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Shams-ud-Din Shah Mir (reigned 133942) was a ruler of Kashmir and the founder of

the Shah Miri dynasty named after him Sams'd-Din (ruled 1339-1342) also Dhams-ud-
din and Shah Mir! was the first Muslim ruler of Kashmir and founder of the Shah Mir
$onara%a! in his Dvity Rjatara gin mentioned him as Sahamera &e 'ame from Swat
a''ording to some sour'es &owe(er! $onara%a a 'redi)le historian informs us that
Shahmir was not from Swat so some historians say he was not from Swat )ut was a
Kshatriya des'ended from *r%una whose an'estors had ta+en u, -slam
Shah Mir arri(ed in Kashmir in 1313 along with his family! during the reign of Suhade(a
(13.1-132.)! whose ser(i'e he entered -n su)se/uent years! through his ta't and a)ility
Shah Mir rose to ,rominen'e and )e'ame one of the most im,ortant ,ersonalities of his
time 0ater after the death in 1331 of 2dayanade(a! the )rother of Suhede(a he was a)le
to assume the +ingshi, himself! 3in'han (d 1323)! a 'ommander from 0ada+h region
who had entered Kashmir as a fugiti(e sei4ed the throne of Kashmir! started his ,ersonal
/uest for religion! was not a''e,ted into &induism )y the 5rahmins due to his ra'e!
ha,,ened to wat'h Sayyid 5ilal (d1326) at ,rayer! was en'hanted )y the sim,li'ity of
the Sayyid7s faith and em)ra'ed it with fer(our
3in'han from 0ada+h! and 0an+ar 8ha+ from Dard territory near 9ilgit 'ame to
Kashmir! and ,layed a nota)le role in the su)se/uent ,oliti'al history of the (alley *ll
the three men were granted $agirs )y the King 3in'han for three years )e'ame the ruler
of Kashmir! Shah Mir was the first rular of Shah mir dynasty! whi'h had esta)lished in
1 :arly life
2 Des'endants
3 See also
4 ;otes
< :=ternal lin+s
Early life
During the reign of Sehade(a (13.1->)! a ?atar 'hief Dulu'ha in(aded Kashmir and
ra(aged it King Sehade(a fled the 'ountry and his general 3ama'handra o''u,ied the
throne -n the 'onfusion 3in'han (reigned 132.23)!
the 0adha+i ,rin'e!organised an
internal rising and sei4ed the throne &e married Kota 3ani! the daughter of
3ama'handra ?he &indu religious leaders of the time refused to admit into their fold
3in'han em)ra'ed -slam and too+ Muslim name of Sultan Sadruddin was atta'+ed )y
re)els and was )adly wounded and died in 1323 *D $ust )efore his death Sultan
Sadruddin (3in'han) summoned his trusted minister! Shah Mir! and entrusted his son!
&yder! and wife! Kotarani! to his 'are &e had a son! &aidar )y his /ueen Kota 3ani
*fter the death of 3in'han! who was assassinated! Kotarani married 2dayana De(a! the
)rother of Sehada(a
?he last &indu ruler of Kashmir was 2dyana De(a -t was his 'hief @ueen Kotarani! who
,ra'ti'ally go(erned the state She was a (ery )ra(e lady! shrewd and an a)le ruler
?hough she tried her )est to sa(e her Kingdom! odds were too hea(y for her ?he (alley
was again in(aded )y a Mongol and ?ur+ in(ader *'halla! and 2dayana De(a fled to
?i)et 5ut the @ueen defeated (+illed) *'halla and dro(e away all the foreign troo,s
Ainally another rising was led )y Shah Mir! who defeated the /ueen at $aya,ur (modern
Sum)al) ?he defeat u,set her and seeing the indifferen'e of the &indu grandees and
general ,u)li'! she sta))ed herself to death! )e'ause Shah Mir wanted to marry her &er
death in 1339 ,a(ed the way for the esta)lishment of Shah miri dynasty rule in Kashmir
?he des'ent of Shahmiri dynasty is well do'umented from &indu ($onara%a) Kshatriyas
*fter the fall of their em,ire the des'endants disseminated to (arious areas in the (alley
li+e the saffron town in Bam,ore (;umla)al) while others settled in Srinagar Shahmiris
are still loo+ed at as royal elites and generally li(e in ,alatial houses in Srinagar that were
)uilt in Ci'torian style ar'hite'ture )a'+ in the 19th 'entury
?he first Sufi saint who rea'hed Kashmir! during the time of King Sehde(! was Sayed
Sharafuddin 5ul)ul Shah from ?ur+ey ?hat (ery time a re)el ,rin'e from ?i)et!
3in'han! and a Muslim Darlord! Shah Mir! arri(ed in Kashmir
"citation needed#
*s listed in the 3a%ataranginis he was su''eeded )y $amshed 1342-1344! *lau-ud-Din
1344-13<<! Shaha)-ud-Din 13<<-1363! @utu)-ud-Din 1363-1319! Si+andar 5utshi+an
the )oo+-)urner 1319-1413! *lishah 1413-1419! Eain-ul-*)din 142.-146.! &aidershah
146.-1462! &assanshah 1462-1414! Mohammadshah 1414-141F! Aatehshah 141F-149<
Mohammadshah 149<-149F! Aatehshah 149F-1496! Mohammadshah 1496-1<.9!
-)rahimshah (sGo Mohammadshah) 1<.9 ;a4u+shah (sGo Aatehshah) 1<29 (one year)!
Mohammadshah 1<3.-1<3<
See also
Shah Miri dynasty
Si+andar 5utshi+an
Mir Sayyid *li &amadani H1314-1314
1 ?he Bearson -ndian &istory Manual for the 2BS8 8i(il Ser(i'es Bage 1.4
I&owe(er! the situation 'hanged with the ending of the &indu rule and founding
of the Shahmiri dynasty )y Shahmir or Dhams-ud-din (1339-1342) ?he
de(astating atta'+ on Kashmir in 132. )y the Mongol leader! Dalu'ha! was a
,relude to it -t is said ?he Sultan was himself a learned man! and 'om,osed
,oetry &e was I
2 &istory of 8i(ili4ations of 8entral *sia Colume -C 5y MS *simo( 8 :
5osworth Bage 3.6
3 Ma%umdar! 38 (2..F) The Delhi Sultanate! Mum)aiH 5haratiya Cidya
5ha(an! ,,362-1.
4 KashmJr 2nder the SultKns)y Mohi))ul &asan! *a+ar 5oo+s! 2..<
< 3K%Kna+a $onarK%a! $ogesh 8handra Dutt! Shyam 0al Sadhu Medieval
Kashmir - being a reprint of the Rajataranginis 1993 Colume 3 - Bage 33.GBage
331 $amshed 1342-1344 3 *lau-ud-Din 1344-13<< 4 Shaha)-ud-Din 13<<-1363
< @utu)-ud-Din 1363-1319 F Si+andar 1319-1413 6 *lishah 1413-1419 1 Eain-
ul-*)din 142.-146. 9 &aidershah 146.-1462 1. &assanshah 1462-1414 11
Mohammadshah *,r1414-L't141F! 12 Aatehshah 141F-149< 13
Mohammadshah 149<-149F 14 Aatehshah 149F-1496 1< Mohammadshah 1496-
1<.9 1F -)rahimshah (sGo Mohammadshah) 1<.9 16 ;a4u+shah (sGo Aatehshah)
1<29 (one year) 11 Mohammadshah 1<3.-1<3<

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