q2C AQ3F Trenner AT(F
Earth switchgear Q% Erder ATrennerF
=ine isolator Q. Trenner
Coupling switchgear Q18C Q28C AQ38F Trenner
<us?/ar switchgear Q11C Q21C AQ31F Trenner
9igure .3> D-E naming con0entions

Measurement names
Each name starts with letter T. The second letter gives information about the #ind of
the measurement>
' 2 current measurement
' @ voltage measurement
' P active power measurement
' Q reactive power measurement
' $ frequency measurement
E)ample> T2&32 is a current measurement in substation 9-Dest ;00. in field <.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .
.3 E5planations to the SC,-, system displays
:etwor* o0er0iew picture
The networ# overview picture -start picture. will be presented after start of the system
automatically. It shows the topology and brief information of the topology and customer*s
energy supply. $ll stations are presented and the topology connections can be seen. $ green
mar# indicates a connection. /rom this picture no process order can be emitted. Cy
positioning the cursors to a picture variable -e.g. name button of a station. and after pressing
left mouse #ey the other picture is selected.
-isplay selection /y menu sym/ol>
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !8
Station pictures
In this pictures al information of the actual station M substation are presented. The single
feeders brea#ers switchgears are presented in more detail including their status and position.
4enerally a green symbol indicates ,0 position and a grey symbol indicates an ,// position.
Fines transformers and couplings are monitored by symbols and the actual voltage current
active and reactive powers are presented by values. +ost of the names lead to the ne)t
pictures. Crea#ers isolators state of automatics target values for regulations transformer
taps and some other switchgear are declared to be controlled by picture operation.
Measurement signs

6ower flow> ? coming to busbar active power flow or
-9 phase. reactive inductive power flow
' going from busbar active 6ower flow or
reactive inductive power flow
Loltage of feeders> $bsolute value of phase to phase voltage
Loltage of busbars> $bsolute value 9 phase to ground and 1 phase to phase
Fine current> $bsolute value of one phase current

MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !1
Power $low U=ast$luss 88 *DX and Y=ast$luss 118/28 *DU
Two pictures present the power flow. ,ne is for the ;00 #L and the other for the 110M<0 #L
level. These two pictures are for information not for sending control orders. The values
belong to that feeder that is close to the symbol. In addition the load percentages of the
networ# components are monitored as well as the direction of active load by a triangle.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !2
=oad 0alues U9ahrplan/ildU
In the picture T/ahrpl\neT all values for reactive and active power of the plants are presented
and can be changed. Cefore changing a load the time schedule has to be switched off
-/ahrplan aus.. This is even possible for loads. It allows a study mode for future load and
Costs UEostenW/ersichtU
In this picture a commercial balance with respect to the cost situation is presented from the
utitities] point of view. ,utages and high losses can influence the balance e)tremely.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !3
Trans$ormer regulation UTra$o?(egler?<ildX
There are some pictures especially to control the transformer regulations from 110 to <0 #L
one for each 110M<0'#L transformer station. E.g. one picture monitors the transformers
Trafo_:9 and Trafo_J0 and the other display shows the Trafo_J1. The voltage regulation
automatic can be switched from ,0 to ,// -EI0M$!". and transformer taps can be ordered
? or S changing the windings and by this the voltage transformation. The regulation wor#s
with respect to the <0 #L ' level and regulates e.g. for <0.9'#L ^ 0.<'#L -hysteresis..
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !
Power plant regulation control U E6 Z (egelung X
The picture allows controlling the frequency and voltage regulation of all 4enerators li#e
Qohle'QD. The voltage is controlled by reactive power inBection the frequency by primary
and secondary active generation regulation. 4reen E means ,0 -Ein. and red $ means ,//
-$us.. 1egulations will be described during the meeting hours.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !!
28 *D distri/ution networ* U28?*D?Strec*ennetIU
In this picture an overview of the <0'#L'distribution networ# is monitored. 6lease note> ,nly
in the <0 #L'stations the switchgear can be controlled by remote lines. The switchgear of the
trac# line stations are operated manually by the grid team supervised by control centre
communication. $fter changing this switchgear it has to be updated in the process data base.
This is done manually in the control centre by using the tool T0achfZhrung ' 5andeingabeT.

MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !"
!. E5ercises
$ll networ# e)ercises are described in detail here starting with this brief summery. The
training sessions can be prepared from the instructor console. $fter starting the system the
static as well as the dynamic data are loaded. The instructor can select and load other
networ#s status files concerning topology load and other items that are stored before in the
trainer]s function Tsnapshot ' +omentaufnahmeT. These dynamic networ# status files can be
stored any time the simulator runs. The networ# status files include networ# topology status
for voltage regulation schedule for the plants and loads and all dynamic items to fi) a
complete networ# status. Cy loading a new networ# status file some alarms may occur due to
the change from one status to another. The alarms can be quitted by the control system
/rom the operator*s console the networ# now is ready to be controlled and supervised. The
instructor can influence the networ# status any time. Cy this he can influence also the alarm
status of the networ#. $larms brea#er falls disconnecting loads and plants malfunction of
regulations loc#ing of remote lines single earth connections or short circuit can be
influenced... Even lists of events can be activated. These functions are described in the
trainersV interface in more detail.
The students* networ# tas#s aim to increasing the understanding of electrical power networ#s
as well as to educating with respect to control system functions in addition to theoretical
lessons. /or some practical reasons a phone lin# is recommended to simulate the
communication coordination to grid personnel. Cy this the operator training is very close to
the real networ# duties.
The networ# allows operating a three voltage level power system including dispatcher tas#s as
well as tas#s to manage distribution level problems. This networ# is artificially designed with
lines transformers generators that are installed in real networ#s. &ue to the time to handle this
networ# training system the networ# should be complicated enough to allow practical tas#s
on one side. $nd on the other side it should be simple enough to understand the interactions
of the components. $nyway the networ# can be changed for special tas#s to be simulated.
The students were guided by several tas#s and e)ercises through the course supported by the
supervisors. It is strongly recommended to follow the guideline of tas#s and e)ercises. "ome
of the e)ercises need #nowledge of the technical bac#ground. Therefore the main bac#ground
is addressed before in the GTheoretical "essionsH. If additional technical bac#ground is needed
please feel free to as# your questions or get the references to boo#s or papers from the
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !#
Please note> -uring the meeting hours and e5ercises your group shall open a doc?$ile
and shall ma*e hardcopies AscreenshotsF $rom important picturesC starting situationsC
results etc. to prepare a la/?report Aone per groupF containing the e5ercises and results .
2t is strongly recommended to write the report soon a$ter the e5ercise hours and to send
it 0ia mail to the super0isor.
Please use the name structure X:o?report?name1?name2?name?3X where :o is the
current num/er o$ the groupMs report.
The reports will /e re0iewed and sent /ac* with comments.
1. 6age>
Ka.%report 1o
E/ercise 1o) // to 1o) yy
=roup7 1ame : Matr)no)
1ame 2 Matr)no)
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !%

1. 3etting $amiliar with SC,-, control system
4oal> getting the general idea of the "($&$' and Training system
&iscuss the following questions before start of the computers.
- Dhat is a "($&$ system and what are the basic functionsE
- Dhat is a general philosophy of supervisory control for power systemsE
- Dhat advantages does a "($&$ system provide compared to a men powered
philosophy of power system control and operationE
- Dhat #ind of "($&$ system is been used hereE
- 4et an introduction to the handling of the "($&$ system.
- Dhat are the advantages of using a Training systemE
- Dhat can be done by the trainer]s interfaceE
- 6lease feel free to as# your personal questions_
9or your written report>
- "#etch out the hardware of your training station briefly and describe it the software
pac#ages shortly.
- 4ive the main important technical data of the computer system.
- Criefly e)plain the reasons for using a F$0.
- $nswer the questions above.
2. <asic operations o$ the SC,-, system
4oal> 4etting #nowledge of the "($&$*s basic features and of handling
<.1. "tart the computer-s. of your training station.
Qeywords> 1E"2'6+( Cenut%er -user name.> .........................
6assword> ............................................
<.< $s# for a short introduction how to operate the control system and write down your
notes. $fter that you should be able to select all displays by mouse clic# to handle the
main operational sequences. $nd you should #now how to start and stop the system.
<.9 0ow stop the computer-s. of your operation station and start in again.
<.; ,pen a personal directory li#e G""0J'millerH and a doc'file for every session li#e G1'

9or your written report>
&escribe the sequences to start and to stop and how to operate the system.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page !.
3. -isplays presenting the power system state
4oal> 4etting #nowledge of the display information presenting the power system state
4et familiar with the overview' station' line' and device'displays. +a#e some hardcopies
-snapshots.. "elect the displays by using Gpicture from pictureH selection and mouse clic#s
-one clic# left mouse buttonH.
9or your written report>
- 5ow can you select the picturesE
- Dhat different types of pictures -groups. e)ist in the control system and what are
they used forE
- 4ive a hierarchical tree structure of the power system displays in
accordance with the details and information data of the displays
- Dhat tas#s of grid control operations occur usually -daily.E
- Dhat tas#s of grid control operations occur during emergenciesE
- Dhich displays gives information about total system losses and the according costs
of lossesE
- Dhat displays present the active and the reactive power flow bestE
- Dhich group of displays presents the line currentE
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "8
. 3etting $amiliar with the power system
4oal> 4etting familiar with the construction of the power system e.g. voltage levels
transformers stations and components...
- Dhat are the voltage levels in the power systemE
- Dhat lines are constructedE
- Dhat transformers are constructed between the voltage levelsE
- Dhat are the main power plants and where are they locatedE
- Dhat are the main loads and where are they locatedE
- Dhat types of reactive power compensations e)ist and where are they locatedE
- &escribe the ways of voltage regulations.
- &escribe the way of frequency regulation.
- &escribe the different ways of treading the transformer]s neutral point.
+a#e some hardcopies presenting the stations* and grid structures.
9or your written report> 4ive a brief information about the networ# of the utility company
-electrical and commercial aspects customers.... by answering the questions above.
!. 3etting $amiliar with the topology and measurements

4oal> 4etting familiar with the displayed topological information topology symbols colour
indication and measurements.
,pen ore closed switchgear create the online topology of the power system which can be seen
easily by the line and busbar colours.
5ow the topology information is being presented in the displaysE
- Topology information in overview pictures.
- Topology information in load flow pictures.
- Topology information in station pictures.
- Dhat does a single or a double colouring meanE
- Dhat #inds of measurements are displayed in the picturesE
- Dhat is a common update cycle for the measurementsE
- Dhat is the meaning of the algebraic sign of the displayed measurementsE
- 5ow can operators get a more precise resolution -more digits. of a measurementE
9or your written report>
4ive a brief information about the implemented utility company -electrical and commercial.
and answer the questions above.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "1
". 9irst power system operation.
4oal> &o your first online switching operation.
"elect a feeder with an open end line in the ;00'#L networ# on the feeding side e.g. in station
,st ;00 and put the curser to the brea#er. It usually can be switched off without any ris#.
E)plain your choice and as# your instructor before doing the operation. Dhat effects of the
operation do you estimateE Thin# on active and reactive power flow changes.
E)ecute a double clic# on the brea#er and see the switching bo). +a#e a hardcopy.
5ow to identify the selected 6LE 5ow to identify the current stateE
&o the operation by pressing the button GdurchfZhrenH and see the results.
"ee the button G"6H which means switching program. It allows selecting a feeder for a
complete bus bar operation. Fearn to use it by doing and getting e)perience.
Fearn how to loc# a switch gear M a feederE 5ow can you do thatE It is important for safety if
staff has to do maintenance.
9or your written report>
$nswer the questions. &escribe your e)periences by e)plaining the hardcopies of station
pictures and of the protocol.
#. 2nterpretation o$ measurements
"elect a ;00'#L station e.g. station ,st ;00. /irst chec# the displayed measurements of a
feeder of a busbar coupling and of the busbars. 0ote what the arithmetic sign of the displayed
measurement -?M'. indicate>
"ign !nits 6hysical meaning
-?. +D active flow going to bus bar
-' . +D active flow going from bus bar to line
-?. +L$r reactive inductive flow going to bus bar
-' . +L$r reactive inductive flow going from bus
-?. #L apparent voltage always positive value
Cusbars> 9 Fine ' ground 1 Fine S line
/eeders> Fine ' line
-?. $ apparent line current always as a
positive value

9or your report>
4ive some e)amples -snapshots. and discuss it.
5ow can you get a precise resolution of the measurementE
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "2
%. <alances
%.1 <alances $or $eeders
The apparent power " of a feeder -electrical flow. can be calculated by the equation
" I !
` ? !
` ? !
" (omple) 9'phase power -apparent power.
(omple) phase'i to ground voltages -i I 1 < 9.
` (onBugated comple) phase'i current -i I 1 < 9.
To solve the equation all three phase to ground voltages line currents and angles have to be
#nown. !sually these measurements are not displayed in the control room. $s the electrical
system is assumed to be symmetric the values of Bust one line current and one phase to phase
voltage is transferred. $dditionally the active and reactive flow values are transmitted. These
measurements have to fit to each other. (hec# that by calculating the mismatch ++ >
I 9 a !
a I
I -6
? Y
I -6
? Y
++ I $bs -"
' "
6hase to phase voltage measurement
line current measurement
6 $ctive power measurement
Y 1eactive power measurement
9or your report> &o snapshots and select one feeder of a ;00'#L line one of a 110'#L line
and one of a <0'#L line and use the displayed measurements to calculate the ++ of each
feeder. &iscuss and qualify the results.
%.2 <alances $or /us /ars
The rule of Qirchhoff demands a balance of current at an electrical node. (hec# that by
calculating the mismatch ++
and ++
AiN 1C2C... F
AiN 1C2C... F
+ismatch of active power
+ismatch of reactive power
$ctive power measurement of feeder i
1eactive power measurement of feeder i
i /eeder 0o.
9or your report> "elect one bus bar of a ;00'#L station one of a 110'#L station and one of a
<0'#L station and the displayed measurements to calculate the mismatch. +a#e hardcopies
and calculate and qualify the results.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "3
%.3 <alances $or lines
,ne equivalent networ# for a line is usually li#e this>
1 is the line resistance W
the line inductivity and ( the line
(apacity. In this e)ercise we will see the effects of these
line elements.
"witch on the load flow displays Fastfluss ;00 and Fastfluss 110. "elect one ;00'#L line
one 110'#L line and one <0'#L line and compare the displayed measurements on the lines
end feeders. /or each of this lines calculate the balance of the active power 6 and reactive
power Y. and compare and e)plain the results>
d6 I 6
-both ends.
dY I Y
-both ends .
d6 &ifference of active power
dY &ifference of reactive power
$ctive power measurement of feeders
1eactive power measurement of feeders
1emember> W
is F and W
is 1M(
The comple) impedance of an inductivity is [
The comple) impedance of a capacity is [
I ' B M(
1emember the effect of compensation
9or your report> +a#e hardcopies and calculate and e)plain the results.
The line consumption of active power -Fosses 6
. depends mainly from what valueE
4ive the equation.
The line consumption of reactive power -inductive consumption Y
. depends mainly from
what valueE 4ive the equation.
The line production of reactive power -inductive generation Y
equal to capacitive
consumption. depends mainly from what valueE 4ive the equation.
Imagine a line with a balanced reactive power> The values of reactive power on both ends are
the same. This line load of balance of reactive power is called Gnatural loadH.
If the production of inductive power -in the line capacity. is higher than the consumption -in
the line inductivity. the sum of the reactive power measurements is positive Fine has lower
load than natural load. If the consumption of inductive power -in the line inductivity. is higher
than the production -in the line capacity. the sum of the reactive power measurements is
negative. Fine load is higher than natural load
(hec# lines in all voltage levels and identify the line state.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "
.. O0erhead lines and e$$ects
' 4etting familiar with the representation of linesMcables and networ# equivalents
' Fong line effects and compensation
9.1 (epresentation o$ lines and parameters
Power pylon and o0erhead lines
(C SC T is a 3?phase System
=ine parameters and ?model
The line parameters for circuit analysis are inductance capacitance and resistance and if
ta#en into account also the equivalent lea#age resistance of corona spar#ling in a 'model.
The derivation of formulae for the calculation of the quantities is not given here. It is intended
here to quote and discuss their applications. The line'neutral inductance F for equilateral
spacing is
r radius o$ a conductor
d eGuilateral spacing
The line'neutral capacitance for equilateral spacing is
r radius o$ a conductor
d eGuilateral spacing calculated /y
The parameters proportionally depend on the line length. The equivalent circuit of a line is
shown in ne)t figure. It is sufficient for modelling a line up to about <=0 #m line length. The
resistor representing the spar#ling corona effect 1
is often neglected. Cecause it loo#s li#e the
4ree# character it is called the 'form of the line equivalent.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "!
?parameter representation o$ a line
0ote> !sing I <f and f for frequency
I F and W
I 1 M -(.
"ome typical ;00'#L overhead line constants at =0 5
% -per phase per #m. for a conductor of ;)<=@ mm
1esistance 1 -,hms. 0.01J
1eactance W
-,hms. 0.<J
"usceptance 1MW
. 10.=@X=.0
(harging (urrent Ic -$mps. 0.9;=
0atural load -+D. :<0
Thermal rating -+L$. <<00 ... 1=@0 -=b( ... 1@b(.
$ hundred #m overhead line usually has appro)imately
1 I < ,hm W
I <0 ,hm W
I ;=00 ,hm
E5ercise> -etermination o$ parameters using display data
The 'parameters of a line can be determined appro)imately using the displayed
measurements for both line ends. Therefore two snapshots of the same line has to be done
one for a no load situation and a second one for a -nearly. rated load situation.
:etwor* eGui0alent o$ a line
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page ""
(onsider the line 0ord ;00 S ,st ;00 -line 1 left system.
a. 6rovide no load situation on end < -in ,st ;00. by switching off the line end in ,st ;00
-use "6 button GausschaltenH. and see the measurements of reactive power Y
on end 1 -0ord
;00. this allows to appro)imately calculate W
I 9 a !
I 9 a !
phase to ground voltage in 0ord ;00
reactive power in 0ord ;00
!sing W
I 1 M ( calculate the line capacity ( in cm/d.
!sing (* I 1;.= n/M#m as the line capacity per #m and
( I (* a F

(alculate the line length F
b. 6rovide a load situation of the line by switching on the line in ,st ;00 to busbar 1 -use "6
button Geinschalten auf ""1H. this allows to appro)imately calculate 1 and W
. "ee the
&ifference of active losses> ' 6
' 6
I d6 I 9 a I
a 1
&ifference of reactive losses> 'Y
' Y
? Y
I dY I 9 a I
a W
Cy using I I -I
? I
. M < mean value of line current
(alculate 1 and W
9or your report>
&o the hardcopies calculate the 6arameters answer the questions and discuss the results.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "#
..2 =ong o0erhead lines and e$$ects
,ften the distances between the generating plants and the customers are rather long. !5L'
overhead lines are the cheapest solution to connect.
Cy light loads the capacitive consumption of a line e)ceeds the inductive L$r consumed by
the inductance. There is a physical effect which ma#es the voltage rise that is called /erranti'
effect. This effect causes problems to generation -to produce the needed reactive power. and
to the insulation -to stand the rise of voltage.. $t very long lines the voltage rise can be
massive. $ length of 1=00 #m at =0 5% corresponds to a quarter wavelength line of e)treme
voltage increase.
"eries capacitors "( see ne)t figure would normally be installed to reduce voltage rise and
to effectively shorten the line length electrically. In addition -inductive. shunt reactors "h
also see ne)t figure are switched on at times of light load to absorb the capacitive load. /or
long lines -;00 #m and more. in general it is common to divide the system into sections with
compensation at the ends of each section.
5L'&('lines are used to cross very long distances providing the advantages of decoupling the
9'phase systems in terms of reactive power and short cut energy. $dditionally &('lines do
not need any compensation. E)pensive elements are the rectifiers and inverters.
Sectioning o$ long lines
The voltage variation along a long line -of appro)imately J=0 #m. is given in ne)t figure.
(urve d> 0o load and no compensation.
(urve c> 0o load and a single compensation at the end.
(urve b> 0o load and compensations at the end and at centre -middle..
(urve a> 0atural load and compensations at the end and at centre -middle..
Doltage 0ariation o$ a long line
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page "%
E5ercise> 0oltage rise on a long o0erhead line
6rovide a no load situation of the lines as shown in ne)t figure by switching on the line 1 in
0ord ;00 to busbar 1 -use "6 button Geinschalten auf ""1H. in ,st ;00 to busbar <. "witch
on the line < from ,st ;00 to 0ord ;00 in ,st ;00 also on busbar <. +a#e sure that there is no
other line or load on busbar < in ,st ;00 besids the two lines. Fine < is open in 0ord ;00.
Cy this topology you have created a long line
which consists of line 1 and line < in series
connection. 0ow follow the voltage measurements
starting from 0ord ;00 !
,st ;00 !
and !
again 0ord ;00 !
in the station displays.
(alculate and e)plain the increase of voltage along
the line.
0ow use the compensation GQomp ,stH in ,st ;00
to decrease the voltage. 2ou have to switch Qomp
,st to busbar < and to set the compensation value
manually in the display G/ahrpl\neH. "tart with 10
+L$r and do steps by 10 +Lar. Dhat
compensation is needed to achieve !
voltage in
,st ;00 busbar <E
9or your report> (alculate and e)plain the increase of voltage along the line. 4ive answers
to the questions above. E)plain the /erranti'effect with a networ# equivalent.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page ".
..3 :atural load e5ercises
1emember the parameter representation of a line -networ# equivalent..
Parameter representation o$ a line
The characteristic impedance [
is #nown as the surge impedance. Dhen a line is terminated
in its characteristic impedance the power delivered is #nown as the natural load. In other
words> The capacitive consumption of a line depends from the voltage and the inductive
consumption depends from the line current in natural load condition the capacitive load of
the line is compensated by the inductive transfer load. /or a single line>
_______ ______
N A\
1eactive consumption of capacitors> Y
I !
1eactive consumption of impedance> Y
a W
! phase to ground voltage
I current of a line conductor
Fine parameters

0ote that a three phase line has three times the reactive load compared to the single line.
$ line below natural load shows capacitive consumer behaviour -F1.. $ line above natural
load shows a inductive consumer behaviour -F9.. $ line in natural load conditions -F<. shows
neutral consumer behaviour> Then there is no change in reactive flow along the line.
"ome e)amples> power grid lines of below M
balanced M over natural load conditions
1eactive power measurement in station 1
1eactive power measurement in station <
If Y
? Y
e 0 > as line F1 ' capacitive behaviour -below natural load.
If Y
? Y
I 0 > as line F< ' neutral behaviour -natural load.
If Y
? Y
f 0 > as line F9 ' inductive behaviour -over natural load.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #8
/ollow the simulator]s reactive power measurements on both end of some lines and chec# the
lines* state. &o hardcopies of ;00'#L and 110M<0'#L load flow displays.
+a#e a list of the lines calculate the reactive power balance and decide about the lines*
Dhere is a greater chance to find lines in natural load condition or in above natural load
condition ans whyE
Dhat can be done to create a line above natural load conditionE
9or your report> &o the hardcopies answer the questions and list the results of the e)ercise
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #1
18. Trans$ormers and parameters
$s the losses of electricity transfer -6
I 9 I
. depends from the current -I. to the power of
< and from the line 1esistance -1
. transfer is done using high voltages 5L and !5L.
(ommon voltage levels being used in Europe are !5L -;00 #L. 5L -110 #L. and +L -<0
#LX : #L.. Therefore the transformers have an important role. 5igh efficiency low losses
fle)ible windings using taps and a life cycle of =0 years or more are provided by modern
transformer technology.
18.1 (epresentation o$ lines and parameters
The representation of transformers in networ#s and for power flow calculation is a or a T'
networ# equivalent. "ee the T'equivalent in ne)t figure. The upper networ# equivalent is the
full parameter equivalent. The middle one is a simplified networ# equivalent for no load
situation and the lower one for load transfer. "implifying is allowed because of the values of
the parameters> The hori%ontal elements are Bust a few ,hm the vertical elements are some
thousands ,hm.

Trans$ormer T?:etwor* eGui0alent
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #2
+eaning of the parameters and measurements>
1esistor representing active losses of the iron core
Impedance representing main inductivity
-I 1
. 1esistor representing cupper losses -windings.
-I W
. "catter impedances
6rimary phase to ground voltage
0o'load active losses
0o'load reactive Lars
I (urrent measurement
d6 $ctive losses calculated by> abs-6
dY 1eactive -inductive. losses> abs-Y
!sually we assume> 1
I 1]
and W
I W]

0ote that the measurements are from the 9'phase
system -current of one conductor three phase power and phase to phase voltage.. Cecause the
hori%ontal parameters are small compared to the vertical parameters it is allowed to write
9 a !
M 1
I 6
9 a !
9 a I
a 1
I d6 -9.
9 a I
a W
I dY -;.
Cy measurements the networ# equivalent parameters can be calculated using the above four
equations. Equation -1. and -<. uses measurements of a no load situation equation -9. and -;.
uses measurements of a high load situation.
Ta#ing current and voltage as I
and !
from the primary side the parameters are calculated
on the primary side. Ta#ing I
and !
from the secondary side the parameters are calculated
on the secondary side.
18.2 E5ercise to calculate the trans$ormer parameters
(onsider the identical parallel 110M<0'#L transformers -T1 :9 T1 J0.. 6rovide the following
situation> ,ne transformer is loaded the other is connected to voltage but transfers no load
because of it]s open end on the <0 #L'level end. +a#e a snapshot of the measurements. !sing
the measurements you can appro)imately calculate the parameters of the T'model. 6lease use
the precise resolution measurements -by clic# on the measurement.. If not the parameter
results are roughly and useless.
9or your report>
' /ill in the precise measurements in the hardcopy and calculate the parameters.
' &raw a comple) diagram presenting the ! and I vectors for both transformers.

MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #3
11. 2solating and grounding a 88?*D o0erhead line to prepare $or maintenance
!sually the overhead lines are
chec#ed cicely by helicopter
flights to identify any problem
caused by birds corrosion or
damages of conductors or
insulators etc.
/or maintenance -e.g. corrosion.
the line has to be switched off and
+ost of the switching operations are planned for mentioned maintenance reasons. /or those
operations basically written orders are scheduled. $ system operator -load dispatcher. has to
' Is it feasible to switch off the line due to load flow or security of supply reasonsE
' Dhat will be the effects concerning load flowE
' Dill the power system be in any dangerE
E5ercise> (onsider line ,st ;00 ' "Zd',st ;00 to be isolated and grounded for maintenance.
(hec# the load flow. Is the strong load G$luwer#H able to be fed by
line coming from 0ordost ;00E Thin# about security of power
supply. Dhat can be done additionallyE /inally ma#e your decision
and discuss the decision with your instructor.
$fter that you may open the line. Lerify the effects. $fter the line*s
isolation and grounding you have to pass the TdisposabilityT to the
grid'team by a phone call -simulated together with the instructor..
+ar# the line as TdisposedT on both ends. 5ow is that doneE
9or your report> &o a hardcopy. Drite down the questions and the
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #
solutions. 4ive the answers.
12. -eadly accident
1ead the note of a newspaper> 012)enau3124s5ad56 1 youn7 e2ec5rica2 8orker 8as dead2y in9ured
durin7 main5enance 8ork6 (e appeared 8as s5roke 4y sudden dea5: af5er 5ouc:in7 a *%%3k+ :i7:
;o25a7e o;er:ead 2ine near 124s5ad5 yes5erday a5 16%% p6m6 T:e man 8orked on 5:e 2ine and 8as
4e25ed6 Co22ea7ues and a ca22ed am4u2ance reco;ered 5:e man6 1n immedia5e reanima5ion fai2ed6 1s
5:e po2ice speaker informed" i5 is proofed 5:a5 5:e 2ine :as 4een s8i5c:ed off and 7rounded 4y 5:e
con5ro2 cen5re6 Po2ice and exper5s 8en5 5o 5:e 2ine for recons5ruc5in7 5:e acciden56 <5 :as 5o 4e
;erified so 5:e speaker 5:a5 a22 securi5y ins5ruc5ions :a;e 4een execu5ed60
Thin# about the accident and ma#e your opinion on the final causes. Thin# about the five
security rules of electrical wor#ing>
1. "witch off
<. 6rotect against reconnection
9. (hec# for %ero voltage
;. 4rounding
=. (overing of near devices under voltage
9or your report> &iscuss the accident. Dhat has been neglectedE Dhich steps have to be
done by the control centre teamE Dhich steps have to be e)ecuted by the grid teamE
4ive a correct sequence of actions including the passing of disposability.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #!
13. =ocation o$ the current & 0oltage trans$ormers
This e)ercises tas# is to identify the location of the currentMvoltage transformers as sensor
elements to obtain the measurements.
&o as follows> (onsider a feeder of an open line end e.g. line 0ord ;00 ' ,st ;00 FT4<.
/irst all switchgear of the feeder in 0ord ;00 are open. The line is fed from the other end ,st
;00. Focate the positions of the current and voltage transformers by a switching operation of
the line isolator. The voltage measurements indicate the measurement transformer locations.
=ocation o$ the current and 0oltage trans$ormers
9or your report>
' +a#e a snapshot.
' +ar# the position of the transformers.
' Dhat locations for a short circuit are criticalE
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #"
1. E5ploring the 2nterloc*ing System und changing a /us/ar
The Interloc#ing is done to protect the equipment against wrong operations. /or security
reasons there are usually three levels of interloc#ing levels> in the feeder in the station and in
the control centre. The basic rule is simple>
, /rea*er can operate anytime to switch the loads on or o$$. ,n isolator is
allowed to operate only i$ the /rea*er is open /ecause it cannot switch loads.
"ubstation interloc#ing systems are more sophisticated. The solutions and the levels of
protection depend on the data availability. !sually the feeder level interloc#ing system only
ta#es its own -feeder*s. data into account. "tation level interloc#ing uses all feeders* data
including the busbar coupling data and centre level ta#es all remote data into account. $ll
levels are needed because switch operations can be done from feeder 6F( motor drives from
a substation local operation console or from the control centre "($&$ system.
E5ercise 1.1> "elect a feeder e.g. of a line and e)plore the interloc#ing system. Ta#e also
the switchgear to ground into account. Is a wrong operation always loc#edE Dhat mal
operation is not protectedE
9or your report> 4ive e)amples of loc#ed operations and answer the questions.
&escribe the results.
E5ercise 1.2> E)ecute a busbar change in station 0ord ;00 without switching off a line or
load by using the busbar coupling.
9or your report> 4ive a complete list of the operations in sequence and do hardcopies of
the start and the end topology.
1. ,peration> (lose brea#er of busbar coupling
<. ,peration> (lose isolator feeder Dest ;00 to <
9. ,peration> ,pen isolator feeder Dest ;00 to 1
;. X(loseX,penX(loseX,penX
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page ##
1!. 2mpact o$ power inPections on the 0oltage.
&uring this e)ercise the impact of busbars* active and reactive power inBections on the voltage
is e)plored. 6ower plant Qohle'QD in station 0ordost ;00 is used for this e)ercise. De
investigate the busbar*s voltage increase and drop during power plant generation changes.
&isplay GQraftwer#'1egelungenH &isplay GFastfluss ;00 #LH
To e)ercise do settings for the regulations in the display GQraftwer#'1egelungenH see figure>
1. "witch off the regulations -to red $. with the e)ception of G6'"ollreg.H which is the
secondary regulation of manually given power target values -to green E..
<. ,pen a trend curve display from top menu GQurvenan%eigeH and by using drag and drop
technique implement the Qohle'QD*s active and reactive power values -target and online
measurements. and the busbar voltage in the curve display.
9. Then set the reactive power inBection target Y GY'"ollH to 0 and vary the active power
inBection target G6'"ollH. 4ive the plant]s regulations some time to change from one target
value to ne)t.
Dariation o$ acti0e power P inPection when reacti0e power is constant 8 MD,r> 0ote the
;00'#L bus'bar voltage and complete the list.
6 c+Dd target values =00 ;00 900 <00 100 0 '1J
;. 0ow sequentially change reactive power inBection Y while active power inBection 6 is set to
%ero. 0ote the bus'bar voltage and complete the list. 4ive the plant]s regulations some time to
change from one target value to ne)t.
Dariation o$ reacti0e power inPection Q when acti0e power is constant 8 M6>
Y c+L$rd target values ';00 '900 '<00 '100 0 100 <00 900 ;00
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #%
9or your report>
' &o hardcopies of the measurements similar to the ne)t figures fill in the tables and answer
the questions>
Dhich type of inBection is better to manipulate the voltageE
' 5ow is it done in practiceE Dhat are the limitsE
' (alculate the sensibilities> Lp I d!Md6 g Lq I d!MdY
' E)plain the results on the basis of a simple networ# equivalent and a comple)
diagram. !
is busbar voltage !
is the rated grid voltage assumed to be fi).
Ta#e into account that BW is much greater than 1.

QN8 MD,r
=00 ;00 900 <00 100 @
;1<1 ;1<1 ;11= ;10: ;09J ;0@;
900 <00 100 0 '100 '<00 '900
;9:9 ;<J; ;1@1 ;0@; 99@1 9@J; 9J=9
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page #.
1". ,DC ? ,utomatic Doltage Control
This e)ercise is to investigate the automatic voltage control system. The automatic system
changes the reactive power inBection - I
.of a generator to achieve the target voltage on the
busbar as we have done in e)ercise 1= manually. This $L( regulates the e)citing current I
-e)citation &(. of the "+ to control the magnetic flu) inside the generator so that the target
voltage on the busbar will be reached. !
voltage is measured and compared to !
reference target value. The difference d! is used to change I
to control !
0ote that a synchronous motorMgenerator -"+. needs a magnetic balance. In principle a "+ is
li#e a coil -inductivity F. which is connected to a voltage source ta#ing an inductive current I
to create the magnetic flu)
which depends from the voltage L. /or a single coil the
following equations are used>
Inductivity F I 0

Inductance W
Inductive current I
+agnetic flow = F I
0 Dindings
(onnectivity characteristic of the magnetig circle c$sMLd
! Loltage
f /requency
The magnetic flu)
of a "+ can be created
either from the -fi)ed. three phase side by I
from the rotating e)citation &( side by I
In a simplified model the magnetic flu) balance
of a "+ can be calculated>


Magnetic $lu5 created $rom -C?side
Magnetic $lu5 created $rom 3?phase?side

:eeded magnetic $lu5 o$ the SM
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %8
Cy increasing I
increases. $s the balance has to be fullfilled A
decreases. That reduces the reactive current consumption from the 9 phase side which is
equivalent to reduction of the reactive power consumption.
Fow I
means low e)citation. The "+ behaves inductive -li#e a coil.. It consumes inductive
reactive power.
Calanced I
results that the "+ has no reactive power e)change to the grid.
5igh I
means high e)citation. The "+ is over e)itedg it sends inductive reactive power to the
grid. It behaves capacitive -li#e a capacitor.. This is equal to production of inductive power.
Fimits of I
are given by stability -low I
. and temperature -high I

In the display GD'1egelungenH switch
on the G!'Y'1egelungH of Qohle'
QDH which is the $L( controller.
To what voltage does the automatic
controlE 0ow give following target
voltage values as listed in the ne)t
table. 0ote the reactive power
inBection Y which will be controlled
by $L(
R*DS 3%8 3.8 88 18 18 1!A7F
9or your report>
' "ee the $L( behaviour note voltages and the according reactive power inBections and fill
in the table.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %1
1#. @sage o$ compensations $or reacti0e power /alance
De already discussed the usage of compensations concerning long line effects and capacitive
compensation. 5ere is another usage of compensation concerning reactive power.
(onsider the display G[ustandsZbersichtH displaying the sum inBections from the utility
partner of three stations and the total power factor cos phi in the line GLerbund gesamtH.
Dhat technical components do effect the utility]s reactive power inBectionE
Ther power factor cos is defined as
cos N P/S
P ,cti0e power &&&&&&&
S ,pparent Power S N P
Q (eacti0e Power
0ote the actual inBections of active and reactive power and of the grid]s losses and calculate
cos . $dBust the power factor manually up to 0.999 by changing the inBections of the
compensations in the two ;00 #L'stations T,st ;00T and T"Zdost ;00T using the display
T/ahrpl\neT. The e)ercise is complete iif the reactive power is smaller than ? or S = +L$r.
+a#e a hardcopy of the results.
9or your report>
' Dhat technical components affect the grid]s reactive power -consumption and production.E
' 0ote the measurements and the results.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %2
1%. Doltage dependence o$ loads
&emand side management is an important tas# in distribution systems mainly because of
electrical and commercial optimi%ation. $ny pea# loads appearing during the day need
additional pea# generation to cover. $dditional generation is e)pensive the more if it is used
Bust a short time of the day. E)pensive investments for new generators can be avoided by
reducing the pea# load. "witch off is a common solution for heating or air condition loads
which may be switch off for some minutes without causing troubles. $nother solution is the
drop of the voltage. $s loads* consumption depends from the voltage a drop of the voltage
-adBusted by the tap transformers. covers the lac# of generation by reducing the loads
consumption. "ee the behaviour of load depending from the type in ne)t figure -left side..
Foad types can be classified by their reaction after a change of the voltage. Two e)amples>
' $ resistor 1 consumes active power 6
depending from the voltage ! which can be
described by the equation 6
I !
M 1
' $ regulated load F ta#es constant power -if regulation wor#s.. The equation is 6
I !
M 1
$ny load can be described by the e)ponent of the voltage. 6rofessor /!0Q has described the
spontaneous load reaction after a change of the voltage by the following equations>
M 6
I - !
M !
I - !
M !
$ctual active power
0ominal rated active power -at rated voltage.
$ctual reactive power
0ominal rated reactive power -at rated voltage.
$ctual voltage
1ated voltage
p E)ponent for active power
q E)ponent for reactive power
The pea# of the load -10:K. can be covered by reducing the voltage by 9K ' if load type
e)ponent is <.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %3
De will see the voltage dependence of loads by some e)periments. 1eal busbar loads show
e)ponents that result from a mi)ture of the different load types connected to the busbar.
+easurements in real grids show different
load behaviour.
(urve a is typical for households and a short
switch off time. The reappearance of the load
is suddenly nearly the same as is has been
switched off.
(urve b and c are typical for households. The
longer the switch off time is the higher is the
reappearance load which e)ceeds suddenly up
to 1=0K or more compared to the switched
off load. This is caused by temperature
controlled electrical devices -free%er air
condition etc..
(urve d e and f are typical for industry loads.
0early independent from the off'time the
reappearance of the load is gradual and
smooth because of restoration of the
production processes.

The e)ponents p and q can be calculated using the measurements of loads -6
and 6
at two different voltages -!
and !
. by the following equations>
p N logAP
F / logA@
G N logAQ
F / logA@
The voltages of the feeding busbar can be changed by e.g. topology reactive power inBections
or by changing the tap of transformers.

E5ercise> Investigate the types and calculate the parameters p and q of the loads
' ;00'#L load h"tahlwer#G in "tation T,st 110T
' ;00'#L load G$luwer#H in station h"Zdost ;00G
' 110'#L load G"tadtwer# $H in "tation T+itte 110T
' <0'#L total transformer load in "tation TDest <0T
9or your report>
' &escribe how you have changed the voltages.
' 0ote the load and voltage measurements and the results after the change.
' $nswer the questions>
Dhat type of loads present factors p q I 0E
Dhat type of loads present factors p q I 1E
Dhat type of loads present factors p q I <E
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %
1.. Doltage control on customersM side
!sually the voltage on the 0.; #L customers* side is appro)imately <90 L. In 4ermany the
range -L&E recommendation. for soc#ets* voltage allows ?:K ... '10K. Dhere is the
customers* voltage adBusted and controlledE This voltage is usually adBusted by the 110'
#LM<0'#L transformer by changing tap positions. There is one more transformer <0'#L M 0.;'
#L on the way to the customer. This transformer has a fi)ed tap position which cannot be
changed by the "($&$ system
operator. "o it*s the 110M<0'#L
substation transformer that
adBusts and controls the busbar
voltage and also the soc#ets]
!sually a target voltage -e.g.
<0.= #L. on the medium voltage
side is adBusted regulated by a
controller changing the taps. Tap
changing causes a change of
windings and the transformation
usually by 1K per tap. Typical
tap transformers have <J taps
/luttering of regulation is
avoided by a delay time of 10 or
<0 seconds. !sually the
regulation can be switched in
automatic or in manual mode.
Loltage automatic
,0 is indicated by a green E and ,// is indicated by a red $. Taps can manually be changed
in ,// position by double'clic# of yellow ?M' button.
E5ercise> Investigation of the voltage regulation behaviour of a substation transformer.
/irst put the <0'#L grid into the following status> T1 :9 feeds Dest <0 +itte <0 and "Zd <0.
T1 J0 and T1 J1 are switched off. $utomatic voltage regulation of T1 :9 is off. Loltage of
T1 :9 is manually set to about <1.= #L. (reate a trend curve indicating the voltage and the
tap 0o.
$fter this preparation the voltage controller is switched on. +easure the course of the voltage
! depending from the time t and see the ! I f-t. diagram. Dhen the transformer doesn]t
change anymore the target voltage is reached. Then adBust the tap to '11 and repeat the
measurement again.
9or your report>
' &iscuss the diagrams ! I f -t..
' +easure the control range and the delay time.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %!
28. Parallel tap trans$ormer
This e)ercise deals with 5LM+L transformers e.g. 110#L to <0'#L. !sually a transformer
station has more than one transformer to supply the +L'busbars. ,n 110'#L side they are
connected on the same busbar. /rom time to time the transformers have to be switched in
parallel on the +L side also. Cefore parallel switch operation some criteria have to be
fulfilled to get a balanced load and to avoid problems.
? Same tap position i$ same type o$ trans$ormer
? Same medium side 0oltage i$ di$$erent types o$ trans$ormers
6roblems will occour if the voltage transformations are not equal. In parallel operation mode
a difference of transformation will result in a circle current see figure.
&ifferent tap positions -< and =. result in
different transformation -left figure.. $fter
parallel switching the voltage difference d!
-in e)ample equal to 1.< #L. causes a circle
current I
The circle current may e)ceed some 100 $
and causes losses and transformer overload
because it has to be totali%ed with the load
!se substation Dest <0 to switch two identical transformers T1 :9 and T1 J0 to parallel
operation -a. and -b.. /irst chec# the criteria to get a balanced load. Drite down the
measurements or do hardcopies>
AaF <e$ore parallel
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %"
A/F ,$ter parallel switching
De now investigate the effect of a slight asymmetric transformation. "o in parallel operation
change the tap positions to have a difference of ; steps -c.. Drite down the measurements or
do hardcopies>
AcF Parallel switching and tap di$$erence o$ AT( ". H2 steps up / T( #8 ?2 steps downF.
De now investigate the effect of a heavy asymmetric transformation. "o in parallel operation
again change the tap positions to have a difference of 10 steps -d.. Drite down the
measurements or do hardcopies>
AdF Parallel switching and tap di$$erence o$ 18 AT( ". H3 more steps up / T( #8 ?3 more
steps downF.
9or your report>
' Drite down the measurements
' &iscuss the results
' 4ive an interpretation of the change of active and reactive flow
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %#
21. Parallel trans$ormer & regulation $ault seGuence e5ercise
!sually if transformers are in parallel operation the voltage regulation of both is switched
off. This is because of reciprocal influence. If voltage regulation is important one of the
regulations is turned into +aster'mode the other into "lave'mode.
If the coordination fails there is a danger of a circle current when maBor tap changes appear.
De will e)ercise a failure li#e this. In substation Dest <0 two transformers are installed they
are switched in parallel. /irst we put the power system into the following status>
1. T( ". and T( #8 wor* parallel on the same tap.
2. (egulations o$ T(,9O ". is O: and o$ #8 is O:.
&uring parallel operation a regulation fault appears. $s# your trainer to e)ecute this sequence.
9or your report>
' /ollow the sequence of events.
' &o some hardcopies.
' &escribe and discuss the events and the reasons of the events.
' 4ive solutions to stabili%e the situation to stop the escalation and to solve the problem.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %%
22. Optimal power $low ? topology and losses
,ptimal 6ower /low -,6/. is a goal especially in dispatcher centres -e.g. national dispatcher
centre. to achieve ma)imum transfer on low losses. There are a lot of parameters which
influence the losses. "ome e)amples> &ifferences of voltages in the same grid cause mainly
additional reactive power flow which causes additional losses. !sing parallel lines reduce the
losses. $ny transfer of power which can be substituted by local equipment will result in lower
losses. /inally all components inBections tap positions and topology as an interacting system
of components have to be optimi%ed. $s this is a comple) tas# usually software called ,6/ is
used in the control room to calculate a list of operations to optimi%e the power flow. The
mathematical bac#ground is a non linear set of equations ta#ing constrains into account. $fter
solution is an iterative calculation process and the results are inBections tap positions usually
for a fi)ed topology.
De will manually investigate the networ# losses depending from the topology and try to
optimi%e the networ# state. &o a restart of the training system to have the start topology. $fter
start of the system select the display T[ustandsZbersichtT and note the total active load of the
power system G"umme FastH the active losses GDir#leistungsverluste im 0et%H and the costs
of the losses Ga#tueller Lerlust NMhH by doing hardcopies . (alculate the percentage of the
total losses compared to the total load.
0ow thin# about reduction of the losses.
- 6arallel switching of networ# components -e.g. lines. to equali%e the load flow.
- $void transfer of active power by using local equipment -if possible.
- $void transfer of reactive power by using local equipment -iIf possible.
Cefore switching discuss the e)pected results with your trainer.
$fter the parallel switching operation again note the total load of the power system and the
losses. 1ecalculate the total percentage of the losses. (ompare and discuss the results.
/or your report>
' 5ardcopy notification and calculation of the above mentioned values.
' &iscuss the disadvantage and limitations of parallel switching.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page %.
23. Protection system and three phase short circuit.
23.1 2ntroduction
&ue to thunderstorm effects on overhead lines switching operation faults and other technical
human or environmental effects short circuits appear from time to time in the power systems.
6rotection components have to be installed. 6rotection components can not avoid the
appearance of faults they are installed to identify the fault and to selectively and fast switch
off the affected components -e.g. line. to #eep the remaining power system in operation.
"electivity is a strong demand. ,ne protection components usually can not fulfil this demand.
It is the system of the protection components and the coordination that fulfil the demand of
selective reaction.
In general we have to distinguish between direct protection elements li#e fuses which are
directly installed in the high voltage grids and indirect protection elements as relays which
identify short circuit parameters -e.g. high current low voltage. and react by tripping the
9uses as direct wor#ing protection elements react by melting material due to high currents.
&epending from the rated values and voltages the characteristic of the fuses can be seen in the
ne)t figure. 4enerally we distinguish
- Fow voltage high energy fuses -05 fuses. and
- 5igh voltage high energy fuses -55 fuses..
55 fuses ta#e over the short circuit protection on the high voltage side of a local networ#
transformer -<0'M0.;'#L. and limit the current in case of a the short circuit. 05 fuses are
installed on the low voltage side feeders of a local networ# transformer -<0'M0.;' #L. and
limit the current in case of a the short circuit.
6ransfor%er station and fuses !! Standard fuses for 2=-#+ alication
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .8
The current limiting effect of fuses is important> 5igh short'circuit currents rise is limited by
wor#ing fuses so the current does not reach the pea# value. (urrents are limited by the
e)tremely short disconnecting time which is shorter than 10 ms.
$ccording to IE( ' L&E 0:J0 part ;0< the time to current characteristics of 55 fuses for
transformer protection has to fulfil mainly two goals> /irstly a relatively high melting current
in the 0.1 s area to stand the transformer*s rush current by switching on. "econdly a relatively
low melting current is also required however in the 10 s area to ensure switching off in case
of transformer winding faults.
Protection relays
(ircuit parameters supervised by the protection relays are>
- high currents
- low voltage
- low impedance
- low or high frequency
- differences of currents on both ends
- gas stream in oil
- X
&epending from the parameters to be supervised and the characteristic of the relay type we
- (urrent depending protection relays -$+[ relays.
- (urrent independent protection relays -!+[ relays.
- &istance protection relays -Impedance relays.
- /requency relays
0ote the three states of a relay>
:ormal state> If all supervised parameters are in normal conditions the relay is not e)cited.
E5cited state> If one ore more of the criteria are fulfilled the relays react by an e)citing state
which can be described as ready to react. The final reaction of the relays can be delayed for a
certain time that is dynamically calculated depending from failure parameters or set manually.
E5ecuted state> The relay e)ecutes by tripping the brea#er.
-irection identi$ication sensor
!sually protection relays allow identifying the
direction of the short circuit current. 0ote> It is the
direction to the line not to the busbar which e)cites
the protection relay.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .1
Current depending protection relays
The current depending relays -$+[. can create a selective power cut off by measuring the
short circuit current during appearance and reacting after a certain delay time. The delay time
is an adBustable parameter -time. between the e)citing and the reaction to trip the brea#er
which is calculated during short circuit appearance. !sually an inverse current'to'time
characteristic is used. $n application e)ample is a set of drives in an industry production
Current independent protection relays
The current independent relays -!+[. can create a selective power cut off by using different
delay time reactions that can be set manually as parameter of the relay. The relay is e)cited if
the current e)ceeds an adBustable limit independent from the value. The delay time is an
adBustable parameter -time. between the e)citing of the relay after occurrence of a short
circuit current and the reaction to trip the brea#er which is set manually. $n application
e)ample is a set of drives in an industry production company.

MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .2
-istance protection relays
The current independent relays -!+[. can create a selective power cut off by using different
delay time reactions. Cut as it can be seen in the figure above there are some disadvantages in
- long trac# lines lead to long delay time settings
- in case of parallel trac# lines the feeding transformer will get the longest delay
time plus one step more.
- The closer the short circuit appears to the feeder point the bigger the short cut
current. This result in short delay time for low currents and long delay time for
high currents which affects the equipment.
"elective and fast reaction is achieved by distance relays which dynamically measure the
impedance. Fow impedance result in fast reaction and high impedance in longer delay times.
$dditionally a relay usually supervises Bust the direction to the line not to the busbar. Cy
adBusting these parameters it is possible to achieve a selective protection reaction including a
bac#up if the right one fails. The delay time is calculated online during failure detecting. The
closer the failure -measured by impedance [ I !MI. is the faster the reaction will come.
!sually coordinated steps of 900 ms are used starting from 0.1 s. see the figure>

Dhich relays will be e)cited in case of a short circuitE C< C; C= and CJ.
Dhich relays will reactE $nswer> C; and C= react in 100 ms because of low impedance. C<
and CJ react in ;00 ms because of higher impedance and only if the fast one fails.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .3
$nother e)ample>
In a net area a 9'pole short circuit appears for line
FT<9$ centrically. The voltages of the bus bars are
listed in the net picture. $ll lines have the impedance
[ I : and direction oriented distance protection
relays at both line ends.
1. (alculate the short'circuit currents -in the
simplified method discussed during the lecture.
and the delay time of the distance protection
<. /ill in the table which relay trips whenE
6arameter settings of the protection relays
-"ame for all relays.
CayM1elay Loltagec#Ld (urrent c#$d Impedance cd &elay time cmsd
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .
23.2 E5ercises
23.2.1 , 3?pase short circuit on a 88 *D line
"ee the figure> In line 0ord ;00 to Dest ;00 a short circuit appears. Dithin 100 ms the
brea#ers on both ends of the line were opened by the protection relays -distance ' impedance
relays.. This is a correct selective reaction of the protection system.
+ain requirements on protection
systems are>
Selecti0ity> (learly discriminate
between normal and abnormal
(elia/ility> Even after long
interval between consecutive
(eclosure> $s most faults are
"elective and fast protection reaction is needed because
- $rching faults can vapori%e equipments and lead to fire and e)plosion.
- ,verheating of components during abnormal current flow.
- &amage to utili%ation equipment due to unacceptable voltage levels.
- Foss of synchronism due to bloc#age of power.
23.2.2 , 3?pase short circuit on a 88 *D /us?/ar.
/irst put the power system again in normal condition. ,n bus'bar ""1 in "Zd'DE"T ;00 a
short circuit appears. De will see the effects. $s# your supervisor to insert a temporary three
phase short circuit. /ollow the sequence of events on the screen and discuss it using also the
/or your report>
' 5ardcopies of load flow picture before and after the events.
' &iscussion of the events seen and noted in the protocol.
' Yualify the protection reactions -Dhich ma#e sense which seem to be wrongE.i
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .!
2. 3rid separation and $reGuency changes with load impulses
2.1 2ntroduction to $reGuency regulation
The purpose of this e)ercise is to see and to discuss frequency control behaviour. Cy doing
the e)periment please note that this e)periment can not be done in a real networ# because the
customers* power supply can be interrupted. De will investigate the reaction of $4(
-automatic generation control. of the networ# on load impulses. $ networ# may be the huge
interconnected !(TE'power system but also a small networ# island.
!(TE grid and other networ#s in Europe
1ather stable frequency in the !(TE grid
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page ."
In the picture the frequency fluctuations are represented in the European integrated grid
system !(TE within several hours. The curve was recorded at a 4erman ;00 #L control
center -1DE'net.. Every location of the !(TE net shows at the same time Bust the same
frequency. $ll deviations of the =0 5ert% norm are lower than 0.1 5ert% because the
regulations immediately step in.
The frequency of =0 5ert% isn]t a nature constant it has arisen historically. ,ther countries li#e
the !"$ and parts of Papan use :0 5%. Cy traditional train technology uses 1: <M9 5ert%. In
modern airplanes ;00 5% is used -The higher the frequency the lighter are the electrical
drives at the same power..

1egulations have the tas# to provide an almost constant frequency. It is a rather difficult tas#
because of some disturbances as uncertain customer consumption. (omparison> 1ide a bi#e
with constant speed in uneven area and with a changeable headwind.
The customer determines about the load> 6
I f -t.. There are only a few possibilities of
influencing the loads.
' "witch on and off
' (hanging voltage
The generation has he tas# of balancing the load. This is done by steam pressure or by hydro
water storage plants. The rotating masses help to compensate load Bumps. +issing power
generation results in a drop of frequency overproduction in an increase of frequency.
Therefore sensitive frequency sensors are needed. In case of a load impulse or an outage of a
big generator the frequency drops and two regulations act>
- 6rimary regulation to stabili%e the frequency dfMdt 0
- "econdary regulation to achieve =0 5% again df
The primary regulation recogni%es f and regulates f against %ero. The turbine power is
increased for 1X 9 s time constants T at sin#ing frequency with one. It steps in from
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .#
deviations of about 9 m5% and has a purely proportional behaviour. $fter ending regulation a
stationary frequency deviation remains to =0 5%> f
which is recogni%ed by the secondary
regulation which regulates the deviation to =0 5% slowly against %ero. 6lease note> 6rimary
regulation is very fast -1X9 s. mainly using steam bypass. "econdary regulation has time
constants of <0 to 90 seconds. 5ow can the power inBection of a generator be increasedE "ee
ne)t figure>
To increase active the power generation 6
the turbine has to increase the mechanical power.
This results in a grater angle which increase ! and I
. The inBected power is
I !
Power networ* $actor D
The factor L
describes the si%e of stationary frequency deviation f
resulting from
primary regulation affected by a load Bump 6
. "econdary regulation is ,//.
I 6
M f
:etwor* static s
0etwor# static stability s describes the si%e s which arises from the inversion of the figure L
s I ''''''' I 1 ML
Foad Bump in =0 5%
stationary deviation of the primary regulator
s describes the e)pected stationary deviation to =0 5% in case of a generation outage.
E)ample> In the !(TE net a big power station generation bloc# has an outage. The power
deficit is 1000 +D. This causes typically a frequency drop of appro)imately 0.0@ 5%. The
networ# statics s and the figure of merit L of the !(TE net are with that
s I 0.0@ 5% M 1000 +D

0 !(TE
I 1<.= 4DM5%
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page .%
2.2 E5ercises
2.2.2 2nterconnected @CTE system
In the situation of interconnected !(TE'system we will switch the load of G$luwer#H in
station "Zdost ;00 which means a heavy load impulse of some hundred +L$. Datch the
frequency by a measuring instrument -open a frequency window.. /requency is chec#ed
appro)imately every second and displayed by a curve. 1epeat ,0 and ,// switching of the
load for a few times always after stabili%ation of the frequency.
+a#e a hardcopy.
2.2.3 =oad impulse in islands
0e)t step will be a separation
of the electrical networ# into
two parts see figure.
"eparation can only be done
if the separated part is able to
survive with it]s loads.
Cefore separation ma#e sure
that the small island is being
separated with a e)change
flow of nearly %ero -active
and reactive..
1epeat the consideration in the small networ# by changing $luwer# load by ?M' 10 +D.
Datch the frequency by the measuring instrument. ,ff hardcopies.
/or your report>
Dhat does the networ#]s static stability s describesE
Estimate the s and L0 for both e)periments.
(ontinue e)ercise <= in his power system configuration -island..
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page ..
2!. 9reGuency dropping and $reGuency protection
The purpose of this e)ercise is to see and to discuss frequency and protection behaviour. Cy
doing the e)periment please note that this e)periment can not be done in a real networ#
because the customer]s power supply will be interrupted. De will see the overload of a small
island and the dropping of the frequency until a self protection -frequency protection. of the
power system operates by tripping a brea#er of a load to balance the power in the system.
2our supervisor will overload the island by changing the load slightly step by step. &o
hardcopies of the load and of the frequency.
/or your report>
' &escribe and discuss the hardcopies.
' Dhich time constancy -appro).. shows the primary controller -$4(.E
' 5ow is the electrical island reacting on a high load impulses E
' Dhat can be done to let an overloaded power system surviveE
' 4ive basic rules for reconstructing the power grid after a blac# out.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 188
2". Short?circuits in a trac* line
The purpose of this e)ercise is to locate a permanent short circuit in a <0 #L trac# line to
isolate the damaged line part and to re'supply all customers again.
$s# to your instructor to have an introduction into strategy of short'circuit location using
short circuit indicators andMor e)perimental switching. 0ote that the <0'#L networ# 1T! only
control the substations.
6lease note> 1T! Bust control the main transformer stations. The full amount of switch gear
along the trac# lines is not controlled by 1T!. "witching can only be done manually in the
trac# station. (hanging status is not updated automatically S it has to be done manually on the
screen by trac#ing -G0achfZhrenH.. "ee the grid>
<asic strategies
The basic strategy to locate a short circuit depends from the relay installations as follows. The
power grid is often constructed by trac# lines of loop type which are driven open as it can be
seen in the figure. If a short circuit appears the protection system will switch off the effected
trac# line as it is shown in ne)t figure.
$ll the customers of trac# station 0o. 1 to J are off supply. !sually we do not #now the
location -part of the line. where the short circuit happened. The strategies to locate the fault
and to supply all customers again -as fast as possible. differ by the relay equipment installed
in the power system.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 181
Strategy i$ short circuit indicators are installed in the trac* stations
Then the strategy to locate is to send a team in the grid to see the short circuit indicators
installed in the trac# stations. The search is usually started with trac# station 1 continued by <
and so on. E.g. the failure is somewhere between trac# station 9 and ; we will have short
circuit indication in trac# station 1 < and 9 but not in ;.
Qnowing this the failure is somewhere between trac# station 9 and ;. $s the staff is now in
trac# station ; the isolator in direction to trac# station 9 is ordered to open. Then the staff is
sent to trac# station 9 to open the isolator in direction to station ;. Cy this two open isolators
the effected part of the line is disconnected from both sides. To supply customers the brea#er
can be switched on. This results in the return of supply of trac# station 1 < and 9. Fast step is
to close the isolator in station J so that the trac# stations ; to J are fedded from the other side.
2!.2 E5ercise
2our instructor will e)ecute a three phase short'circuit somewhere in the <0 #L networ#.
2our Bob is to send staff members to the grid stations. $s# for indicator status. Cy this find the
location where the short'circuit happened isolate the damaged part by orders to the staff and
feed all customers.
' Datch the protection system report.
' "end a team in the grid reporting the indicator status.
' 2ou are responsible to give the orders for switching operations.
The personnel communication and switching e)ecution are done by the trainer.
' Thin# about a strategy to minimi%e the search time for fault location.
' $fter a switch has been done in the grid immediately update the "($&$ database.
9or your report
- &escribe the events and the strategy to locate the fault and to re'supply the customers.
' &o some hardcopies for a clear documentation of all actions.
Strategy i$ no short circuit indicators are installed

In that case the strategy to locate the failure is sending a team in the grid for separating
networ# parts. "eparation is coordinated in the control centre. $n e)perimental brea#er ,0 is
e)ecuted and the results are chec#ed. If the brea#er trips again the connected part is effected
by the failure. The other part can be connected from the other side. $nd so on. The search is
started with a =0K strategy as it can be seen in the ne)t figures. Imagine a short cut occurs.
The relay e)ecutes the brea#er opening.
Then staff is sent to trac# station 9 because it is the middle of the effected trac# line. Two
steps are done> /irst the isolator in direction to trac# station ; is ordered to be open. $fter this
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 182
is done immediately the screen is updated with the new state. "econd step is the brea#er
switch ,0 see ne)t figure>
The result will be no brea#er tripping. Qnowing this the failure is somewhere behind trac#
station 9. 0e)t steps are>
The brea#er is opened again. The staff is ordered to close the isolator in trac# station 9 to
direction ; again. 0ote> The brea#er is still open. If not the staff would have switched with an
isolator to a short cut. This is e)tremely dangerous and might #ill wor#ers.
0e)t steps are> The staff is sent in trac# station ;. In ; the isolator in direction to trac# station
= is ordered to open. $fter e)ecution immediately the "($&$ data base has to be updated.
Then the brea#er is closed. The brea#er will trip again if the short cut in the connected line. In
our case it happened so and we #now that the failure is somewhere between trac# station 9
and ;. $s the staff is still in trac# station ; the isolator in direction to trac# station = is
ordered to close again and the isolator in direction to trac# station 9 is ordered to open. Then
the staff is sent to trac# station 9 to open isolator in direction to trac# station ;.
$fter these switching operations the damaged part of the line is disconnected to both sides. To
supply customers the brea#er can be switched on. This results in the return of supply of trac#
station 1 < and 9. Fast step is to give order to close the isolator in trac# station J to the grid
staff so that the trac# stations ; to J are connected again.
2!.3 E5ercise
2our instructor will e)ecute a 9'phase short'circuit somewhere in the <0 #L networ#. $s in
the e)ercise above your Bob is to locate it to isolate the damaged part of the line by switching
operations and to re'supply all customers. There are no indicators. Focate by test switching.
' "ee the protection system reports and send a team in the networ# for switching operations.
2ou are responsible to give the orders to the personnel. The staff*s operations are
performed by the trainer.
' +inimi%e the amount of switching orders because to send the personnel to the trac# stations
is very time consuming.
' $fter the switch is e)ecuted by the grid staff immediately update the "($&$ database.
9or your report
' &escribe the events and the strategy to locate the fault and to re'supply the customers. +a#e
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 183
some hardcopies for a clear documentation of all actions.
2". E5ercise> Petersen Coil $or single ground $ault compensation
2".1 Treatment o$ neutral trans$ormer point
In the 9'phase power grids the handling -electrical connection. of the transformer neutral
point + is very important especially in the case of a single ground fault which is the main
fault in electrical systems. The question is how to connect + and E see figure.
If we assume a symmetrical grid -symmetrical line to
ground capacitors. the potential E is in the centre of the
three voltages and therefore on same potential as + . If
there is no potential difference between + and E the
connection can be arbitrary. 6lease note> In the normal
power system conditions the star point treatment has no

It changes in the case of a single ground fault. E Bumps to the potential of the effected line
potential. Then the connection between + and E is important. Dhat #ind of connections are
of technical interestE "ee figure>
+ can be isolated.
+ can be connected by a resistor.
+ can be grounded by a coil
+ can be connected a short time by a
resistor and then switched to a coil.
&ue to the connection the power system reactions in case of a single ground fault will be
different. De will discuss the different types of handling the neutral transformer point and the
according effects.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 18
2".2 2solated star point
De assume a single'phase ground fault in F9. The potential of the point E Bumps to F9
potential because of the short'circuit.
The insulations of the lines F1 and F< are stressed now by the line to line voltage. The loads
aren]t influenced full power supply.
&epending from the net si%e -line to ground capacities. the fault current I
is high. "ee the
position and angle of I/ which is he sum of both capacitive current from 6hase 1 and phase <.
$ surface voltage gradient arises which influence step voltage to critical values an put danger
to any person or animal near to the failure.
This type of handling the neutral transformer point is used in limited grids of small si%e or in
industry areas that are fenced.
2".3 (esistor grounded star point
Fow'impedance grounding causes a single'phase
short circuit ground fault in phase F9.
$ high short circuit current appears.

/or a short time a high surface voltage gradient
6rotection system will switch the line typically
within 100 ms.
/ailure is cut of immediately.
5owever customers are also switched off.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 18!
2". Peterson Coil grounded star point
$ssuming a single ground fault -in F9. the inductive grounding of the neutral transformer
point shows the following consequences>
6otential E goes to potential F9. The fault current I
appears as the sum of the two capacitive
currents I
and I
of the not effected phases.
"ee the angle of I
with respect to the potential of F
.. There is a second electric circle by
source !
failure and inductivity. It results in an inductive current I
with respect !
. This
current compensates the failure current I
so that an arc may disappear. It is somehow li#e a
sel$?repairing e$$ect o$ the power system. 6lease note that all customers are continuously
supplied all the time. In overhead lines the arc usually disappears in cable systems the arc
usually douse not disappear S but the damage is less.
Cecause of slight line to ground
capacitors* differences the coil
can be adBusted to the
connected grid. The picture
shows the networ# equivalent
in case of no failure. If (
are different the [ero'"ystem
presents a resonance networ#
for =0 5% to adBust F to the grid
capacity. $fter a change of the
topology the coil has to be re'
adBusted again.
6lease note> If there is an e)treme low asymmetry concerning line to ground capacities the
resonance curve will be e)tremely flat. In that cases an artificial 1'phase capacitor will create
the needed asymmetry.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 18"
2".! E5ercise> ,dPustment o$ the coil as preparation $or a single ground $ault
9or your report> $dBust the coil by fi)ing at the resonance point. &o hardcopies and discuss
the results.
2ntroduction to control displays
/irst get an introduction to the displays for controlling the 6etersen (oil e.g. in station DE"T
<0. Ce familiar with>
' The transformer display GErdschlussH> "ee the bus'bar to switch ,0M,//
the coils the automatic regulation and to control the adBustment drive.
' (ontrol of the asymmetrical 1'phase capacitance to enlarge the displacement
voltage if necessary.
' (urve display to see the resonance curve voltage measurement -displacement voltage..
:ow do the e5ercises
1. "witch the automatic coil control to ,// position. Then vary the inductivity and
see the resonance curve. $dBust to compensation. +a#e a hardcopy.
<. (hange the grid topology -e.g. switch over the open end line to ne)t
substation.. Then vary the coil again and follow the resonance voltage
curve. $dBust again to compensation. +a#e a hardcopy.
9. "ee the effect of asymmetric capacitance by switching to ,0 and ,// position.
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 18#
2#. Single ground $ault location in a compensated grid.
2#.1 O/Pecti0e
The obBective of this e)ercise is locating a permanent 1'phase ground fault in a <0'#L trac#
line. 2our instructor will simulate a ground fault and your Bob is to locate the fault and to
isolate the effected part of the trac# line. (ontact your instructor to get a short introduction
into the ground fault location strategy and especially in interpreting the ground fault relays.
2#.2 3round $ault relays
De distinguish two types of relays S a transient relay which measures and indicates the
voltage change during a ground fault appearance. 6lease remember> If ground is connected to
one line the two other lines* voltages Bump to the square root of three times of former line
voltage. This relay type uses the transient change of charge in a capacitor during appearance.
The second relay type S a static relay uses a balance of all three line currents which normally
is %ero. If a single ground fault happened the balance is disturbed as long as the failure is
active. "ee the ne)t pictures demonstrating the functioning. The bo)es are capacitors with a
small resistance. 4round fault indication is possible if the line currents* sum is unbalanced.
1?phase ground $ault in =3C die loop is open. The static relay indication will wor*.
1?phase ground $ault in =3C die loop is closed. The static relay indication will wor*>
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 18%
1?phase ground $ault in =3C die loop is closed. The static relay indication does not wor*.
In this case the failure is assumed to be in the electrical middle of the trac# line.
2#.3 E5ercise> 3round $ault location in a trac* line
"ee the relays and control system reaction after inserting a single ground fault.
' (hec# the symbols of the ground fault relays.
' "upervise the grid personnel doing the switches in the trac# lines.
' $void cutting off any load. (lose a loop and open the loop for further relay indications.
$void connecting the 110M<0'#L substations and carry off the failure.
' +inimi%e the amount of switches because you have to send personnel to the
transformer stations.
' $fter the switch has been made immediately update the new switch status on the screen.
' Focate the ground fault and isolate the effected trac# line element and finally ground it.
9or your report>
' &escribe what happened and the strategy to locate the fault.
' 5ardcopy of grid showing the isolated trac# element.
' (ount the amount of switches. 5ow to minimi%eE
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 18.
2%. Economic load dispatch and economic indicators
The obBect of this e)ercise is to understand the economic side of the power supply ta#ing
contracts regulation supervision and economic load dispatch into account.
(ontact your instructor to get a short introduction into the actual state of regulation in
4ermany. "ee the displays indication the economic state of the power grid.
E)plore the displays indicating economic indicators>
- Electrical losses and cost of losses
- /inancial losses by Energy not supplied
- ECT by power transfer charges
- 6enalty for customer cuts -(E0".

2our first tas# is within half an hour to increase the profit cNMsd as much as possible. In easy
Sell as much as possi/le /y trans$erring the power.
1estriction> 2ou are not allowed to switch off the time tables of the loads and to
change the tariff contracts. Qeep all technical restrictions in mind.
2ou are allowed to influence voltage level topology active and reactive load flow
and the plant generation schedules. "ome help>
' Fower the losses
but #eep short circuit restrictions in mind.
' "ell more energy
but #eep voltage level within the range.
' Cuy the cheapest energy
but do not violate the limits.
' &o not transfer much reactive power through the long distance lines
but #eep the voltages. !se the compensations.
9or your report
' +a#e a hardcopy of the cost display unto beginning.
' +a#e a hardcopy at the end of the e)ercise.
' &escribe your e)periences through the e)ercise S what is the impact of
active and reactive production load flow compensation etc
' Dhat creats your profit running the power systemE
Dhat is the impact of your decisions to the economic indicatorsE Dhat are the ris#sE
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 118
E5ample o$ correct switch order communication>
&ue to serious accidents which result from misunderstanding during the communication for
switching orders it has to be e)ercised very intensively how to communicate between the
control centre and the staff members in the grid.
&uring fault location loops have to be opened and closed. /ollow the communication
between +r. "mith engineer in the control centre and +r. +iller technican in the grid. 0ever
an isolator can be used to initiali%e or interrupt a short circuit. This is e)tremely dangerous to
staff members and installations. 0ow follow the communication>
"mith> T(ontrol centre "mith spea#ing. +r. +iller we have to locate a ground fault and to do
some switches in the grid. 6lease move to the transformer station E1&DE4 and report from
+iller> T,Q I]m on my way to E1&DE4. It may ta#e 1= minutes. T
...$fter a while...
+iller> T+iller reporting from grid station E1&DE4.T
"mith> T2es go to the feeder (E$"$11I04 and open the isolator in direction to
+iller> TI*m going to open the isolator of feeder ($E"$11I04T
"mith> T2es e)ecutionT
... 0ow the isolator is opened...
+iller> hE)ecutedT
"mith> T,# +r. +iller now please go to the ....T
MSc./ PE Module Power System Control Technology & Operational Training page 111

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